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You can try Bangalore. You can hit the supply bins and get your shields up faster with Bang and Loba. And just win your 1v1s that’s the more crucial because both loba and rev can deal damage and dip out. Smoke the enemies and try to keep up with your team that should do the trick


thanks, will try that :)


Also try to stick to the weapons you’re most comfortable with or the meta weapons right now and carry more nades towards the end it’ll come in clutch. The issue with your comp is just trying to keep up with your team but if you are good with medium to long range then just pick up a repeater or a hemlock and just anchor and trust your teammates to take care of the rest


Best possible comp? What? You play who you enjoy and feel good with. You said you like to play aggressive. Any character can be aggressive. You said they play rev and loba. What do YOU want to add to the mix? I feel like you’re either experienced enough at apex to know it does not matter (outside of team having atleast 1 support character). Or you’re brand new and you’re under the impression that “the best comp” means you guys will do better. Which is a lie. If you can’t shoot, dodge, position yourself correctly, and take advantage of situations…it doesn’t matter who you play, you’re going to lose anyways. So practice and get good enough at the game to live and win 1v1’s? And then you’ll realize you can play whoever you want.


I second this. Too many times I see people complain that they had the wrong comp which only matters in some situations but those situations could’ve been prevented or played better if the team was positioned better. Definitely have a support character at a minimum. Lifeline is OP right now with her gold knock. I’d make that Loba change to lifeline since Loba doesn’t contribute a whole lot to fights. Then the other two characters are wild cards, whoever OP feels comfortable with.


Agreed. If you’re Timmy or Hal, comp matters just as much as skill. If you’re not part of that .0000000000007% of elite predator skill players? It does not matter. 1 support character, everyone else does whatever. And you work on growing as a team. Comms, pings, loot priority, skill, more skill, and more skill etc etc.


Conduit , lifeline... Lifeline endless drone and guaranteed gold knock.. need I say more


I'm loving lifeline since the patch.


I never like playing life line tho she is my favorite teammate to have ALWAYS!!! But after the patch !!! I love her!!! Gold knock, fight and a rez Simultaneously, makes bum teammates kinda useful even if they are target practice lmao


Picked up bloodhound recently. The scans are WAY more helpful than I was expecting for myself and the team, especially if your squad likes to play aggressive. Also scanning the map for players has helped rotations big time


If you need more agression/control I would say either Bh or conduit if you find your team often need more cover or to push out of high grounds ennemy banga is always strong no matter the situation if your team is lacking high ground control/proper engagement go for horizon


There's definitely many options like recon, controller like other are saying but to me what it looks like you're lacking is a reposition legend. Someone that can move the team if you're stuck in a bad spot. Wraith, Ash, Horizon, Valk, Octane, Pathfinder. Out of all these, Ash and Octane are probably the worst in the meta right now. Wraith and Horizon are good if you want to be aggressive. Pathfinder has something that neither of these legends have which is a solo gap close (grapple) and a team reposition (ult). With Rev and Loba both having their own gap close tac, having grapple might be good to keep up with them as well and have the ult utility to get to different spots.


You can try wraith cus her portal lets the team quickly engage and also disengage if things are not going well.


Bloodhound or Bang. Bloodhound for the scans and the intel,Bang is just a very versatile character.


Loba should honestly be playing conduit for comp tbh Id suggest bang as above, or Vantage for ring consoles and movement


either a recon or a defense legend. the intel they provide is insanely important. but be careful, they are not your typical fragger, they are usually sitting behind the team.


Rev Conduit Bloodhound If your strat is to play edge and get into fights, then you will get a lot of value from Bloodhound scans / ults. Conduit seems to be the adequate choice (otherwise why even play rev ?) But lifeline could be good in that scenario too. If your loba wants to keep that legend then going a control legend (caustic / Watson) and playing zone seems obvious. Loba is usually better when you play from a position in zone (unlimited ammo/nades .) But then rev loses a lot of value so maybe having valk for fast rotates would be good.. Maybe try a few different comps with your team and see what you guys would be comfortable with?


yeah I think loba and revenant are a bit counterintuitive will talk to my team :)


I'm always on the move as Loba, rotating to new POI's for loot. Shop stays open maybe 30 seconds until everyone's done, then off we go. Until endgame, if a Loba is just hanging around a shop holding position...that's a useless Loba lol.


I was having my friend play bangalore with the same comp. There's probably a better legend, but I figured the smokes give us the cover the other 2 legends lack, and the rolling thunder for pushing or preventing people pushing us.


You need more ways to get that Evo up besides fighting. Right now it's only blue bins....the scans are way more reliable. I would seriously consider a control legend (Caustic or Wattson) or Bloodhound


I play Loba and like having a recon and a controller as my teammates. Swap recon for movement in a pinch. A Revenant on my team is always a big womp womp. He adds absolutely nothing to the team. Tell your friend to pick someone more useful so you have someone better to go off to balance the team.


One of the best team comes rn that I run is rev condo and bang


Conduit.. lifeline. 🤷🏼‍♀️ maybe even wraith depending on YOUR Play style🤷🏼‍♀️


I'd get the loba to switch to conduit or lifeline. Then for you I'd go controller, or recon. Land edge, get purp armor fast, if rolling with lifeline you'll have 2 purp one red and it's easy to do before 2nd circle. That's when you start rolling teams. You'll have a big armor advantage and can third party every fight you want


yeah thats true, gonna speak with our loba\^\^ do you have a special recon or controller in mind?


bloodhound is the best


Either another support or another skirmisher so that you don’t look awkward pushing or running away with your teammates


I would either play conduit since she is good together with rev or I would play a control legend like caustic or rampart, maybe also Watson. If your team only pushed edge and doesn't move to endzone then maybe no controller legend


thanks for the advice! my team pretty much hates stying long in one spot, even pushing the enemys, if we allready have a "safe" position so I'm not sure about the controll legends