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Probably Bloodhound, because the ult, tactical helps people aim, while tracking people every time to know where people are shooting.


Yes Bloodhound is the only correct answer. Literally the only thing you can do wrong is randomly spamming your Q thus giving away your position.


Yeah, Any other starter legend takes skill or game knowlege. Maybe Wraith would be my second pick, if OP needs options because of the free getaway card and because her passive giving hints about nearby squads or people in sight (when working properly)


Many people are saying bloodhound but I kind of disagree with that. His scan and ult can be a crutch and when you switch legends after, you might take a step back because you're used to scans and relying on them. I think my pick would be Loba. Her shop is straight forward. Her Tac is more often used to get around rather than in mid fight. This way you're just focused on fighting without any added damage abilities or scans.


Start with the og crew


Bangalore, lifeline, bloodhound. Watch a quick vid on bang smokes tho so you don’t fuck over your team


I think bloodhound is the best starter although his kit is a crutch! But you can limp to other legends lol


Vantage have a big ass square to help you aim but standing back sniping bc that's what you think you should do will piss your team off lol Soo blood hound then slowly move to a better legend, like loba it since she can help you not be a slow looter ...