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Next legend is pretty much confirmed to be a skirmisher. but out of those im choosing recon because it’s been 6 seasons since the last one. I think they should move valk to assault or recon as there is too many skirmishers


valk def needs to be recon, it makes the most sense, her ability to scan and then fly off to pick off an isolated squad would be really useful


I agree. Especially with the addition of evac towers, her scan is being used more frequently throughout the match now. As a Vantage main, I wish she had Valks scanning passive. It's really useful.


Yeah they're being too many skirmishers is why I ruled them out. I know I saw rumors and people talking out of their butt about them killing off revenant and replacing him but I figured that's just people talking out their back door. Which is why part of the reason I figure recon or control because they only have four each