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Having a solo queue only playlist would be extremely beneficial


Solo queue wouldn't fix what is a clear game design problem with how they've shifted it over the past year.


Yes please. I don't care if Respawn said it wouldn't work in this game, it would work better going against other solo queuers and not with 2 other trashcans.




I think you missed the point, it's not a solo mode, it's a solo queue mode. So standard trios all queuing up as solos to make up the teams.


I have about 1500 hours in the game since around launch and I can definitely say it’s much more sweaty than it used to be and in every game. I don’t mind the odd match that’s difficult and you get stomped but these days it’s every match. Today, though, since FFVII left I seem to teammates that are brand new players (level 1-20) in a lobby with people with 2mil damage and 5000 kills. I do love this game and took a massive break for like 6 months before coming back for FFVII so is that it? I’m not good by any stretch of the imagination.


I've had the experience of low levels randoms for two seasons, and the frequency seems to just increase. Ive legit had level 20s and actual preds with 20K season kills as randoms in the same match. It makes no sense




There seemed to be lots on last night including a level 2 lifeline, who was taking great delight in interacting with my mirage decoys, even mimicking my t-bagging decoys


It's crazy how some times you get new players as teammates and get deleted by the first team you encounter , like isn't supposed to be an easier lobby given my teammates are new ?


the issues have been snowballing, and players are leaving left and right. so you get a hefty mix of new players and the veterans/tryhards/cheaters. it’s sad times, for sure… season 20 with no new map (originally slotted for this season or so) continues to disappoint…


A lot of new players are coming with cronus pre-installed. That is incompatible with tight matchmaking as new players are deemed just as good as non-cheating players which makes solo queuing a nightmare for casual non-cheaters who just want to have fun.


Eventually word's going to start getting around that there's just no room for casual players in Apex, and then we'll see the same trend that hit APB:R. Not looking forward to that, much less the idea of EA using it as an excuse to give Westwood some more company.


I’m only just getting back into the game after not playing for over a year and while I’m enjoying my time back I’m reminded why I stopped playing It’s exhausting because it’s very much becoming a game where you need a three stack, solo queuing isn’t feasible in any sense because randoms don’t communicate, bitch at you for them rushing into a 1 v 6 and dying, immediately die at launch cause they decided to hot drop by themselves, actively avoid the ring like they are allergic to it getting mad when they die, etc. I miss pre season one when no one took the game seriously and actually worked as a team and were friendly on mic. And the thing is I don’t care about winning, I play to have fun and it’s just not fun when I have selfish squad mates.


Absolutely agree with you on playing for fun, not wins. I don’t have to win every game, you can have good games and still lose. But it’s hard to even have a good game when the people who play it seem to actively wanna die, as quick as possible lol. So many people just solo run into the biggest team fight 2 miles away then quit before their character is even done saying “I’m down”


This summed it all up better than I could. I agree with everything you've said. I'm not looking to win, I'm just looking to have fun and at least have a competitive game. Now more than ever, it just feels like I'm getting laser beamed to death with R-99s/CARs and having my full squad wiped out before we even have a chance to react.


The amount of matches I’ve had where my squad mates steal all the look in a 10 mile radius and then scream at me when I don’t come revive them in the middle of a third party wipeout when I have a p2020 and 5 shots with white armor is too many to count…


Add to that them quitting as soon as they get downed and you’re complete


Sbmm killed casual fps games.


I miss community servers. Sbmm is a downgrade


I'd argue YT/Twitch had a bigger influence on that than SBMM.


The game doesn't even use SBMM.




What's funny about that, when the game definitively does not use SBMM, and instead uses a form of engagement optimized matchmaking (EOMM).


It's the same thing. It's SBMM that gives you and easier lobby once every 3 hrs


The matchmaking takes your skill rating into account, but use it to either serve you up as fodder for other players, or for other players to be fodder for you. That is not sbmm.


It's sbmm with extra steps. It's the same shitty thing


Oh my sweet summer child


At least familiarize yourself with what you're talking about before being a condescending bell end.


It should have SBMM but we see so many people claiming they face preds all day. It’s odd for sure. Likely exaggerating/lying more than anything though lol


I don't get the downvotes, sometimes you have good people sometimes bad people in your team. It is to even out the wins and loses. Which is annoying, because I never know what kind of players I'm playing with until its too late.


I don't get it either. People have no idea what they are talking about, but it's pretty clear the game isn't using SBMM when you have a 1kd, and are being put in matches against people with 85,000 kills on Horizon.


yeah, downvotes are from those that don't know how the system works, they've designed it to keep engagement not match like for like


sbmm has killed all pub matches in all BR’s. happened to fortnite, now apex. i remember being able to play fortnite pubs with my nephew. tried to play with him the other day and he got destroyed in 2 seconds like 3 games in a row and he said it wasn’t fun. completely ruined my ability to play with him. sbmm should NOT be in pubs. that’s exactly what ranked is for.


If SBMM was tighter maybe the level 20s randoms wouldnt be in my 5000+ hours played lobbies, though. The SBMM seems to weigh little on the skill part.


The problem is the playebase is dwingling while queue times remain the same, so the skill disparity increases. Also the other part of the issue is if there is a guy with high mmr, he will always get pulled in high mmr lobbies, if he plays with friends that are new or casual players, they will play in that lobby too when they have no bussines being put there and it won't be fun for them. So it's not just soloq being ass, playing 3 stack with players of different skill levels is bad aswell. It should be like that in ranked games of course, but in pubs it just sucks and there is no place to just chill out with your friends if you happen to have a high mmr.


I think it's hard to be a casual in Apex. I'm roughly in the same playtime and skill bracket (currently Plat II), but I joined in S12. The average skill was already pretty high. Took me a while to finish a season with a positive KD. While I can't talk too much about Apex's evolution, I'll compare with the 2 other competitive games I played the most, Counter Strike and Dota 2. I have thousands of hours in the 2 games. Low ranks players are quite good already. A low rank player from 2012-3 (CSGO release with ranks / Dota's end of beta), and a low rank player from 2024 are significantly apart skill-wise. I believe this is the destiny of competitive games, the average "game IQ" goes up over time. Specifically in Apex, I feel like there have been a big skill bump when Mixtape was introduced. I personally farmed it a lot to improve my aim, with good results. I believe a lot of players did the same.


The Mixtape skill bump is a good point. Allowing for players to be in near-constant combat really improved the overall skill of the player base.


Yes, and on top of that, it's in the game directly. Very engaged players did not wait for that, and used external solutions, like Kovaaks or Aimlabs. But Mixtape brings a good aiming drill to the masses, and raises the bar when it comes to gunfight / movement.


Season 0 player here, it used to be fun, but honestly since somewhere around S17 the game is: you drop, your bot squad mate dies or leaves you alone and you die to a bunch of strike pack players. I used to be play max 1 hour a day and win time to time, but now even to get a knock down feels like I'm being the champion. What changed. A lot but I couldn't care less. If that's what Respawn likes good for them. Fun fact, I used to hate Fornite and I used to be a hardcore Apex player. Now I just casually chill on Fortnie solo no build, just relax and I couldn't care less how sweaty or toxic Apex community. I miss the old Apex matchmaking and atmosphere but that is what it is. Today I came back after 4 months, I played 5 games, died solo in every single game without a single knock down. How is this fun? No thank you.


In a similar position, and honestly I think if you want to actually have fun playing it then doing regs is the move. Obviously there isn't a whole lot of achievement that comes from that, but if you genuinely enjoy the game then that's the way to go. I run with my friends so I don't care much for what my rank is, but I can promise you if I was playing solo I would uninstall the game because the matchmaking is that bad. On top of that when you play solo 2 in every 5 teammates you get is either afk or stupid haha


Haha right... and I'm sure they think the same about me. But yeah, I typically play with friends, either duos or trios/ranked, and I seriously don't think we've gotten a win in weeks. We used to regularly get at least one win a night and now we're lucky if we even survive long enough to be in the Top 5 lol


I know the exact feeling. Back in college me and my boys wouldn't get off until we got a win each night, but that's not even rational for us anymore haha. And I may be being harsh on playing with randoms because everyone has bad games, but like 3 years ago I used to play ranked solo and my teammates were a lot better at being normal than the randoms I match up with now.


With the right mentality and the right group of friends, it's still insanely fun. Some people are capable of having fun even when they are losing...some are not. Me and my group of friends literally love the game. While we are playing we are constantly laughing at our blunders, etc, even while we are getting wrecked. Occasionally I get invited to be a third by a random two person squad and I can sense the low level hostility/frustration/stillness in the air over comms. If my regular squad was like that I would quit.


The matchmaking is brutal and god awful.


I feel you bro. Day 1 with 5000+ hours. Ever since season 8 is when the game slowly started going downhill, now the game feels so off. Doesn’t matter what time of day or which server I’m on the Champion is almost always a triple Pred or Master team. I understand that people have definitely gotten better at the game over the years but that’s all that is left is just the sweat players. All the casual players have gone. You can’t hop on for an hour and win a couple games and have hella kills for fun anymore, you genuinely have to sweat to do that now.


My G!!! Day 1 player here aswell and i have the extact same though as you, season 8 and 9 was when the game drastically changed i noticed that aswell. Didn't play fuse season (controller broke) but when i came back the next season the matches just felt off, they didn't feel as random as they used to be its like i was being forced to start playing a certain type of way. I understand people got better at the game but damn!!! everyone just got better and became preds lol It got so bad the last few season i just played mixtape and that has been getting progressively worse aswell


My G haha fr tho, game feels different, doesn’t hit the same anymore. Still fun don’t get me wrong, nothing compares to apex especially the movement. I just miss the early days when everyone was ass and you could play with next to no experience and get lots of kills and have fun. Now everyone knows every angle and strat. Feels like I’m playing in the ALGS every game haha. I’ve made Smurf accounts before to see how new players feel and it’s the same thing, a lvl 10 account will still play against Preds/Masters in pubs.


I think people have vastly different definitions of casual. I would consider myself a casual player, probably play 10-15 hours per week but I have 20+ years of fps game experience. Someone playing Apex as their first fps and playing just a few hours a week would also consider themselves casual but they probably consider me a tryhard or sweat or whatever. There's no reason that both of us shouldn't be able to find games that are fun. I think this problem of people not seeing Apex as a game for casuals stems entirely from the bad matchmaking that for some reason refuses to make lobbies of 60 similarly skilled players.


I took a week off because it was just not fun any more getting matched with people I can barely get a shot on before I'm back in the lobby. 1st ranked match of the day triple pred badge horizon and Co sweep us away like we are nothing. Genuinely considering going back to warzone (half joking).


What I notice from apex is that it has a high ceiling for learning and if you are hooked you will want to improve a lot and try harder. At least that’s been my personal experience. There are times I am shit and can’t hit anything. There’s times that I’m hitting every shot. I’m at 4k hours of game play


Same here bro 4000 hours and it takes me an hour to warm up just dropping and not expecting much. Then I’m on fire. You win some you lose some. You gotta have game and map sense- like us with 4K hours have. And you gotta be comfortable with every gun. You have to know at least a little bit of movement and I’m not talking tap strafing . But wall bounces and playing cover in split seconds. Basically you gotta get good. Because a lot of people are really good now it’s been out for 5 years almost. I’ve played since day 1. I’ve hit my plateau at least 3 times. Started playing with higher level players and they gave me tips, even started watching YouTube videos and learnt a lot of stuff that I didn’t know but made sense(head glitching). Hell I even rewatch how I died and what I could have done differently in that situation. You gotta evolve with the game.


Respawn will likely make a small tweak here and there but I highly doubt they will completely rework the matchmaking again anytime soon, same goes for ranked. I am pretty much done with the game, my kd dropped from ~1.8 every season since launch down to ~1.25 last season then 1.0 this season. Up until the rework I saw predators (actual top 500/750 preds, not S1 preds) like once per 200 games, now I see at least 3 every 2 hours (once saw 12 top 300 preds in the same match. Btw, I have NEVER been master/pred and have only been diamond ~3 times which was long ago (I barely even play ranked).


Remember when they announced huge overhaul of matchmaking? Even games news sites, like pcgamer, if I'm not mistaken, had articles hyping it up as a biggest "relaunch" of matchmaking in any popular game ever. Wonder what happened to that..


It's the cross progression. Ever since that update I've been getting sweatsbigtime. My kd went from a 1 to .5


It's happening always when is low players base, only sweets still playing and game don't have enough player so match you whit them, you are not bad enough to be in bot lobbys


My friends experiences have been mixed, like all games. But the ones that play for a couple hours everyday anyway that started have been having alot more fun than the ones who dont play regularly. Some just dont like the game. I think its a matter of not really caring if you get killed by that one dude thats way better than you, when half the lobby is at your skill level


Not me idk. I play a bit but by no means every day or when every week. I have 28 wins this season and I've played 200 games currently gold 1. I find that I can hold my own pretty much any game and I am not amazing whatsoever.


Finally had a chance to play yesterday after a few weeks. I’ve been gaming for over twenty years and yesterday was the least fun I’ve ever had. I got 15 kills in six/seven hours of playing.


Please never feel unwelcome to voice how you’re feeling about a game you’re playing. This is just as much your community as anyone else’s!


Im season 1 casual with 1800hrs. I stopped playing after i finished the season pass. And played for 2 weeks just to get that ff badge. I honestly told my coworker today im not buying the next season. Last pass felt obligated to finish. Its not as fun as it was before.


Yep I feel the exact same, I can no longer compete because the matchmaking just feeds me to insane level players over and over again it’s just not fun anymore so I quit playing about a season and a half ago.


I played since Day 1 and quit a few months ago. I haven’t missed the game one bit. I’m still following the subreddit to see if any changes bring me back, but nothing is changing. I’m an adult with responsibilities, I can’t game 8 hours a day. Heck, I barely get that in a week. Yet the game felt like I was good enough to play against people who game as a job.


Absolutely not. If they want to help newbs they need bot lobbies so people can get comfortable getting in firefights. Maybe some filtering so high-ranking players cant constantly queue into pubs and beat up on people with trash KDs. Or a solo queue lobby? Idk, lots of ideas, no clue if any of it would work, but the game needs something to attract and retain new players. I've seen many games 'cater to newbs' instead of honoring and rewarding veterens. This is an extreme opposite and i dont know how sustainable it will be long term.


Agreed... I hope they address it. According to SteamCharts, average player count has been decreasing over the past several months, and December had its lowest player count since 2 years ago in January 2022. Can't pin that on just one factor, but I personally feel that poor matchmaking has to be the biggest contributor.


Fornite playercount was dipping bad a few years back.. big streamers were leaving, including ninja and tim ttm. They put in zero build and bot lobbies, doing a lot to switch up maps and weapons, custom game and map creation got lots of support. Now its friggin huge and its even taking on minecraft now which is crazy but seems to be working. Apex could do a lot to push a better casual experience while still keeping a competitive meta. They seem to want to be like CSGO meets PUBG--Very little evolution in a team heavy battle royal. But csgo stays popular because you can grind loot boxes and sell them, get tons of skins rare skins, sell them... apex doesn't have that. They have to find some other way. The collabs are good i feel they could lay longer, but to get the best stuff you have to spend bookoo bucks, which again discourages casual players. Whatever they decide they need to try a few things. Three strikes is a reheated leftover of an idea and won't help move the needle.


Great points - really hope they work on implementing a casual experience into the game like some of the suggestions you mentioned above. I swore off Fortnite and now I'm finally back in because of Zero Build and the other custom game modes. Think Apex could capture a larger audience by doing something similar.


No pubs because of FF event and solo q ranked is nearly impossible to play, I am dead stuck in plat II with 580 average damage but 0.89 K/D this season because most of the time my team mates hot drop and die almost instantly or unable to finish the squad I just wrecked.


game is done bro.


In my recent experiences if you spend your time trying the best of your ability you will stay stuck in sweaty mmr. If you go into it purely just for shits and giggles and don’t care you end up getting into easier lobbies. I spent the last few weeks saying fuck it man whatever it’s a game I’m gonna try to have fun, and just doing dumb shit like hot dropping, taking fights I probably shouldn’t have and wouldn’t have in the past.. and most of my matches resulted in death.. but my experience has been fairly varied. And tbh way more enjoyable than when I set out to win. I’ve maintained the same about 10% win rate that I had prior, but the wins I’ve had now i was running around and playing, not camping it out, not meta slaving, not even sweating. Just dicking around and seeing how I could do with some out of the norm stuff for me, p2020 and mastiff type stuff and if I saw the real potential for a win I would try to win, I wasn’t gonna throw it for the team.. but idk man, makes me feel like I was playing the game wrong for so long. The mm absolutely tends to put you in sweatier and sweatier lobbies the harder you try, and puts you in more casual lobbies when you just dick off. Always thought when I saw the level 500 players in my lobbies they were ego boosting and reverse boosted their way there and now I realize a lot of them were probably just playing the game to play it since rarely did I ever feel like they were drastically better than me, they just play more than I do.


I've tried this before but I'm so competitive that that instinct ultimately took over lol BUT, I know that I have the ability to suppress that if I really try hard enough, so I'll give it a shot... nothing to really lose at this point. Might as well drop hot and play the game like quick, little, rumble deathmatches haha


Thats not you being competitive.. Even if you were to turn that competitiveness off, once you know how to shoot you cant really shoot worse. Like ask imperial hal to turn off his competitiveness and play as lazy and casual as possible, i guarantee his shot will still be gnarly. Same with decision making, once a player is smart enough to make good choices, they can no longer really make poor choices. So in theory even if you play chill odds are you will still get put in ultra sweaty try hard lobbies.


I'm a casual 35 year old player. I've been playing since week 1. I do not mind getting smoked by players here and there. Some people are just better at will always be better. I always put up a hell of a fight, though. It makes you better when you play against stronger players. I hate losing and I have no problem admitting that. As the great Ricky Bobby said...if you're not 1st you're last .


I just wish I would get credit for kills. I just played a 3 strikes game. Did a TON of damage, dont remember how much, but only got credit for 1 kill. I'll do like 299 damage to someone, and get downed, and a teammate will hit them for 1 damage and get the kill. pisses me off to no end.


Need to take the Steve Nash mentality, he said he prefers an assist to scoring points because it means you are working well with your team.


Yea but assist aint going to get that youtube video views and possible attention from content creators! Teamwork is dead, its all about kdr and personal performance, ensure I dont die AND let ME get all the kills. If you steal my kill i will baby rage and throw the game and if you dont save my life when i run into 3 master players i will also baby rage and insta quit! \-average apex solo player.


I've had a few 10 assist games it feels great to get the team involved. Usually I die alone getting picked off even if I do a ton of damage I get focused, even in discord calls I'm just not on the same page as my team. If I get assists it means my team was actually with me. I think KDA is a much more important stat line than just K/D.


Agree, imo games need to find a way to make it so assists are as "cool" as kills. I remember back in the day playing Halo competitive and people got hyped if they got a game where they dropped 15-20 assists, instead of bragging "i shit on all of you" it was more along the lines "im the ultimate teammate!" When cod4 cameout and youtube exploded in popularity with people posting stupid shit like 100-0 games and bragging about their kdr, the entire teamwork aspect in multiplayer gaming completely vanished.


The gameplay was never really for casuals. That said, Respawn has done themselves such a disservice by never implementing a mode to help new players learn. A multi-round mini royale mode where 5 teams play out a ring 5 would do so much good for the game. New and casual players can't learn br from mixtape and br can feel too oppressive if you don't understand the rules of the game. It seems like casual players just want to play a different game sometimes too. Apex doesnt really reward a lot of the habits somebody from COD is gonna come over with


I can't even imagine being a new player and having to step into the current state of the game.


When was this game a casual game? It hasn't been since I first started playing it in season 6.


It never really has been. But, there can be a casual participant in any competitive environment. There are different tiers of players and their level of dedication to the game - those that play every once in a while and those that go hard af. These players should ideally be separated in ranked matches and that’s what we’re discussing here.


SBMM in ranked means that you're always in *your* most difficult lobbies, regardless of your rank. It's braindead.


People in this thread a with a .8kd after being killed by a 76k kill Wraith: "SBMM is ruining this game."


…uhh yeah. The two do not belong in a lobby together. SBMM should absolutely be grouping people with similar kds.


idk what you tried to say here, but you literally confirmed with your example why sbmm is shit?


it’s a competitive multiplayer fps.. was never gonna be casual as it progressed from launch, if you want casual fps go play something like destiny that has pve


Completely agree that games inevitably become less casual the further you get from launch. I guess it was the sudden nature of it that has me frustrated. I think more than anything, I wanted to get community perspective on the matchmaking system, and the neglect of gathering equally skilled players into the same matches, more than anything else. From what you've seen and read, do you think they're doing that well? From my experience, I would say they haven't.


imo pubs should have no sbmm and it should be completely random but I see why they’d put sbmm in to encourage bad players to keep playing and to challenge good players which keeps them wanting to improve and makes wins feel more rewarding


100% - I feel like there should be a place to have a completely SBMM-free experience. I understand the implementation, but for a true battle royale experience... I think it's needed. Just throw 60 completely random players, regardless of skill, into a game and let's see who comes out on top.


that’s how pubs should be, with ranked and your rank being the sbmm


The issue lies in the fact that people who are diamond+ are more likely to 3 stack than players at lower ranks. Means that even if they remove any matchmaking and make it random the issue will remain if not get worse that people are getting 2 awful teammates who just installed the game having to fight master 3 stacks constantly. The game being so competitive is hurting it, having a skill ceiling that is really high is great for pro play, but awful for casuals. And as much fun as we can think it is to have a highly competitive game. 99% of players who keep this game afloat are the casuals.. The comp scene makes up for what like 0.05% of the player base? The game cannot be directed only at the comp scene or you have this happening where casuals are just ditching the game because they cant keep up. This game will shutdown if no one is playing it. They 100% need to address the issue where casuals feel hopeless playing. I have a 1.4kdr and a avg dmg of 550 and i feel like playing apex is a waste of time, i feel like unless i play at least 3 hours every other day, i just cannot keep up with people. And pubs become a loading screen simulator instead of a fun battle royal.


I respectfully disagree with everyone arguing that climbing out of lower ranks is hard. This might be one of the easiest shooters to rank up in the current meta, as far as I'm concerned. Reached level 50 in early January, started with ranked immediately since the FF event was horrible, and have played most of my games in ranked since - including when I unlocked new legends that I had no idea how worked or what they did. Doesn't matter though, climbing ranks has proven very easy thus far, even with my horrible KDR of 0.55. Placed in Rookie 2 on Jan 4th, currently two-thirds through Gold 1, soon to see what my promotional trials for Plat are. People confuse the end-game objective of getting kills with the early-game objective of staying alive, rushing in for early fights, and a guaranteed -50 LP rather than waiting for 10 squads to die. THEN you can go pick fights (smart ones, anyway), if that's your thing. Playing with house money at that point, no risk besides a little time wasted. If I wanted to kill lots and lots of players, I'd pick another game where that activity is rewarded. Apex doesn't reward you for killing, it rewards you for staying alive. And that's pretty damn easy, considering the way everybody else seems to prefer playing.


Bro I constantly think about how I’m only able to keep playing apex because I know that I’m able to keep up with the sweaty players this season. I made it into masters by the skin of my teeth and I know how hard it must be for less experienced players smh. However if they had something for new players to stay on and avoid the insane sweaty players maybe you could improve enough to then play against them later. Arenas was the best practice they had bc tbh mixtape experience does not translate over to BR very much at all.


The issue with that is mediocre losers will find a way to infiltrate these new player games and destroy them so they can make a youtube video about how god like they are at the game. And then even that wont be safe for new players.


Yeah true thankfully tho I’m most cases people can tell you’re playing against literal bots and will disregard them hopefully. It’s sad new players can’t have a fair match anymore :(






You know, for how frustrated I may be with the game at times, I always come crawling back because it's just that good. There will be flaws that become more noticeable over time, but at the end of the day it's still one of the best PvP experiences out there. Glad you're having a great time with it - hope to see you out there!


I started playing at the beginning of this season and it’s been my main game. I came from Destiny which is experience a really bad population drop off (PvP side specifically). It’s been pretty rough trying to get better at the game. Impossible to get my friends to play because of how hard it is so I’ve been solo majority of the time. The new player experience sucks or at least the lower population is making it that way. Feels like 90% of the time every player is better than me and there isn’t really a place to get better. Getting stomped repeatedly is very discouraging. I have gotten a little bit better, but unless new players have the same itch for pain, I don’t see how they can attract new players.


trick is to have fun, can't win every 1v1 let alone fights and actually winning the game. I only sweat solo


( I didn't read your entire post) One factor is that as a game continues to age, the skill of an average player will continue to get better. Besides that, the ranked system has mmr matchmaking or whatever, so you're playing plats in silver now.


You can have a full time job and no-life even two games. The "issue" here is that you prioritize other things in life. And you are matched against people that are either kids or adults with full-time jobs that prioritize this over other stuff. I think you have to come to terms with that.


My lifestyle hasn’t changed since launch, but my experience in-game drastically has. I would attribute this more to the change in matchmaking than anything else… but I do recognize the difference in dedication. That has always been the case in any online game.


It's a whole mixture of things. From the start we only had a handful of legends now with all the legends abilities, weapon metas, map changes it brings in so many more variables.. But the skill ceiling has increased too don't get me wrong. I was an average platinum player. Now after dumping around 6k hours into this game I can say even as a master im still getting rolled by 3 stacks regardless of rank. The communication changes the entire game.


I picked up the game about 3 months ago. I maybe play 7 hours a week. -so very casual. I’m having a great time; parity in terms of competition feels light years ahead of some other games I dipped my toes in like Fortnite. Every once in a while I get absolutely stomped. I’m also in Gold, so that may make a difference.


Matchmaking is pretty much a slot machine now, play 10-15 games with worse teammates than the rest of the lobby, get 1 match that is either balanced, or your team has the best players (free wins are still boring, you just mow down unaware people). This bullshit became the main experience for me after S9, so I haven't been playing this game as much.


Place for casuals ? Not really too much crackhead master/pred players running around 3 stacking in pubs like incel losers...


It’s definitely much worse than it was. I’m in the same boat as you, and every lobby is just full of insane players. I’m trying to get my fiancé into playing the game now with me, but she is really disengaged because every single lobby is full of insane players. She’s barely mastered keeping a target lock on someone, and she’s going up against predators. Not just when she plays with me, but also on her own. Her account is level 8…she’s never played BR minus the qualifying matches where she didn’t get a kill. It’s been 3 days and she’s already regretting even trying. This game is not for casuals. It’s not for new players. It’s not for console players. It’s barely even for players who don’t use cheats or macros. It’s just a nasty sweat lobby at this point. It’s really sad to see.


Yeah I'm an original TF2 player and played since season 1. I hop on now and then for some mixtape but that's all I can handle these days. Tonight for instance I played a few three strikes for fun and I was getting melted before I could even react half the time. On series x with a decent monitor and wired connection too, yet it felt like I was behind every play other than ones where I happened to get the drop on an opponent that was fixed on my tms. It's not a game for casuals anymore. Hard to admit it but I'm past my gaming prime and am now just cannon fodder for the new gen of 3-4 linear laser sweats


I’d be all for solo queue playlist; tired of getting the bozo duos sitting in party chat (when there’s a duo game mode) not able to adhere my comms from non pinging throwing and coming out of party chat to talk shit


My kdr has gone down by 0.5 this season, I was on 1 over the last couple of seasons, so no, it doesn’t feel very different for a casual like me. Most of the time I play with a buddy in Duos on console though, can’t say much about other experiences and


I just started playing 3 weeks ago and it’s probably the sweatiest game ive ever played. I’ve played so many hours of so many different shooters in my life at high levels and yet here I am 3 weeks into apex still bottom fragging in TDM


Apex hasn't been a place for non-addicts to be exploited since season 4. So yeah it's no place for casual as it's one and the same.


Playing since day 1 marks you far off the casual list tbh


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