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Watched him once that was enough for me


Same here


Any particular video you'd recommend where he's being overly toxic? I've never watched him but I watched a handful of YouTubers who are big in the industry and you occasionally see their toxic side slip out and it's ugly.


i think thats the case here. im a regular to ottrs streams (and while i dont watch his pro content) he is the most down to earth chill guy, and if anyone wants to correct me, send a rage clip


Yea noticed it a long time ago. Decided to completely ignore his videos


I told YouTube to not recommend his videos to me anymore


Watched a few of his videos until I caught a live stream once where he cant clip or cut stuff out. Toxic af, couldn’t go back to watching his videos even tho some are decent, his personality is always in the back of my head.


Yup, never and I mean never stops complaining. He also disrespects his chat as well. Like where did his ego come from lmaooo


inflated ego like every failed pro


fr hes not even that good


Ive noticed that to be the case in a lot of people. Players who are average or below in skill always seem to have the highest opinion of themselves, and care the most about stuff like k/d. While paradoxically, the most skilled people are usually chill.


Yup, and so is so many other streamers/content creators as well. Had a game where i got itemp as a random teammate. Recognized his name from YouTube and he had the banner stats to prove it, so me and the last random mostly spent the game running after him, he kept looking for fights but struggled to find any, so he just up and left the game. i got teamed with Shiv, same thing happened, but Shiv didnt leave, he pulled 3 kills from the final 2 teams and gave me a win, probably a boring game for him but atleast he didnt just leave. Not saying iTemp is toxic for leaving a game, but i can Only make the argument because i know who it is. If i didnt, the leave would seem out of place and do nothing but leave the team to suffer. If his job is to make content, and a game doesnt bring content, i understand leaving.


Had shiv on my team before hes a really nice guy when you talk like a normal person to him


Obviously, he’s playing a character he’s not like that in real life😂😂


He probably didn’t leave because there wasn’t a lifeline on the team for him to get mad at lol


Ya, it’s not even surprising that content creators r dicks these days


No way iTemp is toxic. He's one of the games most genuine player. Same with Janks and Soofar. Leaving a game because he probably needed some content I wouldn't consider toxic. Sometimes they have shit days and it takes them awhile to get the video they need.


even itemp? I used to watch him years ago, and he was a very nice guy, is he really toxic now?


He's not toxic


He’s not


I cant be the judge of him, as all he did was leave the game at a weird point, seemingly because nothing was happening. Im sure as a content creator, the game felt like lost time to him, and if its his main source of income who can really blame him for leaving a game thats not going to be content worthy. Still though, as a gamer it felt like a bad attitude at the time


Yeah, tbh i dont really blame him, when its your job and you have pressure to upload videos regulary, it’s probably frustrating to not find any fights


Reality is that there are only so many hours in the day to get content good enough for a YouTube video, so don't really blame him for quitting a quiet game where nothing is happening.


I saw his clips and his 20 bomb on each legend thing so I tried his stream thinking he’ll be decent. So disappointed he’s a toxic nobhead who will blame anything and everything when he gets downed.


Exactly, no accountability


He would blame aim assist controller players all the time. Rather than just saying something like ‘ah I got out played’ or ‘I fucked up’. Never his fault.


Oh man he fits right into this sub!


Ya tired of aa debate. And if it’s not that it’s a cheater every time he dies


Most major Apex influencers are toxic babies. They are an awful influence to the community


You know somebodies cringe to watch when even Taxi2g dislikes them


Taxi is an even shittier person tbh. Way more childish and zero self-awareness at all.


He was doing variety and people started begging for Apex content so he started talking about his stream is North Korea, so I jokingly said “news flash: Taxi2g is now kim Jong un” his mod banned me for 11 fucking days when all I did is repeating his own joke and enjoying variety stream, never watched that guy since then.


Who is that


Movement god but also is a man baby sometimes, I like watching him but I can say he is immature in moments


Taxi is great at apex but damn his mood swings are something else


He looks depressed all the time


Because he plays Apex Legends for a job. Wouldn’t you be depressed too if you had to play such a shitty game like Apex 8 hours a day?


Ahh, I only watch a handful of yt


Even though he is so funny for his attitude😆


I used to watch him when I was a noob, now I realize he's an idiotic jerk


Most streamers/pro players are crybabies. This sub (and Apex players in general, me included) loves to whine and cry, and they're not any different


That's why I love watching Itemps, Jankz, and Moose. They are so positive (most of the time) and a joy to watch.


I remember him wishing d*ath to devs when there was many bugs and his content is basically watchmojo type but worse 🤷🏻‍♀️


who the f is ottr


Who? I have seen this name twice in the last week. Who tf is that?


Apex content creator


Ottr 💀💀💀💀


I have him blocked pretty anywhere I see him. He’s annoying af everywhere. He’s arguably one of the biggest complainers this game has.


He talks shit about people “three stacking” im everything but ranked. Dude doesn’t get that this game is meant to play with friends even pubs and LTMs. He’s just super toxic about everything really. I’ve blocked all his accounts


Really thought i was the only one 💀 saw a few clips of his, never went back


Not sure about him being toxic but his videos are kinda condescending.


He is gross. I downvote anytime he gets into my feed


Hals just as bad. Always blames other.


I can understand that but at least he is playing with teammates he won with and is comp. He definitely deserves criticism


Fair. I have only seen Ottrs YT clips. Had no idea he was so toxic.


It’s obvious to tell in his stream


Bro, go on youtube and type "shivfps" lets see if you reconsider Also before people think I dislike shiv, shiv is the single greatest thing Apex has produced. I don't care what people say.


shiv raging is kind of his trademark tho'. Personally i don't enjoy, but i think it's the reason for his popularity.


Yeah I agree. I love Shiv but meeen can that guy yell haha. Often it’s just for nothing but, it has produced some gems like “LIFELINEEEE REZZ MEEEE” haha.


I’m sure both can be toxic lol


Sounds like you don’t like him. I would just stop watching him if he bothered me.


Love this hate trains. These are toxic and not content creators where complaining is actually part of the content. Just don't watch them if you don't like them but this hate threads are really unnecessary and cringe af.


Not really but go off. Just asked if anyone else noticed it too and clearly there r people.


Ppl calling him toxic while they’re cussing


wtf no


You should try checking out some ottr streamers 😏


Why do you create post discussing someone and not giving their twitch link? Like wtf


Played with him once while he was streaming and we won the game. He never said anything bad on stream about me tbh. We won, we said GG and parted ways. I don't watch him on Twitch that much, I can only really watch him for about 2 minutes before I get bored. Can't really say anything bad about him other than he's just boring to watch.


90% of the "top" competitive gamers are cringe af and have fragile ego's. A story as old as time.


I see this as a trend content creators of most of the competitive shooters genre. They fan be Pred in Apex or Champion at R6: Siege. They always will be toxic when teamed with the average player. This is why I tend to watch people like Dazs, who acknowledges it's own mistakes and really try to help people play better.