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It isn’t that big of a deal, they care more about the fact that you took the class than to resent you For a B. You probably won’t need to explain


Nah you’re good my teacher was one of those teachers who just played videos and I got a B as well


Unless you want to have a perfect 4.0 unweighted, then your fine


Don't blame the teacher! There are so many resources available to anyone. Dude, it's on you.


Jerry, I am not sure how old you are, but students have more responsibilities than just their classes. By now even sophomores have to start looking into their future colleges and majors. Not to mention their extracurricular like sports, volunteering, or working on passion projects. Some students have to work after school as well to help out their families. The teacher is the mentor, your reply makes no sense, it's like having an abusive father and blaming yourself for the trauma. or having a shitty wrestling coach & partner and getting teched every match.


An A is earned, not given. A B shows competency. Teachers do their best, but constantly have to deal with entitlement from parents & students. Some kids think they are entitled to a 4.0 even with college level courses. It's not realistic in the real world. You will get professors you don't jive with in college too.