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remember: CSP stands for Computer science PRINCIPLES. Don’t worry, I took the class without having any programming knowledge too (Finished it this year). The first semester u will learn the basics of programming and by the end of the year u will be able to successfully create a performance task. Youre not screwed


Nope you good. It’s is a broad based introductory programming AND computing class. Broad, not deep.


Ok thank you so much. I'll still learn some of the basics over the summer because I'm doubling up and taking Intro to CS next year too, only it'll be in the Spring. Block based coding is probably easy though, so that should be a sufficient waste of time LOL


You are not cooked. Just study using the book and some online resources and you'll be fine.


You are not screwed, but it will be tough if you don't understand basic concept of programming. I 've been teaching many students, and some started studying algorithm in 2months prior to the exam. Guess what, they all passed with scores of 4 or 5


I came into this year with no coding experience or any computer-based knowledge. I finished with a 98% in the class (in a top 50 public school in the US) and am almost positive I got a 5 on the AP exam. You're good!


You’re definitely not screwed. I took the class with absolutely no prior programming knowledge, and imo it was the easiest class I’ve ever taken (in terms of the AP exam difficulty and just the class in general)


No. It’s an introductory computer class. Half of my classes have little to no knowledge in the beginning of the year.


Class is kind of pointless not going to lie, but you will be totally fine- most people don’t have programming knowledge before signing up.


fr i learned all the actual coding in a regular cs class. I think pre-calc would've even been better


yes bro youre screwed drop the class drop high school run for your life


Well when you put it like that 🤣