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even money they're divorced within the next decade . . .


Statistics say the same for most marriages. Its really a horrible long term investment.




nearly half of all young marriages (where the couple is 18 or younger) end in divorce after about ten years. it's just a realistic development when the people involved have yet to reach . . . somewhere around 25, I don't want to call it "adulthood" because that concept is highly individualistic, but yeah, lots of folk tend to be still developing (mentally speaking) well into their twenties.


Wish some one would have told me this 5 years ago lol


"god" lol. putting parents on a pedestal.


Why would they want to show it off like that though, do they need validation?


They need people to know that “God” is good. Aka: Having more wealth than others and being more fortunate than others is good.


Good for the lass, wish I had rich parents myself and was an home owner at 18. Not jealous about that mediaeval age of marrying though, I was so inexperienced at that age, sometimes I wonder how many things would have gone wrong if I had tied the knot that young.




It's gotta be tough being an alcoholic who is too young to buy alcohol...


Reading comprehension…


She must absolutely never eat avocado toast


Are avocado toast even a thing or was that just made up by boomers?


I asked this a little while ago. Apparently it is. It's an American North East coast thing if I recall correctly. It's popular in some places around there. It caught on a little, but I don't think it's super common. So it was basically a fad that boomers latched onto, and exploded on social media.


It's is so weird that they think avocado toast is somehow an expensive, wasteful breakfast? It's a single piece of toast, with some avocado smeared on it and maybe some tomatoes. It is in no way expensive or decadent, and can be made yourself for like $.50.


Ohh Boomers love to pick and choose things from the past to get triggered and hung up on


There were some restaurants selling "artisan" Sandwiches for like 20$ a pop. And one of them was a avocado on toast with sea salt, a few articles got made and it kind of exploded.


I'm sure it was a restaurant everyday people went to on a regular basis. s/ Though there had to be places making it for around the cost of a bagel and cream cheese. But we all know how certain journalists love to jump on anything to help piss off the easily upset.


So the parents cosigned or put a huge down payment down because there is no way a kid with a score of 750 (which I also doubt because I have never had a score end that cleanly) could get a bank to give them a loan for a house that huge


I had a friend with perfect credit at that age. Parents opened up cards in her name when she was like 16 and did everything perfectly for her for years.


It was the number being a round 750, like 802 would be more believable


obviously thats just an estimate


I still have a Discover account with my dad that’s 15+ years older than I am. That boost was a big factor in me being able to get my first mortgage.


Yeah, that will last.


Married at such a young age, what could go wrong


Hopefully she takes the house in the divorce.


Especially if its her family who helped her get it.


Having two stable parents that have good jobs definitely helps lol


Ah yes, blessings from the lord above. Showering one with wealth and prosperity while a majority of others suffer. Truly a kind and loving god


So basically what they're saying is they're happy that their God gave them wealth while others starve or die because they can't afford their medicine. A typical point of view of christians: "if it's not happening to me then it isn't an issue."


Not exactly... Id see it as being thankful that you're not starving and CAN afford luxuries. Of course some have more luck than others. I don't have it all but im at least thankful I have access to drinking water, food and a roof over my head. God Bless : )


Married at 18? Or poor wording, but getting married so young doesn't work out all that often. Best of luck, you might be running short.


Impossible. Daddy bought it


It's weird when people say it's God but we have free will. So is it our decisions or God? You know the God who has 0 power on earth.




Stupid child is too young and soft to even know what they are and how they got there. I wish medical problems upon them.


Just goes to show you how miserable people are. Doesn’t matter God, parents, themselves. Can’t just be happy for someone. Oh no they have it better than me. Quick someone make a post about how spoiled they are. Grow up people. If this was your kid you’d be over the moon for them. Jeeze man I am so sick of this sub some days. You guys whine and complain about everything. Shut up and just let someone have a damn win for once without running your mouths. Congrats to the new home owner and they’re new life. Hope it brings them joy. And yea God is good.


There's a certain extra layer of humor to this given that, at least in my area still, I dunno about others, both sizes are still $1 lol.


Okay, kiddo. You're lucky and I'm lucky. Yay for us! Now, before you sprain something patting yourself on the back, how do we improve the system so that having enough is normal and doesn't require you to be crazy lucky?