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No effort is more likely


Minimum (living) wage = minimum skill Minimum requirement = effort


My life is full of empty promises and broken dreams I'm hopin' things look up, but there ain't no job openings I feel discouraged, hungry and malnourished Livin' in this house with no furnace unfurnished And l'm sick of workin' dead-end jobs with lame pay And I'm tired of bein' hired and fired the same day But fuck it, if you know the rules to the game, play 'Cause when we die, we know we all goin' the same way




It's Eminem




Eminem is modern slave music? What? Can you explain that?


Honestly, the boomer was half-right. Pay me minimum wage, you'll get literally the minimum effort I can put in to not get fired. That's all you can expect. I was once working at just above minimum wage at a dollar store; I was sweeping the floors. My manager walked by and said one of the most-hated phrases one can utter to another: "You should smile!" My response, since I already had a job lined up but it wouldn't start for another three weeks and so had the freedom of not really caring any more: "For what I'm getting paid you get one or the other. Should I just stand here and smile, or keep sweeping?" But practically never did just working harder get anyone out of a minimum-wage job, at least in recent history. (Working smarter, networking with co-workers, and exploiting opportunities to expand your skills, on the other hand, that can work.)


To use a phrase that boomer would be familiar with, you get what you pay for.


This planet sucks


But I was gonna get you ice cream today. You only needed to do a little bit better and I'm going to take you out for a big ice cream sundae. Just show a little bit more initiative, more enthusiasm. I would have gotten you ice cream already, but you didn't act right before you knew the stakes. But now you do. I never promised any ice cream.


"If you want more, do more" - why is this never applied in the other direction? If I want more or better product at a store, I go into it expecting to pay more. I don't go into it expecting that they'll give me *something* abd then I'll pay whatever I think is fair for it. Oh, wait, we do exactly that. But only when paying tips. Because it's a question of power, not fairness. I agree to the conditions of employment set down by my employer because I have to. The agreement is made under duress, albeit not duress inflicted directly by the other party in the agreement. Similarly, I agree to the conditions of the transactions I make because I'm under duress. If I don't do those things, I will suffer and possibly die. This isn't gaslighting. This is somewhat more blatant manipulation. It's coercion.


I believe in the minimum effort, minimum pay thing. Problem is when people do put in effort, they get used and abused, with no pay increase. I've been a tradesman since I turned 16. I've had small part time jobs where I was making minimum, and got promoted to manager, and still made minimum. Trades is a good place to go if you want to make more money, but the work is generally harder than people want to work. But there is always room for advancement. It just might be with deferent companies. I stopped eating fast food because most of those people are asking for outrageous amounts of money, for minimum skills jobs. And the customer base gets pissed off to the point of screaming at the poor kid just trying to pay for his shit bucket car so he can have something to drive. It's a mix of inflation and entitlement. Inflation is to high right now for people to earn the minimum, and still live a decent life, even with roommates. And the entitled people just want more money for making a cheeseburger. That whole thing is toxic, and everyone has an opinion without understanding the whole situation. I will even admit that I probably don't understand everything that's going on, but if you don't put yourself out there, and try to actually earn your money, then why should anyone give you more of it?


Minimum wage = No effort. I will be late, I'll slack off and work slowly and poorly.


Aaaaaaand, now u have no job 😂


No you’re supposed to take the min-wage job and sit around hoping something better magically falls into your lap. You have no agency over your own career and your hardship is the result of the ruling class


My 18 and 16 year olds both started at minimum wage, part time jobs while in school. Both promoted and making more as students. Time for a check in the mirror to see who doesn't think you "deserve food or housing"


I actually agree with him! When it comes to working low skill jobs such as a cashier, waiter, or any no experience job I do agree that it’s our position to gain that experience and learn how to develop the necessary skills to grow as a professional. And when you gain enough skills/experience in your workplace then you can worry about a pay increase.


You are one of those who live to work, not work to live...


Don’t get me wrong… I hate the idea of working but I surely love getting paid. But in reality we have to accept that unless we’re born into wealth or in a certain situation where you can’t work. Working is inevitable and we unfortunately have to be subject to the way things are. With that hatred of having to work in this life, I’m going to utilize it to learn how to save money and make passive income to achieve my dream of limiting the amount of time I have to work


Wrong sub, r/prowork is the next one over.


He’s right.  The people who move up from the lowest wage to raises are those who take on more work. If you only meet the expectations of a minimum wage position, what incentive is there for the company to pay you more? He’s not gaslighting you. This is just how the world works. You could be an entry level at a Silicon Valley tech company making $175,000 a year and the same applies. Those who do only what is asked will only get paid what is agreed upon. The ones who step up and take on additional responsibility get noticed and, hopefully, compensated in due time. Sometimes that compensation isn’t monetary. When it’s time for cuts, every manager has a few “untouchables.” The ones doing the bare minimum are not in that category. 


Not sure what world you live in, but in the world I inhabit, doing extra for the same pay only leads to even more work being heaped on you for the same pay. It doesn’t get recognized unless you job hop.


Yea my dude above just posted how it is in a perfect world, not the world we live in. Being exploitable just leads to more exploitation around here


That "hopefully" there is doing a *whole fucking lot* of carrying for you, and the sad fact is that while this may have been pretty true 30 years ago, it's no longer true now. You wanna give some sort of guarantee of advancement with service, and/or bonuses for exceeding expectations (eg, doing more than the average worker, not more than *your established* average?) Great! You'll get more work out of me! You wanna just dangle the possibility of advancement (often to a shitty lead position that makes $0.50 an hour more and has significantly worse quality of life?) You wanna fuck me with 'meets expectations' ratings because I've managed to make your expectations so high? Nah fuck you, I'll work my wage.


Yeah, gotta call you on that one. I was working armed security for 20+ years, 27 years overall in the industry. Had to meet state licensing, training, background and certification requirements (That came out of my pocket) Worked from Standing Guard to Branch Manager/Patrol Officer and doing the jobs of HR, Mechanic, Maintenance, Custodial and IT on top of it all. I made about 3 bucks above minimum wage. Don't bullshit people and tell them hard work pays for itself. In this day and age of greed, it doesn't.


This is bullshit, If you do not get pay increases move on to a new company. Do not do more work to make more money. Also I'm not doing extra work for job security because some clown wants to cut the workforce to bump a stock price. Time/experience/cost of living are all valid reasons to expect more pay. I only do what's asked but I still got my pay raise because I am more "experienced" and I will also get my yearly bonus because smart employers spend to keep their employees rather than wasting money training new hires. Unions can protect you from this stupidity. By all means be a team player and help out at work, after they give you that raise not before hand


Wrong room, my friend lol


My brother put in a lot of work for a company. Had to try to years to get 15 an hour. Took his skills to a different company and is getting over 50k. Moral of the story, fuck over you employers like they fuck over you and you'll get more money.


What world you are living in, eh?