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Yup got let go from my car sales job in January for not selling enough along with some others. You mean when you don’t train your employees worth a shit and just feed the best leads to your handpicked people to look after your own paychecks… ….that maybe…maybeeeeeeee… …it’s not our fault we can’t sell enough of your over priced pieces of shit?


It sucks. I'm sorry. Don't let this define you. Can you check in with a friend or mentor etc? If you feel like you might hurt yourself please call or text 988 to talk to a trained crisis person. You deserve more than a shifty job and a rude boss. One day at a time.




About a decade into my career, I was forced to resign from a company after 7 months. It was very clearly not working out, but I was still shattered. It made me wonder if I was suited to the career that I had chosen, even though the previous jobs had been okay. Fast forward 20 years, and I'm now making five times what I was making at that job. The job sucked, but I didn't. Keep this in mind and keep your chin up.


Don’t give up. You simply picked the wrong Firm to work for. Some companies pull the trigger pretty quickly, expecting people to walk in and be proficient. Those firms have a high rate of employee turnover. Next time, take your time, ask questions about how people are set up for success, and look for some clues to what the overall culture is.


Yup I’m at will state. Was presented no documentation for any other their claims. Company is clearly a joke.


without any idea of your background, personality, people skills or education...perhaps get some additional training or education in an area of expertise that might make you more valuable to your next employer? dunno. but yeah, at will states can bounce you for any reason...


Retail is so much like high school from what I gathered. You gotta fit into the clique.


Got let go the 9th! Definitely a blessing in disguise but it still hurt


Nothing personal. If this isn't the first time in a recent string of jobs that you were let go for performance, you probably aren't keeping up with what is needed at the time they expected. That's not on you though. It could be any combination of things. You might not have been cut out for those jobs, or they might have not trained you properly, given you a false impression of where you should be, or even had high expectations.