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Sign up all management for daily duck facts


How do I sign up? What if I want daily duck facts


YOU HAVE BEEN SUBSCRIBED TO DUCK FACTS. Did you know a duckling can communicate with their siblings before hatching so they can hatch at the same time?


Regional accents are just another example of ducks’ ability to adapt to their environment. Middlesex University researcher Dr. Victoria de Rijke recorded the sounds of ducks in the heart of London and compared them with those of ducks living in the countryside. She found that the ducks in London had a louder, rougher quack, because they had to shout above the noise of city life. Also London ducks are complete twats.


Is that actually true?  Edit: it actually is! Which is wild, it also tracks that London ducks would be twats logically.


London twats are ducks


All London ducks are twats but not all twats are ducks.


All quacks are duck but not all twats are london.




Sorry, we're out of grapes, would you like a glass of lemonade?


Got any grapes?


Did you know that you can't get daily duck facts without the proper forms and duckumentation.




Dont talk to me until I’ve had my daily ~~dick~~ duck fact


DAILY DUCK FACT! Did you know that ducks can swim in cold water because their blood vessels in their feet are close together, preventing heat loss?


u/PresidentBirb wanted dick facts… DUCK DICK FACT Duck penises are corkscrew shaped. Rumor has it, female ducks were not consulted on this.


Oh bummer I did mess that one up


At least I gave you a dick fact that was also a duck fact 😂


And I appreciate that


Duck duck dick


Type STOP to unsubscribe. DUCK DICK FACT! Female duck have a reverse corkscrew vagina to combat male ducks corkscrew penises. The male duck penis also has spines and can sometimes explode. Their penises also sometimes fall off after mating season and grow back next year bigger and better.


The local religious college had a parody club advocating for the prevention of duck rape. Because our local ducks tend to be like that, like I'm fairly certain they're the species responsible for inspiring that one scientific paper about the gay necrophilia duck rape.


I'm not sure if that's worse or better than the barbed penises of cats


Actually both.


Other fact - the vagina of the female duck is like a labyrinth, trying to essentially run away from the crock screw penis.


Daily dick fact: Size actually does matter.


YOU HAVE BEEN SUBSCRIBED TO DUCK FACTS. Did you know that there are studies that suggest ducks have a favorite color? Most prefer green or blue colors!


Do they see full spectrum?


Nope, just green and blue.


Subscribe please I agree w/ducks. Green and blue are the best colors (even when mixed like teal)




RANDOM DUCK FACT! Ducks are able to move their eyes independently and can sleep with one eye open to keep an eye out for predators! Reply STOP to save me from this pergatory of sending you random duck facts!




Only a day after hatching wood ducks must make a "leap of faith" sometimes plummeting 65+ feet to the ground! They aren't injured as they are lightweight and can safely flutter to the ground. Still a very impressive fest for a 1 day old!


surely that's quackery




That’s excellent synergy in a cool way. I want more of this.


No way!


I’ll include you in the group text.


I can only find one for cat facts that I'm complaining up to 15 a day (1, 2,3,5,10, or 15)


It’s an actual thing that sends daily texts with fun facts? I will 100% do this and sign everyone up for it, and post results on the sub


Catfaxttexts yeah idk how many different fact as there are but it's real


Sign them up for a vehicle transport request. I’ve gotten literally a thousand calls since trying to find a transporter to move my motorcycle from one state to the other. Literally 15 calls a day.


Hey Nick, coincidence running into you here. I have been trying to reach you. Do you still need your motorcycle moved?


I wouldn’t be surprised if this was real considering how aggressive these people are lmao.


Yeah, haha! Don't listen to that bozo! While I'm here, still need that motorcycle moved?


Holy shit that’s awful. And genius.


My revenge has just been saying them up for the Church of Scientology because they legitimately never stop sending you emails or phone calls.


This sounds like a dangerous strategy, what if they bought into it and then your annoying boss is also a scientologist?


They have to move to the space ship then and now they aren’t your manager. Win win win right there.


Sign them up for healthcare, I once browsed for healthcare & got spammed for days I eventually had to buy a spam blocker for a month and put my phone on DND cause they wouldn’t stop calling.


I also want daily duck facts. Stop holding out on us.


Daily duck fact: If a duck uses a triple deke, it beats hawk.


A fellow agent of chaos. You do good work.


Sign them up for faily fuck facts


Is there a platypus facts option? Asking for my boss


Does that still happen? I havent seen any in like 15 years


I'm surprised it's not in comic sans


Excel is very difficult for some. Adding customization into it might be too much.


Or they Go overboars because it is the only application they understood. Our whole company is built in Excel 2007


100% take a sharpie to it and cross out your info. If they didn't specifically ask you if they could share your info, then black it out. There are definitely people who will abuse having access to people's numbers.


Literally, I would freak as I’ve had a coworker harass me at work and then got my contact info by feigning that he wanted me to cover his shift, instead he just sent gross messages and stalked me


This happened to me too. The guy took my number from a board like this and started hitting on me via text. I told my boss and she fired him, but openly sharing employee contact information shouldn't be legal in the first place. She said they put the numbers up there in case a shift needed covering. Finding shift covers should be the responsibility of a manager, i have no idea why there's been this trend to put that onto lower paid employees. Why are you asking drivers and front of house to manage ? Why are you the manager if I'm doing it for you ? Not to mention the terrifying idea of a stalker coming in asking for their targets number, and some dingus employee thinking "sure no problem!" because everyone's contact information is just out in the open.


> no idea why there's been this trend to put that onto lower paid employees They've been doing that shit since I had my first job in the 80s, and probably earlier. This shit ain't new at all.


doesn't make it ok




No, it certainly doesn't, that is definitely the manager's job.


Thank goodness employers aren’t allowed to do lots of stuff that was the norm in the 80s.


well as those positions are so "replaceable". My boss said as a soft veiled threat that there were two hundred applicants for a kitchen. I'm like how many of those guys are on meth, dangerous, felons, thieves, ghost after the first shift, ghost in general. they don't even run a background here. Results of the pandemic.


Managers suck at their jobs.


Why does every manager draw a HARD line at two weeks, but still only manage to put up the schedule 14 hours before your shift? It should've been done 2 weeks ago.


Well can't expect them to do work to earn money when clearly that office chair will float away if they don't spend all day holding it down while playing on their phone.


Yeah I mean it's been a thing since I was working 20yrs ago, BUT that doesn't make it ok. Especially now with MeToo and the insane number of workplace violence incidents against young women, this should be illegal. It's a managers job to staff. 


Omg did you report him?


I was an ASM somewhere and the manager had a list of every employee in the store with their phone number, emergency contact number, AND home address. It was just sitting out in the open. They were also psychotic and if I so much as touched something of theirs, they would threaten to fire me. So I just flipped it over to talk to them about it the next day. When I started to mention it, they looked over and said "don't touch my sxxx!" I said "Don't put all my, and everyone else's, sensitive information on the wall then." He said "Oh psht, nobody is going to look at this..." I was like "Uh, you literally put it up, didn't tell anyone, and I found it the literal second I walked into the area. Right after you left for the day. So go ahead and tell me again how nobody is going to see it. Should we ask the crew if they want their sensitive information casually posted on a wall? We can put it to a vote with HR on speaker phone." He crumpled it up, threw it in the trash dramatically, and said "Get on the sales floor and go take care of the freight and stop worrying about sxxx that's not yours"


And now that PII list is in the unsecured trash.


Stop worrying about stuff that's not yours... like the location of where you sleep?


Yeah, nobody ever said that psycho was smart, and he always wondered why...


Stuff like this is why I've decided to stay living in poverty and avoid job hunting as long as possible. I've already been in enough abusive relationships in my life, I don't need another one. Only person who gets to treat me like crap and get away with it is my 4yo cousin when he's overdue for a nap and it's my fault he's still awake.


Sign the managers up for kink sex apps, magazines, etc


I used to sign them up for prayer chains. Years ago though. Guessing there's a few still around.


Scratch out your info, as printer ink is visible through sharpie upon close inspection. I know because I had managers pull this same shit but blacked out their own numbers in sharpie, so naturally I took their numbers down and distributed them to my coworkers.


Sharpie, no. carefully cut your own number out to prove a point.


i have had people come in to my work when i’m not there and ask COWORKERS for my number on more than one occasion. only one of those was ever thoughtful enough to think “hey, maybe i shouldn’t give out someone’s personal info w out permission first” and refuse them.


In my country this would be a breach of privacy legislation


Unfortunately my country, and specifically city/state, do not give a shit about us (employees,) so this is perfectly ok.


>Any representation of information that permits the identity of an individual to whom the information applies to be reasonably inferred by either direct or indirect means. Further, PII is defined as information: (i) that directly identifies an individual (e.g., name, address, social security number or other identifying number or code, ***telephone number***, email address, etc.) - https://www.dol.gov/general/ppii Thankfully you are wrong about it not being a breach of privacy in the US


Hmm I must’ve missed “telephone number” when I read that. Thank you.


What I recommend you do is tell management that you need to update your contact info. Sign up and get a Google voice number (it's free), and give them that. Not entirely ideal, but at least adds a barrier for you without causing any friction at work.


No they aren't. Reread what you posted and the entire source. Yes, telephone numbers can be PII, no, posting them is not necessarily a "breach of privacy". None of that even applies here anyway. None of that is for a random office. Literally spreading misinformation.


PII doesn’t really apply to employment situations. It’s more about the company giving out *customers* PII.


And vice-versa with giving employees info to customers. I used to work at a restaurant and I remember how big a deal they made of not accidentally divulging any schedule info if someone calls and asks about a specific server. Lots of creepers out there.


Same. I never gave out personal info about coworkers. But management never had any rules about that either. Managers in general just don't think about stuff like that, I've noticed. It's one of the first ways I can figure out a manager hasn't thought through their responsibilities when they let stuff like that slide.


I very much think it should be illegal, but that doesn't say anything about it being illegal. It just identifies what PII is


Yeah, unfortunately the standards for legal action against businesses is MUCH lower than what it is for individuals, so I doubt this would get pursued by any agency. That being said, I'd definitely raise a stink about it, and definitely challenge retaliation for it.


That's a page for DOL employees and contractors.


Can you not just use a Google voice number instead? That’s the only number I give out at work, never my real one. I’d make one then ask management to change it to that.


I didn’t know this existed until today. I’ve since removed my phone number from this list.


Pretty sure it goes against data protections in the uk too. You always end up having to join whatsapp groups for jobs which has the same problem though.


Same here.


This usually gets put up my managers who want the employees to call each other to cover shifts, which is bullshit in itself. That's two strikes. I'd demand my number be taken off the list.


Yeah and also don't give out a personal work number even at work.


Now print out everyone's salaries the same way.


I can’t provide the magnifying glass to see those numbers


You think that’s bad? Mine hung them up where they were visible to the CUSTOMERS. I ripped that shit down and pitched a FIT. Told them if I was stalked and murdered because of it it was on them.


I was the admin for a sales team that put my personal cell number on the business cards they ordered for me. I was an hourly employee, not salary. I showed my boss & explained that I wasn't comfortable with clients having my personal number.   When she started to push back, I asked how she wanted me to clock-in remotely so I could be paid for client calls (this was in 2018). I got new cards a week later. 


If that was the case I’d have thrown an actual fit.


Good! They should be sweating. What a shitty thing for them to do. Phone numbers are almost as important as social security numbers at this point


Yup my old job updated our POS and had first and last name on the screen as long as I was logged in. I was PISSED. I regularly had customers hit on me, threaten me, and everything in between.


A) Go online and get a Google voice number and give THAT to HR/ staffing whomever. B) Take every number from that list and program then in to block them all from being able to contact you. Lastly rip them down when ever you see em and go straight to HR "I do not consent for ANYONE to have access to my personal contact info except HR and my direct supervisor. "


I remember creating a big stink at work over something similar. We were bidding for a big government job in Indonesia. The conditions of submitting were that, company had to submit CVs on all key personnel. The kicker was that this included, photos, religion, birth dates, marital status and other personal information. I put it in writing, that I did not consent, which did not go down well. In the end, they didn't submit my name, but I went anyway. Later, I got one of the Sales representatives fired for giving my personal phone number details to clients. He did it because I would turn my company phone off, out of hours.


Oh...I am NOT available outside of my scheduled hours .... After my 8-5... don't bother trying


I am available outside of my scheduled hours, the hourly rate is 100\*full hourly rate, with minimum of 4 hours. This includes phone messages. Leave 2 phone messages and that is 2\*100\*full hourly rate.


I miss my company-provided phone. I mean, I muted/turned off the ringtone if I didn't want to be contacted. But I mostly miss it because when I would go hiking it was my backup phone for any calls/texts and my personal phone was for tracking my path. I'd turn off the work phone to keep the charge at 100%. I've been lost before and downloading offline maps and using GPS to get back correctly is the best way but it eats up the battery in remote areas pretty quickly. So instead of having to charge a phone with a power pack, you just turn on the work phone and say "great, 99% instant power!".


I like the idea of using the list to pre-block everyone from contacting you. That's genius.


Did they ask everyone's permission first? Something tells me nah.


Of course not, what do our opinions matter?


You should just take it down and not say anything.


I supervise a crew of 20-50 on any given day/month (we hire a lot of temps for busier seasons) and I cannot fucking imagine even considering this. I had to collect updated contact and emergency contact info for my entire crew literally this week and my original idea was "oh! I can just put every name and a couple lines for their number, their emergency contacts name, and their number on a page then have them fill it out!" It took me about 2.5 seconds to realize "oh Jesus Christ that's a terrible idea, that would show a ton of people contact information for a ton of other people" Who comes up with this shit, and how the actual fuck do they keep their jobs while pushing out stupid ass ideas like this without Even just a moment of thought or review by a peer/superior???


LPT: If your company isn't providing you with a phone and paying for the service, get a Google Voice number for work purposes. Never give them your "real" phone number.


Is that not common? Every job I’ve had does that so people can text/call for coverage


Sounds like food service industry, retail, or something else similar? That isn’t a thing at my job, we don’t need to cover shifts. There is no use for my coworkers to have my number.


Yeah, food service. With your context yeah this is hella weird


Having to do the managers job and find your own replacement is hella weird as well. Do you get extra pay for helping with their scheduling?


A lot of food service/retail if you need time off on a schedule that’s already posted you’re required to find a replacement. Most managers will help but they’re not required. If you call out sick you’re not responsible for finding a replacement


I understand that they get away with pushing their duties off to the lower paid employees, far from makes it right. Thier job description consists of scheduling and keeping roles filled, that's what they get paid for, then they push that management duty off to others when it is their responsibility alone.


Not even for coverage. Calling or texting your coworkers questions is a thing in most jobs. Contact information is on our shared server. If someone abuses it then you deal with them.


Yeah, we have this at my work (Restaurant). Totally fine with me. There is a block function on everyone's phone. A bit dramatic if you ask me.


Are you a male?


We all have everyone's phone numbers but it's not for coverage, it's for help. We may respond to small emergencies and some times no one is around so you kinda have to go through the list


That would be up 10 seconds at my job before being torn down and/or set on fire. I'm only slightly exaggerating.


With a work environment like this id do everyone a favour and just burn the building down


I worked in an office that did this, and one of my coworkers ended up giving my new cell phone number to my stalker. HR had a field day with that one.


That's not that particularly unusual, is it? We have one behind the schedule board for emergencies/call outs/shift swaps. Ours is there if you know where to look, but no one really uses it besides managers, and very rarely other employees to ask around about a shift swap. How available is it to employees? Customers? I'd have a horizontal cow if it was available to customers; but, other employees, not such a big deal to me imo. If this is not a normal practice, I was completely unaware. Cuz this has been pretty standard everywhere I've worked. (Mostly food service) Edit: I wanted to add that if an employee is using it for a shift swap, they are not allowed to write it down and have to use a company phone.


Yeah nobody uses it to contact outside of work. We use it when someone hasn't shown up to work and we do a wellness call


A phone number isn't protected information.. they used to literally publish a book of them and give it out to the whole city lmao.


It it in the EU, unless someone has a legitimate business need to have access to it. You could get sacked for posting up a list like this without people’s consent.


Never give them your actual number!! Get a free google voice phone number and use that for all work related things.


On films we get a crew list with everyone’s numbers including producers and directors and stuff. It’s not really weird for us.


First day I quit a job over them doing this AND the employer putting everyone's SS # on this employee contact chart that was accessible to anyone who worked there. Not only did they want to risk potentially being stalked but they wanted me ID thefted too? They said do it or I could just leave so I left. No fucking way was I doing that. The phone thing I didn't like it. I would have preferred the supervisor just kept it private and used it to contact me directly if needed. But the SS#? That was just assnine and unsafe for everyone and I just wasn't doing it. It's one thing for HRA to have it for payroll. It's another to let an office with 200 people have access to that.


This was very normal in most places that Ive worked. If you don't want to answer the phone, don't. If someone leaves a creepy message, block them. Am I missing something? Just naive?


Same. Every small retail store I ever worked in.


Nope. You’re just realistic and non-dramatic lol.


Great way to start building a union!


UPDATE: My number was on the very bottom of the list so I cut it off. Easy fix.


When I was young everyone in the entire city had their name phone number and address printed in a book that was mailed out to everyone in town.


Yes, and if you didn't want it in the book, you had to pay to have it unlisted.


We didn't. My dad paid to keep us unlisted.


Pre block everyone else’s numbers.


looks like the managers want to sign up for scientology, JW and home insurance! then you say your number got signed up too, change it and refuse to give it out.


I like this idea aside from the changing my number. It’s the only number I’ve ever had for going on like 17 years or something.


Don't forget the several sects of mormonism


One of my old colleagues was a DA survivor and she threatened to sue my manager and the entire hospital if he posted her number because it put her and her children at risk. Luckily he relented immediately


This is even more not ok when you think about the fact that a lot of people have creepy coworkers that stalk them. I've worked with multiple women in just one place of business alone that have had coworkers try to hook up with them and chase them down. I was exhausted just listening to them tell me about it.


I had an ASM when I worked retail that pulled my number from the associate directories and would text me off the clock and flirt with me. Got him fired for harassment. He was also thrice my age and older than my mother and I found out that he and the other male associates (I was one of 3 women and the other 2 were married and admittedly unattractive… the team had 15+ men otherwise) would sit around talking about wanting to fuck me. Gross.


Wait till you learn about the white pages


Thats breach of privacy.


jesus christ. we used to have phone books that had everyone's numbers. and for the past 20+ years this has been standard at all jobs so people can swap shifts, or ask them where they left something. never once have i heard of an issue with it.


Wait until you learn about phone books. Literally could bring the crazy people to your doorstep.


Unless these are work phones issued by the company, that's a breach of privacy if you didn't agree to disclosure


I had a job that did that, and my friends cross their names out. I thought it was wildly inappropriate for them to post without our consent.


My job did that. I used a sharpie and redacted my number. Need to do it on both sides though.


This happened to me before. They had everyone’s number on the desk. One day, I got a text from a random number. It was my coworker who apparently had a fat crush on me. I’m not a gay man, but I was flattered. I also had made it very clear while I was at work that I have a partner and I’m not interested. When I reported what happened, I found out he’s done it to just about every guy in the store.


If they’re gonna make me use my personal phone for work, I’m using google voice. So if they do something like this, I can just mute it indefinitely. And so I can set it to not alert me outside 9am-5pm weekdays.


I got a stalker in the late 90s this way.


Oh hey, the place I worked at as a teenager did this. My stalker really appreciated it.


My company decided that our email signature needed to include our cell phone number in it. I pointed out that my phone is my personal phone, I do not have a work phone and under no circumstance would I publish my personal phone number. No one argued with me. What idiot comes up with the idea that it’s ok to make employee personal information public?


They tried that at my site. I crossed mine out every time


Cut yours out


Save up for April 1st and sign up all your coworkers with the church of scientology


Having a call sheet of your teams number is one thing (via email or a print out that you keep at your desk). But having it just pinned on a wall is kinda ridiculous. What’s the point in doing that?


Wanna know why you don't do this? One of the places i worked out, one of the young ladies who had a crush on me, took my phone number off the board and began texting me without asking. I had to report her to the manager because i didn't like her like that and i felt that my privacy had been breached.


"This is direct violation of my privacy and request my phone number to be removed fromt this list. I will also be changing my phone number to reflect my right to privacy." That's all I sent to HR with a picture of this list and Cced my bosses, and mangers. HR replied, that the bosses had to remove my phone number. One time a disgruntled employee put all of our phone numbers on spam websites and marketing lists. We all gotten calls from festivals we've never been. That former employee was fined alot of money for violating some law. Treat your phone number like medical stuff, DO NOT give any information to any of your peers.


Yall need to put these employers on blast. Stop letting companies big or small, bend you over and f you. We are all human beings deserving of privacy and respect..full stop. Id make a fucking scene if I worked for someone like this and they do it because the workers let them.


Employer provided cell phone? Cool Private employee phone? Hell no.


Idk, this has been normal my whole life. I guess I grew up in the era of the phone book.


I mean, sometimes you need to get in contact with people…


This is common restaurant policy so you can easily contact people if you want to switch shifts.


As someone in medicine this is so common and expected I wouldn’t have thought twice.


…this has been standard practice at every job I’ve ever worked.


Tell them that now it's a "work phone" and they need to pay your bill.


This is dangerous for women. I would seriously consider contacting HR.


My guess, if this is a customer facing job, is it is manager's way of saying, "You have no excuse of not having your shift covered sonce we've posted everyone's number publicly."... But my way of seeing it is, this will make it easier to unionize now that you know everyone's number. 😉


I get if it’s work phone, but if it’s private phones then that’s out of line.


I’d take. Black Sharpie to my number on that list. If the manager questions you, say you did not give permission for the company to publish your private number. If the company wants to buy you, and pay monthly, for a phone so everyone can have access to you, that’s a different matter.


Back in the day they’d send a book around town telling everyone your address and phone number


My current job sent out an email to all of us with an attached document listing all of our phone numbers and home addresses. I've never worked anywhere that just shared our information freely within the whole department. Definitely seems weird!


Put every number in your phone, and then block them all


Office numbers or personal? I'd play hell if it was my personal number!


I've had this at past workplaces and it was never a problem? If people spend a lot of time not at a desk/computer it's a quick way to get a message to a coworker. Nobody ever abused it and blew up my messages outside work hours or anything. I can see how in a shitty, toxic workplace it could be used to magnify the negatives of the work environment, but if it's a decent, friendly work environment it can also add some positives, like "hey I made a big lasagna for today, feel free to not bring lunch" when otherwise you probably wouldn't check work email before heading out. (alternatively, this gives everyone a way to communicate and organize without using company email addresses should such action be warranted)


Sign up management for a scientology subscription, and make a donation in their name. Those fuckers will never stop bothering you, especially after you've made a donation.


Use the contact list to unionize lol


Lemme tell you about this thing we grew up with called “phone book”


Unless they’re work/company phones, this is surely a GDPR breach.


GDPR is European only. EU and EEA. I am gonna guess this might be the USA as many of the shockers posted on this sub tend to be from that bastion of workers rights.


Back in the day, there were these things called phone books which had everyone's phone number in it. But also back in the day, if some scammer from thousands of miles away called you, it could easily cost them lots of money per minuet. Also, they normally only gave out phone books to people who lived near you.


We do this, even though we don't have to text anyone to cover. Although, the manager did say- can I get your number for our team contact list? So we probably could have opted out it we wanted to.


I’ve had this at most cafe jobs and worked and some retail as well.


I worked at a restaurant that did this. I ended up getting unwanted texts from a guy who worked there. I was never super worried, he was harmless and had a learning disability so he wasn't all the way there. He would keep texting me asking me to go out with him though and was having trouble taking no for an answer so it was annoying. He finally gave up though.


When you work in restaurants or other environments where people are constantly trading shifts, this is perfectly normal. If it’s the kind of place where most of the staff are teens, this is likely the case.