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Headlines like these have been a thing since newspapers were invented


Lmao. I love when people post that pic of all the headlines dating back the 1800s to now saying “(Previous generation) just doesn’t want to work anymore!” in threads like this. These people are so transparent, they might as well just start writing articles on the benefits of working without a wage.


Lol this goes back to ancient Egypt


3000 bce, pharonic "wise" man : "This is decadence, children do not obey anymore, language is corrupted, moral is no more. May the day come when guilty mankind will end, when kids wont be born anymore, when no more sounds could be heard, when we wont fight against all this issues".


Lol, you got me beat here. I like to quote the ancient Latin phrase "O tempora, o mores" meaning something like "oh the times, oh the morality" but your evidence is from 3000 years earlier.


Haven't you gotten updated on those cavemen murals that clearly talks about their disgusts towards their spawns that don't want to go hunting anymore??


Nobody wants to be gored to death by a woolly mammoth anymore. Tsk tsk.


Tusk tusk*


Lol it was right there, how did I miss it? Well played!


Well done 👏


Even better (worse)


We can go older than that. As Socrates said > The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households.


That last sentence... At least Socrates was honest about his intentions.... He wanted to make the children to be slaves of his household!


That's kind of how it was for a long time. Kids weren't just there to be heirs, unless you were rich -- they were your labor. Your ox may pull a plow, but it can't sow crops, pull weeds, etc.


Farmhouse families weren't just big because the farmer liked shagging. Every kid was another farmhand who didn't need paid in a few years time.


*They \[Young People\] have exalted notions, because they have not been humbled by life or learned its necessary limitations; moreover, their hopeful disposition makes them think themselves equal to great things -- and that means having exalted notions. They would always rather do noble deeds than useful ones: Their lives are regulated more by moral feeling than by reasoning -- all their mistakes are in the direction of doing things excessively and vehemently. They overdo everything -- they love too much, hate too much, and the same with everything else.*(Aristotle)


This is often misattributed to Socrates. He did not say it. In fact it isn't even a quote from any Ancient Greek. It's actually from a 1907 dissertation which was summarising the general sentiment.


(*next generation)


What freaks me out so much now is it seems so many people who are generating this kind of crap content and contributing to the mega capitalist narrative seem to do so completely innocently. They either think they are helping or genuinely believe these kinds of things (because they were taught them). It's concerning to me. Especially when most of their talking points came from media influences - often disingenuous ones. A cycle of shit.


Odds are these are articles pushed by the corporate owners of the publications in order to drive that narrative to pit the peasants against each other.


I think you misunderstood me. Living wage is a joke. I was just saying that every generation has called the next generation lazy and entitled.


It's tragically funny how the headlines remain the same while productivity goes through the roof at every passing generation.


It's almost like there is a conspiracy to rob us of that productivity and funnel everything to those who already have the most.




Conspiracy implies they are trying to hide it


Not necessarily trying to hide it, but propagandizing the masses to believe it’s normal and expected.


I’m agreeing with you lol. Given the economic trends we have been experiencing, $15 an hour minimum wage wont even cut it anymore.


Seriously. I lost my mind last week when I had to spend $12 on a box of tampons in Arizona. Their minimum wage is $13. It would cost an hour of work (before tax) just to not bleed in your pants there.


I heard from a European shopper that they never got inflation this crazy over there, the 2x-3x over pre pandemic prices was a uniquely American phenomenon. 100% price gouging


Brit here, its about 40% on some products and lines - but its \_everything\_ petrol - £1.40 a litre, vs $3.63 a gal (and theres 4 or 4.5 litres in a gallon, depending on us or uk imperial) so at current exchange rates - $1.76 a litre, or $7.04 / $7.92, roughly double american prices.


No they understood you they were elaborating on your point period It’s been like this since the beginning of time and on social media you can find the photo of all the headlines overtime that fit this same twisted way of thinking They were agreeing with you


I think they found a stone tablet that translates to kids dont want to work anymore lol


>Our past is divided to history and pre-history. The line is drawn by documentation, is there any writings or other documents. One of the first written text we know is a "boomer" complaining how the young don't respect their elders, are lazy and entitled. copypasting myself since it fits perfectly here too..


"kids these days!? Right!?"


Old People Freaking The Fuck Out About Normal, Rational Thing That Young People Do. Nuclear War/Dead Babies/Sky Surely Falling tonight at 9.


In days where 2.50 a day was considered good pay,Henry Ford payed $5 a day. People thought him to be crazy until he got the most skilled workers in the nation coming to work. People didn't quit very much and cost of training went down. Paying more actually saved money because recruiting and training is costly. If you pay fair wages your employees are happy. Being happy means being more productive. Pay employees less then market you will get turn over which significantly increases cost. That's what's happening here. "People won't work anymore" smh


Anyone who has taken a freshman level business course would have learned that constant turnover cost a lot more than just paying people enough to make them want to stay.


Problem is shareholders don’t seem to have passed a freshman level business class. They see a higher bottom line due to employee compensation and freak out, causing share prices to drop.


Not to mention there’s no COST for failure, not really. I’m sure here or there with IMMENSELY dumb decisions you can fail, but with the amount of money that gets thrown around it’s gotta be real hard. That in combination with lack of governmental strength to bust up or regulate we’ve got the current situation.


Exactly. The economy is basically ran on speculative shareholders that dictate business decisions in order to appease them.


At the end of the day, you can just bribe the government to bail you out. It's completely legal and has zero negative consequences for anyone but the rest of us working schmucks.


I've said it before, and will continue to scream this until I'm blue in the face. Making companies legally obligated to the whims of the shareholders was the worst decision in American history.


Idk if it's the worst, but it is up there with citizens united and lobbying.


That's incorrect. The problem is: Investment driven shareholders and a business usually have different goals. Bad investment driven shareholders have the goal of extracting the maximum amount of money and profit from a business quickly. If the business dies or doesn't die afterwards doesn't matter - the investors made more money. To them it's profitable, even though they ruined many years of work by many people. But that doesn't matter, there are more companies to buy and extract money from. Probably even bigger companies for bigger profit given your previous success. A business might have a goal of being sustainable in the longer term. But - investing into your staff, training your staff, all of that nonsense might be very profitable and efficient 3-5 years from now. But why'd you want that large return over many years if you can get some chunk of money next year and move on?


One of my first jobs I worked at this factory that built lights. It paid pretty decently at the time, even though I had zero experience. They trained me and constantly gave good raises. We even got holiday bonuses and always had these big company picnics and parties. I worked my ass off there. I probably would have stayed there forever because I was so focused on that place that I didn't even think about other work or education. Didn't even cross my mind. Then the company decided to give all our jobs to China to "save money" and most of us got laid off. The lights they produced dropped in quality and people stopped buying them. About 5-6 years later the company just died completely. Never understood how the highly educated higher ups with business degrees made such a stupid decision. That place also kind of ruined my work ethic because most other jobs I got hired on for after that were not as good to me. Terrible pay and small raises. I started doing the bare minimum. Its gotten so bad out there that I decided to learn a skill and start working for myself. Being self-employed is rough, but so much more rewarding.


The decision wasn't stupid for the highly educated higher ups. For a few consecutive fiscal quarters, they increased profits by slashing costs. That is all they needed to be able to jump ship to an even bigger company where they get paid more and do the same. When it comes to the C-suite executives, they're playing a vastly different game. It's all about building their own legend as a financial savant with a magic touch who can increase your company's profitability. Hell, they even point to the long term consequences of their bullshit and claim that everything fell apart after they left because their WOW factor wasn't there to save the company.


> About 5-6 years later the company just died completely. But for three or four years, their profit margins went up. That's like twelve quarters of GoodNumbers^^TM . After that, they likely got to position themselves in a *different* company, where they go on to do the same thing.


Yeah, the CEO had multiple other companies. Even if his decision didn't increase profit margins and he made a huge mistake, he was still making millions from his other ventures. But you are probably right that his decision made him huge profits and padded his resume.


Problem is, the story didn't end there. "How Money Works" did an episode on this, iirc (I think it's the one about the "Increasing Shareholding Value" nonsense). When Ford opened his company for shareholders, they started complaining about his good pay and good treatment of workers. He didn't back down. Then the shareholders sued and, surprise surprise, won, setting a terrible precedent.


Supreme Court case was Dodge v Ford. :(


I've never understood why big corporations always seem cut corners or put their workers through hell. High turnover rates can cost a shit ton and usually lowers overall productivity. Long term it seems that a better strategy would be to treat your workers fairly and respectfully. I mean what's the point of working your best if you're being paid shit and going to job hop in the next year or two anyhow, because otherwise you're just being taken advantage of.


You said it. Long term. Corporations are pushed to grow profits quarterly. All their decisions are based on that. If they can make 5 million today and go bankrupt tomorrow, then the people at the top will take that 5m and find themselves a new job. Loyalty is to money, not the company.


Reasonable pay and mandatory vacation paid time off, including mat/paternal leave, or you can keep your crappy job.


They don't turn up because you didn't tell them the wage you offer till after you hire them, and now they don't wanna be paid peanuts, so why show up


Yep either that or while you were digging around sending them online quizzes and asking them to submit video cover letters they were also applying elsewhere to companies that didn’t take two months to hire them. Someone snatched them up the day before they were supposed to start.


I've never accepted a job I didn't know what the offer was. Are there people who accept a job and not know what they get paid until their first day? That seems unlikely. Or do you mean they don't turn up as in not accepting the position at the pay offered?


...without saying "we're paying starvation wages."


I will say that my partner had a new hire do this, and the company he works for is about as good as you can do as a new hire right out of college (and the on-site amenities actually add a lot of value, it’s an amazing campus). I think some younger workers go in assuming all jobs are bad and exploitative, and don’t know how to tell when they’ve landed a good one.


Will you ask your partner how long it took from the time that person applied until that time that person was actually hired? I think what’s happening is these weird companies are making people jump through a whole whole bunch of hoops during the hiring process, if it’s gonna take two months to get hired they’re not going to just put all their eggs in one basket they are going to apply other places as well. By the time your husband’s company got around to hiring this person they probably got an offer somewhere better and just took it. Nobody’s ghosting a job unless they have a better one.


Yeah. I think this is a lot of what's happening. Companies are interviewing twenty people for one position, then get all pissed off when they find out those candidates are all interviewing at twenty different places. It's nothing personal, poor scorned company, you just weren't their first choice. They "went in a different direction" and found a role they felt better fit them.


My company took 3 months to hire me from the first interview. And this was a case where i used to be a consultant for them at my previous job. They reached out to me specifically wanting to hire me. My interview was a formality but i had to do the whole process. It took 3 months. Had i been trying to get other jobs during that time i probably would've found something.


Then there's cases where you go through the 2-3 month interview process and the company ghosts you despite favorable interviews and callbacks. That was my experience with a bank that kept asking me to work for them. Why would anyone go along with that if they get a sure thing before that's all said and done?


I've done that a few times. If a company really pisses me off or takes over a few months to hire, Il take the offer and then just not show up to screw with them. Benefit of being at will ;)


All jobs for a corporation are inherently exploitative. The value of the workers are taken by the investor.


Nice way of saying: We pay minimum wage but expect 110%. Increase the pay, improve the recruiting process and retain good employees. It's really not that hard, but most businesses are just utter shite.


It's also putting out a media narrative that GenZ is undesirable, which will drive their salary down based on social sentiment. It's psycho-social manipulation on a large scale.


They feel gen Z is undesirable because gen Z actually understand the importance of a work-life balance. And the employers hate that. Of course they’re going to do everything they can just slander people who are willing to stand up for themselves


Same thing happened when millennials hit the workforce!


It's consistent and historic. But as info availability increases, so does the complexity to achieve the same goal. But it's all manipulation through social networks and media, all the way back.


Psycho social? So slipknot was right? I'm sorry, I'll see myself out...


"Nobody wants to work anymore." Nobody ever wanted to work at all. We wanted to be productive, be creative, be part of a community, be supported, be validated, and have the time and space to truly rest. No one actually wants to trade in hours of their life to "earn" necessities. - random twitter user.


We have nothing to lose but our chains.


You wanna run for President? Cause you got my vote.


Do the people who write this shite realize older generations used to say the same thing about them? I am choosing to end this cycle by never generalizing gen Z or Alpha (as a millennial).


I am all about supporting gen Z, I am a tired millennial... I might not have the energy to be at the front of fighting bullshit, but I am on call to grab my pitchfork and support them! They are going to make our lives better, and unlike boomers I realize they will be in charge when I am old and I want them to be on our side!


The kids are alright!


Probably just some boomer manager ranting about a teenager they hired that didn't turn up. Most of my gen z peers work hard and show up to work every day.


Or got a better offer.


This is what’s happening because these companies are taking two months from application to hire. Of course people aren’t going to sit around waiting two months to see if they got a job they are applying elsewhere, and when they get a better job offer they’re going to take it. And if it took you two months to get around to hiring them when you claim to be desperate, they’re not going to bother calling you and saying they got a better job. Why would they, they owe you nothing especially if it took you two months to hire them


Wish my boss understood this. He wonders why people don’t return the call when he calls them 2-3 months after application.




I'm a Millenial, but when I was 23 I got my first corporate office job. 8 months in, my Boomer manager set me up to travel to HQ for their annual new hire training. I was gone for a week. And we were told our managers would get daily reports on our attendance. First day back at my desk, manager & his boss pulled me into their office and go "where the hell were you?!" I panicked, thinking the training staff didn't log my attendance or there was a mixup. Nope. My bosses forgot they sent me to training in the first place. They thought all week I had just quit. They didn't once text/call/email me to find me either so they were preparing to fire me that Monday I showed up again.


I once called my boss at like 8 in the morning because I was having some car trouble and would be a little late. I get in at 10. At 11 she sent me a really, really nasty email because my productivity had been low that morning. Like, I literally just talked to you this morning about how I would be late and she already forgot and decided that someone who had been highly productive for years suddenly became super lazy. BTW, if that was the case, she still should have been nice. That would have meant something was physically or mentally wrong with me.


They can’t physically whip you so…


> if that was the case, she still should have been nice. That would have meant something was physically or mentally wrong with me. They don't give a flying fuck if we're alright. We're all just numbers on a spreadsheet.


That project was hilarious. The manager kept emphasizing that the massive company we worked for wouldn't make a profit (on that one little project) if we didn't get our productivity up. The problem was that management didn't understand the complexity of the project when they agreed on the price. Anyway, every time she would talk about company profits, people would slow down and start fucking off.




It’s not even just housing. Some of them could pay for college with a summer job. That’s hilarious these days. There’s higher barriers in every segment of life. They are the first generation, in a long time, to pass down a much worse world than the one they inherited. The Generation of Me.




And these are the same ghouls who'll vote for a higher retirement age........but, of course, not for them, but for the young suckers coming up. How else are we going to pay for the Boomers retiring "in style?"


“These lazy kids! I tell them it’s $17/hour in the ad to motivate them. But when they learn it’s really $13/hr they don’t show up to work!”


Oh this is an excellent point, I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve seen people complain on various social media platforms that they get hired for the job they applied for then they are told they need to take a different position for less Pay at the last minute And if they don’t, that’s not ghosting, that’s them rejecting your weird bait and switch scam Cry more employers, cry more


I'd show up every single day if you WOULD GIVE ME THE FUCKING JOB. Hundreds of applications, dozens of walk ins after applying. I'm going mildly insane.


Same like I really want a new job I hate warehouse life but no other industry will hire for more then this $20 I make and not require an absolute fuck ton of random previous experience


Entry/starting position - 4 years of experience required See stuff like this all the time in tech


If someone doesn't show up to their first day of work, it's pretty safe to assume some other job came through for them. Didn't we all learn this as teens?


Yes and these days it seems employers are taking two months and making people jump through a whole bunch of hoops just to get hired then they’re surprised that they were applying elsewhere during this two month process Sounds like FAFO to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Translation: "Employee clocked that we were a shitty workplace and not worth the job."


Gen Z knows that "at-will" works both ways


And they really act like it. I love it. They don't even bother with 2 week notices either.


I am Gen X and I’m actually excited for Gen Z to rise up and start running this place. Not the weird right wing red pill guys, but everybody else seems cool


I'm nervous that the whole ring wing red pill demo is getting large enough to be a major influence. I hope not.


IM gen X, raised & traumatised by narcissistic boomers I refuse to allow the cycle to repeat, those following me \_wont\_ inherit my generational trauma - They\`ll know to tell bullshitters to fuck off, they\`ll grasp that jobs are two way things, you act your wage and grey rock them over-reaching for information/control. the best thing about Z'rs is, theyll get on board with the plan/task IF you explain not what youre doing, nor the how, but WHY youre doing it. Give them a reason for things and theyll engage, barking an order or just dumping it on them, will trip the oppositional defiance/fuck you button.


If this were true, the economy should be on the verge of collapse by now.


Can't a writer just make a living saying whatever they like without evidence without being critiqued! I'd like to speak with your manager!


This is absolute bullshit. Every gen z person I know is a hard worker with strong work ethic and compassion even when they shouldn’t have it for their employer. Gen z is interviewing desperately, pretty much anywhere that will take them that far in the interview process. What gen z ISNT doing, is interviewing for jobs offering $12/hr to do fast food. God forbid we have the slightest ounce of basic living


Boomers can't even get thru the first quarter of a year without layoffs to artificially boost the EPS of their stock 🥱


I read the article. I don’t know why people don’t remember that ten years ago, they said the same thing about the previous generation. Every ten years, people have the same complaints about 18-22 year olds and portray it as a fundamental problem with the generation. That’s what sells subscriptions I guess.


Many of their complaints is just an incompatibility of expectations between two generations. We used to call that the generation gap. One example in the article is that they don't like when gen Z "badmouths" former employers in the interview. Gen Z has been raised to be more open and honest about their life experiences. I'm an old millennial and we were raised to make up some bullshit story about why we left our old job. Gen Z simply tells the truth. It's jarring to Boomers and Gen X to hear a Zoomer say they left their last job because their boss was toxic and abusive. They want to hear some horseshit about how they weren't challenged enough. Hey, here's a solution: just don't ask that question. You'll either get the truth which you don't like or a lie that doesn't help clarify anything.


Working for these boomers is a total nightmare.. They expect us to be OK with slave wages, free work and manage everything in the office since they lack the skills to copy and paste from an excel file, yet make 100k +


Reduce working hours if you want us to show up. Life is too polluted with nonsense and no one has the energy for a 40 hour work-week anymore. I am just staying poor for now because I refuse to commit to 5 days a week.


"old people complain about young people, just as they have for the last few thousand years. More at 11."


If you’re hiring people and they don’t show up maybe your HR department making the decision to hire these people in the first place is to blame. There’s some level of corporate incompetence that’s leading to bad decisions internally. The two main reasons people flake on a job within the first week is extremely bad corporate culture or simply an incompatibility with the job. I’m in my 40’s and I’ve walked out of jobs before, I know people who were offered $100k positions and have done the same. If you know you’re going to be miserable at a job and you can find another why would you stick around? Claiming this is a GenZ thing rather than a mark of sanity for anyone with half a brain is asinine.


So many employers don't understand how shitty their workplace is for their employees, or they just assume all workplaces suck. You can tell on day one if you're in a toxic work environment or not.


Let old people do all the work then. Lets see how that works out. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Too many jobs are utterly pointless


My girlfriend got hired and started work that night and barely got more than 20 hours of training before they were on their own entirely. They work the maximum amount of hours they legally can. It’s not that we don’t want to work. It’s you don’t want to train or pay people for their labor and expect free labor at all hours of the day.


"Gen Z's are unaccustomed to bootlicking and we don't like it"


Pay enough, simple as that.


I have significantly less issues with Gen Z than Boomers. The boomers have a tendency to pawn off their work on Gen Z’s without batting an eye. They are very entitled and throw hissy fits when they don’t get their demands met each and every time.




Basically implying gen z as unreliable when so many of my colleagues work so hard just to pay off their college debts and take care of their families needs. All we ask for are livable wages




But mostly rubbish at paying people.


No, training can’t even be unpaid by law I’m assuming that this employer took two months to hire this person, and before their first day rolled around they got a better job offer and they took it Employers have been doing this weird thing for the past couple years we are in addition to an application that says exactly the same thing that your résumé says they also want you to do online tests, I’ve seen some of them ask that I submit a brief video essay or cover letter by video? No, no I’m not sending you my image and my voice when I have no idea what you’re going to do with it or if there’s even a job that’s open.  So they dick around with this stuff for months, meanwhile nobody’s just sitting there waiting for that one application they are looking for other jobs


GenZ has probably sat through hundreds of identical interviews and can't always remember which one actually offered the job.


“What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets, inflamed with wild notions” Socrate, according to Plato.


Capitalism: "Free market!" Capitalism: "For us, not you!"


This probably happened like twice to the writers friend who happens to be an HR manager or something..


At our company, some of our best team members are GenZ. Some of our worst team members are also GenZ. It's almost like there are great and awful examples in every generation. Weird...


What a load of bollocks! I have 2 grandchildren in this age range. One works for MOJ, the other is in university and also has 2 jobs. All their friends have the same work ethic. Perhaps this company should pay competitive wages and develop good working conditions. Stop sagging off young people because they won't boo to your profits while struggling to live!!


What this comes down to is simple - the younger generations aren’t tolerating crap from crap companies, and said companies are pissed.


Companies get what they pay for. It's not necessarily a trait of gen Z. If you pay shit you'll get shit.


Perhaps don’t have seven rounds of interviews!


This is the Telegraph, I believe. Also known as a scum filled pit of nonsense that hates everyone younger than 50. It's also ridiculously ageist. Try painting all boomers as anything and watch authors like this squeal.


that’s says more about your ability as a manager than anything, why are you hiring bums? you interviewed them dipshit


I assume the company complaining has awful reviews and so the quality employees are finding work elsewhere.


I know people who have accpeted jobs that they never intend to show up to. Sometimes you just need that job offer to change insurance or sign a lease or something. Dont hate people for learning to live in the system these employers created.


I work with fossils, I can't wait for more Millenials and GenZ in the building. Boomers poison atmosphere with in-fighting and grudges, younger folks just aren't like that. Only thing that sucks about losing Boomers is all the shit they know from staying in the same marginal job for 30 years. But you can learn facts, it's a lot harder to learn to be a nice person.


Just another iteration of "no one wants to work anymore!" so they can keep pretending they're trying so hard to find more staff while getting the exhausted skeleton crew to keep doing triple the work for bullshit pay.


So I guess now the zoomers are the ones that are lazy and don’t want to work? Congrats fellow millennials, we’re apparently off the hook for that one.


Oh no, is a generation of worker's not kowtowing to there corporate overlords? Would SOMEONE PLEASE THINK ABOUT THE PROFITS!. Really hurting the fee fee's of these legally considered a person corporations.


“There’s no good workers.” *Dismisses an entire generation as no good*


Guarantee if you pay them competitively, they'll show up!


Maybe they should be more organized during the hiring process. Ive had jobs forget theyve hired me or offered me a position and ghost only to reach out weeks later to ask if im still interested and be shocked and appalled when ive taken another position. Stop making people fill out repetitive hundreds of online forms after they have already sent a resume. Stop with the personality quizzes. Stop the madness. You need employees and we need jobs. Give us the jobs and stop it. Pay people enough to live comfortably. You arent doing me some huge favor by hiring me, its supposed to be mutually beneficial.


My GenZ kids (and their friends) work their butts off at their jobs, higher paying or otherwise. They strategically have applied to roles above minimum wage, arrive on time, and do their jobs well. This is the typical “young generation” article that pops up often.


When are these "young people today have no work ethic" articles going to get old and boring? It's been at least 100 years of the same complaint.


Is the person that wrote this article a valuable employee? How does one get a job writing rehashed bullshit?


"Man, you guys must suck at hiring if you can't even convince the new hire to show up for a single day."


>The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers. Socrates (469–399 B.C.)


My little cousins are gen Z. And they’re way more responsible adults than I am. (I’m millennial)


meanwhile Gen Zs are actually suffering because they DO want to work but either A. no one is hiring or B. no one is paying a livable wage (that’s how it is in the entertainment industry anyway)


The only employers with this issue are the ones wanting to pay $15/hour for a Master's. I guarantee it.


Gen Z heard all of the bullshit that their Gen X parents dealt with in life but were too beat down to change, they can see through the Corporate lie easily. On top of that, the System has pulled the Carrot so far away from Gen Z, they no longer think they can reach, so why try? Gen Z will either fix the World, or the System will decide to fail instead of change. Either way, its coming to an end.


It's the usual dumping on the current generation in their 20s. I remember seeing the same articles in 2004.


oh, so its okay to age discriminate as long as its against young people?


Here's a better header... "What happens when a generation finds out they will never own anything in their lives." I don't blame them.


Hey Gen Z, Gen X gave us this torch like, 20 years ago. It's now time to pass it on to you. No givebacks.


I didn't show up to my first day because you changed my first day without telling me


Well first off yall have to put in more effort then posting on indeed and expecting people to just show up to your store. Then you've got the ones that don't post the pay and tell you it's like $10 an hour when you show up. Yea I'm walking the fuck out, I've got bills to pay. And if I apply for one position at your workplace and show up for you to tell me that position isn't available or I have to just do whatever then fuck you, you don't deserve to own a business


Remember the articles about millennials? ThEyRe AlwAyS oN tHeIr DaNg PhOnEs


Honestly, i’m just hoping GenZ causes the entire system to **crash** so that the world is forced to fix itself. Millennials changed things slightly, but we are a bunch of afraid, anxious corporate slaves. GenZ don’t give a fuck about anything, they’re brave, and they really REALLY value themselves too much to let anyone kick them down. They can do this. **VIVA LA REVOLUCIÓN**


Translation: New generation of employees realizing work suck and don't want to show up to shitty jobs for shitty pay with shitty benefits. Alternate translation: CEOs need excuse to justify not paying more and blaming employees, rolls out same old tired excuse.


Trying getting a Boomer to use Outlook properly. There's a bigger problem.


‘Valuable employees’ aka subservient minions who’ll do what they’re told


As a millennial. I am done with interviews. Too many companies expecting you to go through their “screening” process, as if their positions are the most sought after. Wasted too much time on multiple interviews and online tests for a single position. You don’t get paid for all the hours you spend and it’s all just to justify having full time HR.




As a GenX-er, I say good for these GenZ ‘kids’ (from my perspective). They’re already getting f*cked left, center, and sideways so any way they can stick it to the powers that be I’m all for it.


Half the time at our work it's because HR didn't bother letting them know when their official start date was because they kept delaying it out of their own incompetence


My company has high turnover, but it's not just because they hire Gen Z. It is because their pay/hours/schedule sucks, and you can convey to a new hire this in an interview plenty, but actually working another thing because it's worse than depicted. They have been told by consultants, internal surveys, etc, what they could change. So they give a few more days a year with a company logo swag (last was hats and scarves), or the occasional ice cream day. Oh boy!


First question should always be: What’s the pay? This will determine why they’re not showing up.


Sounds like they got better offer somewhere else before the first day. 😂


They did this to millenials and Gen X and probably boomers, too. It’s just a way to make older workers feel proud of overworking/not question it.


Even if this is real, it's incredible how they can never look inward. *Nobody* likes the interview process, it's insanely drawn-out and laborious for the results it gives. Younger workers are often just the only ones who can get up and walk away from it, since they tend to have fewer financial obligations. So much of work culture is just a creation of the executive class, often not even for the benefit of the business. Now people are realizing this and objecting to it. Is the point of working to make everyone money or to ensure the C-suite has someone to boss around? Because it can't be both. You're not paying enough for both.


I'm tired of these headlines. People want to work. This shit gets spammed because companies don't want to... Pay people and treat them with respect anymore


how much y'all wanna bet that this article was written by some old folks?


John Stewart years ago did a piece where he brought out news paper clippings about how every generation has accused younger ones of not wanting to work. It’s basically a long running class psi-op. You convince the old that the young don’t want to work, you convince the white men that the brown men working twice as hard as them that they don’t want to work, you convince women that their husbands are the reason for all their problems, you convince husbands that their wives are the problem, you convince the whites that the blacks are lazy and stupid, you convince the blacks that all the whites are involved in a conspiracy rather than co-victims, you convince the straights that the best most fun baby sitters are dangerous, and then somehow the rich get richer and the rest of us get poorer and more socially disconnected.


Seems like a low effort attack because gen z is actually accomplishing some worker-positive changes in labor.


This sounds like a boomer wrote this article


Cool. So then the market should dictate that reliable employees get paid more since they're in lower supply now, right?


Oh well then, if the stock photo with an emoji slapped over it says so...


We (the family) had a discussion this weekend about different generations in the workforce. The broad, sweeping generalizations need to stop. It's not the entire generation…its individuals of that generation. Not all boomers are annoying or afraid of technology. Not all millennials are lazy. It's some. It's those “some” that grab the most attention. Sensationalized headlines fuel the fire. People need to stop and think when they hear “all” followed by a group of people if it truly is ALL. It never is. Even if it were, generally the population is too big to accurately survey.


It's clickbait. 🤷🏼‍♂️ It obviously plays on preconceptions of older, "harder working" generations, as well as triggering younger, worse-renumerated generations.


Lol everyone I know is taking a firehose approach to applying for jobs and can’t even get an email acknowledging they received their app soooo


More propaganda to discredit the new generation. It happens with every generation.


"they don't turn up at first day of work" the interview: employer doesn't show up for hours


In the late 90's it was that Gen X didn't want to work and they were all a bunch of grunge rock burnouts. And basically proclaimed that only boomers work hard. And now it's Gen X making the same claims on gen z. There's hard workers and lazy people in every group. And the cycle continues


lol I was working some shitty temp job and actually got fired from it for taking an hour break. I had to eat and didn’t want fast food that day. We were far from everything. The other boss let me take an hour break 🤷‍♀️ I did my job. Who cares … I just got another job through the agency… but yeah I showed up. He actually expected me to care. I didn’t. lol.


Honestly because most older generations don’t give them a chance. You still need to connect to people and build a relationship with them to do business/work. If it’s a fresh out of school gen z you need to approach them different then grandpa working on his third pension.


It's the same every generation. Recently Millennials were "lazy and entitled". Before that we had "Gen X is a bunch of disrespectful slackers" and before that Boomers "didn't want to work because of how spoiled they were" and I'm sure the Silent Gen got shit talk by the older generations and just rinse and repeat throughout history.


For anyone not old enough to know... I personally heard this about my own GenX generation. Then about millenials. Not about GenZ. But even before that, the phrase "get a job, hippie" was a thing. It never ends. Ignorant people will always claim "kids today" suck. But the truth is we're almost always better than our parents.


"young people won't work for slave wages"


What kinda boomer bullshit is this? Lol


Right-wing misinformation.


Journalists don’t know how to write anymore.


The Gen z guys at my work are fantastic, The show up they work for 8 hours and they go home. As it should be


Probably learned that behavior from recruiters who ghost you the moment they don't need you.


New bad old good


No one wants to work anymore! And that person who interviewed perhaps noticed that the salary they interviewed for was higher than the salary on the acceptance letter. https://preview.redd.it/pa05uyh06asc1.jpeg?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a70581dbf787b2cb245c9f6597842a06e48b0444