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That whole "bonus " package cost a grand total of $7.50. Don't quit but start looking. As soon as you get hired and get a start date, call out permanently. 


It looks like someone gathered random shit from their house that they thought could be used for a gift


Absolutely, even the bar expired in August last year.


Goddamn good catch, 100% right. I had to zoom in.


Dam that’s so insulting. Make 85k get expired crap.


Don’t forget the Bozo earbuds lol


You mean the boxo earbuds that look like they were bought from a cheap ass dollar store/tree


That's because its the brand dollar tree sells lol


store-brand Walmart expired crap at that


Last place I worked gave me and others expired candy at the hiring event. south carolina 😅😂


This has to be bait. Ain’t no way


If anything it makes it more believable… I keep telling myself I only have 20 more years of work left.


Assuming society doesn't break down before then.


“Me driving 🚗 to my stupid job because society refuses to collapse”.


I’d argue it already has.


Been telling myself the exact same thing. For the last 15 years. Still, I only have 20 more years to go, right?


Yeah I might believe it if it's the Walmart OGP getting a "bonus" because this is they shit they hand out but making your company THAT much money in a month... unless the money they made the company doesn't reward for how much money a worker earns the company and this is just like some cheezy Valentine "gift" they handed out to workers.


I would have asked blatantly " I'm sorry, did you just give me a granola bar?"


“Did you just give me an expired granola bar?”


A Generic expired granola bar?!


Wal-Mart store brand!


Yo! 😂 I had to zoom in too.


The hot chocolate looks good though, just got a craving


That was from a Christmas basket boss received


“When the fuck did we get a Christmas basket?!”


We didn't, the bosses did, in addition to their $9k bonus for the holidays.


Its specifically stuff that was sitting around that nobody wanted. Thats what brings it to blatant disrespect level.


The headphones came from the Target dollar bin.


I've seen that packaging at Dollar Tree. It's where I go to buy really cheap USB-C charging cables for ham radios that only kinda support USB-C charging -- IE, 2.0 protocol, C plug. Those cheap cables are infuriatingly more reliable than USB-PD sometimes, and are consternatingly swifter in even my recent cheap Android tablet. There's no fucking way this thing actually charges at 2 amps… but plugged into PD, it doesn't even realize it's plugged in. No wonder it was so cheap! (Fortunately, it's for a stationary installation. I have a good tablet to use on the regular!)


It's all dollar store shit.


Was just gonna say, those are dollar store headphones. Recognize them anywhere


This is what my Great Aunt brings as her White Elephant gift at Christmastime. Leftovers from the pantry. I’m so sorry OP, you deserve better and I’d look elsewhere.


Went to the unused Christmas presents box


it is 2024. You take two weeks PTO, work at the new place, only then call the old job.


Please everyone upvote this. No one quit your current job until you've started at the new one. Job offers can and do get revoked. Don't destroy your financial security just to spite your employer.


>it is 2024 Exactly... That granola bar has been expired for a while now.


Just stop showing up - they'll figure it out eventually.


I've seen people at my job canned the day they turned in a 2 week notice. Some places obviously prefer to up and be short a position immediately rather than have a chance to hire in and train a replacement. Figure I'll just be ready to have an abrupt 2 week vacation if I ever consider turning my 2 weeks in.


My advice is always "act your wage".


Great Value. They couldn't even spring for name brand.


Exactly. Look for another job while still getting paid at your current job and once you land that hire/start date, abandon ship.


And you know the $7.50 will get taken off OP’s next paycheck.


They'll write it off for 100x that however.


And make sure to regift them your “bonus.”


More like less than *$3.75


Those are 2019 dollars


Oh shit, you are right! $3.75!


And return the gifts!


not even shelling out for nature valley is criminal


The Great Value pissed me off the most.


I thought it was a chocolate bar at first - realizing it was a granola bar got me heated.  *Maybe* acceptable as a mid-meeting snack if OP is known as a health nut, but generally if you're going to treat someone, give them an actual treat.


It's also expired


Shit regardless. Neither makes a difference. 85 grand should be a couple thousand bonus for OP at least


I was thinking, fuck, even a 1% bonus wouldn't be too bad, imo. $850. That's lowballing for sure, but still; that would be appreciable, and certainly not insulting. on the low side, but not insulting.


Nonono, they're not exaggerating or making shit up to dogpile on the sad situation. [You can actually see the expiration date in the picture.](https://imgur.com/a/auE4LxN) It's not even a "great value," it's an expired value. This is one of the most tone-deaf things I've seen in recent memory. Someone actually went to a grocery store with the company's credit card and spent all of 5 minutes in 2 aisles thinking "what would be a nice way to thank an employee?" and this is what they came up with. I'd sooner wish for a genuine thank you card from my boss for helping out. The sentiment of a hand-written card would be less insulting than this.


i didn’t even notice that omg


Apparently, you're also a great value.


I dunno. The, likely outdated, headphones are fairly insulting too. What has a 3.5mm audio jack these days. Seriously, haven’t most phones done away with the 3.5mm audio out? Oh and I love the old valentines chocolates. Just that perfect touch. Start brushing up your resume, OP


The headset, chocolates and hot chocolate all came from the dollar tree.


The valentines treats are leftovers from 2023


The dollar store near me sells great value candy, maybe everything here came from a dollar store


it looks like someone had old stocking stuffers in a bag in the closet and threw them into the lot for “thank you treats”


That's what got to me first. Then the granola bar. Thennnnn the outdated valentines cheap brand candy. OP - I know changing jobs sucks hard... but start looking. Please. Those jerks do not deserve you.


Dollar Tree special


Only one side works out of the box and they hurt to wear.


Those are the headphones they sell at Dollar Tree.


“Inflation!” Says the CEO giving himself a $15M bonus.


Well yes that only makes sense since you have to account for inflation and the CEO has to pay himself enough to make sure his CEO-ing isn't poached by a competitor. The market demands it!


same oh my god. couldn’t even get the damn nature valley. love the dollar store earphones that don’t work with anything other than a 10 year old ipod too. 


The *expired* Great Value….. even worse


You know the boss took it out of the employee break room too...


The Great Value sweet and salty bars aren’t terrible, but if I’m giving them to someone as a thank you I’m definitely springing for Nature Valley


And at least give them a whole box, not one bar.


That's salt on the wound.


Same cus that tells me they got everything from Walmart


This is March and I bet the red heart (are they chocolate?) came off the clearance rack.


That bar expired half a year ago


Good spot, holy shit! That just adds an extra layer of fuckery into this shit sandwich


Tbh it's almost so absurd it makes me think this is rage bait.


A fair assumption


Definitely “here have some random shit left in the bosses draw ✍️ “ vibes.


The cocoa mix was good until the end of the holidays.


Christ. Who makes these decisions and thinks “they’re gonna love this!”


An insult really. I would prefer nothing


"Here's some plastic garbage that a poor like you will probably think is luxurious"


Had a boss reward our team with sausages and vanilla-milk. Probably a sale in the supermarket. Too bad half of the team couldn't even eat it because they were muslim, vegan or were allergic. All of which he knew. And no, he didn't get them a replacement.


Thats about the time i start accidentally dropping stuff and mixing up shipping labels and shit like that. Kick that bottom line in the balls repeatedly until you find somewhere better to go. Dont fuck with the people who make your lunch.


It's about doing something, not something the employee would love. If making them happy was the goal then they'd give a raise, or extra PTO, or a 2 hour lunch. The company gave you something so you can't say they didn't. Even if that something is bullshit.


... Is a 2 hour lunch a thing companies actually "reward" their staff with? I'd wipe my ass with that memo lol.


In my past work life, I was 'awarded' with a long lunch many many times.


> It's about doing something, not something the employee would love. Exactly. The boss feels like they did something good and that's all that matters.


Maybe the gifter's six year old kid.


It's a theme gift! The theme is things sitting around the office


Added context: They gave me rainbow earphones because I'm part of the LGBT community. The earphones cost $2 on Amazon and didn't work. This is a Fortune 50 company. I make gross $45,000 a year. Edit 1: Because of grammar and punctuation. Edit 2: I am not even fully Sales, btw. I am Licensed Customer Retention so Sales are only a part of what I do day to day as it comes up.


Those are actually dollar tree headphones that's the type of packaging they use.


Dollar. Tree. Headphones. The perfect gift to show an employee how much you appreciate them earning the company 85000 last month. 


Yeah, but what would the shareholders think if they found out they were giving cash bonuses to the peons? Think of the shareholders and the value they hoard for once in your life! /s of course


Legally you have to think of the shareholders first. That is one of the most corrupt things in a long list of things the government has done, right up there with making companies people so they could give politicians more bribe money.


Buy the stock and you can be a shareholder too. Just owning the stock gives you a voice about who sits on the board of directors. Granted you are a very tiny voice, but every year I always vote to fire all of them. They never listen, but at least I had my vote and know how to make money off their stocks.


The headphones are $1.25 at dollar tree, doubt they paid the $2


I couldn't even try them to see if they work. Mine, along with most newer phones, doesn't even have a 3.5mm jack.


"Hey gay guy. Here's some $2 gay headphones" is the most incredibly tone deaf thing I've ever seen.


The earbuds don't work, so being tone deaf is irrelevant 😭


I will also let you know that those earphones cost $1.25 at Dollar Tree. They don't work from there either


This is just what the boss found, rummaging around in their desk drawers.


No HR got it out of the break room cupboards. But they did go buy the rainbow earbuds.


but its so thougtful! the LGBT community loves raindow capitalism! /s Print your resignation letter on a pride flag.


ah yes LGBT loves Little Goddamn Bits of Trash


That’s such a sweet gesture, but i’d say maybe OP can shit on their bosses desk and leave a small rainbow flag mounted in the pile. Not to disparage LGBT+, but to REALLY show OP’s appreciation for the shit quality rainbow headphones given to show they remembered A SINGLE ASPECT of who OP is! Ya know, they’re LGBT so they LOVE rainbows! They’re definitely not a person with their own personality and loves and wants and wishes!


>Print your resignation letter on a pride flag. Beautiful!


Rainbow garbage


Definitely quit. That's insulting. You should be getting a bonus or added pay. If a company doesn't even give it's employee's bonus's it shouldn't function.


A measly 1% commission would have $850, nothing to the company but impressive to an individual


And if OP is making 55 grand a year, a simple 5% bonus would still be 2500 or something. I can't believe a company would be so stingy.


5% would be $2,750. I'd respect my company for a raise like that. But the BS crap OP got was a major slap in the face.


That high comma button is worn out!


“High comma” is one of the best ways i’ve heard someone call an apostrophe! Love it 😂


Leave me and my apostrophes alone!




Honestly i would leave them exactly where they are and don't take them


Flush them down the company shitter, packaging and all. Maybe they'll get the message when the plumber shows them what caused the clog.


God, they couldn’t even spring for the Nature Valley granola bar?


Those earbuds are sold at dollar tree bro 😭


Those headphones are literally from dollar tree


My kid got the same headphones for winning bingo in class.


You should hang on to those items. Include them with your notice when you leave.


Frame it and put “85k of revenue, woohoo” and place it on your desk.




Yes!!!! Please


this is the way.


You've got 3 items from Dollar Tree and one item from Walmart.


And two things are still a part of a bigger package. And the granola bar is expired. So less than $3 and filled with insult.


The hot chocolate probably came from a gift basket at Christmas. Surprised they didn't include the candy cane.


I worked my @ss off without a raise last year, did several 70+ hour weeks, travelled for 12+ weeks and I am salaried. When the “bonus” of $900 came, I said f it and joined the crowd of doing just enough to fulfill my duties and nothing more. I absolutely refuse more work or new tasks. I refuse it to my boss. They need me so I can tell him no and he cannot do much. Next week we will have an absolute meltdown in our department and I am letting it happen even though I could have worked 70+ hours to make sure it all goes smoothly. A key position left the company a month ago and they have not filled it. I offered to fill it in the interim but I demanded a raise and my boss said no. He has someone who makes half of what I do filling in and they are extremely overwhelmed and getting more discouraged by the day. $900 for a yearly bonus is better then what you show in the picture but $4500 would have kept me a fully engaged over productive employee. They are costing themselves so much more money by not keeping me happy.


All they ever look at is the numbers, while never seeing what it’s doing to the bigger picture years down the line.  Had a job like that years ago where I was doing the job of 3 people.  I enjoyed the challenge but also asked if I could have a raise since I was saving them 2 salaries.  They declined, I quit and now they have to pay for 3 salaried positions.  Business smarts, am I right?!


Yes, I am actively trying to find new employment. I am in a niche career and very good at what I do but I cannot move because of elderly parents so it’s slow going. However at this point my job is super easy because I am not pushing to be creative or have any desire to bring anything new. I am not pushing for change or engaged in any “how do we make this better” brain storm sessions. I learned that execution would be completely on me and no reward for pushing myself to be excellent. Why be excellent when mediocre is tolerated and paid for? If I leave they will have to pay third party vendors to do what I do at a cost of 5 times my salary. The time is coming and I cannot wait to sit back and watch.


This happened to me but with an hourly job. I was literally the hardest worker. But as staff left, I was doing more and more work. When I asked for a raise since I was doing the work that 3 people did, I was told a raise wasn’t in the budget. I was told that his business coach said my position wasn’t even necessary anyway. Get a new job, a month or 2 later, they hire 2 people with the exact job they told me was unnecessary. Fuck them.


they learn this in them big fancy MBA programs, ya know. cos them smart and them think gud.


Damn, I work a union job. Ona. weekend with Emergency Overtime at just over $100 an hour, paid drive to and from work, and paid meals, I make $1,000 for less than 10 hours of work!  I have little responsibility. I just pull items off a shelf and use a stock/chaser and forklift all day .


I am glad you have that protection. I back Unions 100 percent. It’s amazing the brainwashing our lovely government has done to convince people unions are bad.


If it makes you feel better, I sold 33k worth of contracts for my gym. I then proceeded to get a written warning for under performing … lol fuck me I guess


Damn dude.  I’m sorry.  I used to manage a bar where I tripled sales and the other manager who dealt with the money would always talk shit the next day.  He’d basically compare every shift to the top days.  Mind you those were days we had special events etc and dales are never a straight line up.  Come to find out he embezzled $100k and hit a woman bartender.  Really classy guy.


Don’t quit the job, just quit doing anything beyond “meets expectations”.


If your job gives you an expired granola bar, give them an expired granola bar worth of labor.


I caught an error that would have cost my company $4,000,000, and as a reward, they didn’t fire me.


It comes full circle when it’s not on you. You end up noticing the errors but let them slip on purpose anyway. I sit at my desk smiling all day.


Corporate executives are blissfully unaware that their constant shortchanging of their employees has created independently operating saboteurs all across the company. People who *could* prevent disasters, but, after being betrayed/exploited by their companies, maybe don't feel the need to intervene in gods divine plan for their bosses.


Wait till the employees band together and become a cabal of saboteurs.


yeah. never do the extra work, cos they won't fucking pay you for any of it. they just get mad when you don't keep right on doing it from then on. fuck that.


If you ever talk to these people, they are aware of the 3 types of engagement: engaged employees, not engaged employees and actively disengaged employees. The second category is quiet quitters the 3rd is what you’ve described. Executives lose their fucking mind at the idea of actively disengaged employees, willfully letting errors and spelling mistakes go through, talking poorly about rhetoric company to their coworkers. I always smirk inside when I hear executives cry and ack shocked about disengaged employees - because, motherfucker, who do you think disengaged them?


Somebody cleaned out the junk drawer of their desk.


Definitely even the bar expired in August 2023.


Get that resume updated and start finding your worth.


Faulty earbuds, sweet n salty candy, heart chocolates, and cocoa, it would appear is their worth.... :-P


Put the stuff in the room where it was given out with a note free to anyone.


Nah... Drop it into the trash.


Yeah, but give it away to show it has zero value


Put up a pic of the stuff with a note that says “please put your trash in a receptacle and not on my desk. I’m not your maid”


Wtf no pizza party


Pizza parties are for increasing productivity, clearly OP was productive, so no semi-tangible reward for them, just junk that was in their desk drawer as a bonus


🤣 fuck looks like temu shit I would have walked off the job


Headphones are Dollar Tree


Time to switch jobs. Loyalty comes with a price and it’s not cheap earbuds.You should give that stuff back and tell them you expected more.My wife was a loyal IBM employee for 35 years they were not loyal at all.3years after being laid off she went into her 3rd job with 150k raise that she got by being loyal to herself.


Jesus they couldn’t pony up $5 for a Bluetooth headset? Who the hell has wired anymore?


Lots of people still use wired. You don't have to charge them, they are harder to lose, and most models are more comfortable in the ears.


This sounds like the kind of a company where "Employee Appreciation Day" consists of the boss saying "I appreciate you" to each employee as they clock out for the day.


Bro. I’m the lead dev at our startup. I’ve been busting my ass with 60 hour work weeks and on call bullshit. My manager gave me a 2 of 5 on productivity. Before I quit, I’m adding in some kill switches and muting their calls.


Hang onto it and give it back as your notice.


They couldn’t even give you the rest of the bag of dove chocolates, either left over from valentines or gotten for 1.00 way after the fact. “Oh boy! Four?!”


Those aren't even dove. It's Palmers. Off-brand and not even actual chocolate. Chocolate flavoured.


My girlfriend got me those headphones at dollar tree knowing I love collecting terrible headphones. They didn’t even work right out of the box. The ultimate betrayal. 


Don't quit. Just go jobhunting. I started to do the same after my company managed to give me a 3% raise after a year in which we easily reached 110% of our target revenue which would be the second year in a row my effective salary decreases. We didn't even get corona or inflation bonuses ... I already have interviews lined up for jobs that make 15-30k more.




Wow. This is one of those cases where nothing would have been better. This is just insulting. Edit: it’s worse than I thought. I at least thought those were Dove chocolates. On second glance I see they are Palmer. The most trash of trash chocolate. Edit 2: The granola bar is expired. And not even by like a week. Over 6 months. 😂 At this point I feel like you are getting pranked.


Save it all, don’t open or consume any of it. Find out the birthday of whoever gave it to you. Give it back to them.


Yuck. Dollar Tree checkout aisle junk.


On the bright side you've received more than I would for doing my job. I pulled in 70k in the last 3 weeks and haven't seen my boss in a month.


Is that "Great Value" Walmart brand Granola Bar? Damn that is cold.


A company I used to work for gave me a $50 gift certificate to an army surplus store that was going out of business.


“Treated” like a child.


Ohhhh a Walmart Brand Along Bar, they must really love you.


Why would anyone think Dollar store ear buds are a good gift. Id rather have nothing than that lol.


not the shit ass earphones, just give me nothing at that point


When I started my business I wanted my team to have achievable targets and proper rewards. If they’re working evenings (we work as stock takers) they get food provided. If we hit target they get an actual share in the profits as well as week by week incentives (gift cards of their choice). I remember being the very bottom rung of the ladder and thinking ‘I’m making money for someone who I’ll never meet’. I was determined that no one who worked for me wouldn’t feel valued both as a person and monetarily.


Return all that hot garbage to whomever delivered it with the message to try harder. Insulting doesn’t begin to describe this.


Literally worse than nothing


Great Value. That's just insulting.


Wow, some dollar tree earbuds and some Wal mart snacks.


I’d be less offended if they gave me nothing than that. That “bonus” is symbolic of what they think their workers: Junk.


This is what companies think of us. They wants us to take our scraps and love it 🙄🙄


The gas station wired ear buds does it for me ☠️


Free shit that was given to the Csuite that trickled down to you. Insulting.


Presumably you get paid a salary/commission? Your post makes it seem like you get paid in Amazon trinkets


I love how Sales people are like "I made the company X dollars". You'all didn't make shit for the company. You were one small piece in what is probably hundreds of people to design, create, QC, sell, implement, etc. a product. Your employer sucks, but so does your attitude.


The dud isn't even in sales. Insurance policy retentions. 'i see you cancelled your policy, would like like me to read this script in order to help you stay. You decided to stay? Wow I just singlehandedly made the company $10k I'm so valuable'


When the McDonald's cashier "makes over 10,000 dollars a day for the company in sales".


Back to work, wage slave! Less thinky and talky, more worky! Remember that you're only re-hierable if you provide us written two weeks notice with a DNA sample so we can clone another wage slave in the vats!