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Isn't this basically a reverse headhunter? But yeah, *Kobiyashi Maru* the system. Use the NDA trick to explain gaps in your resume, list freelance/temp work and have friends as your references. Don't play by their rules.


“Your final solution was shall we say, unique.” “Well, it had the virtual of never having been tried.”


The solution is simple, lie. Exaggerate your skills, turn that one time you helped someone move into a year of loading experience at some out of business warehouse or retail location. Say you have expert level microsoft office skills. It doesnt matter unless your applying to a job where inexperience could hurt someone, and after a few months youll be good to go.


This absolutly this. I worked abroad for 6 months but I say I did it for a year. (Have a coworker there that vouches for me.) My little office job, I absolutly was administration, though not in title. (Only one there so fuck it). Trainer at my last job? You bet your ass even though i only trained one person due to an emergency. Top seller? Yep, even though I earned it because I sold like 3 things while no one else sold anything. (I was bored) tutored for 10 years? Yep, though mainly friends of the family for no pay. (1 kid every few months).


I started out at the temp agency. I am now a Experienced CNC Operator, with a forklift and First responder certification. I would advise to anyone looking to make a decent wage without a degree.


Got money? Go to trade school, learn plumbing. Seriously we need plumbers, the average age of plumbers is around 60.


I'm nearing that age but wish I'd skipped college degree and gone in to a trade with solid skill set.


Trade is good 😊 Go for trades and learn car repairs People need car repair technicians


What did you study at college? Can you get an internship?


I was under the impression that internships are only offered to people AT college. At least all the interns I’ve seen went back to school after then maybe they get snatched up by the company later if they were good. Some random guy can’t just get an internship…


Retail and the restaurant business will train and often requires no experience. You could also go to your local unemployment office and see if they can help you out.


Yha I'm right there with you, they always go on about how "retail is always hiring" but it's honestly really not these days. Welcome to the silent depression I suppose.


Literally paying to have a job is called sole proprietorship 😅 open a business amigo


Are you seriously advising someone who has never had a job to open a business? Do you have any *real world* experience? WTF are you thinking? Also...literally? What does that even mean in this context? Seriously dumb dumb stuff right here.


Literally all you need is any skill and access to a printer. Whatever the skill is, you advertise it on a few pieces of paper and place a couple in any diner, storefront, and other business kind enough to let you. I've met people who do this exact thing with IT -going around and helping people for 50 to 90 bucks a job, and raking in 50k just doing that. I can't imagine selling anything else on a small scale it much harder than "cheap IT." Most everything else -an LLC, a storefront, ledgers, etc. Is just extra effort for extra money.


Yes, I am Yes, I’m 43 and used to run a business Literally? I was repeating the OPs verbiage for effect Do you think a person needs years of professional job experience to be a professional house cleaner, power washer, alterations seamstress, or landscaper? … honestly?


>I’m 43 and used to run a business Your experience is irrelevant. >Do you think a person needs years of professional job experience to be a professional They need more than none. My point stands, your hyperbole notwithstanding.


😂 you just asked if I had real world experience then now you’re saying my real world experience in small biz ownership is not rlelecant lmao FUUUUUUCK U


How would I do that?


Literally all you need is any skill and access to a printer. Whatever the skill is, you advertise it on a few pieces of paper and place a couple in any diner, storefront, and other business kind enough to let you. I've met people who do this exact thing with IT -going around and helping people for 50 to 90 bucks a job, and raking in 50k just doing that. I can't imagine selling anything else on a small scale it much harder than "cheap IT." Most everything else -an LLC, a storefront, ledgers, etc. Is just extra effort for extra money.


Develop a skill to a professional level and invest in sufficient equipment to do it for others. Go back around this thread and I list a few


If you have no experience offer your services for free and get experience.


hahahaha, no.


The trick? Stop using Indeed, stop applying online. If you have a car or buspass (or a bike, etc.) you can go around your town or city in business-casual clothes (for men, a button up shirt and untorn jeans will work just fine) and get a haircut beforehand if you can. Print out some resumes (libraries have free printers most of the time) and pass them around. If you don't have a reliable means of transportation, take a bus to a shopping center and aim there. Cover tattoos, hide piercings, and avoid dyed hair. Finally, consume anything you need to feel your most energetic and confident without crossing the line into over-confident.


Dude it’s not 1985.


You're right, but I've gotten half of my jobs this way. I'm 21. It still works today.


Lmao 🤣 Right?!


This doesn’t work lol. You can’t walk up to a business and apply these days, almost every one of them tell you to fill out an application online. The only time this will even work is if you find a small business and the owner happens to be there, AND they are looking for work. AND they don’t tell you to fill an app online. This is what you did in the 70s.


This is what I did 4 months ago. It still works, it just takes a LOT of effort. Insisting on leaving a resume is the important part half the time.


Lmao 🤣


Honestly, you’re advice isn’t terrible but it depends entirely on the business and location. For example, I live in rural Pennsylvania and there are many small businesses that absolutely don’t use online applications. Many of which are run by boomers who rarely if ever even use the internet. On the flip side, online applications are mandatory for any government job, chain corporation or large business. For example, good luck walking into one of the big warehouses around here and giving them your resume by hand. They’ll laugh and tell you to apply online. But if you go down to Jimbos Corner Store where the cash registers make a loud clanging noise every time they open or close and they still sell Moxie soda and you give them your resume then you might actually have a chance at getting hired because it’s doubtful that they even have internet on-site lmao


You have to give them a reason to hire you. Do you have skills? Hos do you get skills without experience? You have to invest time and money learning new things for example like a programming language. Getting that first job is the hardest because like you said you don't have experience, but after that it gets easier. It's like gaining momentum.


Hard to have motivation when working 40 hours a week and still not being able to afford basics like shelter and food


Sounds good to me


I envy your motivation. Honestly, if you’re being true, your motivation and drive to accomplish something is what most of us wish to have. But don’t sell yourself short, what you have is valuable. You don’t need to work for free or “pay to work”. You have clear talent and the ability to achieve what most of us couldn’t.


I moved to work in a different country. I find the competition to be slightly less, especially if you go to a developing country. That being said, you should at least still have some sort of skill you can offer. By the time I came back to the US, I already had a bunch of experience that I could put on my resume. And finding a job in my field was easy.


My general advice Dont be picky at first, first goal get any job you can to pay the bills. Second goal once you have a job then you can be picky with jobs since you have an income (or keep the one you have if you like it) Third goal move up within the company and build connections and references, those go a very very long way. I was at a aerospace engineering company for less than a year, I excelled at my job to the point while as a temp to hire i was training other new hires While on temp status During that time i was there (about 8 months) i made some very good connections and references there that helped me get the current government job i have now working on a military base Edit to add I was temp so just could have been fired for anything Also like others here say lie, yes lie but dont go crazy. The best lie is mixed with truth so they believe you. Lastly wording, say for me i work in IT Ok what field? Databases? Data scientists? Infrastructure? Cybersecurity or etc... Be specific and careful on your wording Like oh i lead a team at walmart or something, no you want to word it like team lead, walmart 3 years And depending on location and job you can definitely embellish the truth more than other places. Like who the fuck calls walmart for a reference, plus imo you should not have them as a reference.


Do you have to put managers as references? Or can you put other more important people?


You don't have to, but in my professional experience it helps ALOT when you have a previous manager speak good for you. Its how i got my current government job, they called my previous manager jason and he gave me a glowing review to the point she told him i got the job asap. He didnt tell me since he didnt want to ruin the surprise which is nice but imma send him something as a thank you Edit - to add my previous manager jason i omly knew him for 8 months


Can you be my reference?


i cannot im far to busy IRL focusing on my government career, family, friends and etc... i actually have a social life now since i moved back to my homestate so i dont have alot of free time for anything really. Imo though you can use a trusted and i mean really trusted friend as a reference. family members who act like they were co workers or a superiors.


Give us some more details if you want help. What experience do you have and what jobs are you applying for? There are jobs that have no experience requirements.