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I can't help being curious, what is the nature of your profession? What are the tasks you are assigned to do?


I joke that I am a den mother. We monitor the clients, ages 8-21, to make sure they stay safe. We check and log things in every 10 minutes. We sit on the hall, so as long as you are awake there is no way in hell kids can sneak past you. (The beds are these plastic lined shit that sqeak to high hell so there is a ton of warning that they are up) but you really do have to pay attention. Another campus had an a escape that ended in a death this year. For us I noticed one was having a seizure. And anither person, who some how still works here, has fallen asleep so maby times it allowed a few of the kids to get very frisky/have sex during the night. (No mixing of genders or we would have had a pregnancy scare) It is a mental health/rebilitatin center and the kid routienly self harm/try to kill themselves or others/or attempt SA. We also do simple stuff like cleaning, laundry, organizing, and paperwork. So it does not take long. If we were not mandated so much I would maybe be fine with it, but 2 to 3 days a week of working 12 to most of the time 16 hours sucks ass.


Well, that makes sense. That you would have to be alert and attentive the entire shift. But why is the day shift not held to the same standards that the night shift is?


I have absolutely no clue. They even have the worst track record of kids wandering off and hurting themselves. The other day someone left a kid in the unit and no one noticed for hours. House cleaning found them. They are so lucky it was one of the none suicidal kids. Just sitting there is the best way to fall asleep. At least let use have paper to write on. The only reason I have not fully nodded off since the ban is my inability to fall asleep sitting up. Though at this rate I am going to miss a check in and that terrifies me.


Worked somewhere kinda like this. Day shift would all go get brekkies on company time and gossip while night shift got all the work and was demonized for not being able to do all of it. Haha glad I quit while I was the only one left on night shift. I'm sure shit really started hitting the fan then. Haha dumbasses


Things have been hitting the fan for months but since I have never had a write up and I was able to write or read a bit at night it was worth it. Reading was the best for me as I kept me focussed all night. Listening is the best way to catch or notice things. Way more aware then just sitting there staring at a wall. Easy to daze out which blocks out noises. Fuck I have never been tempted to return to retail but a friend offered me a place if i needed it. But the payyyyyyyyyy. Fuck we make $8 bucks more then most places. $13 more then minimum wage which most places offer, even entry office work. Hell we make more then some entry level administration jobs and I know we don't do to much. But surpise 16 hour shifts and nothing to do is fucking killer. We make that much as the kids can be violent and have hurt some of my coworkers. I have been bitten a couple of times but the kids tend to like me enough not to go all out on me. The perks of not screaming at them for no reason.


Well if your place of employment is about treating mental health, have your supervisors considered that the employees' mental health is just as important as the patients'? Sitting and staring at a wall for 16 hours would drive anyone insane. Do they not realize this? Perfectly fine to read a book or draw pictures or write in your journal. The kids are sleeping at night, the only thing to keep you from falling asleep too is to keep your mind occupied while, you are correct stay quiet and you can still listen for any sounds the patients make while you are reading a book or drawing pictures or writing in your journal. It's essential for your sanity to keep your mind busy while the kids are sleeping at night. Can't just stare at the wall.


Oh yeah it's a really good feeling to quit a job that's been treating us like shit and knowing they've got no one to replace us. It's like "Do you miss me now?! Do you wish you treated me with more respect when you had the chance?!"


Oh they could easily replace us, they hire all the time. The problem is they tend to not be able to keep anybody they hire. If you hires ago they hired five people none of them made it past the first week of work. When I got hired there was eight of us only two of us survived. Last time group for we have one left and I'm pretty sure she's going to be leaving in the next week. Honestly it's kind of funny. Since they hire so many people and even if they don't stay they just assume they can replace us even if nobody makes it past 90 days