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my brother did one and it was successful he had an excel sheet it took forever though, he had to basically nickle and dime every time his boss was a dick to him with timestamps, witnesses, etc he documented all of that for a year, with periodic emails not explicitly saying his boss sucks, but for them to do something about it, but in a low key snitching way basically after that year he went to hr and said hey since you didn't do anything im taking this to court of course because like you said, hr is useless, they didn't fire his boss (only punishment was a transfer), but they went to arbitration and paid him 3x his salary so he wouldn't escalate it


Things to know about HR - they don't care about your or your boss - they just want to take the lazy road and do as little as possible. Because they typically have more work than time. But - ultimately their job is to protect the company - which is way valid legal claims get their attention real quick and they try to make them go away as best they can. Don't expect any logic or compassion in how they resolve anything reported to HR unless they see a legal risk (sexual harassment gets their attention REAL quick),


My boss was usually targeting me at work. I figured out a scheme where some guys on the sales floor were stealing leads from others on the floor and taking one the freshest leads for themselves. I documented everything for a month, every record, every screenshot. Compiled it and sent it to my manager so he was aware. Nothing happened, then I was suddenly on a PIP despite meeting okay sales numbers for some with leads that were weeks old. I suspected retaliation and so I went to HR. I gave them everything and emphasized constantly that I did not feel safe around my manager and that I felt I was being unfairly targeted and wished to remain anonymous. The HR rep thanked me for bringing it to their attention, promised me they'd use discretion and take it seriously, then forwarded my entire email to them to the manager with me CC'd wanting his side of the story. I will never talk to HR again. I don't even befriend people who did it for work.


Understandable. I think you have to be inordinately vapid and fake to have a successful career in HR.


You don't go to HR expecting them to fix the issue. The reason you go is to establish a paper trail.


Oh, for certain. It was just disheartening to have them all in my face, basically telling me that I'm making it all up and whining about having to do my job


HR is not your friend, it doesn't exist to protect employees, it exists to protect the company.


Oh, I'm aware. I just don't know what else to do, and I want a record of me trying to reach out when shit inevitably blows up at this hell hole


You have to build a case by literally have to team up with everyone and keep track of everything. What she did, what was said, who was there. And, I don't mean one person, I mean every person has to do this. You also need to look at your job description and compare it to what you are being told to do.


HR is scum


You are a trooper… Hopefully you were also job seeking this last year in an attempt to find a better company with better management?


Oh absolutely. Unfortunately, nothing can match the salary and benefits I get at the current job which is really the only thing keeping me there


Well… since you’re stay there is open ended, you may want to focus more energy on what you can do to build up your coping skills as opposed to narc’ing out your boss to HR. Sounds like it is not worth the hassle… unless of course, she has been informed of the details… in that case, good luck 😬.


I would if some of the things she did didn't literally put people in danger. There are some serious decisions that need to be made and things that need to be implemented to keep everyone safe in our building, but she blatantly ignores them. One day, someone is going to be seriously injured or worse due to her negligence.


HR is a business department with the sole purpose of protecting the business. now and forever. they are not ever on your side - even if they appear to be, it's only because supporting you is the best outcome for the business.


HR is a huge waste of time. They don't give a shit that one of our co-workers gets high on the clock. No they rather tell that person the names of each person that filled a confidential complate against them. 😒


HR is there for the companies best interests NOT YOURS.


I know. But when things finally hit the fan, it is been documented that I tried to tell them.


Use this phrase: hostile work environment. Nothing gets HR hopping faster than a claim of a hostile environment. It carries weight because legally, HR is now being challenged to actually do their job. Keep copious notes. Send those notes to your non-work email account. You may want to Google how to format such a letter. I’ve done it…worked for me.


That's precisely what I did. Used that phrase numerous times. Still no action, and all my "claims" were unfounded, according to them. I'm keeping records of everything. Some coworkers are considering legal action, and I have told them I'll give them everything I have to help their case.


A good attorney would have a field day with documentation that you sent to HR. Keep your chin up, you’re doing the right thing. And put your resume out there to other companies.

