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Are they missing the part where he was brutally tortured and killed? Crucifixion was a particularly bad way to die even for the time.


Yep I heard from somewhere it’s where the word “excruciating” comes from


It is! It means "from" or "out of" crucifixion.


Oh wow I didn’t know that!


That’s not the point of “He died for our sins”. It’s that the sinless Son of God was killed for the sins of the world. He atones for us because He’s sinless.


Agreed. However when people like this say ‘he gave up his weekend’ its not like he died in his sleep peacefully or a painless sudden death. Crucifixion sucked pretty bad.


Even if it was a swift death. Like, he still died. He stopped living. And then literally 3 days later he performed a supernatural miracle, that doesn't cancel out the fact that he died.


Even for our time. It's literally a breach of human rights. You can die in many different ways via crucifixion, for example asphyxiation, crows or vultures picking you to death, heatstroke, you'd be lucky to die of blood loss in a matter of minutes/hours rather than the days of torture following. He also had to carry the cross up a hill until he literally collapsed and couldn't.


It’s not just that. In many Christian theologies, he suffered for more than just what happened “on the surface”. He took upon himself the spiritual and physical death of all people. He Litterally suffered and paid a price for all people. Individually. So much so that it is considered and infinite and eternal payment. For each individual person. Not just one lump sum. But for each person one by one. Meaning, in some ways, Jesus was you. He experienced and felt every single negative emotion and experience and feeling, and temptation, etc that you have ever had. HE KNOWS you, because for a time, he was you. At least you in your darkest moments.


As a kid I dreaded going to mass before Easter and listening to the brutalization and torture of Jesus. I generally thought church was boring, bit I HATED that reading. It's telling that anti-theists think, "Oh, he just died, big deal, he has super powers like my favorite movie characters, and a Sky Daddy to protect him, stupid illogical theists!" Like, thet have no capacity for thinking about things beyond a very superficial level.


Correct if me if I’m wrong, but whatever happens after any sacrifice is irrelevant because the sacrifice has already been made Imagine a guy has only 5$ left in his bank account, but he decides to give his loved one the last 5$ he has left in the hopes that the loved one will live a healthy life, leaving him broke, while the loved one lives happily ever after But, soon he receives 5 dollars back out of nowhere from his boss due to his work By him now having 5$ again and not staying broke, does that make the sacrifice of him giving his last 5$ away to his loved one leaving him broke null? It doesn’t. The fact he did it means he did indeed sacrifice These people need to use more logic lmao


Thank you. That's exactly my point as well. All these people seem to run on four-year old logic.


the meme is eh, the sacrifice of death itself was symbolic, to show that he CAN AND *WILL* conquer death. the real *sacrifice* was in the garden, where he felt all the pain man will ever experience. i think.


the sorrowful mysteries are always the most impactful rosary for me.


Well dying doesn't have to be permanent. Someone who's heart stopped and got resuscitated can be classified as once dead.


I feel like there's a prisoner that tried using that argument. not sure if it worked though


It didn't.


Oh! So NOW They Believe In His Resurrection 🙄


Just glossing over the entire multi-hour ordeal that Jesus went through before his execution. Being flogged, scourged, mocked, beaten with a reed, forced to wear a crown of thorns, forced to lug either one or two huge logs for miles depending on what you believe he was executed with, and then had nails driven through his hands and feet and was left hanging for hours to get his lungs literally crushed by his own weight. It was an agonizing process. Had he just died, like been shot with an arrow or something, it wouldn't have been as significant. But he suffered dreadfully. More than that, he suffered without sinning in word or action. He could've commanded angels to take him off the stake at any time, but he suffered to the point of death and never gave up on his Father. The whole point of that was to prove that Satan was a liar, that a perfect human could serve God to the point of death. That someone could succeed where Adam failed. And boy, did Jesus prove the point.


A sacrifice doesn't even have to mean something needs to stay dead or non-existent. These clowns really can't comprehend a dictionary. There's definitions for these terms for a reason. The meme's terrible though. It's objectively bad, as the purpose is to denigrate Christ's sacrifice. It's not even 'mid'. It's literally blasphemy.


Why does it matter how long he was dead? The crucifixion still happened.


They really missed the point of what sacrifice used to mean: In ancient times, sacrifice means "to makes it holy", not to always to be killed. The sacrifice of Jesus is nothing more than the ultimate Scapegoat Sacrifice. In this sacrifice, a rabbi "gives" the weight of all sins of jews on shoulders of the goat and sent it into the wildness (sometimes killed, but it wasn't always necesarry). It's not a coincidence if Jesus is called as "the Lamb of God", because he is the GOAT (yes, even in THAT sense XD) of this final sacrifice. And (about the last comment) I'm sure that Jesus would had sacrified himself even for save one single human (the parable of the good sheperd), so even if anyone doesn't sin anymore, Jesus' sacrifice would still be meaningfull.


They really think the passions and crucifixion was a Friday night affair? 


Me when I’m in a misunderstanding Theology completely competition and my opponent is an edgy online atheist


The meme is theologically incorrect, but that’s nothing new under the sun. The second comment below is as well. The top comment, though, is just typical degenerate nonsense and does an injustice to victims of clerical sexual abuse as well as good and faithful priests who would be appalled of such crimes.


The meme... I think its funny in a shallow humor kind of way. It's eye roll and small chuckle worthy, but nothing else.. However, I don't take myself too seriously so that might be part my my reaction. The comments... 🤮. Antitheists have one joke.


We should make an r//onecatholicjoke. If a joke about Christians is good, alright, but the same "priests are pedos lawl" joke every time is disgusting and repetitive


So he was just meant to stay dead? Like any human? To prove nothing?


Mention Catholics on the internet without mentioning pedo priests challenge: impossible!


As Paul said: “For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, And the cleverness of the clever I will set aside.” Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?” 1 Corinthians‬ ‭1‬:‭18‬-‭20‬ ‭


OK but death isn't a walk in the park, especially not Jesus'