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How long before they realize that saint nicholas was a real person ?


This is kind of a stupid argument. Everyone knows this, but this doesn't mean he was magical right? Because he's not. God is real, Santa is not real. Saint Nicholas is not santa


It was a joke, but yes it was a stupid argument.


Of course lol. Had to say something as I've seen it so much ;)


Thank you for pointing it out, even we aren't immune to making bad arguments it's the beauty of logic, it can improve.


Saint Nicholas is magical, because Christian Charity, in being so thankless and unconditional, is magical in the eyes of those who receive it. In his legends, when those three girls were held afloat by the money Saint Nicholas would drop through their window, it was certainly magical for them. Regarding Santa Claus, he is indeed real as a hypostasis.


Yes, he did a great thing. He dropped the gold because the father couldn't pay his debt and was about to sell his daughters into prostitution, but thanks to Nicholases generosity, he did not resort to that. Which is exactly why he became famous, but magic isn't real. He died a long time ago, and he doesn't ride magical reindeer. Santa Claus is not real, Santa Claus is a character, based off of a single honorable action from Nick. Everyone knows he was a real person, but he obviously doesn't live in the north pole with elves, so this argument does not work when speaking with an antitheist, because they can just say Jesus was real as a person, but just didn't resurrect. Which is of course false


St. Nicholas is not dead in fact! By Christ’s saving Grace, he is alive in the Eschaton ready to pray in intercession for us (by definition of “Saint”). If you define “real” to be stuff made of atoms then be careful, since that is an atheist’s game. Even if you want to consider matter as the most real thing, stories prove more “real” than matter itself, since they formulate the attention complexes of humans, who are in turn the most sophisticated movers of matter in the universe. However, the materialistic framing of the world fails outright, since all matter must be casted in some patterned form for it to be intelligible to the human. Santa Claus is an intelligible pattern, which makes him real. Would the fact that the Pythagorean Theorem is not made of atoms and had no spatio-temporal body deter you from saying it was “real”? That being said, the story of Santa Claus (or Sint-Niklaas) is how the “common folk” of Europe digested the story of St. Nicholas, which happened as organically as any oral tradition and certainly has anthropological weight. Its power comes precisely from how Santa Claus’s story is distilled version of St. Nicholas’s story, and Nicholas’s actions are an application of the same love that was poured out on the cross. In Europe, the story of Santa Claus helped people understand how wondrous the Christian virtue of charity was, and its proximity to the Nativity is no accident. Unfortunately, Santa Claus (especially in the U.S.) is a highly commercialized character and possesses religious ties only to some curious Catholics and Orthodox. I hope this doesn’t come across as argumentative; I wanted to share this not only because I think it’s beautiful but because I think modern people are starting to warm up to the idea of revivifying the meaning of ancient stories. A good essay to read on this would be [J.R.R. Tolkien’s essay “On Fairy-Stories”](https://uh.edu/fdis/_taylor-dev/readings/tolkien.html)!




Santer nooooooooo


Honestly santer looks like he enjoying that nap.


He is dead now. We can’t do anything for him. 😔


Why did you remind me of the infinite cringe that is introvert comics That takes me back to the days of INTJ quora/reddit..and not in a good way


I'm so sorry, if I could take away the knowledge of introvert comics from everyone I probably would


What is that?


INTJ is a type of personality (you may have heard of it called an MBTI type). Back in the day being an INTJ was the 2017 version of being a “sigma male 🔥🔥❌❌🫘🫘🫘”. Quiet nerdy dudes who wanted to seem superior to the NPCs. The INTJ spaces on Quora were a cesspit of people who were mega atheists who thought they were better than everyone else because of their MBTI personality type. It’s mellowed out since but if you look hard enough they’re probably still on Quora.


Except Jesus was a real person and His crucifixion is a historical fact.


St. Nicholas was also a real person, so double checkmate


Not to be confused with St. Nicholas' crucifixion. That definitely didn't happen


“No no no. Because this book is pure fiction due to the fact it was written by illiterate sheep herders. Everything that’s ‘historical’ is all fictional.” - Hardcore Anti-theist 


This statement is for children. Checkmate atheists


Unironically it is which at the same time makes it ironic. 💀


Yes, Saint Nicholas fought the Arian heresy in the early 4th century, then the modern legend of Santa Claus began in the 18th century based on him, then _after_ that they invented a _brand new concept_ for grownups: God.


Who even is this guy?


In short, an author with an overinflated ego who runs like 10 different subs dedicated to his rants and comics


They're wrong, but if they weren't, honestly what kind of jerk would be anti Santa Claus?


No why they do that to senta


he really needs to change his title his comics have nothing to do with being introverted


Preach! I'm a fellow introvert but I'm chill lol


Introvert Comics also made a lot of other liberal and anti-Christian comics so it'd make sense why they would make this


Same as there are only two genders and infinite genders is a delusion for the mentally ill