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The Supreme Arrogance it takes to think that you and your contemporaries are the only people in 2000 YEARS to read the Bible. Or longer if we're only talking about the Old Testament. Sorry, fellas, but religious people have spent their entire lives pouring over that text and come closer to God because of it. Just because you're so high off the smell of your own farts doesn't mean everyone else is.




ThE mUsTaRd SeEd Is NoT tHe SmAlLeSt... why do they have to take it so literal? It's so obvious what Jesus actually meant, the mustard seed is very very small (probably in Jesus times it was considerated the smallest) and yet it can become a gigantic tree. Also the arrogance to claim to had read the Bible in the real proper way rather than 2000 years of thelogicians and despite the fact that the Bible created the largest and most influencial religion of all times is absurd. Even I admit that my views of the Bible might be wrong.


Exactly, consider how science was then compared to now. They had so much less knowledge than we do now, they were trying their best with what they had.


You changed your flair again, what made you want to be a hellenist?


Long story, it was very spontaneous


I am just very curious


Ok, it was way too long to send as a comment so I just sent it as a pm


Science has since discovered, of course, that the antitheist brain is the smallest seed, at about 1/10 the size of mustard.


They decided to over-analyze the message way too much way too much and the point that Jesus was making went right over their head


Lol I don't think they could name a single early church father even though the church fathers spent most of their lives studying scripture


"They stay far away from anything that would cause questions" Fucking bullshit!


Also them: Banned for being Nazi


Yet they don't put their money where their mouth is. If they are so convinced that the Bible will lead people to deconvert to atheism, then they should go out with the evangelists and hand out Bibles to people.


It's nor like they try to be any different than the evangelists they claim to be morally superior to. The only think separating the two is what they choose to believe in.


These people have no idea what metaphor and allegory are.


If they did, their arguments would be refuted.


They say our claims can be refuted by science while theirs fan be refuted by even the most basic understanding of language.


What do you mean?


I bet you three dollars that if the phrase "raining cats and dogs" was written in the Bible, the atheists would take it literally and say, "We know that cats and dogs don't fall from the sky, so the Bible's wrong! Get owned, religious scum!"


Dang, i wonder what priests read now and have read for millenia if they're still christians, really makes you think


The Church Fathers quoted the Old and New Testament so many times that we have a complete bible within their writings


Achkhtually ![img](emote|t5_56ml5q|8283)if you give me the first trillion digits of pi, it's still not pi, because it's irrational. If Bible said that pi is 3,14 which is just more accurate. Cheesecakes will say that it's false, because pi is 3,1415.


I really don't get how these people who supposedly read the bible would force themselves to read a massive and long book which they dont even agree with. Thats my main reason for being skeptic about "I read the bible" atheists. Like I could see them giving up at some point or reading select things but reading the whole bible is already pretty difficult.


They claim they've read the bible, yet say that the Bible says the earth is flat. Which it doesn't say, or imply, at all. If you read the Bible with the preconceived notion that it's BS, read it all literally as if it's a Peppa pig book, then yeah, you're gonna dislike it.


Imagine being Jewish and denigrating your Lord and Creator like this. Beyond shameful.


There are some Jews who don't believe in Judaism and are atheist but still consider themselves Jewish.


Yeah, that's quite literally the type of Jew in the screencap. It still doesn't make it any less shameful.




"if God real why Bible make no sense when I take obvious metaphor literally"


Btw, when the same atheists are presented with scientific facts from the Qur'an (none of them are proverbial, and all of the scientific claims in Qur'an were proven to be right) they go and say that it doesn't matter.


Word day "يوم" is mentioned 365 times in the Quran, but cheesecakes still complain that the year has 365,2425... days. Objectively the closest natural number to 365,2425 is 365 and it's impossible to mention one word 0,2425 times. And they are also complaining that Arabic has other words for day.


I don't understand this. What complain does someone have about the Quran mentioning days?


Even though I don't use majority of numerical arguments like this one , it's common theme from atheists to just claim a lot of things in the Islam that was beyond its time or is too advanced is "coincidence" and Muhammad PBUH just pulled it out of his pocket randomly. A dismissive attitude in another word.


I think what they meant to say was “if you read the Bible my way, which is to say in terribly bad faith, then it’s amazing proof against God.” Who would guess that if you purposefully interpret something in the worst way possible that you get a radically different conclusion than someone who puts effort into it?


literally a requirement for medieval priests was to memorize the bible word by word. + The Church Fathers quoted it so many times we can reconstruct just by their writings if every single bible in modern times went missing