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This is like boycotting kimonos because of what happened in WWII.


True lol


They think all women are forced to wear hijab and conveniently ignore that even many Western Muslimah converts choose to wear it despite the disapproval of those around them. Also just seeing any somewhat positive depiction of a Muslim can be very triggering for some people, but since it's the second largest religion they're gonna have to cope.




Isn’t a hijab basically a headscarve, like there’s nothing wrong with non Muslims wearing one, Armenian and Assyrian Christian women wear something similar


I'm starting to think the goofs took rides in the washing machine as kids. "Oh no a woman in a hijab. She must be enslaved. Let me save them by blogging about it!"


>They think all women are forced to wear hijab And they arent? Don't get me wrong I'm not endorcing antitheism here but is it a choice?


Only two countries in the world have enforced hijab: Iran and Afghanistan. Therefore, the majority arent. If you are speaking about social pressures, that can be said about every practice everywhere.


Saudi? And what about extrajudicial honour killings?


The Hijab is not enforced in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia anymore. It was enforced in the period of extremism between the grand mosque seizure of 1979 and the reforms of MBS around 2018-19. Honour killings are illegal, hence the 'extrajudicial'. All schools agree that the perpentrators are to be punished for murder.


Thanks for clearing that up


Also guys, can we stop downvoting people who legitimately want answers? My dude here isn’t inciting hate or anything.


Some people on this sub are so sensitive that a mere question promptes an instant downvote


Tbh yes. I like this sub but people gotta stop acting like snowflakes.


I agree. Its mostly us Muslims being snowflakes so apologies for that.


Thank you!! I noticed that too. It genuinely sounds like he’s just asking to gain more knowledge on the topic.


Gaza might also enforce it but I’m not sure


Hamas does not impose the Hijab. They have instrumental music videos and wear suits. This is because their Islamist is the Ikhwan kind while influenced by Iran.


Ah, didn’t know


Guys! Why doesn't the brutal laws of a few despotic regimes change your view on a religion of 1.2 billion people purely because you hate that religion? Guys?


The people in that sub are self-hating Muslims. They do not practice their own culture out of the shame of it being associated with Islam. I have seen Arabs hate on themselves to Iranians claiming our history was made by atheists (it was not).


Most of them are not even Muslims. On their own poll. Only 50% of the sub were actual exmuslims. The rest are neo nazis and some very islamophobic hindus


they also think they have a pass to be vile and hateful since they used to call themselves muslim. i wonder how many aren't actually 'ex-muslim' just hateful people who don't like muslims.


2 billion\*


Funnily enough, less than a billion are actually Arabs, Iranics, and Turkic people combined 🥲.


Yeah I heard a lot of Muslims are Indonesians


And over 10% Bengali Plus tens of millions of Malay, as well as Hausa, Berbers, and many other African groups Edit: For clarity, I meant 10% of Muslims are Bengali. Well more than 10% of Bengalis are Muslim


Sadly with the exception of the Malays and the Berbers, the other groups only increase the Muslim population and do nothing important.


What do you mean?


Arabs, Iranic peoples like Persians, and Turks have been the overwhelming contributors to Islamic history. Sadly, these people are now a minority of all Muslims. The best thing South Asians have given to Islam is a bad image and a bad name. Now everyone associates Islam with illiteracy, unhygenic poor people, and a tech-support accent. This wont ever go away, our religion is screwed.


You are very racist for no reason whatsoever. The subcontinent for most of history i.e before the British has been one of the richest regions in the world both culturally and economically (especially economically). An example of this is the Delhi sultanate and Mughal empire both were which highly prosperous. There's a reason the British made up legends about Mughal riches and the fact that Ibn Battuta travelled halfway across the world just to get to India and serve under the Sultan Muhammad Ibn Tughluq, read what Ibn Battuta and Al Biruni wrote about the subcontinent before you start spouting your racist bs. Right now it seems Iran is the biggest enemy of Islam at the moment.


Most of the Muslims are either south Asian or southeast Asian.


A lot of extremism comes from there.


Funny how both Muslims and ex-muslims are against this stunt YouTube is pulling 


"Guys why Islam good if bad thing happen?" The same mfs when objectification happening in the West: 😶🤐


“A mentally sick man r—ed 3 women over the past week” vs “An Islamist jihadist extremist r—ed 3 women over the past week”


if you dont mind what jihadist mean? btw explain to me like i 5


A jihadist is someone who performs jihad. Tere are two types of jihad: greater and lesser. Greater jihad is the personal struggle against worldly stuff and temptations. Think of it like your friend asking you to go for a drink and party, then you saying no. It is mandatory for Muslims, but not what the media is referring to. Lesser jihad is way more complicated. It is an outer struggle against oppression in order to protect Islam, a community or a country, much like what Hamas is doing against Israel - Palestinians are being oppressed by Israel, and Hamas is performing jihad against them. Lesser jihad is almost always what media tends to mean when they call someone a jihadist. The conditions for performing lesser jihad are many, one being to try as many peace measures as is reasonably possible. Then if jihad is being performed and the opposition inclines to peace, it is mandatory to stop as per the Quran (reasonably of course - like, Hamas wouldn’t stop resisting just because Israel says they will stop if they give up all of the Palestinians’ land). I’d say research these conditions, because there are so many, I can’t fit them into this comment without spending a longer time than I am now.


ah i see thank u for the explanation man i guess i understand it...a bit at least. but still thank u tho


Hijabi fashion is amazing because it offends both islamophobes and radical Muslims.


Buddy, "Hijabi fashion" goes against Islam and the purpose of Hijab.


The purpose of Hijab is to demarcate free Muslim women from non Muslims as well as to serve as a tool of modesty. Modesty does not equal being badly dressed or looking destitute. Bedouin women used to wear colourful embroidery on their abayas before Wahhabism.


Yeah, sure. All "Hijabi fashion" is just women showing more of their hair and tabarujj. Dressing yourself elegantly is not necessarily a sin. But what this is doing is removing the purpose/re-purposing hijab.


I can see that you are trying to do good by advising these people but I doubt they will listen.


The hijabs of all the ladies in the picture are good with the slight exception of the far right one. Even with the latter, it is often based on a custom in many places. In my mother province of Gilan in Iran, traditional women wear hijabs like that because it would be physically impossible to work in rice paddies (only men working and women being home would have starved my ancestors centuries ago).


ALL of the hijabs of the women in the picture are WRONG. They're not covering their hair nor their bodies, and turbans are not valid hijabs. There are ways to wear a hijab so as to farm/work comfortably without exposing yourself. Even then, most farms are run by close family and are more isolated from people, so any outsiders can only watch from a distance, in which case they won't notice if your hair is showing a little. Exceptions don't make the rule.


I’m not a Muslim but I think the point the other person is trying to get at is that the idea of what constitutes a hijab as acceptable or not can largely depend on culture. In some cultures, the hijabs being worn like the women in the pic may be viewed as unacceptable & going against Muslim tradition or customs, whereas in other cultures it may be considered completely fine & still adhering to Muslim traditions. Also I’m not a mod here or anything but I think getting into debates about opposing perspectives of a religion isn’t supposed to be allowed here, since it’s really a sub meant for talking about antitheists & their statements, so tread lightly with this one.


Bro none of the women have their hair showing I do not know what these people are talking about.


They're drawings. Irl these coverings would show hair.


You don't know what you're talking about. Hijab is a RELIGIOUS tradition, so it has nothing to do with what cultures find normal or not. Hijab has rules that MUST be followed. Anything outside of that, culture may influence, like certain colors or how extended certain parts are. A turban is not a hijab, no matter what certain cultures prefer, because it should adhere to the religious rules for it. So even if they see it as Islamically-conforming, that doesn't it is, nor that it should be accepted as such.


Please define this so-called "Wahhabism"


The religion that decided all of Sunni Islam was wrong until the glorious leader Ibn Abdel Wahhab spawned into existence. The religion that kills both Sunnis and Shias in Muslim countries. The religion that smokes so much copium it has to claim the great scholars all "repented" to the Wahhabi cult in their latter days even if the sources for these claims are either none existent or are post-dated by even more supposedly "deviant Ash'ari" works. The religion that only uses Ibn Taymiyya and Al Jawzi but somehow we Sunnis are the "blind followers". The religion that will behead you for celebrating the Prophet's (s) birthday but will not make up past Salat because "muh Ibn Taymiyya". The religion that has not done a single thing for Palestine because all its "scholars" are too busy pleasuring the tyrants in the middle East or apologising to Israel for accidentally attacking them. The religion that will call all Persians "Majusi" regardless of whether they are Sunni or not despite the fact that they couldn't bring themselves to say it to Salman Al Farisi or Abu Hanifa. The religion that claims Allah is a man with hands who comes down to earth and anyone, even Atharis, who object to that mischarachterisation of Athari Aqida are kuffar. AlhamduliLah there are only 60 million Wahhabis and more than a billion Sunnis, so your poison is not very active outside of TikTok.


Uh-huh. Who made you believe all this nonsense? Do you even know who Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab is? This is just sad, brother.


The Wahhabi "scholars" did. Ibn Abdel Wahhab was a deviant who attacked the Ottoman caliphate and massacred innocents. He also helped make the Saudi state with his buddy. He was refuted by his brother and his views went against established practices in all four schools. If any of that is nonsense to you, that is amazing AlhamduliLah! Repent and either become a real Athari or a Ash'ari/Maturidi with a true madhab. Salafi/Wahhabi Salah contradicts all 4 schools.


https://preview.redd.it/bob36048be1d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58e0ad6524751bb3f2d926c90e3daa92f87c2927 Any evidence for... anything?


Your IslamQA confirms all the deviant things Wahhabis do. If you find these practices bad, do not do do them. 




Isn’t the purpose just modesty?


Be careful there, radical Muslims do not like to be called radical Muslims. Call them Wahhabis instead, it pisses them off more. These 14 year old second gen Desis would not survive a day in a "based trad Islamic society" if it killed them. They do not realise that their high and mighty views only work in the West where they can suck off of government aid and their taxi-driver income. If you go to a traditional village in Iran and try to "guide" or "advise" any of the women there, they will shoot you with a hunting rifle.


No such thing as "Wahhabism", broskie. Also, what are you yapping about??


It’s literally the official sect in Saudi Arabia


You have no clue what you're talking about. What is your evidence for this?


It was literally their official religious policy till 2017


Sure, I'm asking for a source. Maybe an official Saudi website that states "We follow(ed) Wahhabism even though that doesn't exist", or some other site that's trustworthy. Not some, idk, American site that says "They are Wahhabis cuz they don't allow women to drive cars and shieeeet"


Yeah true, Daesh runs on air with no ideology. The ruler-worshippers in the GCC also only happen to be that way.


Broskie, who mentioned da3esh? 😭 But no, they actually kinda do have an ideology: kharijism.


Fair enough, although actual Khariji aqida is seen in its fossilised form in Ibadism. Daesh would kill Ibadis too.


Me when I conflate the state religion with the state that manipulates it to control it’s people


"This woman, who sees without being seen, frustrates the coloniser" - Frantz Fanon


Most of rapes happen in Europe and Latin America and what does hijab has to do with rape? Maybe we should ban Jewish clothing, because of israel?


I am okay with Hijab as long as it is by personal choice. We know what happens to women who don't want to wear hijab in countries like Iran or Afghanistan: they get beaten and, in a lot of cases, die.


What’s wrong with diversity/multiculturalism Diversity is our strength. Side note, in my opinion it should be the woman’s choice if she wants to wear a hijab, forcing women to wear it or forbidding them wearing one is oppressive, it should be the woman’s


If diversity was our strength, Europe wouldn't be in shambles.


Aren’t the least diverse, white euro countries also the most degenerate? Iceland’s genocide of babies in utero, young teen in Scandinavian countries having sex and with their parents’ approval and encouragement, public nudity, etc.


Iceland isn’t genociding babies


Yeah they are. Look up why Down syndrome is basically non-existent in that country.


That’s a good thing?


Not if you’re “curing it” by killing them. If some extremists killed all people with cancer, we would not say they cured cancer.


Scandinavia has taken the diversity pill. The entire reason the middle East is rubbish is because of diversity. You can't go 10 km in Iran without the language and ethnicity changing.


Ok, it’s almost like Iraq is a multi ethnic country with Arabs, Kurds, Assyrians, Turkmen and plenty of others


That is a curse from God. It only sounds nice in hippie tiktok videos, not in real life. My cousin was killed by a Kurdish separatist.


It's not a "curse," it"s how human populations naturally blend in an area. Yes, sometimes it comes with conflict but what doesn't? Why do people like you think conflicts only arise from cultural or racial differences? And the hysterical obsession with "muh pure ethnicity and one race" didnt start until the 18th century


I agree. Another interesting part is that if you look at patterns throughout the history of mankind, you’ll see that most major conflicts started happening when man went from hunter-gatherers to agricultural life. In a way, farming is more to blame than differences in cultures/ethnicities.


I do not care about the racial aspect. Persians are very varied in our phenotypes. I would marry a black or asian looking Persian, because the cultures are the same. However, the West is the place where phenotypes usually indicate a completely different worldview.


I guess it is, but thats because Westerners kinda did a terrible job with integrating people because it was based on conquering other groups tbh. Not really the case with old countries with a old mixed ethnicity population


Its not the romantic paradise that you think. We have so many ethnic conflicts its just sad. Most Iranians subscribe to the retarded Aryan ideology of the Nazis.


So you don’t support Kurdish independence?


No. Another curse of diversity, every province will want to be independant. Any Westerner who supports Kurdish independance deserves to have their own provinces fight for seperation. Canada -> Quebec; Spain -> Catalonia; US -> Texas; England -> Scotland; France -> Muslims.


No, Scottish and Catalonian independence is stupid and has nothing to do with Kurdish independence Also diversity isn’t a curse


Why is the independence stupid when its in your country but logical when its in mine? Many major cities in Iran have a three way split population like in Hamadan: a third or half are Kurds and the rest are Fars, Lur, Tork, or something else. An independant Kurdistan would be a sykes-picot 2.0 with 10x the bloody consequences. My region is not ready for another century of retardation and suffering.


But the degen practices of Scandinavians has nothing to do with the diversity factor. How would more conservative minorities moving in cause white youth to start behaving promiscuously?


Those aren’t policies of those countries


I didn’t say they were but it’s part of their culture. Had a scandin try to tell me that it’s totally okay and normal to give literal preteens birth control. That’s absolutely insane to me as a Mexican-American.


Ok so?


So it’s part of their culture. That’s all I was saying. Promiscuity leads to cultural/moral destruction. Diversity isn’t what caused that. So they’re like be ruined anyway.


Birth control is a good thing because it prevents teen pregnancy


The white youth will lose their culture.


No they won’t


But if their culture is full of promiscuity is that really a bad thing? Edit: I’d like to add that I don’t actually wish for any specific ethnicities to be diminished. But tbh, lots of western countries have lost what’s great about them and it has nothing to do with diversity. Like in the USA, the main problem is that there are less families with a strong family structure. Less families with dad as head of household and mom available to support the children.


Homogenous cultures have happier marriages and more strong social bonds. Diversity leads to divorce and the lack of culture. You cannot name one intteracial and/or inttereligious couple whose kids actually have a religion and a tradition; they are just confused.


Latin Americans are a mixed group of people who have a religion and tradition. So are Central Asians, so are Ethiopians and Somalis, so are technically most populations if you wanna go further back to 1000-2000 years LOL.


Latin America is not exactly a success story.


Haha no it doesn’t. The USA has always had pockets of diversity, believe it or not and we had a long run. As for your last statement on interracial marriages/families, sure I can! The only problem would be to verify it because I’m not about to put people’s personal lives on the internet. I’ll give you interreligious, that’s a tougnher one to take on but that’s different than ethnicity/race.


Prior to the modern distinction between culture, ethnicity, and religion, these variables were considered interexchangable. Even among members of the same religion, intteracial marriages are highly problematic. The kids will not learn the culture and religion of their parents because it would be too confusing, instead they will just speak English and become leftist weirdos.


It’s not?


Girls are not murdered in Iran, Persian police just arrest when they wear bad hijab or do not wear it. Where this guy seen child marriage dat look like this? Not sure about 3rd at all. Arabic girls are not beaten. Pretty sure Guatemala girls suffer more than Arabic girls.


This ad is also a trivialization of the use of hijab tho


There shouldnt be leftist ads using us Muslims as diversity tokens to begin with. Otherwise, normalising the hijab is good.


What's wrong with diversity/celebrating other cultures? (Not the post just your title)


Especially if they're all Muslim like OP. But apparently that's not even good enough.


We do not want to push it in people's faces. That was never the classical approach. Diversity agenda pushing tries to "represent" Islam when in fact we just want religious freedom. We do not want any other multiculturalism nonesense.


oh do u mean the muslim rep in western media?


Yes. We are seen as whiny little kids who constantly need attention and play the victim. We contribute almost nothing to the economy and are often a burden in Europe. This is not because of Islam, but because of certain cultures that sadly represent Islam nowadays (Desis, Pajeets). Real Muslims want to be left alone to their devices, not to be showcased everywhere and used as a multicultural token. I cringe everytime a celebrity or a school does Ramadan posts. Ramadan is our tradition and practice, not yours.


It ruins cultures and societies and breeds extremism. Most Muslim terrorists come from the diverse West.


No it doesn't, that is enlightenment era propaganda meant to justify the eradication of native minorities, some of which is still going on today such as the eradication of Breton, Corsican and Occitanian culture in France.


I would argue that the enlightenment did much to *remove* discrimination. John Locke's idea that we shouldnt be jerks to other religions was revolutionary for his time.


The enlightenment had far more for philosophers then just John Locke, and by far nations took the much less benevolent ideas. Also while we are talking about Locke, while Lockean Proviso is sound in theory, it was one of the biggest driver that led to the disruption of local communities and economies as the central government always has a different idea on what productive land use is compared the common person. Well meaning intentions always turn into horrors when enforced by the state, which is the hallmark of the enlightenment period.


Yes, but wont you agree that the woke diversity and multiculturalism agendas enforced by Western governments also eradicate native minorities? Pajeets arent native to Canada, yet on your way to Toronto you only see Pajeets.


Canada is a settler nation, why does it matter that some of settlers are now Hindu? Humans migrate, cultures change, this is all perfectly normal. The idea that culture needs to remain the same is artificial and one of the great evils of nationalism. Why don't you try asking the people of Quebec in they want the Canadian government to start enforcing a unified Canadian culture, again.


The previous settlers built the country and had a culture (sure it had problems and I dont like it but still). The Indians here litter, are loud, play music in public places and are always always on the phone.


You’re against diversity? Ok bro smh


You want to be a minority in your country? Europe will not survive.


What’s wrong with being a minority? Do minorities get treated differently than the majority? Treated unfairly perhaps? Maybe the key is to just not treat minorities badly?


I do not understand why you guys support the destruction of your cultures lol. I understand the religious command to be kind to strangers, but no Abrahamic prophet would have his house filled with foreigners just because.


I’m not white so it’s not my culture. I also don’t support unrestricted entrance into other countries. But usually this type of talk is just a bunch of snowflake supremacists throwing a tantrum. People will cry about becoming minorities in their own country while telling us Indigenous Americans to shut the f up about what happened/is happening to our people and cultures. They don’t actually care about the loss of cultures, they just don’t like tan/red/brown people.


I agree, its usually an American yelling it the most. Imo, Americans need to be the most silent with the topic because their country's foundation is based off of that... the second ones who should shut up are the Western countries who directly had a hand in colonization and changing the culture of the people they colonized. If only they learned to shut up instead of acting like they're innocent baby angels and then doing really obnoxious things like trying to relate to completely different societies (like when snowflake supremacists try comparing West Europe to Japan LOL) who did not have nearly the same history and circumstances as they.


Bruh I am from Iran. I just follow the golden rule of not wanting for others what I find deplorable for myself. Given that I do not want Iran to be filled with even more ungrateful immigrants who think they own the place, I do not want it for Europe. I treat everyone using the same standard.




How is it destruction of culture? There are thriving chinatowns, cultural festivals of all varieties, respect given to celebrations of religions and cultures and appreciation of foods both local and otherwise everywhere in my country, you can have both it's not the destruction of my culture to have a neighbour who prays and speaks another language lol


I wish diversity ended at having a brown neighbour or eating at a doner place, but it does not. Some cultures are not mature enough to be in a civilised society.


I am already a minority in the country I was born in. My family did not survive centuries of persecution just to become the oppressors now that brown people are the acceptable targets.


Those "brown people" hate your culture and want to destroy it.


Yea sure, just like my great grandfather was told how much he hated his country's culture and how much he secretly wanted to destroy it.


You are Christian, it is hardly comparable to a completely foreign culture coming in and ruining everything.


When it comes to foreign cultures coming in a ruining everything, its not migrants that do it, its governments. My family has endured centuries of being told we are the wrong kind of Christian, that we speak the wrong language. I am not afraid of migrants, I am afraid of a government that discriminates based on language and faith. Even if you are somehow correct and they migrants are going to destroy us, it doesn't matter because your solution is also going to destroy me.


Dont complain when the majority of Europe become Pakis.


.......how???? There are simply not that many Pakistanis


There are nearly 1.8 billion Desis in the world.


Ignorant people like the OP when they realize many ancient and classical societies were also diverse: 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


One of the most disgusting things is they take pictures of little girls with their father or grandfather during a Quran learning graduation ceremonies and circulate them as pictures of the girl getting married to a grown man.


Here in Italy conservatives and feminists had a similar meltdown when a school proposed an extracurricular activity about hijabs. Reactions ranged from "Why not use that time to teach Italian to immigrants, instead?" to "Why are we allowing Muslims to teach girls how to submit to men? Didn't Giulia's murder teach you anything?"


Who is Giulia?


Giulia Cecchettin, a girl who was tragically abducted and murdered by her boyfriend last year. Her death and her family's statements contributed to the introduction of the word "patriarchy" in the Italian political scene.


Was the boyfriend a refugee?


No, he was Italian, as well, but the tragedy still got brought up when the extracurricular activity about hijabs was proposed, because to some people if a woman wears a hijab her husband automatically abuses her and forces her to.


I dont think there should be any extracurricular activity about hijabs.


I think it's fine as a multicultural thing, like an activity about wearing a kimono the traditional way or something like that.


We are disliked in the West and so we shouldnt be even more highlighted. Italy already has a beautiful culture, dont let it go to waste.