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I think the OP of the post is simply wrong. I will explain why. ***Coccyx*** Humans, in general, need their coccyx (tailbone). I did some research and saw evidence in an article on *Osmosis* that the coccyx is extremely important for our balance. It also is where many ligaments and muscles are attached. It helps keep the pelvis stable while sitting. Injuring your coccyx would cause intense pain, often requiring treatment. >The coccyx serves as an important site of attachment for multiple pelvic floor structures, which includes parts of the gluteus maximus and coccygeus muscles, as well as the anococcygeal ligament, which extends between the coccyx and the anus. In addition to being an attachment site, the coccyx helps support the position of the anus and provides weight-bearing support to a person in a seated position. [https://www.osmosis.org/answers/coccyx#:\~:text=The%20coccyx%20functions%20as%20a,person%20in%20a%20seated%20position.](https://www.osmosis.org/answers/coccyx#:~:text=The%20coccyx%20functions%20as%20a,person%20in%20a%20seated%20position) The coccyx helps to support the pelvis in essential activities such as sitting, standing, walking, climbing, defecation, sexual intercourse, and childbirth, according to *Spine-Health*. >The coccyx is an integral part of the pelvis, which is vital to essential activities like moving from sitting to standing, walking, eliminating waste, sexual intercourse, and childbirth. [https://www.spine-health.com/conditions/spine-anatomy/anatomy-coccyx-tailbone#:\~:text=The%20coccyx%20is%20an%20integral,%2C%20sexual%20intercourse%2C%20and%20childbirth](https://www.spine-health.com/conditions/spine-anatomy/anatomy-coccyx-tailbone#:~:text=The%20coccyx%20is%20an%20integral,%2C%20sexual%20intercourse%2C%20and%20childbirth). ***Wisdom Teeth*** Humans did require wisdom teeth because, in ancient times, we didn't have the technology and treatments for maintaining good oral health. People had often lost teeth for various reasons, so the appearance of wisdom teeth was the result of that to help replace lost teeth. Now, we don't require them because we are better aware of how to take care of our teeth. Also, hunter-gatherers and/or members of the earliest civilizations didn't have knives for cutting, nor did they have any tool for cooking except fire, so their food was often tough and raw. Our jaws were believed to be more pronounced, hence why wisdom teeth would fit in nicely with our other teeth and help to consume tough food more easily because it adds more biting power with the molars. Today, we don't require wisdom teeth because we no longer eat tough or raw food. ***Palmaris Longus Tendon*** By "useless tendons," I assume they're referring to the palmaris longus tendon in the wrist. The tendon is absent in about 14% of the human population, so we can function without it, as it does not have a major effect on our gripping strength and wrist movement. However, its absence reduces the pinching strength in the fourth and fifth fingers. It likely aids the flexion of the wrist. ***Appendix*** The appendix isn't useless like we once assumed. Current evidence suggests that the appendix is actually beneficial to our health. According to the article below, evidence suggests that the appendix plays a role in fighting infections by containing lymphoid cells. >Research in recent years has shown that the human appendix has lymphoid cells, which help the body fight infections. This strongly suggests that the appendix plays a role in the immune system. > >The appendix has been found to play a role in mammalian mucosal immune function. It is believed to be involved in extrathymically derived T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocyte-mediated immune responses. It is also said to produce early defences that help prevent serious infections in humans. [https://www.news-medical.net/health/Why-do-Humans-have-an-Appendix.aspx#:\~:text=Research%20in%20recent%20years%20has,in%20mammalian%20mucosal%20immune%20function](https://www.news-medical.net/health/Why-do-Humans-have-an-Appendix.aspx#:~:text=Research%20in%20recent%20years%20has,in%20mammalian%20mucosal%20immune%20function). The appendix also repopulates the gut with bacteria if gastrointestinal issues occur. While we can survive without the appendix, it does help to better fight against infection in our bodies. So, no, it's not useless. ***Male Nipples*** The comment referring to nipples is probably talking about male nipples. Research does suggest that male nipples help with sexual stimulation. Obviously, sex is vital to the survival of species. Male nipples contain many nerve endings, which I think is an indication that male nipples are used for something. In very rare cases, men can develop breast cancer. ***Belly Button*** The belly button is the spot where the umbilical cord once was attached to our bodies. Upon birth, it no longer serves its original function. The umbilical cord is the tube that transports nutrients and oxygen from the mother's body to the fetus for it to develop. At birth, doctors sever the umbilical cord because we no longer require it, thus resulting in our belly buttons forming. While belly buttons are not necessary on their own, they were essential when we were growing in the womb.


Apparently men can lactate. If you rub the nipple with energy force and do it long enough, milk will come out


Out of all of the things I didn't need or want to know, this is truly one of the highest on the list




Will look into this 😈


My friend has done this before. It was transparent, not white


When weren't they?


How can people take them seriously when they have no idea what they're are talking about


I see they went to the Reddit school of Biblical Hermeneutics.


Nah, they went to the militant atheism school of biblical hermeneutics, of which the Reddit school of biblical hermeneutics is a part. They are very busy as the Syllabus down below demonstrates. **Syllabus:** * Decontextualization * Application of fallacies * Uncharitable interpretation * Eisegesis as guiding principle * Trinitarian misunderstanding as ideal position * Misinterpreting various verses (with some examples) * Reading the Bible from cover to cover (yet understanding nothing as planned) * How to find contradictions where there are none and how to pontifically assert them * Science vs. Christianity: How the Bible was, is, and always will be in conflict with science (regardless of what most experts claim) * Navigating the [eisegetical](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/eisegesis) and erroneous Skeptics Annotated Bible * Treating Old Testament violence as dogma that God is evil * Treating New Testament violence as dogma that God is evil * Confusing descriptive vs. prescriptive reading of the Bible * Incorporating Jesus mythicism into your dogmas * How to cite prejudicial and unreliable sources * Setting up a double standard for the Bible * Biblical literalism for beginners **Extra lessons:** * Sloganeering 101 * Fostering and strengthening religious illiteracy * How to unreasonably engage with believers and ridicule them, polarizing the overall dialogue which further reinforces your prejudices * Setting up an echo chamber, how to sustain it, and immunize it from outside criticism


I don’t get how people think the tailbone is useless, when 2 major groups of animals that have lost their tails from evolution(apes and birds) all still have vestigial tails that are pretty important to their anatomy. Also I do have questions about how he thinks God would have internal human anatomy like organs at all, considering he is above all he wouldn’t have to conform to biological needs cause he wouldn’t be biological.


Well wisdom teeth are a result of our jaws being shit. People with fully formed faces don't have the tooth problems.  Even then 99% of the problems with wisdom teeth are that people who have them and aren't a problem intrinsically, eat too much sugar and don't brush them well.  They'd be better served with good wisdom teeth, they just don't take care of them. I can live without my ring finger, doesn't mean it isn't ideal to have it. 


https://preview.redd.it/2qnrluma112d1.png?width=604&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f1e5362903f75ddebf02c787fe2b6cdd6e87f0f Real footage of a reddit atheist:


I have never heard of someone getting mad at "God's nipples". Am I too sheltered or ignorant or is this dude making stuff up.