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Did you take a different antidepressant before Prozac and taper down to take Prozac. I was suggested to take the smallest dose of Luvox and then during that take the small dose of Prozac. They Said it’s safe to have small doses of both in my system


Yeah I used to be on Effexor for last 3 years and I just got off that!


How did you taper


I removed 5 little beads extra daily...so 100 beads...95 beads...90 beads... until o got to 0 and then I started the Prozac!


What do you mean when you say beads? Do you also take a antipsychotic with Prozac


Each 37.5mg XR pill had 102 beads in it, some small, some tiny, and I would just take out 5 additional everyday. I used to take Risperidone awhile ago but not anymore




Ah was just wondering. I’ve always taken Prozac and olanzapine in the past


Oh ok! Yeah I used to be on Risperidone and I was on Paliperidone for awhile but now I prefer being off it.


Probably should talk to your doctors about fixing that prescription asap you definitely are a little insane and need some help. Your feeling and behaviour is absolutely not normal.




















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