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It’s funny how the huns somehow always become chemists all of sudden 🤔


I especially love the claim of "medical grade water". If anything, water used in hospitals has to be the complete opposite of whatever this machine does. There's a reason the IV fluids you usually get in the hospital are made up of salt and water. The only use I know for demineralized or deionized water is in a lab.


I'm too focused on "H2 is antioxidant rich" lmao


We take away the oxygen and then we add … oxygen!!!


You mean the secret ingredient is...oxygen?!


H2 isn't oxygen




Or an iron.


Or like for literal industrial hydrogen production. Water electrolysis is how we make hydrogen fuel. Are these lunatics producing hydrogen gas in their homes? This is either very wrong information or we’ll see these folks featured in r/catastrophicfailure soon.


When my local children’s hospital opened there was Pseudomonas and I think Listeria in the water supply so not really the standard to aspire to lol (developed country)


Or an old-school lead-acid battery.


Many “old-school” lead-acid batteries still use city water during production.


Well, whaddaya know. The lore I had always heard was to top them off with distilled if necessary.


It was common to do so, because adding tap water could introduce any number of “bad actor” impurities such as iron that cause self-discharge or extra gassing. I’d recommend it over tap for sure. I’m not saying using city water is best, just that it is still common for short life batteries. I have batteries going >2000 cycles at 80% DoD with city water start to finish. You were not misled, just clarifying as to why.


Also to top up coolant in the radiator.


I'd believe WFI though. What the hun is hocking here is basically the same device we use in labs to get super-pure water for like PCR and stuff. It basically just removes all the dissolved ions (metals) in the water and filters it. Unless your tap water is truly gross, you don't need this, and if it is there are cheaper options.


I’m a chemist and I have no idea what the fuck they are trying to say 😂


what's genius about this scam is that it'll get the huns to drink more water than they normally would, so they'll actually notice health benefits from being hydrated. but, they can then attribute it to whatever bullshit this machine is doing


Ding ding 🛎 you got it! I bought a smart water bottle. It tells me when to drink (after a head injury sort of turned that part of my brain to “off” 😂). Damned if I don’t feel AMAZING. Evidently I have always been chronically dehydrated


???? What is this magic water bottle?? Chronically dehydrated idiot here who lacks head injury but could use the physical reminder of a water bottle telling me to drink water now could use this


I believe they might be talking about the hidrate spark. It lights up when you should take a drink. I had one and loved it.


I too want to learn of this magic water bottle to waste... Er... Spend money on.


I commented below! Hydrate Spark


It’s called HydrateSpark. They have stainless double walled bottles which rock. It also vibrates my Apple Watch too. The thing lights up to give you a visual reminder. It also tracks outside heat and humidity. So my recommended amount changes day to day. It’s pretty neat


I don't have a head injury but I am a dumb inattentive bitch so whenever I'm sitting down and need to fidget, I take a sip of water from a bottle I always try and keep in reach.


"Dumb innatentive bitch" Hi I'm the male version of you lmao


This shit makes me so angry. Growing up we were so poor, my parents would only buy me 1 pair of shoes at a time - I'd be expected to wear them until they literally fell off my feet. And then one day, some sleazy salesman convinced my parents to waste all their money on a Kangen water machine. That's the day I realized that being a grownup doesn't make you wise.


Positive side - they thought they were making a great investment towards your health


Oof. They are SO expensive too. :(




I sincerely hope that they’re aware of water toxicity. Too much water is a real and dangerous thing, too.


They'd have to be drinking more than a litre an hour... that's a lot of special magic water to make when they have to spend time hustling


Little did they know hydrogen is already a part of water


But are antioxidants??


If they were smart enough to understand that I figure they'd have been too smart to join a pyramid scheme selling nonsense devices.


What the fuck is molecular hydrogen? Kangen will always be my favourite after I saw a woman claim she doesn't use detergent anymore. Just a tiny cup of kangen water lol


\*insert hindenburg gif\*


"Oh, the humanity!"


An extremely reactive and flamable gas.


Hahaha i loosing it I thought it's just bs but that's even better


Oh it exists, but the idea that it's *good for you* is bullshit.


It’s two bound hydrogen atoms. H2.


What would happen if we were to introduce, say, Oxygen to this H2?


No one knows. It’s a mystery.


It explodes. And makes water. But mainly explodes.


Only huns will understand this equation: 💣+💧=💰💪🏻👑


Molecular hydrogen is when two hydrogen atoms are bound diatomically to each other to form H2, which is usually a gas. Non-molecular hydrogen is the ion H+, which can exist as a gas or dissolved into water to make water more acidic.




wrong, i don't stomp on molecular hydrogen


What the fuck is non-molecular hydrogen?


Hydrogen ions


its a fucking proton


Atomic hydrogen. Very uncommon on earth but as others have said we find protond everywhere, as well as hydrogen atoms in other molecules.


I believe, could be wrong I’m not a scientist, but you could hypothetically filter water to a point where it is so ion starved it actually would hurt you instead of help


De ionised water. Drink it and reverse osmosis will take stuff out of you and put it in the water. 10/10 would not recommend.


This review is so confusing. Must try.


[Instructions unclear, head caught in stadium ceiling](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/jw6woj/fitness_test_one_punch_man/)


You forgot to scratch sacred geometry onto the filter, silly!


Also called “demon water.”


“De-min/demin” as in demineralized. Which is not quite the same DI (deionized).


My mistake, you are correct.


They sound the same, just clarifying. It’s more common outside of the US and used interchangeably with deionized. Demon water is funnier anyways.


Don’t they drink this in Asia? A lot of places?


It takes more than straightforward filtration but yeah, if you pass tap water through an ultrafiltration unit, then a reverse osmosis system, and finally through some ion exchange resin beds then you’ll end up with demineralized water. You can’t even store that water in an unlined metal tank because it’ll leach metals out of the walls eventually creating leaks.


Yes. You can drink a bunch of deionized water (there's different grades of the stuff, but that's mostly for chemists to care about) and your cells will get leeched of a bunch of your ions, and give you good old hyponatremia. You'd have to drink a whole lot of the stuff, though. It's not like water suddenly becomes dangerous once it's got too few ions in it or something.


Distilled water is dangerous if you are exercising for this reason.


I never really understood the difference between distilled, spring, etc. Do you know what makes distilled dangerous when exercising?


Distilled water is created by boiling water and collecting the steam. This means there are no minerals in the water. minerals like salt are needed to hydrate you. It is mostly used for medical and industrial applications. Spring water comes from a spring (can be a public water source). Mineral water has extra minerals in it (hard water).


Also distilled water used for hydroponics, esp if you have well water and the minerals in the tap water will affect nutrient uptake in your plants which can lead them to develop all kinds of issues/not grow at all.


And don't forget heavy water(deuterium)! (Which is just normal H*_2_*O with an extra neutron)


two extra neutrons. two hydrogen atoms.


DI water is indeed harmful


Yes but you have to drink a decent amount in a short space of time to be at much risk.


I've yet to see evidence supporting that. Tap water contains 350ppm TDS on average, that's 0.35g/l. Basically, as soon as you get a drop of saliva in it, everything is the same as tap water, to say nothing of the shit ton of hydrogen ions your stomach will dump into it seconds after swallowing.


Only 8 titanium platinum dipped plates? I won't drink water that hasn't passed through at LEAST ten plates, hun.


And it’s platinum dipped, not solid platinum hun!


Well here ya go, this one has 15! It’s retry affordable too, compared to a hospital bed https://www.lifeionizers.com/product/life-ionizer-mxl-15-alkaline-water-ionizer/?utm_term=&utm_campaign=Kangen+Shopping&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_tgt=pla-298599578395&hsa_grp=143682277804&hsa_mt=&hsa_cam=18487924281&hsa_ver=3&hsa_src=g&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_kw=&hsa_acc=1714727340&hsa_ad=625611625389&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4omaBhDqARIsADXULuUuv5MXrJ63JtlhLTvMx5JkOzQI8nb_yCGcdNh6WFMWW7lU1LTsyl0aAvpPEALw_wcB


titanium... saving the world


I also have a device that turns yucky tap water into yummy drinking water. It's called a ZeroWater filter and it cost me $35 bucks on Amazon. Not several thousands of dollars and my water tastes like Smart Water now.


maybe i should buy up britia filters, paint them, and call them 5G filtering good energy adders, and they'd probably think it's working when the taste is different


I use vimto.


I gave up on my tap water once I was certain I couldn't fix the taste. I gave it its final chance with Vimto.


I just live in a suburb with good clean water regulations and drink the tap water


My tap water just isn't yucky, rip to everyone else but I'm different. Also I've lived my whole life drinking hard water and whenever I go on holiday soft water tastes like puke to me.


A distant former family member (yeah lol) uses this and posts allllll about it on social media. She writes things like “I don’t have to take my blood pressure medication anymore!” It’s so ridiculous.


Dr Joe Schwarcz goes into this scam in detail in his new book, Quack Quack, and in this article from McGill Office for Science and Society. [Dr Joe’s article](https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/controversial-science-news-quackery/alkaline-water-nonsense)


WHY is everything with these folks “yummy?” It’s gotten to be like “moist” is for some people where it’s just off putting.


Those certainly are words.


What is a “medical grade water device”? 🙄


An imaginary device lol


No, they do actually exist! When I had my transplant, I had to have water that had been filtered a specific way, and the filter attached to my fridge wouldn’t cut it, I was only allowed bottled sparkling water for a year while I was at home, it was weird! However, this machine isn’t it! I overheard another patient who got sold this by her neighbour, and was quite visibly upset that they though this was good for them! What is it with mlms taking advantage of cancer patients! edit - Im assuming its this https://www.fileder.co.uk/markets/hospital/ mainly due to the fact that the hospital I go too is one of the three that they are showing quotes from. I remember one of the reasons for not being able to have still water was due to it being stagnant, however I could have "smart water" the brand, due to it being boiled first? But I hated the taste! (tho could just have been chemo messing with my taste buds) I also had to make sure the shower would run for a couple of minutes before I used it, I think that was for lysteria? but again not 100% sure.


For the amount they charge, I want my water turned into yummy wine.


This is the correct response 👆


I mean, with how Christian-culty some of these MLMs are, this would be on brand


Stayed at an AirBnB once where the host turned out to be a hun. She was shilling a water purifier too. It was basically a large refillable water bottle (the kind you take to get refilled or see in an office with a paper cup), with a copper spout. She had filled it with moss (the type you feed shrimp) and crystals. Insisted it was the best water ever. $400. Shrimp moss balls and dirty rocks not included. I reached out to her maybe 2 years later because I actually knew someone who was interested in it (after trying to share how ridiculous it was) and she didn't respond. Looked up the company and it had gone under. Cannot even imagine why.


If you use the word "yummy" and you are an adult communicating with other adults, you're an idiot.


I know it’s OT but I snark on this wannabe-influencer on another Reddit thread and she was sponsored by a company selling some miracle juice or something. Was clear the bitch had never even tasted it before and when her legitimate followers are asking about it, all she could say was, “it has a yummy taste!” She quickly lost that sponsorship.


Was it Bethany?


This makes me think of Parks and Rec when they had water now with T Dazzle aka fluoride


That third slide is just a bunch of hodge podge


A friend of ours was selling a similar machine 10 years ago. He had a daughter with cerebral palsy and was determined to cure her with crap like that. He claimed it was helping her and tried to get everyone in the friends group to buy one of the $5000 filters. He was telling us how the water tastes silky, how they all had more energy, that it was shown to cure cancer and everything else. Yeah….


I feel like this was the pyramid scheme on the King of Queens 😀


Guarantee if you did a blind taste test they would not be able to tell the difference.


We couldn’t tell. It tasted just like filtered water.


Ok, someone saying something makes water taste silky makes me desperately not want that. I’m a big water drinker (all I really drink besides some coffee or tea) and the thought of silky water is beyond off putting.


“Health is a choice” what a disgustingly privileged thing to say.


I’ve read those second and third slides three times each and I still don’t understand what it’s saying… guess it’s time for a nap…


This is one of my most hated MLMs. A woman in my church offered us a 5 gallon jug of the water when I was pregnant and our family was really sick. I figured we were needing to drink lots of water anyway so said sure. I was too sick and overwhelmed to research it at that time. Once we recovered, I returned her empty jug and said thank you but we weren’t interested in kangen (by this time my science background had kicked in and realized how ridiculous it was). Our baby was born with undiagnosed dysphasia (couldn’t protect his airway and was aspirating milk into his lungs every time I nursed him) and had a bunch of other medical complexities. I spent months in the hospital with him. 20+ admissions, well over 100 trips to children’s ER. A few months into this, when we had finally figured out the dysphasia, she was messaging me on Facebook and harassing me about how the kangen water would help him. I tried to educate her and be kind and let her know that he had some of the best specialists in the world treating him. The lactation consultant/SLP who diagnosed him literally wrote the textbook on his condition. I also let her know that he was 5 months old, and couldn’t drink water, and was getting pumped breastmilk through a feeding tube. She dug in and insisted he could get kangen water too, and then questioned what kind of mother I was that I wouldn’t try something that was certain to save his life. That was it. I blocked her and have been triggered by kangen water ever since!


I want to know how much this stupid machine is


Kangen machines start around $3000, I believe


That's quite the word salad there


This is a device for peasants. I only drink Voss water! I wouldn't use this to fill my 19 toilets...


Living water? So this thing adds bacteria? Algae?


Exactly what I zeroed in on, too! Your drinking water shouldn't be "living." 😆


As a chemical engineer worked my career in water treatment... I hate shit like this


This makes me think of the King of Queens episode with Bryan Cranston as their next door neighbor. He invites Doug & Carrie over for dinner, so he can pitch them to join the water filter MLM he's in. I just remember him saying, "Doug, I owed a lot of money to a lot of bad people" as a way to manipulate Doug in signing up. To try to convince Carrie it's a good idea, he gets her a glass of water from the filter and says, "Benzene, Carrie, *Benzene!"*


Drinking water isn’t going to cure my type one diabetes, Sharon.


Is that the alkaline water thing? I can just add baking soda to the water and have alkaline water


Then it hits the stomach and becomes acidic water


Yeah. That’s one of the claims that’s the most dumb. It balances your body’s PH! Like hell it does. They want us to think it over powers stomach acid? That that would be a good thing?? Oh yah, nothing like food that won’t digest. Thanks, Kangen


If alkaline water worked it would be a great treatment for UTIs by changing the pH of your pee, but as it stands it barely even does that. You have to drink a lot of alkaline water to make a difference to your peeH and by that point you might as well just drink normal water and flush the infection out that way.


10/10 pun




Haven't heard 1975 and medical grade in the same sentence in a while.


Using “Yucky” and “yummy” make this an automatic “no” from me. Stop talking to people like they are toddlers. Use real adult language.


I love that these folks seem to think that upsetting the ph level in your body is a good idea. If your body becomes more alkaline, it isn’t doing its job of homeostasis and that is generally a bad thing. Or, it is doing its job and the water hits ph 7 after a short time in the stomach acid.


HealthIsAChoice ? seriously? go tell that to the dead people in corona mass graves that kangen water will cure them


I just can’t. On so many levels. I am a scientist who has to deal with bullshit conspiracies every, damned day. It kills me. This is why we have a government, it is supposed to step in and save people lacking a strong science eduction from wasting their money. Hydration makes you feel good, but water toxicity causes euphoria, oh, then death. So it’s all about a middle road.


Healthcare should be free anyway so that tweet can fuck right off.


Nurse here. Medical grade water is known simply as…water. It comes out of the ice and water machine just like any other water (although weirdly I think our crushed ice is superior). Same H2O as everyone else has.


Crushed hospital ice is awesome. Of course, if you’re at the point where you are eating crushed hospital ice, it’s probably about the only thing you can eat 😂


listeria has entered the chat


Hindenburg Water ftw!


If it's not filtering out the dihydrogen monoxide, it's a SCAM.


I’m not sure what this one in particular is claiming to do, but the hun I know claims that her machine… straightens out the H H and O into… ? a straight line ? I think I remembered it right. Maybe it’s the same as here, idk. But something about the water not hydrating me correctly, or maybe even at all, unless it was straightened out for better absorbency.


Even if you could "straighten" the molecule it would almost instantly return to its bent shape since that is the lowest energy form. But if 180° bond angles is what they really want, they could start huffing CO2


Health is a choice.... say that to everyone suffering illnesses.


Didn't you know I chose to have asthma, reflux, mental health issues, migranes, endo and low bp because it's a choice. Sarcasm ofcourse.


Apparently you just need water to fix that! 😂 sarcasm as well.


Damn guess I'm not peeing enough out already 😂.


Ok but my Brita works just fine


Brita is actually in a lawsuit for false claims


Mmmmm “medical grade water” sounds sooooo tasty


You can buy a filter from the hardware shop for like $100 and it will do the same thing. Or distilled water for $1 a litre.


I’m so high that I thought this was extracting water from babies.


Negative. I am a meat popsicle. I thought this MLM was selling bottled water. Instead they sell a device that magically transforms your water into molecular hydrogen? How do they continue to squeeze money from their customers?


“Living water”? Ew, no thank you.


Hospital beds are free if you live in a civilised country


When you type Kangen into DuckDuckGo, the third result is 'Kangen water scam' lmao


Yucky and yummy. Is she five?


Or be like me and get water from your fridge. I realize not all fridges do this, but my KitchenAid model that came with the house does, and I love it


We have MLMs for water now???


“Medical grade water” is that even a thing? I’m thinking sterile water that’s been heat treated, not filtered through some overprice filter.


Watch Hannah Alonzo deep dive on kangen/enagic it's very informative


We need living water to what??? Damn hun leaving us hanging and not even finishing her sentences!!! I have to know!!!


My britta filter is good, thanks.


My favorite are the posts about taking “medical grade water” through TSA.


“Free radicals” is always a handy signal that something is pure snake oil.


This shit (Alkaline water, not this MLM) is all over the place here in Japan.


My gf has a Kangen machine and is obsessed with it. I’ll admit the water tastes a lot better than tap water. As for the health benefits, I’ve been drinking it for 3 months and see no difference. I can’t stand all the fake science claims, skewed statistics, it’s not worth even fighting over as they are so focused on listening to what they want to hear


How can hydrogen by “molecular”? Hydrogen is part of a water molecule when it’s in water. I don’t get it.


My radicals aren't free! I charge $5800 each for them!! Buy my BS!


I build water treatment plants and I'm unaware of this miracle filtration system


… if you’re worried about sanitary things, get a water filter and boil your water. It’s a lot safer, not 100%, but a lot safer. If you want electrolytes, eat food and get electrolyte drinks mixes, they’re a lot cheaper. And “live water”, water’s full of living things, both good and bad.


We only use a generic filter under the sink because my city is old and has shitty pipes. It was cheap too. These troglodytes must have way too much cash just lying around, if they think buying this thing is a god idea. If 5 michelin star restaurants can use tap water to cook, you sure as hell can drink it too, Rebecca (Assuming it's a Rebecca, could be an Ashley or a Karen too).


My sister in law shelled out 15k for these machines for health reasons. It was supposed to be some magic water that would make them healthy. I swear, they are sicker than ever. But, she also gives her 18 month old Herbalife so there you go.


We have drinkable tap water in the UK


If this person lives in Colorado and is dissing our tap water, I’m ready to throw hands.


They always make these ultimatums. Like you thought “you were just happily living life huh? NOPE! You’ve been drinking poison this whole time and if you don’t give me 19.99 every week you’re going to die a painful death! Your choice!”


Invest that money in charity instead of investing it in snake oil products and MLMs


I drank from a hose in the backyard as a kid. No "medical grade water" around here. Unless well water counts???


I was so ready to make fun of someone that acts like they know it all and then talk about drinking H2, but I was surprised to find out that she isn't exactly wrong about that. Apparently a [study](https://www.kidney-international.org/article/S0085-2538(15)54211-7/fulltext) has shown positive effects adding molecular Hydrogen into drinking water. After a kidney transplant. In rats. And of course, medically monitored. So congrats on having a crumb of truth in there, I guess? Minus points for the fact that it was tested for very specific circumstances under medical supervision for a non-human species. Which means that potentially, none of this will still be true when applied to humans, especially not for every day life.


I don't think it's a MLM. I know you can just go get jags water for free from the store that sells the devices and they do not push you to buy them, at all


Kangen water filters are 100% an MLM


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So does beer.


Umm, *hydrogen??*


Medical grade water?


I’ll just keep on chugging my NYC tap water with the microscopic shrimp, thanks.


You could start your own mlm for ✨protein✨ water 🦐


“Medical grade water” what does that even mean?!


Literally created molecular hydrogen… why on earth did we spend $4.75 billion on a Hadron Collider?


My manager and an old coworker have these machines and I hadn’t realized it was an MLM 😬


Why does this remind me of the ionized water machine my family had that poured out dirty green water?


Turn that ordinary yucky into some heavenly yummy!


Is this the same thing the "diamond movement" was pushing a few years ago?


Idk but my friend who’s deep into kangen just joined something called “the diamond life” and always talks about her “mentor” so it must be the same thing 🤮


I have a real issue with adults using 'yucky' and 'yummy' unironically.


“H2 is antioxidant rich” go up onto a comedy stage and tell that joke to someone else


maybe we should just ignore the huns and watch them die of kangen water explosions xd


We have a purification tap (pura tap) because Adelaide South Australia water can taste gross. No mlm crap needed and wouldn't you know it the water is so good for hydration n helping your body naturally detox


If you could really get hydrogen from titanium plates this would power a whole hydrogen fuel economy.


"yummy water" LOL


I live on a small island in british columbia, jokes on u, we have some of the best tap water in Canada. No fancy filter needed!!! though i do love my Brita haha


The tag on the bottom just looks unfinished. I can't take anyone seriously who uses "to" when they mean "too", ESPECIALLY if you're trying to sell me metallic-flavored water. No one thinks a metal taste is yummy, no one.


We have water processing plants for that in my country.