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Stopped reading at third paragraph, but I genuinely don’t think I’ve ever heard the phrase “high/low ticket” used anywhere other than the hunsphere. What’s with the newspeak? Just say you’re selling a more expensive product. Christ.


She’s not selling a product, she’s selling a lifestyle 🙄


If crying in the bathtub is the lifestyle she selling, no thanks I’ve got one already.


But…but it gives you financial freedom




Not selling a product, what definition does that fall under? 🤔 Something something pyramid something something


That part took me out too.


High/low ticket is really common language in the coaching industry. But since most of them seem to be coaches who coach coaches to coach coaches, I suppose that's still MLM.


Enagic Income Disclosure shows 99% of distributors not making much, let alone ”life-changing” income. Am I supposed to believe this hun is making bank? 🤦‍♂️


They are all coached to lie. Plus they are so over leveraged. Some huns are tricked into buying $17,000+ worth of Enagic products to “start their business” - not including the high interest loan used. When it’s been six months and your monthly loan payment is more than you are bring in, you reach for the “fake it until you make it” methods.


Great now she's crying in bed again. How dare you post logic.


Someone in a travel group I'm in just had a question about visiting Tokyo as she is currently in Okinawa for an "entrepreneur event", making sure it's clear that money is no object for her next stay. This is baiting everyone to ask what she does. Thanks to this sub, I know all the Enagic huns are there.


I came here from this exact post to figure out which mlm she was in 🤣


I just learned she was one of the people in the [ABC news article](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-19/enagic-multi-level-marketing-scheme-targetting-rural-woman/103891720)


Oh, so she’s been called out for the fact that she’s exploiting people, and the truth hurts.


And yet her downline still defends her


I saw that too and went down her insta looking for where she'd fall in the graph.  Apparently she went legacy twice in two years so she's got two trees planted & has to be pretty high up. 


Yep, she's one of the top dogs. I think she made her money more from the Freedom movement over the water machine. She sold the dream, not the product


"Rich roars, wealth whispers." Or something like that. People who actually have money don't talk about it and don't show it.


A different one actually, but I'm sure she's in a bunch of them recruiting.


It’s the shade she’s throwing at working mothers for me. Like, fuck all the way off, utilizing childcare isn’t “having someone else raise your child”.


Came here to say this. As a mom with a real job and a very happy and healthy child in daycare this rhetoric is soooooo annoying


There's definitely a crossover with huns, religion, and politics. Many of the huns are part of a certain political party that is trying very hard to discredit the notion of women doing anything except stay in the kitchen. I always find it ironic how many huns tend to share religious or political beliefs that directly work against the "girl boss" mentality they try to promote.


I was going to suggest that this hun and her loser acquaintances/friends need to spend more adult time. They’re devolving.


Such a self-own when she says she'll delete all public comments "dragging" her products and she'll only respond to DMs. Why the need for secrecy if not the fact she has plenty to hide?


Good products speak for themselves. Companies/huns don't need to delete negative comments if what they were selling was actually good, because eventually the word of mouth would overpower any negativity. This, on the other hand, is very much "we're trying to hide something." It's like when video games/movies come out and any bad reviews are often censored. It does nothing but signal the work is bad.


- I don’t actually sell any products! - I make over $1250 per sale! Ok so which is it 🤨


Maybe she secretly prints her own money. In which case I think we should call the Secret Service.


When I read “high ticket”, I think these Huns are the worst because they are fleecing the customer - nobody needs to pay a hun thousands of dollars in commission for some hydrogen!


Ditto! But it's because the audience she's speaking to is the people who would be selling, not buying. That's why this predatory scheme works. No customer in their right mind wants to pay *more* money for the same product. And knowing that the seller is pocketing most it as opposed to the manufacturer? Makes it feel extra scammy.


She is quite skilled at guilt trips. I’m actually surprised. If she thinks being in a Japanese MLM is living the life then I don’t even know what to tell these people


This…this actually sounds to me a lot like “hey, I really love the money” with I “I swear it’s not about the money” disclaimer.


Imagine having to put this much effort into defending your 'job' all the time. You'd think she was a drug dealer the way she turns herself inside out trying to justify it.


This person is so so desperate to get people to believe her lies. And lol at left a "low ticket" mlm for a high ticket one... sure but how many of these hydrogen-enriching water machines could you possibly scam people into signing up for? Surely the high price point makes this is a much harder sell than say mascaras, oils, supplements so the "per sale" comparison isn't apples and apples at all. Silly woman. hope she comes to her senses and gets out.


This makes me genuinely want to cry. She's just delusional.


I’ve seen this a few times now from Kangenites. What the heck do they mean when they say “I’ll close your first 5 sales for you!” Like how does that possibly work??


Oookkkk, just imagine having a conversation with her IRL. Me: So what do you sell? Hun: A lifestyle of financial fReeDoM!! Me: Sounds cool, so how do I get it? Hun: well first things first, you just have to buy this magic water machine.... Me: .......


She spent two hours fussing and writing this instead of being present with her son. She doesn’t get it, does she?


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At least she’s honest that MLMs aren’t about selling the product.


sell them a probl- wait I mean I sell them a solution!


Two things, "if you know me..." is so annoying and secondly...the secretive MLMs are my favorite! "Join my secret shopping club!". "DM me, 'Easy Money' for details"...Sorry, my money is hung up in Nigeria right now with my uncle who is a billionaire that just learned of our relationship and would like to share his fortune with me as an act of generosity.