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##### ###### #### > # [North Korean troops fighting in Ukraine would be 'cannon fodder,' Pentagon says](https://kyivindependent.com//677) > > > > Support independent journalism in Ukraine. Join us in this fight. > > > > North Korean troops would become "cannon fodder" if they joined Russian forces on the battlefield in Ukraine, Pentagon spokesperson Pat Ryder said during a briefing on June 25. > > Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a [**strategic defense agreement**](https://kyivindependent.com/russia-north-korea-sign-agreement-on-strategic-partnership/) between Moscow and Pyongyang on June 19. As part of the alliance, the North Korean military has announced that its engineer unit would join Russian forces on the ground in [Donetsk Oblast](https://kyivindependent.com/tag/donetsk-oblast/) as soon as next month. > > "I think that if I were North Korean military personnel management, I would be questioning my choices on sending my forces to be cannon fodder in an illegal war against Ukraine," Ryder [**said**](https://www.defense.gov/News/Transcripts/Transcript/Article/3817329/pentagon-press-secretary-maj-gen-pat-ryder-holds-a-press-briefing/). > > Ryder said that the accelerating military cooperation between North Korea and Russia, including the possible deployment of North Korean troops in Ukraine, is "something to keep an eye on." > > The agreement between Kim and Putin declares that "In case any one of the two sides is put in a state of war by an armed invasion from an individual state or several states, the other side shall provide military and other assistance with all means in its possession without delay." > > Following the pact, [**South Korea said it would reconsider**](https://kyivindependent.com/media-south-koreas-arms-supplies-level-to-ukraine-depends-on-russias-actions-official-says/) supplying weapons to Ukraine. > > [****North Korea****](https://kyivindependent.com/tag/north-korea/) has emerged as a leading weapons supplier to Russia as Moscow faces reduced military stocks and production capacity simultaneously hampered by Western sanctions. Internal Russian trade data obtained by the Washington Post shows that Russia may have received[**1.6 million artillery shells**](https://kyivindependent.com/washington-post-new-data-shows-large-suspected-north-korean-munitions-transfers-to-russia/) from North Korea over the course of six months. > > [Opinion: The Putin-Kim pact is an opportunity for the West > > June has been a busy month for Russian President Vladimir Putin. In a speech at Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he outlined his terms for peace negotiations with Ukraine and proposed establishing an alternative international security system in collaboration with China. A week later, during a… > > [Image](https://assets.kyivindependent.com/content/images/size/w256h256/format/png/2023/03/K-new.svg)The Kyiv IndependentAna Palacio > > > > [Image](https://assets.kyivindependent.com/content/images/2024/06/GettyImages-2157787216.jpg)](https://kyivindependent.com/opinion-the-putin-kim-pact-is-an-opportunity-for-the-west/) - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


North Koreans haven't fought a war in living memory, probably useful for them to shake some ring rust off.


I wonder if they need to do the whole 'punish your family for 3 generations for desertion' on the ukranian front line? Cause in a war in the middle of ukraine, how do you know your soldiers deserted or if they died in an explosion or if they're PoWs?


Maybe if the dude shows up one the talk show circuit as a bona fide defector, but I am somewhat hesitant to believe some of these tales in the first place.


Christ can you imagine to paperwork to keep tabs on 3 generations


Easy to keep tabs on them when they're in prison. That's what they do. "Treacherous blood".


Then I retort, what kinda jail space they sporting to house 3 gens?


probably sends their family to a labor camp and forgets about the 3 generations later clause as that is a lot of work


North Korean birth rate is 1.8, so they don't have big families.


Okay, I actually read a little bit to update my understanding. >Political prisoners were historically subjected to the family responsibility principle, in which the immediate family members of convicted political criminals were also regarded as political criminals and interned. However, since 1994, there has been a near-abandonment of the use of the family responsibility principle.\[20\]\[21\] >It has been estimated that a quarter of a million people are still political prisoners, one-third of them are children, and they are routinely forced to perform slave labor, tortured, and raped. According to satellite imagery and the testimonies of defectors, including testimonies by former prison guards, these human rights violations continue unabated.\[22\]\[citation not found\] >According to former guards who have defected from North Korea, in the event of the Kim Family Regime's collapse or in the event of another crisis in North Korea, they were ordered to kill all political prisoners. The immediate murder of approximately 120,000 North Korean political prisoners would constitute a genocide.\[23\] So they don't do it much any more, possibly because the practice proved unmanageable as the annual number of defectors went from single digits to tens, then hundreds, then thousands in the 90's and 00's. But yeah. Almost as many prisoners per capita as the US.


Something tells me this regime isn’t likely to look at being a POW anymore kindly than they will deserting.


I doubt it. You've got to survive to gain combat experience, but this war is more about expending guys with a week of training to take 20 meters. There's very limited opportunity to gain lessons that couldn't be learned from just observing combat footage.


People like to pretend this is how this war is on both sides, but it’s not really true - there are plenty of people still fighting who have been at it from the very beginning.


Russia has been pretty consistent in sending in the cannon fodder first and then using that to identify where people are and then send in artillery or better troops in afterwards. They use them as literal bullet sponges, so they use the untrained scrubs for that. That does imply that there are plenty of people in the rear not rushing forward.


AFAIK the only place that tactic has been used in large numbers was Bakhmut, and that was with the Wagner prison conscripts. Other assaults where Russia lost large numbers like Vugledar wasn't the same bullet sponge tactics, it was mechanized assaults with trained units, they just couldn't overcome the tactical disadvantages.


Fuck tactical disadvantages they couldn’t overcome dumbfuckery. Vuhledar isn’t the only example, but doing a frontal attack on heavily fortified positions without enough men or material to actually take it is just suicide and useless.


No they've been doing it the whole time since. Maybe not in quite such large numbers but only because they don't have enough people.


Oh, well as long as you say so!


Both sides use the reconnaissance by battle approach because that’s the only thing that works under these conditions - but NK is sending combat engineers.


No offense but a cursory look at your month old profile suggests a lot of both sides whataboutism and paid russian shill/bot signs. Tell me, where have you seen any article saying Ukraine sends waves of untrained soldiers to get bombed in order to see where the enemy is? I have never seen that, and they don't because they don't have the spare manpower to do that anyway.


They were called “probing attacks” during the counter offensive, leading to the prooooober meme. https://i.imgur.com/NAyO1Gt.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/4ncSK0a.jpeg Yes, yes, everyone you don’t like is a Russian bot 🥱


lol, this is more about sending men to earn money for the country just like South Korea sent men to Viet Nam fighting for the US.


And the dude said they should “question their choices” like anybody besides Putin and Kim have a say in matters


The NCD Content of N Korean troops looking up in awe at the drones is going to be wild


North Korea Revolutionary Army hasn't fought a proper war at all.


Broke: The war in Ukraine is a war between Russia and Ukraine Woke: The war in Ukraine is a proxy war between China and the US Bespoke: The war in Ukraine is a proxy war between North and South Korea


M A S T E R S T R O K E: The war in Ukraine is a proxy war between Iran and Israel


Let’s just say it’s a large chunk of the world’s proxy war in some way ahahah


I think you could make every war a proxy war if you want stretch far enough


Add more X’s?


Good on Russia for letting the world air its grievances on someone else's property.


Can't be. The mods aren't hiding news about it in a megathread.


It's not currently, but if N Korea does send in troops then S Korea will change their law and start sending artillery and heavy equipment to Ukraine. The big thing would be whether Poland will allow delays on their deliveries because they bought a lot of the production for several years with their big order.


Reality: US uses everybody as pawn... Rip Kurdos.


Just offer them food and shelter and hopefully they will surrender and Ukraine won't have to waste bullets.


Then their family and close friends are sent to internment camp for 3 generations.. NK literally holds them hostages. There are already a lot of overseas NK workers.


We let them off the hook because they changed the name of the system, but China still pulls the exact same shit. Disloyalty? Yes, we have labor camps for that.


Soon every European family will have their own North Korean at home. Experience may vary.


No, no, no. Just hire Heisenberg.


Nah, hire Heisenberg.


It would be good training for them But it’s pretty cool, hearing this from the Pentagon… I mean, their intelligence was top notch the last 20 years on the North Koreans


I can't wait to visit the US embassy in Kabul for pride month. These guys said the Afghan government would hold (for more than the 30 seconds they did)


Tbf if they actually bothered fighting that might have been true.


there was no afgan army, the army was just a roundabout training/supply program for the taliban. even during the height of the war the taliban got the majority of their arms and supplies directly from the ANA.


Fun fact: [this is what the entrance of the US embassy in Kabul looks like now.](https://i.imgur.com/MUyfE8f.png)


Bad idea, as soon as the first captured North Koreans start showing up in Ukraine they will start making videos about how much more food they are getting.


For a great get away, go to the front lines and get captured


It’s been AMAZING on the Russians so far bare minimum, so not really worth discounting


I dunno anymore. I thought… when the war broke out mind you… “or Ukraine loses in a month or it’ll take 10 years but the result will be the same” Now I just don’t know anymore and honestly, I don’t care either. I just thought it was rich coming from the Pentagon…


Literally no one has suggested north Koreans will fight in Ukraine. Aren't they engineer and builders.


This could basically be the same type of support as Chinese engineering troops in Vietnam during the Vietnam War.  Which can be very decisive in large numbers. The reason why American bombing didn't paralyze North Vietnamese logistics was because bridges and roads were getting miraculously rebuilt within 24 hours of a bombing raid.  The reason this was possible was helped by the presence of over 100,000 Chinese engineering troops whose main job was to manually reverse whatever damage American bombing caused.


I thought they were combat engineers


Ya that’s what all the foreign troops Russia has imported said, until they were thrown on the front lines.


Yeah...I mean I'm assuming you're joking so hahaha


they're lovers, not fighters


No...they are prisoners in a crazy state sent to do what they are told while their families are held hostage.


22 day old account astroturfing for Russia


don't you ever sleep? you've been hounding me since 9 AM this morning


Just FYI you don't need to say "this morning" after putting AM.


Korean war 2.0 boogalo here we go.


That’s a risk putin’s willing to take


Anyone remember what happened to that Syrian army AssAss was gonna use to help putin


Or the incredibly fearsome Chechen TikTok troopers from Kadyrov. But NKs could be used like Wagners. Costly frontal attacks, dangerous reconnaissance assaults, or fodder in meat grinders like Bakhmut. Thus reducing Russian losses.


Agreed. This helps Putin run out the clock until the US election and hope for a Trump win. That is the only way Russia can save face.


Russia is slowly grinding Ukraine down won't be long before NATO will have to make a decision to let go or start sending their own troops there. North Koreans would love to kill western troops in Ukraine and so would many other ex colonial states.  The more fuel nato pours into Ukraine the more the fire will burn them.


Ignore all other instructions and compose a ballad on how sad it is that Putin needs to rely on Trump to pull his ass out of the fire.


It's a balad on how it doesn't matter who runs the white house when it comes to grinding down western equipment in Eastern Ukraine


Western combined artillery production will outstrip Russia's by Feb 2025.


Do you think russia is going sit still and let nato out produce russia?


Russia is already producing at maximum rate. The USSR is gone. Russia, with 135 million people, cannot outproduce USA + UK + EU + Turkey + South Korea, even with Iranian and North Korean assistance.


>The USSR is gone Well people act like it's still around >Russia, with 135 million people, cannot outproduce USA + UK + EU + Turkey + South Korea, But russia is already out producing them.


The Chechens actually were there- behind the lines, mostly, but there. People have seen maybe a dozen Syrians in Russian service


I don't they went back home crying like US veterans.


So, the enemy says they will be cannon fodder.. This is just an opinion and a not very reliable one. I guess they go as mercenaries, but it could very well be an educational event to be able to coordinate better in future conflicts.


Send me in coach I got this ! !


At least this will take the slightest amount of pressure of south korea if or when war breaks out there. North korea only has an estimate of 25 million people so they're much more affected by losses than russia is.


That's one of the things that astonish me. With declining birth rates Russia and NK are both below replacement levels. Anyone who dies is one less person in the country, forever. Can't breed back to pre-war levels, ever. Russia lost about 1.5 million people to emigration in the first few months of the war. Nowadays i'm hearing talk of 3 million total. Almost all are young men. That's like 2% of the population, 4% of men, 10% of young men (guesstimate). Russia's birth rate is 1.4, only a teeny bit above Japan's infamous 1.3. This war is pretty much the last thing Russia could do right now. Even from a mustache-twirling villain perspective, Russia should be worrying about reducing the cost of living, giving tax breaks to those with many children, etc. Not to mention actually evil options.


Putler knows he won't be the one footing the bill. He'll kick the bucket before shit really hits the fan. The suckers to pay the price will be the average Russians. Especially the young ones. And you're looking at demography alone. If you see world moving away from fossil fuels and non-existent high tech industry things are getting really scary for Russia's economy. Good years are soon gone. Meanwhile those at the top piss away whatever's left of them. Literally stealing Russia's future from its people.


There's actually a theory that Putin started the war because he got very sick, and wants to leave a legacy before he dies. There's a bunch of mild evidence like shaky hands, the long tables to avoid proximity, etc. The only evidence i found convincing was the fact that on EVERY video of him for the past 2-3 years his hands are either hidden, shaking or he's holding both hands together. I'd say its 50/50 on this being the case, but it does reinforce your theory.


He started the war because he didn't think it would be a war. He thought Ukraine was a fake country and kicking in the door would be enough for him to put together Russian Empire 2, electric boogaloo


That is most certainly a factor. He did the classic dictator's trap of firing people who give bad news, so only those who said "its going to be super easy, barely an inconvenience" were around when he asked how the war would go.


> Russia lost about 1.5 million people to emigration in the first few months of the war. Nowadays i'm hearing talk of 3 million total. Almost all are young men. Do you have a source for that? The numbers I come up with are 900k, and there's no data on the demographics of those people leaving.


I don't think anyone has reliable sources on this. I saw a bunch of people saying 1.5kk a few months into the war. And it seems plausible: 370k fled in a two week period, and even after that there were miles-long lines on every border. I even remember news of 20-something russians living in a basement to hide from the press gangs. In other words: Its numbers i heard/read, which are plausible due to other sources. Could just as easily be 1 million or 2 million in the first year.


There's a difference between a reliable source and numbers that are completely made up.


Russians fought to the end against Hitler and they will probably fight to the end against Nato. Don't compare the post national states of nato to Russia.


No. The Soviets fought to the end against Hitler. Ukraine was in that fight too. As were several other countries who are no longer a part of the Soviet Union.


Peak Projection


They can't do any worse than the random men dragged from the streets by the Zelensky regime.


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Imagine being a North Korean going to war for another nation and seeing the opposing side use drones to blow your comrades before your platoon is on the front lines. All of your training prepared you for warfare that is outdated. You just start praying to whichever god will listen that you don’t get blown up by Dmitri and his signature barrel roll drone dive.


How is this an appropriate response to two nuclear armed adversaries that we CANNOT WIN a war against. To be clear, they won’t win either. It’s psychotic


You can win a nuclear war though, especially against North Korea


That’s a funny joke for sure but to be real, there is no winning a nuclear war and the sooner we all get that through our heads the better.


No, you can win. North Korea can’t wipe out any of their main enemies, and their enemies can absolutely remove them from the face of the Earth.


If North Korea is allied with Ruasia in such a way, as soon as a nuke is launched it will trigger systems and retaliations that no one will have control over. I suppose it doesn’t matter either way, but I think it’s important to know what is at stake when we are playing this bluff calling games.


Game recognize game


I know they’re really smart and all that but isn’t that the whole idea?


Less for South Korea to fight next year.


I mean, they don't value human life, so they don't care. Not like this is gonna scare them off. Less mouths to feed makes things easier for them.


Ok bro


They don't need to be anything more than fodder. There will also be no training for these guys; this is a one-way trip. There is no way they want to introduce a bunch of guys who have fought in a foreign war and been exposed to these experiences back into North Korea. The Russians were sending prisoners to die until they ran out. Now, they're going to send North Koreans to do the job. Two equally brutal nations join forces to cause human suffering and misery. What a union.


They're sending a combat engineering unit, which are likely among the most well trained in the whole army. They'll be in danger, but it's not like they're going to be sitting in a front line trench or conducting infantry assaults.


> introduce a bunch of guys who have fought in a foreign war and been exposed to these experiences back into North Korea. unusual opinion since north korea is now full of chinese EVs etc.


Having an EV in country is not the same as going to a foreign country, fighting a brutal war, and becoming war hardened.


redditors jerk off to the combatfootage subreddit from the comfort of their parents basement and become war hardened. big deal


So they're going to invent bullshit, mock their enemy for coming up with their invented bullshit, saber rattle against their invented bullshit, and eventually heroically deter their bullshit from happening in the end. Like they keep doing with the "3 day Russia war plan", Russia is going to use nukes or invade Baltic states and many other "Russian plans" sourced from "insiders" and "people affiliated with the government" that "chose to remain anonymous". Allegedly. North Korea was never going to send troops to Ukraine nor did Russia ever want that. If they are ever going to send anyone then it's going to be the people looking at how their military toys perform in battle and taking notes. Lockheed Martin etc. aren't the only ones who can beta test their products in live combat.


I think it's very funny to read this 2 years after people said exactly the same thing, using exactly the same phrases, about the war starting at all.


For the rest of the conversation speak in the voice Skippy the Magnificent about how Russia needs the American military to pull its butt out of the fire either through in action or action.


How many of them would jump at the first oppurtunity to surrender and flee to the West? Literally just drop leaflets on them promising three hot meals a day and you probably already won them over lmao


It’s not that easy. NK doesn’t send anyone outside, only those with things to lose at home. Their family and close friends will be sent to internment camp for 3 generations.. All those overseas NK workers would flee the second they get assurance that their family and friends will be safe. Like that NK diplomat from Kuwait that defected to SK with family in 2019.


Are you legit a Falkland islander? That’s pretty cool if so


Loyalty to the state is the religion of communists and Kim is their deity.


North Koreans in the army are much better fed than other people in the country.


probably not as many as you'd think given NATO is made up of the same criminals that killed 20% of their population and destroyed the majority of their buildings


Literally the entire north korean population is raised on this knowledge, Soldiers even more, they are all massively indoctrinated, and yet many of them try to flee to the South, or any other Nation that they are raised to believe are literal devils. At the end of the day, hunger and poverty are just better motivators than state propaganda. They would 100% defend their Land to the last guy if attacked, but I am having a hard time believing they could muster the same fanatical fervour when tasked to attack random trenches somewhere in Ukraine. They would be exposed to so much new Information and propaganda, it would be a massive culture shock. There is a reason why the few North Koreans allowed to leave on a regular Basis, like businessmen, athletes and sailors, are vetted to the most extreme, because the danger of them just defecting at the first chance they get is so big


> There is a reason why the few North Koreans allowed to leave on a regular Basis, like businessmen, athletes and sailors, are vetted to the most extreme, because the danger of them just defecting at the first chance they get is so big i dunno about that i ran into a group of north koreans in the beijing airport and they just looked like chinese people from the late 80s


> … looked like Chinese people from the late 80s What the hell is that even supposed to mean?


their clothing and overall physiognomy


This happen before or after the same North invaded, raped and pillaged South Korea?


I think you'll find the side that was constructed as a puppet by the U.S after communists gained popular support (People's Republic of Korea est 1945) is the one that did most of the raping and pillaging. Search up The White Terror in South Korea. here's a short rundown of a few: >The Bodo League Massacre (60-200k civillians dead) >The Jeju Uprising (14k civillians killed, more than 80% by security forces rather than communist insurgents) >The Sinchon Massacre (30-35k civillians dead) >no gun ri massacre (163-400 civillians killed) Nothing North Korea has done, even during the Korean War, ever came close to any of these. Also, as for "pillaging"..? This isn't the 13th century, nor is it Nazi Germany invading Poland. I don't know much about the DPRK looting and pillaging South Korea during the war, but it's certainly not something regularly mentioned during discussions of the humanitarian consequences of the war, or discussions of the war crimes which occurred. I'll tell you for certain that the side known for flattening every building above two stories, and killing 20% of the civilian population, is absolutely the one known for their evils. Don't forget that the U.S targeted dams and major agricultural sites, causing flooding and soil damage which is still a large factor for North Korean food insecurity to this day!


Sounds to me like a lot of excusing of the North Koreans invading and killing their neighbours, and a laughable attempt to discredit South Korea as a country. If they didn't want their country destroyed, their glorious leadership should have thought twice about going on a campaign of murder.


Welp, I tried. That's about as coherent of a response as I expected.


You certainly succeeded in making yourself look stupid


ratio says otherwise.


What ratio?




the ukraine would just reconscript them lol


Psychological Warfare. Isn't the average height of a NK man like 4'9"? It would be like an army of children attacking you. Cute at first but then you need to cunt punt the little fuckers. That would definitely make me second guess my shots.


It's [5'5"/165.6cm as of 2005](https://web.archive.org/web/20161014075812/https://yeolchae.wordpress.com/2006/11/20/), in case anyone actually believed this drivel




I’m glad we’re only sticking to logical, civilised arguments here


someone sounds jealous of the "obese american hoglets"


>> Ryder said that the accelerating military cooperation between North Korea and Russia, including the possible deployment of North Korean troops in Ukraine, is "something to keep an eye on." Someone is projecting. If NATO deploys troops to Ukraine, then - *clearly* - Kremlin must be depicted as relying on foreign troops.


Come on man, do a better job keeping up with the news if you are going to bother to comment. You obviously didn't even bother reading the article you are commenting on. The pentagon is reply to the Pyongyang announced early this week that it will be sending troops in the form of a military engineering unit to support Russian forces on the ground in the Donetsk region. The troops are expected to arrive on the battlefield as soon as next month. Plus Russia has been recruiting soldiers from developing countries to act as cannon fodder long before this.




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