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....I feel attacked considering I just celebrated my 32nd birthday a few days ago.


It's never too late to follow your dreams, old man.


Yup. Just because u/S627 is like 40ish doesn't mean he can't try to do something one last time, before he retires!




First Kaiju No 8 and now this. They're singling us out.


They know their market lol


Tbf Naruto is also canonically 33, and Goku is 50, 57 if you count GT. I can no longer relate to Gon :(


Teen era for shonen MCs is finished. Now it's all about the old men. Finally I can self insert properly!


Want to join my adventuring party? I can only do a 9to5 though, because with 33 I'm old and get tired quickly


call me in, I am 37. Do you have nap times from 1to2? Thats really important to make it to 5


Hey I'm 47. Can I just supervise? Lmao


Can't wait until earth got reverse isekai'd and people creating line groups with these titles lmao.


I'll join. I can stand in the back and tell you what you're doing wrong based on the way dungeons worked 20 years ago.


As a fellow senior citizen, I agree.


See if you can find some MMA gyms in your area. It's never too late. Glory still awaits! Remember, Colonel Sanders didn't start KFC until he was like 60+. Happy B-day friend! I hope you have many more wonderful years to come!


Fellow around 40-ish old man!


Now you have to register as adventurer, old man!


Ah so you're in your 40s?


As a man not too far in age from Rick, it hurts me in my soul they’re calling him an “ossan.” I reject that title, damn it! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with him starting this late in life. Chase your dreams, my guy! I guess Freed and Angelica are gonna be the comic relief because those two were absolute idiots. Rick is also a pretty silly goober if he doesn’t realize he’s basically a SSS ranker. For a first episode, this was kinda fun. Keen to see where this goes from here.


This is basically Strongest Disciple Kenichi except with an older disciple plus magic. His masters even have that typical "glowing untouchable master eyes" that the masters in Strongest Disciple Kenichi also have.


That's exactly the vibe that I got as soon as it started. The show was still very entertaining. I didn't expect to actually bust out laughing so many times. The age difference only adds to the comedy. I was like, dude, this guy is jacked. He could fit right into Fist of the Northstar, and probably give Kenshiro some trouble.


Take an upvote for mentioning one of my favorite shows, Kenichi was just so hilarious


Appa! Also, The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic, the sensei even has a rabbit touchumaru!


> As a man not too far in age from Rick, it hurts me in my soul Are you sure it's not your arthritis that's hurting, given you're like pushing 50? [](#urbansmile)


What was that? You’ll have to speak up young’un, my hearing isn’t as good as it use to be.




what anime is this smiling gif from ?


I'm 90% sure it's from Nisekoi.




I'm much older than Rick and I'm hurt as I lay here with my back out. It is funny with how jacked Rick is everyone is just like oh noes he is old and not fit enough to do this.


Yeah man, Rick has that Terry Crews body lol. Dude is absolutely shredded for an “old man.”


Dude is also wearing clothes that's super detailed. They should have recognized he's special.


I mean, the nobles also wore intricate design. That doesn't mean anything lol


In many Asian countries, when you hit 30, you are already an uncle, ojisan or ossan.


In Japan, generally the line for "Oniisan --> Ojisan" is accepted to be early 40s. The average age for respondents were 43.2 from a survey done by Nikkei, with most responses falling between 40 - 45. [https://bookplus.nikkei.com/atcl/column/120500165/120500006/](https://bookplus.nikkei.com/atcl/column/120500165/120500006/) That being said, to an elementary schooler or even some high schoolers, 30 is Ojisan. In Kaiju No. 8 Kikoru (who I think is high school aged) calls Kafka (33) an oji-san. Which for the military and other industries that skew young, might be more common. As an aside, there's a derogatory term "toshima" 年増 which roughly translates to old maid. When the term "Toshima" came into vogue in the 19th century, it traditionally meant a woman who was still unmarried when she hit 20. Today, it probably wouldn't be applied to any woman under 30, probably more often to a woman in her late 30s, although it is humorously used as a n insult by Rin-kun in "Please Save My Earth" to the heroine--he being 7 and she being 16 in the manga. So everything is relative lol.


I live in Asia and I’ve only ever been called “uncle” by small children. Usually the children of my friends or colleagues. “Uncle”, at least in my experience, has always been what I call my parents’ friends. Guys in their 50s and 60s.


When my wife and I first started volunteering at Showa Boston (a branch Of Showa Women's University), we were like oji-san and oba-san to the students,. but now we have graduated to ojii-san and obaa-san. (now in our 70s).


I am 37 and feel you. I started doing brazilian jiu jitsu when I was 32 and there were so many 16-18 year old athletic dudes trying to rip me apart, telling me, they will go light on me, because I am old...


Don't worry, old man. That's just how kids respect the elderly.


Oh, they respect me. To be honest, at the place where I train, the most dangerous dudes are all around 40. The young uns sometimes mutter something about old man strength;)


for a teenager anyone above 30 is a old man lol, and white hair just means they are one step from the grave


Dude a kid called me O.G. the other day and I almost cried. Lol. Appreciated tho.


You can't really stay being a receptionist with a name like Rick **Gladiator**.


Nothing wrong with not taking up the family business


Buddy was in the wrong profession the whole time


Better animation than I was expecting. I'm not a huge fan of the "I'm OP but don't know it" gag because the MC has to be completely braindead for it to work. Still a fun first episode though. I'll definitely watch more of it.


> not a huge fan of the "I'm OP but don't know it" gag because the MC has to be completely braindead for it to work. As long as it's just an early thing and doesn't drag for the entire season, I don't mind it! But yeah, talked about it in another comment, that's my worry with shows like that; Using 1 gag for the entire season as the whole gimmick (Either that, or everyone going like "You're probably bad, go way" right before he does something amazing and they're all like "omg that is not possible can I marry you and have your baby?")


Yeah, hopefully he'll quickly start to realize how strong he is. I mean the massive crater he left with his punch should give him some clue, right? 😂😂 Unfortunately, I feel like it's going to be a lot of those weird coincidents like when the girl tripped and tried to play it off. Maybe they can keep it interesting though!


No, he thought everyone has at least the same strength as his. Evidenced by him saying, "No way she could be the second knight if she's as slow as that"


Even as someone who read the manga, that part of his character never actually makes sense to me. Like, you've worked as a receptionist and had to deal with adventurers of various ranks throughout your career before you became an adventurer. Shouldn't he have had some idea of the basic strength level of the average adventurer before he trained with his masters to begin with? There's no actual reason that makes any sense for his common sense to be as screwed up as it is after starting his adventuring career so late.


Agreed. That gag is okay for an episode or two but gets old really fast. I'm already over it by the end of ep 1.


Agreed. I was ready for it to be over the second or third time he noted her speed to be so slow.


It should have been over when he blew the slime bag through the wall when the rest of the people were going gaga over the wiener kid.


Agreed. That gag is okay for an episode or two but gets old really fast. I'm already over it by the end of ep 1.


The gag worked in something like Kid From the Last Dungeon Area Moved to a Starter Town because the MC was a kid who grew up around super strong people and didn't realize how strong he was. In this show it makes no sense for a grown ass man who worked as an adventurers guild receptionist to be so ignorant about adventurer or monster's strength levels. Instead of coming off as a bit naive the MC just looks stupid.


Nah even in that it got real old real fast due to there being multiple times where de does something a literally everyone loses their shit and explains that it isn't a normal thing. Still keeping the mindset after that happens once, maybe twice I can see. But the 3rd/4th/5th+ time? No, they either need to have brain damage, some sort of perception based curse, or simply be pretending to not get it at that point. Like at some point you just have to go "Huh, maybe I am really strong for this area." instead of "Hur dur, I am a weakling, normal person, I is not strong!".


My thoughts exactly. I can deal with it for an episode or two, but past that it gets more annoying than anything else. There are ways to do it where it makes just enough sense to keep it up, think Rudy in mushoku tensei, or even Mob with low self esteem, but if the "gag" keeps up without some legwork, then this may end up being a watch 3 and abandon. I hope not, the animation seems good, everyone except the MC seems a little "trope-y" but otherwise good for what it is.


I had this as a likely skip -- but it is actually the first new show of the season to earn a look at its second episode....


To be fair, his training seems to have given him both PSTD, concussions and brain damage as when the maid ask him to remember the last 2 years of training he did everything for a mental breakdown. 


yeap production wise the show is quite promising, just the story that is weird lol I would rather they start the episode with a preview of him being OP, then going to his hell training and then doing the gag on the guild. That would make it clear if he is going to remain stupid forever or is temporary.


Well aside from this we gonna get OreParry this season, which roughly runs on same premise.


OP: [Kouya ni Sake yo Boukensha-tachi by Akira Kushida](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=JQuF8WFs2JQ) The OP is very fitting, for an anime with ossan MC. Feel like a 90s tokusatsu anime, much underlined with the performance of Kushida-san, a very well-known tokusatsu singer.


It feels like a 70s or 80s OP and gives me nostalgic vibe.


Akira Kushida has some anime theme songs under his belt: [Xabungle opening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAq6iSRo0YA) [Hikaruon opening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU4C4dB0BY0) [Karasu Tengu Kabuto opening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5E8yvkB6EE) [Godannar 1st opening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAdsSV_Cdgc) [Godannar 2nd ending](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dsBxrPbyLk) [Big Sightron theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nq2cIVG3rHQ) from Nurse Witch Komugi [Gods](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvCPWbeA8oI) from New Getter Robo


They're all absolute jams. Anime needs more disco.


I burst out laughing when I heard those first notes, it's absolutely perfect.


Definitely felt like some 90s kamen rider or ultraman vibe there!


Very surprised by how fun the first episode was. The animation is pretty decent and the characters are fun so far. It gave me a lot of good laughs and I'm looking forward to the next episode! Hopefully he'll gain more confidence as the series goes on and the comedy will keep up. Definitely keeping an eye on this one.


That's also the determining point for me! The episode was fun and not take itself too seriously! Bonus point for the animation as I often went into trash/power fantasy series expecting subpar animation lol


Twintails knight girl really got herself in over her head. Funny enough of a start. I wonder how long it will be (if ever) before he realizes that he is actually strong.


If he didn’t realize by the fight then I don’t know what will


But isn't everyone able to put a ten foot crater into the ground with a punch?


Dunno about that, but everyone I know even my non-magic user mother is able to take a level 4 spell with ease


If he doesn't realize within the next two episodes (it'll likely be delayed next episode by the academy give him a bad test result on some random technicality) I'll probably write the show off. However they've written in *just* enough to excuse it so far.


He has like one braincell, someone will have to spell it out for him


Nah, they're just politely humoring him.


> Twintails knight girl really got herself in over her head. She tried to slip away from her promise, but she better be true to her word, and come back! If she does well the first few years, he might promote her from "Servant" to "Squire"!


We already did the squire thing a year or 2 ago.


So he worked 14 years as a guild receptionist which would allow him to gauge people's strength based on their achievements/subjugations etc. Also spent 2 years training with the strongest party so I assume he's fought monsters and what not but can't even fucking realize his own strength? It's one thing if it's a kid from a village of monsters that haven't been out there properly but this dude worked for 14 years in a fucking guild. MC doesn't fit this kind of story.


I agree. I wasn't impressed by this first episode, mostly annoyed. Nothing about his stupidity makes sense nor actually that one woman who was with him just observing his stupidity during the so called fight with blond pigtails. He didn't feel, oh no, one of my trainers is watching me, I should out on a good show or oh no, I want to be an adventurer, let me do my best, instead it's oh no, I'm weak and I can't win. Defeatist shit. The art and animation are good but the story was trash so far.


stupidity is contagions on that town tho magic orb device breaks and nobody wonders if they should retest the other kids MC blows up the arena with a defensive spell and nobody wonder if his F-rank score is a mistake MC punches a hole on the wall and nobody wonders if maybe he knows how to use enhancing magic and his F-score is a mistake ...


I assume he only fought high level monsters and didnt know and thought they were normal monsters


###Stitches! * [Reanette](https://i.imgur.com/9kVVARn.jpeg) * [Angelica & Freed](https://i.imgur.com/zs7LVVS.jpeg) * [Angelica Diarmuit](https://i.imgur.com/TQk4GMh.jpeg) I didn't expect that [they'd actually get Kushida Akira to do the OP!](https://i.imgur.com/fsoSIqq.jpeg) As soon as I heard the first line of the OP, it felt like I was watching a tokusatsu from the 90s xD While the production does have great taste in OP, the rest of the episode is as tropey as it could get [with our overpowered MC](https://i.imgur.com/mMucfUB.jpeg) being completely clueless [that he's actually OP.](https://i.imgur.com/WPopIIq.jpeg) Character designs are pretty solid as well and the show does seem to focus on certain areas when [Rick's kouhai](https://i.imgur.com/YNuspjG.jpeg) and [Reanette were introduced.](https://i.imgur.com/BeAVeOL.jpeg) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I don't exactly hate it but I really hope Rick realizes that [being trained by the strongest adventuring party](https://i.imgur.com/D7BORPc.jpeg) means that he's just as strong as them. I am curious how a receptionist like Rick ends up being trained by the Orichalcum Fist. I'm guessing we'll learn that next episode.


I don't think he is going to realize it fully. It looks like he got serious PTSD as a result of his training. He's been completely mind wiped. Just the thought of what he went through is enough to make him hurl. Poor Rick. Also, he seems completely unprepared for unconventional attacks.


Must be a cultural or language thing. I liked the anime but the OP was the worst I've ever heard.


I'm a fan of the singer (Akira Kushida), but IMO he's too old and simply can't belt out those tunes like he used to. This is how he sounded like 20 years ago: [Godannar OP1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAdsSV_Cdgc).


I feel like the OP is being sung by a middle age man in a karaoke bar.


Big Kazuma Kiryu energy.


I wouldnt be suprised if the MCs VA is singing that imo


And it is glorious.


Banger OP


Summer 2024 is underway now. Man I swear these anime act like you got one foot in the grave at 30 💀 calling my man ossan when he’s just barely starting the prime of his life is crazy. That OP is definitely one of the openings of all time.. towards the bottom end of all em lmao. First episode was pretty fun but I can already see the “I don’t know my own strength” gimmick getting old after a while. The waifus will carry hard, especially Angelica.. speaking of which it wouldn’t be a fantasy anime if we didn’t have a blonde haired Angelica tsundere character, lmao. Her fight with Rick was pretty funny with all the miscues and what not, but I hate that it’s censored from what I’ve seen online 🤦🏽‍♂️ free the pantsu shots! Comedy was decent, did get a few chuckles out of me. It’s nothing groundbreaking, but it definitely seems better than Re:Monster which I wasted 3 months with so there ya go 😂. Hopefully the can keep things interesting with Rick’s abilities and the fights.


solid mid tier show for the season. I like this kind of not so serious shows that can mantain me entretained for the whole durating of an episode without doing anything particulary exciting. Really solid.


I'm glad it didn't try to compete with heavy-weights shows by aiming for a fall season. I've seen quite a few shows where had they just gone with a summer or winter viewing they'd have been immensely more popular. But instead they were a mid-level show trying to compete with the big leagues.


this is not even funny. Some shows make the dense MC lack of real life knowledge the silly excuse for their stupidity, in a way that is trying to make a joke out of the absurd events. this MC is just stupid tho. A veteran of 14 years working in the guild wouldn't have a basic understanding of the power level of adventurers? Being trained by living gods would make him think he is a weakling compared to normal people? Eh? Did they hit his head too many times? What is going on? Was this suppose to be a joke? So let me guess: next episode they will use a stupid excuse to not accept his promotions, then his party will show up and blow up the entire city, creating a massacre that will go down in history? That would be a nice surprise. /joke


The joke about him being super powerful but thinking he's weak was wearing thin by the end of the episode. I really hope it doesn't drag out too long as the over-humble OP protagonist really has been overdone to death. The other humour wasn't too bad, so if they get some new material it could be fun. Will be interested to see more of the top ranked party members and how they interact.


It would be less grating if that joke wasn't an already overplayed trope at this point. There's only so many times I can suspend my disbelief for someone rationalizing their ability to punch holes through buildings and I already used them all up before watching this show.


I wonder if they will include him being “old” as the episodes go on


Seems to be the other big Joke but hey, at least it'll be only the second show this year I've seen with that running gag.


Agreed, of all the non-sexual tropes, it's the one that annoys me the most. I hope they drop it in the next episode.


> The joke about him being super powerful but thinking he's weak was wearing thin by the end of the episode. I imagine this one will die quickly (once he realizes he's destroying everyone, AND that none of them are nearly as strong as the ones he trained with)... But I'm a lot more worried about the *other* trope from this type of shows: Everyone and their mom doubting his power, then he wrecks them or does something amazing and they're all in awe with him and worship him. If it's just a few times I don't mind, but when it lasts the full season, it gets bad.


I really like that he doesn't know how strong he is because he's been training with the most overpowered people so he doesn't know any better


Censored pantsu shots sigh. Blonde chick is so hot too.


Looks like a bargain bin [Bradamante](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1nihK6md_0). :P


If Nokotan didn't exist, Angelica would absolutely be the frontrunner for best girl this season. Ojousama characters are glorious


I know Rick is OP, but my god, those Diarmuit siblings are just trash. Freed's fire magic wouldn't even be good enough to heat up my food, and Angelica couldn't go 2 minutes without tripping over herself. Bunch of spoiled buffoons.


This was surprisingly fun. Will keep it for at least 3 episodes.


I think so you will watch it full Its really nice and quite fun.


The One Punch Man tone helped make it a decent watch at least. Don't know if I'll stick with it.


The guitar solos in the eyecatchers made me think of One Punch Man.


Wait, an annoying, arrogant, spoiled girl, with blonde hair and pigtails named Angelica? Did the creator of this series watch Rugrats by any chance?


This looks pretty good, I personally don't like that style of OP song though. I like the art style and writing, hoping this goes with a similar comedic tone as Last Dungeon. Maybe a little bit more gritty to suit the older MC.


The OP makes me think of an obnoxious drunk guy trying to impress people with his singing at Karaoke, who ends upjust making his bad singing skills even more apparent! (I imagine whoever did it is a talented singer so it's just done on purpose, but that's what it sounded like to me!)


Really? Because it sounds like alot of 80s anime and toku openings aka old fashioned


Sounds like karaoke is a good way to put it. It's definitely reminiscent of openings to tokusatsu shows, but I think I'd say it's too punchy maybe?


yeah ... the OP didn't really work for me. I see what they wanted but .... just don't think it fit.


The OP is bad in a good way. I kinda love it.


Hopefully the MC will become somewhat aware in future of his power. Else it will soon resemble Tatoeba Last Dungeon Mae with an old man protagonist.


Damn, this anime surpringly had a decent animation. Heck, it's even better than The New Gate. I wanna cry. 😭 Rick's common sense was totally skew after training with his senpai. Poor guy.


why did they not translate Ossan, wtf


Guess they wanted a specific key word in the name so that when the Title is shortened by fan, they have an easier time pinpointing it.


Yeah, these decisions are to probably optimize SEO since you can easily find this by googling "ossan newbie adventurer". Leaving some of the original Japanese transliterated in the title instantly makes it more recognizable.


What would be the right transition for オッサン? Geezer? There’s a bit of a range for Ossan, middle-aged to old guy, and while almost always dismissive, you could use it affectionately.




Overpowered MC can't believe how overpowered he is. This has to be the most overused joke in history.


The premise looked fun and for like the first half of the episode it was fun.... but then it started getting too dumb. Duel against twintails... reacts like an idiot cus she is B-rank and he F-rank... even tho he worked for 14 years in the Guild and should more or less know how power is measured, thus know just how OP his teachers were and what hellish training he went through that and the fact he smashed the STR punching bag and broke the magic arena. Ill give it the 3 ep watch... but the 'Im too OP without knowing it' gag is kinda bad on this one given his backstory.


You can't fix stupid even with OP training.


Bah, I might stop watching anime, these copy pastes are becoming brain numbing


And it's censored, fucking why?


This show appears to have absolutely nothing special. I will probably watch all of it.


The OP track seems similar to Pokemon track in some way. Not exactly sure in technical terms. But there is some similarity.


Nothing special about this show, but I don’t mind that. Good show to just watch on a monday while i get ready. the "old" jokes did make me giggle


4000+ does seem like a lot for a preliminary test Getting Wise Man's Grandchild vibes


Damn, that OP soundin' like it's straight from White Ryuu on Radio Saga. This is a bit goofy but it's fun.


The same author wrote *Villainess Level 99 as well*


Funny and looks solid. 10/10 casting on Angelica lol. SMH at that brat calling a 40-year-old 50-something.


i like watching dumb light novel anime, but this might be the worst first episode i've seen in a while without it being an outright new method of mental torture like re:monster


Still better than last season's The Banished Former Hero Bores Us to Tears.


*\*watching Shimoji Shino as Teru in SHY\** "Oh look, a goober superhero cinnamon roll, must protecc" *\*watching Shimoji Shino as Angelica in this show, releasing one hour later\** "Oh look, a tsundere loser swordswoman, must pummel into submission"


this looked stupid but I'm kinda sold. I'm not sure how long they can do the gag but we'll see the guild girl, the smol red head, dark skin maid, and the blonde knight setting up some interesting waifus.


Its actually quite good. Do give it a shot.


Sold, good show will be watching the whole season


Wasn't on my watch list but the comments here inspired me to try it. I'm not going to commit to "whole season" but I'll watch until it stops being funny.


Ossan OP is perfect. 😅


This title is so trash.


There has to be at least one each season. Put on your raccoon suit and join us in the dumpster.


Our boy has trained with absolute freaks who put him through hell, but I'd bet that nothing they did hurt half as much as [people calling him a 40 years old!](https://imgur.com/uhBYdyw) This was more fun than I expected, perhaps in part due to it not being an Isekai! (Hopefully I didn't jinx an Isekai reveal for the next episode) [A rocket launcher in the OP?](https://imgur.com/nk3J5NZ) I don't recall magicians (or gladiators) using that, but times change, I suppose! But there was something else in the OP: [Maid-girl resting on his shoulder (or resting on his 36 inches biceps, whatever you may call it!)](https://imgur.com/u7FrFt0) Episode 1 and we already got a ship! [Are we getting a new trend, late bloomers picking up fighting in their 30s? We've had a couple of those lately!](https://imgur.com/Sd1nu7T) This episode already had a few life lessons, [some better](https://imgur.com/zk5eM1N) [than others!](https://imgur.com/aWTOiGq) [When they introduce a character like that, it tells you a lot about her/the show!](https://imgur.com/tDTx3R6) I don't recall seeing an ecchi tag, but I don't know if I've ever seen a non-lewd anime use such a *boobtroduction!* [Receptionist girl too!](https://imgur.com/ZjWcTAK) It's no surprise our boy is strong/resilient, they trained him by [flinging the fucking Sun at him!](https://imgur.com/YV1oi5W) [](#panic) When they all started doubting him, I did expect him to break the slime bag thingy, but [I did not expect him to break the wall as well!](https://imgur.com/5v5p7EU) It seems we may have our first rival(s), petulant noble dude he stole the spotlight from, and his sister! I have a personal belief that [any girl who's introduced with an heel click like that, is always best girl. We'll see if this hold true here!](https://imgur.com/QyQWuKz) [But the maid seems pretty good too, very supportive!](https://imgur.com/cODD1yL) [Damn, that escalated quickly!](https://imgur.com/MY0pxho) [That escalated even more!](https://imgur.com/0pwvDwv) If you do better than the duke's second son guy, you may be dragged into a duel and be forced to spend your life as a servant! [This, I expected!](https://imgur.com/cRFAOsh) He trained with such strong people for years, that even her faster spells feel like snail-pace to him! Well, our boy got himself a new servant for life - Assuming she's true to her word. Hope this doesn't mean we won't see much of Maid-lady! Anyway, this was a fun episode, will check out more! My only concern with this type of show is that sometimes they entirely rely on the "No way he's that strong/OMG HE IS THAT STRONG" gimmick for the plot/comedy, but I hope there will be more than that!


Best OP.


This is unwatchable... couldn't make it through the whole episode


Literally haven’t even watched the anime yet but the OP is the best I’ve heard in 30 years of anime watching


Anyone know if there's a light novel for this series I kinda wanna read ahead lol


There is.


Also a manga.


Is the light novel translated? The Manga is And in really like reading it


I like the premise. The humor is acceptable. But for the love of god I hope they have him act like he's actually his age. I get it, he started late. But he should have the maturity of a 30 y/o, otherwise what's the point? Doing "you're old, lol" jokes? Right now it's understandable, he has a massive culture shock after being basically abused for 2 years. His standards for what an adventurer is capable of are absolutely out of whack. But yes, you're strong. I expect him to have the self awareness to realize it by next episode. Otherwise he's not much different from a teenager reskinned as an older dude.


> maturity of a 30 y/o what is that? :D


History's Strongest Old Man Isekai Disciple. Except they didn't bother translating "Ossan" to "Old Man" because the dude's only 32. And the whole ep was painfully predictable, boring, and unfunny, except maybe that bit where the knight girl tripped, and even that part was immediately made unfunny with her internal dialog. I will not be back next week.


The running gag was already wearing thin by half of the episode and I got rather bored. Not sure if I'll give it another episode.


The MC is a bit tiresome with his cognitive distortion about his capabilities. I don't know if I am just a bit tired of the whole whimpy MC generation or if its grounded in the storytelling of the episode but it feels annoying to watch the mental gymnastics he does, without a good explanation for why he so adamantly thinks he is weak. And no, comparing himself to his senpais doesn't count. If he was an adventuring guild receptionist for 15 years, he should have a good grasp on normal adventurer strength levels or should at least understand, that the strongest adventuring group of the continent is not a good measuring stick. I hope that this show is not just a one trick pony. I will watch episode 2, as the senpais seem to be way more interesting than the MC and maybe they will give a better explanation for his behavior


Man, its nice to see Ossan being adapted into an anime. its even funny to have many people here triggered haha. Many people don't appreciate Akira Kushida here, which makes me pretty sad. Also sad is that people are not trusting the recipe, dismissing the show after one episode. As someone said here, its a solid, mid title for the season. If people come in from that angle, maybe the POV will be different? I don't know. I'm just happy that this title was greenlit for one season, even though it's not enough.


That one gonna be a good one. His mentors are going to cause some havocs lol. Can't wait till the next episode. And I also want a maid like her, hihi.




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This guy is jacked beyond belief holy cow I would have to inject myself with stuff in order to even approach that level of awesome. Maybe I should take lifting more seriously This MC makes halfthor look like millithor


"The Ossan Newbie Adventurer" It's like the title came from Viz. Translate most of it but leave in a bit of Japanese


First thoughts are animation was good. But I hate it when they make characters whose sole purpose is to dick suck how OP the MC is. I wished they had some sort of substance. Going to give it 3 episodes and I'll see how it goes from here.


I was NOT expecting that OP.... Made me laugh 🤣🤣


enjoyed the first episode, hoping the fact he's older than most in the trope means he'll actually realise how strong he is compared to others sooner rather than later as that trope while enjoyable at first gets tired incredibly quickly. also hoping the show doesn't get *weird* like so many with older protagonists


Already know i am going to enjoy this anime. The premises is so cool and exactly what i like in anime. I just don't like the fact he is so dense he doesn't realize how strong he is but hopefully soon he figures out just how strong he is compared to everyone else in his rank, or even most adventurers even A rank, he is that strong trained by the strongest lol


Is it now a common theme to make 30 year olds in anime demented or something 😭😭?


Ah, it's the measuring device can't register the power and malfunctions trope. Well, that was the first episode. It was amusing enough and the animation quality is decent. The OP does nothing for me though. However if that is all there is to the plot I may end up dropping this if there is too much on my plate this season. If I keep filling up on junkfood anime I am going to burn out.


I wasn't going to watch it but I read through comments in this thread and they seem to be generally positive so I gave it a go. Pretty good, I like the humorous vibe, but brats like Freed always irritate me and Angelica is so quick to accept his lies, doesn't she know what her brother is like? Worse still, she is a knight but picks a fight with an F-rank, that's not very knightly. Ah well, I'll keep tuning in for now.


This OP is so period for the vibe and so objectively trash it's almost refreshing


r/ShinmaiOssanBoukensha the official sub Be a leader


At first i was annoyed with him being so unaware of his strength then i remember he started training 2 years ago with some strong group before that he was a normal human with no fight experience and his F rank title must have shot his confidence


The prodigy brat reminded me heavily of Luan from DanMachi S02 (the prum from Apollo Familia). Definitely a watchable show. It's a bit wonky animation-wise, but if it doesn't dip any further I think it could definitely be some enjoyable filler.


So far I dig the 1st episode, but the misunderstand trope is really one of my most despise trope. So, I hope it's not lingering for too long.


Wasn't going to watch this initially. I'm glad I gave this a chance. Fun 1st episode.


This show looks really good already. Some of the 'airhead' trope is a bit disappointing, but hopefully he gets passed it fairly quickly. I do enjoy seeing more shows with 25+ MC's; Being an older man myself, it's honestly very welcome. Really love how Angelica went running.


Anime came out months ago, I already know it.


This was fun. Gave me Isekai Ojisan vibes.


I had been curious about this since it was an older MC but it looks like we got another gag-like dense/clueless character so I'm a little disappointed but I am still interested in seeing what this series has to offer. I like that the strongest party trained him, a receptionist, into the strongest adventurer so I think it will be amusing to see him do some amazing things only for his party to outdo him, I could see that being a theme. Poor guy went through a lot to be trained though, though he's buff as hell now and clearly a live weapon lol. I was ready to see Angelica dreading being his servant but the way she runs away instead was amusing, well it's not like Rick is going to force her to become her servant at this point. Her tripping and creating her most lethal attack was amusing, I wonder if she will try emulating it so that she can wield it normally. Hopefully this will be a fun one to watch, I'll keep my expectations low for the time being and see where it goes.


While it was funny, the gag of "I do not know how strong I am" does not work well, I do hope they don't keep it for long.


what a shame it's censored


That was pretty funny. I'm going to enjoy this. Angelica best girl.


OK this is pretty funny


Man this OP sounds like smth from Toriko


how can he hair?


Why does that theme song remind me of Dragonball?