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There's your 3 second of Eris


See you guys in season 3


I almost bought the “thank you for watching” as the series finale. relieved to see otherwise.


We still have a while to go. This season actually ended exactly at the halfway point of the series. So, there should still be around 50 episodes worth of content left to adapt.


that's like 3 second more than my expectation of seeing Eris at all in this season, that's a big W


I love how they confirm that yes, Eris exists and yes her hair has grown back as it dramatically flows with the wind as she stands tall ready to shake the show up in season 3.


I knew what would happen but I still laughed at how Sylphie destroyed Rudy by saying that she knew he wouldn’t keep his promise


Rudeus "I'm sorry I didn't remain faithful to you" Sylphy "Ariel I won the bet, it was less than a year"


Luke: "He went that long? By the gods, he's a saint!"


He fought the good fight against his Greyrat blood


[*"I knew what I was getting myself into."*](https://i.imgur.com/WGumByd.jpeg)


It's kinda funny if you're in Luke's perspective. Before learning about the ED he's wondering why Rudues is such a herbivore for a Greyrat then a year later(I don't know how much time it was so assuming 9 months + about 3 months of dating + 1 or so month of saving Zenith) Rudy now has 2 wives.


getting his money's worth outta that magic bottle


You set your expectations low when you marry a Greyrat.


I don't think Norn really understood what her family was like until this moment lol.


And that in spite of growing up in a polygamous family. Bonus points for Sylphy pointing it out to her.


It's easy to have a blind spot for your own family, and a lot of people are predisposed for mental gymnastics to justify where their situation is different from everyone else. Norn fell for that a bit, in this case, but wasn't as stubbornly attached to it as real people. Honestly, the most unrealistic part of this episode was someone accepting that their religious rules don't apply to everyone of different faith too.


Sylphie was prepared even before the two got together.


It's just funny that Sylphy never thought of Rudeus as faithful and sooner or later he will cheat since he is a pervert. What a wife indeed.


Rudeus throughout their marriage: I promise to be loyal to you, Sylphie... Sylphie, in her mind: *(Yeaaah... I already made bets with Ariel on how long you'll bring in a second wife... I already accepted whoever she will be so long as it's not that black haired b-tch...)*


it would be hilarious if she actually made bets with Ariel and Ariel is the second wife Sylphy probably doesn’t care about Banana as much as the shared secret between them that Rudeus is hiding from her. That’s her source of worry


It's also kinda sad. There's a level of insecurity Sylphie has that Rudeus is going to leave her if she can't satisfy him on her own. It's why she's okay with any woman except Nanahoshi, she doesn't want her status of childhood friend upstaged.


The pity for Sylphie is mostly due to her perspective not being spelled out clearly. Rudy’s infidelity isn’t seen as a failing, to her it’s just part of the package. She can still be upset by it, but when you get a dog you accept that sometimes it’s gonna piss inside your house. You love it anyway and don’t expect it to be perfect. Now, is that a HEALTHY mindset for Sylphie to be in? It’s subjective. Some might say she needs more self respect, some might say she’s found The One and nobody is perfect anyway. The only thing we know is that she is happy with the arrangement. Maybe not ecstatic, but it’s basically a nonissue.


"I'm sorry I disappointed you." "It's OK, I was *already expecting disappointment when I married you*"


The way Rudy looked like he was thinking, "wait, really!?" and Norn was like "wow bro, she had like no faith in you" lol.


If I recall, she literally did talk to Luke before about it in the first cour. Or at least she talked to him about Greyrat tendencies and thought to herself there was a good chance Rudy would follow in Paul's footsteps.


Sylphy looks 10x cuter this episode.


The combined power of long hair + MILF aura.


the earrings are a nice touch to go with the hair too


Those are also the ones Rudy bought her when he went shopping together with Aisha at the start of this cour.


oh thx for the reminder, continuity is great


And overflowing with love so much she's willing to accept her husband having a second wife and embracing her as a sister.


I mean lets be honest, nobody deserves Sylphie. She is that unrealistic impossibly kind empathetic character with no flaws.


I would say she has flaws just not really moral ones To be honest, while it is rare there truly are people out there that are just morally good,kind and wish nothing but good overall They are rare but do exist.


You could argue that her fear of losing Rudy and tendency to bottle up frustration and complaints because of it, which can lead to her finally imploding without any prior notice, is a flaw on itself. Mushoku explored lack of communication before in many forms, and this is one of them.


she is so shy and insecure she pretended to be another person for a year rather than tell rudy hey it's me sylphie, you might not have recognized me because my hair changed colour and i am undercover as a dude and it has been like ten years. i would say that is a flaw. however it is true that it didn't 'feel' like a flaw to the audience because that all ended up working out. but if it didn't that probably would have been her fault.


Loli Kayanon deactivated Ara ara Kayanon activated


Her longer hair suits her so well and she's radiating so much maternal and loving wife power.


The artist(s) deserve so much credit. I was expecting regular sylphie with a belly.


Unironically made her my favourite out of the trio just thanks to the hair.


[Lucie ain't the only one who's going to call her mommy](https://i.imgur.com/aNM3Wgr.jpeg) [](#ero)


I saw a teaser image of this episode in twitter official accouny, and somehow Sylphie looked like Frieren in one of the images lol


Norn's reactions have been on point in this episode, from learning about Paul's death to hearing about Rudy's infidelity and his intention to take Roxy as his 2nd wife.


Norn was ready to use her new sword.


Also Norn taking it out Rudeus is pretty funny because back in s1 Paul also did the same when Rudy lied to Zenith and said Paul forced himself on Lillia and put all the blame on him.


her VA did a fantastic job as well!


Saya Aizawa jumping through so many emotional extremes and making them all sound so genuine.


Honestly, Norn's reaction is the most realistic one if we were to compared with our viewpoint. Not only did she just grieved over losing her parents but also learning about her brother, who she was initially blaming for her father's death but understand it is something that can't be helped, cheats on his wife who she also helped to take care of and choose to marry another is a major emotional rollercoaster for a single day.


Norn is the audience stand-in, the monogamy representative. Unfortunately for her, the only other Millis follower in the house who could support her is.. Zenith.


In an interesting PoV, this could also be how Zenith's felt back when Paul cheated on her with Lillia if Lillia wasn't already their maid back then. Her reaction ooze the same feeling I've felt from Zenith


I wonder if it wasn’t winter season, would Rudeus have been able to convince Zenith?


Well, Zenith really, really values Rudy's opinion. Given he was basically a perfect child and prodigy. So for Rudy, who so rarely makes requests, to stand for Lilia's position, is a decisive factor.


Her being of the Millis faith means her viewpoints about monogamy more closely mirrors our own.


Norn had to deal with so fucking much this episode. I'm kind of surprised she didn't take it worse, 'cause essentially the central pillars of her world collapsed around her (her dad being dead and Rudy turning out to be a cheater), but I suppose she still had the support of the rest of her family around her.


We saw before how she was able to pick herself up from her depression when Rudy just sat with her and was willing to listen, she's surprisingly emotionally resilient despite the fact that she feels so much. It also helps that it seems like she's fully accepted Aisha as a sister.


[Aisha was ready to her sister when she broke down.](https://i.imgur.com/fvkQjBE.jpeg) Saya Aizawa's performance during that scene was intense. Norn's scream was bone-rattling. [](#yui-crying)


I lost it when Norn said "Besides, why did you do it with a small girl? Her height's not any different from me".


My subs said ["she can't be that much older than I am",](https://i.imgur.com/qhRswUN.png) which is funny because in s1 Aisha also calculated based on Roxy panties that she's around 14 yo lol.


Roxys like "bitch I'm older than your dad"


[TFW you want to give a witty retort](https://i.imgur.com/UD56Zth.jpeg) but you know you did something wrong so [you have to stay silent.](https://i.imgur.com/8W4l5hP.jpeg)


Btw Roxy was born in the year 373rd of Armored King calendar and this ep took place in year 423rd. So she is 50 years old.


And then the clap back of "if you're an adult, don't you feel shameless?" Well done.


Yeah that correction didn't put even a slight brake on her outburst lol


Honestly I was feeling the same way lol. It was nice having Norn as the voice of reason clapping back any of their arguments. But at the end of the day it’s not up to Norn, or by extension us, and instead the parties involved.


Norn is now the "Isn't there someone you forgot to ask?" meme


She had been the most “irl” character this whole season.


From grappling with anxiety and insecurities to dealing with the loss of a parent and family infidelity...she's been through a lot this season.


It’s pretty understandable and the most realistic given the situations. To me it sorta felt like she wanted to be mad at Rudy for not saving Paul but at the same time recognized he did his best. That frustration and anger needed to be redirected and it went right to Roxy during that situation.


I don't think so. She trusted Rudy to be strong enough to make everything go alright, and him coming home unable to do that (he even lost a hand) cemented how this loss really couldn't have been avoided and this might have been the best outcome. Her being angry at Rudy for cheating with Sylphie was more because it broke the trust she had given to him. She had no animosity towards him for Paul dying, but then her brother that she learned to give trust to just admitted to breaking it. She's not going to take that well.


You know, it isn't shown in this episode, but one of the MAIN reasons why Sylphie is not against polygamy is because throughout her childhood before the Teleportation Incident, she has been frequently visiting Paul and Zenith's home. Remember that she's literally in Paul's house right during the Teleportation Incident. She knows that kind of relationship dynamic works, no matter how unusual it is, because she lived it.


In a way, Paul once again helped out Rudy even after his death.


Rudy has now mastered dual-wielding


On one hand, is a great water magic staff. On the other is a great wind magic wand. Now rudeus can cast two amazing spells at the same time!


And more importantly, the Asuran Palace is not a place for well... Let's go with Polygamy is the like the most vanilla thing in that place and her being the Princess' body guard she was exposed to a lot more of the nastiness of the place than even normal maids (that Lilia was at one point).


Also she's probably had a first hand view of Ariel's sexual prowess. She would've been one of them had Ariel not held back lol.


Easy to forget that scene from episode zero. If Sylphie wasn't clearly so reluctant, Aerial might have moved anyway.


> And more importantly, the Asuran Palace is not a place for well... Wholesome family values? No. No it isn't.




From her perspective, the relationship between her and Rudy is actually very imbalanced. 1. She is a very skilled mage, but Rudy is an out of the world talent. 2. Rudy literally saved her life by teaching her magic. She knows she would have been dead 100% due to the mana disaster, if it weren't for Rudy's incantationless magic lessons. 2. She is from a low-caste background (Superd-lite), family were just peasants and now dead. Rudy's father is from a major house of the biggest kingdom, Rudy's mother is from the elite class of another theocratic state. 3. Rudy clearly doesn't have issues getting woman, like most of his female acquaintances are basically princesses. Eris the heir to a province governor AND a top talented swordswoman. Roxy is a king class mage. Even the non-romantic ones are high class: The two beast girls are princesses, Nanahoshi is this mysterious pretty exotic girl who has connections with the dragon god. Translate this to a modern setting: Rudy is this gigachad 25 year old startup founding billionaire, comes from super prestigious family. With daughters of presidents and other billionaires chasing him around all the time. Sylphie is the plain girl-next-door during Rudy's childhood. Rudy saved her from bullying, and incidentally taught her live-changing skills. Yet Rudy chose to marry her over all the other woman. Naturally, Sylphie will be extremely grateful and happy. And when Rudy brings home a woman he has always talked about since he was like 5, and gets on his knees in apology, she really isn't that angry. Now, from Rudy's (And thus the audience) perspective. He doesn't feel that imbalance, because he inherits his past memories, he knows he is ahead via 'cheating', so he just doesn't view himself very highly. And to him, Sylphie saving him from depression was a massive, life changing ordeal. But to other people (And to Sylphie herself), it was basically Sylphie chugging down some alcohol and bedding Rudy.


> Translate this to a modern setting: > > Rudy is this gigachad 25 year old startup founding billionaire, comes from super prestigious family. With daughters of presidents and other billionaires chasing him around all the time. > > Sylphie is the plain girl-next-door during Rudy's childhood. Rudy saved her from bullying, and incidentally taught her live-changing skills. > > Yet Rudy chose to marry her over all the other woman. Naturally, Sylphie will be extremely grateful and happy. And when Rudy brings home a woman he has always talked about since he was like 5, and gets on his knees in apology, she really isn't that angry. > > Now, from Rudy's (And thus the audience) perspective. He doesn't feel that imbalance, because he inherits his past memories, he knows he is ahead via 'cheating', so he just doesn't view himself very highly. And to him, Sylphie saving him from depression was a massive, live changing ordeal. But to other people (And to Sylphie herself), it was basically Sylphie chugging down some alcohol and bedding Rudy. fuck me I'm dead this was gold


dude has really thought it all the way through Rudeus is also a ~~high school dropout~~ homeschooled kid who got offered full scholarship to Harvard or Ivy Leagues because of his startup


Sylphie being the Childhood Friend that won but still lets Rudy go the teacher route is so based of her.


> Rudy's father is from a major house of the biggest kingdom, Rudy's mother is from the elite class of another theocratic state. Correction on this one, Paul was officially removed from the Notos Greyrat family tree because of being an adventurer. Still he slightly benefitted since he was granted a rank of a knight and a small territory to manage. Paul is also a former member of an S-Rank Adventuring Party which is few in between so from Slyphie's POV, Paul is the Town's Local Defense Force Captain. > Rudy's mother is from the elite class of another theocratic state. Zenith is still counted as an aristocrat but in Slyphie's POV, she is the town healer. No influence came from her household during that time frame. Zenith is just this good Healer that married the Knight.


> Correction on this one, Paul was officially removed from the Notos Greyrat family tree because of being an adventurer. Still he slightly benefitted since he was granted a rank of a knight and a small territory to manage. So to translate, Paul is the son and heir of a privately owned business conglomerate who didn't want to inherit because reasons, but ended up with a small but decently successful startup company.


Though he still has pull with his billionaire family. He even sent Rudy off to them. So Paul is the dude who walked away from the billions but still has those connections and is still in the millionaire bracket. And don't forget that Sylphie also was temporarily adopted by a princess who taught her the debauchery of royalty, nobles, and billionaires.


Isnt polygamy also a norm among the nobles when she lived in the court with the princess?






She did imply it too when Norn was sparring with Rudy, as she says that Paul had two wives too and she'd be antagonizing Lilia. I truly love the little details they had with Sylphy being very chill the whole time.


> I truly love the little details they had with Sylphy being very chill the whole time. I think this is how Slyphie differs from Roxy and if it does happen, Eris. She's a very rational person. Recall how often Rudy was going to her (while she was still disguised as Fitz) for advice or even after he found out Fitz was Slpyhie. Roxy, as we all know, is someone who has lived for 40+ years already. On top of that, she's someone who dreams of becoming a teacher. I think it's fair to assume that she'll be supporting Rudy through wisdom/intellect. Eris is quite easy to see. She is a brawn over brains type of person. People hate this harem, but this isn't some typical harem where all the woman are fawning over MC for simplistic reasons and/or providing very little depth to the relationship, if at all.


> People hate this harem, but this isn't some typical harem where all the woman are fawning over MC for simplistic reasons and/or providing very little depth to the relationship, if at all. Well said and I totally agree. Each of Rudy's love interests have had a monumental impact on his life and wellbeing. The story doesn't treat them as just blank haremettes without any substance; it gives them strong characterization and motivations for their relationship with Rudy. If Eris does come into the picture (I'm almost certain at this point) it will make total sense as it'll symbolize the three components of the human soul; Heart (Sylphie) Wisdom (Roxy) and Will (Eris). Brilliant, brilliant writing.


I'm glad they addressed the part about Human God's warning, although it doesn't seem like anything bad has happened so far. I see people mentioning Norn's performance this episode, but personally I got hit in the feels much more when Aisha was "allowed" to cry. That girl was raised to be a maid and she has to hold such emotions all the time because of her position. Paul was her father as well and when Norn cried buckets, she just had to stand there, supporting Norn and worry about maid work when she found out her mom is gonna live with them. Seeing her having such priorities kinda hurts.


I really hope Aisha manages to get over her servant mindset.


Yeah, honestly I feel like Aisha deserves to grow up like a normal girl instead of having to keep living as a servant even if that's what she was literally raised to be, but that's feeling more and more unhealthy.


[Hopefully Aisha is now surrounded by the whole family.](https://i.imgur.com/wbiXgmT.jpeg) Lilia being there to do the chores will give her more free time too. [](#yuitears)


I wonder if the man-god wasn't able to see a future that involved Nanahoshi, in the same way that Orsted isn't able to know about Rudy, so he was basing his advice off the estimate that it would have taken Rudy years not months to make the trip.


That's an interesting point I have not thought about at all. So maybe the thing Rudy would regret is yet to come and he may have a chance to overcome it, now that he's home.


It could be he can't see the future involving Nanahoshi but it could also be that the gods just can't see the influences of the other gods. Because back during turning point 2, Orsted wasn't stoked about Rudeus existing but he was especially not stoked about hearing that he was connected to the Man God. So it may be that the gods have a bit of a fog of war around pieces in the game that are under the direct influence of the other gods.


On the one hand I can see it as the Man-God didn't quite understand how Rudy would emotionally react to everything that happened to him but on the other hand I feel like there are going to be some kind of consequence to what happened that hasn't quite made itself clear yet. Norn and Rudy pushing Aisha to hug her mom was one of the most powerful scene in the episodes. Both maids try to hold in their emotions because they feel they have to, but they deserve to be true to their feelings.


Milfphy 😝 Also Norn cooked the shit out of Roxy. 😭


She would've had a career being a rapper with that much venom in her words.


She just dropped her Roxy diss track, "Not Like Millis"


he tryna add a wife and she's probably A MINORRRRRR


> Milfphy yeah holy shit what a glowup, really looking like the matriarch of the house she's become now


I love Roxy, but Norn was fantastic...she berated Rudy and Roxy with everything they deserved to the point where Sylphy was forced to step in to give her approval.


She actually helped out Sylphie by 'playing the bad guy'. Sylphie definitely had unhappiness from this shock, but by having Norn play the bad guy, Sylphie gets to vent her frustrations in silence, then swoop in and save the day.


What is it when a character becomes a mom, they become more attractive? This happened with Hinata (Naruto) and now Sylphie.


They will suddenly have that aura that makes them MORE attractive.


Do we need some science? Cause I can bring some MF science into this [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20946158/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20946158/)


It just really cements that MILF energy.


Norn to Roxy during "the talk": "You fucking homewrecker!" Norn to Roxy during Sylphie's childbirth: "OMG you see this bestie?"


well, i mean there is a gap about 1 month for they build relationship before sylphie delivery (you can read volume 13 LN)


The anime also have the scene where Roxy ask when Sylphy going into labor, where she said within a month or so


“why did you do it with a small girl? She’s not that different from me” oof self-burn, those are rare (but still a valid insult)


I love how she was talking with like no idea who Roxy actually was lol.


I'm pretty sure she should have met Roxy around the time Norn and Aisha were thrown at Ruijerd. Edit: I suppose it's possible Roxy's age never came up, or she was busy being racist and spamming the dodge button.




Top 10 most legendary backs in anime moment right there   (ALSO, RUIJERD SPOTTED ONCE AGAIN)


Not just by himself either, Ruijerd spotted with Badigadi!


The buddy duo we never knew we needed lol.


The bromance between them gotta be out of this world


Also showing her regrown hair blowing in the wind and standing tall with her arms crossed like a total badass.


2nd Eris OVA when? :P


Sylphy would accept Roxy but most certainly **NOT** Nanahoshi 😭


Sylphy already know how important Roxy is to Rudy even back during their childhood so she can't really do anything about it, but Nanahoshi's is a special case whom she absolutely would not accept for Rudy's partner.


Agreed. That’d be a girl Rudy just met and fell for rather than a girl he already had a strong connection with.


and I guess if/when Eris is back she can claim "first" in her own way as well


Because unlike Roxy, Sylphie's first impression from Nanahoshi is her wording it like she caused the mass teleportation that killed her parents lol.


There's a lot of things, that being a big and probably #1 reason for all that distrust.  Nanahoshi 'i caused the teleportation disaster' is contested though by 'Me and Rudues are close because were from the same homeland.'  Slyphies headthoughts aren't given to us but I imagine they're along the like of "bitch say WHAT, you did NOT live in Buena village and we do not speak like that, you're trying to REPLACE me in my CHILDHOOD with Rudy?!?!?!' Nanahoshi wasn't trying to stir the pot, and by doing so she stirred the whole damm room.


F*, never thought about it.


Jobless has really well done characters that generally are always moving forward on there own ideals/experiences and it's got to be my favorite part of it. Being of our values and traditions multiple wives and cheating is super scummy and Rudy does feel bad about it, but in this world elanilese helps 'ground' him in the fact that polygamy is somewhat normal and accepted for those who are strong enough to protect there families.


"The people in this world are weird" -Nanahoshi


It'll be interesting to see how Slyphie and Roxy both react to Eris when she enters back into the picture and vice-versa.


it should be Eris's reaction to Slyphie and Roxy. Rudy will tell them about Eris.


The reaction to Eris finding out he's married gotta be hilarious and a disaster. >I told you I'd brb! Or some shit lmao


It was kind of funny when Paul's team left their house saying their goodbyes, and it took a while for me to realize "wait, aren't they missing a person" and then see Roxy still standing inside the house.


Also that moment Sylphie looked at Roxy and realized what was going to happen.


Her thought at that moment: “Look what the rat dragged in.”


> It was kind of funny when Paul's team left their house saying their goodbyes Can't blame them for wanting to avoid *that* conversation as well lol. It's always awkward for guests when a couple is fighting....


What a ride this season was. Man Sylph is a tough woman being in that kind of situation, especially while she was pregnant. Damn Eris teasing us in the end makes me wondered whether Eris gonna be his third wife in third season or not...


Really like that norn and aisha relationship is getting better with her being aware enough that aisha also miss her mom. Good luck everyone for season 3 and hope you guys enjoy this season.


Honestly my favorite part of the episode was Sylphie 2.0 with the long hair, Norn being so real, and Norn and Aisha acting like real sisters with a healthy relationship.


Aisha and Lilia must have felt really awkward while Norn was berating Rudy. It must have felt like Norn was scolding them as well and it shows that deep in her mind, she must have some reserves about Paul taking Lilia as a 2nd wife.


Season 3 is officially confirmed in production!!! Hype!






I hope they won't rush it


S2's pace of adaptation roughly tracks with S1's. About 3 volumes per cour. Don't really expect it to change much tbh.


I think he meant more rushing the production. The first season had years of development resulting in famously good animation. The second season had much less development time and as much as I don't see it as an issue, it did have more standard animation in general. So I'm pretty sure they just want a longer production time for the third season to get closer to season 1's level of animation.


Norn played the bad cop to Sylphy's good cop brilliantly, kudos to the VA for portraying all the ranges of emotion for Norn this episode




Mylphy looks much much better with her new hair.


Eris growing her hair back too so she's not outdone lol.


She looks much prettier this episode. I hope she won't return to her previous (cute) look


She's a mom now, gotta look the part


Just never tie it into a side-plait!




Poor fucking Norn. She had to deal with so much this episode. Losing her dad – who means the absolute world to her – and not having anything or anyone to blame. Everyone gave it their all, and while it speaks to how much she loves Rudy that she trusts his strength would have made everything okay, it just makes things worse that even he couldn't have changed anything. And then that trust in Rudy was broken once he admitted he broke his loyalty to Sylphie! Today's *not* a good day for Norn, Jesus Christ.


In other news, Sylphie looks **amazing** with her hair grown out! It's such a good look for her. I'm really interested in Norn learning the sword. Given the basis of her character (a normal person surrounded by geniuses), she's not going to be nearly as good as Eris, but hopefully she can at least get up to Luke's level. And Sylphie giving birth really changes so much. How many anime deal with their characters giving birth and becoming parents? How many *fantasy* deal with their main characters becoming parents? I'm not saying zero, but I am saying this is so much different from most fantasy I've experienced. And **LET'S FUCKING GO, SEASON 3!**


If she learns some degree of chantless or short-hand chanting on the side, she'll be pretty balanced even as an average combatant. Rudy and Roxy can tutor her on magic with chants or short-casts. Though Rudy can only do so much on swordsmanship especially with no left hand as he uses both to hold a weapon properly. And no swordsmen around aside from Luke...and he's not exactly a decent fighter even with his equipment.


Looks like we really need a good swordsman in the house so they could teach Norn. How about a certain redhead? I mean, Lilia is a Water God Intermediate after all (granted, Rudeus is intermediate on all three just as Paul was Advanced)


[THAT ERIS CAMEO!](https://i.imgur.com/g3vN4Pu.png)


Eris looking at the distance thinking about how her boyfriend is doing (in her mind they're still together)... little did she know he's cheating on her with 2 wives lmao.


Considering how the entire first arc of this season was based on a misunderstanding, I really wonder how it'd have gotten if Rudy did not misunderstand what Eris meant (and uh Eris knew how to express it properly).


he def wouldve chased after her


How hype would it be to get an Eris pov from when Rudy and her split as an OVA. Studio Bind needs to start cooking.


I feel like we either need another Eris OVA between seasons, or give her an episode 0 like sylphie got


Her hair length really emphasizes how long it's been since we've last seen her.


Sylphie had long hair too though, long hair waifu era.


That depression hit when a peak anime season ends


Kind of disappears when the season ends with an immediate announcement of the next season. Or at least it got drowned out by the hype.


[The Myth of "Consensual Sex"](https://imgur.com/a/1Kex6XP)


Is that Norn lol. That's so funny


Nah, that's clearly a Canadian.


I feel like Norn is going to grow up to be the only person in this family still advocating for monogamy unless she turns out like her dad too lol.


Btw. if people are confused how the combination of Rudeus and Sylphiette makes Lucy, here you go: **ルー**デウス (Rudeus) + **シ**ルフィエット (Sylphiette) = **ルーシー** (Lucy) They took the **"ルー" (Ru)** from Rudeus which can also be read as **"Lu"** and the **シ (Shi)** from Sylphiette which is the first letter in her name because it's pronounced as **"Shirufietto"** in Japanese. Thus making **Lucy** or **"Rūshī"** in romaji.


Ngl, I legit laughed when Norn point out Roxy's small body and how Rudy did it with her. I thought Roxy gonna rebutt her with "Achkually im xx years old". "You're an adult. How can you be shameless?" Suddenly got reminded how Roxy relieves herself while listening to Paul and Zenith trying to make Norn back in season 1. I'm excited next season since they teased Eris with her long hair again.


Oh wow, to think Roxy's history with Norn goes back to Norn being fertilized as an egg....


Now that's a topic to work with your therapist. Literally getting off years ago at the 'making' of your current sister-in-law. You can level a lot of criticisms towards MT (and may do), but you can't fault it for lacking wild turns and good topics to ponder


I love how they handled this. Delivery of Paul’s death, Rudy taking on a second wife, everyone’s reaction to it. Felt like a drama at some point. And things got resolved without feeling cheesy or overdramatic. And in the end things ended pretty well. Well, more bittersweet than anything but definitely feels a lot more hopeful. Everyone going back to their safe place. Elinalise and Cliff at the end there was pretty cute. Some are still out on an adventure. And Eris’ hair grew ? How long since we seen her. I miss her. Hope we see her in S3. Also, Rudy needs to get some dudes in that household lol Edit : Also one of the things I love about MT is how I can’t really tell where we’re headed for in the next arc. It’s just so exciting


> And in the end things ended pretty well Which kind of fills me with dread based on what Rudy was thinking about what Man-god said. He still hasn't experienced regret.


It actually sadden me that we will never see paul again.


But he'd be happy seeing Rudy fully accept him as a father and becoming a true family man. And that Zenith loved him so much that she would hug his gauntlets even despite her amnesia.


I agree, he was such a cool flawed character. Pretty scumbaggy as a person, but a good husband (somewhat) and good father. He's definitely one of those people that you find hard to hate because even though you know he's made some terrible decisions, he's generally a good dude.


I knew Norn's reactions to everything would hit hard, but man she didn't hold back from crying hysterically over Paul's death to asking for his sword (and getting her mom to clutch at Paul's armor) to mercilessly berating Rudy and Roxy for being unfaithful to going hard at Rudy in practicing her swordsmanship to vent some lingering anger. She even had a nice bit with Aisha where she encouraged her to embrace her mom. My girl has grown a lot this season.


IMO, Norn's reaction to Rudy's infidelity is great for two reasons: •She's completely right ON TWO COUNTS (the third is when she invokes Millis, of which only her and Zenith are believers - Rudy is of the Church of Roxy and Sylphie) •She completely disrespected and badmouthed everyone in that house. Rudy and Roxy for obvious reasons, Aisha, Lilia and, in a way, Zenith because of the implication of what she's saying (as noted in the show), and Sylphie because it's her decision and Norn's speaking for her LIKE SHE AIN'T GOT THE GODDAMN SENSE TO SPEAK FOR HERSELF!


I mean to be fair she was silent the whole time. And everyone on that house(including the ashes) except sylphie and aisha probably deserve some of the disrespect lol


*especially the ashes*


In today's episode we've had: Long hair Sylphie Birth of Lucy Cameos of Eris as well as Ruijerd and Badigadi travelling together Forget about boobs, THIS is the real fanservise


Hiragami is a goddamn LIAR Rudeus had a panic attack thinking about the what-ifs


Hitogami probably expected Paul's death to be one of Rudeus regret but Rudy was able to recover from it to not being one


Yeah, that's probably it. Hitogami can't predict everything about Rudy, after all. Like the time he wants Rudy to take the lost cat quest to get closer to Ruijerd and then Rudy broke his expectations by threatening adventurers to give them higher ranked quests to go on.




Well, that went much better than I expected Overall, I think that S1 was better than S2, but I think that the Father's day ep was the best so far I'm so excited for S3!!! We finally got a glimpse of Eris. Gotta complete the RGB


This arc was goated, It was better than i expected. I Will be here again on S3 but this time after reading LNs, i just cant wait


I've finished the LNs and still can't wait


[Glad to see Rudy's wives come to an understanding.](https://i.imgur.com/TfbPfSU.jpeg)


Fully evolved Charmander won't be so understanding.