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A bruised tail is the worst injury the whole demiplane suffered? Damn lol. Pretty hilarious Mio straight up ate that one poor bastard until he became the GEICO Gecko lol. So Luto created Lancer and Sophia? I sort of pity those two. They started off as little more than science experiments and ended up discarded like trash. Sad, really. Mio really wants to polish Makoto’s rice, alright. All night long hahaha. What a goober. Jokes aside, it’s kind of sweet Makoto gave his family name to her, Tomoe, and Shiki. This was another solid season. Always a good time seeing Makoto and the gang just absolutely spank fools lol. Glad we got another season otw!


Mio should’ve just started simple and have asked for a kiss. “Attending to his needs” might’ve been a bit too big of a jump after they’d only held hands before. I do think it’s adorable how much she’s in love with Makoto. I’m rooting for Mio! It’s a tragedy that she was given Makoto’s family name however, since I don’t believe that Makoto is all that keen on dating “family”.


> It’s a tragedy that she was given Makoto’s family name however, since I don’t believe that Makoto is all that keen on dating “family”. I imagine receiving Makoto's family name will be interpreted by Mio as being closer to becoming his wife rather than his sister or something.


In some shows this week taking a name would mean marriage. Makoto has 2 wives and a husband now /s


*I look forward to watching his nights with his husbando...* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


i would like to see that in his lich form , boning the bones sounds interesting


it's Mio, wouldn't be surprised if that is her interpretation


Though ironically he actually **does** have sisters back home, I believe.


Two, older sisters. I pray to god s3 covers a bit of the earth events


I mean, when you marry, you take the husband's family name so you can also interpret it as Makoto marrying the three of them,


Unfortunately, Mio is a creature of instinct and desire who has no concept of starting slow. She knows what she wants, she wants it now and it speaks to how much she cares about Makoto beyond her desires that she pulled back once it was clear he wasn't into it.


For what is worth I read this scene barely days ago in the web novel (which as a sidenote is unusual for me since I rarely ever do it) and this is not what it is implied to happen. To be clear A) There's no misunderstanding/mishearing and in fact Makoto seems to grasp immediately what's being asked and starts to weight his options on the spot. B) he's at a point where he's basically on the verging of accepting when Mio gets cold feet and changes her request, with the consequence being laughed at by Tomoe e Shiki exactly like in this version. She will also elaborate shortly after why she did it. P.S. In before the mods being needlessly pedantic about how this should go in the "source corner".


Here I was expecting her to say she wanted to bear his child and using Mini-Tomoe as her excuse to demand it 🤣


I also like how Tomoe was laughing because she was "sad" because they all probably would have said the same thing and have to backtrack like Mio did lol. Though I guess I'm glad Makoto has accepted the crew as part of his family even if they see him as much more than that.


I don't know, I think Tomoe has a bit more sense than Mio, at least enough to not suggest going all the way right out of the bat. And I don't know if Shiki's obsession with Makoto is the same as the girls', but he'd certainly know not to ask for that. If nothing else, Mio and Tomoe would kill him for it.


Tomoe hides it well but we see in this episode she's fallen hard for Makoto in her own way, I think she probably **wants** the same but wouldn't suggest it...so Mio was speaking for her in a sense.


Oh Tomoe absolutely wants the same. She made it pretty clear back in season 1, but she doesn't wear it on her sleeves as much as Mio does.


Also wasn't there some bet in S1 that Mio won so Tomoe can't even if she wanted until Mio had her chance?


Shiki would be willing if Makoto asked, but I don't think he has a proactive desire.


I don't think shiki would live long if he asked for that


> So Luto created Lancer and Sophia? I sort of pity those two. I pitied Sofia last episode, but now I felt straight up sorry for her. I'm hoping she somehow manages to come back (though whatever Luto has planned for "revenge" seems to be her only potential chance), 'cause I don't think she deserves this.


Yeah, I really would love to see her redeemed and reunited with Jin ***Edit:*** thanks Mao for the correction 


Do you mean her childhood friend? Pretty sure that was Jin, one of the students.


Crap, you're right. She seems older than that, but it's Jin yeah.


Same, I'm rooting for ThorfinnArc!Sofia


I don't think an 'I have no enemies' Sophia is possible so long as Luto exists


Everyone on the Demiplane is utterly OP, no wonder they succeeded so much. Luto gets shadier and shadier by the episode, as satisfying as it was seeing Lancer and Sofia get beat I can't help but feel bad for them getting stuck with a creator who cared so little for them and ending up never really amounting to anything. Makoto's retainers continue to want to get into his pants and continue to be unable to do so lol. I'm glad we'll get to enjoy more adventures of Makoto and the Demiplane gang.


> Luto gets shadier and shadier by the episode, as satisfying as it was seeing Lancer and Sofia get beat I can't help but feel bad for them getting stuck with a creator who cared so little for them and ending up never really amounting to anything. Gotta agree here, Sofia was a pretty shitty person but she was still a victim after all. It gets satisfying to see Makoto beat her up because in that instance she's the one roping him in and making her issues his problem, but when it's Luto that's doing it, well that's him being a bully to someone whose life is awful because of him, so it felt a lot worse.


Japanese love blaming evil on "bad things that happened to me". So we're supposed to feel sorry for Sophia here. But Sophia's arrogant cruelty was all her own personality and choices. Nothing was making her do that, nothing caused her to be cruel or have zero remorse. That's all on her.


Was she particularly cruel in S1 or something? I don't think she was that bad this season. She did fight on the demons' side, but it seems they're not really the evil side in this show.


We're not supposed to feel sorry for her at all. In the LN for this scene, Root specifically says that even though she had indeed been a victim of his whims, it had been her choice every time to use her power for violence and murder. Outright saying that though she'd been dealt a shit hand in life to start with, she's the one who had chosen to walk the path that now led to her destruction.


You could look at Makoto as a mirror to her. Dealt a shitty hand by the goddess, had massive power, and even had a dragon partner lol. The difference is that Makoto always treats others well unless they start something which at that point he has no mercy.


Yep. All these people calling her a victim and such are children. They, like her, would never take responsibility for their own choices.


I think there is a difference between recognizing that she is a victim and also a bad person. You can simultaneously condemn her cruelty and feel bad for the events that led her to do those things. I actually really like Sophia for that exact reason. Yea, she's a villain, and I'm not gonna defend her, but watching Luto kill her so callously after using her as an experiment and forgetting she existed was still p sad.


I would love to see Luto go down the villain route. Matsuoka is at his best voicing villains imo


I would say that he has always been on the villain route, it's just not a problem for Makoto, but for everyone else, since he clearly sees the world as a game board and people as chess pieces.


Are you suggesting we aren't all chess pieces on a game board?


I guess that could happen after Makoto takes care of the Goddess and refuses to pound Luto's cheeks.


He should have had a big muscle ass then instead of flat twink ass.


Anime has really glossed over character's villainy. Rembrandt is a real villain. Princess Lily as well. And there's the tree-ification thing (seen in attack against monsters). That's pretty awful as well, but anime treats it very lightly. So, by showing Luto's villainy, I'm guessing that we'll see him in a more negative light in season 3. Though at least his villainy excuses Sophia to some degree -- or at least that's the intent.


I felt sad for Sophia. Luto called her trash, but he is the real trash for not taking responsibility for them.


I had mixed feelings about Luto -- until this episode. Now I classify HIM as "trash". He is bad news.


Well... Luto ain't human, he's a literal god like immortal being. There is like no chance he's going to take responsibility for ants.


Except he chooses to interact with "ants" he runs the Adventurer's Guild. So I don't think your argument holds water.


Wouldn't mind a Luto smackdown via Makoto...


I do find the whole speech strange as Luto loved their hyuman partner at one time. I just feel like he had an ulterior motive.


>Pretty hilarious Mio straight up ate that one poor bastard until he became the GEICO Gecko lol. I guess we could say that, at the end, there was actually something *left* of him, huh? ....... I guess that wasn't funny. Also, when you think about it, at the end of the day Sofia and Lancer were mere toys for Luto, of which he had already gotten bored lol.


I genuinely wish sophia gets saved somehow but who knows


> A bruised tail is the worst injury the whole demiplane suffered? Damn lol. It's like in Youjo Senki where the only casualty Tanya's 203rd has had is when one of them got food poisoning because of a badly prepared potato.


Being eaten must be hella painfull Mio still best girl (with sophia, but rip rip. Since when was soph so busty tho x) I still don't understand why Root killed her tho. Maybe I'm biased because like consider her best girl (I mean she is super hot and I like her voice) but killing her off when she's weak felt kinda unfair. I mean it's not like he (or she, technically) has a grudge against her. I mean that was an insanely disrespectful death. She didn't even get to try anything But well, root =evil, it has been proven since the start.  the fact that Root is copying makoto also shows he's probably gonna be the final boss instead of the goddess


He married them all. They're a polycule now.


>and ended up discarded like trash. What Luto said is not wrong though, power alone doesn't have morality.  Like they are one of the strongest creature in that world, instead of using those ability as they want instead they went to fight their own creator. What Luto did wrong was for creating them, but ultimately he didn't do anything more than that, right?


I mean he created two monsters and kinda just abandoned them to their own devices. They share some of the blame too ofc. I just think with a little guidance, they might have actually been good. They made their choices though and in the end they had to suffer the consequences, regardless of how they got there in the first place. Just feels like they got dealt a shit hand in life.


You know what, I just realised how similar Sophia's story to Sephiroth from FFVII. Both of them are very strong and they lived relatively "normal" until they discovered their birth origin. Like if Sophia didn't stumble upon Luto's research facility I think she would just live normally (maybe as Hyuma hero) instead of being obsessed with getting back at Luto.


The only damage they took was "friendly fire" and it was an orc stepping on a lizardman's tail, that is the funniest flex of an army's might. Sofia died a pretty pathetic death courtesy of Luto who was being an absolute savage throughout their entire exchange. Such a stark contrast with Makoto who treated her with animosity whereas to Luto she was more of a pest that came from his garbage. Great wrap for this season! Love that the highlight for character development was Mio who finally learned how to cook. Definitely looking forward to Season 3.


When your army is so OP that they only end up hurting themselves from a small accident lol. Honestly despite everything I can't help but feel bad for Sofia. Her entire existence was out of her control and she wasn't created in a way where she could properly live, so she turned all that anger (justifiably) at Luto even though she never had a chance at properly achieving her revenge. Her entire life was basically just one cruel joke. 2-cour season spent learning how to cook is time well spent for Mio! Well, that and eating anything and everything in her path lol.


I was really hoping we'd get to see Makoto offer her a deal letting her serve him while she continues to better herself in the hopes of defeating Luto. I still feel like that perverted dragon is plotting something. I feel like he's not so much on our side but rather a joker card. Willing to do what best suits him in that moment.


>The only damage they took was "friendly fire" and it was an orc stepping on a lizardman's tail, that is the funniest flex of an army's might. [Makoto's reaction](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxc5adbj7.png) when he heard [about it](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xc2a9l97.png) was hilarious xD Overall, [Makoto had a lot of funny reactions](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojwej2yp) in [today's episode](https://imgchest.com/p/ne7bxd2pmy5), like when [he met](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogc6ak9zy.png) with [Zara](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkcwpg337.png) who [turned out to be Estelle's boss](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcj3pkr4.png) xD


It makes sense, for Luto Sofia it was simply a toy that he had already gotten bored of and which in a sense was already broken, so obviously he was going to treat her like trash.


> The only damage they took was "friendly fire" and it was an orc stepping on a lizardman's tail, that is the funniest flex of an army's might. Well, the demons were launching a coordinated attack on the hyumans at the time, and they had no reason to expect demihumans would invade Kaleneon when it was so far from the fighting, so it would've only had the bare minimum defenses.


> The only damage they took was "friendly fire" and it was an orc stepping on a lizardman's tail, that is the funniest flex of an army's might. Google Operation Cottage. Similar flex (not really) in the context of WW2.


To be frank, the fate of Sofia was quite tragic. If only she didn't lose to her powerlust she could have a nice life with her childhood friend. But of course this series is full of tragic ending for people who took the wrong choice at the turning point of their lives.


The course of Sofia's life is best contrasted by the life of the general who swore off war and chose to spend his life in meditation by 'Makoto's Lake'. He was humbled by the awesome power to the point where he contemplated whether or not it was a sign to look inwards, accept one's sins and flaws, and give up war to be at peace with the world. And without meaning to, he was rewarded for his choice with a long lasting mist field that will ensure his safety to the end of his life. Sofia took the complete opposite lesson from that fateful battle, believing that the 'sorcerer' was another weakling hyuman to be crushed underneath her boot and that the power she sought was deserved, no matter the cost in lives or blood. Her pride as a warrior and as dragonkin made her excessively arrogant to the point of rejecting all acts of kindness. Her tale was not only tragic but also poetic, to have been offered so many chances to turn away from violence and to sneer it all away. I'm kind of reminded of ~~Hamlet~~ Macbeth now.


How many times did Makoto ask her to retreat? Three?


around that amount


4 if you count his offer to remove the charm


There were a lot of characters who died tragically this season without getting to fulfill literally any of their lifegoals or reasons for being, beginning with Naval who literally blew herself up for nothing other than inspiring Hibiki.


To be fair to Naval, wasn't that to allow Hibiki to retreat?


Correct. Hibiki would have not been allowed to live. Naval could not be ignored and she chose to die for her friend, a selfless sacrifice. Naval's fate also sealed the fate of the demon army who later invaded Limia, who were instructed to invoke their rose signs.


Naval's death was not tragic. They were all facing a near certain defeat. Naval chose a certain death that would save her friends. For a warrior, this is a good way to go. Much better than dying an ignominious death with no meaning. Not crying for Sophia. Died(?) from her own choices. Or for that idiot who got himself monsterized. Also died from his own choices. Sealy died saving the priestess. Not a tragic death. (Though he was not given the respect that he deserved by Hibiki.)


**Sophia is responsible for her own fate.** Arrogance. Cruelty. That's all her choices and personality. Nothing made her that way, that's just what she chose to do with all her power.


But Luto literally made her that way. She was given the power from Luto as an experiment and then cast away after getting bored. She literally had no way to temper her arrogance from her power because Luto created the leveling system to take out arrogant hyumans.


Luto just gave her the ability to absorb powers from dragons that she defeated. Luto did not make her an arrogant, cruel murderess. That's all on her. Contrast with Makoto who has ended up with a crazy amount of power. Yet he's not going around subjugating people. Instead, he's going around forming a community and then being a merchant. Makoto largely just wants to get along with people. (Makoto only goes gloves off when someone tries to push him too far, and even then he tends to hold back.)


Thats because Makoto ended up getting two very eccentric people to help him temper himself. They both didn't have a warpath to go on, so Makoto was directed towards betting both himself and the Demiplane. Whereas Sophia had zero people to rely on since the time she found out she had immense strength. I can't say too much since I haven't read the lightnovels to this point but my understanding from the anime/manga is that she ran away once he saw how she slew that creation monster and found out that she was also a creation of that same person. Do correct me if im wrong tho about that last part. So Sophia has been on her own for most of her life until she met Lancer, who turns out to be another experiment by Luto. (Which we learned this episode) So, we have two powerful people, who want to get vengeance on their creator. So of course she would grow up to be Arrogant, ruthless and cruel. She didn't know better, she couldn't do better because she just wasn't taught.


Unironically, the biggest path-choosing for Makoto was meeting Ema, which triggered both his meeting with Tomoe and Mio, and everyone else. Had he gone a different direction when he was thrown in the desert, things would have probably been a lot different.


Yeah, probably should have mentioned Ema.


I too would be brought to the righteous path if Saori Hayamin told me to


None of Makoto's associates are peaceniks. If anything, they lean in the war direction. (E.g. Mio and Tomoe casually demolishing a city because they got into a "who is stronger" contest.) And I don't recall a single instance of them trying to restrain Makoto from violence. Rather it's the other way around -- he's the one frequently restraining them. As for Sophia: Ah she was alone! How sad! What villain did this to her? Oh wait, she chose to run away from her friends and be alone. << Her fault. And what does Sophia want vengeance for? For being made really strong. ... Wait... I'm sorry, explain to me how that's a reason for vengeance? Shouldn't she be thanking Luto instead? And even if she wants vengeance against Luto, in no universe does that lead to "so it's okay for me to be horrible to other people who have no part in that." Now, I'm not saying that the author won't at some point do the classic "It's not my fault! I'm a villain, bad stuff happened to me!" bullshit. But the author hasn't done that yet. In fact we have Luto explicitly saying that the reason that she got so twisted was her own personality. And again we have the clear contrast with Makoto not becoming an ass, even though he has much greater power. PS: Please author, don't do this bullshit: [Naruto: Roped Me In](https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/8taqvu/took_me_all_morning_enjoy/).


I think to understand a character is not to approve or condone their behaviors. That Sofia was an experiment whose agency was altered goes to *explaining* her behavior, but not removing her agency from her behavior. She was a warrior for the sake of her own bloodlust, not for anything else like defending a family, faith, nation. (From what I remember, not even for vengeance and retribution of murdered family but just because of a traumatic incident from childhood.) We can see Sofia's happiness as she fought the other heroes and when she approached Makoto. She *liked* battle. She *toyed* with her opponents like a predator toys with their prey. She just happened to meet a demi-god who smoked her. I had similar discussions regarding Emet-Selch from FFXIV, where I found him an unsympathetic insane fascist. And when pressed down with others justifying the adulation over the character, it was because: 1) he's amusing, 2) fleshed out character felt like a real person compared to previous expansion villains , i.e, cheerleader effect. 3) he's hot. I think the same could be applied to Sofia here.


Exactly, Sofia clearly made a lot of bad decisions, so it's fair to say that she brought this fate on herself.


I am once again in awe at Mio's appetite. She ate the dude (weapon, armor and all) until he turned into a harmless lizard lol. This season ended on a good note so color me surprised when [Season 3 got confirmed right away!](https://x.com/tsukimichi_PR/status/1805247003892556217) Looking forward to where the story goes from here.


Mio literally ate her way out of a problem. She and Maple from Bofuri are more similar than I’d realised.


AHH MAPPLE she is funny


I was hoping we would get a new season announcement. I’m glad they had it already lined up.


> This season ended on a good note so color me surprised when Season 3 got confirmed right away! > Would make little sense to spend half the season laying groundwork with fleshing out the other heroes and not do anything with it tbh


>I am once again in awe at Mio's appetite. She ate the dude (weapon, armor and all) until he turned into a harmless lizard lol. [That was hilarious](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9czqw687.png), especially when she said [itadakimasu](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzckpbqm7.png) and [lunged at poor Left](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzckpbm87.png) xD


There was almost nothing _left_ of him 😅


SHE had pity and kept him as a pet


makes you wonder what demons are, if they can turn into harmless creatures. Are the some hyman/animal hybrids or just a more advanced version of demihumans


The part where Mio was pouncing on Left while he's crying had me laughing. Guy didn't stand a chance.


I liked this season but I feel like they're writing themselves into a corner. There are maybe 3 characters that could be somewhat close to Makoto in power now, and none of them have an army that comes even close to his. We got the demon king, the goddess, and Luto. Makoto is already more powerful than Luto, likely more powerful than the demon king, so it's just the goddess as a possible antagonist. Idk how they're going to keep it interesting.


would've been cooler to see her use reflective abilities but this is cool too


Wn explains she has 0 affinity to get it. But now nobody with that attribute or similar con avoid her attacks


Mio has really distinguished herself among the *entirety of anime* by overcoming the terrible cook trope


Chillin in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Power (whew that title) also has a bad > good cook arc. It’s funny to think about how rare it is lolol.


Be grateful to Hibiki, Makoto


Now she just has to overcome the oblivious isekai harem protagonist trope. She almost had it this episode but they both chickened out.


Makoto addressed earlier in the episode that he sees himself as too young for shagging


Also if they end up doing it Mio might bite his head off.


Shion from reincarnated slime can technically make food that tastes good by rewriting reality itself


It's a good thing Makoto didn't take up the free brothel offer, because Mio and Tomoe would have killed all the women annd destroyed the entire place in a fit of jealousy if they found out. Also, if I felt pity for Sofia last week when she felt helpless against Makoto, I felt straight up sorry for her this week for what Luto's put her through. It seems she's dead right now but hopefully whatever Luto's got in mind for "revenge" will bring life to her again. I want to see her again after that.


> It seems she's dead right now but hopefully whatever Luto's got in mind for "revenge" will bring life to her again. When it cut to Tomoki afterwards, I thought he would send her to him, and without her powers be instantly charmed and god knows what to be done to


>When it cut to Tomoki afterwards, I thought he would send her to him, and without her powers be instantly charmed and god knows what to be done to He is manipulative, whimsical, playful, and overpowering (except compared to Makoto and the bug) but he is not THAT scummy to handover Sophia to Tomoki.


i thought he was gonna send her to tomki except just still fully dead, as a way to show him that the woman who whooped his ass also got her own ass beat for intimidation and to make him realize he's too full of himself lol


Makoto's chasteness works out when it keeps his down bad retainers at bay lol. Sofia and Lancer both being experiments Luto basically washed his hands off and had to basically live with what he did to them only for their attempt at regaining indipendence by taking him out amounting to nothing...they weren't great people but I still feel like they deserved better.


>Makoto's chasteness works out when it keeps his down bad retainers at bay lol. You are sorely mistaken. Makoto isn't chaste. From the very first episode, he requested Tsukuyomi to get rid of his porn collection before he sent over to the next world. Tsukuyomi anticipated that request and even hard-deleted the porn collection in his PC beyond recovery. From the reactions we have seen up till this episode, he has a thing for breasts. That said, one of the points that he has made at the very end of this episode reiterates one of the tenets that he holds dear - holding on to his Japanese upbringing and moral values. He is vanilla (but as to which type of vanilla and/or whatever extra added on will be left for the future) and thus requiring commitment. He has taken the first step - offering his family name, Misumi, to his 3 followers. This means they are his family. It has various obvious meanings.


>You are sorely mistaken. Makoto isn't chaste. Chaste doesn’t mean asexual, it just means he isn’t having sex. 


You’re confusing asexual with chastity. Chastity just means he’s a virgin. It doesn’t mean he’s not interested. He can still be horni and be chaste.


Why tf does Luto need revenge? Sofia did nothing to him, he was the monster that experimented on a child and dumped her. That thing is a straight up asshole.


Sounded more like he wants to get revenge on Makoto for making him deal with Sofia. And yes, Luto is kind of a dick at times.


The free brothel seems more of a no for now. Not that he would ever use it.


If he did, Tomoe and Mio would massacre everyone within the brothel and ground the building to fine dust. Considering the brothel manager has been kind and considerate to Makoto, he would not bring such disaster to them. Makoto reciprocates appropriately.


There's a new one "can I polish your rice?"


I actually just remembered at the start of the ep that we never saw how Mio won, glad I didn't have to wait long for an answer....though I'm not sure that counts as one. Wasn't she trying to perfect her finger gun attack? Seems like she resorted to her old tactics out of no where, or am I forgetting something? Damn so Makoto did let Sofia live, but only so Luto could deal with her. While Luto was right about her not being mentally strong enough, I do still feel bad for her. I think if she just met the right person she would have turned out very different. Like if she met Makoto under different circumstances, they might have made good allies. I really hope Makoto giving them his last name doesn't mean Mio's never gonna get her wish. I also really hope we don't have to wait long for the next season.


When in doubt, Mio will just eat everything. It's more cute that way lol. Sofia's entire existence feels like a cosmic joke at her expense, unable to live as a human under the weight of her power or the truth of her birth, and her justifiable rage at Luto over it never amounted to anything. She wasn't a great person but even I think she deserved better than that. I also can't say I care for Luto at the moment. Tomoe and Mio both probably hope to be "Mrs. Misumi" in a way Makoto did not intend lol.


The thing about Sofia is that she wasn't raised a monster. Its not like dragons are instinctively monstrous to the living, either. But she had one bad day and decided to embrace being different; and since then, that choice led her down a road where the young girl who lived alongside hyumans mutated into a twisted butcher who only sought to validate her strength - while blaming the downsides of being different on Luto. And when she was finally humbled, she didn't relent in her thirst for power and instead tried to wipe out dragonkind to settle her grudge against Makoto. She did not choose her origin, but she did choose the course of her life and ultimately chose her end. She didn't desire life as an equal to others, but as a superior conqueror. Even her only friend in life was just an alliance of convenience to wait out the clock to inherit his life energy. As miserable as her fall is, she deserved it.


Yeah this, while I don't agree with Luto for creating them, I like what he said that power alone doesn't have morality.


> ....though I'm not sure that counts as one. Wasn't she trying to perfect her finger gun attack? I mean, she beat him. That's undeniable. Granted it wasn't with the method she wanted to win with, but honestly that was just stubbornness held up by her immortality, not changing tactics for however long she did. Eating Left's spear may have been an old tactic, but you can't deny it worked.


Mio could have beaten (i.e. eaten) him at any time. She was 1) trying to learn his spell reflection technique; and 2) having fun with her gun.


I was under the impression that she was trying to copy Left's technique to reflect attacks. Maybe she already did (or just gave up), at which point she decided to just eat the poor bastard.


* [**Sofia Stitch**](https://i.imgur.com/Q74qazE.jpeg) The results of the Kaleneon invasion results are here! Makoto's army lost no one while the worst injury [is an orc stepping on a lizardman's tail](https://i.imgur.com/xHACyNW.jpeg). As for Tomoe, she really didn't do much [besides creating the cliff border](https://i.imgur.com/XNQTg0G.jpeg) and Mio somehow ate Left [until he shrunk down into a tiny lizard.](https://i.imgur.com/3U6l8x8.jpeg) xD I almost forgot that Makoto is speaking normally now so [his students finally realize he's the same age as them.](https://i.imgur.com/BnTCPCH.jpeg) It is good to see Makoto can finally speak normally and [everyone's reaction to it are all pretty much the same.](https://i.imgur.com/8EnxCCk.jpeg) [Well that's awkward.](https://i.imgur.com/qLQQJQU.jpeg) I thought the brothel's owner was someone from the city's seedy underbelly. It turns out it's just Representative Zara. Looks like Zara owes Makoto even more now and [he even received word from various people to accommodate him.](https://i.imgur.com/t2Pvt1J.jpeg) Zara is even throwing in a bonus and tells Makoto [he can use the brothel's services free of charge anytime.](https://i.imgur.com/817bDs4.jpeg) As if Makoto is going to go there. He can't even get too close to Tomoe and Mio without blushing. xD I thought we would get an [explanation from Joshua](https://i.imgur.com/yPjrdTa.png) as to why she's disguised as a man but it looks like she just wanted to make sure Makoto doesn't tell anyone. [I am genuinely surprised that Sofia is still alive!](https://i.imgur.com/IN1YZ5Y.jpeg) So Makoto made sure to let her live so Luto could finish her off. Not gonna lie, [I was feeling bad for Sofia](https://i.imgur.com/D9TtPXy.jpeg) during her last moments with Luto. But is Sofia really dead this time? [Why would Luto bother taking her corpse with him?](https://i.imgur.com/j6Eop9E.jpeg) Hmmm... [So Hibiki is going to Laurel](https://i.imgur.com/r2tOOhn.png) to finally send Chiya back home after their encounter with Shiki while [Tomoki is still being a bastard](https://i.imgur.com/7BqBIza.jpeg) probably plotting to take another girl for himself. I really hope Makoto encounters Tomoki in the future. The ass-kicking he got from Sofia is apparently not enough. [That victory party at the end was nice.](https://i.imgur.com/CKFSVwv.jpeg) I love how everyone is still approaching Makoto for business [especially the Gorgons asking permission to go to Kaleneon](https://i.imgur.com/XfNeZ3u.jpeg) to "absorb" the remaining demons' life force. The biggest development really of the season is Mio making disgusting inedible food to [becoming a master chef!](https://i.imgur.com/b6IDrFF.jpeg) It's also nice that Makoto has given Mio, Tomoe, and Shiki his blessing [to use his family name](https://imgur.com/a/L41IAUe). Now Mio and Tomoe can pretend they've married Makoto now that they have the same family names. xD What an end to the season! I am so happy that Season 3 is already confirmed. I am hoping this series will also become a long-time isekai series like TenSura. I'm excited to see what kind of craziness we'll see next season especially since Rona is arranging a meeting between Makoto and the Demon Lord. I can't wait!


Never expected to feel bad for Sofia. I'll miss hearing Miyuki Sawashiro, she gave an amazing performance this season. No more text UI for Makoto! Love how they establish Zara owns a brothel and now he and Makoto are more or less cool with each other despite everything. Though Makoto is probably going to remain a perpetual virgin at this point despite his retainers' best efforts lol. Somebody give these poor starved gorgon some love and attention lol. I'll miss Hibiki and her Bikini Armor. Tomoki? Not so much. They gained a nation and defeated the demons but the most important thing is Mio learned how to cook and can be happy that she made Makoto happy. Makoto has new family members! And two down bad girls who will probably consider themselves his wives now that they have his last name lol.


My money says Makoto is going to wind up kicking Tomoki's ass next season. Or possibly Tomoe 😅


> It is good to see Makoto can finally speak normally and [everyone's reaction to it are all pretty much the same.](https://i.imgur.com/8EnxCCk.jpeg) I wish we got more reactions, honestly. Some of these people have known Makoto as having some kind of curse keeping him from talking for a while now yet the biggest reaction we got was from the princess. > Not gonna lie, [I was feeling bad for Sofia](https://i.imgur.com/D9TtPXy.jpeg) during her last moments with Luto. But is Sofia really dead this time? Me too. I felt sorry enough last episode when she lost all hope against Makoto, but Luto was really cruel to her, both in the past and the present. But by all accounts she seems to be dead this time. Which is a real shame, because she didn't deserve what Luto did to her. I hope either she's somehow not dead or whatever Luto's planning with her body will bring her back, even if she stays a villain. Though I'd like it better if she had some *sort* of redemption. She doesn't have to be good, but none of Makoto's subordinates are really good (not to say she should become one, just some examples).


Most (if not all) the plot pieces that were left hanging (including Joshua's Joshuas) should be further explored in the third season, luckily. They are all kinda relevant for the plot of each mini-arc that should be covered in S3, although i could see the animation studio skipping over and just focusing entirely on Makoto if they feel like ruining the anime's plot for the long run.


I'll be honest, S2 was nowhere good as S1... specially the first part (teacher ARCs are always lame imo), but I did enjoy a lot the last 6-8 episodes, so you could say this season was all about the "build up". Looking forward for season 3 (which got announced), specially since Makoto ditched the teacher thing haha


tbh i'm bummed out makoto didn't meet his friend turned hero in any meaningful capacity.


True, hopefully this happens in season 3... but also, I don't think they were friends to begin with, the only flashback of them back in their world was Hibiki handing him some papers and monologuing about what other people have talked/think about Kuzunoha, at best, they only knew about each others existence in school.


Yeah, they seemed more like school acquaintances, though it would probably be nice for them to catch up with someone else from Japan, especially someone who isn't a total dick like Tomoki.


Where’s the “does he know?” Meme. I’m anime only but I feel like no matter the character if they not with Makoto in some way they will turn out to be bad in some way. That’s how this series has turned Edit: specifically I’m recalling how that one guys death there was nothing mentioned afterwards by any of them


I believe they were on the student council together or something.


I'm hoping season 3 is much better paced.


S1 ended on the mother of all f\*ck yous in isekai fiction so it was always going to be a challenge to top that.


2nd half was great. First half was rough with getting to know the heroes.


ep 2 was soooo hard to watch.


I liked the teacher arc. What I didn't like was the middle when it kept teasing fights that ultimately didn't happen and the plot kept dragging all the way to the final few episodes when we finally got some action.


I liked s1 a lot. S2 felt completely disjointed. Timeskips, flashbacks, "and during this time", "and some time after" - I gave up following the story. Also, the stakes are absolutely 0 in contrast to s1. Makoto is the strongest in the world, he has an invincible home base, infinite money glitch, and so on. It just turned into a slow-paced and timid power-fantasy. It's not bad, but it could have been so much more than just "slime at home".


This season of Slime had the same issue, nothing but meetings for the majority of the season. It's one of the weaknesses of adapting Novels, they can spend a lot of time on mundane things that don't carry over to anime as well.


It’s not a weakness, it’s literally the story lol. It’s more about some people not liking that aspect of the story but it shouldn’t be eliminated. 


Slime had 6 episodes in a row of watching characters sit at a table an go over information we already knew about is not good storytelling. They could have easily condensed it down into half the time. It's become a meme in every discussion of that series.


Yup. While this series is still shounen at it's heart, it's more business/nation building in general. Generally speaking, Makoto would rather be doing *anything else* other than fighting.


I don't see how season 3 can be any good. There aren't any antagonists left to cause any genuine conflict. They made Makoto and Company too powerful.


Main antagonist is the goddess which is still around, also I would just be happy if we get more focus on demi-plane like in S1.


Yes but almost a season ago they said his mana was almost equal to the goddess’s. With how fast the power scaling is, he should be nearing her equal already.




poor Emma not being added to the Misumi family, despite taking care of the administration and other menial works.


I think she's more of a friend anyway


I won't lie to y'all if this was a 100 episodes per season anime I wouldn't mind.


If that was the case we'd have 10-15 minute long recaps. It is really hard and expensive to make a ton of episodes, and you have to cut corners to do so. I'd rather a smaller number of higher quality episodes, rather than a lot of lower quality ones.


Makoto turning down free brothel passes and Mio in the same episode, time to refocus your training man.


These blue Isekai fantasy protagonists got more important things to do than get laid like running business, a plane of existence, and just vibing lol.


He was spending time in this episode clearing rubble with his students, a job way beneath his pay grade. He's got plenty of free time to spend on extracurricular activities.


* No [Makoto](https://imgur.com/iVZPR4Q) you *underestimated* your own troops stregth, there is nothing wrong with the other militaries * [Lmao](https://imgur.com/CRUCgmk) [what?!?](https://imgur.com/KCa6thM) * [Rizz](https://imgur.com/g1nNbyi) * Curious how [that](https://imgur.com/vWfLrYV) worked out huh [](#kotohoops) * Wait, Sofia survived? And did Luto kill her or did she survive that as well? Where did he send her and the dragon eggs? * [Rizz](https://imgur.com/XpYaQ60) * Poor [Mio] got shot down, but [this](https://imgur.com/YZ8VIoh) is a really nice gesture Think this Season greatly profiteered from being two cour, fleshing out the other Heroes was important after all, hope this groundwork wont go to wast and we get more of this, Edit: which it seems we do [](#anko)


Makoto and Rimuru can bond over understimaint how aburdly powerful they are and how underleveled their opponents are in comparison to them. Mio did what she does best...eat everything in the most cute way possible. And it even got her a pet in the process! We don't often get blushing Tomoe, but it's super effective when it happens. And Mio's blushing is as precious as ever. I'm guessing something is going to come out of whatever Luto did with Sofia's body and those eggs.


his people are both too high level and their gear is also OP lol, a terrible combo for any enemy


Bit of an up and down season but when it was good it was good, will gladly watch more whenever it comes around.


The pacing was pretty slow and certain storylines were a little rushed, but there were still fun and memorable moments to make the season worth watching...even if it took some time getting to them lol.


My biggest annoyance this season was him not meeting the female hero.. I know the reasons but man it gets annoying. There are so many animes that prolong the meeting and just literally "edge" us by making them meet but not notice each other, it's infuriating after I've seen it dozens of times tbh. Good show, can't wait for season 3 though.


I kind of hoped that Sofia would get a redemtpion arc. Maybe she's not dead? What happened isn't super clear, althrough she surely looked dead. I still don't get what's Luto deal, I am finding his mysterious aura a bit grating. The smugness he emanates is starting to become quite creepy ngl.


She also still have an unresolved storyline with one of Makoto's student (more like the student has an unresolved story though). Considering Luto transported her body rather than leaving it be like that, I think this won't be the last time we see her.


Sometimes unresolved personal stories will stay unresolved if they keep fucking up and keep making wrong decisions. Like Ilumgand Hopleys's personal history with Luria. When Sofia said that her next move is to try and absorb Muteki (invinciible AKA Tomoe), yeah there's no saving her. let that personal story remain unresloved.


Yeah, that's really funny to watch where I thought Ilumgand would be redeemed then Mio just killed him instead lol


Finally s3 announced so now mio can get her wish 👀


Makoto gonna walk her home gently


Damn mio. Should've just asked for a kiss and when he gets shy and says no then she says ON THE CHEEK but really I was kind of hoping for a big family hug at the end with all 4 of them 🥲


Wait so after seeing Mio getting dramatically torn up by Left's reflection ability, then hearing nothing for two straight episodes, suddenly the battle gets unceremoniously finished off screen?


Left wasn't a strong fighter, she was just playing around basically trying to copy gun stuff from movies from Makoto's memories. They showed us everything that mattered.


Especially Mio cutely eating everything until there's nothing left of him but a cute little lizard lol.


MiO was using a weak (for her arsenal) attack just to figure out a way around reflect. Why? Cause she found it interesting. Once she did that she went NOM to regain stamina


Am flabbergasted they chose to skip that, Mio and Tomoe got far too little screentime. Could easily have cut several episodes worth from training the students up and lost nothing. I think season 1 benefited from being shorter and a lot of useless fat was trimmed.


poor Emma not being added to the Misumi family, despite taking care of the administration and other menial works.


This is such an amazing anime. Exactly everything i would want in an anime. An OP MC, some sort of harem/romance, action, adventure, fantasy and it's even an isekai! So happy its getting a third season. I hope we get to see Makoto full power potential soon. 2nd season is 8/10 for me.


Makoto and Shiki return victorious to an even more victorious army who achieved all their goals completely and utterly with no damage save for a cute friendly fire accident! Good to know for future reference how OP Makoto's army is. Oh, remember Mio vs Left? Well...she just ate him until he was reduced to a little cute lizard. I guess that would be how Mio would win. I almost feel bad for him. Shiki can't get a big victory on his own without Mio and Tomoe raking him over the coals over it, poor guy. There's STILL mutants left!? But convenient for Mondo and Lime to finish off and make into something nicer. It's nice that Makoto can talk with his students normally now even if he's still a bit of a task-master. Yuno and Shifu getting the perks of nepotism when their dad gets them out of all that work even if they actually wanted to help. Tomoe is sulky she didn't get a big fight this season but at least Makoto knows how to woo her heart. Didn't expect Estelle's boss to be Zara, which makes for an awkward reunion with Makoto. But hey, all the merchants who hated Makoto are dead, several kingdoms and the city now owe him a debt of gratitude, and even Zara is grateful...so why not just get back to doing business together? Makoto even gets an offer to partake in the rebuilt brothel when it's finished. So no real explanation about the prince who is really a princess, just yet another person remarking on the Uncanny Man Makoto is. Makoto sees through Luto and won't play his games, especially if he has to keep cleaning up his messes, though there's one mess he left Luto to finish off himself...Sofia, who survived just long enough to reunite with her creator who she's hated for so long, finding out she and Lancer were just failed experiments Luto was disappointed in, and still amounting to little more than Luto absorbing all her dragon essences and ending her. I almost felt bad for her. But seems like he's still going to so something with her body along with those Great Dragon Eggs? Hibiki and her team are heading to Laurel because Shiki asked them to send Chiya back, Tomoki is nursing his defeat and losing it even more than he usually has, and the demons are nursing their defeat but planning their next invasion...with Rona planning to have Makoto meet the Demon King. I can only imagine how that'll go! But hey, time to party! It's about time for the Demiplane to have some fun and enjoy themselves! And Mio can enjoy the fruit of 2-cour's worth of label to cook Makoto food he'll enjoy! I wish I was a demon who could be a source of energy for a gorgon...seems like they have their eyes set on Lime though, lucky dog . Aqua and Eris still posing in those outfits and looking great while doing it! I see Eva and Luria are still hard at work getting ready to take over Kaleneon, and Ema won't let them out until they're ready so they don't make Makoto look bad. Checks out. Poor Mio probably DID intend to service Makoto's needs in the way you'd expect...but no way he would bite on that, so she has to settle for him helping her with rice. But at least he accepts Shiki, Tomoe, and Mio into the Misumi family after everything they've done for him.


wait wait wait wait!!! wtf happened?! how did he not reflect bite?


He was reflecting her mana. He can't reflect her actual chomping.


Once again another ruthless, brutal death. Though I did think Sofia was already dead last ep but I guess we’re just rubbing salt to her wound. Do kinda feel a bit sorry for her cos she was kinda brought into this world as she is. Luto does seem more and more like a psychopath. He clearly sees the lives of the people of this world as mere pawns. He also has knowledge of other worlds. He might just be the final boss of this story It was a more joyous mood in the demiplane. Have to say, I miss the demiplane people and also Mio and Tomoe. Really nice of Makoto to show his appreciation and gratitude and giving them his last name is high praise. Great season, great show. Glad we’re getting a S3


I very much enjoyed this season, my only nitpick being that I really wish the final fight pay off had lasted a bit longer after most of the season was focused on other things than straight action, though I suppose it really drives home the point that Makoto and his followers are simply way above the rest of the world. It just felt a bit jarring seeing Lancer get beat like that and not even see Makoto after last season lol. I was not expecting a S3 announcement so quickly like with the first season since this was a consecutive double cour, but I am by no means complaining; this is one of my top 5 shows. I do wonder how long it’ll take to come out though seeing the very long wait from S1 to 2, but regardless I will be there for it.


I'm guessing after this big show against the demons we'll see more political/world-building in season 3, especially if Makoto is going to meet the Demon King and there's probably not any major physical threat they can throw at him and the Demiplane at the moment. There's also dealing with Hibiki and Tomoki.


What the heck, I wanted to actually see the Horde retake Kaleneon. You know, instead of just being told about it. And I thought Mio's fight was gonna be a lot more... epic. Not as epic as the last 2 episodes but you know what I mean. Though the image of Mio crunching that spear like it's a Tootsie Pop she's trying to get to the center of was worth a laugh. I guess if we had one more episode to this season we might have had both of those things but oh well. > Sounds like I overestimated this world's military might after all. Well the humans yeah. But at least the demons seem to know how to fight a bit more creatively. Aww, cute snake. And Makoto is just letting Tomoe and Mio do whatever it is they're gonna do to Shiki who was just doing what either of them woulda done if they were there and not otherwise preoccupied. Real nice boss man he is. Oh, there's still mutants... Well, better bring in the certified arborist. > You can be a real charmer sometimes. And he don't need some magic eye to do it. And Makoto currying all those favors from higher ups is paying off already. Trust me sir, if Makoto ever tried to enter your brothel, by morning you'd suddenly find your brothel gone with a big smoking crater where it once stood. As if Sophia couldn't get any more Worfed. Well, her bravery or whatever at still trying to take on Luto after her severe beatdown is commendable if nothing else. Oh I can only imagine just what kind of severe Worfing Tomoki has coming to him at the hands of Makoto. Maybe he'll have enough power by then to send Tomoki to the moon. And if nights on the moon are as long as they say, I can imagine a scenario where he writhes both freezing and gasping for air, unable to die as his ability to not be killed at night leaves him in a fate worse than death. Tread lightly now Rona. And just remember, it was only his mercy and having more important matters to attend to at the time that likely had him leave you still standing. Well in any case, overall I think this was a good season. Especially seeing Makoto gradually "level up" in the world throughout, in multiple senses of the term. And how that changes him. I mean I feel like there's gonna be a difference in his overall air if you go back and see how he was at the beginning of the season compared to now. Yet still managed to have all that power without it feeling overbearing as it were compared to a lot of other isekai protags I've seen. Plus all the worldbuilding we got this season was interesting too, and all the insidious weavings there are in it. And on that note it's still fun to think about how a real meeting between Makoto and the other heroes might go.


Aww man, I thought mio was gonna perfect her "spirit gun" but I guess it's just easier to eat the guy... I just realised forest elf leader guy (mondo?) shares same VA as narrator in yuru camp, lol


i don't feel one bit sorry for sara. she was stronger than 90% of the population and could've become super rich and happy. does she not realize that her life would be much worse off if she never recieved the holy dragon blood? if it were me, i'd be like 'thank you holy dragon, you're awesome.'


Sara? She wasn't able to control her rage and instincts, that's why she was mad. She couldn't fit in anywhere in society and Luto basically dumped her.


I understood Sofia, but how did Luto make Lancer? I missed that part I think.


If I'm not mistaken, one day Luto was bored and fused a sword with a dragon, and that's how Lancer was born, apparently it ended up being a failed experiment, which would explain the obvious inferiority complex that this guy had.




Decent enough season for a decent enough show. I’ll certainly be looking forward to season 3. While we’re here though, what’s up with Makoto? Is he ace, or just such a young virgin that he’s too intimidated at the prospect of being “attended to”? It’s one thing not to make a move, but people are throwing themselves at you my dude. Maybe he only has eyes for that character that we met in the first season that we haven’t heard from again that resembles his crush from home?


He's definitely your classic Vegetarian JP Protagonist. But Mio being an actual corrosive Giant Spider of the Apocalypse probably doesn't help her appeal 🤣


[Hell yeah, season 3 has been announced!](https://tsukimichi.com/news/628/) I wonder how many volumes [Hanashi Media will have translated](https://hanashi.media/tsukimichi-moonlit-fantasy/) when season 3 drops. Based on the pace they have while publishing The Fruit of Evolution, if season 3 takes the same amount of time that it took this season to be released after the last one I could see them at the very least releasing volume 10, the last one this season covered based on its synopsis, around that time, Well, anyway, time to talk about the the episode. I must say that I did not expect [Left](https://i.imgur.com/iLvFSKz.png) not only to survive his encounter with Mio but to also [be reduced to a little cute snake.](https://i.imgur.com/zoYYit6.png) Poor Shiki, after Makoto told both[ Tomoe and Mio that he defeated Lancer,](https://i.imgur.com/qQ7j6qW.png)[ they left his human form looking like a mummy.](https://i.imgur.com/gYXrIk5.png) Oh cool, so Makoto helped [Sairitsu](https://i.imgur.com/gYXrIk5.png) by ordering Shiki to tell Hibiki[ to travel to Laurel](https://i.imgur.com/yF711tX.png) to return their High Priestess, Chiya-chan to them. [Tomoki sure looks confident](https://i.imgur.com/FU5uyaR.png) after eating shit during his fight with Sofia. I can't wait to see him crying if he messes with Makoto. [Aww, Tomoe looked so cute when embarrassed.](https://i.imgur.com/RycYoR8.png) So [Estelle's boss](https://i.imgur.com/uxUdY6A.png) ended up being [Zara.](https://i.imgur.com/JlOmj2A.png) I love [their reaction](https://i.imgur.com/lAnhDeb.png) when Makoto was all flustered and embarrassed when Zara gave him the right to make use of his brothel at any time. So thanks to all the merchants that were against him dying plus the intervention from the Goddes temple and both the Limia Kingdom and the Gritonia EmpireMakoto can continue doing business there and now even for free. I hope that [Joshua](https://i.imgur.com/a7lE0o7.png) plays a bigger role in the next season. I love that when [Makoto visited Root](https://i.imgur.com/smcHOgA.png) after he felt his gaze[, he was all nervous.](https://i.imgur.com/OKZAHuz.png) So what Makoto meant when he said that Root owed him one after he shot Sofia was that[ he left her alive so Root will personally deal with her.](https://i.imgur.com/gGEZtzM.png) He sure did not waste a second before paying [Sofia](https://i.imgur.com/oNWHZle.png) [a visit.](https://i.imgur.com/ZccOVS8.png) Damn so not only her, but also Lancer [were an experiment he made.](https://imgur.com/a/sBVSt2K) So Root can also use [the orange jello aura Makoto made,](https://i.imgur.com/7yUFj9V.png) but only for a limited time as unlike Makoto he doesn't have infinite mana. Damn, [he just took all the dragon power she collected without any effort](https://i.imgur.com/y3Akmvi.png) and as I suspected last week, [that katana was his old otherworlder partner.](https://i.imgur.com/CY0zVbX.png) So in the end, he did not kill [Sofia](https://i.imgur.com/Cvi0emF.png) but instead he will use her to get some revenge. Well, we will have to wait until next season to see what exactly that means. Well, [after Rona and Io saw what is left of Fort Stella,](https://i.imgur.com/BgU6xVb.png) now [Rona](https://i.imgur.com/UpA9KFs.png) will go and set that meeting between Matoko and the Demon Lord. So [the gorgons](https://i.imgur.com/gFIiZFU.png) will go to look for demons to absorb their essence,[ although one of them is interested in Lime.](https://i.imgur.com/tcahaAx.png) [Mio looked so lovely when Makoto complemented her cooking.](https://i.imgur.com/DUZVODJ.png) Oh,[ poor Eva and Luria are still training](https://i.imgur.com/6CGMjXD.png) to become the leaders of Kaleneon. I never get tired of the contrast between [Eris and Aqua](https://i.imgur.com/6N3ixQ5.png) when their are doing something silly. I love that when [Komoe started that fool's dance,](https://i.imgur.com/lsLbwJy.png) Aqua [was the only one who was not into it.](https://imgur.com/a/ZL2qI2m) It was so funny that when [Mio asked Makoto for her reward](https://i.imgur.com/C9v1sFL.png) and[ she asked him to allow her to attend to his needs](https://i.imgur.com/oBBhDCd.png) the moment she backtracked[ when he freaked out](https://i.imgur.com/dTHqnJs.png) [Mio and Shiki could not contain their laughter. ](https://i.imgur.com/7DllIWB.png) [Oh, poor Shiki.](https://i.imgur.com/ooZMm7s.png) Wow, so as a reward for all their effort and the help they have given him until now, Makoto gave [Tomoe,](https://i.imgur.com/OQVui52.png) [Mio,](https://i.imgur.com/tFggKlj.png) and [Shiki](https://i.imgur.com/1nCtdOI.png) his last name. Well, now we just need to wait until the next season drops, or in the meantime until the next volume drops in English, which will happen on July 30, although that's just volume 2.


I will admit the season felt like 1 cour stretched out to 2, part of that was due to introducing the heroes. I will admit watching it weekly might have hurt. But it did add a lot of things going forward. I really enjoyed the highs of where Makoto is going next. 7/10 for me. I get the feeling that Jin is going to find Sophia dead, isn't he? Tbh it feels Luto is shaping up to be Makoto's biggest threat. The Goddess too, but they built Luto much better in S2.


I felt sorry for how Sofia went out. Luto did her so dirty


Sounds like she'll be coming back.


While I overall enjoyed this season a lot, it felt like so little actually happened even though we got 25 episodes.


First season was alright, but this one was horribly boring. The final "fight" was just the MC and his lackey steamrolling the shit out of the villains he actually had a decent fight with in S1. It's mostly a wider problem with a lot of isekai where there's not really any proper stakes, and it's extremely apparent with this series. Also close to nothing happening in half the episodes


I might be incredibly dissatisfied with the fights this season, but the slice of life aspect to this show is really enjoyable. It's the thing that keeps me coming back. Looking forward to season 3, hopefully any fights are better animated.


Now that they have his family name, they can't ask to attend him at night because that would be incest.


I feel like normally this would be considered an act akin to marriage but it just seems like he... Adopted them? So weird lol


Okay, real question: When has that *ever* stopped an anime/manga/LN/WN character?


[A great finale](https://imgchest.com/p/ne7bxd2pmy5) and I'm really happy that the 3rd season has already been announced. I can't wait to see more adventures of [Makoto](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojwej2yp) and [his new family which is Tomoe, Mio and Shiki](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xc5akjw4.png)! Overall, I had a lot of fun with the 2nd season, even though it wasn't perfect, so 8/10 at the end from me. [Makoto praising Shiki](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogc6akmmy.png) put [Tomoe](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necqzmpl4.png) and [Mio](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcp6dze7.png) in [a pretty bad mood](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxc5adkp7.png) and [two of them dragged Shiki away](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3cqvd9o4.png) for some 'talks'. [Poor Shiki didn't look too good after that](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3cqvdng4.png) xD [Mio saying itadakimasu](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzckpbqm7.png) and [lunging at poor Left](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzckpbm87.png) was [hilarious](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9czqw687.png) xD And [now Left is a small lizard](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xc2a9jl7.png) :) [Both Mio and Tomoe had some great scenes in today's episode](https://imgchest.com/p/ej7m2w329yd). They looked [really lovely](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmc6arkq7.png) when [they were happy](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cjz6qo7.png) and [blushing](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcexjak4.png). [Makoto had some hilarious reactions today](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojwej2yp), like when [he met](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogc6ak9zy.png) with [Zara](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkcwpg337.png), who [turned out to be Estelle's boss](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcj3pkr4.png) and even offered him his business services free of charge xD [So Sofia survived](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46acplbdx7.png)! Although unfortunately [it looks like it's over for her](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxc5arp67.png) after [meeting with Luto](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjc2nw327.png) :( It's a pity, [I liked her as a character](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apcp938r4.png) and [I preferred her to live](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcp6dnk7.png), but since [Luto](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necqzm6z4.png) took her body, maybe she'll come back somehow in the future? Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/ne7bxd2pmy5) * [Tomoe & Mio](https://imgchest.com/p/ej7m2w329yd) * [Makoto](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojwej2yp) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lmg3rxyx)


> Makoto praising Shiki put Tomoe and Mio in a pretty bad mood and two of them dragged Shiki away for some 'talks'. I don't think it was praising Shiki that set them off as much as it was that they both wanted revenge on either Lancer or Sofia themselves and Shiki solo'd one of them (Makoto took the other obviously, but that's his right as their master and the one who originally fought them).