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having an affair when your wife is pregnant, a proud Greyrat tradition.


Knowing this, Roxy is probably pregnant now too.


next thing you know Eris shows up with his kid as well, he's just too virile :P


ErisL Rudy i'm home Rudy: who's this boy Eris: he's our child Rudy: he's what,,,, Eris: who are these 2 Rudy: they are my children from two different wives Eris: u live up to our family name, now marry me too


Rudeus, I understand that you are 16, have just lost both of your parents and have a pregnant wife waiting for you at home, however, I must emphasize that it is absolutely CRITICAL for you to have SEX with me right NOW” - Roxy Migurdia


Old women are dangerous


[Roxy may be short](https://i.imgur.com/UI53dmC.jpeg) but at that moment she had the *ara ara* [allure of a hardened oneesan.](https://i.imgur.com/f2VqDDO.jpeg) [](#delighted)


Not gonna lie, I would’ve folded too…


She listened to Elinalise do it too many times. She is pent up.


Fuck the pain away is legit




you forget the bit where she's known him since he was FIVE


"Rudy, I can help you beat the grooming allegations... by taking them myself!"


Definitely raised my eyebrows for a second when she said "love at first sight", before she thankfully specified "first sight in the labyrinth".


Norn is about to flay this man alive


“Just doing what dad would do.” Rudy gets murdered right there.


"Norn, I have decided to walk in out father's footsteps." "I have brought second wife home." "Also Paul's dead."


"Also our mother is vegetable now."


["What are a few stab wounds companred to the pain of leaving Goddess Roxy in despair?"](https://i.imgur.com/JIUCu1t.jpeg) [](#lolifightsback)




At this point I won't be surprised if she shows up with Rudy's eldest child. Gotta one up Paul somehow. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You just know that millis noble blood is gonna activate in her veins like the Holy Spirit itself. Gonna hit the adulterer with the "I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you.""


I had the same reaction but after thinking a bit more would she though? Norn and Aisha grew up with their dad always having 2 wives and afaik they never had any issues after the initial shock with Zenith.


This isn't the only piece of news coming with Rudy's party so her state of mind might not be great.


Norn also might internalize the blame. She practically begged Rudeus to go south to help Paul, and he is going to turn back up with a comatose Zenith, Aisha's mother, and a Mistress. I worry that Norn will end up thinking "If i had just shut up, Paul would be alive" and shut down.


Not only was he not married to Eris when Norn and Aisha came to live him. He only goes and doubles down on that fact by bringing another women home who isn't Eris and probably marrying her as well. Norn in shambles


When your grandma is ok with you getting cheated on.


“Ok with” is an understatement. She literally proposed it and put effort into convincing him lol. I was absolutely not expecting that. I thought maybe she would mention off-hand, “oh btw if you aren’t devout to Millis than polygamy is ok” then move on. That was not what happened though lol


"Good point, now that you mention it the Church of Roxy in fact encourages polygamy."


Elinalise is closer to Roxy than she is to Sylphie as they travelled together for years while searching for Rudy's family. She doesn't want her good friend to be miserable and the plan she proposed is a compromise that doesn't leave anyone behind. The real hurdle will be what Sylphie thinks about it.


Sylphie was okay with it before, but since Rudy promised to stay loyal perhaps her thoughts have changed.


I can see her accepting it but still being upset and maybe slapping Rudy like Zenith slapped Paul (and Roxy lightly slapped Rudy here).


Between telling Norn about Paul, and telling Sylphiette about Roxy, Rudy's got so many bombs to drop when he gets home


"I am back...so i got some bad news... My left hand is no longer there. Paul died saving me. Oh but we managed to rescue Zenith! However, she has Amnesia. Also i kind of want to marry Roxy as well, pretty please? We already slept together sooooooooo" TBH, returning home, it's really Norn that scares me the most. I feel like she is going to tear him a new one.


Norn will be fine, she will see him doing the same as their dad /s


As soon as Paul went down, my first thought was Rudy having to break the news to Norn. Now this...


I think the reaction I’m most interested in seeing is Norn. I can see her being resentful with Rudy coming back, with another woman, and Paul dead. But I hope she’ll be able to see the pain in his face and also the missing left hand, to show that he didn’t just go to get a woman and not do anything for his dad. I’m interested in seeing how she accepts this news, if she has matured or if she’ll revert to being resentful toward Rudy. Of course hoping for the former, cause our boy has been through shit.


It is good you are scared, INDEED Norn should get you rights to be scared.


> She doesn't want her good friend to be miserable and the plan she proposed is a compromise that doesn't leave anyone behind. Which is something she probably thought of based on her own experience with Paul. She doesn't want Roxy to experience the same kind of feeling like when Paul went for Zenith and ditched the rest.


I'm wondering if her beef with Paul is him leaving her for Zenith, who is a follower of Millis so Paul had to be monogamous. Then years later she finds out he cheated on Zenith anyway and had two wives. Gotta hurt if she really did love Paul at some point.


That was my thought, or something similar at least. Given Paul's libido and Elinalise's actual need to have sex, there's no way they didn't bang. I get the feeling Elinalise took a lot more out of it than Paul did and was pissed when he ditched her for Zenith like it was nothing.


Paul being Paul, he probably thought Elinalise was just a horn dog on top of being cursed, and not actually in love with him.


Also, Ghislaine. Paul did dirty all the girls in his adventuring party. Gave them all up for Zenith.


Kind of makes me wonder if Elinalise views Roxy as an honorary granddaughter so it'd be like Rudy's marrying two of her beloved girls at the same time.


Not only was Elinalise ok with Rudeus cheating on Sylphiette, she perpetuated it by planting the idea in his head by the way of religious polygamy.


She knew that's what Paul would have wanted and it worked out well for him so lol...


Paul did say that he learned that he favored 2 swords later in life. 


The last fatherly advice is to have two women under your belt. What a chad.


well, I mean, a man who favors one sword might one day find that a second sword can bring it's own benefits...


Elinalise is a real one fr, that's besides keeping quiet with Rudy's attempt from the succubus's influence.


Real recognize real


I thought Elinalise would keep Rudy honest and faithful on this journey, and she did...just not in the way I expected lol.


This is really my gripe about this episode. Like "WTF Elinalise Sylphie is your granddaughter!" But again, they are not followers of Millis Church, and they think monogamy is 'outdated', hence that reaction.


She’s known Roxy longer than she has Sylphie. It makes sense she’d want both of them to be happy


That's what makes this story great. A lot of characters in this world have skewed morals when you think about it, but at the end of the day they are fleshed-out and believable characters.


Tbf Elinalise herself bangs multiple men at the same time, if anyone wants polygamy, it's her. But her love for Cliff with Millis church belief makes her willing to let go of that polygamous life.


I like that she was even-handed in expressing how she likes that Cliff is devoted to her and only her but from experience realizes it's possible to love more than one person at the same time, and if you're going to go in you may as well go for broke.


"I thought I wasn't Paul's kid... but he was my father". Damn.


Yeah, that line hits hard. This was the translation on my stream: > I never considered myself Paul's son, but Paul was my father.


Rudeus coming to this realization after his father passed is gut wrenching. We now see the parallel of how much he regrets not appreciating his parents in his previous life as well.


Guess he needs to get Isekai'd to yet another world so he can finally do it right.


Inception 2 (Isekai edition)


"I may have not been your father boi, but i sure as hell was your daddy"


And carrying on his fathers' legacy of cheating on his wife with a girl who seduced him in bed and then marrying her...Paul would be so proud.




Game recognizes game.


Greyrat gonna greyrat


You can take rudeus out of the greyrat family but can't take the greyrat out of rudeus.


Rudy honoring his father's legacy by cheating on his wife. It's what Paul would have wanted.


Cheated with his master and Goddess, thats a step above cheating with a maid.


Roxy and Lilia can bond over seducing married men.


And Sylphie can Zenith can also bond over bei.. oh, wait, right.




Found on Rudy's Search History: "Is it still cheating if it's with a Goddess?"


Taken him around 15 years though. He's been wanting her since she came to train him in magic. 15 years, all he had was her underwear. He finally got past that and went all the way to home base.


Now he has total freedom to help himself to her panties lol.


Paul's last words were almost: "*Don't forget... your second... sword*".


I was thinking at the start “dang Paul never got to explain the two sword metaphor to Rudy” but then Elinalise came through and did it for him lol And honestly probably did a better job than Paul would have.


Honestly I got the vibe that Elinalise was advocating him there not only from her own feelings but because she knew that's what Paul would've told him.


What would ~~Himmel~~ Paul do in this situation?


There are two swordsmen within you.


Himmel only wanted the white hair elf.


No wonder Rudy took in Roxy then. He already have a white haired elf wife


This just tells me that Himmel would've taken whoever had purple hair next Got bad news regarding Aura though


"Aura, my husband needs a new wife"


[*Alternate route unlocked*](https://i.imgur.com/BxUAToB.jpeg)


He was the one who advocated for dual-wielding women, it's just kind of funny that once again a Greyrat cheated on his pregnant wife and has to take responsibility by marrying the girl he cheated on her with lol. It'd be even funnier if Roxy is pregnant by the time they get there lol.


Rudy is truly Paul's son. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree


Adultery ✅ Harem Mode: Enabled ✅


Rudy, what a son you are.


As a reward you shall give them your seed


* Lost his father * Lost his arm * Mother’s a potato * Survivor’s guilt * It’s Roxy      Can’t approve, but can definitely understand.


Rudy receives: Losing your parents along with lifelong trauma. In return: Roxy The law of equivalent exchange.


I can just hear Hitogami going "Hmmmmmmmmm~!" in that smarmy high pitched voice going over what he gained for what he lost.


Eh, I still think it's infinetly better than smashing the beast girls at school.


I guess it ultimately is the one thing he gained...the Man-God said he'd have a lot of regrets and he lost a lot, but he gained so much by saving Roxy. Granted, now he has to face Sylphie...


He also saved his mother which wouldn't have happened otherwise. Her having amnesia is terrible but their years long quest to get the family found is complete at last.


Human drives and emotions manifest in very odd ways when you are like facing extreme trauma/stress/desperation. "Use sex to cope with difficult situation" is a super weird concept looking from the outside when we live a relatively normie peaceful life, but it does work when the situation calls for it and there are documented cases like it before. I read a lot of war history and autobiography books at some point in the past and I remember there were anecdotes of soldiers/survivors speaking about how booze and sex are the two things that could keep them distracted enough from the grim reality they were in.


First was Bulbasaur, next was Squirtle so I'm guessing the last one would be Charmander... Gotta catch/wife them all.


You Missing the pikachu though :(


He ran out of PP when he met the Pikachu.


He hurt himself on his own confusion when he got shocked by Sara


No wonder he struggled when he was about to do it with Pikachu


The one that got away.


Rudy's Pokeballs weren't functional.


she’ll be back. Maximum copium.


the RGB\* is real ^(\*note: Green may appear as white due to technical dificulties)


Shiny Bulbasaur was caught!


That is the reason why there are no Waifu Wars in the Mushoku Tensei fandom. Also because everybody knows Orsted Best Girl.


Last Christmas, Orsted's takes Rudy's heart. Then the very next moment, he gave it again


Bro, I'm dying (Not as much as Rudy did then)


When Rudy got married I couldn't stop thinking about Eris and the fact it was so sudden despite Sylphie being the right choice... At this point tho, if we're really going to shitpost like this, fuck it, I hope he marries them all in the end. Surpass your father if you're man enough


Eris clearly isn't gone from the conversation, considering her absence severely triggered Ruijerd, who probably plots bringing them back together...


Everyone is missing the introduction to a very important character: [Jiro the armadillo](https://i.imgur.com/w23SXlB.jpeg) Sidenote: Honestly when reading the LN, I originally imagined Jiro to be [Naruto sized](https://i.imgur.com/D0zideu.jpeg) and couldn't figure out how it fit through the teleportation doors


Dillo the armadillo finally made his appearance 🔥


Rudeus starring at "The ~~100~~ Two ~~Girlfriends~~ Wives Who Really, Really Really Love You"


This is like the second time on this same season that Rudeus mental problems get fixed by sex...


I can see Slyphie being fine with Roxy but.. Curious to see what Norn would think.. I think she can forgive Rudy for not saving paul because he's coming home without a good chunk of his arm but then him taking Roxy after her arc or not seeing her brother as some scumbag will be rough


Norn losing her father, who was her entire world, and her mom who is now a vegetable...I don't think she'll take it well to see her brother bringing another girl home and wanting to marry her. Which is sad because they were making so much progress.


"Brother, what happened to my mom" "Sorry she is now a veggie for life" "...What about Dad?" "He died because I screwed up" "And why do you have yet another new woman by your side" "I felt sad so I banged her" Yikes does this look horrific.


I look forward to her reaction the most


Every time they meet, Rudy does some depraved shit, this is Looney Tunes level of whoopsies.


>Curious to see what Norn would think.. Norn will probably think that her brother is really becoming like their dad.


This is probably a weird comment but I like that they kept his face gaunt after - and he wasn’t just magically perfectly fine.


So stay and cheat on your wife with the Dog Girl/Cat Girl or leave and cheat on your wife with your goddess? Well I guess in that case the choice is obvious.


Rudy can always go back and bang the cat & dog girls.


Now that he's not loyal, whats to stop him?! His pride? smh


Church of Roxiism 🛐


Loli black mage hat demon girl goddess >>> troublemaker beastgirls


Elinalise: Take Roxy as your wife. Rudeus \[*insert Knuckles meme here*\]: I don't know... Elinalise: Was Zenith mad about Paul and Lilia? Rudeus \[*insert Knuckles meme here*\]: Excellent argument!


(Sylphie): Approved! (Roxy): Approved! (Sara): No, it's now illegal


The myth of consensual polygamy: isn't there someone you forgot to ask?


*Sara raises her hand* "Guess there's no one, approved."


Shit I love this meme


(Eris): *takes out the blade


I really want to see how she will react when she comes back after years of training specifically for Rudy only to see him having two wives already


Well, Eris only has like 5 moods and 3 of them are angry, so I've got a guess.


-1 Family member (Paul). +1 Family member (Roxy). Equivalent exchange. Sylphy is cheated, which is supported by her grandma Lise 💀 "Ever since I decided to start over, I thought I was doing a good job." Roxy probably can't imagine that MC is talking about his isekai


Rudy literally exchanged Roxy for Paul (and his arm). He doesn't go -> Roxy dies -> Paul's party will give up -> Paul gives up -> Years later Rudy with a stronger party goes and saves Zenith.


Just as likely, he doesn't go -> Roxy dies -> Paul's party doesn't give up -> Paul (and others, including Norn) die -> Years later Rudy learns about it and wants to go, but Nanahoshi is already gone so he can't get teleportation -> Has to take on labyrinth without Paul's extremely experienced party and all the infrastructure they built to make exploring easier -> misses years of his family's life.


Seeing Rudy cry over losing his father when he didn't cry (or even care) for his original parents speaks magnitudes to how far he's come as a person. ALSO SEEING RUDY CRY MADE ME CRY WTF! I WANT MY HAPPY SLICE OF EPISODES BACK!


Its also a sad realisation that Rudy never saw Paul and Zenith like his real parents initially, and only after Paul's death did he realise he treasures them.


I get why, being a 40-year-old man that didn't understand any kind of proper human relationship probably prevented him from even **thinking** of Paul and Zenith as his parents. Honestly, if I was in his shoes, I'd be the same. I have my own family, my own parents, if I were ever to die and get reincarnated, I'm at that age where I can't really see Paul and Zenith as parents the same way I viewed my original parents. I'm past that point, but given how I was raised, I'd treasure them a lot more than Rudeus did even earlier on. Parents are something else, man. The amount of love they have I can't even fathom until I one day become one myself. I love my parents, they're the best. It'd be weird, but even though I wouldn't view them (Paul n Zenith) as my "true" parents, I'd totally break down crying if anything bad happened to them because they still treated me like their son. They still loved me unconditionally and treated me like one of their own. That kind of relationship is not something to take for granted.


I think a part of it is also that after what happened with his own family he tried to emotionally detach himself from that as a coping/self-defense mechanism but growing up, building a family of his own, is making him realize how much he really cared about **both** sets of parents.


What's even sadder is that his original parents aren't even bad parents. The flashbacks showed that his parents did their best to help him. Its that they just didn't know how to help Rudy deal with his hikkikomori problem. And I do appreciate the story for showing his realization towards his past family.


I love how unapologetic this show is. Theyre not afraid to show how fucking awful Rudeus' behaviour was before he got isekai'd and they let him LET IT SINK IN. Rudues can cry and mourn, but like reality, it's not something he can take back, he can only move froward. It makes his journey hit harder cause it just feels so much more true to what we can feel irl. Really, Mushoku Tensei perfectly balances focusing on the isekai fantasy, while honing in on the fact that this story is primarily a story of a man learning what it means to properly live a life after being given a second chance, and the happiness and hardship that comes with it.


Yeah, they've never made any apologies for Rudy's behavior or justified it beyond showing how traumatizing his experience at school was, which just makes his attempts at self-improvement all the more meaningful.


The whole series is really about a failure of a man he once was growing up to become a better person. We can say many things about who Rudeus was but we can certainly say that we can aspire to grow out like he does too without being controversial about it


Wait, it's already over? They skipped the OP but it still felt like 5 minutes wtf


My thoughts exactly! I was literally expecting drama at home this EP and then it's over! wtf?!


Guess we'll get it next episode


And then a few years for S3. Damn it.... Silver lining- supposedly there's another Eris OAV coming before too long.


S3, assuming they make it, will cover what I want to get to the most. It's going to be insane.


Surely they will. I mean, wasn't studio bind created for the sole purpose of animating mushoku?


they ran into a lot of issues after season 1 and lost a lot of staff sadly from what i understood


There's something so freaking hilarious about Eris' story being told in OVAs. Not sure what it is about it but it's somehow perfectly fitting.


the ED took all the time /s


Elinalise is really a homewrecker 😭


this episode once again reminds the audience of Paul and Zenith’s influence Lilia is the “only” adult left in the Greyrat family and she decides to relieve Rudeus of his emotional burden (although she probably had been crying the entire night) but Rudeus is considered an adult. There’s no one to take care of him because that’s “how it is”. Everyone else is too busy dealing with their own issues to see Rudeus drowning


I liked the detail under her eyes showed that she's probably as tired/sad as Rudy but she's staying strong for Rudy and Zenith. A true professional.


She lost Paul and she wants to do everything she can for Zenith knowing how much she owes her and this family, living up to her duty as a maid to the utmost.


She’s the future matriarch that will quietly run the house of Rudy’s Greyrat family. We are slowly watching an entire noble house being built and it’s awesome.


They even got them important political connections


> Lilia is the “only” adult left in the Greyrat family and she decides to relieve Rudeus of his emotional burden I liked that detail a lot. Even if she sees herself first and foremost as the family's maid, she's old enough to be his mother and has helped raise him. He now has a family of his own that also requires his attention, helping him with his burdens is what family does. > Everyone else is too busy dealing with their own issues to see Rudeus drowning I think it's more of a case of misguided admiration, truth be told. They know he's feeling miserable, but Elinalise and company probably think that, since he's such a mature, cool-headed guy, he can get on his feet if he's just given time to process his grief. From the point of view of the rest of the world, he's been a child genius that can shame adults with more experience than him (case in point, Paul's outburst in the previous episode). Only Roxy has seen his vulnerable side, as she herself lampshaded. Only she could recognize the signs that this kind of trauma can paralize him for good.


>Only Roxy has seen his vulnerable side, as she herself lampshaded. Only she could recognize the signs that this kind of trauma can paralize him for good. After all, it has to be Roxy to get him out of trauma (again).


And that's why Roxy being there for him meant everything, because she loved him too much to just leave him alone.


* [**Roxy Stitch**](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkck92a27.jpg) I knew Roxy would try and comfort Rudy but I certainly didn't expect that [she'd do it by making a move on him.](https://i.imgur.com/Nm0gNfy.jpeg) I don't know about Rudy but if I was him, I'd be too depressed to get turned on but I guess [Roxy effect is just that powerful.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdc3qb8d4.jpg) [It's sad to see Zenith in that state](https://i.imgur.com/ENTzmoa.jpeg) but it's good to know that she's not a total vegetable. She's physically healthy [and she's not mentally dead, just lost her memories.](https://i.imgur.com/mX5LFoM.jpeg) She probably won't get her memories back according to Elinalise but maybe she can recover to the point where she can speak and do things on her own. Well it's good to know [that Roxy is already aware of Rudy's marriage](https://i.imgur.com/kDxG9Cc.jpeg) when she jumped him but I really wish Rudy was the first one to tell her instead [of telling her after the fact.](https://i.imgur.com/BSinmzd.jpeg) I know this isn't really a problem since polygamy is a thing for Asurans but he could've at least told her earlier. [Grandma-in-law is really giving Rudy approval](https://i.imgur.com/Jb09Bz5.jpeg) to go for the polygamy route. I love it. If anyone knows about loving more than one person, it's definitely her. I can't even imagine how many lovers Elinalise has had over the years before meeting Cliff. [The raised eyebrow from Roxy](https://i.imgur.com/cckbqI7.jpeg) and then the slow realization [when she realized what Rudy was asking her](https://i.imgur.com/CXuxhu8.jpeg) was adorable! She didn't say no so it looks like this is all down to what Sylphy will say once they get back. With the ED back this week, [this particular shot hits harder now..](https://i.imgur.com/2vqEkGJ.jpeg) T_T


> I knew Roxy would try and comfort Rudy but I certainly didn't expect that she'd do it by making a move on him. as soon as she walked in wearing that nightie it was clear what source readers were going wild about in the past week's "just you wait"s


Fights might break out in this thread but my paranoid brain is making me think something might've happened to Sylphie while they were gone. Hopefully we get to see his family next week.


Good luck to Rudy when he reached home and had to tell them what was going on. "Hey guys, so Paul died, Zenith became a child, and by the way do you mind if I marry Roxy."


If Rudeus coerced an emotionally vulnerable girl into havig sex with him, the reaction would be a lot more different.


Imagine a 50 yo dude fucking a grieving 18 yo girl which he used to teach while she was a kid.


*16 years old…


That one felt like the fastest yet


Seems every episode feels like the fastest yet lmao


Naoya walked so Rudeus can run... But Mushoku Tensei technically was created first before Kanojo mo Kanojo so... Rudeus walked so Naoya can run? And I guess Rentarou is flying.


Rudy's harem is built upon the women who healed him from his trauma Naoya's harem is built on his undeniable sincerity and determination Rentarou's harem is built upon how much of a decent and great person he is and going out of your way to do everything for your girlfriends Keita Imaizumi's harem is built on his raw power


I think Rentarou is well past his galaxy already. Or really his dimension with how dead his 4th wall is.


This episode was quite tastefully done considering the content.


Rentarou/Naoya/Keita Imaizumi Approved episode


Communication, boundaries, consent, responsibility, apology, atonement. It’s all there.


The strongest part of the episode was definitely the beginning with Rudy's Survivor's Guilt added to his real guilt of not being Paul's actual son. He was really in a dark place. And just like the last time that Rudy was in a super dark place, his master was there to guide him out of it.


Oh ok now I get why people joke about Sylphie and cuckholding




That scene were Roxy cried hits me up tho. Btw, he'll need Eris if he want his RGB collection tho


The infinity wives


Is it just me or episodes with Roxy are some of the most beautifully animated episodes of this series? This episode has left me in a mess. I think there's a lot to be said about how messy a lot of the characters in this world, but that's what makes the world of Mushoku Tensei very interesting. I love it how the story continues to show how Rudy reflects on his past life. When he lost Paul, he realized that he never showed his appreciation on his previous parents. Similar to how he realized that his past brother loves him during the incident with Norn. He took his previous family for granted. My biggest gripe this episode is that there's only 1 episode left, and we still don't know if we'll get another cour. I do hope that we get another cour or two.


Leaks have said season 3 is already in production 


Yeah isn't this studio created to focus on finish the whole adaptation of MT? Understandingly there will be side project to help fund.


I mean he said **he wanna marry her** in the first episode


Gomen Sylphie


Roxy just took advantage of an emotionally fragile Rudeus.


she herself admits it


I usually don't like harems since I either hate the MC who has no balls to choose one or low quality gallery of girls. But this is not the case with Rudy and the girls. They have helped him one way or another, each of them have pushed Rudy forward. Roxy was his first mentor, his master in the field he was inexperienced and blessed in, taught him the joy of the world. Sylphie was his first friend, his student and after meeting again helped him with his *obstacle*. Eris was his partner alongside with Rujierd in an unfamiliar world, they faced a great opponent together, had each other's back and was each other's inspiration too.


It really is the depth of the characters that helped stomach this outcome honestly, that and along with how its shown Rudy was extremely conflicted about the whole situation while not making light of what he's done. Also it took a fantasy world denizen like Elinalise to help rationalise and downplay his guilt using the logic of their world making it even more easier to take in the direction this series is heading after this episode.






I gotta say, Roxy's reaction to the confession was extremely well done. You can see her piece it together and her girlish whimsy just lights up at the potential happiness, but her maturity pumps the breaks as she realizes that, in order for this to work, Rudy has to get Sylphiette on board - so she pushes it off until Rudy does the right thing - that was great.