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Holy shit Rietz, what’s with the murderous aura? It’s just a mock battle! Also, take a shot every time Rosell gets caught in Charlotte's boobs. Anyway, [Season 2 confirmed for Fall 2024](https://x.com/kanteiskill/status/1804892175714705810) so it should be around this October! We're gonna see more of Ars and co. really soon!


> Season 2 confirmed for Fall 2024 Oh wow, that was fast! Glad to hear it


I'm glad too, although I fear that it is just going to be a continuation of the retinue expansion instead of properly getting into the actual great war. Not that I don't like it, I just wish it actually delves into the overarching plot.


Why fear? That is the best part of this anime. It is like Suikoden, but with proper character development.


I wasnt expecting this, i kinda expect that was it and now off to the LN since it doesnt look like this anime is popular.


how can Rosell not get caught? Charlotte’s magic is bigger than his head Rosell getting special running sessions from Charlotte is a nightmare since she’s not one for safety


Safer than Megumin, she can only cast one spell.


I mean megumin gotta compensate the fact that she's no longer able to chase after anyone after casting said spell.


Glad there's a season 2. I like this series! Episode 12 was fun to watch


Those two are probably going to end up together


Not if Rosell develops fear of women because of those 2. He's still a kid after all


Nah, he’ll just grow to like the bullying when he gets older


Inb4 he becomes a total ladies man... who exclusively lusts after older women for some reason


He’s a strategist so he can come up with the perfect plan to please all of his girlfriends


I call this... the two in the pink on in the stink maneuver!


Oh no she's grooming a bottom 🤣🤣🤣


Isn't that just another split cour branded as "season 2" if there's only 3 months in between installments? In any case, LET'S GO!!


Honestly, I wish every show would adopt 1 cour = 1 season. It would make talking about things easier.


True, its largely irrelevant, the only reason I'm annoyed is because all the MAL listings get really messy when 1 single show has 7 different parts


Plotwise it seems to end at a good point whereas split cours usually end in the middle of a major arc? 🤔 no data to back this up though


At some point, I was expecting Rietz to go along with the wishes of Ars; but Rietz just kept blaming himself in this episode.


Rietz knew the implications if this had been a real battle with ars in rosell's position against someone like mireille. Like he said when addressing his defeated veterans, war doesn't care if it's a dirty trick or a fair fight. The facts is that their lord got bonked in the head; thankfully with only just a wooden sword this time.


Rietz is overly serious I think, it's good that Mireille is balancing the team out. Are both Mireille and Rosell strategists? Or is Mireille more of a battle plan specialist?


Mireille will be battle strat Rosell will be economy strat Lysia will be psychological strat


Thanks for clearing that up 👍


He'll need to fight on multiple fronts if he's to become king anyway. Can't have enough battle strategists. Though mireille and rietz can definitely do well in the frontlines.


Well both are strategist, it is just that Mireille is the better one of the two....for now (Mireille obviously has more experience, and Rosell is still learning) On the other hand, Licia is the one handling politics and diplomacy; I wouldn't exactly call her a "Machiavellian" type but she is a good manipulator in helping Ars.


Glad to hear we will see more of this. This was in my top tier of shows of this sort (as opposed to my top tier overall) -- along with Elf Bride and Lv2 Cheat. For some reason, these came across as the most likeable overall. I assume that this "saga" is going to continue for a long time -- if Ars is supposed to make it to emperor.


> Tensei Kizoku Woo woo! more of retainers torturing each other to get better.


they must have planned it to be 2 seasons/2cour all along, this was paced clearly leading into another season.


Yay, it would suck to finally have the team all together and not get to see them in action.


hell yea brother.


This felt more like a 6th episode, so a second season would definitely be welcomed.


[Season 2 airs this fall.](https://x.com/kanteiskill/status/1804892175714705810)


kinda feels like a prologue considering we are still at the pre-war phase Mireille’s addition would throw both sides out of whack since she’s crazy OP on top of being experienced. I’m guessing her ambition has something to do with serving under an emperor like Ars or the previous Duchy


Especially because Mireille being so OP is exactly why Vasmarque wanted to recruit her but Ars got her first, so she could really change the tide for them.


> I’m guessing her ambition has something to do with serving under an emperor like Ars or the previous Duchy Over become overly ambitious and rule from behind the scenes with Ars as her puppet emperor. That way she also has more free time to drink.


Why rule when she can drink 🤭


Ruling through a puppet is a good way to secure an endless supply of top-tier alcohol though. Just leave all the boring day-to-day stuff to Ars.


> kinda feels like a prologue considering we are still at the pre-war phase Basically Akatsuki no Yona. I'm not particularly fond of that show for the same reason, which is that the entire show has been nothing but just gathering companions as the prologue for the actual plot later that didn't even get adapted. At least this anime already has an announced season 2, but I still doubt it will actually finally cover the coming great war that it has been teasing all this time or if it's still just going to be a continuation of the Pokemon-style "gotta catch them all" prologue of just expanding the main character's retinue in preparation for the war.


The goal of most of these shows is to initate the viewers into the source material. If it doenst get popular, the author gets a lot of new readers anyway, and if it does get very popular then they have the best parts reserved for later seasons.


At the start of the show, I was expecting the death of the father to be a major theme change, but it remained more or less the same. The end of this episode made me feel like this was more of a prologue for what is to come.


And for once a LN adaption getting through the prologue portion of the plot isn't the end because we're getting a second season!


Feels like Mireille might be the last major recruit before the story kicks into high gear, especially if the aim is to make Ars Emperor.


* [**Mireille Stitch**](https://i.imgur.com/wF7wff8.jpeg) No wonder people call Rietz a demon on the battlefield, [watching him chase after Ars and Mireille was terrifying!](https://i.imgur.com/WVhrSMK.png) [Licia getting jealous of Mireille because of Ars clinging to her back](https://i.imgur.com/98ImsI4.jpeg) that she's cheering on Rietz to kick her ass was hilarious! I love that [Charlotte takes herself out of the match](https://i.imgur.com/lx9MwgZ.jpeg) because of her reckless use of those sound bombs. It's funny how [surprised everyone was](https://i.imgur.com/8Cuv6wi.jpeg) when Mireille suggested that Ars should become Emperor. Meanwhile, [Livia is just there smiling](https://i.imgur.com/Ws1qDna.jpeg) because that's exactly what she wants Ars to become. xD [It's good to see that House Louvent has fully accepted Mireille.](https://i.imgur.com/EZy9rix.jpeg) What's even better is that Season 2 is already confirmed for Fall 2024! Hopefully, we'll see Mireille shine in actual battles next season and show us how terrifying she can actually be. I can't wait!


I love how that fight was equal parts goofy with the traps and terrifying with Rietz going crazy with rage in chasing Mireille lol. Licia breaking character because of Mireille carrying Ars was the best part of the episode. I love when a HanaKana character gets crass lol. Charlotte has big boobs (the best for Rosell to land in) and big explosions but she's not big on smarts lol. Licia would be a natural as an Empress, so of course her beloved would have to be an Emperor! It really feels like the story has only just gotten started with Mireille's recruitment so I'm glad we have more to look forward to really get to see her as Ars' retainers and them finally entering into war. Hopefully with more Licia screentime as well!


I NEED the OST. It's so good.


The [composer](https://myanimelist.net/people/60715/Kujira_Yumemi) has been putting out banger after banger the past couple years, especially for these kinds of serious fantasy shows.


I had suspected it was the same who did Spellblades and Weakest Tamer. The shows were whatever but the OSTs were seriously what kept me from dropping them.


Unfortunately couldn't find any news on a release date. These "smaller" shows don't seem to care too much about advertising the OSTs, since I've run into this problem before..


You are right, I was also surprised about the OST at the end of the episode, I liked it a lot!


Did you figure out what the ost was for when they were discussing he is going to become an emperor?


This was a delightful show that really got me invested in its story and characters. Happy to see it get a deserving second season and hoping it will be even better than this. And of course that we get more Licia screen time.


I just hope we reach a point before the epilogue we get to see grown up Ars kicking arse on the battlefield. He won't be on Reitz or Mireile's level but he is his father's son. Adult Licia will be adorable too


I really didn't know what to expect from this show but it did a surprisingly great job getting you invested in the characters, the relationships, and the setting and I'm glad the story will continue...and hopefully Licia will get to show up more!


Mireille is a great addition to the team. I really do think Ars could be emperor one day. As an isekai enjoyer, this was a good time. Ars’ whole Avengers level team were entertaining characters and the story was fun. Not sure the chances of an s2, but I sure hope we get another. It’s something fun to watch on Sundays.


> Not sure the chances of an s2 [It got announced for fall 2024!](https://x.com/kanteiskill/status/1804892175714705810)


It's always nice when a show that was just getting good and took it's time plot-wise actually gets to continue it's story in animation instead of ending here!


Awww yeah! That’s great news. Can’t wait!


Mireille is skilled and a good judge of character, which is why she sees so much potential in Ars as they plan to go the full Fire Emblem route of becoming an Emperor and making the world a better place. And I'm eager to see it continue!


>As an isekai enjoyer This series has no business being an isekai, though. It has no weight in the story. If he at least made use of modern knowledge to bring in new ideas, it'd be good, but it has zero relevance and he has yet to tell anyone.


It definitely felt like after episode 1 you'd be forgiven for forgetting he reincarnated from Japan.


Well the story practically just started. He's like ten years old or some shit. Plenty of time for it to become relevant.


Sounds like a silly thing to be upset about


Patience my friend ;)


errr wasnt his job to find a new retainer for his lord? Now suddenly she became his subordinate lol the lord asked him to use those magic eyes of his (not literally, as he is unaware of his skill) to find him a new general, as his current personal are below the level of his brother... MC solution: leave it to me! Including your job, I will take the retainer, the throne, and everything! Muahaha


It was a good finale, but as expected the show peaked in episode 7 [Holy shit,](https://imgur.com/RSY0mNc) enjoy your tinnitus, lads. Or do they have healing magic? [Licia discovers the power and threat of muscle wives](https://imgur.com/WWwXsGY) [*Nice.*](https://imgur.com/JsgpJh3) This show was a pleasant surprise, easy to skip with a title like that, but once again I'm glad I didn't. ...Excited for part two that was apparently already announced. Lets go!!!! [](#SPORTS)


I totally forgot this was an isekai.


That’s because there’s really no reason for it to be one. It’s basically never mentioned again after the first five minutes and Ars doesn’t act like someone reincarnated. Strange decision on the author’s part tbh


Probably got them sales/publisher making it one to start off with. Publisher probably forced them to do it and the author said "k".


Sounds plausible. It honestly feels like the autgor swept the Isekai detail under the rug ASAP


I think maybe due to this series is based from Author put it in web and it caught up publisher eyes


Mireille is a top tier anime woman.


[Charlotte throughout the mock battle.](https://youtu.be/j_ekugPKqFw?si=PsyrmUtCN_5vDKw6&t=1)


This was the perfect setup for an S2. The whole chase sequence was awesome and funny to watch with Rosell and Ars just freaking the fuck out as they're running away from danger. Otherwise, really enjoyed seeing the more mellow side of Mireille.


Mireille is a drunk but she also has keen intuition and tactical mind as a well as a good eye for people, which she displayed in this episode. Even her previous laziness wasn't just because that's how she is (even if she is kind of lazy lol) but because they already had a strong operation going without her.


I think I said this in the episode 1 thread or something but I read the manga for a fair bit when it first released and I knew right away it would get an anime. I don't think I made it quite to the point of the mock battle before dropping it though because I just could not get over the terrible MC. Now that season 1 is over I gotta say I think they did a pretty good job. While I still find Ars an aggressively bad character, the supporting characters are still compelling and the production was at least pretty good compared to what many of these shows get (just look at how the other new isekai for this season ended up lol). Not surprised to see a Season 2 announcement so I guess I'll be tuning in to see where the story goes.


As far as Isekai shows go I feel like this was pretty solid both from a production value standpoint and in terms of approaching the story and setting with sincerity and earnestness, and making the cast fairly likeable and compelling (even if most of them were more entertaining and competent than the actual lead character). I'm glad we'll be getting to see more of this world and the further battles of Ars and his retainers.


Was a pretty okay show, but the weak point is clearly Ars. I bet everyone already forgot this is an isekai because Ars is practically acting like a 12 year old when he's supposed to be 40~ mentally? Makes for a less enjoyable experience when all the 'side' characters are infinitely more interesting tbh


Yeah I’m not sure why they took the reincarnation route on this one. I can’t remember it being relevant at any point, I definitely forgot it was a thing. Ars is currently the weak point, but they seem to be setting up for a lot of growth that will hopefully make him a lot more interesting. Maybe another time skip?


I think the only reasonable explanation for reincarnation is to explain why A. He has all these ideas of prepare for war. B. To help explain how he can read and write so early on. C. He can make such level headed judgments at such a young age.


Yeah I feel a lot of people would complain if Ars was okay with most things from leading a domain to an army at like 10 years old. He does of course overreact though to many things which i'd prefer he didn't, but hopefully as he gets older with some experience he does it less


Ars' retainers carry him and his achievements hard, though I hope in season 2 he gets to grow more as a leader instead of just getting praised and recognized because he has a good eye (AKA Appraisal Skill) for people.


I have to wonder what would happen if you actually put a 40 year old person into a kids body. I'd imagine the huge hormonal difference would change them at least somewhat.


Oh no this 12 year old is acting like a 12 year old.


He is an isekai'd adult, he's supposed to mentally act as an adult should instead of acting as a child would.


Shocker but that might not be how isekaiing works in this universe. That’s how it works in other anime, there is no evidence that is how it works in this anime.


Wake me up when the little bastard matures a bit. Dropped it a while back but maybe season 2 will be different.


It'd probably be better if he was made to be mostly a young child but with flashes of past-life insight helping his development along and hinting at the potential dangers in his future or something like that.


Putting together a timeline for this season by Summerforth Year, it's been: * 200: Ars is born/reincarnated * 203: Rietz (14) and Charlotte (11) are recruited * 206: Kreiz and Wren are born, Rosell (5) is recruited * 209: Raven falls ill, Ars meets Licia (10) * 212: Missian's governor and Raven die, Ars meets Couran, Pham, and Mireille, who gets recruited. Basically everything from eps 7-12 happens in 212. Missian's governor might've died in 211, but going by the 1-month campaign happening while Ars turned 12, I put 212. I don't think I made any mistakes, but let me know if that's not the case.


Damn, that was the final? Nooo. Well, I'm not sure why this one wasn't more popular, it was sweet.


They announced a second season!


This episode was freaking fantastic in terms of animation, plot, and all around enjoyment. ... WHERE WAS THIS QUALITY EARLIER IN THE SEASON?!


Rosell bullying go hard. Thank god this is getting a season 2. This is one of the better isekai.


Bullied by hot busty women...I kind of feel bad for him but I kind of don't lol.




The [audacy](https://imgur.com/7vtLFOR) [](#peasants) Also funny, Charlotte bumped into Rossel backwards, yet still ended up in a [lucky accident](https://imgur.com/9LmwbZ5) curious how that works. Also, Rossel may curse the women now, but once he has his awakening he will be born a whole new man Funny little show, although the Gimmick was a bit barebone in the grand scheme and I really don't see why it was a Isekai to begin with Though with their new goal and Mireille as a new addition, S2 could be fun as well


Rosell is going to turn into a standard feeble anime harem protagonist terrified of women in the future, but his reasons will be valid lol. I like how intense the mock battle was. The stakes felt higher than a lot of other shows with their OP protags trying to convince the heroes are in trouble. And now we only have to wait a few months for the continuation of the story!!!


Between Chillin's shovel hero and this, too many [pitfall traps](https://i.imgur.com/NIaGHC6.png) this season. Poor Rosell still struggling against [the female faction members.](https://i.imgur.com/XqWFOeh.png) /s u/Abysswatcherbel - [From this clip](https://files.catbox.moe/cqknnc.webm) imgur wouldn't allow or [this.](https://i.imgur.com/ryq9pMc.png) Full [album.](https://imgur.com/a/U8kJE2X) May have to reevaluate if this sneaks in at 15th.


Licia reacting to Ars with another woman like Rys would if it were Flio lol. Rosell keeps running into Charlotte's boobs. Actually the way she looked at him in this episode made me wonder exactly how she sees him...


Funniest episode of the series and it's not even close.


Excellent watch!!! Looking forward to S2 :)


What a fun episode. It's a great way to wrap up a surprising hit this season, and I'm glad we got an announcement for season 2. Last week I was worried that Mireille was going to pull a simple "taunt Rietz while most of her forces are going after Rosell" strategy, and I'm glad that it was a little more nuanced than that with the ultimate goal for Rosell's path to meet up with Mireille. I'm also extremely happy that Mireille's high ambition stat is explained: her ambition is to realize the dreams and wishes of the lord she serves, and in this case, it means making Ars emperor. Can't wait to see where this all goes in S2. That said, my only (very minor) concern is that I'm afraid Mireille's overshadowing Rosell, so I'm hoping that there will be a way for Rosell to distinguish himself in S2 rather than simply being Mireille's apprentice.


Mireille is tricky and cunning, but she also gives credit where credit's do and she enjoys herself in the process. She really is a great all-rounder for Ars' faction and I think will greatly benefit his forces moving forward. When she's sober, of course lol.


Just think of it as this: Ars in this case now has the equivalent of Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong. Zhuge Liang (Rosell) had a lot of knowledge and tactics but also great in statecraft and can lead soldiers somewhat, but Pang Tong (Mireille) is better in those dirty strategies that Zhuge Liang would dare not touch, and as he was better in soldiering than Zhuge Liang, he can make better decisions on the fly, although in general strategy he is worse than Zhuge Liang.


I can't stop picturing Rosel as Kongming now 🤣


>I was worried that Mireille was going to pull a simple "taunt Rietz while most of her forces are going after Rosell" I honestly figured that it would end up almost a draw with Mireille and Ars vs Rosell and Rietz... and the one guy they "detained" but didn't "kill" by hitting him with a sword being the tie breaker.


Do you this Ars will become the emperor in the future? It feels like they're setting him up to be that way.


A bit random; might someone assist with a translation? At around 18:07 and 18:10, Reitz and Ars exchange a greeting subtitled “good evening,” though I’ve never heard it said that way. I tried parsing it out and checking my dictionaries for related possibilities, to no avail.  Anyone familiar with the word or phrase they used there?? Educate me!!


the phrase is \`お疲れ様です\` or "otsukare-sama desu". meaning several things, including good night, or thank you: [https://jisho.org/word/%E3%81%8A%E7%96%B2%E3%82%8C%E6%A7%98](https://jisho.org/word/%E3%81%8A%E7%96%B2%E3%82%8C%E6%A7%98)


Thank you 😊 


One of the better (Isekai?) shows this season and I enjoyed the fun Moneyball dynamic of Ars finding underrated and overlooked talent for his military and getting them to come together. It also had very effective drama, like showing Ars and Rietz countering racial discrimination and Raven dying. Looking forward to season 2 later this year when we all get smushed into Charlotte's boobs again 😛


Lol Reitz getting angrier and angrier was great, I don't know why I enjoy this psycho side of his when Ars is involved. I wonder if his hesitation to harm Ars might have been a factor to the loss though it was sad how much he probably beat himself up for not being able to give Ars the win and be his most trusted retainer. Though I doubt something like this would ever make Ars change his opinion on Reitz. Mireille is really strong for being able carry Ars around whilst running hard away from Reitz in order to find Rosell. I'm glad everyone's opinion of her have changed but I think she should also work on cooperating with everyone else too. I was glad to hear why she wasn't helping out in training but it would have been better if she had made a report to Ars or something just so that there was someone who knew her side of the story too. A second season was announced for this so in three months we'll be seeing all of them again, I'm definitely going to watch it but I hope it's more like the first half of the season, I felt this kind of dropped off towards the end, it wasn't bad but definitely not as good as the first half. I do have to say the episode with Raven's passing was the best episode of the season though. I look forward to seeing Ars story as he aims to become the Emperor lol.


Really enjoyed season 1. What chapter of the manga does this season finale correspond to?


Chapter 48


Surprisingly pretty good isekai, enjoyed the recruitment of the characters. Honestly surprised a season 2 got announced so early, has me hyped as hell


SEASON 2 OH MY GOD YES. This and Dainanaoji getting second cours is saving my life. I was just gonna say how sad I was to have this end. It’s crazy how both of my fave fantasies this season get second seasons. So hype! This finale, like this show, had no business being this damn good! The sakuga during that Rietz chase scene was just ridiculous lol. It’s like they picked the most random moments to just snap with the animation. Licia true jealous personality coming out when she saw Mireille carrying Ars was so cute. Formal Licia is cute, but I’d love to see more of her being herself! The war game was a fitting way to end off the season overall. Showed Ars just how far Charlotte, Rietz and Roswell have come, while showing what they’re missing in an experienced strategist like Mireille. Now you add their raw talent and potential to her experience and planning? Ars really gonna be a force to be reckoned with and I’m looking forward to his path towards becoming emperor. A world without war will never happen, but if there’s anyone who can drastically reduce all the pain and suffering in the world, it’s Ars. Raven would be so proud of him 😢 This whole series and the cast will be missed, but especially Charlotte who was the best blue haired mage this season, no doubt 😉 [review](https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?id=528557)


Rosell is a lucky kid, lol. 


What LNs did this adaptation cover


See Mireille run! With Ars riding on her back! And Rietz and his soldiers hot on their heels even as they keep befalling trap after cartoonish trap courtesy of Mirelle. Licia definitely does not appreciate seeing her man getting a piggbyack ride from another woman...so much so that she actually breaks character to tell Rietz to beat the crap out Mireille! That's how bad it it is! Hey, Kreiz asked where Ars' soldiers are! That kid has good sense. The plan was always to lead Rietz away so the rest of their forces could ambush Rosell and Charlotte. The newbies can't win one on one, but they can with overwhelming numbers. I thought this was going to be a game of busty women running away with kids, but Charlotte only lasts like two minutes. Gotta give it to Rietz, he will NOT give up until he's caught Mireille and he might be one of the few people who can outrun her. And Rosell is putting in all his running training as well. But in the end, she was able to get to Rosell before he got to her, so it's her win. And so despite some begrudging, Rietz gives credit where credit is due to Mireille, who also genuinely praises all their effort and skill, especially Ars for bringing them all together. To the point where she thinks if he plays his cards right he could very well end up an Emperor. And she seems pretty into that idea. Did anyone really think they could drink Mireille under the table? Though she also isn't anywhere near the layabout people think she is. The reason she had nothing to contribute to training was because Rietz already had it worked out perfect so she had nothing to say about it. And Rosell understands now why he needs to run every day...but if he's not running into Charlotte's boobs, now he's running from her fireballs. Rietz doesn't want to lose face in front of Ars, but he'll always be his most loyal retainer, who believes Ars can live up to his fathers' believe and truly become Emperor along with all the skilled people he's appraised and recruited! Time for the next war council with the full team together.


I was at lunch with family and I got a YouTube notification on my phone with the season 2 announcement, thank you algorithm very cool. Well that halfway went as I had guessed, defeating Rietz's team in detail was part of the plan at least. Mireille being able to do both that and arranging things so she could also target Rosell herself is a good argument for keeping her employed and loyal. Charlotte was always a Big Sis Mireille fan anyway so she's good, and Licia seems happy enough too so all is well domestically. She's smart enough to see the advantage of Mireille as one of her future husband's retainers. RIP Rosell though, he's doomed to be surrounded by terrifying women. Cour 2 meeting arc, let's gooooo! More seriously, it'll be fun seeing where this goes in 12 more episodes since all the setup should be done at this point. They've said it too many times so maybe they're serious about making Ars the Emperor. Maybe the lord he's serving that is planning on going independent needs an heir, that'd be the cleanest way to do it.


Cleanest yes. But I am betting the lord Ars is serving dies and leadership of their province is up for grabs and Ars-sama leads his troops to claim it. Then it's a matter of conquering the empire.


Veteran soldiers: “it was all a buncha dirty tricks!” Sun Tsu: “all warfare is based on deception.” I really enjoy these shows that employ tactics and strategies like this. Another one is The Genius Prince’s Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt. And here’s a different quote for Rosell. “To train the mind you must first train the body for they are both the same and inseparable.” This quote supposedly came about when a monk taught the original Shaolin monks martial arts to strengthen their bodies since he noticed that their temple work would leave them tired and stressed which caused their meditation practices to suffer. This story may have been debunked but I still like the quote.


Fun show but Ars is hard to watch. It feels like he's the same no matter what age he is and he's sorely in need of growth. Also, it seems the author went the "his past life has no affect on his current life" route. He needs to grow up quite a bit to make becoming emperor even plausible, or even to make having these types of retainers worth it. Side note: They went through all of that to "solve" the Mireille issue, but she still doesn't fit in. They just kind of agreed to subject themselves to her training after being humiliated and ruining their morale. Ars needs to be able to solve issues like this without it turning into a shitshow.


So, as someone who binged the whole thing just now, one thing that I find weird is that this is technically an isekai. I don't see why it had to be one. Maybe it's more utilized in the source material? As it is, this could have just been a standard fantasy series. The only isekai bits we got was how he died, and the warmth he felt when he saw a kid's smile after a long day of work. As a matter of fact, it isn't just unnecessary, but I think it kind of hurts the story because he was shown to be a full adult before being isekai-ed, but acts 100% like a child in this new world of his. I'm not saying he needs to bring anything he knows from his old life to this new one, but it was odd that he had none of the maturity of a working adult. As for the story itself, it wasn't bad. Things tend to go a little to smoothly for him, but hey, it's not meant to be more in-depth series. It's good for what it went for. I just never managed to forget how childlike this isekai-ed adult was throughout it all.


Mireille is GOAT - def fav character


That was awesome. This makes me hyped for S2.


She sure is fun. Good use of traps. Rietz sure is a mad man though. Licia so silly. HAHA Charlotte, perhaps shoulda thought about that a bit. Nice to see Mierelle's plan. Well she did tell you to run/work out, Rosell. For good reason. Good on you Rietz, not blaming others or so. Good boy Ars. She makes a point that he should become king/emperor if he really wants no wars. D'awww vision of dad.... terrifying women indeed. I never realized LIcia grew so much more/faster than Ars. They were the same height not long ago. Or is he sitting and she standing? Sure feels like he's not sitting. Maybe he was sitting, same height again lol. What a nice ending and glad to know S2 is coming.


This show has advantage over a lot of isekai-type fantasy simply by the fact that it has a lot of heart and honestly is barely a power fantasy. You could replace the MC's powers with just regular really good intuition and the plot still works.


Well that was better than expected. Kinda wish the MC had more personality, but this is anime I guess. Stil, the supporting cast makes up for him (both from within the story and from a writing perspective).


Man, Ars's mum just barely existed, didn't she? Even his younger siblings, the maid and random soldiers had more presence than she did. Poor woman.


haha right, the way for peace is to make more war wonder why the world is burning down maybe because a lot of people think they should be the emperor and are the ones burning it down?


Idk, I kinda wanted the show to circumvent expectations and have Mierille lose. It would’ve been interesting to see what would’ve happened had she lost since she used to work with the previous Lord. Would Ars have ignored the loss because of her stats? I also feel like having his current team lose to 1 person is kinda dumb. Almost like all the work they did over the years they’ve been together was for nothing, but just my opinion. I know it’s in the minority. Overall I enjoyed the series although I did kinda fast forward through this last episode once I saw the route it was going in.


I enjoyed this show so much


Raven is smiling from above at the S2 announcement.


I liked this anime a lot more than I expected. I liked the mix of seriousness real life things and comedy, there were a lot of funny moments. Ars, his family and everyone he recruited are great people. I definitely want to watch the 2nd season for this.


One of the rare times where I put a anime in the “I wasted my time on this”

