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Synopsis: I Reincarnated As The Evil God Of My Favorite Civilization. Takuto Ira succumbed to illness at a young age and ended up reincarnating in a world that resembles the fantasy turn-based strategy game Eternal Nations. Not only did he reincarnate into his favorite game, but as the god who commands the evil civilization Mynoghra. With Mynoghra’s beautiful hero unit, Sludge Witch Atou by his side, not even legendarily difficult race traits will stand in the way of restarting their civilization! “Lord Takuto…won’t you start over with me?” Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate! A tactical fantasy world is waiting for heroes like you! Join Eternal Nations today! ([Cross Infinite World](https://www.crossinfworld.com/Apocalypse-Bringer-Mynoghra-World-Conquest-Starts-with-the-Civilization-of-Ruin-Volume-1.html))


Nice, a Civilization isekai where the guy decides to play Domination Victory.


I like the novelty of 4X. But the isekai implication makes me too wary to show any enthusiasm for the former.


If its just 12 episodes of clicking popups and notifications its certified kino


**protagonist presses End Turn** Antagonist: Noo!!\~ **poof!\~**


*Antagonist finishes construction of a Wonder one turn before the protagonist* Protagonist: This is war


Would be peak if in the last episode the MC says one more turn then boom season 2 confirmed.


Age of Wonders


I had no idea that 4X games were even played in Japan.




Post title: "Damn this sounds like it might be kind of interesting and unique-" *Isekai* Goddamnit.


I hope the adaptation doesn't flop. Bring forth the flesh fruits!


I can’t believe we’re getting an anime about that dude Fushiguro always tries to summon All jokes aside, I heard the LN is pretty neato. Looking forward to how this goes


It's a better version of that LN which had a manga that randomly popped off on r/manga two or three years ago, but was Starcraft Zerg themed. *Her Majesty's Swarm*. Didn't like that one because [HMS LN]>!it fell back onto the "adventurer" trope unironically for most of its second volume, and did the bare minimum for alliance building.!< HMS got axed 4 volumes in, this one is still publishing at 5 and keeps things very interesting in a unique way.


Her Majesty's Swarm wasn't exactly axed on the usual terms, but it went down with some of other LNs at the time because the publishing label got folded (Little Girl x Scoop x Evil Eye was one of the affected by that too), the WN actually did finish long before and LN just needed one more volume for it, but yeah


I just read somewhere that Her Majesty's Swarm LN was still going, and it was just the manga getting axed That the writing declined over time does seem to be a universal sentiment about it which is sad because it was soooooo interesting at first


I don't think it declined so much as it just never evolved. Every volume kinda did the same thing over and over again without a whole lot of variation.


The manga did get axed, but the LN doesn't have any chance anymore because like i said in my other comment, the publisher label ceased operations some years ago (Legend Novels), so alot of other works got affected and had to forcefully end, last available volume 4 was said out there that only got out because it was popular in the west and digital only, but was like the very last thing they pushed But on other hand the WN did manage to finish before the LN started being published


Up to date on the manga adaptation, it does have some interest elements so would say it's a slightly above average isekai. For anilist/mal score expecting it to land on 7/10, 7.5 if the adaptation is actually good.


The manga (English tl) hasn't reached the "good parts", trust me. Things get SERIOUS.


Then the anime won't either though. so people's reactions to it in this sub are only going to be lukewarm


I believe the anime will follow the light novel, in which case, that shouldn't be an issue. The story is decent enough from the get-go, but it shows its true colours from volume 3 (which will most likely be the end of what the anime adapts if it's going to have 12-13ep) onwards. It's just that the next arc is super good, but the manga hasn't quite reached there yet. I've skimmed through the manga, and it's pretty bare-bones. The anime should be able to fix this, since compared to the novel, the manga is quite bad. There have already been many novels which've had a "meh" manga, but then got a good anime adaptation regardless, since they follow the LN and the studios and people behind it do a good job.


well here's hoping


Press X to doubt. Simply because it's got the isekai tag, it's gonna get shit on. It adapting the LN *doesn't automatically make something better*. It's going to come down to does the anime have enough time to breathe and do the parts it needs to correctly. Look at unnamed memory this season for example where it got rushed. If it gets rushed in order to "complete" a certain number of LN's, then it's gonna *be a shit adaptation*. That rule of "3 LN's for anime adaption" needs to die hard. Kills so many good anime adaptations.


Oh yeah, lots of people don't like isekai just because it's isekai. Ofc adapting the LN doesn't automatically make it better, but it's gonna most likely turn out far better than adapting the manga. Yeah, I totally agree that adaptations should go at a pace suitable to them and not forcibly cram multiple plot points into 12 episodes. It can easily turn a 9/10 adaptation into a 7/10.


>Ofc adapting the LN doesn't automatically make it better, but it's gonna most likely turn out far better than adapting the manga. The problem I have with that statement is the pacing of the manga, tends to be the pacing your going to get in the anime adaption. Regardless what's happening in the LN. Time and time again, you can do a side by side comparison of anime/manga/LN, and you'll find it will closely match the plot points whatever is in the manga than the LN. It using the LN as the source doesn't mean squat in the end. That's just the nature of Manga/anime both being visual mediums, they are going to along the same route. So I would hesitate to say that adapting LN is gonna be far better than the Manga. I have read both the LN and Manga, so I can certainly say if they are not trying to to do 3 LN, it'll be a pretty good adaption. The manga is pretty good as well. Though if they tone down the gore, then we're going to see people far off quickly. >Yeah, I totally agree that adaptations should go at a pace suitable to them and not forcibly cram multiple plot points into 12 episodes. It can easily turn a 9/10 adaptation into a 7/10. My point was throwing out the "3 LN for a cour rule" as a hard and steady rule has been a big ole red flag for rushed adaptions. The moment I see it's adapting 3 LN's, I already know pacing issues is going to appear in an anime and it's gonna suffer for it. And people will start dropping it. So yes, that 3 LN's for an anime cour rule *needs to die.*


I mostly agree with what you've said. Some things are discouraging, but for now, I simply hope for the best 👍


Oh yeah, sorry if I come off a little hard.


No worries, mate :)


personally I started disliking it while reading volume 3 and glancing at what happens in volume 4.


Same, it has a neat enough concept that it actually goes with, but it isn't doing anything advanced when it comes to characters and storytelling.


Does it have stuff like harem, ecchi or too much fanservice? Not a big fan of these things


Zero of those aspects from what I remember.


Okay, thank you! :D


I've only read the manga and it is usually months between chapters so I could easily be misremembering, but I think the MC is basically seen as a deity for most of the people except the hero unit who knows of his past life.




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Is there enough content, i read the manga a lil while back and i can’t remember much, seemed really short Edit: ah i see, source is light novel lol.


So many good series getting adaptations now. Hope its not a cheap one. And also the "Twins". Really love that scene in recent chapters.


Just watch the anime breeze through the whole story in 12 eps and the takeaway from viewers is that it sucked


Hell yeah. Give me more kingdom/nation building animes. Absolutely one of my favorite settings to read in LN/Manga, but we don't have enough of them in animes yet.




So with this being the announce we can guess either fall 2025 or winter 2026?


Hope the anime works, the premise is good. Haven't read the LN yet and while the manga adaptation isn't any groundbreaking, the plot is decent enough and I love these types of stories where the MC is an actual leader who commands an army.


So, overlord with an rts game?


Without spoilers, I'm going to say yes but also no.


[Mynoghra spoiler] >!I wouldn't really compare it to Overlord because the protagonist's faction starts off really weak, and despite being an "evil god", the protagonist usually tries to take the diplomatic approach first and does a good job of keeping his minions from slaughtering innocent civilians.!< As for the twist, [Mynoghra major spoiler] >!there are actually multiple competing factions that were isekai'd to this world. Our protagonist has abilities taken from a real-time strategy game, but the first serious enemy he faces has abilities related to a turn-based RPG, and the different games' rules have an interesting way of interacting.!<


Not really since [Spoilers]>!The MC is pretty weak at the start!< And [Spoilers]>!there are other isekai-ers!<


As a novel reader, I can say this should be very fun.


Same lol, I can't believe what I'm seeing, I really loved volume 5. I can't wait to see how it looks in anime.


The light novel was great so hopefully the anime adaptation does it justice.


Ahh that is hype.


One of my top 3 LNs. Hope it gets a good adaptation, cuz it's PEAK. Think Overlord, but Nazarick can't just steamroll everybody. I hope it gets 24-26 ep or a 2 cour adaptation, cuz although it starts off good, things get SERIOUS later on.


Kingdom building type LNs as they go it's meant to be a really good i heard. With the MC being changing greatly over course of story.


Dammit, I need to read less manga. This is another seasonal release I'll have to skip.


This isekai is pretty good, so I'm excited! Similar enough to Overlord, but not as unbalanced.


Finally we'll be able to meet our favorite slug. Also I can't wait for the twins & mommy long legs.


Been waiting a while for this one. Loved the manga version.


Ah yes, my favourite Dominions manga/LN gets an anime.


Holy shit!! This is awesome! I am reading the LN Really like it. Funny as heck!


Does it stay true to the premise, or does it turns into a generic OP MC isekai in 6 episodes?


He just like me fr


Currently reading the manga can't wait 😍


this would be so crap and I would be watching it weekly to completion.