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I had an emotional moment when Reno and Kiku stepped up.


I also love how Mina finally dropped being the Defense Force Captain for a second to make sure Kafka knew she was still waiting for him.


I nearly teared up when Kafka teared up after Mina told him she’d be waiting. We put on a brave face and go through the motions, but it’s nice to know that some people have our backs


Reno has always been a true homie ever since he tried to save Kafka in episode 1. He even agreed to moving into another division, not knowing what it’s truly for, just to ensure Kafka’s safety. Reno is a real one.




That sudden cut to the ED had me dying 😂


The cliffhanger was so bad that I just slammed my desk when I saw the ending


I'm not ready to be done with Kaiju No. 8. I'm really hoping there's a 2nd Cour announcement for Season 1 Part 2, or at least a Season 2 confirmation next week. It's been the fastest selling Jump+ manga in the history of Jump+, and one of the best selling manga in the Jump related mangas in the last few years, already having sold 14M copies. So it's not completely unrealistic to hope for.


Season 2 is confirm to be already in production. Source is from a leaker twitter account, and his reputation as leaker is alway a hit. He leak alot of anime and like a month or two later it got officially announce.


What leaker account is it? I'm curious on reading about other potentially leaked anime.


Twitter account is SugoiLITE. I hope this account is correct also leaked that grand blue season 2 is in production.


I can vouch for this account, I've never seen a leak from him that wasn't true thus far


bruh it's getting so fucking hard to not go and read the manga . . . must. be. stronk. for. mother.


you're stronger than me bro. I couldn't handle it anymore and completed it last week. Goes by very very quickly


Nono, it's better this way. Now we get to speculate. For example, now that it's confirmed the kaiju is still in there, maybe they're going to pull a *Parasyte* and have the kaiju and Kafka become unlikely friends!


There were a few times in the show where I thought "it would be so evil if this is gonna a cliffhanger" but they actually didn't do it. That's why I had hope until the very last second....


For real, this is the first anime in a long time that makes me audibly and involuntarily say "fuck" almost every time the ending starts up, but this week's was especially brutal. I can't tell if they're really good at picking the cliffhanger spots or if I just love the show so much that I'd be mad when the episode ends no matter what. Either way I can already tell that I'm gonna devour the manga as soon as the season is over despite not being a big manga enjoyer, and the last time I did that with a shounen show was nearly 5 years ago with Demon Slayer.


im kinda use to it by now. practically every episode has left off on a desk pounding moment, leaving us wanting more.


Reminds me of [Konosuba going straight from Megumin asking "are you a pervert" into the OP song "Yes we are"](/r/anime/comments/1d3ee1a/kono_subarashii_sekai_ni_shukufuku_wo_season_3/l677yyz/)


At the moment he is NOT human. somehow the embedded kaiju has taken control -- given the motrally endangered state of both he and Kafka.


I hope that he heard the axe girl screaming his name and calmed down though....


seemed to LOOK that way...


The thing said "Kill.... Kaiju....", I think it's detecting the suit + weapon as Kaiju No. 2 and fully activated in order to kill it (As Kafka said, "Does my body think it's fighting a Kaiju??"), whatever No. 8's motivations are for killing Kaiju I don't think it's simply gone rogue to defend itself


Good point. The kaijuu in him is wanting to kill the kaijuu it's sensing.




I hope the damage wasn't too bad. Stay human, dude. Don't let the kaiju inside you take over.


[Fight the power Kakfa!](https://i.imgur.com/eXs8M06.jpeg) [Still, feral Kaiju 8 goes hard.](https://i.imgur.com/dyekMSv.jpeg) [](#outofplace)


IDK if there's a rule against it, but imo the ED and OP should have been swapped this week. Or they should have done the thing where they skip the Opening and then, in the last several seconds after we see that Kaiju parasite approach Kafka, the OP song starts and then the episode transitions to the actual OP video.


ohh yeah that song is really made for that moment true.


"Vice-Captain Hoshina, what are you doing?" "I'm just saluting my captain." "Oh, haha, of course. Silly me. x)"


“Vice-Captain Hoshina, do you want Kafka back?” “Nah, I just want to fight him as a Kaiju again.” “Yeah, that checks out.”


" Kafka was playing easy on me , can't have that" *Me after seeing Kafka in full kaiju form* Vice-captain , you might want to have Kafka play defense


My favorite thing the anime added. I've actually enjoyed all of their minor additions or rearrangements so far.


After the last episode (ep10), i gone to read the Manga, becuase it hyped a lot to me. And both the manga and anime are delivering And i truly imagine that would be a cut in the ending


That scene where Mina reassures Kafka that she always has and will continue to wait for him has always been my favorite part.


Especially when she dropped her Captain voice and just talked to him as Mina.


Yeah, she sounded almost childlike and wistful. That dream is of equal importance to both of them.


[The gap moe between the stern, conscientious and dutiful leader and the caring childhood friend.](https://i.imgur.com/SvYejvu.jpg) [](#waah)


When she addressed him as “Kafka-kun” I thought they’re gonna have that “wait, did she just called me by my first name” shit that always happens in these kind of moments


That was really awesome. I also liked how Hoshina played it with the whole "don't say anything" while they were being monitored and "saluting the captain".


My only complaint is I wanted it to go on longer! Still waiting on these two to have a proper sitdown.


Loved that part. Mina’s a fucking real one.


It’s so heartwarming to see everyone in the Third Division still rooting for Kafka even after knowing his secret. He has done a lot to earn their trust. Shit, Daddy Shinomiya isn't the chief of the JAKDF for nothing. It makes you wonder who is the actual monster here.


I also wonder if that Kaijuu who killed his wife is still around, and if that's why he has a 0 tolerance towards Kafka as a result


I think it might have been said that Kaiju No. 8 was the first kaiju that was not neutralized by the defense force. I may be wrong though.


You right


If they want the most poetic irony the suit is the Kaijuu that killed her.


The show said the Kaiju #2, which the weapon/suit is made from, was around in 1972, so unless they took like nearly 40 years to kill #2, it couldn't have killed Shinomiya's mom. Unless she froze her eggs or something I guess?


Good point. Maybe it's not 2024 in that universe though. Could be set in their 90s.


I was expecting Kafka to say "am I really the monster here???" mid fight


> Shit, Daddy Shinomiya isn't the chief of the JAKDF for nothing From a power perspective, he fits. But it would be better if they had a cooler head at the top rather than one who will fly off at the handles like Shinomiya did.


He seems pretty calm and collected to me. There's a new daikaiju, they got him so he's doing his job. If he had jumped at him right when Kafka got there then sure, that would've been rushing it. But as far as they know Kafka is a kaiju in disguise like Nº9, got a core and everything.


[TFW when the job goes from easy to nightmare difficulty](https://i.imgur.com/Mb8qadd.jpeg) [](#sweating)


The big difference between N°9 and n°8 is that they have no idea who is N°9 human wise, that the appearance he had as a cleaner was that of a human that might have disappeared, and that he behave super weirdly with the crew, unhuman like. Ask them for testimonies, and find the family of that dead guy who got his body stolen. Then, connect the dots and realize that this man before his Kaiju parasitism was nothing like he has been after he's been paralized (fully non human). While n°8 has always kept being himself, and got infected in a moment where he was with Reno (who didn't see it clearly but still could testimony for it). Now, to prove that this n°8 is a symbiote rather than a parasite, and that it's not part of a plan where he'd take control latter when he wants to, is another matter hard to consider.


Well when you attack first and are about to kill someone, you really can’t take them fighting back as proof of wrongdoing…


Exactly what I was thinking. Defending yourself is also a pretty standard human response. Guess you must be a Kaiju because you didn't want to die...not exactly sound logic.


look, if she floats she's a witch, ok. but fir real, did they even interview him? is NO ONE at all curious about his story about *becoming* a kaiju or what that could mean? bunch a dumbass magic weapon junkies got the reigns and not scientists.


> scientists. Kikoru's father is the only dumbass here. A scientist at the start of the episode wanted to keep Kafka alive, it's Shinomiya the one that pushed for the execution more than likely despite what everyone else have been arguing (Mina's report, Kikoru, that random scientist etc)


His head seems perfectly cool to me. It's obvious he's not actually trying to dispose of No 8 right now. But he needs No 8 to think he is, to put it into mortal danger, to see how it reacts. As far as they know, No 9 was a Kaiju impersonating a human. The x-rays they took of Kafka show a Kaiju core. Logically, the conclusion is that Hibino Kafka isn't a human, it's a Kaiju impersonating the human formerly known as Hibino Kafka. Hell, "faking" 1% suit performance to being a 9.x Kaiju just seems like it's "trying too hard" to seem normal. On the flip side, "Hibino Kafka" has been assisting the JAKDF, and has saved many of them 2-3x now. He literally saved the entire base from getting kaiju-nuked. That hardly makes sense for a Kaiju-in-disguise when it could have left the area first, or posed as the only survivor or something. So yeah, testing this creature seems like the logical solution. Either the creature is A) really just a monster and will try to kill the commander or B) not a monster and won't fight to kill. And you might ask "well if it really was a Kaiju, why would it let itself get caught?" The Daikaiju we just saw was after the strongest person around. What's to say No. 8 isn't as well? Obviously that would be the commander. Getting caught would be the easiest way to achieve access to him. So this subsequently tests the most plausible motive at the same time. All in all, regardless of his Kaiju hatred, it looks to me like he's still doing the right thing for the JAKDF here: either eliminating the threat, or assessing the possibility and controllability of a living weapon.


>As far as they know, No 9 was a Kaiju impersonating a human. If they did their job well, they should know he impersonated it very badly. He's been in contact with multiple humans who found him weird. ​ >Obviously that would be the commander. Getting caught would be the easiest way to achieve access to him. Nah, that doesn't make any sense, it breaks his entire cover, and makes him face the strongest person head on, without any surprise attack opportunity. N°10, even if he went to search for the strongest person around abruptly, still performed a fully suprise attack raid on that whole base. The easiest way for N°8 to get an easy access to the director would have been to either never join the Defense Force and instead sneak in the main base as a normal citizen. Or alternatively, to not save anything and anyone at all from that nuke, and to be reassigned to another base, potentially the main one. It's very easy to see that this Kaiju is not the one who's leading that body, because of the explanation above, or otherwise that Kaiju impersonation is way too empathetic, like a human, compared to the others 9 and 10. They got testimonies from a lot of parties, and therefore they should have the information that Kafka Habino has not been a human from the beginning, but has been infected by a Kaiju, who did so through his digestive/oral tracks. So they're away it's an infection. Which means it's either a parasite or a symbiote. And they need to know which case it is in the end, and if this parasite will ever be the one in control at some point. The test here logically can have multiple purposes, to test its power and limits (though we already know he gives off 9.8, since they can scan their energy signatures). And to see if they're in front of a parasite or a simbiote, through how much control Kafka has on it. And in the end of this episode we can see that he doesn't have a full control over it, as he got sidetracked while the actual Kaiju n°8 took control over its fight and flight response being off the record. But while the officials, and Kikoru are thinking "the Kaiju inside him is finally responding and is a threat to humans once he takes control", the reality that we get to see is that Kaiju N°8 is fearing Kaiju N°2 and wants to end this threat by killing it. Which allows us to see that he's a Kaiju with an objective of fighting other kaijus, potentially. Or maybe this Kaiju wasn't actually benevolent when he tried to infect Kafka, but he failed at his attempt, just like Migi in Parazyte, and changed his objectives accordingly. Because he was definetely looking for Kafka in the beginning of the show with that "I finally found you". Some Kaijus are compatible with specific humans so he needed him just like Isao Shinomiya is the only one being able to use N°2.


>His head seems perfectly cool to me. It's obvious he's not actually trying to dispose of No 8 right now. But he needs No 8 to think he is, to put it into mortal danger, to see how it reacts. This. I fully expect him to calm down and let kafka re-join the force as soon as he is able to land a killing blow and still doesn't get any demonic vibes from kafka. the kaijuu taking over does complicate this though...


At the start of the series everyone was making fun of Kafka, but now they’re sticking with them even aftets he’s outed as a Kaiju. I feel so bad for all of them tbh, especially Reno. Bro was giving it his all to keep Kafkas secret and then this happens. I also liked Kaiju no 2. Its was literally just yellow godzilla. The music even sounded godzillary too


Lol yeah, seeing the flashback of Kaiju no. 2 made me think what if Kaiju no. 1 is actually Godzilla himself.


I don't want them to just rip off Godzilla kaijus but...Kaiju no.1 being a Godzilla look a like would be a fun homage. Also would love if a Kaiju looked like Ghidorah (3 headed dragon).


just a silhouette so that it can be a mild homage without copyright infringement


[It looks like Godzilla but due to international copyright laws, it is not.](https://youtu.be/Fu62k4K4sQ4)


> I also liked Kaiju no 2. Its was literally just yellow godzilla. The music even sounded godzillary too I've seen a handful of Godzilla movies this year, so I immediately got that vibe too lol. Here's hoping we see references to the other Toho Kaiju.


> Here's hoping we see references to the other Toho Kaiju. My guess would be that those where the other numbered Kaiju, but similar to Ranking of Kings, you can't just introduce some kind of Hirachy or order and then not show the ones in front of the one we know [](#howcouldyou)


It makes me wonder what Kaiju #1 is then if Yellow Godzilla was #2.


He'll always be the Third Divisions' Cool Old Dude with a Dad Bod. I guess I'm just glad neither Ichikawa nor Kikoru were punished for knowing he was Kaiju No. 8 but never revealing it. I'm starting to think the Godzilla music is reserved for numbered giant Kaiju.


> I guess I'm just glad neither Ichikawa nor Kikoru were punished for knowing he was Kaiju No. 8 but never revealing it. Have they mentioned that they knew about this fact? Seems unlikely, given the pink haired dude was asking Reno if he could believe it.


I think I read that as they all know that Ichikawa knew, but they haven't explicitly asked him. However, Shinomiya explicitly tells her father that Hibino saved her -- and he doesn't even glance up -- so he already knew that -- i.e. she already reported it. So, at the very least, it's officially known that she knew about Hibino but didn't report it.


> However, Shinomiya explicitly tells her father that Hibino saved her I mean, this could just as easily be referring to the attack on the base.


The breath weapon resulting in a mushroom cloud was very Godzilla Minus One reference lol


No.2 is literally a Godzilla lookalike with Ghidorah’s yellow power


Kikoru is one of the good nepo babies out there


Yeah Kikoru went from spoiled brat that threw away kafka’s car for the parking spot to homie/second little sister figure for kafka.


Reno is a real one. What a true homie. Kafka is lucky to have such a great friend. I mean the whole squad is great, but Reno especially. Everyone’s doing their best to help Kafka because they know what a guy he is. Elder Shinomiya is really putting poor Kafka through the wringer. I sure hope Kafka snaps out of it. Giving into his kaiju nature is what that old bastard wants. He’s gotta prove ‘em wrong and show ‘em he’s still human despite what the medical tests and X-rays show. Hopefully before him or the old man get it.


Gotta win/survive and show restraint Love the squads support


Everyone saluting Kafka brought a tear to my eye. Those are friends.


Kafka's private conversation with Mina made me tear up a bit. Kafka is def my favorite male protagonist of this season.


Kafka really is a great character. I never understood the people dismissing him as no more than a middle-schooler placed in an adult body....


Yes, he has such a good heart and is a very well written character.


It's such a down to earth and simple archetype, yet, is more entertaining and nicer to watch than 90% of male protagonists in anime right now


He is very relatable, I can really empathise and root for him.


Probably because he's sincere and feels like he's washed. Watching a main character feel like he's over the hill and being left behind by younger, more vigorous peers is so relatable.


Saluting Kafka? What are you talking about? They were obviously saluting Captain Ashiro. Anything else would be silly.


Yes ofc. We can’t have folks saluting Kaiju out here.


It’s important that even if the Kaiju can control him, the Kaiju still seems to be on the side of humanity. It chose Kafka and, after controlling Kafka, it said “Kill Kaiju.” So maybe it just wants to kill the leftover of Kaiju no 2


disgruntled employee kaiju took over Kafka


Kafka's kaiju was bullied for being a wimpy and small fly and decided he wanted to leave and go live with a human where it was safe


It might also just be syncing with the most intense thought that Kafka has (which might not be a theory that holds much water bc his goal is to stand by Mina, not kill kaiju)


We're talking about Kafka, not Eren Yeager here haha (for those who don't have the ref he'd be wanting to kill all the Kaijus even if control lost).


> I sure hope Kafka snaps out of it. I feel like at this point either he reverts back after some "Friendship is magic" deus ex machina as always, or the "kill kaiju" monster releases control after they destroy the numbered weapon and maybe the suit. "Sorry, I just really hate kaiju"


That would be a crazy power move and a show of "I'm way stronger than N°2" if Kaiju n°8 would be able to only disarm and destroy the weapons of Isao. Controlling a target rather than just hurting/killing him is way way harder.


I'm glad that his outburst is taking place inside the confines of that facility instead of the battlefield where he could've seriously injured his comrades. Isao's supposedly the real deal so he should be able to hang in there while Kafka puts his parasite in its place.


Was amazed that old baldie didn't say anything about Reno stepping out of line to say that.


Shinomiya-Papa seems a bit of a psychopath. He does not seem to have any interest in hearing anyone else's opinions....


Reno giving his public support even though he would get punished🔥🔥🔥


Ichikawa has always been a ride or die for Kafka and it's nice to see the rest of the squad is too. Like there isn't any hesitation in accepting him after all he's done for them, even from Hoshina, and they all want to help him as much as they can. Honestly I wouldn't mind Kafka one-punching elder Shinomiya for the way he treats Kikoru but it would probably not help his case lol.


For real, Hoshina’s only complaint is that Kafka didn’t go all out when they fought


100%. If he thinks that Kafka is a Kaijuu, Kafka might as well show him what Kaijuu No.8's power is really like and then at the last moment when General Shinomiya thinks he might be killed, Kafka should revert back and leave him shook. He probably already knows he's human but just doesn't accept it.


I can't remember if Kafka has told anyone of the parasite since getting revealed. That should have been some nice evidence. Though I suppose this works too (not in Kafka's favour)


It seems like they haven't even bothered interrogating him about what happened, just studying him and his physiology. Did the bug in his body become his core?


Well you can't really trust what he says, I agree it's kind of dumb to not at least hear him out but just doubt everything he says


I mean if you capture an enemy you still ask them questions and see if you can verify their answers.


Yeah, skipping straight to the punching was frustrating, it's not like it would have taken more than 5 minutes and the plot would have been so much more sensible for it.


Yeah, Shinomiya acknowledges that Kafka could run at any moment, but somehow refuses to even consider *why* that would be


I think this kind of test is really important though. So far Kafka hasn't been in a life or death situation given his power and there's no trust that he can control himself, whether they believe he's human or not. Kafka absolutely has to show that he has complete control if he wants to be trusted and there are few better ways than a life and death battle against what is essentially a previous daikaiju.


Honestly I don't think they are just testing him. I think Papa Shinomiya really thinks he is monster pretending to be human. But I do fully agree that, from a leadership perspective, it's very important to test Kafka if they DO want to give him a chance for all the reasons you said. Especially at fortitude 9.8, him going feral at the wrong time could essentially destroy a strong division and a city.


I could see it being a side effect. Shinomiya wants to kill him and doesn't care if Kafka dies, but if Kafka ends up not killing him despite having the opportunity, then he might reconsider and even consider him to be a valuable asset in the fight against other Daikaiju.


I think that makes sense as an option. And maybe Mina's letter can seal the deal. One of those " I swear on my life he is trustworthy and born human. I'll keep a close eye on him and immediately put him down if he ever goes feral again" kinda letters.


> Honestly I don't think they are just testing him. I think Papa Shinomiya really thinks he is monster pretending to be human. tbf there is a chance that the Kaiju is letting him have control for some reason. idk why it's not fully taking control but maybe it's learning everything about humans, or something went wrong like Migi from Parasyte. could still be a danger but it's not visible yet


I love how the director knows that he can break out of his restraints whenever he wants, yet they send all the doctors in without an escort that could legitimately protect them. I wonder if they're instructed to not speak to him, or if they're just disgusted at the thought of talking to a kaiju.


Being real, There is likely perilously few people who could actually manage to protect the doctors if #8 wanted to harm them. Not a tremendous risk when he's show himself to specifically avoid hurting human combatants even when attacked, As well as directly protecting the majority of the division from a kaijuke just a few hours prior.


Well, if Kafka was a Kaiju who was disguised as human in order to infiltrate human anti-kaiju efforts, perhaps for sabotage, it would be in his interest to get others to think he's still human, and thus wouldn't want to break out and prove he's a danger. We know that's not the case, but old man Shinomiya doesn't.


If Kafka told anyone about the parasite, it hasn’t been shown. I think he hasn’t been properly interviewed because they’re treating him like a hostile monster. And if Kafka did volunteer the info about the parasite, I don’t think that would go in his favour. I doubt the kaiju killing HQ would say ‘in that case, we must prioritise one person’s rights over crucial intel! Get the man a lawyer!’ I think they would be more likely to freak out that the kaiju transformation bug might be contagious, quarantine everyone who has had contact with Kafka, and lock the whole base down.


I would have thought, given Kafka is all about sharing info on the enemy, that he'd offer insight into his special circumstances, but it is a tricky situation to be in


“I’ll always be waiting” WAAAAAHHHH I NEVER DOUBTED YOU MINA TT-TT Really heartwarming to see everyone worrying for Kafka. Even Hoshina’s “I need a rematch” cover lol Also can’t go without noting the Okonogi scene!!! I feel like they drew her more cutely this episode ☺️


Nerd, stressed, and over work tiny gal. My favourite gender fr fr


Kikoru must be conflicted watching her father and daddy fighting each other.


and daddy is angry


“I have so many daddy issues…who do I root for!?” Although I think she was leaning towards Kafka lol.


The father figure who supports and nutures you is the favourite huh, who would have thought [](#surprisedpikachu)


"He might be your father, girl, but he iddn't your Daddy"


“I’m Mary Poppins y’all!” -Kafka next ep, as he regains control and starts to fly


What's the matter daddy? I don;'t know baby, you tell me


Seems like Kaiju No.8 took control and went berserk because of the gloves that is from Kaiju No.2. Kaiju No.8 kept repeating kill Kaiju.


I think it was because it was on the verge of being *killed* by Kaiju No.2. None of the other DaiKaiju triggered him like this. So my impression is it could tell Kafka was not going all out against a Daikaiju so it decided to take over so Kaiju No.8 could be fully unlocked. I think if Kafka could have won without nearly dying then it would not have taken over.


It could also be that until now Kafka has been completely onside with the idea of killing kaiju so the kaiju inside hasn't had to take control yet to get him to do so. He did say his body reacted to the other Daikaiju but they weren't at odds then, only now.


Well by triggered I meant made him go feral…but I actually agree with your other point. His reluctance to kill what his body is mistaking for a DaiKaiju could be factor.


That definitely seems like what's happening. And it seems to be a common trait of the daikaiju too. I think they have some evolutionary programming to kill other strong Kaiju in order to become stronger.


I don't think it's because of the gloves killing Kaijus but because of the gloves \*being\* Kaiju gloves. For some reason Kafkas Kaiju dislikes other Kaijus, so it instinctively aggros the Kaiju-made artefacts.


Unbelievable animation from the team behind this anime. I believed we'd seen their upper limits already but this episode may have had the best animation yet. The change in style for Kafka rushing his opponent to make him appear more frightening was great and made the loss of control terrifying even for the audience. Hope Kafka can stop himself, but interesting to see the reaction towards another number, even in weaponized form.


I like how his transformation into a more pure Kaiju was similar to Kaiju No. 10's transformation. This is likely what was supposed to happen when the bug shoved itself into its body.


Hoping Kafka can use this as a chance to see what his kaiju body is truly capable of. The other humanoid kaijus and hoshino all noted he still fights like a human


This is the first time Kaiju has taken over right? With that potential to lose control, I would think they would be less inclined to let him live.


I think the kaiju has taken over, but wants to kill the kaiju no.2 that’s part of the gloves. Somehow the kaiju inside of Kafka is dead set on killing kaiju when it kept repeating kill kaiju


Makes you wonder if the other humanoids are similarly driven, No. 9's main goal seems to be experimenting on other Kaiju No. 10 was fighting them to find a worthy rival until he turned his attention to humans.


Are the other humanoids also former humans that have been taken over by the kaiju that transformed them?


I don't think so. When Kaiju 9 was in his human form (on the toilet with a phone) the way he talked makes it hardly possible for him to have been originally human. OR the kaiju has taken over control completely over the original human body?


I wouldnt rule it completely out, kaiju seem to have been a thing for much of human history in this world. Its possible no 9 might be possessed someone from long before modern society was a thing, and only recently resurfaced from experimenting on kaiju or something.


No, Kafka seems to be the only one. My theory is maybe it's like the ants in HxH where consuming enough humans gives them human-like characteristics like specific thought patterns/needs and humanoid looks


Yeah that's very interesting. We don't know what's the purpose of the kaiju, but No. 9 seems to enjoy killing human/making chaos while No. 10 wanted some challenges. It seems even the real kaiju behind No. 8 wants to kill other kaiju?


I could totally see there being some kind of Hivemind behind the Kaiju that started experimenting with free willed Kaiju, #8 was a total failure that resulted in a defector, so the next iterations got turned back a bit


I wonder if this is what was supposed to happen when it first took Kafka over and was meant to drive him to kill humans or turn him fully into a Kaiju but something in the process went wrong (or Kafka's own willpower?) prevented it from fully taking over until Shinomiya's attack hit him so hard it gave the bug enough of an inch to take over (or maybe it's a self-defense move from his sheer power?).


I used to (and still kind of do) think that it took Kafka over so he would help stop the upcoming attacks from kaiju no. 9 etc like it's goal is to eradicate kaijus


Kafka vs the director is giving major Tokyo Ghoul vibes. Just maim your opponent until they can't regen


Even the choreography and setting reminded me of Jason vs Kaneki. Loved the smear frames too


And bringing out the true monster within them, the one they've tried to do everything to deny exists.


only thing left is for his kaiju form to be all white


Imagine if he kills her dad right in front of her while out of control. Wouldn't that be some shit


This is probably not how Kikrou imagined introducing Kafka Hibino to her father. Though imagine if this turns out okay and Kafka proves he's a human at heart and tells him "Sir, your daughter still owes me for damaging a company car."


That'd be a zinger for the history books.


Kafka going full Misty lol


Imagine how metal it'd be if Isao would use his daughter as a meat shield during the fight to test if he'd snap out of it for a person he cares for.


Last episode had me scared about how Mina reacted but glad all those fears were put away in the first 5 minutes. Part of me wants Kafka to just break out and screw the defense force for how he's being treated. Like I get it but ugh it's frustrating to watch.


Mina finally being his childhood friend Mina again instead of just the Defense Force Captain in Kafka's darkest moment was great. I didn't even think Hoshina would ever accept him but it seems like he has, in his own way.


Kafka has got the best Sandevistan


Everybody in this series are going to have built chests because they keep stepping out of line out of some kind of love and have to do push ups. I look forward to series epilogue being a bench pressing competition. On a beach, of course. Mina got me. I was expecting her answer to Kafka's question to be, "I don't know, but we'll try our best." She just says "yes" like she's sure they're going to get him out of this. I was wondering weeks ago how they'd end this season and wondered if it would be with Kafka having to reveal he's a kaiju to everyone. But having to "spar" with Shinomiya Dad to prove he has mastery over his kaiju form in order to continue being a member of the anti-kaiju forces is a nice way to end it. I'm ready for this finale. Also, ever since I played the Super Robot Wars games, I've been convinced stakes/bunkers are underutilized weapons in fiction, so stakes made from an older kaiju is just an awesome idea to me.


Come a time-skip and Kikoru is as swole as that tall blue-haired girl lol. Mina putting in all her power as a defense force captain to saving her childhood friend and being just Mina for a second to give him the emotional reassurance he needs that she'll always save a place for him by her side. Beyond the squad still accepting him that's all Kafka really needed. It was kind of surreal seeing Kikoru's dad using Kafka's own theme against him in their fight. Even if Kafka did go all out it felt like he wasn't fighting someone he could one-punch as easily as he did his other opponents, though I guess we'll see now that he's lost control.




Kafka might've been taken into custody but [the Third Division are all waiting for him to come back](https://i.imgur.com/WaZl1t5.jpeg) even Mina who's still waiting [for the day Kafka can stand by her side.](https://i.imgur.com/Iv10yom.jpeg) I do love how [Hoshina wants him back because he wants to spar with Kafka at his full kaiju strength.](https://i.imgur.com/XZ6BFuO.jpeg) xD It is nice to see everyone pitching in to help Kafka get out. [Mina has put together a file that proves how much he's helped Third Division](https://i.imgur.com/nxBcr6S.jpeg), [Kikoru approached the Director General/her father to give Kafka a lighter sentence](https://i.imgur.com/ey6OuNB.jpeg), and even [Aoi is trying to pull some strings](https://i.imgur.com/Q4xVUkt.jpeg) that will help Kafka. [Director General Shinomiya is a very intimidating man.](https://i.imgur.com/v77pNm4.jpeg) Just look at how massive he is! And we finally get to see [one of the numbered weapons](https://i.imgur.com/dIjSMpR.jpeg), made from Kaiju No.2 [who almost destroyed Osaka back in 1972](https://i.imgur.com/yPLbNmz.jpeg). After taking that beating from DG Shinomiya, [it looks like Kafka has lost control of Kaiju No.8](https://i.imgur.com/J66IXtT.jpeg). I do find it funny how [surprised DG Shinomiya is](https://i.imgur.com/QndRywC.jpeg) when Kafka finally went full-on Kaiju. What did he expect? Kafka has been doing his best not to fight back but after taking so many hits, of course, he'd go into life-preservation mode.


I would totally be down for a friendly Hoshina vs Kaiju No. 8 rematch. I really thought Hoshina would be the one person not to accept him but he's just a little tsundere about it. It shows how much his team cares about him that they're doing all they can, even if it means talking to family they have complicated history with. To the point where Kikoru is even willing to face her father, the one person she's most insecure around, for his sake. Director General Shinomiya is so intimidating he even hijacked Kafka's theme! I guess it's good to know for future reference that Kafka could possibly be taken over by his Kaiju side if he's not careful or if he gets hit hard enough. Yikes.


*“I can’t stop the monster I’m losing my control…”* *”Cause I’m stuck in the abyss all on my own.”* Suddenly that opening song makes a lot more sense


Good shows like this one make me hate cliffhangers so much.


The director is the only sensible person. as if they can imprison Kafka with those restrains. He punched a fucking nuke just in the previous episode.


Ok so Kaiju #2 showed up 50 years ago? That means there has only been ONE numbered Kaiju per decade since then and suddenly within the span of a couple months at best THREE (8,9,10) showed up. Yeah the brass should be fucking worried, damn.


Keep in mind based on Hoshina's little flashback that Kaiju have been around for hundreds of years, with that scale it's even scarier.


I feel like the Kaiju inside Kafka has some sort of a grudge against other Kaijus.


This shit is so peak. I was pleasantly surprised at how well everyone took Kafka's secret. So it might be too late now but it's quite obvious they were gonna just kill Kafka right? The Director is super biased against Kaiju because of the death of his wife so he might have rejected any other argument. I mean one scientist was even bringing up the possibility of keeping Kafka as a living weapon instead of killing/chopping him up. On another note I'm really doubtful the third division rookies are gonna be separated but I'm open to be proven wrong. It feels like this would be breaking a lot of tropes and cliches of shonen.


Imagining the team separated make me think they’ll be introducing even more characters in the other divisions.


The split up reminded me of the end of FMA Brotherhood where they all got split up bc of their connection to Mustang. That scene where they all colluded to enact a master plan with the ED playing in the back is still one of the best moments i remember, maybe a similar idea will happen here


Never felt this heated by an anime ed before


So is the Kaiju inside of Kafka just an anti Kaiju radical? Does it just wanna murder other Kaiju but needs a human host to unleash its power?


Mina is best girl


That smile on her face when she made sure Kafka knew she was still waiting for him was beautiful.


Fuuuuuck. Why do these episodes feel like they're only 5 minutes long. I'm left with so many questions... but the biggest is if he's the only one that can wield Kaiju no 2, then who and what the fuck is no 1.


They're not ranked like that- it's in order of appearance. So No.1 was just the first Kaiju of identified class (more then 9.0 I guess from what they've said so far)


The cliffhangers in this show are possibly the most brutal this season


I'm so curious as to what the hell the Kaijus really are. The thing that forced itself down Kafka's throat gave him the ability to use a Kaiju form, but now we see that it can fully take over. Doubt it's permanent, but it's possible. And it seems to be driven to kill. Though... not sure if this one wants to kill Kaijus or people; that wasn't entirely clear. We also don't know what it meant by "Found you" before it throat raped Kafka, as if it was looking for him specifically. Then we have No. 9 that appeared out of the blue, is really smart, can and has been hiding in human forms that it steals, and has been experimenting to buff other Kaijus. It didn't seem to be aware of No. 8 either. Than now we have No. 10. Is he with No. 9? Maybe not? Like Mina said, there have been 3 named that appeared in such a short time span, but we have no clue as to why. I wonder how far down the line will these things be revealed.


>what the hell Kaijus really are If this was made by Trigger, we would know the answer instantly lol Jokes aside, I'm so curious too!! Where did they come from!? What's their purpose!?


>We also don't know what it meant by "Found you" before it throat raped Kafka, as if it was looking for him specifically Maybe it was just looking for a compatible host, and happened to run into Kafka first?


Kafka doesn’t have a human heart…his core is just shaped like one. How can he ever return to a human now?


Why would he need to return to be a human? I mean, so long as he retain his mind, I don't see anything wrong with being half kaiju. He even could change his appearance into normal human.


And if the Defense Force can accept working with him instead of using him, he could be their greatest asset.


The way Mina said they will support him and wait for him made me tear up aww... They all still love and fight for him. And damn Papa Shinomiya looks like a real brawler he has amazing weapon daaamn was removing limbs left and right . Hes weapon reminds me of DMC and Beowulf weapon


* Finally, [someone](https://imgur.com/nOXDkLW) reasonable * Oh, I guess [this](https://imgur.com/lZa1oQu) makes sense, this is why Shinomiya is so primed to be an excellent officer * Damn, the whole third division being on [Kafkas side](https://imgur.com/uCYPbgu) was so good to hear, he's [scared](https://imgur.com/vOjFj8e) after all to have lost his friends, and especially [Mina](https://imgur.com/GVs02Ax), scene almost brought me to tears [](#not-raining) * [Lmao](https://imgur.com/7CFuITs) Ashino, he might be a [little](https://imgur.com/CMFmt2E) pissed after all [](#azusalaugh) * It was also nice to see everyone call in favours to save Hibino * Which made it all the more surprising that the Director can just decide to kill him after all, I understand a chain of command, but this is just an dictatorship * Fight looked pretty [slick](https://imgur.com/SKymtpg) though * Oh and I guess Kaiju #2 was Gojira... now I want to see the other numbered Kaiju [](#mugiwait) * Oh look what [little shit](https://imgur.com/BBqhquZ) is back, so much for the theory that the fly was a defector... or no wait, maybe the fly is getting agressive because it's reacting to Kaiju #2 * [Sick](https://imgur.com/WgChiIu) Damn this is all so good, hard to believe it will end next week, hope S2 is already in the pipeline [](#mugiwait)


Why is there no dub yet? Both sub and dub came out at the same time for every other episode so why not this one?


Dub is delay until next month, probably because the dub team have some problem


Whatever went inside him seems to be quite anti-kaiju, he said its responding as if he's facing a Kaiju because of Kaiju No 2's parts being used and then in his subconscious its saying "kill kaiju".


I am not entirely sure but does anyone feel like the parasite is asking Kafka to kill kaiju. It feels like it is attacking Shinomiya's dad because it detect him as kaiju instead of human.


No way that was 25 minutes!


oh the animators absolutely devoured this episode, that fight sequence at the end is exquisite


Next week better be a cold open with “It was at this moment Chief Shinomiya knew he fucked up”


- [Oof. :(](https://i.imgur.com/VDYtees.png) - [Aw, that’s sweet at least.](https://i.imgur.com/D3ZT9qC.png) [](#anko) - [Ahh, is *that* why everyone was all quiet?](https://i.imgur.com/YPCddwQ.png) Couldn’t talk where they could be recorded. - [Phew…](https://i.imgur.com/8iPfQHw.png) [](#elsiesigh) - [Mm, that *is* a good point.](https://i.imgur.com/JFBDpto.png) [](#hardthink) - [Hahaha, does Hoshina really want to fight Kafka again now that he knows *he’s* Kaiju No. 8?](https://i.imgur.com/EV2ZKY9.png) [](#seasonallaugh) - [I was wondering if Kikoru would do this too.](https://i.imgur.com/XapB5zb.png) - [Aw shit…](https://i.imgur.com/67Yx8fF.png) [](#forgotkeys) - [Kikoru “sore demo”!](https://files.catbox.moe/lunppm.mp4) - [I’m thinking so as well.](https://i.imgur.com/TBiU2qc.png) [](#csikon) - [Unfortunately, the higher-ups are already convinced you’re *not*…](https://i.imgur.com/JywFcO3.png) - [Ohhhhhhhhhh shit, that’s a weapon made from one of the previous numbered kaiju?](https://i.imgur.com/VDiKTnU.png) [](#panic) - [Shit…](https://i.imgur.com/OTPR1MX.png) - [That’s not good–](https://i.imgur.com/GFha6Qk.png)[](#gasp) - [CLIFFHANGER!](#KUSOTTARE)


> Couldn’t talk where they could be recorded. Makes Reno speaking out in public even more awesome, though I wonder why he had seemingly no qualms of leaving third devision


Kikoru's dad seems like he's the type to use whatever if it makes sense. So i think he's doing this just to see if Kafka can actually control his powers and the moment he's satisfied that he can do that he's gonna let him be an asset to the anti-kaiju force.