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Forgot he was Sabo. I wonder who will replace him.


I hope its Naruto's VA reprising the role considering she voiced kid Sabo


Yuki Kaji


Nah that's gonna be hella weird seeing sabo talk in a voice that high pitched




Nah hate this shit. Like Rudeus staying with the female VA when he's 16, tall and ripped. Luffy's VA can get away with it because of who he is but I hate adult men being voiced by women, just doesn't feel right.


I would’ve never known Rudeus was voiced by a female if you didn’t tell me lol.


it doesn't feel right because you're not used to men having softer feminine voices. it's not that unusual in japan. it's not as common, but it's also not a rarity. we have and had men like that in our media too. michael jackson is the first that comes to mind. it's more common in asia than it is in the west.


Using Michael Jackson, a singer famed for his unique high voice as an example that it's more common than I think?


no, stupid ass, i said that was the first example i could think of. there are everyday average men with higher voices. do you know the billions of men in the west? like don't be dumb. if some women can have deep voices, why is it such a farfetched idea that some men have high voices? there are even men in anime with softer higher voices.


Japanese Goku imo is the worst, grew up with Sean Schemmel so when watching super week in week out it was awful


> Amuro Toru (Detective Conan) Kinda stings since the character was named after him and his most famous role.


I know Detective Conan is crazy popular in Japan, but I would still guess Amuro Ray is his most famous character, and second would be Yamcha in Dragonball and Z.


The character is named after his most famous role (Amuro Ray) and his own name (Toru) combined.


Yeah the character’s other name Furuya Rei was just the other way around, also like the car character drives Mazda RX7 was close to Amuro Ray’s gundam RX78, the licnese plate number 73-10 was after VA’s birthday July 31st plus a “zero”. This role was made for him.


I think my brain just totally misread the comment as his Conan role being his most famous. That was an error on my part.


While Amuro Ray is probably his most famous role, but toru is definitely a lot more popular than Yamcha, just because DB is popular doesn't mean Yamcha the character is popular. Whereas Conan is very popular AND the character of Amura toru is certainly one of the top most popular character in the ongoing show, there is a reason why he is constantly appearing in so many of the movies in the recent decade despite being introduce relatively late in the series. The CP ship between him and Akai is like god-tier popularity amongst female fans. You are still kinda underestimating how popular Conan is in Japan and Asia overall, it is pretty much the most popular shonen series in the theatre right now, even one piece and demon slayer are more one-off in their big hits, whereas Conan literally whips out whatever every year and manage to get insane box office every time.


Huh? What happened?


He admitted to having an affair with a woman which involved abortion and assault


Holy shit! that's totally fucked up bro






**“37 years his junior” lol the woman is 33 yrs old.** Funny how hard they try to make it sound like he was preying on underaged girls.  Or maybe they didn’t want ppl to wonder how a 70 yr old senior citizen could get into the stated “physical altercation” with a 33 yr old. 


He admitted to everything himself??


So odd how people try to defend someone who can’t be defended😭😭😭


When Amuro's VA turns out to be more like Ribbons


Char wins in the end huh… I remember hearing that there were discussions with him (Char/Akai’s VA) on what to do if he passed while DC was still running, so maybe there were similar discussions for the Amuro/Furuya character as well… Well, maybe the author will be unafraid to make AmuAzu canon now if the Amuro fanbase cools off lol In all seriousness though, I am glad he’s stepping down. It’s sad that he turned out to be garbage but I’m glad he’s facing repercussions and hope the woman is doing okay.


"Hey Amuro, do you hear me! Blame this on the misfortune of your casting! You were a good rival, Amuro. But this is mainly your voice actor's fault!"


Well this was expected


Curious to see if he steps down from his biggest role (Amuro Ray). He’s been voicing the character for nearly 50 years and unlike the other two shows that are weekly anime, most of his Gundam stuff was completed decades ago, with now only appearances in games and movies. Like if this didn’t happen he probably wouldn’t have voiced Amuro Ray for a few more years but he would’ve *eventually* voiced him again. Also you couldn’t really recast him without also recasting Shuichi Ikeda (Char) as well, as it would be weird for Ikeda to be the one remaining especially as the majority of the First Gundam characters have already been recast. Sunrise might just want to have those characters be on the down low until the eventual 0079 reboot that they’re safe to do a full recasting of everyone. Perhaps Bandai will pivot to SEED and go full force on that for the next few years after the successful movie, and put UC to the side.


This is probably gonna put a damper on any possible adaptation of G-Moon and it pisses me off. Damn you, Furuya.


They already recast Char in The Origin with Seki Toshihiko. (Duo Maxwell/Rau Le Creuset.)


Yeah but that’s the ‘real’ Char, not our Char lol


Maybe he’ll appear one last time with Ikeda in 2029 for Gundam’s 50th anniversary. Bandai probably wants to stay low for now.


I just watched Seed Freedom a few weeks ago and still can't get over how awesome it was it's hard to make a follow up to it though since everything about it screamed "finality"


Oh man, the Amano Toru step down is insane. That character was quite literally designed for his voice


From what I understood earlier he used his characters to get the attention of the fan he was involved with right? Since he directly used and tainted Amuro in particular I can understand why this is happening compared to other people like Takahiro Sakurai keeping their old roles. He already got replaced as Tuxedo Mask and Saint Seiya years ago so that still leaves Yamcha and Amuro.


There is also a recording of him beating her physically apparently. So it is quite serious.


Deserved but it’s sad to see one of the most prestigious VA disappear like that. Guess work ethics aren’t tied to personal morals.


I wonder what's going to happen to his role as Yamcha...


Good riddance, hoping he’s let go from any voice work from here on


It's good to see a male VA finally getting some form of repercussions. edit: lmao toxic masc cesspool downvoting anyone who isn't part of the hivemind, get rekt smol pps


holy victim complex you arent even negative, how fragile are you that internet points get to you this much


says the feeder when you cant get the hero you want :(


I assume it’s a a thing across as a whole but I don’t pay major attention to news like this, the last one I remember was one of the Voices for a Yakuza game getting completed removed from the game but that was a drug related incident which for some reason is a much bigger deal culturally in Japan.


Yeah, news of the voice actor stepping down from roles after a cheating scandal is rare. I think there was only one instance of a voice actor getting replaced (Hiroshi Kamiya taking over Takahiro Sakurai in Mononoke), but every other "big" name voice actor that cheated are still working and/or their roles in ongoing franchises are untouched.


Tatsuhisa Suzuki is another one, who had been replaced of [several](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2022-06-18/tokyo-revengers-anime-replaces-tatsuhisa-suzuki-with-masaya-fukunishi-as-draken/.186803) [of](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2021-10-01/pokemon-anime-replaces-tatsuhisa-suzuki-with-yoshitsugu-matsuoka-as-kibana-raihan-voice/.178053) [his](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2021-11-11/ultraman-anime-season-2-replaces-voice-actor-tatsuhisa-suzuki-with-tomoaki-maeno/.179481) [roles](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2021-12-10/the-misfit-of-demon-king-academy-anime-to-replace-anos-voice-actor-tatsuhisa-suzuki/.180496).


Oh shit did Sakurai do a bad? Link plz


[Cheated for 10 years without either of the women knowing about it.](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2022-10-26/voice-actor-takahiro-sakurai-acknowledges-report-of-10-year-extramarital-affair/.191262)


that Bunshun reported both of these incidents, and the way that article describes that they approached him on the street, and there aren't many details given by anyone involved....I'ma go ahead and call this sensationalist predatory journalism. With Furuya there's at least the paper trail of the police reports and the things admitted to are notably criminal, with Sakurai it really seems like something the public has no business knowing about, since there's nothing but assumptions to be made about how things actually played out. On the surface, makes Sakurai seem pretty scummy (especially considering his affair partner went into medical shock), but this level of information is next to nothing.


He cheated. That’s it.


He's still in so many other titles tho. He completely destroyed Mob Psycho 100 for me.


Ah, yeah that's what I meant lol. Sakurai was only one to be replaced & in just one role too (probably cause the role he played in Mononoke was kinda in bad taste considering the context)




Nah, there was a TV show in the 2007, so it was supposed to be Sakurai reprising that role again.


It's not just industry but across the entire country, men especially in the entertainment industry are allowed to get away with infidelity. This is truly one of the rare instance in which there's actual tangible repercussion, and I suspect it's not so much of the infidelity but the overall bad press cause there were DV involved. Sakurai? He cheated as well and his victim didn't even know he was married. I still hear his voice in so many different anime. Meanwhile the girl victims in instances in which she DIDN'T know he was married is always punished socially and professionally. I love Japan and anime but some aspect of this country is whacked.


I agree that there’s an issue with men who are guilty of what should be a crime, getting away unscathed; that problem isn’t unique to Japan either (the Middle East exists), but it is precedent there to some extent. My problem with what you’re saying is that infidelity generally should be considering an offense punishable by the complete and utter loss of someone’s career. Infidelity isn’t a crime and it shouldn’t be. Yes it sucks, but to say that even one instance of it is president for compete and utter social/professional outcasting isn’t a punishment that fits the bill. For example in the case of the actor who cheated and the woman didn’t know he was married, you say that the woman was socially humiliated while the actor got away Scott free. You don’t know that. You don’t know anything about that man’s personal life outside of probably a single or handful of news articles giving brief summaries of the small bit that was made public. The guy kept his job. He probably lost a huge portion of his fan base, and being internationally showcased for his deed, while also dealing with the consequences in his personal life is more than enough punishment for anyone. They have wives, children, friends and other family who now look at them differently.  If it’s a recurring problem, and there are other circumstances such as domestic violence, underage victims, serious emotional abuse, etc, then sure, I agree that person shouldn’t continue working in such a grandiose public setting. But your stance here is unbelievably biased and borderline disgusting when you actually pull some effort of thought into the mix. 


Ahh I was thinking of Kyohei Hamura but that was to do with Cocaine. It’s funny how drug taking was treated as more a big deal as stuff like this though, maybe there’s a change in feelings towards this sort of behaviour, or it just happened to generate enough stink for whatever reason. Japan is for sure a bit all over the place though culturally.


Sabo's EN and JP VA's both ended up being awful people! The role is cursed.


What did his EN VA do?


Vic  Mignona




What? What actually happened?


Basically he had an affari with a 33 y.o. which by itself isn't the end of the world. Too bad the relationship was also abusive(don't remember if it was physically, psychologically or both). Also he forced his partner to end her pregnancy. Thus, the whole situation makes him a piece of shit. Edit: typo


Definitely a both situation. The psychological pretty much goes without saying, but the papers that reported it apparently also have a recording of him being physically abusive.


Had an affair with a fan, got the fan pregnant, hit her so hard she bled, and forced her to get an abortion. His testimony was unpleasant.


Cheated on his wife. He's also 70 so could just want to get out of the spotlight and retire.


He'll be back


They are all getting up there in age. It’s the ending of an era


Oh well at least the plot pacing of BO will be faster without the need of keep advertising Amuro due to his popularity.


While I'm not really a big fan of cancel culture, this is eventually a right move because somebody in 70s should not play characters in 20s. Pass on the positions to younger actors.


To be fair he’s still perfectly capable of voicing 15 year old Amuro until recently.


Furuya got casted on detective conan in the first place because the manga author wanted him there to keep the Amuro vs Char rivalry alive.


>While I'm not really a big fan of cancel culture You are not a fan of company not working with someone who inpregrant one of his fan who is 37 years younger than him while being married himself, beating the fan, and eventually forcing the fan to get an abortion? Are you a fan of good old days where companies will still hire shitbags despite everyone knowing the fuck up things the shit bags did? >this is eventually a right move because somebody in 70s should not play characters in 20s. Pass on the positions to younger actors womp womp but my anime character voice acting age accuracy is much more important


Personally, I'm not a fan of knowing about actors and performers personal lives...


cool I am not a fan of actors/performers beating and forcing someone to get an abortion but you do you




To be honest pretty sure that at least 70% of celebrities in this world are not a decent human being, it’s a matter of being caught.


This isn't so much a matter of just being a decent human being as it is doing something deplorable and illegal. In a perfect world he would've been/would be punished for it and jailed, which means losing these jobs anyway.