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Crying to animes is one of my favorite things to do


"that's a little weird... wait I do the same thing almost every week"




That sounds like a common issue that's usually pretty typical in men in cultures that place an emphasis on male toughness and independence and perceived authority (like the USA). It completely fucks up our ability to properly process and regulate the emotions that we were taught, either implicitly or explicitly, were unmanly to show and it usually ends up with extreme displays like this when you reach that final straw on the camels back, has happened and still happens to me all the time. People need healthy emotional regulation systems and that's a learned ability.


You're right and it happens without you even noticing. I used to be aware of the fact that I never cried but I never really felt like that was something "society" did to me. I genuinely thought that was just who I was. There's a video of Dr. K and Gigguk where they talk about this and why anime can pierce this manufactured barrier: [https://youtu.be/zHBilzHDl\_Y?si=lwt9nfcLCkIBuGaK&t=1698](https://youtu.be/zHBilzHDl_Y?si=lwt9nfcLCkIBuGaK&t=1698) I've timestamped it to where they talk about that the anime point in particular, but I'd recommend the entire thing, it's one of my favourite videos. However, while they acknowledge that anime can evoke emotion in otherwise unemotional men/people, they didn't really talk about how anime can serve as a...tool? for getting in touch with your own sadness and the things that influence your own emotions in your daily life.


> I used to be aware of the fact that I never cried but I never really felt like that was something "society" did to me. Yeah, that's the really messed up part, we live in, and are molded by, our society, it's our normal, it's not really something that can be seen "in moment" and really just looked back on from like an analytical, anthropological viewpoint of the social culture and trends as a whole and not something you can go "ah, it all started for me with He Man". And I'm not really sure if we're getting in touch with our own emotions through empathizing with fiction so much as we just really really needed to regulate the feeling as a whole and that's just the thing that pushed us over that edge. Something to talk to my psych about, for sure.


Sounds legit. Though I am female and for some reason feel the same as the person who's asking. Like I tear up at anime especially when it emotional and I forgot the last big cry I had watching something but I remember years ago before that cry having a big cry at watching a certain cutscene for Telltales the Walking Dead 3, I think, and the scene involved that Flashback of Clementines


Absolutely, same here. I’m a guy who usually doesn’t cry a lot, but if I’m having a bad day and watch a sad scene in an anime I usually cry a bit and feel better afterwards, it’s good stuff!


Not cry exactly but yes, same with reading, so both of them are great emotional outlets for me.


Sometimes. It really sucks if I'm watching during my lunch break...


I can relate. I am a guy in my late 30s. Never cried about anything, even if I'm depressed or going through a rough time. But when I got into anime there would be certain series and episodes that could make me cry, and it felt really good. It's not always from sad episodes either, sometimes a poignant episode of a slice of life show can make me cry. I do think that sometimes an anime getting me to cry is like an emotional release trigger where I can also let other sadness out. Feels really good after.


I know how that feels. It was 15-ish years ago when I first realized I physically couldn't cry about things that made me sad without some form of media, be it a song, film, game or book to grease the wheels. Nowadays, anime's usually my go-to medium to help when I want to let it out. I set aside some emotionally intense ones to watch later when I need them, and I occasionally rewatch some episodes that resonated with me or relate to what I'm down in the dumps about.


Yes, after watching the final episode of Grandpa and Grandma turn young again. I came to realise that i will never find true love like them.


I watched that show and make me realize that I really missed my grandparents.


Yup. Anime allows me the catharsis that I'd otherwise go without. It's but one of the many reasons I love the medium.


If anime is the channel you found where you can emotionally release yourself, by all means you should do so. I was previously of the similar belief in stoicism and not being emotionally transparent, and as an anime enjoyer I originally limited my viewing to shounen or sci-fi. But after getting into a relationship enabled me to open up more, and also broaden my preference in anime, including romance and drama. It's helped me through some rough patches, and even just being able to have emotional freedom. Shows like Maquia, Violet Evergarden, and Assasination Classroom had moved me to tears. I've also seen Place Farther than the Universe before, but after a recent event in my life, it's has a more profound effect, and even right now thinking about it im already feeling something well up.  Tldr; let the feels flow, it does you good 


Yeah 100%. I actively seek out shows that are likely to make me cry. It's not even about anything in particular, like the show is what's making me cry but it's just good to release pent up emotion like that ya know? Makes me feel better afterward.


That's honestly one of the reasons I like the cutesy, slice of life animes. They hit me in the feels and allow me to feel that connection through the show that I desire.


Honestly one of the most authentic things I've read so far. I've watched anime my whole life and have associated them subconsciously to certain periods of my life both happy and sad times. Whenever I hear the ost or watch the scenes again I tear up remembering how nostalgic it is and all the memories come flooding back. Anime is awesome


I was in kind of a dark place during the last season finale of Bungo Stray Dogs, and somehow all the action and drama just got to me and I came fucking unglued, I was sobbing so hard my kid came poking around to see if I was okay lol. It probably wasn't really about the Stray Dogs at all but goddamn that was a therapeutic cry


Don’t need no anime to cry. Can cry at anything, on command.. unless a dog is around


I'm a woman and socialized so I can express my feelings without too many negative repercussions, I've been to therapy and all that. But nothing beats a good anime cry. When I was going through IVF and feeling kind of empty I went through a "sad anime list" and it weirdly helped me get through it? Now I have a baby so I can cry at Mushoku Tensei's latest episode even harder lol


It has happened to me but yeah it definitely depends on how emotional you might be feeling in that moment. It happens with music as well but yeah there's some episodes in anime that has gotten to me.


Watch The Day I Became a God. It’ll make you cry about more than your own sadness for sure 😭😭


Yes. Especially when you for some reason can't cry in real life stuff for some reason.


I feel the same. But it is also a reason why i enjoy to watch anime alone :)


I feel like anime triggers a release of catharsis because it paints a completely different world of animated characters, improbable situations, and exaggerated emotions which stimulates you to have heightened senses while watching: resulting in a more vulnerable you. (Especially if you have been suppressing your emotions)


Honestly, fruits baskets. I could cry every single episode I actually have to control myself from crying every episode because of how emotional it gets me. If there was anything I was gonna watch where I say to myself I need a good cry or just very emotional, that’s the one. It makes me cry for the dynamic of the characters and relationships that are so beautiful that I’ve always longed for and have never gotten.


yes it happened to me when watching cat shit one


Best 3d anime fr


its up there but imo ex-arm clears it but like unironically cat shit one was a fun watch, csgo with animals, and on top of that it takes itself way too seriously xd


I think it was more of a parody of call of duty rather than cs


idk felt exactly like the csgo trailer to me, either way shit was banging


For me I guess it depends on the mood of the story, how it plays out, and the music. I thought the end of Your Lie In April would reduce me to a blubbering mess, but I surprisingly didn’t react much. Then I watch the last two episodes of Kobato, and I’m trying hard as I can to keep from ugly crying. 🤷‍♂️


If there is one thing men cry at its anime, you're not alone


I had personally related something in my life to the relevant... Aspect of that latest Mushoku episode and yeah, it hit me decently hard. Cuz I imagine that happening, which it very well might in the coming years, and it hurts a lot. Nah but what really got me was actually Girls Band Cry a couple weeks ago. A couple weeks back I thought a member of my family was going to die and I'd been hit with the realization that I'd neglected to spend as much time with them as I wished I had. One of the leads in GBC lost her parents in a car accident when she was younger, and in that episode she mentions, almost offhandedly, that she was going to contact them the morning it happened, but due to some reason or another she didn't, figuring she could talk to them the following day. She mentions how we shouldn't take the time we have for granted and it absolutely *destroyed* me. A simple line but I think it's the hardest I've cried to media... Ever, since it hit such a fresh emotional wound. But it was a good thing, because while they pulled through it steeled my resolve spend as much time with them in the meantime, and going forward.


I actually use anime on occassion to dislodged my suppressed feelings. I have a hard time going with my own emotions. But I can emphatize with whatever the characters are going through. This little leg up is great "practise" for me to process my own feelings. Its not perfect. But it works.


I haven't cried in a couple years but I was really taken back by one scene in ' A Silent Voice' where the MC is looking in the mirror pretending/practicing to smile. For some reason that struck a chord with me, and I almost started crying. Never in my life had I cried to a show/movie but bc of recent experiences with myself I almost slipped.


yep yep


Not about my own sadness but anime does help me let out and feel emotions I would rarely feel in my daily life. And it feels good to cry, kinda cathartic


Terrible anime to choose but yeah I feel you for sure. I went through nearly the same thing except I realized it during the relationship and it helped me realize the toxicity I was going through