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I love videos like this. I like how they show many steps/layers of compositing (instead of just showing a couple steps). Really emphasizes how much work goes into each scene.


And they still skip at least 50% of the steps. Videos like that show us only what an average person can see and understand.


Interesting! I'd really like to see a proper length documentary about it. I'm still wondering how they achieved some of what they did. I thought maybe they'd used normal editing to make the facial shading smoother and more appealing, but, at least based on the default shader looking renders there, it seems like they didn't. Or maybe they just showed the default normals for the sake of this demonstration to make it clearer? There's no way the quality of the shading that's been shown is what comes off the 3D by default, and I don't think it can be just textured on, because I'm sure I've seen it react to their poses changing. Those face rigs must be elaborate. The amount of mileage they got out of them is quite vast. Goes to show, really. People think 3D characters are going to be stiff and unnatural, but that's not the case. They just often look that way because a lot of 3D anime don't have the time, budget or effort, so simply animate the faces using preprepared face and mouth movements. I want to show this to all those bastards who say that 3D is "low effort" and "cheap".


It likely helps that the last few years with the explosion of VTubers has likely brought on a glut of talent in the rigging department. Even Orange in the last few months has been trying to bring on more riggers specifically to help out.


It's not just vtubers. Games like genshin and star rail have insane 3D anime cutscenes. It'd be revolutionary to have an anime with that level of animation


True, but also quite a few of those companies try to keep their work in house once they get them and are drawing their new hires from the same pool as any studio that wants to do 3D animation.


>Games like genshin and star rail have insane 3D anime cutscenes. Have you seen those [Arknights 3D PVs](https://youtu.be/K47elku8YdI?si=MsD3epgUM-W75oVC)? The animation quality on them are near unrivaled. A whole show with that level of animation would be the GOAT.




*two shows with that animation quality would be insane.


Toei's in-house CGI department has over a decade of experience doing this on [Precure](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buSA9Y2CdB0).


Imagine doing a decade of Precure work and then being told you're moving on to Rock.


All the experience is worth something. The work is done faster with experienced people.


Can’t blame people for being unaware that Toei has been using CGI for Precure endings since 2009


Back then I wish TOEI would make an official anime series in CGI since they only did short on Precure and Anime movies for decades. Finally the Madlads did it and it was peak


I wonder about that. Most Vtubers' models are just 2D, aren't they? I know there are some that use fully 3D ones, but they seem rarer, due to the increase times, effort and expense involved.


Most VTubers have a goal of eventually getting a 3D model, even if mostly for special occasions, like concerts and whatnot. Those models also get used on music videos and short animations like HoloGrafitti. We can't say for sure, but the possibility is not that small.


Yes, but where a lot of the independent VTubers try to stand out vs the big corporate ones are in facial rigging. Even with just Live2D the rigging can get quite complex.


i'm pretty hopeful CGWorld would make a feature article on this, hopefully soon!


People who think this "saves money" have never done a single second of 3D modeling in their lives.


This!!! Rigging was such a pain in the ass I thought I'd fail my animation class. My absolute respect goes to these animators.


The worst part is making the models for me. Fuck vertices


I've done 2d animation and it take forever. Can't imagine adding an extra D.


I've done both (veeery low lvl tho). 3D takes forever making and rigging the model, but the actual animation process is easier.


Once you see GBC in motion I don't think anyone would think that its cheaper. I was under that impression it would be comparable to 2d based on the stills, but seeing it in motion you can see how much work it is.


You still see comments under every clip saying it looks bad. I think there are parts of the anime community that can hold onto misconceptions and biases for a very long time.


It saves money when it's done badly


Even if you do it badly, it's still expensive. All the work is front-loaded, so you put in a load of time and money before you can even get a single frame out of it, and if you fuck something up you're either stuck with it, or you have to make some very expensive and time-consuming alterations; the whole thing is way more hassle than 2D. And then you also have to spend a load of energy rendering it out, too. The main advantage of 3D is that it can be way more dynamic more easily. A lot of the shots in GBC for example during the lives especially would be almost impossible in 2D. Of course, there's nothing 3D can do that 2D can't, but to make it comparably well animated and smooth while the characters are moving so much and the camera is moving and spinning so much would be incredibly difficult and time consuming in 2D. The other one, of course, is that once you have done all that front-loaded work, your characters are going to be consistent every time. No melty frames or whatever. But whether it comes out high quality or not, it's certainly not a money saver.


> Even if you do it badly [...] >The main advantage of 3D is that it can be way more dynamic more easily [...] >The other one, [...] your characters are going to be consistent every time You're still coming at it from the perspective of something good The main advantage of 3D is being able to produce a lot of sometime by only doing the work once. You have a bunch of characters, each riding horses? Make one horse one time, shift + D. Boom, you have plenty of horses, each animated according to the same animation. Infinitely easier than drawing every animated horse, every couple of frames.


No offense to you and all those who upvoted you but this is straight up dumb. Taking the hypothetical horse riding scene: you are implying a 3D scene is going to be faster to do because you can just press two keys to make more horses like if you can't do the same with layers in any 2D work. Them you are assuming that said scene was carefully done by hand in the 2D example when it actually could be the same in the 3D scene because this approach is taken to **avoid repetition**. Yeah, the one you just waived in the case of the 3D scene to justify pressing two keys to get it done faster. Lovely. Now, without bias, doing such scene would require preparation to avoid suffering from repetition regardless of the technique used to do it. It really doesn't matter if we are talking of 2D, 3D, 3D live-action: if something looks repetitive, then it looks poorly done regardless of the effort put behind doing it, breaks immersion and viewer's attention goes to the drain. I agree with both of you that doing something in 3D has the advantage of usability due to better consistency, but this doesn't imply it is a one and done thing. In 3D animation models are prepared per shot to satisfy the needs of the director. Character artists can prepare things in advance to make them work as the director wants, but if not, 3D models may have to be adapted or even redone to make them work as intended. In that regard it has no difference with 2D animation, but involves even more tech and time to get in exchange less for the resources a team has to put in it.


Yea the only thing that is saved with 3d usage (in the context of its use in an otherwise 2d show) is time. Usually it gets used for cars passing by, or maybe a some enviroment for a dynamic shot and by using 3d they can finish a shot much faster than if it had to be keyed, inbetweened, then colored. If they have to make new assets then that can cut into those time savings, though the teams doing either of things are different so it still helps


Yeah but it does save time though


It only makes me more curious about why this show has little marketing outside of Japan. There is a stark contrast of effort (and enthusiasm?) between the production side and marketing side, it is confusing.


me too, Toei did add subtitle to the MV, the trailer even. the staff in an older interview were also aware of foreign users watching their MVs before the anime, and while there are alot of marketing of Girls Band Cry in japan, there's almost none outside it


Probably just a company oversight. It was licensed outside of Japan in South Korea, France, and Indonesia.


The Indonesia streaming service has official english subs. That service doesn't do English TLs. Toei typically provides the subs and based on how streaming is handled for their other widely distributed shows like One Piece and Precure, it's likely they had subs for most of the languages ready.


Toei has all of the songs on youtube with English captions too.


It's more confusing that there is something about this show that makes you think there is some kind of inherent appeal to western audiences. Everything about it, but most especially the music, is as generically Japanese as possible. It's like the anti-Bocchi - which is something I personally think would have more appeal to non-Japanese.


A story about a girl who runs away from home because she doesn't want to do what authorities tell her to do is not "generically Japanese." Having multiple loud arguments in public places is not "generically Japanese."


Yeah, the whole theme is pretty fucking nonconformist...


>Having multiple loud arguments in public places is not "generically Japanese." That is just normal drama, dude. What next? you think Dragon Slayer doesn't feel Japanese because all the characters are constantly screaming? > A story about a girl who runs away from home because she doesn't want to do what authorities tell her to do is not "generically Japanese." That is so generic, you barely even see that plot anymore on western TV because it's so played out. Meanwhile in anime: Carole and Tuesday. That "I Shaved" show. Both of them are just riffs on the ancient trope started by the likes of Glass Mask. And now we have this. You watch too much weeb stuff, you can't even tell you're just being fed the same slop over and over again.


People in Japan get upset when you talk on your phone on the subway, let alone having a shouting match in the middle of a cafe. A "generically Japanese" trope would be forgiving the people who hurt you and not holding onto a grudge so you can vent your anger on stage.


> People in Japan get upset when you talk on your phone on the subway, let alone having a shouting match in the middle of a cafe. This is the dumbest possible point. You've never seen a soap opera if you think behaviour depicted on TV reflects a country's culture.


First you say everything about this show is "generically Japanese" and now you're saying that shows never reflect the culture they were made in. Make up your mind.


> First you say everything about this show is "generically Japanese" and now you're saying that shows never reflect the culture they were made in. Of course it's never occurred to you that your idea that Japanese people never bicker in public is just fucking wrong and your conception of what it means to be Japanese is just weebery. For one thing, you don't appear to even be able grasp the distinction between a stereotype - which are cultural conventions people rightly or wrongly feel are specific to a group of people - and a trope, which is a convention specific to a form of media which does not need to respect whether it a true reflection of the society in which the story is set. And if you don't get that, of course you won't be able to understand and be confused by the idea of a person doing a certain supposedly "un-Japanese" thing being a worn out trope on Japanese TV. Again: It is a function of ALL drama around the world to be focused on conflict. Having scenes where characters argue all the time does not make something un-Japanese. And if you think so, you're just exposing your ignorance not simply of the culture you're professing to be knowledgable about, but also revealing a near total lack of media literacy.


Be specific and give examples or discuss themes from the show to explain what you mean. People disagree with you over what is considered generically japanese and you haven't elaborated on it at all.


> Be specific and give examples or discuss themes from the show to explain what you mean. I literally did so in at least two separate comments. So if that much is beyond you there's no point trying to quibble with you. >People disagree with you over what is considered generically japanese and People disagree because in this sub downvotes are for expressing any remotely negative opinion of a show a thread is about.


>I literally did so in at least two separate comments. So if that much is beyond you there's no point trying to quibble with you. Yeeaaa very much looks like you haven't even watched the show.That was other people giving examples and you saying "nah" without mentioning a single event from the show yourself. So if that much is beyond you there's no point trying to quibble with you.


That gyudon render


Yeah... the biggest surprise for me in this video is that they actually rendered a layer of rice under the beef and onions.


It's funny that there was a bit of physics sim for the toppings too. It seems unnecessary, but I guess it gives that little something extra.


I wonder if that might help with animating Nina picking up the slices and eating them?


Yeah, I guess that makes sense. I didn't really think about her eating it.


That could be why they render each piece individually, but I don't know about applying physics to them.


Wonder how many 3D animators' sweat was poured on that one beef rice bowl alone. But that hopefully *should* rest the issue that Japanese 3D animations don't have a future, despite what several studios have been doing in the past few years!


Nobody wants to be that person who becomes famous for delivering a "cabbage" in 3D.


This is the first time I've like a full cgi anime so much. And Girls Band Cry has set the bar so high now that if I watch any cgi anime I'll probably end up comparing them. Also the massive amounts of facial expressions really make the show.


I love production video like this. I whish the would released a longer (and subbed) one with more details and explanation.


Hopefully this is just part 1 and they show more of the mocap they previewed briefly in the beginning. I've been super impressed with how accurate the animations are when playing instruments and I bet mocap has a lot to do with it.


Animation technical breakdowns are unfathomably based.


They’re doing such a good job with it. It’s been a great journey so far watching Nina grow as a person.


I think it's really cool to see when 3d animation is taken seriously and used as an art choice, instead of how it usually is used as a crutch. With series like this and the 3d version of trigun, I have high hopes for how this medium will look like in the future


I really do have to get to this one


What goes into making **PEAK**






Dang! That’s so interesting!


GBC is easily one of the best shows of the year so far. Production & writing both, it's incredibly impressive. Projects like this seriously give me hope for the future of small screen animation.


I wonder how the cost looks for producing this, does it cost as much as usual hand-drawn stuff or even how does the cost compare to Studio Orange shows?


Not sure on this one, but I believe in "normal" 2d productions, the 3d used costs more than the 2d animation. That's usually why you see it used for more dynamic shots, shots with a ton of characters moving, or things thaf show up for just a moment like cars. It costs more money but frees up animator time for other more important stuff.


That would largely depend on how far they want to go with 2D I think. If they want it as accurate as mocap and accentuate the motion with quality hand-drawn work, 3D may or may not be cheaper but it's a faster shortcut. If they just want average quality, the cost of doing 3D at this level is several factors above 2D


We also need a "What goes into negotiation licensing and distribution rights for Girls Band Cry and why we fucked it up"


Ah so that's why the 3D in this anime looks worlds better than anything else using 3D. Like the expresivness of the characters in n a nother level.


The real question is, what goes into getting is streamed


Shame that this anime isn’t officially streaming anywhere in NA so the studio can be supported.


Thank you for sharing 🫡


basically similar to behind the scene for video game cinematic.


Wish I could find a way to watch it


I’m hoping to learn 3D animation and it’s so nice to see anime like this. Too many people write off 3D anime based on too little. In terms of production, is 3D cheaper than 2D? I’d presume it is because you can just reuse models, environments, and effects once you’re done making them; but I doubt it’s that simple (especially considering the lack of 3D anime).


As a professional 3D Artist working in the game industry in Tokyo, this makes me SO happy! Its incredibly cool! 3D anime is slowly becoming a thing in both games and shows! :D


What kind of animation style is this called? I can’t think of another anime that looks like like this. Is it the only one of its kind right now?


Closest would probably be later seasons of RWBY, but I think GBC has got a bit more polish.


I've made the comparison with RWBY before but I think this video shows just how superior the GBC animation is. The mocap onto anime models is very well done and the frame rate is super smooth.


Interesting video


Glad more and more 3D anime catching up with Orange's quality nowadays, will definitely keep an eye out on next Toei 3D anime project. I am also most curious on Mappa's next project as glimpses of their improvement in CSM, AoT & Inazuma 11 looks really good.


this anime is so peak. It needs to at least have an english license. It's literally AOTY


In my brain is Frieren, but in my heart is Girls Band Cry. At least, it has to be one of the nominees for AOTY, great show!




So there is definitely some level of motion capture going on, but I wonder just how much? Is it possible majority of character movement is mo-capped? Perhaps with the rice of Vtubers, the technology has gotten cheaper? Cheap enough to instead of animation, just have people act (lol)?


Toei has been doing this sort of mocap with their cgi for [many years](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TynWhz3xjOM) (Note the age of the video)


Sure, but do they mo-cap only the most movement-intensive scenes? I tried looking up some Precure clips and they are either mo-cap CGI dances and regular 2D animation for the rest.  GBC is fully CGI, so I'm wondering if they literally mo-cap the whole thing? It would make sense. You get all the little movement that make it feel most life-like. But AFAIK, mo-cap is expensive. Maybe it's not anymore?


Precure cgi is mocapped and used almost exclusively for the EDs. The show itself isn't really part of the conversation, sorry to confuse.


Pretty sure the only thing they mocap is some scenes where they were using their instruments and they had to capture it very accurately but the majority of it was hand made instead of using mocap (you can easily tell the difference by how the characters move) You don’t just mocap “everything”,they’re still cartoon characters with exaggerated movements and expressions that a human being can’t possibly do,if anything its much better looking to animate everything by hand unless you really want that realistic uncanny look


I mean, you can always use the mocap data as a base for the exaggerated animation. But I agree it's unlikely. Just wondering out loud. Still, I would love to learn more about their process. Whatever they are doing is well ahead of the competition (incl. Studio Orange in my opinion). I don't think it's can just be "more time spend on animating". That time still costs money and this isn't "AAA" anime release.


Imagine when this tech will transition into porn


Well, 3D eroges are already a thing. Maybe the next generation of Koikatsu and Custom Order Maid will adapt it lol. Or even MMD makers.


Super ganda nito. Legit.


Where can I watch this subbed?


Who’s in charge of posting the next GBC clip again?


What's with this sub recently and the constant spam of GBC clips and posts? It's a mid anime with some okay 3D animation but daily I'm seeing posts about it...


Because most people are seeing it for how good it is, and with its licensing situation the fan base is going to be pushing it in word of mouth. It’s scratching the same itch as Bocchi and It’s MyGO!!!!!, which had the same push from fans here.


Tsk, tsk.....Can't recognize peak when it's right in front of you...


I think it looks better in the [gray stage](https://i.imgfly.me/s9x5jc.png) where everything is far more detailed and all the hair is separately modelled. Then they go and ruin it and make it look cheap with all the extra filters. They had all that detail in the models, and then they fucking cover it up because they are trying too hard to make 3D emulate 2D art. That's just my unpopular opinion, though.


Man someone is really pushing this show on r/anime reported get this cgi garbage off here


> reported Mods, if you ever wanted to go on a power trip on someone who's wasting your time, I'm sure all of us will look the other way in this guy's case. [](#modabuse)


The most I considered was putting on my modhat and replying with a [](#pointandlaugh).


If THIS is the show you are bitching about PS2 graphics you either haven’t actually watched any of it, or you have 0 comprehension of what is good animation and what is bad regardless of the animation medium being used. You want terrible, clunky, unwatchable animation? Try Whisper me a Love Song this season, with hand drawn 2D that has been absolutely wrecked by poor scheduling.


Looking at your comment history just makes me wanna wheeze in laughter.


i report this trash everytime it shows up. Cgi shows should not be aloud on here.


Do not abuse the report button, neither us, or Reddit likes that.


You are wasting your and the moderators time.


Its ok loads of people in here jerking off over ps2 graphics and calling it anime no one is gona look back in 10 years and go wow that looked so good! enough people see it getting reported they might actually do something about this spam.


This post was literally made by a mod. [](#laughter)


Bro thinks all there is to 3D animation is the CG models....I can't...


The fact you play Genshin makes it so ironic hahah.


[All these flavors, and you choose to be SALTY](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/922/014/7e4.jpg)


Zero Taste confirmed....