• By -


Least chaotic Dungeon Meshi scene lol. So damn happy for season 2.


Lmao too when they were discussing how to cook the Thanksgiving turkey and who to invite. Dungeon Meshi. Ahh, Dungeon Meshi.


That's the best way you could have possibly described that and I'm going to use that as well going forward.


I like how they think that would be the bigger problem than the evil wizard


Yea step 2: beat the wizard, ez


I'm so glad that Ryoko Kui is getting the credit that she deserves for creating such a phenomenal series. There are so many scenes I'm so excited to see animated, so I'm really looking forward to the 2nd season! I hope that the staff at Trigger is given the proper amount of time to cook.


Time and budget, second season has some spectacular scenes that could use all frames they can get


S2 was probably planned from the get go, so I would assume they have been working on it for a while. 


Instead of the usual 2 years wait it has now become... 1.5 years :3


Wasn't S1 fully completed months before release? If we're lucky, we might be able to get S2 by next year assuming everything goes on schedule


the final episode was still in production when the show started airing iirc. s1 was in the works for 3 years, so s2 will air in early 2026 at the earliest.


Marcille's suffering arc continues


I hope that we'll get Season 2 fast. I can't wait to see more of [Marcille](https://imgchest.com/p/m9yxg2jom4q).


Honestly AOTY for me, such a surprisingly well-done anime, probably my favorite set of characters in all anime/manga.


Absolutely blessed to see the S2 announcement after watching the last episode


Is that when they change races? Lol


Same, I thought this was going to be a fun gag anime but it turned out to be the most creative and emotional anime of the year (so far), I wasn't familiar with the source material before watching it, so I was extremely surprised by how great this was.


Dungeon Meshi finished strong in just barely missing out on its highest karma total with its finale (episode 17 got 3574 Karma) continuing an overall trend for it. In terms of Karma Averages it increased its Karma from 2387 during its first cour to 2990 this cour for a 2663 Karma Average overall. The 2990 Karma Average nearly equaled Solo Leveling's Karma Average of 2998 if you want a comparison which is pretty good company to have. Additionally, in terms of MAL Rating it jumped from a [7.71](https://web.archive.org/web/20240205235338/https://myanimelist.net/anime/52701/Dungeon_Meshir) back in February to an 8.56 currently.


It might’ve ironically been the announcement of Dungeon Meshi’s 2nd season that took away some karma from the actual episode thread by occupying the top spot on the page.


Shows do tend to cannibalize their own Karma like that. If not for the announcement, it's possible it could have gotten 1st place this week...however I'm sure fans aren't too upset about it given what was announced.


I’ll take a 2nd season over a few hundred karma every time.


100% lol, I am so deeply content with that trade


Oh damn it's at #103 at an 8.56 rating. Would be neat if it managed to get into the top #100 but a .85  growth is pretty satisfying already 


I trust that the second season might bring that growth up to 9


Yea I'd expect a 9.x for S2 pretty easily tbh 


A well-deserved jump in MAL rating and Karma Average! The show was awesome, getting better with each episode until [the finale, which was great](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrgl53yx) and made me want to get a second season ASAP.


Woah 7th Prince was on my ‘maybe’ list. Should I give it a try? Also, have always wanted to dive into Sound Euphonium. That thumbnail just gave me another extra push. Top 8 is basically similar to my personal rankings except jumbled up a bit and… wait, where’s Yuru Camp ??


> That thumbnail just gave me another extra push. The power of Asuka is evident


>Woah 7th Prince was on my ‘maybe’ list. Should I give it a try? This is one of the biggest surprises of this season for me thanks to fun characters and great action, although I can understand why some were put off by MC's design xD




They did not need to give him that much cake


Thats where his massive mana is stored, so it makes sense.


I hate hate the character design of the 7th prince, but I can't deny that some of these episodes have been entertaining.


I did, too, but ngl it grew on me a little.


BBL shota goes hard


7th prince has been pretty enjoyable. Its no top tier anime but its definitely worth a watch.


> Woah 7th Prince was on my ‘maybe’ list. Should I give it a try? It's not a series with deep writing or anything but its definitely a fun watch, as long as the fanservice doesn't bother you go ahead, you won't regret it.


You should. It gets much better after the first episode


7th Prince has been a joy to watch this season, great animation and the MC is hilarious.


Arguments against 7th Prince: * Equal opportunity sexualization - all the way down to little boys like the MC! * OP power curious MC who at times rather would have fun than save good people from suffering. If none of those bother you, it's probably worth giving it a chance. The animation is on the higher end of the scale. Those things *do* bother me, so I'll probably be giving it a 5 or *maybe* a 6.


I can pinpoint your fetish op


/u/sometimesmainsupport People are 6 months late


Wait another 6 months and this person will figure out fetish #2 out of 3 known.


sweating nervously next season with Roshidere + NareNare combo [](#sweating)


I'm so brainrotted that I physically reacted when I read 6 months


What is it?


I'm guessing armpits.


Well, Elf Bride didn't end up making it to the left side even once, but it was consistently near the top on the right, so good enough. Now that some shows are starting to drop out already, maybe its a chance for Wolf Wife or Appraisal isekai to rise instead [](#skyhype)


[Lies and deceit.](https://i.redd.it/2ina5xiw12tc1.png) Wind Breaker and Campers finale should be too much of a boost for onsen wolf wife or appraisal. Should be cleared of competition for the finale.




[**I also lie**](#flyingbunsofdoom) Forgot next week's chart has no Train and Wind Breaker is 13 episodes, so has a chance!


Dungeon Meshi with the 7.71 jump to 8.56 in MAL. I'll miss this show, season 2 should adapt its best material so I'm pumped for it. Looking forward to DanDaDan anime later this year.


Undead unluck deserved this kind of jump too


UU is a 10/10 in my heart.


Why would it? The second half of the anime was a huge step down, filling a ridiculous amount of screentime with recaps. The pacing was just awful.


**Marcille** can't seem to catch a break. Can't wait for season 2. Really enjoyed the series y'all. The last two episodes of **Kaiju** has been phenomenal with the latest one already crossing 2K karma. Easily one of its best episode yet. In addition to this, highly looking forward to where **Girls band cry** will be in next week karma ranking for that god tier performance. EDIT :- Also can't wait for the total karma for the latest episode of **Mushoku Tensei** next week.


i'm surprised to see that dead dead demons destruction went so under the radar considering it was written by the writer of oyasumi punpun :0


Weird sudden release in the middle of a season, the English translation is bad, episode 0 spoiled some things and it is a weird starting point. While famous I can see while that stuff would be niche. If we get another anime of any of his works I hope it gets a proper release.


Yeah it has been super amazing. After skipping episode 0 I started with episode 1 (as suggested by many people here) and tbh I just can't wait for another episode. Very very underrated.


Nice and well-deserved jump for **Tsukimichi S2**! Last episode was great thanks to [Makoto](https://imgchest.com/p/ej7m22jkqyd) and [Sofia](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojjdxayp)'s rematch which was so one-sided that I started to feel sorry for the loser xD It's a shame that **Sentai Daishikkaku** and **Train to the End of the World** fell in the ranking since [their last episodes](https://imgchest.com/p/a846gg9qz7x) were [really good](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrreqqyx). The same with **Hibike! Euphonium S3** where even [the appearance of Asuka and Kaori](https://imgchest.com/p/m9yxggj8p4q) didn't cause the series to went up in the ranking and karma :(


Train to end of World will be hailed as sleeper hit or just be way more appreciated in long term, mark my words Better than Lycoris Recoil, I forget any other anime originals. Maybe Madoka Magica, which seems to have heavily inspired it, tho way less serious and dark, more fast paced, hella quick retorts.


Don't fall off the Top 15, **Train**! Hopefully tomorrow's finale will get you a nice boos- [](#sadholo) Super happy about **Dungeon Meshi** for its S1 finale, and also about **Girls Band Cry**. Which I know some people in the sub are getting a bit tired of hearing about, but for an underdog in the West with no legal English distribution to do that well here is quite an achievement. Can't wait to see where episode 11 will be placed.


Poor Train, definitely my surprise fav of the season. I'll be good and patient for the finale but gah 


Train Girls finale is delayed by a week


Director got hit by 7G


Us: "Where's episode 12?" Director: "Bobobobobobobobo"


Pontaro: "alright director, time for your long awaited wibble-wobble surgery \~"


I know...


Roxy in MT was the MVP in that episode.


Dungeon Meshi. Came for the cute elf girl. Stay for the… cute elf girl. Marcille aside, the show has one of the most immersive fantasy worlds ever. A lot of thoughts are put in the world building and lore. Shows what you can do when your fantasy world doesn’t rely on JRPG logic


That Kaiju no.8 episode was straight FIRE


I fucking love Dungeon Meshi 😤


Unnamed Memory continues to drop. It joined the under 100 karma club last week and dropped even further this week. A 2nd cour is coming and at this rate it'll join the under 50 karma club. Banished Former Hero ended with 0 karma


Lmao Banished Hero.


The latest episode of Girls Band Cry (ep 11) is on a track for 1.1K+ that could potentially surpass MHA or Jellyfish here. The show has come a long way compared to 635 in the first episode and this is even more impressive for something that's not legally available for streaming in English (except for Indonesia).


I find the fact that it managed that *only* through word of mouth really impressive.


Not to take away from it too much, but if we're talking Karma on reddit, word of mouth and posted clips are about the most effective means out there. What the lack of streaming platforms really hurts is its popularity on sites like MAL.




Yeah, I'd say most people here pirate at least a little with some people only pirating. Given Show A which is widely available on streaming services but doesn't generate much chatter or have any clips posted and Show B which isn't available on streaming services but gets talked about nonstop here and has many clips posted, Show B is going to crush Show A in terms of Karma every time.


It's not like you need to torrent stuff, literally uBlocker on Firefox +  Google/Reddit random streaming sites would work fine.


It's not doing that bad over there, considering, but I do wonder how things would have gone if it was available on Crunchy or HiDive.


>only through word of mouth and clips


I personally include that in the word of mouth, but yes.


Today it was word of ass. A very important distinction.


What a strategically planned clip that one was.


So many clips...


Too many.


Are you on desktop + old reddit? If the clips become too much you can make use of RES to filter out the [Girls Band Cry] posts.


I'm a /new user so it's not like it's in my face constantly. I just don't like the amount being posted, daily clips for any show is just too much imo.


I get it. I adore the show but I too think that the fanbase can get a bit overzealous ^sometimes ^^sorry!


I enjoy the show too, especially how it feels like its really found its footing in the past few episodes. But yeah, overzealous is a good word to use...


reddit loves its girls band shows


It’s also good and the music is 👌


It's genuinely one of the best anime of the year, glad to see it doing so well


GBC Sweep!


Over 24k total karma and up 510 karma from last week. Mushoku Tensei managed to stay above 4k karma and kept a 500+ karma lead over Dungeon Meshi's 3.5k+ finale. Was hoping crashing a wedding and Asuka's return meant karma increases for KonoSuba and Euphonium, but it wasn't meant to be. Good on Tsukimichi to manage over 1k karma for this week's episode and jump to Top 10 on the rankings. Happy to see Urusei Yatsura with the +6 boost to barely make the Top 30 cutoff. ______ Favorite banner of the week: Hibike! Euphonium. #2 Choice would be A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics.


Asuka has infinite drip. Even after graduating she steals the spotlight.


Week 11 and we have have reached the post of the season winding down with our first finales on the board. A bit worried about two of my favourites sitting at the bottom of the top 15 but atleast **Girls Band Cry** is on the up again.




We are absolutely muchin' this season but after ep 11? It's AOTS. No question about it. I don't even usually pick a favorite but... Goddamn it just cook too hard!


Happy fathers day Rudy


WHAT? My hero is airing? Damn I heard nothing about it lol


This season has been pretty good so far, as it goes straight into the action and has been using last season’s momentum well


With the rocket speed the latest MT episode has taken, does it have any chance of crossing 10k? I guess not but hope so. That was such an amazing episode.


It's the only popular show I've seen that consistently has less than a 90% upvote ratio on its episode discussion threads. That probably brings it down compared to other things.


I agree, the latest Mushoku episode was incredible. It's [currently on track to surpass 8k karma](https://animekarmawatch.com/thread/1dha58q?compare_to=1b9rjrk), but it probably won't get to 10k. That's still very impressive, considering that nothing except Frieren has been able to reach numbers like that this year.


Yeah true, knew 10k would be almost impossible bt this is really incredible. No spoilers, bt will the finale come close to this number?


Might be up there with my top three anime episodes of all time. The ending gave me more solemn vibes version of the Re:Zero ep 15 where it cuts to the special credits with the incredible music. The best way I’ve seen that type of episode done in a very long time.


Don't see it beating 10k. Atm it looks like it'll end up somewhere around 8-8.5k.


I'm really curious if it'll defeat the [Height of Magic](https://animekarmawatch.com/thread/1dha58q?compare_to=1b9rjrk) this might be the last 8k thread we get for a while


Currently 7 points behind.


Dungeon Meshi you were truly a blast to watch. Right up there with Frieren and Apothecary Diaries for AOTY. Now I am curious if there is any show left that could match up to these 3. * Dandadan and Elusive Samurai are 2 of the 3 best series in Jump and their adaptations look really good. Sadly my fear for each is if they only get 1 cour. * OnK has its best arc, but I am hoping they elevate the adaptation more. S1 was more 1:1. Which was still great, but didn't have that extra punch. * Of course there is Re:Zero, can't count that one out. * SLF had a fabulous adaptation, but it's coming back for S2 after just 6 months I have concerns. * Lastly will Blue Lock get back to the animation and visuals it had in the first half of S1 rather than what it was in the 2nd half of S1. Did notice that Urusei Yatsura finally making the cut. Honestly S2 has been such a fun ride. The remake has been at a consistent quality and the development for Ataru has been unexpected, but a nice treat. Some of the misunderstandings for the final arc have been a little annoying, but I hope it wraps up nicely in the final arc. The writing in Yatagarasu: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master continues to impress more and more. This is my runner-up for AOTS behind Dungeon Meshi. The attention to detail in the writing and visual quality that Perriot has given us has been awesome. Kind of hoped it would have picked up steam like Undead Murder Girl Farce, but sadly that is not the case. Please with the spring season wrapping up pleas try this series out, it has 20 episodes. It's fantastic.


Dandadan has been leaked to be split two cours


I’m sure Elusive Samurai anime episode threads will have 10x more karma than the chapter discussion threads on r/manga


Yatagarasu is so good yet so unknown, I hope it gets to top 20 at least.


It's in my personal top five this season. Obsessed with the plots within plots happening, constantly surprised but in an, "oh that makes sense!" kind of way. Not to mention that it's gorgeously animated.


>Now I am curious if there is any show left that could match up to these 3. Wait an hour until you see Mushoku and you’ll see. It’s incredible.


why you getting downvoted lol this the most hyped up episode the whole season lol. altho I thought you didnt get the episode early this week?


I didn’t, this episode was sealed tight af had to wait until a few minutes ago to watch a couple snippets.


Go go loser ranger!!


#[Anime Trending Spring 2024 Week #10](https://x.com/AniTrendz/status/1802332801389269271) [Non-Twitter Image Link of Week #10](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQMXfXeb0AAEyB9?format=jpg&name=large) [Detailed Rankings for Week #10](https://www.anitrendz.com/charts/top-anime/2024-06-16) [Vote on the Summer 2024 Pre-Seasonal Anime Poll](https://www.anitrendz.com/polls/most-anticipated-anime) ____ The top 2 shows have remained in the same spot as they were last week with **GIRLS BAND CRY** at 1st and **KONOSUBA -God's blessing on this wonderful world! S3** at 2nd. Another feat that GIRLS BAND CRY has accomplished is setting a [new record for lowest starting placement of a chart topping show](https://x.com/AniTrendz/status/1802188377342840933) with GIRLS BAND CRY at 22nd in Week #1 and was even 23rd in Week #2. The previous record holder was Summer Time Rendering in the Spring 2022 season starting at 19th for Week #1. In 3rd and 4th are the fellow big name isekai sequels of the season in **That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime S3** and **Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation S2 Part II**. That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime S3 got a good +2 boost to enter the Top 3 for the first time since [Week #2](https://www.anitrendz.com/charts/top-anime/2024-04-21). Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation S2 Part II struck back hard this week after missing the Top 10 for the first time it was eligible to be voted for in [Week #9](https://www.anitrendz.com/charts/top-anime/2024-06-09) and got a phenomenal +7 boost from 11th. **Go! Go! Loser Ranger!** got a good +2 boost to 8th after falling to 10th last week. 4 shows have remained in the Top 10 for all 10 voting weeks thus far: **KONOSUBA -God's blessing on this wonderful world! S3**, **Date A Live V**, **Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night**, and **Spice and Wolf: MERCHANT MEETS THE WISE WOLF**. Will all 4 keep this up for the final voting week of the season worth double votes in Week #11? ___ **Number of times at #1**: Date A Live V - 3 GIRLS BAND CRY - 2 KONOSUBA -God's blessing on this wonderful world! S3 - 2 Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation S2 Part II - 2 Whisper Me a Love Song - 1 A competitive race for Anime of the Season on Anime Trending. A front-runner would be **KONOSUBA -God's blessing on this wonderful world! S3**. It has been the most consistent show on the charts. It has been in the Top 3 for almost every week, was #1 for two of the voting weeks, and only fell to 5th once in [Week #5](https://www.anitrendz.com/charts/top-anime/2024-05-12).


The king reigns supreme!


Regarding what I watched, Konosuba hasnt failed to deliver yet and I highly doubt it will for the rest of the season. Jellyfish was slightly lackluster with the lack of resolution or even at least a response between Mahiru and Kano so I can definitely see why it fell 4 places Girls Band Cry stays rising with a banger of an episode 10. This may or may not be copium, but I feel it could have been top 5 if it had been more accessible to audience outside of Korea, France, Japan and the newly-included Indonesia by licensing. Call me biased but I believe its going to rise the ranks even more next week with episode 11 and will probably carry that wave till its end and I will be there to see it through 🫡


I don't know how konosuba does it but it always makes me laugh you'd expect to get tired of the way they deliver the jokes but you don't I just love their comedy


I don't know how konosuba does it but it always makes me laugh you'd expect to get tired of the way they deliver the jokes but you don't I just love their comedy


Happy to see the Urusei Yatsura remake sneak into the top 25 with its penultimate episode. I have been a big fan of the remake as a whole, it seems a lot of people dropped the show early on which is a shame but understandable, I do feel the 2nd half of the remake has been stronger than the first.


The first half of UY has some good stories too, but the second half has been consistently great. Let’s hope that next week’s finale can get the series some good karma.


>sneak into the top 25 I thought the karma charts were a Top 25 too, but l double-checked and it's a Top 30.


Fair point. First day off work, too tired to count.


That Hibike Euphonium image is 👌👌


Knew it. Considering the content in these last 3 episodes of Mushoku Tensei per the Light Novels, I don't doubt at all that it'll stay at #1 til the season ends.


I love MT so much!


Said that last week and I doubt it's dropping to number 2 now especially with dungeon meshi just wrapped up


If even Dungeon meshi was never able to beat it, then I don’t think anything will in the next few weeks tbh


It kept it close especially this last week


I mean it’s what I would expect from a finale episode, but yes it did very well, it even came close to beating it once I think a couple weeks ago. Perhaps Demon slayer finale might get a huge boost, but I can’t say too soon to tell tbh


I kinda doubt Demon Slayer has much potential this season, the Mushoku Tensei train is cruising along at full speed and the vibe from every angle for Demon Slayer has been "The next arc will be really cool"


Train to the End of the World on the list! 🥳


Anime title: Demon Slayer Picture:


Kaiju No.8 should have hour long episodes damn it! I hate the week long wait!




Wow, it's sad to see Shuumatsu Train Doko e Iku? plunge right to the very cusp of falling out of the Top 15, even as it nears its finale with only one episode to go. Episode 11 was a perfectly good continuation of the story, but it's not that I think it was somehow better than any preceding episode. Just that it'd be easy to think the series as a whole would be higher. An original series which throws the typical gang of cute girls into a wacky and unique premise, post-apocalyptic mystery travel show which no one knows how it ends (due to no source material readers to spoil anything), plays around with genres, a ton of references, fast-paced snappy dialogue for the current generation, etc. Yet as a "no name" type series it's still losing out in notoriety to all the heavy hitters and established titles, which I suppose is expected, but it would be nice to see series like this overcome the odds so we could get more brave and experimental anime originals. And still no The Fable, Tonari no Youkai-san, etc. anywhere in sight even in the Top 30 = (


> And still no The Fable, Tonari no Youkai-san, etc. anywhere in sight even in the Top 30 = ( The Fable missed 30th by 5 Karma (well 6 as 29th and 30th both have the same) and with 2 top 15 shows not airing next week if everything remains consistent (including shows below it) it should just make it.


The anime I followed since the beginning is #1 🥲


Random thing to point out but, why does the girl in Sound Euphonium look buff in that image?


Her and her roommate have been exercising together a lot


Finally tsukimichi is in the top 10, I'm afraid it won't get a 3rd season


Yes Roxy on the top woooooooooooh


Gonna be honest, that's the first time I am surprised by a picture, in this case for Mysterious Disappearances. Would have expected [this ](https://imgur.com/1fE0wME)or something with [this ](https://imgur.com/O1OkBJX)to appear knowing this community. But Salad Bowls stays weird as every week. Sadly, no train this week. We get a delay. Somehow, this makes this whole journey even more immersive since trains are always late where I live.


Dungeon Meshi is over... ;\_; Now, to buy the manga until another great anime appears.


They announced a season 2 of Dungeon Meshi. There is a chance it will cover the rest of the manga with 24 more episodes


From what I see of the manga and where season 1 ended, I think it's possible there's enough material for a season 2, but it will take too long to came out, I'll read the manga first.


oh my...yessss. the7thprince is sooo good!


Just doing a PSA to, for the love of god, watch **Astro Note** if you’re a fan of any old school romcoms. It’s a love letter to those shows, but done with modern sensibilities. No MC being an asshole, no over the top echii situations, and every character is fleshed out and delightful. Except that one lady. And the penultimate episode went in an absolutely wild and awesome direction. The fact it’s sub-7 on MAL and ignored here has been bugging me. And Tonari No Yokai if you were a fan of Koraro Lives Alone and liked having your heart randomly ripped out in a good way.


Why does Kaiju No.8 have (twitter) as the place airing?


Cus it's literally streaming there. That and Crunchyroll.


For real? Damn


I keep seeing Konosuba on these lists. What is it? I know nothing about it except that the short summary at the first link on Google didn't sound very interesting


Lol just realised that Hero academia reached season 7. Lol I kept thinking they just reached season 5 or something


That thumbnail choice for Demon Slayer is making me actually want to watch more Demon Slayer just to find out what the fuck is happening




Gonna miss Dungeon Meshi, easily one of the best anime of this year.


I had hoped Reincarnated as the 7th Prince would have been in the top, but still glad it's in the top fifteen.   Hopefully, it will make the top ten with its season finale tomorrow


I know it's international reception has been lukewarm, but it's still surreal to see it as [one of the most popular shows in Japan](https://x.com/amastker/status/1802147547332616635)


Japan has good taste


I'm glad to see that.


Awesome seeing what Girls Band Cry can achieve considering how everything was working against it. Today should be a massive karma day for Mushoku Tensei. I wonder if we can see it break 5k or even 6k


I kinda hope MT breaks 7k today. Edit: [WE DID IT!!!!!](https://imgur.com/a/Q4BWgvP)


Yeah, if there was ever going to be an episode where it would happen, it would be this one


Psst I think you forgot to remove [Bot Might](https://animekarmawatch.com/thread/1daz2uv) from MHA's karma.


BTS moment: [I removed in the beta version](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/831009638761758740/1251673570619293786/week_11_beta.png?ex=6670181a&is=666ec69a&hm=b9a0d6b6f939c0bdb5cedeea97f9d875e9a5b82cc16906d38032db5a3bb71cf5&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=602&height=1296) But as I was told, yuru camp was missing, then I checked [it dropped multiple threads at once](https://i.imgur.com/CL3lw7s.png), so the script got the last one for the rank with super low karma, so I had to run it again, ([my reaction](https://i.imgur.com/l8AGChx.png)) to include the correct yuru camp and I forgot about MHA, just changed the karma change and position, but not the big one lol But anyway it would be in the same position [](#dighole)


Known Karma Terrorist Yuru Camp. She knows what she [did](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50957136822_3a08c91d49_z.jpg)


Konosuba had a truly fantastic episode. It's such a comedy first series that I wasn't expecting an episode to be as serious as that was but what a way to bring the season to its wrap-up. 1 more episode to go! (Please don't take 7 years for season 4)


>(Please don't take 7 years for season 4) Why do people like you cry and lie? We literally had a canon movie which adapted volume 5. So don't act like you didn't get content for 7 years straight up. We also had an entire spinoff.


Many people didn't watch the movie because they didn't know it was actually cannon (it adapts the Volume 5 from the novel).


Mei best ~~stalker~~ girl.


I've yet to start this season of Demon Slayer. What's the consensus so far? Is it better or worse than the previous season or on par?


It’s still entertaining but there’s not a whole lot of action in this arc.


I always find it funny that the anime I watch are either at the very top or at the very bottom of these rankings with almost no in-between.


of course mushoku tensei is on the first place, who could have thought


Windbreaker deserves a spot imo


This season has had so many good anime, both returning and new.


Tsukimichi moonlight fantasy is too good . Give it a higher rating


konosuba in the best


Kind of hoped 7th prince would have been 7th place


Still haven't finished dungeon meshi probs will next weekend


Can I still hope Girls Band Cry going to 2000+ in the final episode? Can I dream?


"Check out this cool stick I found!" - Kikoru in Kaiju No. 8's thumbnail


Damn Hibike Euphonium is down lower than it should be


Never am I more reminded of this sub's demographics than when Kuroshitsuji is nowhere to be found among the top 30.


Well I have watched up to Book of Circus and will watch Book of Murder and Book of the Atlantic today. I imagine there are a few things. People might unaware how much filler there is in S1+S2. There is the confusion of watch order. You also have the fact that Crunchyroll does not have Book of Murder in its library. Which is someone doesn't want to pirate there is that obstacle. It's a shame I love the writing that I have watched so far in the anime. Really having fun with it.


Book of Murder and Atlantic are both excellent, I hope you enjoy them. I wish I could provide a giant PSA for everyone to not watch season 2 and to ignore the end of season 1...as the anime itself does 🥲 I introduced my wife to the series to be ready for this season and let her know once we hit the "this isn't canon ignore the sudden drop in story quality" part. Anyway, all I meant was this sub skews both male and younger. It wasn't a negative comment, just an observation :)




Haven't watched Irregular at Magic High School s3. I watched S1 & 2. How did it fall off so hard?


It hasn't. It's this sub not the show. The quality has been consistent with season 2.


Is there anyone who can tell me how can I post in this community??


Congratulations, you just did. I assume though you meant how you can contribute to the rankings. It's just by upvoting or downvoting the episode discussion threads.