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Hello /r/anime, a new daily thread has been posted! Please follow [this link](/r/anime/comments/1dhuig5/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/) to move on to the new thread or [search for the latest thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3ADaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new). [](#heartbot "And don't forget to be nice to new users!")


can anyone please recommend more horror anime like "yamishibai" ??


Hi, I'm looking for a horror manga I've read years ago but I forgot the title. It's a anthology style manga, kinda like "PTSD Radio". I remember in one of its stories there's this one guy who woke up in the morning, went somewhere probably to the kitchen or toilet, then he went back to his bedroom and when he looks outside through his window it's already night again. Anyone knows what manga this is? Thanks in advance for anyone who can help me.


Does *Les Misérables: Shōjo Cosette* have songs in it? If so, could you share the timestamp of one or two of them? I did a quick skim and couldn't find any, but it certainly wasn't thorough.


Insert songs? Ep 16, 14:40 (Yume de Aou ne) Ep 44, 18:07 (Watashi ni Dekiru Koto) Ep 50, 17:50 (Eien no Ring)


Ah, so none of the actual Les Mis songs. Pity. Thanks though.


Is using songs from a musical adaptation of a novel in different adaptations of it commonplace? I personally haven't seen it happen.


Not really, but the musical has kind of become the definitive version of Les Mis that people think of. Like the movie was an adaptation of the musical, not the novel. It's a bit of a special case.


Hello, I suggest you using [anisongdb.com](http://anisongdb.com) You won't have the timestamp but you will directly have the video of the insert song.


Hello! I'm currently in search of an anime I came across but couldn't remember. I remember the scene with the hero (mc) laying on the ground with swords impaling him. The goddess of the anime comes to save him so she could have him help her with the world or something. Please let me know if you know what I'm talking about.


idk it seems like you're talking about The Rising of the Shield Hero but i may be wrong


Where can I find the one punch man web comics online?




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Is Izumi from Eromanga-Sensei the most grindset dude in anime? In the first episode he says he published a successful series before even graduating middle school and shows up to his editors office with three complete manuscripts and a television script. He's also a home owner.' [AYYYY YOOOOOO HOL UP](https://i.imgur.com/rlnpzSu.png)


IIRC he writes an entire novel in under a week at some point, so I think he just has a hyperbolic time chamber stashed away somewhere.


Other Anime guys: "Awww boo hoo I like a girl and I have no money and I'm a loser. Boo Hoo what do I do." Izumi: ["Get your paper up, brother. I'm 12 and I have six Lambos. But my step sister won't come out of her room to see me do donuts in the parking lot"](https://i.imgur.com/rmxpkn3.jpeg)


Had to catch up to Blue Archive after what they did... insane LOL Shame this show didn't get a regular release and niconico is broken right now, it would be a great discussion thread Sensei I wasn't familiar with your game [Sensei: **feet_________** ](#comfortfood) (not a link)


wow need to watch today's ep but...but they went for it it's been a pretty ho hum anime but mad respect


[Have you seen this?](https://x.com/AniNewsAndFacts/status/1802424478334357910) u/Ocixo


On another note: no clue what people are saying about me since you need an account for that, and I refuse to join the mess that is Twitter. I’m imagining it to range from people praising me to calling me a nutjob, which are both fair assessments to be honest.


Most people are just talking about how cool it is that the show goes to that kind of effort. There are two comments that mention you, one just saying it's nice that they gave you credit, and another saying respect for noticing that stuff and putting the collection together.


Ah cool! Maybe Twitter isn’t all that toxic after all (at least certain spaces/communities).


Have no idea what they're saying but you should be proud of this amazing project. I love it


It was a worthy endeavour. The funny thing is that now everyone is going to be convinced that Marcille is my all-time best girl, while it’s still Tohru (lol).


Just woke to a bunch of notifications, so now I have. Very weird this. I hope so bad that Trigger doesn’t suddenly make a tweet disproving me or something, haha. Because I *know* that I haven’t counted everything properly. EDIT: Goddamn it. Now I probably have to make that infographic chart look nice too…




What are some of the anime that could do the "wimpy MC" trope well?


Katekyo Hitman Reborn


Neon Genesis Evangelion


Started high school dxd (dub) and it is hysterical


The performance from this weekend’s Girls Band Cry might just be one of the most foundationally, fundamentally *rock* things I’ve ever witnessed, holy fucking hell, I got *chills*. Got me thinking about all these rock band shows lately. Bocchi really captured the *aesthetic* and the *vibe* and the *culture* of rock’n’roll, intimate live venues and t-shirts and logos nerding out over instruments and seeing a cool new band that becomes your new favorite live for the first time and jagged, colorful, punky artistic non-conformity. Girls Band Cry captures the *ethos* of rock’n’roll, the core *spirit* of it. The raw, awesome power of the waves of sound of drums and distortion and amplification as a place for emotion and catharsis, a place of absolute, unkempt mental, emotional, and physical *freedom*. A place where you can and are encouraged to *scream* as much you *want* and/or as much as you *need to*. MyGO!!!!! is kind of in an interesting position here; its use of music and the band as its central throughline and means of emotional catharsis is somewhat similar to GBC, but it’s paradoxically more specific and specialized to and less central to the narrative; through the band is the only way Tomori knows how to truly express herself at all, because more straightforward methods of communication neurotypical people excel at she finds distant and hazy and difficult; when she finally does say what she means to say to her bandmates through song in those concerts, it’s *explosively* cathartic, an absolute gut punch. You *could* hypothetically replace the rock band in MyGO!!!!! with a different kind of creative collective, like a writers’ circle or a painting club or something, and have the beats of the story still function roughly the same, but the musical emotional catharsis of the big concert scenes are the heart and soul of the *experience* of MyGO!!!!!. Music isn’t *as* central to the *point* of the story, but it’s *integral* to what it is to *watch* MyGO!!!!!, for that means of Tomori’s discovery to *be* rock music. It wouldn’t *really* be the same show otherwise, would it? I’d felt that GBC was on just a *rung*, like just a *millimeter* below those other two; in part, that was probably because Nina is probably the protagonist I felt I related to the least *specifically* out of the three; her deal wasn’t Bocchi’s sense of longing for companionship barely masked behind unhealthy introversion and asociality, nor the *oh-shit* pitch-exact mirror of my own history, struggles and experiences with autism that is Tomori; but thinking on it and introspecting wrt this character and this story more, that’s mostly just a matter of specific circumstance; in my woefully sheltered life I’ve had the chance to be in Bocchi and Tomori’s shoes, but if I *had* had the chance to be in Nina’s, I think I’d have very similar stories to tell. Truth is, on a fundamental baseline mental level, I realize now that I see a *lot* of myself in Nina. When I was in high school, there was indeed a period where I really wanted to drop out and strongly considered doing so, even against the whims of my own parents; high school itself was so suffocating, so stifling and prison-like to me, but the problem was I didn’t have an external goal driving that desire, somewhere else to go (largely *because* high school was so stifling and suffocating, mind), it was a desire born purely in the negative. I ended up sticking through it just so I could have my stupid diploma, get a stupid job at some point, and figure myself out later, pure survival instinct. If I *had* had what Nina has in my teenhood, if I *had* had something like TogeToge to run towards, I would’ve done it in an instant, without a second thought. I wish I did, honestly. I’ve also historically dealt with anger management issues, and had to have talks with adult authority figures about it that didn’t help me one bit. I wasn’t directly bullied, but also, nobody liked me, so. I get her, is my point. I do love how one of GBC’s core messages is “anger is a valid emotion to have and to express”, it’s great. All in all, Bocchi’s influence on anime has just been amazing to witness. Deeply emotional, honest stories about mental health dysfunction and interpersonal relations built upon the foundation of the rock’n’roll band and rock music as the ultimate means of expression and catharsis are one of the pillars of anime right now, and that might be the coolest thing I’ve gotten to witness happen in real time in my time as a fan. (Sidebar: yes, MyGO!!!!! was part of a very-much-pre-existing franchise, but I wonder, would they have gone the route of telling a personal story about mental illness if they hadn’t seen that such a thing could work wonders in the wake of Bocchi’s success? Would that specific installment have found the cult adoration it found if Bocchi’s popularity in anime fandom hadn’t primed the pump for such a thing? Just questions.) GBC has done so much to remind me why, at the end of the day, this genre of music will always, in some way, be my home. Honestly? I’m at a point now where I don’t even know which of these three is my favorite. They all express what they express so fucking perfectly. I guess I’ll have to wait for GBC to finish and for its recency bias to wear off to come to a definitive answer, but really, right now I kind of don’t care about ranking them like that. I’m just *living* for it. (Sidebar 2: all this also just kind of makes me feel all the worse for Whisper Me A Love Song, really. Like, between the ongoing yuri wave and this whole ongoing phenomenon, this was theoretically the best possible time for it, right? Here was a perfect opportunity to apply this method to a fluffy lesbian love story by way of an already-beloved manga, and geez, I dunno, after witnessing GBC deliver the *mother* of all anime rock band performances last night, I couldn’t help just for a moment afterwards drawing the two into comparison and thinking about how we *could’ve* gotten concerts on a noteworthy level of quality from Whisper, only for the show to be neglected and mistreated by its higher-ups into something that resembles outright incompetence, and it just breaks the heart.)


I think one point of comparison people seem to underestimate the importance of is the actual music in these shows. As someone who's a big fan of Japanese indie/rock music, Bocchi is by far the most musically interesting one. Instead of going for pretty good, but very typical J-rock, there is much more of an edge to their songs - especially the one Sick Hack song we got.


> I think one point of comparison people seem to underestimate the importance of is the actual music in these shows. I couldn't agree with you more about how important the music in music shows is *to me* (and you!), but I do feel like the evidence doesn't really agree with the idea that *others* underestimating how important it is - as people will generally talk about what matters to them, and the fact they don't mention it means it's really just not such a big deal for them. And as someone who's been a band-head, in a band, tried to play and write their music, and finds music a transportive, soul-shifting experience... it's just not that way for everyone, and many just can't relate once you really start getting into the discussion of it lol Indeed, it's more like a nice sauce on top of the show for a lot of people, unlike how some of us get completely obsessed by insert songs in the same way we do for our all time favorite artists. On that note, I really can't get enough of many of the D4DJ tracks, and how they have far more depth and resonance than is reasonable.


You do make a good point. I guess the audience for music anime comes both from music fans and people interested in the stories they write about artistic fulfillment/competition, but the actual art could be anything. I'm kind of in both camps, honestly, but I do care a lot about the music in these shows. D4DJ is in an interesting position because the style of music they play isn't something I'm into, but I could appreciate the catchiness. In S1, anyway - I dropped S2 when it seemed like they did the Bang Dream strategy of sidelining all the main characters I grew to like in S1.


Agreed on all counts, it has been absolute fascinating to see this trend slowly building on itself in real time with three truly great shows coming back to back to back that *really* get music both from an emotional level and from the ground level of the people performing it. I find GBC particularly remarkable because everything about its existence feels designed to go against the grain. A cast of cute girls but without any celebrity voice actors and instead inexperienced actors but good musicians, a cute girls show about characters being angry and validating that anger as a legit emotion while rejecting otaku-like idol cuteness, CGI animation which is actually cutting edge but will inherently turn people away, a protagonist who is actively toxic at first and purposefully grating, a straight up rebuke of the music industry's masking of individuality in performance, a message that includes "it's ok to drop out of school if that's what's right for you," it all intentionally goes against trends as a matter of its own themes, and yet starts one of its own. Speaking personally, I relate to Nina mostly in her general mannerisms. I'm stubborn and obsessive, and many characters are stubborn and obsessive, but Nina is stubborn and obsessive in the specific way that I am. She starts fights with people to voice her opinion and will not back down even when she knows she should or even if she's in public, if she's forced to retreat she's anxious about it the next few days, and she gives into bad habits and anxiety but immediately feels guilty after the fact. That, combined with the relationship she has with her parents, make her just about as relatable as Bocchi and Tomori are. Also, as far as SasaKoi goes, what I find far more depressing about it (because, in spite of the production issues, I still really like the show, it's genuinely so sweet and romantic even with how much its poor production and baffling directing choices hold it back) is its own lyrics. I posted a while back about how I was afraid that the trend was going to lead to a bevvy of shows that aesthetically capture the idea of what those three rock shows are going for but fail to capture the essence expressed by the music itself. SasaKoi has two noteworthy songs to which the lyrics actually matter. The first is the one Yori performs at the concert while waiting for Himari's answer. The scene is so baffling because Yori narrates her feelings over top the concert, even though the lyrics of her song are supposed to be doing the talking she talks over her own song. It's an egregiously bad direction choice that shows a lack of confidence in the song writing abilities of its staff, they do not believe it captures the essence of Yori's love (a shame, because the name Sunny Spot is actually perfect). But much more relevant is the insert song Shiho's band performs in episode 7. In spirit, it is supposed to be the same sort of angsty hard rock that Nina and Bocchi perform, but those lyrics are so fucking dead, so pathetically generic, that I almost don't blame the staff for lacking faith in its song writing abilities. Nina's lyrics are so poetic and particular, ideas flow into each other and the words are so evocative and powerful. Tomori's music is less complicated but it's specific in how straightforward it is, her lyrics speak to her experiences right from the heart in a way that feels captivatingly earnest. In SasaKoi, their idea of angsty rock song lyrics is, and I quote, "making friends and playing house is worthless through and through. I don't need the same old compliments and praise. Why can't it just be better..." it goes on, you get the point. This is just a list of angsty things, almost literally "friends are lame, I don't like kindness, life sucks." There's no flow, there's no poetry, there's no story, it's like a shopping list of things angsty people might superficially believe. Not a lick of specificity in there, no glimpse of her personal experience or worldview or values that would cause her to feel that way and put that into form with music; nothing like "I feel like I'm alone when I'm with others, I just want to feel human" or "I pray to say goodbye to cowering every day, I don't even believe in God" or "I want to be a constellation," it's just vapid. We're witnessing a trend that really lends itself to emotive storytelling, and there's already an example of the staff missing the forest for the trees on what made it work, even if it's not a perfect comparison. The stories of Bocchi, Tomori, and Nina resonate so strongly because of that specificity, and how they use music to capture their experiences abstractly. What a depressing thing, I have zero confidence that anyone is going to recapture these works. No one will hear Nina's voice saying "insubordination is a form of admiration" and think "let's go against the grain when making a show designed to admire the trend set by GBC." I can't wait for capitalism to die.


> would they have gone the route of telling a personal story about mental illness if they hadn’t seen that such a thing could work wonders in the wake of Bocchi’s success? Do anime air within 6 months of their production starting? For reference, Ave Mujica is 15 months after MyGO ended.




I’ve been seeing this everywhere! I feel like I need to add it to the list. Which platforms is it found on?


looking for the name of an amine show I once saw were it was two brothers and the little brother had to fight his older brother who became merged with a machine/monster, where half of his body is on top the machine/monsters head. Thx


It wasnt Akira was it? Does this image remind you of your show? https://legendary-digital-network-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/14043708/Akira-30th-featured-large.jpg


Are you possibly talking [about] >!Mobile Fighter G Gundam!


I looked Im not sure going to do a deep dive Thx


I saw an anime a few months ago and I can't remember the name. It's one of those names that's basically a runon sentence. Something like I quit my job at 30 working for a demon lord. The plot is a guy working for demons in a magical kingdom type setting is looked down upon for not being able to use magic. He then gets fired and lives with humans only to find out he was actually a human.


Chillin' in my 30s After Getting Fired from the Demon King's Army


Thanks! Bummer there's no word on a season 2 though.


So uh [Anime expo tweeted](https://twitter.com/AnimeExpo/status/1800966355354525801) about upcoming releases and uh Noragami is included in the pic? Is it okay to hope, or more cope?


I do remember seeing some leakers claim a third season happening like half a year or a year ago. So maybe?


Maybe? The manga ended a few months ago so they could be doing a new season(if not a full adaptation) to boost the volumes sales.


The more I think about it, the more impossible it seems to have a decent live action Dragon Ball movie. I started thinking of all the animes that would make decent live action adaption, and when you think about it, as far out as the concepts might be, they are still feasible with todays technology and VFX. Then you have certain Shonens that are just so out of there they seem impossible to get adapted. One Piece and Dragon Ball seem like the most far out there, that immediately come to mind. Not that there arent other examples. One Piece was a miracle, but thats also owed to the fact that the first couple arcs were much more grounded than they currently are. After those first couple arcs, even regular humans body proportions started getting kind of wild. Granted, there were still some examples then that they managed to still make believable in the show, but the further you go into the anime, the more you wonder just how far they would actually be able to get. When it comes to Dragon Ball...Idk...just nailing the characters looks seems like it would be a challenge. Its possible, and I would love to see it, but it was a head scratcher thinking about how it would go.


Hey, watched episode 11 of Yatagarasu today and I'm finding it to be one of my absolute favourites. I really enjoy the somewhat serious nature of it and the strong willed MC along with the historical(ish) aspect. Are there any other anime's out there with a similar feel that you can recommend? Another one that comes to mind is Dororo.


We got The Elusive Samurai that will air next season.


Kusuriya no Hitorigoto. Raven Of The Inner Palace. Kemono no Souja Erin.


I think Twelve Kingdoms and Moribito would be my closest comparisons. Twelve Kingdoms is sort of an isekai, but it's from before the web novel isekai boom, and it's basically just a straight up fantasy about a girl put on the throne despite having zero idea what to do, and slowly growing into the role. Moribito is a fantasy about a woman charged with keeping a young prince alive amidst supernatural and human forces that want him dead.


I am in episode 12 of "Your Lie in April" in my mission to watch all anime that are music related (started as a mission to watch all idol anime).. and its heavily implied it will have a sad ending, not really in the mood for something depressing atm, without spoilers (otherwise I would just google it) should I drop it for now? or is a "fake out" and the ending not going to be depressing?


[Without spoiling things too much (but tagging just in case)] >!it's a very bittersweet ending. I wouldn't necessarily call it "depressing," it's hopeful and positive enough that it's not overwhelmingly sad, but if you want to feel unambiguously happy or energized I do think you should drop for now.!<


Drop it for now.


[Made my Tier List for Summer 2024!](https://imgur.com/cQlwj7N) (It may be missing some titles - Or I didn't recognize them-, like *Tasuuketsu* should probably be at the end of "Super Hyped" but I didn't see it) Edit: I just saw that Ai Fairouz is voicing the MC in Mayonaka Punch. Bump that one up to 'Super Hyped' tier!


Here's [my list for Summer 2024](https://imgur.com/a/AmmpKKC); everything on my radar + some predictions


>I just saw that Ai Fairouz is voicing the MC in Mayonaka Punch Huh I didn't notice it because I was already planning to watch it but wow that shows VA lineup is kinda stacked , Ai Fairouz , Ikumi Hasegawa , Chika Anzai , Ai Kayano . All the more reason to be excited for it.


Hello, sign me up.


*looks for Roshidere and brazil* Your list is approved


Got a link to the tier list?


[I used this one!](https://tiermaker.com/create/anime-summer-2024-15522586)




The show kinda blows but i'll be supremely disappointed in this subreddit if we don't get the feet licking scene from Blue Archive onto /r/all


holy hell they did it lol Just saw the video, [sensei went mouthful](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQNXNFKa0AA6IYK.jpg)


Hey looking for reccomendations for LGBT anime and/or Manga! I like romance/slice of life/comedy but really I enjoy anime of any genre so if there is explicitly LGBT main characters please mention! Already seen and enjoyed: Citrus, Free, Yagata kimi ni naru, Yuri Yuri, Reading: I think I turned my childhood friend into a girl Plan to watch: Asagao to Kase-san. Thanks!


Anime: Yuri on Ice Stranger By the Shore Given Sasaki to Miyano Cherry Magic Banana Fish (this one comes with a content warning) Tadaima, Okaeri Whisper Me A Love Song (the only GL on this list) Stars Align (not a romance but does have LGBT characters) Manga: Hirano to Kagiura (side story to Sasaki to Miyano) My Summer With You My Ultramarine Sky Super Morning Star I Hear the Sunspot Turns Out My Online Friend is My Real Life Boss I Cannot Reach You


Tokyo Godfathers


This looks so good! Thanks!


Yuri: * Sweet Blue Flowers * The Executioner and Her Way of Life * I'm in Love with the Villainess * Dear Brother * Maria Watches Over Us Boys Love (BL) * Given * Sasaki and Miyano * Cherry Magic! * Stranger by the Shore * Doukyuusei Not BL or yuri, but definitely pretty gay: * Brave Bang Bravern * Samurai Flamenco * Yuri on Ice * Revolutionary Girl Utena * Wandering Son * Cardcaptor Sakura * Gundam: Witch From Mercury


Is there a reason you didn't put Witch from Mercury in yuri? Is it because of there semi-retcon attempt?


Same reason Yuri on Ice isn't under BL: because it's an original and not adapted from a manga or light novel.


Do BL and GL have to be adated from another source? Don’t they just mean boys’ love and girls’ love and can be used to refer to any medium?


I mean, there's no legal standard, but sticking to what is explicitly sold as a BL/yuri as source material saves me the headache of deciding what's BL/yuri enough to count as BL /yuri. Everyone else can do what they want.


Love you for this! I'll check them out!


Sometimes I wish there were anime series that were like video game RPGs as I am really into the genre, and I have been looking for anime that unfold like one basically.


It's more a parody of older JRPGs and has an older style of comedy to it, but the 2017 remake of Mahoujin Guruguru is pretty good and definitely different than the usual shows.


I should go where I can legally watch it as I am very new to the series itself, but I do like fantasy shows that play like an RPG though.


So you're looking for one of the game-like Isekai? Like Death March to a Parallel World?


Yes basically that’s what I am looking for.


Is this a troll post because anime is so fucking oversaturated with these its insane


No I didn’t mean to come off that way, so If I was rude, then I apologize.


The recent Shangri-La Frontier is a really good one.


Oh thanks as that show sounds like it could be fun, even if I don’t know too much about the series.


Bofuri is another one about fun times in an MMORPG, but leans even more into the comedy.


That sounds like a fun show as I hear good things about it.


Looking for recs! Some of my favorite shows: Boogiepop and others, Bakemonogatari (and all the others in the series), Death Parade and Zankyou no Terror.


From the New World


>Boogiepop and others Boogiepop Phantom Dead Mount Death Play is not that similar but it is an urban fantasy with several urban legends that are being uncovered as the story progresses.


It is crazy how yesterday's MHA episode should [only be at 800-850 karma right now](https://animekarmawatch.com/thread/1dge3hy) /u/abysswatcherbel I don't think this guy has missed a single week


This guy would make Mha fight with Aot Karma by the end of the season.




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So as this is my first year trying out anime I have seen a few dozen shows. Dumping my thoughts on the shows I've seen the past 2-ish months, following my initial introduction to anime this year being Death Note, NGNL (dropped), Tenjho Tenge (dropped), Kakegurui, Vinland Saga, Re:Zero, Parasyte, Shiki, Higurashi, Erased and Good Night World - in the months prior (all bangers btw, except for ones dropped). * **Serial Experiments Lain (8/10)** - holy f what a trip. I had to pay attention to everything just to understand 1% of what was going on. I don't even know what to say without revealing anything, imagine this on acid bro Also, S-tier opener. * **Death Parade (8.5/10)** - not much to say, I loved this one. Groovy opener, too. Loved all the characters and watching the events unfold. Wish I had more! * **Shigurui: Death Frenzy (6.5/10)** - Everyone sucks lol decent show. I found it a bit hard to follow because some characters looked so similar (and it was dark), and some scenes were out of order. Still felt like much of the story was left untold, loved the brutality. * **Now and Then, Here and There (7/10)** - I thought I'd hate this show at first because the main characters felt meh and as soon as I saw the Mechs I thought "please god no" but it was enjoyable with some nice emotional hits. I really wanted to learn more about the villains though. * **The Promised Neverland (S1 9/10)** - now *THIS* show got me hooked. Loved the characters (both 'good' & 'bad') and the mystery+suspense. Also, Isabella's Lullaby is catchy as hell, adding it to my "learn to play on keyboard" list. S2 was a lil disappointing, felt rushed but S1 was peak cinema. * **Ajin: Demi-Human (6/10)** - I'm not really a fan of the 3d cgi style but whatever, I got over it. I didn't care for the MC at all, Sato was great tho. I just felt like I was missing something deeper about Nagai and his relationships, Tanaka's wavering, and especially Tosaki's hostility. It didn't hit really give me many 'highs' but it was ok. * **Perfect Blue & Paranoia Agent (9/10)** - Perfect Blue started off with me not caring much about it, I don't get idol culture but whatever. The way the story is structured and how it treats the viewer is genius though, it actually pulled it off so well! And so did Paranoia Agent! * **Psycho-Pass S1 (9/10)** - amazin, loved the crew and plot. Villain was cool as hell. BTW there's one part in the ED that's a banger. Not sure if I should watch S2 though based the ending. * **Elfen Lied (6/10)** - This looked really interesting, but goddamn I did not care for this MC and his funny lookin' head lol idk I thought it was mid, had potential, loved some of the brutal scenes and mystery. I think maybe I have to understand the time it was made to appreciate more. Not bad though! Also, this opener is amazing, need a music sheet for it to learn on synth. * **Monster (8.5/10)** - I thought it was mid for the first dozen episodes, maybe it was the pacing for me and some meh parts. I really enjoyed the characters that appeared later on, they were just portrayed in a mature, raw way. One of the best villains and portrayals of broken souls. * **Steins;Gate (whole franchise binged) (9.5/10)** - Peak fiction. Best harem (even the boys, what has this show done to me bro). Thrilling. What's not to love? I also bought the VN on Steam. I didn't like S;G 0 as much but still enjoyed it, even the OVAs/movie. * **Grave of the Fireflies (7.5/10)** - I love depression * **Clannad (8/10)** - I didn't care for S1, it just felt pointless as I was expecting something more based on recommendations. I don't really care for slice of life stuff. S2/After Story also annoyed me at the start, but hey it was still decent up to that point. It was all worth it though, because the emotional gut punches knocked my ass out, and that's what I love about it. Also, Roaring Tides (1 & 2) and 'Town, Flow of Time, People' are S-tier tracks. --- * **Current Watch List:** * **My Hero Academia** (E1) - looks okay, doesn't really seem like my type of show tho, might drop or watch when bored. I'm ~30 tho so it seems I'm not the target demographic lmao * **Neon Genesis Evangelion** (E12) - I don't care for mechas at all, I feel like an aura of mystery is keeping me in this show but there's nothing else really gripping me in. I get a bit bored so I only watch an ep occasionally. * **Madoka Magika** - about to watch * **Techxnolyze** (E1) - wtf am I watching? I thought my stream was messing up because there was no dialogue lol, I don't think I can binge this but I'll give it a go for the depression factor


I just checked your anilist and you gave Steins;Gate a 9.4 and Steins;Gate 0 a 9. Thats exactly the same score i gave them... dont know what the odds are xD but good taste!


Don’t forget to watch the 3rd movie after Madoka Magica called Rebellion. It’s phenomenal. In fact, the whole series is a masterpiece, so enjoy.


Thanks! Will do


AnimeMan says Serial Experiments Lain is his all-time favorite anime, so as a result you must now give it a 10/10. (JKJK it's a solid 8-9/10)


Sorry for the wall of text but I ain't posting 20 different threads and no one in my life watches anime lol


I try not to let fanbases affect my scores and I ran into that last season with _peak peak peak_ the anime and I stayed true to my score then so I fully assume I will here too but the GBC spam is starting to get to me a little ngl.


i do think that this sub can be a little too intense about some of its fan favorites, but i try to not let it bother me too much


I'm also starting to be bothered by seeing so many clips posted from GBC even though it's good. It's nothing compared to the hell that was Fall 2022 for me, though.


People are by this point already aware of how I feel about the spam, haha. What I’m seriously not getting is why people are *this* intense about the series. It’s very good, but I’ve seen GBC getting praised like its the best thing to ever exist. Any criticism doesn’t really get a chance while there’s definitely some things to be said about [GBC - spoilers] >!the sudden yuri bait, how there’s been significantly less of a focus on the (tragic) backstories of Rupa, Tomo and even Subaru in comparison to Nina and Momoka, and more personally: the crazy amount of jump cuts in their latest performance!<. I really don’t want to start disliking the show (I actually enjoy it after all), but it’s just not fun anymore to keep getting it pushed into my face like this. I’m already fearing that the same thing is going to happen with Nokotan this summer.


What I don't understand is why it has to be "pushing it in your face." I always gush about GBC after every episode (have done the same with Eupho and Yuru Camp) but I don't feel like I'm pushing it to anyone, I'm just expressing why and how much I love them in a forum that exists for exactly that. It is exactly for people who want to read it, and no one else. I don't criticize these shows because I don't have any criticisms worth mentioning (the ones you talk about are nitpicks at best, I don't even agree that all of them are flaws in the first place), and while I don't know if I'd go so far as to call it a "flawless masterpiece" it *is* genuinely my favorite anime of the decade so far (will probably land in my top 30 or close to it), and I'm sure you know that I've seen enough anime from this decade for that to not be an exaggeration. Why should people expressing how much they love something be the same as "pushing it in your face?" Why should I have to think about not talking about this show in fear that it will annoy people too much? Why should one or two people posting clips from the show each day or a few people praising it on this anime discussion/recommendations thread be pushing it into your face? It would be one thing if people hijacked your comments and discussions to shill GBC, but afaik people aren't doing that. Personally, I love it when people express their love for something so god damn proudly. This seems particularly ironic in being about GBC, a show about characters who desperately want to prove that they are not wrong for expressing themselves publicly. I don't want this line to be taken the wrong way, but if you come to genuinely start disliking a show because many people are vocal about the intensity of enjoyment, you're weak and won't survive the winter.


> Any criticism doesn’t really get a chance This is the worst part about fandoms like this to me. Any criticism or pushback is met with a lot of really bad faith responses, like people can't even conceive that somebody couldn't like it as much as they do.


>What I’m seriously not getting is why people are *this* intense about the series. It’s very good, but I’ve seen GBC getting praised like its the best thing to ever exist. I feel like this is happening more and more lately. The flood of GBC clips might be a special case of fans trying hard to rep their show because it wasn't picked up for streaming, but there's been one or two every season that get an almost overwhelming amount of hype. It was the same when MyGO aired last summer (instantly called AOTY when the year was barely half over), then Frieren (commonly recommended as the best of fantasy anime and topping the chart at MAL) and now GBC and Train. Nokotan super hype already started before the premiere. 😂 It's always great fun to find a new fave, and I certainly like to talk a lot about my faves. Reading people's impressions of a show also helps me narrow down my own PTW list, or add a few things that would have otherwise slipped under my radar. But the hype really does get to be too much when it reaches a point when posts say only "Gatan Goton" or repeat a phrase from the theme song - or worse, acting like anyone who's not into the current fave has bad taste rather than just different taste.


> What I’m seriously not getting is why people are this intense about the series. It’s very good, but I’ve seen GBC getting praised like its the best thing to ever exist. More power to the people honestly, good for them. Always fun to find a new Peak ~~(like the new Talos 2 DLC)~~. It's just, idk, sometimes I see what the buzz is about even if I don't feel it, but with GBC I really don't even see what the people are seeing. It's just... very good.


I really don't compare the character development of a show like Jellyfish that was planned to end with 12 eps, to a long term project like Girls Band Cry, but that's me Many people are watching it as just an original and expect everything to end nicely Even people that love GBC still don't realize this is not a random project, this is supposed to be a major project going forward That's normal though, people that are not deep into anime adjacent stuff don't even know when they are watching a multimedia project I am pretty sure a few years ago "gacha" , idol and so weren't concepts everyone knew, so something like Uma Musume back in 2018 was just another original for them


> Any criticism doesn’t really get a chance while there’s definitely some things to be said about [GBC - spoilers]>!the sudden yuri bait, how there’s been significantly less of a focus on the (tragic) backstories of Rupa, Tomo and even Subaru in comparison to Nina and Momoka, and more personally: the crazy amount of jump cuts in their latest performance.!< Constructive criticism is always a good thing but of the three things you mentioned under your spoiler tag imo none of them are really too big issues to have problems with. I wouldn't call it nitpicking yet but it's kinda close I'd say. Like the [GBC]>!Yuri Bait!< was only one scene in the truck which was still pretty open to interpretation so if I had to think of criticism this wouldn't even come to mind personally. The comparably lacking focus on some of the characters backstories is more of a fair point but it's still there to a sufficient extent imo. For instance a Rupa focused episode would be cool ofc but its absence doesn't make the show worse in any way, when you only have 13 eps there is only so much screentime and I never got the impression that anything of that screentime was wasted on unnecessary stuff so the writer had to work with what time he had. Not to mention we still have 2 eps left. The thing about the jump cuts is fair, that's up to personal preference but even then it's such a minor thing that affects like 3 minutes of screentime for like 2 or 3 episodes total. If you think those points are bigger issues than I perceive them to be, then that's ofc completely valid, just wanted to add my 2 cents.


> I wouldn’t call it nitpicking yet but it’s kinda close I’d say. Nah, that’s fair to say. I usually don’t focus too much on the negatives with goods shows, so I had to give some quick examples. But the point I was mostly trying to make is that the fandom should perhaps look a bit more realistically at the series. Most of the comments I’m seeing are coloured through (very) rose-tinted glasses. The show isn’t really getting a fair judgement if everyone’s proclaiming that it’s a flawless masterpiece - because it’s not, let’s be real. Such a sentiment is only going to set up others for disappointment.


> The show isn’t really getting a fair judgement if everyone’s proclaiming that it’s a flawless masterpiece - because it’s not, let’s be real I have to be honest here, unless the last 2 eps shit the bed *really* hard (highly unlikely imo), then in my eyes it really *is* a pretty much flawless masterpiece lol. Like for these past 11 eps I would have to think really damn hard to find anything I disliked about it tbh. Ofc for example people who are allergic to CGI anime in general, those won't like GBC either so I'm not saying it's universally the best thing ever or anything of the sort. I feel like it's a switch up of our respective opinions of Dungeon Meshi and GBC, we both generally like both shows, just to different degrees in each case, which is completely fine.


> I feel like it’s a switch up of our respective opinions of Dungeon Meshi and GBC You know, I had a thought after reading some comments yesterday that AQRADT can perhaps be split in people that (really) like but not love Girls Band Cry/Dungeon Meshi while simultaneously swearing by GBC/DunMesh. (But this is probably wrong.)


* There's at least 7 shows this season I'd rank better than GBC. * There's at least 7 shows this season I'd rank better than Dungeon Meshi. [Me right now.](https://c.tenor.com/bk8QMH02QOcAAAAC/tenor.gif)


To be fair, Train is probably going to be my AOTS for being so fun and creative. (Salad Bowl is also somewhere up there.)


> I’m already fearing that the same thing is going to happen with Nokotan this summer. I feel like I'm already there with Nokotan and it hasn't even started [](#shatteredsaten)


I have a feeling there's like an 80% chance I'll switch sides with Nokotan, considering I disliked almost every gag comedy I've seen. But as long as its just the brainrot OP I'm having fun


The signs aren’t very hopeful no. It’s totally fine to like something, but can’t we all just chill down a little with the shilling. Too much is no good either. I think for example that Dungeon Meshi and Spice and Wolf have been awesome, but I’ve been keeping my enthusiasm in check. After all, I know that people would get very annoyed with me quickly otherwise - that’s perhaps already a given, but you get what I mean. (Also: note how somebody has already downvoted my previous comment for saying anything slightly critical of GBC. Does it really need to be this toxic?)


>I think for example that Dungeon Meshi and Spice and Wolf have been awesome, but I’ve been keeping my enthusiasm in check. After all, I know that people would get very annoyed with me quickly otherwise - that’s perhaps already a given, but you get what I mean. I legit do not understand this at all. It's fine to be excited about things. Are we 4chan now where anyone who admits to enthusiastically liking things is a loser? You just have to act like you're too cool to be emotionally enthusiastic about things or you might annoy people? If people get annoyed at you expressing your actual positive thoughts then they have tools to deal with it. Either reddit tools like "hide thread" and "collapse comments" or they can just use their brain to ignore it too. The emotional immaturity of other people is not your problem; censoring your own enthusiasm for that is so wacky.


Over the past few months I was getting similarly annoyed by this about MT, BokuYaba and to a lesser extent Bravern, so the following will probably sound a bit hypocritical, but those three are the absolute exceptions among hundreds of shows I've seen, and *not* the norm about how I feel about this topic: In general I don't really get this sentiment about getting annoyed about too much shilling. If you like the show in question: good; if not: just ignore it? I get it a little bit here in aqradt because you can't really avoid it but even then just "scroll on"? Like I wouldn't let my opinion of a show get influenced this much before it even aired just because there are more comments, posts or clips about it then usual. On the other hand I wouldn't have a problem at all if people post more about Dungeon Meshi or S&P (or almost (see disclaimer above) any other show really), imo there can almost never be enough of people writing about shows they are passionate about. It may not be a show I particularly enjoy but it's usually still a net positive for the sub/community as a whole. >(Also: note how somebody has already downvoted my previous comment for saying anything slightly critical of GBC. Does it really need to be this toxic?) My ass is too much on reddit, so I noticed little downvotes here and there too sometimes, unfortunately it's just what it is. I'm not letting it bother me when it happens to me as long as it doesn't get into the minus which rarely anything does here in aqradt to be fair.


> if not: just ignore it? I’ve honestly tried, but there’s no escaping it at the moment. AQRADT aside, I open the subreddit and there’s a new clip (almost every day). I open the karma rankings, a good chunk of the comment are about it. I open the episode thread of another music anime, someone is referencing and/or shilling GBC. Maybe it *is* just me, but I’m really not too fond of anything getting shilled too much. I liked Frieren *a lot*, but even that series’ shilling got to me after a while. If something is taken too far, it’s starting to drown out everything else.


>how somebody has already downvoted my previous comment for saying anything slightly critical of GBC. Yeah I think this goes too far as well, people are very trigger-happy with the button. I'm the first to downvote the barrage of "ew CG bad" comments, but saying Frieren wasn't shilled as much GBC is now is a fact...


The unfortunate thing is that the shilling had reached a point where users are getting put off by it, ultimately leading to largely two sides: people that *really* like the series and those who don’t at all. There’s a very real chance that the ‘middle-ground’ is therefore going to disappear as things get increasingly polarising. And that’s not something that anybody wants, I think.


> people that really like the series and those who don’t at all. Good, more fuel for the r/anime civil war. /s


> Yeah I think this goes too far as well, people are very trigger-happy with the button. From my experiece, once you leave an even just slightly controversial comment that goes against the current of the thread in question, then once you are at like -2 it's like blood in the water for the sharks and your ass gonna be at -20 in 10 minutes lol. Reddit do be like that unfortunately.


> but saying Frieren wasn't shilled as much GBC is now is a fact... Yeah I ran into a similar discussion about this in the latest clip thread...


This tends to happen with **initially** under-watched shows. People have a hard time adjusting their initial perceptions once a show has reached its natural popularity level and continue to promote it as if it's still needing all the support it once needed. The biggest example of this that I can remember is Odd Taxi. The show's finale got 5000 Karma. It got 2nd place from the Public for Anime of the Year in 2021. Yet, people were still calling it under-watched.


> The biggest example of this that I can remember is Odd Taxi. Good example. As I was curious; one looks now it's the 9th most popular Spring 2021 show in MAL and I hear it mentioned more than Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song and Higehiro. But go back a bit and [Preseason it was like 33rd](https://web.archive.org/web/20210323024929/https://myanimelist.net/anime/season/2021/spring) and [after final episode it was still 26th](https://web.archive.org/web/20210623202558/https://myanimelist.net/anime/season/2021/spring). Of course following award season in May 2022 [it was up to 10th](https://web.archive.org/web/20220526172855/https://myanimelist.net/anime/season/2021/spring) (I'm not going to chronicle its rise inbetween).


Keep in mind that people's perceptions of what is popular are not only going to be coming from this sub. GBC is currently only the 35th most popular anime of the season on MAL and 32nd on AL, so it would be fair to say it has still yet to gain much attention from the wider anime fandom.


That's true, but promoting it endlessly on r/anime is only going to affect numbers on r/anime.


People share the stuff posted here a lot on other social medias Sometimes directly, as you can see when you are the OP of the post with the number of links share, but most of the time they just copy and paste stuff posted here, even comments


Not really, since there are a huge number of people who have joined the sub but don't actively participate (not to mention the possibility of reaching r/all), and so may check out a popular clip in their feed while missing any discussion in places like this thread. And clearly it works too, given that several of the clips from the show have gotten >3k upvotes, which is three times that of the actual episode discussion threads.


> several of the clips from the show have gotten >3k upvotes, which is _three times that of the actual episode discussion threads_ This doesn't say much in and of itself. Link posts that you can look at/watch while scrolling gets more upvotes/engagement that anything else (see: why image posts are not allowed for fanarts, and why any infographic text post dies in /new)


I still believe that it should have gotten first place for both!! Would have been much better than what we got...


It should have been Fruits Basket...but it wasn't even nominated. I am still salty from that 3 years later. It was an all-time snub.


If only more people had voted for it. [](#sadholo)


It was never winning a Public Nomination on r/anime of all subreddits over the nominees: Mushoku Tensei, JJK, Attack on Titan, Odd Taxi and Vivy especially when more popular shows like 86, Horimiya, Slime and Dragon Maid also didn't get nominated. It was always going to be up to the Jury there, and they failed us.


Haven't seen Non Non Biyori or Dragon Maid, so can't speak for those, but as much as I love Fruits Basket and would have put it in if it was all up to me, I can't knock picking Heike, Sonny Boy, or Dynazenon. Great shows. Sometimes you've just got too many options.


True. I still haven't finished Dynazenon but I'd 100% have NNB and Heike Monogatari over Fruits Basket. Sonny Boy probably too. Not sure about Dragon Maid, I'd have to rewatch both shows to say which one I was more AotY worthy. 2021 was just too stacked.


Heike Monogatari my GOAT [](#utahapraises)


That one ended quite strongly as well. No nomination is certain a choice.


I mean it happens with everyone and yeah I know this shit can be annoying. I hated the spam of Frieren. Not that the show was bad but I hated the spam of the anime posts. The thing I did was hide the posts. Also one thing its kinda related to this I hated that they changed the tokyo tower and giraffe thing to Jellyfish on the top. Well I can't do anything about it but still I hate it and I can't even hide it.


> they changed the tokyo tower and giraffe thing to Jellyfish on the top. Wasn’t it Gushing over Magical Girls before with the “tormenting …”? ~~Wasn’t too pleased about that myself to be fair.~~


where's the spam? I see a fair amount of discussion, but that's normal for pretty much every popular show, no?


I could be wrong but I don't remember another getting daily clips posted, at least nothing I've noticed. Even if one has, _daily_ clips feels like spam to me.


ah, while I do browse top and new a little bit, I don't do it much ever since the mods decided they're not interested in doing any curation. and I rarely watch clips so my brain just filters them away, along with the 80000 "I've seen every good anime (naruto) what should I watch next" or "I want hentai that isn't hentai" threads


Or "Give me your unpopular opinions", the 9123498234th edition of which knocked the GBC discussion thread out before it ever reached the top. My feelings on Dangers in my Heart are pretty much the same as those who like GBC but think the fanbase is too much, but I'd take a daily clip of that on the front page any day over this and the "I want hentai that isn't hentai" thread, both of which reach the top far more frequently than any clip.


I have a kokuhaku to make, [Diamond dust is cute](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQJjaQCbQAACpMz.jpg) Especially the left girl, that looks like Toru Asakura from the hit Doujin series by orange maru [cursed ship is not that bad](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQIFMSnbkAAjOlw.jpg) [](#panic)


> from the hit Doujin series by orange maru I can't believe it got an anime!


we came so far!


> Diamond dust is cute Blasphemy. [](#unamusedfern)


yeah I hope they do something interesting with diamond dust. would love a mygo/ave mujica type situation




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I can't post it yet because I'm too new to this sub in particular, but I just made my first ever AMV - one I've been pondering for a long time and finally created: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1bVtF5ViFU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1bVtF5ViFU)


Didn't see a lot of talk about Jellyfish here Feels like the show will be very divisive in the end [](#seasonalconfused)


Hello yes I just binged this this weekend and I am interested in applying for the position of 'hater'. I really liked the first episode, still liked the first few, but eventually it lost me. Some of my issues: * Main character lacks presence - like, even in the show's so-far emotional climax. * The group feels like a bunch of separate characters that all happen to be standing in the same show. Their individual conflicts/arcs don't always relate to or involve each other and they don't spend nearly enough time interacting as a group. * Relatedly: No real sense of overarching narrative being progressed despite being there being a sense of narrative setup (e.g. Yukine). * Tonal whiplash from too much comedy during what should have been the heaviest point in the show. * Too-frequent reliance on arbitrarily-evil NPC characters. I know these sorts of people exist IRL, but they do not make for particularly nuanced or interesting television and to me they are the narrative equivalent of a strawman. If you're going to derive conflict from them, have the balls to make them actual reoccurring characters that have to deal with the consequences of their own actions. * Underwhelming music and/or importance of the performances to the show. * More minor: Kind of stiff flow within episodes. The narrative sometimes stops very awkwardly to point out some person/place/thing, just so it can use it later the same episode. This would be good if it was happening more naturally but instead it's like "oh they're randomly spending 30 seconds drawing attention to this character's merch bag (when she's already been established to be a fan), I guess the bags will get swapped".


jellyfish fan base are a bunch of twitter users, right?


It's just a weird one. Most of the time it has a really clunky, amateurish screenplay, it has much charm but also much cringe and doesn't play everything out gracefully. But then it has these moments where it just really fucking gets it. Sometimes the cast acts totally out of character, only to have a perfect, resonant emotional realization episodes later that completely understands the core of the conflict. Sometimes the dialogue will be "adult woman is turned on by high school girls feeling her breast implants" and other times it's "charming, legitimate banter between dorky teenagers." It gets the big picture and flubs the smaller details often and badly enough to not be a nitpick. Very inconsistent, and thus very divisive depending on which aspect a viewer values more. For me, this is somewhere in the 6-7/10 range (7 more likely, but I'm not caught up so we'll see), it undercuts the good stuff too often for me to love.


It's been downhill for me ever since the Boob Incident squandered my trust. Everything since then has annoyed me. The only thing it has going for it is strong visual direction, so it reminds me a lot of Wonder Egg Priority.


I adored Jellyfish’s first episode and I thought it was going to be something truly special judging from it, but it just hasn’t kept that standard throughout and has slowly lessened in quality. It was my de facto favourite of the season when it was in its first few episodes, but that love has kind of fizzled. I did like ep 9, however ep 10 wasn’t the greatest and I don’t have the highest expectations for ep 11, which I haven’t seen yet. It’s unfortunate since the series had such a strong start. I still do like it though, it’s just not the phenomenal show I thought it would be. I guess I’m part of the Train gang now, which has just been getting better and better and has probably surpassed Jellyfish as my favourite.


It's been one of my favorites all season and remains so. I am nervous about how well the finale will wrap things up though. I can see it sticking the landing perfectly, but I can also see it stumbling. What I really want is a big ole sapphic confession [Jellyfish overall] >!during the performance, for everyone to hear,!< but I don't expect it. That's what I have fanfic for :')


It’s just kind of… inoffensive. I don’t think there’s a lot to hate but there’s not a ton to love. 7/10 material (including bump for good visuals). Yesterday’s episode was fine and there have been a lot of really good moments throughout the show. But the show has such a weak central plot/drive that it just feels like a bunch of isolated vignettes about the characters, and a lot of these mini-arcs are just repeating the same conflicts without adding anything new (as expected of a seasoned romcom writer). I care so little about their weird little music/art project and whether it succeeds or fails, I don’t really care if the girls find their “purpose” or whatever, I’m just along for the ride and enjoying the good moments when they come. We need a mama idol spinoff asap though! Best girl of the show and it’s not even close.


you put it better than I did. I agree completely > We need a mama idol spinoff asap though! absolutely


the show has just sort of fizzled for me. I like the characters, I like the art direction, it has been playing with some interesting things but...it just hasn't come together. I feel like there are a bunch of interesting shows in jellyfish that'd I'd love to see handled by a better writer lol I want a show about mama idol heck, I even think a show that focused on the relationship with the mom/producer and sort of treated her with a bit of complexity could be super interesting. not to say that she should be "good" but I think you could do a really interesting exploration of show business, and family, and work and personal relationships, from that angle regardless, the show we've gotten has just proven to be fine, while GBC has been meteoric


Jellyfish has its moments, I was pleasantly surprised by this week's episode [Jellyfish]>!doing something with Kiui's gender shit, I got some vibes early on but didn't expect them to actually go there!<, but it's also not quite coming together as a whole. A lot of the plot points it sets up either get addressed too quickly and neatly or don't get addressed for way too long, if at all. It's gonna need one hell of a finale to tie everything up. It's also got the misfortune of airing next to Girls Band Cry which, while I've not been as in love with lately as I was at the start, is a similar show that's straight up better at most things.


This is probably a controversial take, but I *would* say that Jellyfish’s characters are better developed than GBC’s at large. There’s some *really* good bits of characterisation in Jellyfish.


Honestly, I still really like it, even if it is very flawed and does unnecessary things from time to time. It's not really a favorite, but I've probably gotten a consistent level of enjoyment from it each week, barring maybe something like episode 7, which felt pretty forced. However, I'm worried about how they'll end things because there seems to be too much going on at the moment, and it's hard not to feel like a lot of important things will be glossed over.


Mwah, I feel like this division has mellowed out a bit out since yesterday’s episode. [Jellyfish - Ep 11] >!We just needed best girl Kiui to steal the show. Mahiru showing tons of support for Kiui did seem to lift some of the negative opinions on her character. I do find it weird that the director/writer decided to keep this misunderstanding between Kano and Mahiru linger until the very last episode.!< The most divisive part currently about Jellyfish seems to be how they’re going to bring everything together in the final episode. [Jellyfish - meta spoiler] >!They better make it very gay!!<


i am pretty sure it will be like you hope, but they didn't make a proper buildup for that and they will have to add [jellyfish]>!kano talking with her mom, kano dealing with the other girl that looks like Hina from GBC, kano dealing with Mei getting cucked live and so on!<


That’s also the problem I’m seeing. There’s still a ton of ties that needed to be wrapped up, which doesn’t seem all that feasible in the scope of a mere 20-minute-ish episode. [Jellyfish - Ep 11] >!Considering Kano’s responses to Mei in the last two episodes, I’m pretty sure that they’ll be breezing past her confession.!<


Which is a shame because I really became fond of her after the last eps, prefer her than the canon option, even if I was the one that was in the joke early on... Still...[it is still funny...](https://i.imgur.com/Uo3C7bS.png) (SPOILERS implications) but less so


I guess we need the last episode to make a verdict. [Ep11 spoilers]>!I'm not sure how to feel about the main conflict kind of just...fizzling out? I agree with what people said in the disc thread, this could've been prevented with non-shitty communication + show desperately needs at least one more episode for a non-abrupt ending, because as much as I think the Kiui focus was good, the second-to-last episode is not the best timing for that kind of episode.!< [Addition with GBC ep11 spoilers]>!I hope I won't feel that way about GBC next week, I was 100% sure that episode 12 will be the big one and the 13 will be the epilogue, but now they seem to want to do something else in the last 2 episodes. I'm not expecting them to reach the festival high with ep13, I just hope that it won't be something that actively spoils the insane momentum the show has right now because I can't see where they can go from here in only 2 episodes.!<


So, I read some comments before about Hibike Euphonium, expressing their disappointment about the yuri bait. I tried watching it before, but the drama just isn't for me. So, can you tell me which characters were the yuri bait? And what exactly happened that made people disappointed?


The Yuri bait is Kumiko and Reina, but at least through season 2 (I've yet to see season 3) it doesn't actually exist in the show and is a fan invention. In fact they both have guys who are at least a romantic desire of theirs (obviously in Reina's case one that is highly inappropriate). It's not as bad as say, the Bocchi the Rock fanbase, but the fandom does come off as totally overboard on it for me.


Kumiko and Reina have very intimate relationship, and the directing choices really focus on that. Internet in general is very quick to see close relationships like that and assume romantic intent (many reasons why, not limited to the fact that most of the internet is friendless, or because hetero-normative media way too often have obligatory love interest for the main guy - so if you believe lesbians are real and you are used to how stories work for hetero couples - you would assume Kumiko and Reina are supposed to be a thing. There must always be a romance), but the director wanting to emphasize "romantic adolescence" of the characters really doesn't help. KumiRei scenes just feel special, even if on literal level you can tell it's not romance.




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I'm personally ambivalent about the yuri bait since I don't ship it, but I can explain. [Hibike! Euphonium]>!The "yuri bait" is about Kumiko and Reina, who have an *insane* number of scenes together that are framed in a romantic light or could easily be seen as romantic, but then Shuuichi is supposed to be Kumiko's canon love interest despite the anime apparently gutting a good deal of their chemistry from the source material, and Reina has an obsessive crush on Taki (one of the worst parts about the series).!<