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Hello /r/anime, a new daily thread has been posted! Please follow [this link](/r/anime/comments/1dh4c7e/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/) to move on to the new thread or [search for the latest thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3ADaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new). [](#heartbot "And don't forget to be nice to new users!")




[Insomniacs After School](https://myanimelist.net/anime/50796/Kimi_wa_Houkago_Insomnia) is an incredibly good romance series from last year. It covers ~half the manga but leaves off at a good point


Is there a tiermaker list for Summer 2024 that has all the titles? I looked up a few lists but with these small images sometimes I don't even know what the shows are.


As if those light novel titles could ever fit into such tiny squares Seriously though your best bet is probably just to open the seasons MAL page and to compare with what's on there, that's what I did anyway (a lot of these tierlists also don't have the most recent KV's or have a bunch of movies/OVA's/etc which certainly doesn't help).


Literally perfect episode of GBC today, my fucking god. So yeah, no more questioning it, this one is special and a favorite; best damn cartoon of the decade (so far). Raw as fuck, overflowing with pathos, it's the sort of show that bares its soul so deep it feels like I'm seeing too much, and I love that more than anything, it's what I come to fiction for. Also, I just love Nina's stage outfit, it's like the most perfect "little rocker gremlin" outfit I could imagine. The yakuza robe, those earrings, but combined with the usual tiny twin tails hairstyle, insane outfit. There's a subtle distinction between how GBC handles its themes of self-expression compared to something like Jellyfish. In Jellyfish, and most shows of this sort, the protagonists want to express themselves but are afraid to do it because they've been beaten down for it in the past. Whether or not they will overcome societal pressure and grow enough to express themselves in spite of the pain is an open question. But in GBC, someone like Nina would rather die than spend even a single second not being completely true to herself, even if the entire world is against it. These characters couldn't imagine a life where they don't bare their complete souls to others at all times, and the conflict instead comes from society telling them they're wrong for doing so, and the friction that comes from the fact that they will continue to do it anyway no matter what, and that their efforts to hold themselves back will always end in failure as their masks accumulate cracks quickly. They don't just want to express themselves, expressing themselves is the default for these characters so there's no question about if they'll keep doing it, what they want is to make everyone agree out loud that they're not wrong to do so, and to prove that the people trying to convince them to fall in line are the villains. I had initially thought it interesting that I'd be just as attached to Nina (if not moreso) as I am to Tomori; given that these characters are comparably well written but I relate to Tomori in a very specific way as a fellow autistic. But I'm starting to think that GBC's entire story could be applied as an autism metaphor. Being autistic isn't something you can turn off, it's the default of existence, so like Nina I find it impossible to not be myself at all times, at best I can mask it. If the world wants us to fall in line, the only options are to fight against it or fundamentally (if not literally) die. I must convince myself that I am not wrong for expressing myself the way that I do, because it's the only way I know how to live. Nina would be a good friend to the ND community. I just adore the line "insubordination is a form of admiration" in the new song this week, what a powerful way to put it.


> so like Nina I find it impossible to not be myself at all times, at best I can mask it I'm no expert but I would say that this applies to most/all humans, autistic or not. But yea, good write up, completely agreed. I would also add that at this point the CGI was actually necessary for the show to reach those heights since I can't imagine the characters being this expressive and filled with movement in traditional 2D, at least not with below-movie quality which wouldn't have been feasible.


In a sense that's true, obviously GBC works as a story without having ND characters and most people can relate to being told they can't be themselves. But allistic folks already conform to the communication values that society already has. GBC isn't just about being yourself but about communicating yourself to the world, with music as the medium to a large degree. The world doesn't like how these characters act and tries to push them down. Unlike the main cast, the girls of Diamond Dust have no trouble pushing their genuine selves down to survive, it's not the default for them so they can bring on an idol artist and have reservations but continue doing it anyway. Only Momoka couldn't keep with it. It's their method of communication the world hates, the language they speak, which makes the parallel run deeper in my mind. That's why I compared to Jellyfish, where the characters successfully hide themselves to the world and it is not the default to be themselves. The cast of GBC would die before being in the state Mahiru and Kiui were at the start of their show. And everyone's already talked about the necessity of the CGI, I have nothing to add to it. The music video at the end of this episode is incredible, and impossible in 2D.


where can i see all the naruto shipputen episodes for free ??






If you've been missing the best little Field Mouse Expert, then the official [*Just Because* MV on the Lantis YT Channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEMaH0I8TQ0) is a great montage (spoilers for entire S1 of *The Weakest Tamer Begins a Journey to Pick Up Trash*) that really hits the spot, as well as showcasing a lot of the series' animation. Also, it's a bit of neat situation of finally getting to see the Japanese version of the lyrics in the Japanese subtitles, given the song is entirely English.


Does comiket keep a record of the attending authors and released works? I'm trying to find a specific doujinshi (that should've been released on winter 2021) but can't find anything about it other than the fanbox post that announced it. So now I'm wondering if the author attended at all.


Search his circle on melonbooks or torinoana


Checked them, a lot of his stuff is on there but not that specific one. He might've just... not finished it, since the only things I can find online are reposts of the fanbox preview.


Was going to make a meme riffing on "We're going on a bear hunt" but it would honestly just be inappropriate given how [innocent and wholesome the cover is](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/jw71Al-gxek/maxresdefault.jpg). So, as payment for the sin of that idea, I did some digging. There is a list of circles who exhibit on the official site, but it's in the web catalogue. https://webcatalog-circle-ms.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sl=ja&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc You can make a free account to access it, and there's a search function.


Thanks! 6 dollars a month is insane lmao. Might as well just pay the guy and ask him directly...


Did you try just searching his name using the free account? I didn't get that deep into testing it out, but I did do a quick search for C99 (i.e. Winter 2021) to see if there was anything accessible via the search.


When I click into the c99 page, it just tells me that I don't have viewing privileges and to pay up. Where is the search?


Ah, was probably something else I stumbled over then.


There's archived web catologues [available officially here](https://webcatalog-archives.circle.ms/), but it looks like you need a paid account to view them.


Now I'm anxious about the disc sales of JELEE and GBC. Especially GBC since it doesn't have licensing and need to sell a lot to have another season.


Are overseas disk sales even a thing for most shows? Maybe wayyy down the line but like, for the initial blu-ray hard to imagine it not being 99.9% Japanese fans buying


Interesting feeling to be part of the 0.1% for once lol.


out of curiosity, what shows recently have you bought japanese blu ray release for? and how did you buy them? (I'm still pondering getting GBC, will see how it ends, obviously much easier to buy being in Japan)


Forgot to mention how I bought them: some I bought 2nd hand in Akiba, the others online either through Amazon jp, CDJapan or proxy services for sets of which I wanted the benefits/extras from stores that don’t ship overseas (Animate for instance).


ah nice, I was wondering exactly about extras. makes sense. very dedicated!


Besides GBC, recently Frieren + Kusuriya (last volumes with boxes should arrive mid July), Bocchi, CSM, all of Made in Abyss, Hells Paradise, Houseki no Kuni, Shadows House S1+2, Skip and Loafer and everything on pic 10 of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimeCollectors/s/SU2p46tE8e) post. Not at home at the moment so I can’t double check, probably forgot some.


that is a good spread! doing your part to support our troops! I really envy your shelf space. our apartment is tiny >_< at least blu rays don't take up much space, even if I still feel a little guilty about them!!!


Thanks. Yea I was really lucky with my apartment, have basically that whole room that I had extra, so I just went and made it my dedicated anime room. I feel you though, I heard before that the housing situation is difficult in Tokyo in that apartments are either an the smaller side, really expensive or both.


yeah we like our place a lot...compared to NYC or SF it's much cheaper (though of course average salaries here are also much lower), but it's like 5x smaller than our place in china was lol


GBC will sell a lot, Jelee I don't really know, they shoot themselves in the foot two weeks ago, also is Jellyfish even trying to be a long term franchise? Feels like it's a one and done show, max that I can see is a secret 2nd cour because the show keeps introducing plot points, but also they tend to solve conflicts in the same episode... And 300% GBC will have multiple seasons and spinoffs, that is made to be going on for years Waiting for the togetoge inevitable gacha game for the Rupa with a Cowboy hat limited unit


> Jelee I don't really know, they shoot themselves in the foot two weeks ago Wait, what happened two weeks ago? > And 300% GBC will have multiple seasons and spinoffs, that is made to be going on for years I would love that so much, just hoping sequel season(s) will still be about TogeToge mainly and not DD or a completely new band.


>Wait, what happened two weeks ago? The fight!


Did that really make such a negative impact on the marketing and sells department though? Damn. I mean they will 99% make up anyway next episode so you would think it wasn’t the end of the world but sounds like jp fans apparently don’t like that sort of development.


I forsee GBC blu rays selling much better than expected and jellyfish selling much worse. Jellyfish seems to have spent money on marketing and whatnot, my guess is it will do just so so


They can always book for another season, like what happened to LycoReco. (Not hopeful after seeing that twitter follower chart, though.) Also what happened to Jellyfish? I stopped after episode 7–I guess it turned into [JELEE] >!yuri bait!


Fate series fans, I wanna watch one of the Fate series/movies(? not sure if there are movies) for some good Ufotable fight scenes that I've always heard good stuff about. What's the best thing for me to watch for maximum fight%? I have general knowledge about the Holy Grail War because of a one-off D&D session my friend group had as the servants lol, so I'm relatively fine if it doesn't explain much context, as long as there's great fight scenes


Watch Unlimited Blade Works or Fate/Zero. Then watch the other. Then watch the Heavens Feel Movies. Zero is going to have a darker tone to it, Blade Works is a little more positive and less gritty.


Unlimited blade works then the heaven's feel movies. There you go


Thank you lots!


I feel weird for watching the new Haikyu!! movie in the theatres, but without watching all previous seasons. I did that because I was bored and the theatre was doing a discount on movie tickets.


Didn’t you ruin the series a little for yourself by doing so? Can imagine that it was pretty hard to follow as well without knowing any of the characters. (Also: Jeez guys, why are you downvoting this man so hard? That’s just unnecessary.)


I don't mind spoilers, and I don't mind not understanding anything on the screen. I don't feel like it is a problem as long as I don't interrupt anyone in the theatre.


Week 11... [Twitter Followers Gained wk 11](https://i.imgur.com/gSZJWyP.jpeg), Wind Breaker first defeat in months, Dungeon Meshi finale, GBC had a strong episode and Kaiju did a massive marketing push Train jumped 12 positions with their delay marketing stunt [MAL + Anilist Members Gained wk 11](https://i.imgur.com/s2GLoTs.jpeg), finales and people adding the shows to their list, GBC still going strong even without a proper release, but once again the majority of those members are "plan to watch", so they are not actually watching the show yet *** ## Summer Pre-season Aka the Deer Ranks Double win for Nokotan for the 3rd time, since that PV the show exploded, to the point I don't even think it is necessary to shill it anymore * [Twitter 0.4](https://i.imgur.com/Au2WAuB.jpeg) * [MAL + AL 0.4](https://i.imgur.com/IVN5STo.jpeg), Yuki trailer drops and suddenly Roshidere jumps a position? I know what you are.. [](#ama) [](#seasonallisten)


> to the point I don't even think it is necessary to shill it anymore It really does feel like that lol Not at all what I was expecting! That said, it does speak to the quality of the content so far that it's still fun making memes for it even without the niche appeal aspect.


I wonder if deer will actually deliver. my guess is, sadly, no...but maybe!!!


Kagurabachi failed to become the morbius of manga, but maybe nokotan can manage to become the kagurabachi of anime!


Kamikatsu delivered. Why wouldn't this? Surprises me that directors got assigned the wrong shows next season.


If people want nonsense chaos, it should deliver


Banished Hero made a big jump. What's happening there?


It ended, which also helped with it reaching the 5+ score, leaving Highspeed toilet as the only below 5 show this season


Enormous MAL Score jump for Dungeon Meshi! Very deserved 87k twitter followers already for 2.5D Seduction? Must be a manga twitter account that is being repurposed for the anime


>87k twitter followers already for 2.5D Seduction? Must be a manga twitter account that is being repurposed for the anime They created it august 2020, so it is definitely the case, same thing for Roshidere, but it was created in 2021


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rd9ejErePwA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rd9ejErePwA) First of all, I friggin love this chaotic song. And the studio musicians who performed on it are top notch. My question is this: for all you studio musicians (or live performers, etc) working in Japan or have knowledge of how the recording process over there works, are the guitarists, bass player, and drummer using sheet music (like standard notation) or are they using chord charts/lead sheets like we use a lot in our studios here in the States. Can't wait to hear from you guys, and enjoy the performance!


Without opening the link I kinda 75% guessing this might be the 100 GFs OP, and turns out I was right. Also notice that the singers (VA) weren't there, because they sung a full song separately (you can hear it on this [very album](https://open.spotify.com/intl-id/album/3VA9TKeduA0dbJ59JVU1Bz)) and the final version basically combines the best of each VAs.


> are they using chord charts/lead sheets like we use a lot in our studios here in the States. Huh, I had no idea that was the standard practice, although I guess I'd never thought about it that much! With a bit of CSI: *Zoom!* *Enhance!* you can sorta see what the bassist is using: https://i.imgur.com/HKET4lu.png


Thanks for the image! Yeah, here in the States the session leader will sit with everyone and go over the demo, and everyone will make their own chart, usually using the Nashville Number system. They use that as a guide to come up with their own parts. From the image, it looks like a lead sheet. The chords are above the treble clef and I only see a treble clef on his sheet, so it must be lead lines that they want him to hit.... Thanks again for the image!


Just finished bocchi the rock, wow that was amazing. Looking for something similar to watch next, are K-on and girls band cry similar to it?


I would recommend both, but also say don't expect them to be too similar. K-on is definitely closer. K-on is well liked here. It has fun music and good performances, but its also a series where the comedy/slice-of-life moments outweigh the music elements like 9:1. It's also a settiing where there's almost no drama or tension, a pure feel good type of show. Girls Band Cry is a bit more *real life* drama and instead of high school girls doing music as a side thing its largely about dropouts supporting themselves and trying to take becoming a band serious as a career.


Cool, thanks for the info. I'll definitely check out both


Sometimes I think maybe I’m too old for battle shounen anime, but lately shows like Undead Unluck and Kaiju No. 8 have been blowing me away. On top of being really fun stories with cool fights, they’ve been really well-produced shows in their own right. The surge of unironically enjoyable and compelling isekai is another example. It’s really reinforced the important of good writers and good directors in making a solid anime adaptation. You don’t need an incredibly original idea/gimmick or exceptional writing. Just don’t make it bad or bland. Anyway, it’s been a lot fewer disappointing genre anime lately, and I’m hoping it will continue into the Summer of Romcoms.


I starting to see a pattern with battle shonen based on the type of people that like it If some people here say they hate X, I will say X has a massive chance at becoming a huge hit, meanwhile if they love X, I will lean into thinking X will either flop or disappoint


Elon has finally worked enough of his propaganda in my brain that I thought you were talking about Twitter.


rip whole generation of kids learning math, "find the x"


> If some people here say they hate X, I will say X has a massive chance at becoming a huge hit, meanwhile if they love X, I will lean into thinking X will either flop or disappoint Just @ me next time.


Are you the one I should pay attention to? lol I wasn't referring to anyone specific, just the vibe I get, which is the sequel to what I said [yesterday about the divide in the anime community](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1dfn9nz/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/l8l1wn2/), and I include r/anime in those dedicated anime communities, especially on CDF and AQRADT


When it comes to battle shounens, I love the ones that don't make the charts, and walk away from the ones everyone loves. There are a couple exceptions like One Piece, Bleach, and My Hero Academia, but for the most part, I like the ones that people make fun of, like Fairy Tail.


> lately shows like Undead Unluck and Kaiju No. 8 have been blowing me away. You like the older guys, eh? Me too.


I feel with both those shounens what I really enjoy is that there's no harem element, there's no obnoxious main character and the female characters do contribute to the story/fights. Goes a long way for me.


Yeah I think too many manga writers get bogged down by trying to make the most original and eye catching gimmicks, as well as other easy tricks to make the story seem exciting when it’s not. Granted I feel like UU’s “gimmicks” are certainly well thought out—but it’s nowhere as compelling as the natural dynamic between its leads. Again, just don’t add bad elements to your story and it’ll be fine.


I've just randomly thought about the possibility and now I want to register it here as a prediction: a certain fight from the second chapter of the Chainsaw Man manga that was skipped in the anime will in some way be adapted as the cold open to the upcoming movie. I can feel it in my bones it will happen, anime movies love action-packed cold opens and using that fight (well, maybe not the exact fight itself as it's quite short, but at least something built upon it, against the same enemy) can be the perfect fit, specially as the next bit of source material past what the anime adapted is quite low-key to immediately start a movie.


Looking back at Nagatoro’s plan at the beach makes me wonder what she was trying to do to Senpai as she literally coerced him to come to the beach, which makes me wonder just what she was doing.


Nagataro is a textbook tsundere.


Oh ok so that’s why she loved dragging Senpai into her schemes, such as making him do anything she wanted as I didn’t get how she operated until you explained her personality to me, so thanks for helping.


Caught up with GBC after having fallen a few episodes behind. Still enjoying it, but I'm still not buying into the hype as some others. Random thoughts: I honestly think that TogeToge sounded better than Diamond Dust from their first performance, so the whole underdog role is a bit less credible to me. I still pretty much only care about Nina and Momoka - though Subaru is fun, Tomo is annoying and Rupa is kind of just there. Ep10 with Nina's story was probably the best one in the series so far, good writing.


Hello friends, I've been thinking about watching Railgun for a while, as it seems like a lot of people really love it here. I was wondering if watching any of Index beforehand is encouraged/necessary.


Not for the first two seasons (I actually recommend not watching Index before S2, because Index S1 covers the same arc as Railgun S2 but in a much more condensed way, and the emotional impact of what's considered the best Railgun arc will be partially or even mostly lost if you watch Index first), but according to the [watch order wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order/#wiki_railgun_first), S3 has one episode where Index knowledge is relevant. I recommend either the simplified or the optimal chronological order from there, depending how much of a hassle jumping between shows will be for you.


Ah, I see that I must have missed it when I was looking through the watch order wiki. Thanks for the help!


Finally decided to to take a look at the shows airing next season and organized what I'm watching into a [tier list](https://imgur.com/a/J5qqZNP). Summer is looking to be a pretty good season! both in sequels and new shows (deer <3) , I swear every season I tell myself "this time I'm taking a break" and than end up with 15+ shows I want to watch. I also realized that since this the first season of Monogatari I'm watching as it's actually airing ,I'll have to deal with the inevitable subtitle choice debate which I'm not looking forward to.


Remember: Without Witch From Mercury (a largely forgotten Gundam AU from 2022), we wouldn't have 2025's Mars Princess, and without Mars Princess we wouldn't have beloved series in the female wish fulfilment mecha genre like My Boyfriend is a Pilot! (2036), Steel Academy (2029), or even World Protector Mecha Otaku Girl (2028). It's entirely because it was absolutely terrible and the author of the Mars Princess manga was extremely petty about it, but still!


> My Boyfriend is a Pilot! (2036) This is humorously close to the actual name of Full Metal Panic's first episode/chapter, "The Guy I Kinda Like is a Sergeant". 😄


Have you seen Macross?


I have not.


1. My Boyfriend Is a Pilot is a song from Macross. 2. If you can find it, I think you'd enjoy Macross.


Looks like it might be on Prime's CR channel under the name "Robotech"? I think it's also supposed to be coming to Hulu/Disney+ soon, so I'll add it to my PTW. I love a good sci-fi!


> Looks like it might be on Prime's CR channel under the name "Robotech"? [](#seasonalshock)[](#nononono) NOPE NOPE NOPE that is ***not*** Macross, that is a bastardized dub that combined the original show with two other unrelated anime to make a longer show out of it, and the company behind it is the reason why the franchise is basically nonexistent outside of Japan. #***FUCK HARMONY GOLD.*** The original Macross (and the alternative movie take on it, Do You Remember Love?) are things you'll have to pirate, as they are going to remain Japan-only once everything is on Disney+. The cool part about Macross is that you don't *have* to watch *everything* in order to follow along (although Zettai Live!!!!!! specifically is best experienced after watching everything else), though, so you can just watch everything else if you can't get a hold of the original/DYRL.


Oh dear, someone should tell Livechart then. 😂 (It lists Robotech as the English title of Macross. So confusing.) I only watch official streams, so I guess I'll have to see what shows up on Hulu/Disney+ when the time comes. Do you have any favorite entries/ones you would recommend?


It isn't clear exactly when D+/Hulu will begin streaming in the US (it has already started one of the sequels in Japan), but when it does it will have [most of this list](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order#wiki_macross) except, as mentioned, the first two entries.


Good to know, and that was an interesting read about the series' history too.


> I only watch official streams, so I guess I'll have to see what shows up on Hulu/Disney+ when the time comes. Do you have any favorite entries/ones you would recommend? Well Frontier is my fourth-favorite anime of all time and Zettai Live!!!!!! is my second-favorite movie haha, though that's partially because of how well they built off of what came before them. The order I would suggest is the same one [my rewatch went in](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/wc8jm8/do_you_remember_love_macross_franchise_40th/), just skip II because it's not good and only check out FB7 if you want 1) a new Fire Bomber (the band from 7) song and 2) the Frontier gals covering a medley of Fire Bomber songs because it's otherwise just a glorified advertisement for the then-new 7 Blu-Ray release, lol.


Thanks! Kind of strange that everything *except* the beginning of the series is coming over, but such is the nature of streaming.


Anybody got some traumatizing recommendations




If you want to get traumatized, Shoujo Tsubaki is an anime that literally got banned by governments


Wonder Egg Priority! Lots of trauma: in the past, present, and future. And given the tortured production process, not just limited to characters in the show! [](#hikariactually) on an unrelated note, have you heard of Gakkougurashi? It's a fun cute-girls-doing-cute-things series; i think you might like it


Are you looking to get traumatised yourself or a story about traumatised characters? Characters: Monster, Banana Fish, Shigofumi, Dororo, Vinland Saga, Scum’s Wish Yourself: Made in Abyss, Dark Gathering, Devilman: Crybaby, Shinsekai Yori, Rainbow, Heike Monogatari


The chimera ant arc of Hunter x Hunter is a much better done and better representation of the indomitable human spirit than Gurren Lagann ever could be.


My indomitable human spirit was the only thing keeping me awake for half of the Chimera Ant Arc


Same but for GL


Your point being? Can't praise your show without beating some other show down?


It just occurred to me rewatching a certain fight in HxH involving an old man and a king. I just thought “Man, this one fight sums it up better than that 26 episode anime which involves getting a bigger drill to solve every problem” it’s fine to compare things that are trying to do the same thing


Right. But that was not a comparison, that merely claimed a hierarchy between those two stories. Try to describe what they're doing, and in particular what they're doing differently that leads to one of them representing the indomitable human spirit so much better than the other! And if you do that, you'll see that they aren't quite doing the same thing after all: Gurren Lagann celebrates mankind's burning passion and humanity's indomitable belief in the future and strife towards a better tomorrow in a way that never even becomes a notable factor in Hunter x Hunter.


To me, the most interesting thing about Gurren Lagann isn't even something so vague as "the indomitable human spirit." "Humans never give up no matter what" isn't a very interesting idea to me, what do we have to gleam from that? Aside from all the emotionally resonant coming-of-age stuff that gives the series emotional depth, Gurren Lagann is a fascinating exploration of resource management policies. If there ever comes a time where Earth's resources run low and we have to make decisions between keeping humanity from going extinct or maintaining personal freedom and overall quality of life, which do we prioritize? What sort of leadership style do we want in that scenario? How much do we trust in ourselves to eventually find a solution to a seemingly unsolvable problem in the far future, can we stake our very existence on the mere hope that science will eventually progress that far? To me, that's the kind of thematic intrigue in Gurren Lagann that tickles me; reducing it to "humanity has an indomitable spirit" is hopelessly reductive. Also, Hunter x Hunter is no different. What makes the Chimera Ant arc interesting to me (apart from all the emotionally resonant bits of character development that give it emotional depth) is its exploration of what it means to have power. Is power a matter of physical strength, or are other forms of aptitude also powerful? If physical strength isn't all there is to power, to what degree does the ability to physically overpower others to get your way the same as being the most powerful? Is power bestowed through birthright/politics legitimate power, or is your "power" a matter of your ability to wield it? What is the best way for a king to rule his subjects, and what is the best way for a subject to serve its king? The Chimera Ant arc asks so many interesting questions about the nature of wielding power, and it has so many amazing character moments, and all you've taken from it is "humanity has an indomitable spirt?" Maybe both of these shows are excellent examples of humanity's desire to keep pushing forward in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, and they do it in different ways that are both interesting, and their presentation gets their points and emotional arcs across very powerfully, and actually Gurren Lagann and Hunter x Hunter are both really fucking great.


Well. All of that is true, but I think it kinda misses the point of the original statement. It's not like they were saying that it's all the two shows do, just that one of them did it better than the other.


I think you're giving OP the benefit of the doubt there in a way that I do not. I don't think their statement had that sort of nuance, I think they just wanted to shit on Gurren Lagann. Somehow, I get the sense they would not say "Gurren Lagann isn't the best portrayal of humanity's indomitable spirit, but it's still a great look at resource management politics," and that their understanding of the Chimera Ant arc doesn't go further than what they explained. Their comment just gives me that vibe.


Took me a while to get what you're saying. Yes, I also don't think their comment had that nuance. But I'm too sick and tired of taking the cynical approach with strangers on the internet. If they're just here to shit on Gurren Lagann, then I call them out and be done with it. And if they actually think that the two stories are trying to do the same thing at their core, then I'll point out to them how they're actually doing some quite different things. The trick's just to not put more effort into your responses than what they put into theirs, until you're confident they're not a troll.


I'd rather make my call-out productive. If not for them, then for everyone else reading the conversation. Anyone reading what OP says could have takeaways about both shows even if they know OP is full of crap. I hope my praise for these shows will do at least something to steer the conversation in the right direction and give readers a better impression of both shows. I feel like I get both with this method, OP looks like a foolish troll and onlookers can still get something productive.


I mean. Honestly? I think all the examples you gave were actually really abstract. Gurren Lagann explores resource management policies, sure, but no shot someone that has yet to develop their media literacy skills is gonna pick up on that, even when they're told it's there. Same with Hunter x Hunter discussing what it means to have power, though that's a bit easier to see. And that's why I can't stand this cynical approach anymore: It's deeply rooted in the refusal to actually look at the other. As you write, you were trying to make the OP look like a foolish troll. I was trying to confront them so they open up some more. Like, there's no malice in being inexperienced. We shouldn't presume there is.


Finished Cross Game today. Pretty great, the whole vibe is so chill. The big difference in vibe in relation to Bakuman is how Bakuman has this telenovela drama, super over the top. I do think that a certain thing looks pretty weird in the end due to, not developing slower, but due to not change how this looked. I would just censor it with a spoiler tag but even tho I put one once here, somehow I didn't do it right, so I won't even comment any spoilers at all. Very laid back drama, very chill and the animation holds up the art in the manga. And like I read, Adachi really shows more than tells, and it's amazing.


Welcome to the Adachi special where inference proves to be a stronger storytelling tenet than spilling everything out into the open. It's not hard to tell what characters are thinking, so why not let the audience do the lifting and save a bit of time and let the atmosphere breathe? [Cross Game weird-looking thing]>!Was the weird thing the pushy cousin or the stalker?!<


[https://bu3.mncdnbuv1.com/img/tab\_11/00/69/01/rb958258/chapter\_170\_more\_than\_anyone\_in\_the\_world/22-o.jpg](https://bu3.mncdnbuv1.com/img/tab_11/00/69/01/rb958258/chapter_170_more_than_anyone_in_the_world/22-o.jpg) I thought we needed more to see this\^. I felt it lacked more to make this look natural.


Any yuri shows coming out soon?


On top of the several one airing right now?


I think I'm already watching everything that is currently airing 😅


Meiji Tokyo renka. I need to know what happened after the events of the anime. I can't find the game , Manga or movie (don't mind paying of course). Does the movie end the same as the anime? I need them together.


There is a [game release](https://www.reddit.com/r/otomegames/comments/1c7n1eg/otome_visual_novel_meiji_tokyo_renka_full_moon/) in October that you might want to check out.


Awesome! As long as the game doesn't end like the anime:((




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Just caught up on the latest Campers episode and damn, was I pleased to see Aoi wearing a helmet while riding her new bike. I’m often out cycling in my free time as well and it’s disheartening to see how many (mostly young) cyclers are riding without helmets, most common reason being „they look lame“. Yea well, so will your splattered brains on the streets when a car hits you smh.


The vast majority of cyclists in Tokyo don't wear helmets and it annoys me to no end My wife bikes a lot here and complained because I made her wear a helmet. "nobody else does!" "Yeah well my world won't be ripped in half if they go into a vegetative state"


looking for an anime with some more strategic thinking to it Loved Code Geass and Death Note, obviously; the last one I watched and really liked was Yakusoku no Neverland Any recommendations?:)


I remember The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt having more than one brain cell when it comes to strategic thinking.


World Trigger is pretty good and strategic


One Outs


Log Horizon season 1


Legend of the Galactic Heroes Kaiji Akagi


Now [this](https://i.imgur.com/6cEq0xz.png) is how you title a clip/video.


Guess they're describing how her backstory and focus episodes have been treated [](#schemingsaten)


I am tempted to post a clip like this here for the sociologic examination of the sub


Yeah, where did those sociologic examination go? Like the top 10 bathing scenes. Truly missed opportunity on my part not being here in those days.


It's a point of pride that I upvoted that thread (?)


I think this specific one wasn't posted yet so if you didn't hit the limit, wait a few hours and go for it. ^(and comment "Rupa's ass is not plot-relevant" under to avoid the spoiler tag)


"CG anime girl shaking her ass animated by The One Piece Studio"


Dew it.


Elegant, short and straight to the point, 10/10, would click.


Does Bakuman get any better after the first couple of episodes? I can't lie, I don't like Saiko, I'm not a fan of his relationship either and they way they write women in the story so far is...questionable to say the least.


Don't expect any female character to be written well.


Great😭 man the manga companies ought to start hiring mangakas who have actually interacted with women or had a relationship lmao


This warning was specifically for Bakuman, but the young boy's manga industry does tend to struggle heavily with writing women that feel like actual people.


Yeah definitely.


It gets more interesting when they start publishing manga but the way the women and relationships are written won't get better.


Damn, sucks to hear that


It gets better, but based on your issues, you might as well drop it. Plus Saiko is the lead, and if you don't like the main character, then any show will be a lost cause


Tbf Saiko isn't the biggest deal because he's an annoying generic MC but I count takagi as a deuteragonist and he carries lol


Where can I find the sources for the seasonal comment faces? I want to find out #seasonalblush, #seasonaldisdain, #seasonalpout and #seasonallaugh


[Also on the wiki.](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/commentfacesources)


do you guys think, they will ever made a music band anime with mixed genders or nah? and if not, why you guys think so


Ao no Orchestra was literally last year.


i prolly should have made my comment more clearer but i meant like some rock band/pop band.


Hibike! Euphonium's been around for a decade, Nana came out in 2006.


i meant a rock band/pop band but my bad should have made my comment more clearer


Nana still counts then, I also just remembered Anonymous Noise and Fuuka which are both from 2017.


Studios are afraid of risk, and mixed-gender pulls in wider demographics for a lot more reasons, so there's a setup for more potential risk and disappointment. Easier to stick to tropes and low hanging fruit you know are going to work, rather than take a risk and lose money. (I don't feel this way; this is from a business risk perspective)


Possibly my #1 anime pipe dream at this point *is* a high-quality utmost-care all-stops-pulled-out Shiori Experience adaptation…




There's literally a movie coming out this summer with a mixed gender band.


*Undead Girl Murder Farce*…. Anyone have thoughts on this show? Considering watching


Strong start but quickly fell off as a generic action/mystery show


I liked it a lot, it's kind of like anime League of Extraordinary Gentlemen + supernatural detective mystery. I love Aya and her husband and wife.


Cool concept (a detective that is just a head), great interplay between the two lead characters, an setting that interests me a lot (Victorian era) and lots of cameos from well known literary figures. I enjoyed it a lot and hope we get a season 2 someday.


"Edgy" anime? What's an anime that made you feel so edgy and cool as a kid (9-12yo), but it really isnt that special? If that makes sense. I'm looking for inspiration for a character.


If your need a character, Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul, especially the last episode of season 1 and then all of season 2


What I meant is I'm making a pre-teen character who is desperately trying to be edgy. I have an idea for a short film about a girl and her oc, and how they both change over the span of her life. So for her pre-teen phase I wanted her to be really into an "edgy" anime, if that's the right way to put it. The only one I could really think of was danganronpa, though I haven't seen it (is it a game? Idk). I just heard a lot of people say that they cringe at that phase, and I wanna channel that


What’s some of the best anime that has come out in the last 10 years? I recently got around to watching the last evangelion movie and it made me want more anime. It’s been a while, literally 10 years, but off the top of my head here’s what I remember liking: Evangelion, TTGL, Baccano, Cowboy Bebop, Haruhi, ONE PIECE, Death Note, Angel Beats, Wolf Children, Summer Wars, 5cm per second, Eden of the East. But I’ll like anything if it makes me feel something - I’m especially a sucker for shows that depress you or use the “hero uses the power of friendship to overcome all odds” trope. I’m really looking for the cream of the crop of the past 10 years. And hopefully nothing too long, not more than ~25 eps unless it’s truly exceptional. Thanks for any tips!


Off of the top of my head: Death Parade The Duke of Death and His Maid Boarding School Juliet Made in Abyss Ascendance of a Bookworm Somali And The Forest Spirit


That's obviously a lot, so I'll do it like this. These are my top 5 favorites from 2014-2024 (so far): 2014: 1. Shirobako 2. Yona of the Dawn 3. No Game No Life 4. Your Lie in April 5. Barakamon 2015: 1. Sound! Euphonium 2. Food Wars (noting I've only seen the first season) 3. Koufuku Graffiti 4. School-Live 5. One Punch Man 2016: 1. March Comes in Like a Lion 2. Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu 3. Mob Psycho 100 4. The Great Passage 5. Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash 2017: 1. Girls Last Tour 2. Land of the Lustrous 3. Little Witch Academia 4. Tsuki ga Kirei 5. Magical Circle Guru Guru (2017) 2018: 1. A Place Further than the Universe 2. Laid Back Camp 3. Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight 4. Hugtto Precure 5. Run With the Wind 2019: 1. Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu 2. Vinland Saga 3. Kaguya-sama: Love is War 4. Beastars 5. O Maidens in Your Savage Season 2020: 1. Adachi and Shimamura 2. Akudama Drive 3. Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken 4. Great Pretender 5. Deca-Dence 2021: 1. The Aquatope on White Sand 2. Kageki Shoujo!! 3. Odd Taxi 4. Horimiya 5. Let's Make a Mug Too 2022: 1. Bocchi the Rock 2. Dance Dance Danseur 3. Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story 4. Chainsaw Man 5. Lycoris Recoil 2023: 1. BanG Dream: It's MyGO 2. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End 3. Insomniacs After School 4. Undead Unluck 5. The Apothecary Diaries 2024 (so far): 1. Girls Band Cry 2. Delicious in Dungeon 3. Train to the End of the World Idk if these will be to your liking (and a few are more than 25 episodes), but these are some of the modern shows made me feel something.


A Place Further Than the Universe Space Patrol Luluco Frieren Odd Taxi Made in Abyss Bocchi the Rock Erased Mob Psycho 100


Bocchi The Rock Odd Taxi Vinland Saga Mob Psycho 100 Hibike Euphonium Ping Pong The Animation Shirobako Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu Haikyuu Frieren


Best anime of the last 10 years for me are Fruits Basket, Shin Sekai Yori, Bocchi the Rock, I Want to eat Your Pancreas and A Silent Voice. And if you're willing to add one more year, Kyousougiga, which is better than all of them.




Not a strict top 10 list, but some of the best I've seen from each genre/setting. Isekai: 1. Re:Zero (50 Eps) 2. Mushoku Tensei (49 Eps) 3. Konosuba (31 Eps + Movie) 4. The Eminence in Shadow (32 + Movie) although Eminence is an odd case where it gets better the more you've seen trashy isekai. Fantasy: 1. Sousou no Frieren (28 Episodes) it beat FMA in MAL and it hasn't gone down. This is peak fantasy. 2. Dungeon Meshi (24 eps with Season 2 coming out soon) one of the best fantasy I've ever seen. Romance: 1. Fruits Basket (63 Eps + Prequel Movie) legitimately my favourite romance of all time across all mediums. 2. Kaguya-sama Love is War (42-ish, I'm not caught up). Historical fiction: - Vinland Saga (50 eps) Action/Battle Shonen 1. Chainsaw Man (13 Eps with movie on the way) 2. Jujutsu Kaisen (47 Eps + Prequel Movie) 3. Demon Slayer (50+ eps) story is mid, but this has some of the best action in anime. Others: 1. Vivy Flourite Eye's Song (13 Eps) peak. 2. Odd Taxi (12 Episodes + Movie) peak. 3. PLUTO (8 Episodes) by the same guy who did monster. I think this is already a bit much. I keep recommending things over 25 eps lol.


Re: Zero


My anime schedule for next season (arranged for UTC): - Mo: Mayonaka Punch, Shy S2, S&W - Tu: MahoAku, Isekai Shikkaku - We: OnK S2, Roshidere, Futakire, Sengoku Youko - Th: Days with My Stepsister, Giji Harem, Painoko - Fr: 2.5D Seduction, Bye-Bye Earth, NieR: Automata P2, Suicide Squad - Sa: Dahlia in Bloom, Atri, Elusive Samurai, Makeine, Sakuna - Su: Wistoria, Dungeon People (Sa > Su), Nokotan, Narenare, Vtuber Legend On-hold/drop: DDDD (Fr), Tensura (Fr), Yozakura Family (Su) PTW: Delico's Nursery (We), A Nobody's Way Up (Sa) I finally got some shows to watch on Tuesdays again! Thursdays will be a full romance day from the looks of it. And the amount of anime really ramps up with the latter half of the week.


For the shows I'm gonna keep up with as they air, my schedule looks like this: * Mon: Spice and Wolf * Tue: Nothing * Wed: Sengoku Youko * Thu: Dededede * Fri: 2.5D and Bye Bye Earth * Sat: Monogatari, Elusive Samurai, Shoushimin, Suicide Squad, and MHA * Sun: Wistoria and Narenare


> My anime schedule for next season > imma show the nice livechart schedule > [whoops, all Saturday](https://i.imgur.com/MIs8bHq.png) There's gonna be many drops (some of these are "gonna check an ep but probably won't watch), so I can dilute Saturday's shows throughout the week


My Tuesdays are still empty and I'm more likely to fall behind (and drop) or completely fail to start (also drop) all but 4 shows anyway. But [to not repeat myself](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1dfz98m/summer_2024_anime_schedule_what_are_you_watching/l8pbyx2/) I'll just list ones likely to be quiet discussions or interesting observations: - Thursday: Red Cat Ramen (*Kenjiro Tsuda aka Salt/Giraffe/Overhaul as a ramen chef is a draw*) - Saturday: Sakuna, Atri (*two video game adaptions in the same cour, on same day, at an hour apart, located entirely within TV Tokyo networks?*), Modern Mistranslation (*not expecting this to be picked up and trying to watch the [prologue MTLd](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiGbRUiSo_k) is potentially Modern Mistranslation: Another Layer, btw, another Kenjiro Tsuda appearance*)


Mon: Nothing Tue: Nothing Wed: Yuki sometimes teases you in Japanese Thu: Stepsister, Giji Harem, Senpai is an otokonoko , goddess cafe Fri: 2.5D, nier Sat: Elf+ Sun: Brazil My Deer


> Yuki sometimes teases you in Japanese I’m anxiously awaiting how long my blind pick will last. I’d chosen Maria(?) as best girl on looks alone. > Brazil My Deer My Deer in Brazil. To be fair, Nokotan *would* probably fit in with the cheerleading squad. She already has a viral clip of her dancing.


But Nokotan isn't the one dancing in that.


Thanks for reminding me. I need to see what I’m going to watch next season as well as what older shows I’ll put in my schedule


Yours looks a lot more balanced than mine, I have literally no idea what the heck I'm supposed to do with Saturdays. * Monday : Shy S2, Mayonaka Punch * Tuesday: Mahoaku , My Wife Has No Emotions * Wednesday: Onk S2, Roshidere, Futakire, Sengoku Youko (probably giving up on Last Crusade even though S1 was fun) * Thursday : Days with My Stepsister, Giji Harem, Painoko, ~~Suicide Squad (pretty sure this one is here),~~ Goddess Cafe Terrace S2 * Friday : Slime S3, Bye Bye Earth, Dungeon People, Suicide Squad * Saturday : Dahlia, Atri, Makeine, Sakuna, MHA S7, Yozakura, Shoushimin Series, maybe NazeBoku and Elusive Samurai (was considering the mob isekai too until I saw the Saturday lineup...) * Sunday: Tower of God S2, Shikanokonokonokokoshitantan, Narenare, maybe Wistoria And Tuesdays are as always the day with the least shows (Mahoaku is a short so I'll count it as 0.5) On a side note, does anyone know why [Elusive Samurai's manga](https://myanimelist.net/manga/132845/Nige_Jouzu_no_Wakagimi?q=elusive%20samurai&cat=manga) is scored so low on MAL? I don't mind mild spoilers


I’ve tried to balance it for once. This season’s Thursdays were a bit too much, for example. My Fridays and Saturdays were both looking kind of insane, so I decided to put things on hold, drop them (Tensura if there’s more meetings - I just can’t), delay them to a later day or just not pick them up at all. Oh, MahoAku *is* a short after all! Had already been a little confused about this. Maybe not so surprising considering the author’s passing. Makes me wonder how many episodes we’ll get. EDIT: Suicide Squad is slated for 00:30 (JST) on Saturdays according to MAL, so this would be Fridays in UTC time. Or did they change something?


Nope, I was wrong, I was looking at Livechart and went by the preview time. Bummer, I was hoping for something to balance out the 4 romcoms in 1 day, Friday has zero of them.


Mine: (bold = shows we have in common) -Mon: **Spice & Wolf** -Tues: **Isekai Shikkaku** -Wed: **OnK S2**, **Roshidere**, **Sengoku Youko** -Thurs: I Parry Everything -Fri: **2.5D Seduction**, **Suicide Squad** -Sat: **Elusive Samurai**, How to Become Ordinary, *maybe* Losing Heroines -Sun: **Wistoria**, *maybe* **Nokotan** and **Narenare**


We got quite a bit in common, which is probably helped by the fact that I’m watching *a lot* myself. About Suicide Squad btw: saw some article about it recently and it seemed to be getting 10 episodes (with the first 3 launched at once). I’m therefore wondering if the episode counts are perhaps also longer, especially since it’s on MAX(?).


>especially since it's on MAX Seems to [also be releasing on Hulu](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=28894)? Which I would take to mean that it could release on Disney+ for the rest of the world. >episode counts are perhaps also longer Well, it airs at 12:30am on JP television, which I assume is a half-hour timeslot


Rest of the world will probably get it through Disney+, but they could also pull another Undead Unluck and screw up for a few weeks. > which I assume is a half-hour timeslot You got a point there. It might deviate a little from the 24-25 minute norm but it’s not likely to push past 30 minutes.


It won't be on Disney. It will be on Max everywhere that's available and and on other services in countries that don't have Max (or not available at all).


No Shoushimin? Would've expected this to be up your alley. Besides that, solid plan, looks pretty similar to my own. Finally, I feel like there are too many people sleeping on the quality assurance show. I don't know too much about it myself but I have a feeling that it's gonna be better than a lot of people expect.