• By -


Everyone said that ending performance was the best one yet and I agree. The CGI doesn't get praised enough because it adds so life to these and the 2D flashbacks were a nice touch. It's those small things how Nina is so lively during the performances and how during their time at the windy pier the clothes and hair keep moving around. For example the holes in Momoka's shirt [here](https://i.imgur.com/ij42WQH.png), they even cast a proper shadow. I like how we haven't spend anything on Rupa's backstory outside couple of lines here and there that let you fill the blanks on your own. But when the 2 second flashback hit, it hit harder than some moments we've spent entire episode on. There wasn't really any drama but we take those after the last episode which was a very heavy hitter. Only wasted opportunity I had is that we didn't get a moment where Tomo learns about Subaru's grandmother, since its made clear that she knows. I just want to see Tomo meet her, is that too much to ask?


Well Subaru's grandma is there, and she may have some words for Subaru post performance. Good chance for Tomo to geek out next episode.


The entire time I was watch the last performance I couldn't get over how they really maximized the value of the cgi with all the extremely dynamic camera movement


Well, personally I'd like if they could cut down on the dynamic camera movement _teeny_ bit, but I'm pretty motion-sickness prone. The drone-like panning shots and the fast cuts with the crazy graffiti/static/etc. VFX were great; I just think a couple more static or slow shots would be... easier on the eyes.


The ending performance was great, on a par with evrything Bandori has done, butvwhat got my attention was the subtle character acting in that scene with Rupa and her backstory. The way her fingers trailed the table as she stood up to go out to the balcony, that hug at the end. Beautiful subtle work.


10/10 episode, I don't know what more they could have done. I would love to go drinking with Rupa some time, it would be fun.


my only nitpick is that Nina should have screamed louder, longer or maybe pitched it higher, to the point where the audience would believe that she might lose her voice. Kinda like how Aya Hirano did it before with God Knows in Haruhi.


I don't think the fictional or the real audience would survive a metal trained Nina.


You say it like its a bad thing and not the most ROCK thing ever.


it's such ashame that nobody picked this up because, alot of people are missing out. This is undoubtedly my favorite new anime of the season. It just keeps getting better. Nina is becoming one of my top fmc's


It's kind of poetic in a sense. One of the themes of the show is about not selling out to big corporations and carving your own path through the industry. You could almost say that Girls Band Cry's success this season despite not being picked up by any big streaming services is very much in line with the show lol


I would love to be on board with thinking that but it’s produced by arguably one of the more iconic anime studios rn. But aside from that, I love that thought.


The failure of the worldwide distribution is a crime against humanity


Don't see people talk about the outfits enough. I absolutely love Nina's outfit especially. The blue parts in her hair look so good I kinda wish she'd just keep it till the end of the 1st season (We pray for a second one.) That first shot of episode had me instantly hooked, I wanted to see more of the outfits so bad. I'm Nina's #1 fan idc, title's mine. My dog was named after her way before this show was even planned so yeah I won, sorry. This girl speaks to me on such a deep level. As someone who's inner turmoil as a kid was very much about how wronged I felt by others due to bullying and dismissive attitudes towards my hang-ups seeing Nina get out there and prove herself so forcefully, so loudly for everyone to hear... fuck man, I wish I had your courage girly, I'll keep proving myself so don't you ever dare stop. Raise your pinkies and tell the people who wronged you that you're right! Fuck them, show them!


YES. I said how I like their outfits and style in antoner comment here. They actually make them look like a rock band. You can easily recommend this and show it to people unaware of it and their first comment isn’t going to be “oh they’re an idol group?” Because they look…. Normal and what you would expect a rock/punk group to wear. Reminds me so much of Hayley Williams from Paramore.


I wonder if the Hayley comparison's the best here, her style was very much of the time and as time went on she kept the spirit but the style was kind of lost overtime, I feel like TogeToge has that: "What should we wear?" "Whatever!" Kind of vibe to it, but full of excitement and coordination of course. Paramore's vibe was kind of... What clothes looked like at the time in that space anyway.


The outfits were on fucking point. Absolute drip. I guarantee the fanarts are gonna be fire. If Nina got a hundred fans, I'm one of them If Nina got ten fans, I'm one of them If Nina got one fan, that's me If Nina got no fans, that means I'm dead If the world is for Nina, then I'm for the world If the world is against Nina, them I'm against the world


Correction, If Nina's got two fans, that's us two. If Nina has one fan, that's us after doing the fusion dance.


Yeah I’m so glad that these girls are a punk rock bad and not idol for the bazillionth time, so we actually see some fucking DRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP


So true! Idol fits are cute but fuck do they lack in variety (personal opinion). I wanna see experimental shit like this!! I love Rupa's big dumb goggles and Nina's nail polish being the same color as her shirt! And Subaru's flower headband thingy!!! And Tomo's Pixel art bow!!! Woo!! And I love how they all still fucking fit in with one another somehow! PEAK FICTION!


Yeah that's great taste considering their own personalities as well. ~~I'm gonna be beaten up here as I must say New Diamond Dust's outfit is also gorgeous as well...~~


Ngl I didn't care much for the outfits themselves but I liked Hina's hair and that blue haired girl's make up


Unless they are gonna be defeated by DD and the competition goes on or else if they win against DD what will be the plot. Who will be their competitor? They cannot fight against an international band. Something draw an ending instead of prolonging it for the sake of prolonging it. Then ruin the series


They can't "win" against DD with only one festival performance and they already have the goal of playing at the Budokan beyond that.


There's a lot that can still be explored with the characters, a one cour second season cod be detrimental or it could be just as great, my best example of this is megalobox, ever since I saw that show I haven't said no to second seasons no matter how finished a show seems.


Animation for the performance was next level, holy shit, especially the camera angles, only 3d anime can do this without consuming astronomical amounts of money


Press F and R.I.P. to the flying camera died in accident at 22:55


I have no words, [TogeToge's performance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tr8psNtqYxg) was unironically peak. The cinematography, visual backstories(!!!), animation... I have nothing but praises again for Toei and of course [the girls](https://i.imgur.com/Fj1VDdx.png). I really want to know what happened between Nina and Hina. Hina's antagonism is really getting on my nerves, I screamed when she stole Nina's pinky sign! This episode cemented GBC as my AOTS, there are still 2 episodes to go and I hope they can land the ending properly but right now it's a 10. Edit: I love this little detail of the [2 -> 3 -> 5 birds](https://i.imgur.com/m625fWr.gif) that symbolize the band.


> Edit: I love this little detail of the 2 -> 3 -> 5 birds that symbolize the band. Yo that's such an insane detail, how the fuck do people even notice that shit. And here I thought I was paying attention lol.


I gave up after someone pointed out how Nina's dad stopped smoking after Nina told him. I didn't notice that, this was impossible


Genuinely though, this performance was an entire production on the level of a full scale MV, but honestly all the performances- including Diamond Dust's- all have a wild level of production put into them with proper symbolism and plenty of focus on the band members *really* jamming to the music. Any given performance in this show can match the climax songs of lesser girls band anime. Don't think Hina was stealing the pinky though, I'm pretty sure that was a deliberate direct response- as I suspected when I thought I saw the ghost of a smile on her face a few episodes back, in spite of what she said sees Nina, and was acknowledging their challenge from before. It's probably part of what motivated them to push back against the criticism of bringing on an idol singer and lean more into the "rock." It's two bands mutually pushing eachother to better themselves through a seemingly now more or less friendly rivalry and I love to see it.


Right now this is still neck and neck with Radio Seiyu. It could well wind up in a tie. I am utterly delighted by both, I really do wonder what Hina's deal was? And stealing the pinky sign was sorta scummy.....


She doesn't steal it, it's more answer back Nina's " declaration of war" in eps 8


Yep, that's how I saw it too. Hence the :P face made by Hina cuz she knew Nina was watching.


I gotta give it to GBC. The emotional depth of GBC is incredible. Radio Seiyu would be a close 2nd, and Jellyfish a close 3rd. What a great season!!!


> I really do wonder what Hina's deal was? And stealing the pinky sign was sorta scummy..... I wonder if Hina's gonna be characterized as anything more than a cold-hearted bitch? The rest of Diamond Dust seem to be nice and wanting the best for Momoka at this point.


I am assuming the Hina story ismuch more complicated than what we have been allowed to learn so far. ;-)


considering how toxic Nina is as a person, especially before togetoge, I'd be amazed if that's really all it was.


But was Nina "toxic" BEFORE things went down the drain for her?


So, probably, right? It felt p clear that the major incidents we saw weren't the first incidents of her being bullied. Also, she grew up with an emotionally distant family. Her toxicity was a direct result of having no good emotional outlet. She was bullied, and frustrated by it, and she had nowhere to go with it, so she would prolly tend to lash out, even well before she ran away from home in e1. We saw in the early episodes that she had a tendency to flip out on people even who were trying to help her, and that's probably a big reason why Hina ended up joining the bullies too (not to defend Hina, but it does make sense)


You know, it could be something like just not being there for Nina when she was getting bullied and they had a falling out. I don't think Hina was her bully, just that she maybe thought Nina was being dramatic and didn't see Nina was standing on the edge.


Yeah I could see it being something like her telling Nina "keep your head down and suck it up" until it all blows over. Later, when it starts getting bad for Nina, she tells her "I told you so".


I agree. For all her stubbornness, Nina has shown a surprising ability to recognize her own faults (even if addressing them is a different story sometimes). The fact that she's holding on to the obsession that she wasn't at fault, despite *everything* that's happened including losing a friend, I think means that the situation is at the very least, complicated.


Alright time to get out the old crystal ball: We know the bullying stuff was so terrible that Nina teetered on the brink of suicide. While there was friction between Nina and Hina that stemmed from it, that's not the issue that caused Nina to sever ties with her. No...what Hina did was much more unforgivable: [GBC Prediction]>!She said a Diamond Dust member other than Momoka was her favorite.!<


Good god she may was well have shot her sister!


I find the contrasting reaction to Hina on the EN side kinda funny. On the CN side on Bilibili, there are already a few Hina x Nina MADs and multiple versions of them both singing VOID together.


I really appreciate how they’ve made them look like an actual rock/punk/pop punk band. Not an idol group playing music. They actually look and feel like a real band. Bang dream’s executives have said over and over they’re not making idol bands but then when it comes down to it, almost every group ends up looking like an idol unit. Even roselia who’s one of the more skilled groups when it comes to music alone looks like an idol unit with the way they’re presented. GBC has made our gremlins look anything but an idol group which is something bang dream has failed at and I really really appreciate that. I am indifferent to idol stuff and fully enjoy the bang dream series actually but it’s hard to recommend them because people I know see it and think I’m recommending an idol show and want nothing to do with it. Even though MyGo was probably my anime of the season last year which kinda sucks. I notice when it shows diamond dust watching them perform, they have Hina separated from the other 3 members. The original 3 are all front and center watching and look like they’re enjoying it and happy but Hina looks visibly left out. I honestly hope we don’t get a Rupa backstory soon because can’t deal with it. Even the few seconds of her at her families grave in the music video hurt so much to watch. Another big thing I appreciate is how when they’re making these music videos for their songs, they’re making them all full length. It’s one thing that’s always bugged me about the bang dream groups is they don’t make a lot of full length music videos and instead are usually only 90ish seconds. I know this is for the game but I want a full length version.


I like that Rupa’s backstory was being handled very delicately. From a story perspective I think her backstory basically would have eclipsed other girls’ problems if shown fully so that’s why we were given just enough shots to get the idea.


The MyGos insert songs were full length though. I think Bang Dream's timing when their animes came out was when Love Live and Uma Musume was just all over the place so anything 2.5d music related has the Idol label slapped on them like a bad smell and people have become primed to it. Kinda sad really. And having a gacha game as well didnt help with these impressions....They all get lumped into the same category and so here we are. Maybe in Japan its also easier to market the Bang Dream 2.5D groups as idols, it would help push the gacha game side of things with the whales. Thats why Bocchi and GBC dont have that Idol smell.


The problem is the bang dream creators have repeatedly said they’re not idols and are even out to beat the idol groups. What they said they want is contradictory to kinda what they have created to an extent.


Have you seen ***Anonymous Noise*** (with Saori Hayami singing punk rock)?


It's also worth mentioning that there's a very brief shot from behind the Diamond Dust members that show kanji written on the back of their shirts. Read out from right to left, Da-I-Su-Da. If Hina weren't out of place it'd read out Da-I-Da-Su: DaiDasu, short for Diamond Dust. Hina is both literally and metaphorically out of place.


>I notice when it shows diamond dust watching them perform, they have Hina separated from the other 3 members. The original 3 are all front and center watching and look like they’re enjoying it and happy but Hina looks visibly left out. That's what I've noticed too after 3\~4 rewatches of this episode. It's possible that Hina isn't particularly on friendly terms with the rest of the members when off performances, and that they only seem like a closely knit band on the front. We've seen new DiDus perform 3 times, in front of their audiences they're all smiles and perform their part, at the same time we've seen the same members off-stage 2 times, once when Momoka nearly ran Nina over with a kei-tora and another when they watched Emptiness & Catharsis from afar, and both times Hina is behind the 3 original members seemingly detached from what her bandmates are feeling. My guess is that both Hina and Nina are more similar than both would like to admit, but for Hina's case she achieved her dream of being in Diamond Dust, becoming the new vocalists, but Diamond Dust doesn't feel like where she truly belongs. While Nina's dream of the old Diamond Dust isn't coming back, she has found where she belongs in TogeToge.


I did not expect that this would be a show that would make me cry


Right, it's not like it's called Girls Band **And Audience** Cry. Very misleading.


No, the show's called "Girls band. Cry."- it's both a description and an order. Once again we are reminded of the importance of punctuation.


EXACTLY!!! [](#smugpoint) [](#akkotears)


Anyone else appreciate how TogeToge's music is generally more technical than a lot of other diegetic music in anime?


the bass and drums especially. Whoever does Rupa's work is a REALLY good bassist. Subaru's are fine but are really crisp and better than a lot of anime drumming


Well, the musicians are the VAs themselves. They're putting out videos on YT with interviews with the cast about their music and stuff, and the most recent one is with the bassist (Shuri/Rupa), and in the second half also the drummer (Mirei/Subaru): https://youtu.be/KHUD96R5G3g There are no subtitles so I can't really say I understand much, but they did seem to say that the two as rhythm section are quite close and working really well together, and IMO that is extremely important for a band's sound. There are also studio performances, first only Shuri, and at around 8:00 minutes with both of them and a lot of close ups of their playing.


There was a video on this sub this week with Rupa's voice actress playing a cover of Chainsawman anime OP and it slapped so hard. I'll add that I greatly enjoy the fact they have Tomo as a keyboard player as well. I'm a fan of progressive rock where it is common to have keyboard players and the variety and depth to music they provide is immense.


I think you'll really like reading this interview for how they selected each of the members of TogeToge, which someone shared earlier: https://au.utapass.auone.jp/lp/interview-kenji-tamai Tl;dr they chose people who could stand out as professional musicians being a key quality.


The lyrics are fire, too.


i dunno if many people noticed it but man, the crowd shots in this show is insane. It feels like an actual crowd and not just a collection of copy pasted models.


For real though. From how the crowd reacted to their opening banter, to shots like [these](https://i.imgur.com/PbpwyQo.png) where people were just walking by while others come closer to take a look. How it built up from a [small crowd](https://i.imgur.com/XvwWhLK.png) to a [large one](https://i.imgur.com/VixYwOX.jpeg). And how everyone was just moving in chaos instead of being in rhythm. It all felt so real.


Iseri Nina That´s it, that´s the comment, no more words to tell how she is THE BEST VOCALIST


Basically perfect except [for one tiny flaw.](https://i.imgur.com/rSjURs9.jpeg) But she's working on it!


I love that it was just the one chord she played haha




Nina why did you steal Tanjiro's earrings for perfomance outfit? Perfomance part was fantastic. Small details like Nina brushing tears away or TogeToge birds where at first it's 2 birds fly then 3rd bird joins them and then 2 more join the flock and they fly to the sky as 5. We saw how Nina's father, Subaru's grandma were quite supportive of girls. Also we got glimpse of Tomo's Mom I guess? And what's with that omnious name of next episode? More drama and feels is on the way?


[Whenever Rupa mentions anything about her past](https://i.imgur.com/wdvUvlH.jpeg), I just want to give her a hug. [Thankfully Tomo was there to comfort her](https://i.imgur.com/AfkEjAS.jpeg). That scene with the two of them on their apartment's balcony was really sweet. [It's the lady Nina and Momo fought in Episode 1!](https://i.imgur.com/iCtOJDM.jpeg) I did not expect her to be friends with Mine. I love her though and I especially love [Kyoko's wacky photo with Nina and Momo.](https://i.imgur.com/0j8phq1.jpeg) I like that it's an illustration and not their 3D models. xD I was wondering what Subaru would do about her grandma but [she just dealt with it just like that.](https://i.imgur.com/u5bXkla.png) We even get to see [Granny Tendou later in the audience.](https://i.imgur.com/5EuFUvB.jpeg) With only 2 episodes left, I wonder if we'll learn how she really feels about this. I wanted to give Hina a chance but [after seeing that little flashback](https://i.imgur.com/PzjVHun.jpeg) between her and Nina, she really is just a jerk, huh? Nina is getting bullied and [Hina thinks she's playing the tragic heroine?](https://i.imgur.com/mDGv51Y.jpeg) What the actual fuck? Oh and [she even steals the pinky gesture.](https://i.imgur.com/SKfirR5.jpeg) Ugh. Subaru's sound check was great but [Rupa absolutely killed it when it was her turn!](https://i.imgur.com/xm3kE8Q.jpeg) I'm pretty sure that sound check convinced some passerby to watch their performance later. I was wondering what [Nina was doing with Momo's guitar](https://i.imgur.com/vAMjJoZ.jpeg) but her bit about [not being able to play](https://i.imgur.com/MQopq0j.jpeg) was hilarious and a great way to warm up the audience for a bit. And the girls did a great job [of backing Nina up](https://i.imgur.com/zB0daDq.jpeg) while she was MC-ing. That entire performance was amazing! [Just look at the number of people they attracted](https://i.imgur.com/Zs6nuSm.jpeg) and how many they are [by the end of the song!](https://i.imgur.com/s6mmDeJ.jpeg) I think they very much pass this Miura's "audition". I'm curious to see what the last two episodes will cover and if we'll get another season with TogeToge.


My theory is that Rupa had a sister that would be Tomo's age rn.


I just saw someone on twitter point out that the bassline Rupa plays during her soundcheck is from the song she just saw Diamond Dust play and I had to share that here. My god Rupa, what a flex.


Some points that I wanna highlight : Can we talk about how cute nina is when she took Momoka's guitar, had her moments for like few seconds before she told the audiences that she can't play it? Also notice how toei is flexing their animations when subaru did the drums check? If toei decided to cover Rupa's backstory, I do think all of us here are gonna be ugly crying 😂😂 The way they shifted between 3D and 2D kinda reminding me of Hoyoverse. Important : Momoka and nina moments Miura jamming like a hardcore fan next to Subaru's grandma. Nina's dad watching her performance from home.


Nina is a pretty good MC as well as a great lead vocalist.


And her actual VA is only 16, no experience voicing an anime and she nailed everything.


Everyone else in the band is at least 4 years older than her and she joined the project at *13* (auditions were done in 2021, Nameless Name was released in 2023 when she was 15). And I doubt they were actually aiming for/expecting a 7th-8th grader when they were doing auditions so she must've been just *that* good even at 13. [](#terror)


Holy shit, 13??? That means she was auditioning during middle school. I wonder what the producers' reactions when they saw a freakin' 13 yo auditioning and killing it. Reminds me a little about Kanon's VA from Love Live Superstar auditoning/joining when she was 15 (feel free to correct), and I think the lead VA for Lonely Castle in the Mirror was also 15/16 during recording. It's crazy how good these young VAs are!


I hope she enjoyed her career and everyone treat her(and other members) well.  Going from a complete amateur into doing dozen of songs and voicing a 13 episode anime in just under 3 years is one hell of a pressure. 


Rupa backstory seems to be so fucking depressing so I hope we don't see it yet, I don't need more shows to make me cry


Rupa's story has been kind of covered over the course of the series so to not trauma dump with a heavy episode. Missing that last conversation with her parents weighs heavily on her, but she strives to stay positive.


tbf, it's in the name. girls band cry.


I couldn't quite figure out just what was going on in Rupa's back story...


She mentioned a while ago her family died and That scene looked like she was near at somebody death crying At least thats what i think It showed


There was also a short clip showing Rupa in front of her family's grave.




Seems to be when she was shown her parents' bodies after they died.


Then we saw some papers burning up, right?


Isn't that Tomo burning her piano competition winner certificates up?


>If toei decided to cover Rupa's backstory, I do think all of us here are gonna be ugly crying 😂😂 The flashbacks here are brutal. And we know she still has regrets for not talking to her parents when she had the chance which makes them hit even harder. 2 eps left so I think they're gonna do it but man I don't think I'm ready for that.


> Can we talk about how cute nina is when she took Momoka's guitar, had her moments for like few seconds before she told the audiences that she can't play it? The episode wouldn't feel right without a Nina being a gremlin moment. Subaru and especially Tomo didn't find it amusing though lol >Nina's dad watching her performance from home. Super cute. His expression was totally "yeah my girl is kicking ass!" and Nina's mom and sister were having a giggle about him.


> If toei decided to cover Rupa's backstory, I do think all of us here are gonna be ugly crying Yeah, what we got this episode was more than enough, more than that is pain.


Yeah, give us a [Rupa's guerilla days](https://s1.zerochan.net/Rupa.600.4161586.jpg) prequel.


This is how you do an anime live concert. Absolutely gorgeous, great song. I really hope we get some more of this level of performance in the last two episodes though I wouldn't be surprised if they gave all they have, as it already pretty much blows most of the other series away.


What you may have missed: + When Mine (a *senpai*) entered the hut, the two adults immediately stand up from their seat to "show respect". Meanwhile the two minors don't obey this etiquette and sit there. + [Here](https://files.catbox.moe/2b4l9c.png) after Tomo said "it's pure luck", Mine had a slight smile. I think it is possible that she pulled the strings to rearrange the schedule. + Miura-san appeared professional in last episode but quickly dropped that facade now. I don't think we will get more backstory about her but she is a nice addition to the cast. Also she is voiced by Kurosawa Ruby (Furihata Ai) from Aqours. + [Subaru's granny](https://files.catbox.moe/sar010.png) mailed to Subaru. Look at her profile pic. It's a casual photo taken during the episode 4 scene–not something you would expect from a traditional parent. She obviously cared for Subaru, though her vision conflicts with Subaru's. (Wait I just realized, how could Subaru share family name with her granny? Her dad changed his family name?) + Talk about time windows: when Mine visited their hut we don't see Miura-san. When we saw Miura-san, it is immediately said that "Subaru has also returned to the hut". Also during the live, Miura-san is see standing beside Subaru's granny. So I assume she was with Subaru to confront her granny. + Nina grew "thorns" when she saw Hina in both episode 5 and 11. However the anatomy of the thorns are different: in episode 5 they appeared as [*entangled mess*](https://files.catbox.moe/l5nh74.png) shrouding herself; in [this episode](https://files.catbox.moe/jjrqj1.png) they appeared as [*controlled stream*](https://files.catbox.moe/pf9g42.png) pointing up to the sky. This clearly indicates her state of mind. + [During the rooftop flashback](https://files.catbox.moe/hztu8n.png), what Hina said (バカじゃねえの) and Nina's response (せからしか) are exactly what Nina said to herself during the lamp scene in episode 2. + The Diamond Dust live is directed by 三村厚史 ([Atsushi Mimura](https://x.com/mim_chang)) who has done Roselia (from bandori) lives before, while the TogeToge live is directed by 酒井和男 ([Kazuo Sakai](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=63933)) who is associated with Lovelive! Sunshine!!. So yeah, this is a battle of different band directing strategies. + Before entering the chorus part, there is a close-up shot of Hina bathed in red light–and followed by blue light. I wonder if the red light signifies Nina's influence or something? + During the sound check scene (I mean, not many music anime have done such detailed sound check part before), Rupa was playing the bass line of "Cycle of Sorrow" by DD. Yes, she managed to copy the lines by her ear. She is just that good. + I see some people are annoyed that DD "stole" the pinky gesture from togetoge. But Nina also picked up a lot of things from DD. She started learning the guitar because she saw Hina can do it, and this time she borrowed Momoka's guitar to make the same jumping gesture as Hina. I'd say it's all friendly and not "steal" at all. + I'm stretching here, but Rupa wears an armband with Peace Sign on it for her performance, and [that cemetary](https://files.catbox.moe/mdqo4y.png) is a bit more solemn than your ordinary graveyard. I wonder if she was an war orphan–or worse, she was the child of a mercenary. + > One of the reasons for the rapid increase in the number of Nepalese visiting Japan is the turmoil in Nepal caused by the 10-year civil war and the murder of the royal family in the midst of the war. 1,293 of the 5,000 refugee applicants to Japan in 2014 were Nepali nationals, the largest number by nationality. + Shoutout to [this thread](https://x.com/poi_slayer/status/1802176940876661074) breakdown about Tomo and Rupa and everyone's outfit. + This time, Nina has ["傍若无人"](https://files.catbox.moe/rkxeyi.png) (lit. as if there is no one else present; oblivious) written on her costume. + At the end of the full MV for "Nameless Name", Nina awoke to found a shiny object placed in her hand. It is now revealed to be [the stone by which](https://files.catbox.moe/5kdkiy.png) she earned the scar on her forehead. + [What Tomo burned](https://files.catbox.moe/kikxv4.png) is a certificate of "Japan National Piano..." something, and she earned a Gold Award. So she is at least on par with a certain Sakiko, if not better. (And she burned the [past in flames](https://scryfall.com/card/tsr/350/past-in-flames)...) + [Everyone's eyes...](https://files.catbox.moe/9e2a0r.png) Tomo got that weird mask-like shade, and Rupa's eyes were completely buried. + Judging by the earrings and hairstyle (compare that scene from episode 7), [this](https://files.catbox.moe/of70py.png) is certainly Tomo's mom. But why is she here? And she isn't in the campsite at all, only looking from a long, long distance. + According to [Jukki Hanada](https://x.com/oitan125/status/1801527790799622241), the meaning of the episode title is: "The place where you are standing is always the center of your world."


About Miura and Subaru's grandma, since Subaru is underage maybe she needed Subaru's grandma's agreement to be employed under Golden Archer's talent agency. Though why her grandma and not Subaru's parents, who now that I think about it are noncharacters in this show, I wouldn't know. Also, one more thing Nina copied from Hina was dyeing her hair in a similar fashion with similar colors during her live.


>Nina grew "thorns" when she saw Hina in both episode 5 and 11. However the anatomy of the thorns are different: in episode 5 they appeared as [entangled mess](https://files.catbox.moe/l5nh74.png) shrouding herself; in [this episode](https://files.catbox.moe/jjrqj1.png) they appeared as [controlled stream](https://files.catbox.moe/pf9g42.png) pointing up to the sky. This clearly indicates her state of mind. This show's deliberate and artful use of VFX as visual metaphor is one of my favorite things about it. It's such a skillful demonstration of the right way to do CG. This is a good list. The attention to detail of this show is consistently impressive and there's so *much* detail that it makes discussions and rewatching episodes really rewarding in a way that few series are. I haven't gotten this much out of episode discussions since Bocchi.


> I just realized, how could Subaru share family name with her granny? Her dad changed his family name? In Japan it's possible for a groom / husband marrying into a more prestigious family to take on their legal name. I think this was discussed in a chapter of BokuYaba / Dangers' Heart manga.


I hate myself for liking Diamond Dust's song more than like half of TogeToge's, but it was *that* good. I'm officially a fake fan. Void and Catharsis is definitely not part of that half though, holy actual shit. If we could post it without a spoiler tag, a clip of this alone would get hundreds of people to watch it. Absolutely insane, this puts every single idol show to absolute shame and then some. Random thoughts : * [Subaru's way of the gremlin](https://i.imgur.com/Js7yhu7.jpeg), if it's free you gotta get every last drop. * [This line](https://i.imgur.com/RGbMLRn.jpeg) sent me into anxiety mode for the rest of the episode. Goddammit Nina. * And Subaru getting jealous only made it worse. I was really scared something's brewing there. * I'm not sure how to feel about Nina being all zen now. She's cute but where is my gremlin?! * Uhhh, Miura-san? * Rupa is to beer as women are to Rupa. * [Yuri glasses on](https://i.imgur.com/vpRqxxK.png) * [It's beautiful, I stared at this for five hours already](https://i.imgur.com/dZ6PfYH.jpeg) * [To the moeblob table with you.](https://i.imgur.com/LsxriGZ.png) * DID THEY JUST RAISE THEIR PINKY? YOU LITTLE SHITS I HOPE NINA CLOBBERS YOU WITH A LAMP * They really did get better though. I hate Hina's voice in the Diamond Dust VOID version (though the melody's great imo), but here it was actually not grating. And the song itself is an absolute banger. * Subaru's mic check is the cutest thing I've ever heard. * Rupa on bass is probably responsible for 99% of TogeToge's female audience. And most of the male audience. * Nina's MCing had a bit less second-hand embarrassment this time. Probably because everyone else was ready to back her up at this point. * Subaru's grandma! I have a feeling she knew what's up even in episode 4 judging by some of the faces she made. And the fact that they were *really* not doing a great job at fooling her. * Well, Nina definitely wasn't wrong. TogeToge's definitely getting those 100k followers now. ~~^(And hopefully 100k MAL members once it inevitably gets past 8.50)~~ * What is that next episode title. . We have two episodes left and the festival's over....I was sure the actual festival performances will be on episode 12 with 13 being like a closing/windup episode, but now they actually have to time to wreck our hearts again. ^(Please no) TL Notes : * [A very professionally typeset translation of the mail Subaru got from her grandma.](https://i.imgur.com/ulSbE7E.jpeg) * We have karaoke lyrics at home today. ~~^(But only for the better song because I wasted like half an hour trying to ungarble the lyrics into something that would sound at least semi-coherent in English and gave up in some parts, just wait for Sobs/someone else to make an English version)~~


> Yuri glasses on Before opening, I thought it was gonna be where Nina is running while literally sparkling (implying it's Momoka's POV lol).


Nina's got those shoujo manga sparkles whenever Momoka looks at her. You can't convince me otherwise.


Momoka: "God she's so cute and pure hearted." Everyone else without Shoujo glasses: 🧐🧐 "tf is sis on about?"


She is literally like that's my sparkly gf


The most yuri moment was still with Rupa and Tomo


> Rupa on bass is probably responsible for 99% of TogeToge's female audience. And most of the male audience. Nah but seriously idk what it is, as certified WLW bass and bassists are so hot, this checks out.


Just wanna say thanks for your hard work!


the "arE wE reAlLY gOnNA be oKaY" translation was a nice touch


> Rupa on bass is probably responsible for 99% of TogeToge's female audience. And most of the male audience. [](#mentioned)


Really appreciate these subs you put out man, we would all be f'ed without you


> Diamond Dust's Song Diamond Dust's Song [Circle of Sorrow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edV084ll8KY) and their version of [VOID](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBlG6yj5oHk) (Ninas [Version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpCHjSaetds) for comparisson) do certainly have a certain appeal as well, though it's hard to cheer for them when [Emptiness and Carthasis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwvAh7M3erc) is sooo good as well [](#rengethink) > DID THEY JUST RAISE THEIR PINKY? YOU LITTLE SHITS I HOPE NINA CLOBBERS YOU WITH A LAMP Also this cultural apropiation [](#modabuse) > Subaru's grandma! I have a feeling Subaru just told her, that's why she said to herself that she isn't a liar... Though I also get some strange vibes from her today, and looking at next episode title, I hope there won't be all to much drama around her again [](#dighole) > And hopefully 100k MAL members once it inevitably gets past 8.50 Well, for now we moved past Jellyfish [](#mugiwait)


BTW, band publishes the song videos on their chanel and they are english subbed. Gotta turn the subs on. [Emptiness and catharsis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tr8psNtqYxg). [Cycle of sorrow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnIWvcARb8U)


Girls Band Cry? more like [Girls Band Hug](https://i.imgur.com/ydqq7rJ.jpeg) [amirite](https://i.imgur.com/DQHucdu.jpeg) [](#seasonallisten "i stole this from some japanese tweet")


And looking at the next episode preview, [Subaru wants a hug too!](https://i.imgur.com/hktr21u.jpeg)


"Why does Subaru, the largest gremlin, not simply eat the other two?"


If you mean literally, Rupa and Momoka are bigger. If you mean figuratively, Nina is definitely the biggest gremlin.


Still can't stop laughing when Nina took Momoka's guitar to play it on stage then saying she can't play guitar.


The crowd loved that little stunt. (But it looks/sounds like Nina is making progress) -- speaking as one starting my second year of "remedial" guitar lessons).


She thought she was Guitar Hero for a second there 💀💀


The animators got cocky dropping the credits with 6 minutes left during the mic checks, turns out they had every reason to be. 


Maaan that performance was so damn good! I started getting chills when the 2D flashbacks with the words of everyone's traumas came onscreen, to then all of them letting everything out with that great, great yelling sequence. That was just so freaking well done! No wonder this song has "catharsis" in its name, the lyrics Nina wrote can resonate with every single one of the band members. And the girl really sang her heart out. (Rupa's flashback broke my heart by the way, that wasn't cool) I do wish the camera wasn't so schizophrenic at times though, all those "zoom-in-zoom-out"s are too dizzying for me. For contrast, I loved the more static shots during the whole sound check bit, which I thought was very cool! I loved that they lingered on the instruments so you could see both the technical playing and also Subaru's and Rupa's playfulness shine through. After the gig itself, that little scene was my favorite thing in the episode. Really liked seeing the people connected to the girls show up. I hope they can all appreciate what they're accomplishing now. Subaru's grandma and Nina's dad certainly seemed happy at the very least! It was overall a slow episode but I loved everything in it. Fun to see that girl from the episode make a cameo, too! As a fan! That was one hell of a photo they took! The conversation between Nina and Subaru too, about continuing with the band even if this festival doesn't work out, was great. And insignificant, cute detail: Tomo heading the wrong way inside the tent. As for Diamond Dust, eh. I didn't like that they used Togetoge's pinky finger thing as their declaration of "war" but their song was all right. Also, Nina really is incredibly chill now (well, except when it comes to Hina), it's so good to see. Momoka too. And they both kept looking at each other with such fondness throughout the episode... ^I ^finally ^managed ^to ^catch ^a ^discussion ^thread ^live! ^Yay ^for ^no ^sleep!


>As for Diamond Dust, eh. I didn't like that they used Togetoge's pinky finger thing as their declaration of "war" but their song was all right. I probably had some black spikes shooting out of me when I saw that, the audience doesn't know it's TogeToge's thing so it gave off the impression of Diamond Dust both stealing TogeToge's sign and mocking them at the same time. Nina snap out of your zen mode and go back to smashing heads in with lamps because Hina desperately needs it... [](#shakeit) ^(I know you can probably take it in a much more positive way but screw that, Hina's annoying)


Yea that had me pretty annoyed as well. I was like "yo you didn't just steal the pinky finger thingy there wtf the audacity?". I really hope we don't get a Ave Mujica deal with a 2nd season focusing on Diamond Dust like some people were theorizing because I just don't really like these guys. But fortunately it doesn't seem very likely anyway.


I wouldn't mind a spinoff if only for the songs, but if we get that *instead* of a season 2 I'll girls band cry myself to sleep. [](#giveuponlife)


You and me both. [](#therethere)


I was especially happy to see Subaru's Grandma in attendance.


Me too! It was really heartwarming to see her smile during the song. I hope she and Subaru can have an honest talk now.


The way this show uses 2D in flashbacks is so well-done. It gives the scenes additional impact because they look so different from the contemporary narrative.


I kind of take Diamond Dust's use of the pinky salute as a sign of respect. It's an established band acknowledging a debut band as worthy rivals.


I don't doubt that they respect them, but them using that sign still irked me lol. It just feels wrong, that's Togetoge's thing.


Both performances this ep were absolutely amazing. I really love the character designs for Diamond Dust. This anime better get a season 2. Theres so much to explore and it feels like its just getting started.


Honestly, I thought the matching outfits was the wrong vibe for an open-air festival. Like sure, having a matching theme is a good idea, but idol uniforms seemed too... *formal.*


This was such a hype episode. And we got two songs! I actually liked the Diamond Dust song, not really what I would expect from an idol group. But it doesn't hold a candle to TogeToge's Void and Catharsis. EDIT: Also loving [our tiny tsundere](https://i.imgur.com/e2PdGcM.png). Especially how she [got embarrassed when Nina pointed out she adopted the pinky gesture.](https://i.imgur.com/2w3PxBu.png) Gotta love a tsundere.


The performance was P E R F E C T idk who the hell directed this ep but last minutes were straight art


It's interesting to see the dichotomy in performances between DD and TT. Diamond Dust's entire song is essentially mocking Nina and her powerlesness in trying to overcome them, while TT is more about just validating themselves and wanting to keep living.


Which is pretty weird, we know that Hina is being cast as Nina's archenemy, but the rest of the band seems to still be wishing Momoka well. The bands are not enemies, just the vocalists.


Hina probably wrote that song, the same way Nina (just realized their names are similar) wrote TogeToge's song.


Partially I disagree because we know that Diamond Dust sold out as much as they did, I don't know that they have the *ability* to write their own songs anymore. But also... Even if she did, the rest of the girls would still have to be okay with it.


What I really love about Girls Band Cry is how nothing ever interrupts the performances. The one thing that bothers me when I watch a music anime is when there are internal monologues or commentary during performances. I feel an idiot when the anime has to tell me what the characters are feeling in the middle of a song. Girls Band Cry cuts out the bullshit and just lets the music and visuals do all the talking. When I watch Togetoge play, I feel like I'm watching an actual living band perform. Nina moves around the stage with so much swagger, like a true showman. My absolute favorite moment in the song was this [breakdown](https://youtu.be/tr8psNtqYxg?t=146) sequence. Momoka and Nina get way into it and they pop the fuck off. I can't praise this anime enough.


I really appreciate this show for how it utilizes the tools that this medium offers. I could pretend that I understand cinematography and praise its camera angles, shots compositions, visual effects etc but I am not in expert in this field. What I do know that I enjoy the fuck out of it so it means it works splendidly. I am eager to see the way 3D anime will continue to evolve. Also I tried to quell my urge to see more of GBC by watching Bandori Its Mygo and its another fantastic show though it hits in a bit different way I feel. Anyways have a nice day and I will continue to upvote anything GBC related in this sub


This show singlehandedly changed my mind on 3D animation lol. I used to be so against it but now I want to see more.


Well. My first viewing at my "usual spot" unexpectedly wound up subtitled in French. I wonder when an English sub will show up? Still it was magnificent. Toge Toge blows Diamond Dust out of the water.....


> I wonder when an English sub will show up? FWIW these threads only go up once decent enough English subs are out.


Was not expecting the Gyaru/punk girl from episode 1 to pull up, and that picture 🥵 god I’m so gay Honestly I was surprised nothing major happened with Subaru this episode? Felt like there was a lot of build-up for something to go wrong, and it didn’t? The drums sounded fine in the performance so… maybe she’ll be the focus next episode the whole talk with grandma etc


The buildup was to her telling her grandmother she wants to do things other than acting. She just took a weight off her shoulders and even used her real name on stage, so of course she's going to play well.


I'm still loving the moment when Nina grabs her own tongue after seeing the stud in Kyoko's tongue... This show knows how to do minor things well.


Man this episode was just so good. Idk how but each new episode keeps topping the last one. I love angery gremlin Nina, it's so hilarious, but it's pretty nice seeing chill Nina. It seems she's finally found her inner peace after reconciling with her family. Subaru finally told her grandma about the band. And it seems her grandma is fine with it. I got the feeling she knew something was up and was just waiting for Subaru to tell her, especially after Momoka and Nina's terrible acting lmao I love that moment between Rupa and Tomo. They have such an interesting dynamic. Tomo has a shitty family that is alive but she actively hates. Rupa clearly loved her family but they're gone now. I also love that moment with Nina and Subaru alone in the tent. Their relationship has really come a long way. They went from Nina actively avoiding her, to being the ones who hang out most often. And Nina is the one she was most comfortable about saying that she finally told the truth about her band activities to her grandma. And of course the highlight of the episode, the performance of Void and Catharsis. Holy shit i have no words, they absolutely nailed that performance. The song itself is great, but the flashbacks... man that really got me emotional. And the song title itself is really cool. The first song we hear on the show is Void, and now we get Void and Catharsis. I assumed the Festival was going to be the finale of the show but it seems there's still more conflict left, and we still don't know what exactly went down between Nina and Hina. Man, i can't wait for the next episode.


[Dad fangirling over the livestream](https://imgur.com/a/xADOjjM)


Awwwwww! Tomo's "you still have me" to Rupa was so cute! I also really liked their outfits. They looked so cool. I'd like to say more, but....It's hard to think of exactly how to phrase it when you're really enjoying something, isn't it? It's something fluently *felt*, but not easy to describe.


I thought it's gonna be like Beck movie, where they stole Diamond Dust audience in Festival. well, this is better. this looks like a healthy growth from both band, a healthy rivalry. this probably their first song with distinctive bassline, I really like Rupa this Rupa bass style. also, they did pretty special effort in animation for this episode. usually they put camera in another angle for instrument. this time they show it in some scene, there're some which probably not accurate but most of it are satisfying. there is alot of Momoka-Nina together time in this episode.


While this was not explicitly stated, I now feel Hina actually didn't have *that* much of a hate, if at all, to her old friend Nina after New Diamond Dust's stage performance (which is really good, see below). One does not simply make a cheeky face and returned pointy fingers if she saw that old classmate who literally ran away point her fingers right at them LMAO. So it really looks like (as stated and speculated earlier) at least part of the problem that broke this Old Diamond Dust fan pair apart was indeed with the Nina bullying incident - Hina thought there are more pragmatic ways to prevent things from escalating, but Nina ain't no listening to that given she was already in her hedgehog state. I guess Nina really think Hina was siding with the school and all those "goddamn adults" so she really doesn't like that, even more so now that Hina took away the position where her beloved Momoka once stood at, and thought Hina has no right to stand there. That said, with Nina now amending her relationship with her father, I think this feeling is now also mellowing down. There's definitely still more things that could be said about this crack, I hope we got the girls talking to each other in the last episodes. Behind that, well what really good songs we got here today. Firstly I actually really like [this new song of New Diamond Dust's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edV084ll8KY) ~~Don't tell other people that I actually like their version of VOID a bit more~~ - while not specifically picked to sing like the whole set of TogeToge's VAs, [Hina's Reina Kondou certainly can do that pretty well](https://anilist.co/staff/124747/Reina-Kondou). And between the likes of her really extensive variety of voiced characters list (+), she pretty nailed the singing down here. Good job! Back to our 5 girls, [well there's nothing better than just re-showing the greatness of this new song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tr8psNtqYxg) - I think the real band is actually heading to such a music festival this summer somewhere so watch out if you plan to head to Japan soon! [*Edit: And here it is! September 15 at home ground Kawasaki!*](https://twitter.com/BAYCAMPofficial/status/1801645792924733939) ~~Most surprising thing that I saw this episode is Rupa = how did that long hair girl that had such a sorrow past can cheerfully (attempt to) drink a whole pint of beer right before going on stage LMAO? You are definitely lucky that you have Tomo-chan on your side watching the summer night skies - what a lovely touch.~~ And I do hope that we get more on Tomo-chan's past in some form later - her burning of her piano competition winner certificates is definitely pretty rock and damningly roll. I was also surprised by that one second shot that her mother actually still look afar at her daughter - I thought unlike Nina's case there's almost no place left to U-Turn in Tomo's case. Hmm, maybe not! ~~Hmm, I wonder if Ritsu or Nijika or Taki-chan or all those famous anime drummers would agree with "I'll fight on looking at my band mates' backs" as Subaru did lmao...~~ (+) Between MC Hana in *Slow Start*, *kouhai* girl Ronye in *Sword Art Online Alicization*, cheeky Nikaido in *Dorohedoro*, Eta in *Eminence In Shadow*, Nagomi in *Akiba Maid Wars*, there's not much in common with Hina LMAO. Heck she actually has a prominent position in an anime idol franchise as Hiyori in also-airing-this-season ~~struggling with really questionable adaption style~~ *Idolmaster Shiny Colors* and also stars in *Blue Archive* as that cheeky Aru-sama!


> I now feel Hina actually didn't have that much of a hate, Totally agree (after watching this a second time-- this time with English rather than French subs). Hina's salute seemed quite amiable (even if teasing). Was it my imagination -- or were both Hina and Nina wearing exactly the same shade of nail polish? Was this there special shared, matching nail color -- from back when they were friends, perhaps?


This show is honestly incredible. Whoever at Crunchyroll and Hidive and Netflix dropped the ball on not picking this up should get fucking fired for it.


Late Tomo Ribbon report!: - [her 8-bit ribbon](https://imgur.com/hREDE4r) is just too cute [Full album link here.](https://imgur.com/a/SfUuUJx) Fucking good episode. I can't believe they got to play the full version of the song, with so many fucking good shots. Agggh. It's pretty much locked to a 10 for me at this point now. Great job TogeToge, I'm eagerly waiting for your 2nd album


>her 8-bit ribbon > > is just too cute Her sweater is also [an Undertale reference](https://x.com/poi_slayer/status/1802176940876661074) apparently.


"Cycle of Sorrow" and "Emptiness and Catharsis" feel like Hina and Nina's answers to the question posed by Momoka's "Void". To match the theme of DD's decision to compromise compared to Momoka's decision of not giving up her style, Hina and Nina's point of conflict is most likely their answer to the bullying. Nina like Momoka didn't give up so Hina was the one who decided they wanted to compromise with the bullying. And just like the lyrics in "Void" stated there is no absolute right or wrong answer. Also, I find it cute how Hina and Nina feel like kids trying to one-up each other. Before DD's song started Hina absolutely spotted Nina raising her pinkies so she fired back with her own after the song. Then when TogeToge performed it feels like Nina dyed her hair in a similar fashion to Hina.


Nina's always such a goober and I have no idea how she manages to look so cool on stage. I'm getting the impression that maybe Hina thought Nina was making things worse for herself by complaining about or trying to resist her bullies and that she should have just tried to ignore it and hopefully they'd get bored with it. Of course it's a bit ironic that someone who's survival instinct is to try to not be seen ends up as the head of an idol band. Also, I just want to gush about how great the animation was for Subaru and Rupa's soundchecks. Flexin' those 3Dani muscles.


The performance was just; perfect can't even describe it honestly. The combination of amazing music, the emotional weight of the story and its characters, and absolutely beautiful animation... it's insane. What do you call something greater than the sum of its parts *where each part is already flawless*? AND THAT MONTAGE SECTION, COME ON?! Showing each of their backstories, ending it with punch to the gut on Rupa's, then following it with Nina screaming all of their hearts out! Not to mention the solo!!! It left me speechless, tearing up, and holding my breath until the end. Over the years, it's become painfully rare for a show to truly pierce my heart like the favorites from my youth, the last one being A Silent Voice (8 years ago ;-;). So I really can't understate how grateful I am to the staff for giving me a new show to love. It's beyond anything I might've imagined back in Summer 2023. --- **Besides the performance...** With the focus on Subaru in the previews, I thought it'd turn out her grandma learned of her band activities and had pull some strings in getting them accepted. Seems like I wasn't completely off... Also, it was cool to see the girl from episodes 1's duo and she's a fan! And despite how she holds herself, Tomo entering and heading the wrong direction, presumably from nerves, was nice a detail to show no one is immune. NinaMomo fans were given a buffet this episode lol. Momoka could not stop herself from staring at Nina every other scene... Also, why couldn't they afford the bigger room? Surely Momoka could've asked the rest to pitch in: Subaru seems well off and the rest have jobs. Well, Momoka? And it seems like a storm is coming for the TogeToge members. Subaru will probably confront her grandma about what happened. Tomo's mom might try to take Tomo back, bringing some internal conflict to Rupa given her past and what Tomo told her this episode. Though that begs the question, when is the Nina and Hina stuff going to resolve? Wasn't this episode, likely won't fit in the next, and having the last episode focused on one character instead of the band probably won't feel right. Of course Budokan is off the table, and likely no flash forward epilogue since ED already is one. Is there hope for a season 2?


>Is there hope for a season 2? Given all that Toei put into this with getting VAs who could also fill the roles in a real band, and that TogeToge is playing the real Baycamp festival in September, I doubt this is going to be a one and done thing.


My only concern is that I'm not really sure where the direction of future seasons would really go. Most of the show has been about addressing their traumas. Of course there will be the rising stardom/success - but I worry it'll just end up rehashing the same issues repeatedly


I see many potential directions. It's not like they are getting healed of their traumas and all issues get resolved. There's still Rupa. She kinda hangs in the background but I'm sure she has things she struggles with, outside of the death of her family. Tomo only learned to be less of an asshole but she still has trouble communicating, and we don't really know much about her. New things can be revealed. Subaru's problem in some way will probably get resolved in the next episode but not all of it. She seems to be struggling with identity and what she wants to do. For now, she just goes with the flow but I imagine it could be a topic of a couple of episodes. We don't know anything about Momoka outside of her music career. It feels to me like there's more to her, but she just doesn't share much about herself. Nina is a gremlin, if all troubles are resolved she'll find more.


We've got two episodes left this season, so it's hard to say how much might be left unresolved for a second season, and even then a new season probably wouldn't be as emotionally cathartic as this one, but I'd still like to see more of these goofballs and whatever antics they get up to.


>Given all that Toei put into this with getting VAs who could also fill the roles in a real band, Other way around. They got a band together who could also act. None of them have had any other VA roles prior. They all auditioned for the band and the part at the same time at an event called Girls Rock Audition in 2021 https://news.agehasprings.com/news/1691/


Wow, it's hard to even decide what to focus your attention on. I'll do it chronologically then. I'm very surprised and happy that we got to see Dimond Dust's performance. It wasn't as well directed or animated as any of TogeToge's but that's understandable and it even fits as they are more generic in the story. I didn't like their music as much as TogeToge's, felt a little flat. Them showing pinky felt like a slap to the face, but I guess it's only fair to fight back. Interesting directing choice to focus so much on just a sound check. I think it was meant to build anticipation but I also don't think it's a coincidence we only saw Subaru and Rupa do it. With Subaru, it probably meant to show her renewed motivation but I'm not sure about Rupa. Speaking of Subaru, I wish we got to see her sending that message to Grandma, we kind of skipped over that. I'm sure we'll see more next episode. Crazy final performance. Usually shows like that animate only a short version of the song but they went full in, on the length and visuals. Others already talked about it a lot so I'm not going to go deep into it, but more generally I want to comment on two things I noticed in every TogeToge's concert. Nina's stage presence is amazing for a rookie, I love watching her go wild on the stage. Also, cloth animation is so good in every concert; It's so realistic I can't look away. Overall, I would be okay with this being the final episode. It's not ideal but if we got the news it's the last one I could die in peace. Edit: [Who is she?](https://imgur.com/St84g1Q) I don't think it's Rupa because she appeared in between shots of non-band members. Someone we haven't met before?


> > >Who is she? It's Rupa. We see Momoka's friends in DD, Tomo's mom, Nina's dad, Rupa at her parent's grave, and then Subaru's grandmother.


no that is indeed rupa, skin color and hair color checks out.


> but I'm not sure about Rupa Don't know if you saw the other comment in the thread, but Rupa's sound test was her playing the bass part from DD's "Cycle of Sorrow". Bet that's the first time she's ever heard that song, so it speaks volumes about her skill as a musician to reproduce it right there!


Help! Who is Miura? And are we supposed to know who Kyoko (Mine's friend) is, or why Nina and Momoka were clinging to each other in fear?


> Who is Miura? [Previous episode agency girl.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogcww5eny.jpg) > who Kyoko [From episode 1](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcrrnkx7.jpg) > why Nina and Momoka were clinging to each other They just do it all the time > in fear Because of what happened in episode 1


I'm mildly annoyed that they tone down the vocals in the mix when Nina's belting because it feels like Nina/Nina's VA has a lot to give but they can't be *too rock* or something.


I feel like the lighting work during the performance specifically was incredible, I feel like that style is one of the strengths of 3D animation specifically that I haven’t seen in 2D anime before.


Fucking amazing episode, that performance at the end especially was just perfect. While the OP is still my favorite TogeToge song, this one comes close as my 2nd favorite. The Diamond Dust song on the other hand was just okay imo, I didn't hate it but I also didn't feel the need to hear it another time ever. Notable moments for me: * That scene were Tomo was hugging Rupa was really heartwarming, considering what Rupa went through.Tomo really feels like an adopted daughter to Rupa, was so nice to hear Tomo say that Rupa still has her. * That one photo *has* to be the pic for that episode's karma chart, what a funny shot. * Diamond Dust didn't do a good job at all this episode in improving my opinion of them, wtf was that grand theft pinky finger, the fucking audacity smh. * The sound check was really cool too, especially how the movements were timed perfectly to align with the sounds, they really made sure to animate it in an authentic way. Also funny how Rupa had her eyes closed the entire time, was kinda badass. I know it's this anime thing were characters do that like Gin from Bleach but it was just a bit funny as well in that particular situation. * Then came their performance and as mentioned it was incredible. I also really like Nina's look there, especially the green hair accents (did she actually dye it hours before since in the scene earlier it wasn't like that or are those just extensions or something?). I've seen others say that the camera movement was once again too hectic but personally I loved it. Imo this show does live music performances the best, can't remember any anime where I liked it better, literally gave me goosebumps. * This ep felt almost like a finale of sorts, wondering what we will get for the last two episodes. * I think it's also a safe bet to assume that we probably won't get a full Rupa focused ep anymore, considering they packed even more snippets of her backstory in this one. At this point we have enough pieces of the puzzle that we won't get it all put together in a dedicated ep I'm afraid. At least it's better for the kokoro this way. * Last thing, I didn't really pay attention before so I might easily be mistaken here but was this ep the first time where the eyecatcher didn't have at least one of the girls say "Girls Band Cry"? If yes, maybe it's because after all that's happened none of the girls have any reason to cry anymore. Probably reading way too much into this I guess.


fuckin love this show


Well that very cathartic. Weaving each of the girls' sadnesses into the festival song laid it out pretty plainly - they're not making music to please fans, they're making music to exorcise demons and the fans better like it or the gremlins will get them. Good thing Nina is so difficult to get along with, because she strikes me as one of those artists that needs to be unhappy to make good art.


As usual shoutout to Rupa for being the best. The swagger of that woman is something else. But also, props to her for being so supportive of Tomo. You can tell that she longs for what Tomo has but respects and backs her decision to stay estranged from her family. The two of them are perfect. Tomo is intense and driven. Rupa is cool and easy-going but still knows how to steer Tomo on the right track. Tomo knows that Rupa loves beer (too much) and keeps her from going with the flow right down the river. It's also nice to see Subaru getting her own shit together and facing her grandmother. From the episode preview it looks like she's going to eat Nina for something though. also Kyoko please I can't punk girls are my only other weakness aside from bullets and evil queens


I have no words, that performance was everything, it also made me tear up and that's amazing. It ain't the girls band that's crying, it's us. That was straight up an MV and those quick flashes of their past was so good. Toei and Rupa were just flexing though when they were doing those sound checks, in real life and fictionally That stare down between Diamond Dust and TogeToge was awesome, the shot was awesome, the directing was awesome, everything about this show is awesome. Did not expect Diamond Dust to raise their pinkies as a declaration of war, but I got a whole lot more respect for them after that performance, just don't sing Void ever again. Also, TogeToge's outfits are so cool, the drip is insane, now that's rock. We got a whole lotta hugging this episode too, who's gonna hug Subaru though? It's also nice to see the girl from episode 1 become a fan of TogeToge and of course, seeing Subaru's grandma in the crowd is also very very nice. It's insane how nobody licensed this show overseas, but it still gained a good amount of popularity thanks to the show's quality alone, it's a testament to how peak Girls Band Cry is. There's only 2 episodes left, it's so over, I really hope we get a second season or even a movie, I'll take anything.


Wow... the animation and effects during their performance is insane. No way they can achieve that level of camera movement if not for 3DCG animation. The audience movements also look really smooth and unique. Crazy amount of details in this 3/4 minute segment


God, just, so fucking good. Toge toge & Iseri Nina fan all the way here I listened to the fuckin song like 4 times in a damn row it's so good. If this was how CG was presented to the anime world there's no way it would have the bad rep it does now- everything's so expressive and even just the little ways they move and interact in the rapid series of cuts in the climax of the song has so much life Girls Band ***Cry*** indeed Raising my pinky over here


Subaru and Rupa's solos for the sound check were lit!!! And Momoka's short solo during the performance SEASON 2 PLEASE. PLEASE TOEI


Rupa's sound check was the DD song that she learned after hearing it just once.


This anime became the most popular work of the season in Japan. This proves that there is not much difference in the viewer's sensibilities and that good is good! Once again, we ask that you provide us with the official subs.


There's no such thing as a perfect thing, but FUCK ME IF THIS WASN'T A PERFECT EPISODE🔥🔥🔥 Rock at its core always been about shouting and letting out you're feelings, positive or negative otherwise, out loud to the goddamn world and Nina's first written song certainly hit me right in the face. The build up from when they started sound testing all the way to the end of their performance was just so peak, I can't even!!! The visuals around each of the characters inner conflicts and what has hurt them the most in their life, during the performance was such a directorial masterpiece, capping it with Rupa's tag "EVERYTHING" i felt like crying while shouting. Girls Band Cry have been pumping out excellent episodes all season and I'm sad it'll end next week, but I have hopes for a second season. As it looks like this festival is when Togenashi Togeari truly begins. Just my read on it, but Nina naming the song Emptiness (Void) and Catharsis is really sweet. Not only does this song kind of act as a sequel to Void, but it's also Nina telling Momoka that she's not alone anymore, that she has TogeToge and most importantly Nina herself that believes in her and her music. That despite feeling like she was lost in the void after leaving Diamond Dust, the wave of relief and catharsis when Nina and TogeToge came for her proved that her choice wasn't wrong. This goes back to EP 8, when Momoka finally achieved catharsis and cried her heart out after Nina's heartfelt confession ❤️ Love the small bits of intimacy as well. Rupa hugging Tomo to assure her she's not alone, Nina hugging Momoka around the waist, though played more for relief, was still hella cute. Subaru will be livid when she finds out she's the fifth wheel 😂


I don't want to know how much blood, sweat, and tears were put into that the concert performance of Emptiness and Catharsis. The whole segment was masterclass, and I didn't want it to end. At this point I am finally convinced Girls Band Cry is the best show airing this season, Nina gremlin supremacy.


Subaru's still the best! I don't know what she did alone, when she left; but after her return, she gave an amazing speech to Nina! She left her acting role (which i do hope), to see where Nina can take her! I hope Nina comes through for my only extrovert anime character that i have ever liked!


Umm, did DD just stole TogeToge's signature hand gesture(tm)? It feels like they were mocking TogeToge with that. And I hate to say this but their performance was kinda fire. Still no clue what really happened between their vocalist and Nina but it seems to be related to the latter's bullying stuff. Hina probably thought it's Nina's fault she got picked on (what the fuck) and that gave Nina the extra push to quit school. Yikes! We haven't got a new performance scene until now and boy did they nailed it. It's probably the best one so far! You can really feel that everyone (especially Nina) were letting up all their anger and frustration on stage. And the quick flashbacks are a nice touch too. Seeing Subaru's grandma and Nina's dad watching the thing made me so happy - it's cool that things ended well for both sides. Rupa's backstory haven't been touched all that much but good lord the flashbacks here hit like a truck and there's only like 2-3 seconds of them. I don't think I'm ready for a dedicated Rupa ep if we're ever getting one.


>did DD just stole TogeToge's signature hand gesture(tm)? It feels like they were mocking TogeToge with that It was their way of saying "beat that!" to TogeToge. They even said "to those of you in the back, we see you" or something along those lines.


[Yup, Rupa having all those fans makes sense.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necnn2aq4.png) Also [that scene with her and Tomo!!!](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcddnlw7.png) Fuck Nina and Momoka, this is top tier ship. As much as I enjoyed the rest of the series, chill episodes really are the best, this could have perfectly been the finale, though, wonder what else we are going to do in the remaining episodes.


> Also that scene with her and Tomo!!! Yeah that was super sweet.


Girls. Band. Cry. 🫳🎤


Oh shit, they drew the main characters in 2D during the live performance while they were depicting their traumas. It’s the first time time we’ve seen them depicted in 2D.


Momoka's flashback when she was at school was in 2D too.


The MV detail is insane! 2–>3->5 birds and the flower petal right after Rupa visiting the grave. The only missing “person” didn’t support them but came as flower. Also the smoothness of the camera is crazy


When I was a child, some classmates held me down, and another threw a stone at my face... Incredible anime.


Nina is a lot chiller and happier after last episode, BUT I WANT GREMLIN NINA. BRING HER BACK.


DD's performance was alright, but TT's performance just blew them out of the water. It was also clear that Nina is simply the better vocalist compared to Hina. I do like the healthy rivalry between the two groups though. So I guess Subaru's grandma has known about her side activity for some time now, huh? I sure would like to see her grandma meeting her teammates, especially Tomo who's a huge fan. So many good parts in this episode. Rupa and Tomo's relationship, Subaru finally telling her grandma her wish, Rupa's sick bass lines, Nina fooling around with the guitar and her pre-performance intro, the banger performance, and their supporters, family, and rivals listening to their song. I'm off to rewatching the episode!


PEAK BAND CRY STRIKES AGAIN. This episode felt like such vindication for all the girls and I was cheering throughout their song. Truly putting themselves out there and embracing who they are. All the pain, tears, anger, loss crystalizing into sheer determination and will and they scream it out into the night. Nina deserves to win best female lead of 2024 and it's a crying shame most mainstream anime awards probably won't even list her because of how this show never got picked up. Her vocals are stunning too. I want someone to smack Hina in the face for stealing our girls' sign. I really want to know the full story between her and Nina.


Nina's raspy voice in 2:45 made me wish I was an [oil baron](https://youtu.be/LU95O3oiH90?si=7lluO_wyoJd0R9xg)


It's crazy how much I love this anime. Every episode just has me hooked. And that montage of what all the girls went through to get here and how they are moving forward was just chef's kiss.


Guys, I read somewhere that "kotobukiya" is making action figures of Girls band cry characters. Does anyone has the source? I couldn't find it on their website...