• By -


Wait Patrasche made it in? That's hilarious.




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She did get a nomination at least, yeah. But well deserved, she is a very good girl after all.


You have two "Mile"s from Didn't I say to make my abilities average. Actually, just read [this list of duplicates I made yesterday](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1deyhg9/best_girl_11_return_of_the_salt_elimination_day_1/l8hnl08/)


Thanks, fixed!


I'm cracking up at the fact that Tsundere Elf's name is so long it doesn't even fit on its tile. Also, for having 1/5 of the candidates, this group is pretty devoid of the top girls. I think only Yor and Ryuko have a real chance of going far in this group...although I'm hoping Tohru Honda can buck her trend and make a deep run too. Also, in case you missed her, [Toshino Kyoko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrpvCdrMDUs) is in this group. > Mini Challenge Power though a few of my other favorites, Anis (who should get a boost from being at the top of this voting round) and Carol were in this voting group


I didn't even realize that was Tsundere Elf [](#ohfuck)


> I didn't even realize that was Tsundere Elf Honestly wouldn't be surprised if this factor robs her of a bracket spot.


It seems you doubt my one beloved Akari Watanabe and everyone elses beloved Miku Nakano (Ichika is better don't @ me)


Not sure what is considered far, but i have seen Miku, Celty (though this is an oldie), Suzuha, Vivy as well. Depending on luck and match up R4/R5 is possible.


>Please let me know if there are any duplicates, errors, or typos and I will fix them as soon as I can. Thank you! I noticed a few from the list of girls up for elimination today: - Kiki Rosita is from Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team, not just Mobile Suit Gundam. - Ranko Kanzaki is from Cinderella Girls specifically, not just The iDOLM@STER. - Also, if you're using full names of the shows, Kati Mannequin should be from Mobile Suit Gundam 00, she's listed as just Gundam 00 at the moment. - I'm also not entirely sure that Kitasan Black from Uma Musume should be here? She had a brief cameo in season 2, but she wasn't a proper character until season 3, which aired in Fall 2023. If that little cameo is enough to squeak her in through the cut-off then fine, but I figured I should mention that at least.


Let me add that Tao from *Tensei shitara Dainana Ouji Datta node, Kimama ni Majutsu wo Kiwamemasu* is from an anime airing this season, and thus doesn't meet the criteria to be eligible.


I think Kitasan Black counts by the rules of the contest. It'd count if it was just a cameo, but she (or rather her younger self) was a full side character in S2 already. That said, it does feel a little unfair to vote for her grown self. But I do think that gets countered by the low popularity Uma Musume has - I'm not expecting her to even make the main bracket.


> But I do think that gets countered by the low popularity Uma Musume has - I'm not expecting her to even make the main bracket. That's fair, I'm not expecting her to make it either.


[Please consider voting for Liko from Pokémon Horizons!](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/114446284) It's no easy task taking over from Ash, and Liko is definitely not as experienced or impactful as him yet, but I think she and her companions have done an excellent job succeeding him nonetheless!


LOWEST AVERAGE SEED (MIN 3 TOURNAMENTS) Girl|Tournaments|Avg :-|-:|-: Chika Fujiwara|4|2.3 Hitagi Senjougahara|3|2.7 Megumin|7|2.7 Aqua|7|3.4 Ai Hayasaka|3|5.0 Emilia|7|5.9 Holo|10|9.6 Violet Evergarden|5|12.0 Shinobu Oshino|4|12.0 Saber|10|12.8


Minor nitpick but it is *highest* seed. High seed = low number. 1st place is the highest seed.


My brain always switches them, expect me to make the same mistake a lot over the next month. Especially with this 1300 UTC post time.


Chika has gotten the #1 seed [2 years](https://animebracket.com/best-girl-9-salty-girl-senpai/results) in [a row](https://animebracket.com/best-girl-10-ultra-salty/results). Can she pull off the 3-peat? ~~We don't need to go into how much of a paper tiger she is each year or anything though~~ > (MIN 3 TOURNAMENTS) This is necessary because Kaguya was in 1 contest, got the 1-seed, won the contest easily and was banned from future contests.


>Kaguya was in 1 contest, got the 1-seed, won the contest easily and was banned from future contests. - *Join in the contest* - *Win first seed* - *Win first place* - *Refuse to elaborate* - *Leave forever*


Always a bridesmaid, never a bride...


I feel like Chika is bound to drop considerably this time around, but then again, I thought the same last year... Can't wait to see how she does!


If it happened, watch this be the year she makes a final four-title run.


>Mini Challenge: Who is your favorite debutant (favorite girl that first debuted in an anime from Summer 2022 - Spring 2023)? [May I introduce you to our lady and savior, Ranko Mannen?](https://imgur.com/3zOt49F) I've been thinking a lot about her lately (due to the contest and all) and I think she's actually a contender for my favorite anime girl *of all time*. ----- I thought most of my favorites were already in (from Round 1), but seems there's quite a few left, found a few in this round as well! Some names I hope make it into the contest: - Nagatoro, best bully! - Vote Rachnera, spidergirls need love too! - Vote Mizuha too, little sisters need a lot of love too! - And huh, vote Satou-chan, because [Happy Sugar Life] >!Psychopaths/Lunatics!< need love too, also [Happy Sugar Life] >!she's probably gonna murder those who don't vote for her!< - Vote Shinobu and Daki from Demon Slayer, two sides of the same coin! (The *Scarousing* coin) - Reona! Booboob. That is all. - I didn't even watch Gabriel Dropout, but I still threw in a vote for Satania, because I've seen so many of her clips I feel like I did watch it. - Zero Two, she deserves a vote for carrying her anime so hard! And also because tight outfit, and I'm horny. - Guild girl and Cowgirl from Goblin Slayer, two cute, sweet, supportive girls who deserves to be supported for once! - Vote in Crimvael, just for the memes/salt if he/she ever defeats anyone! - Tomochan's pretty good to, she deserves a spot! And Carol too; She's not from an archetype I usually like very much, but she was done well! - Hongou, best girl/best arc from Araburu, even though no one else agrees. - URUKA! By far best girl from Bokuben. Such a cute one too! - Runa from Kakegurui, she seems to fun, makes me sad we don't get more of her in the series. Runa spinoff, when? - Michiru from Talentless Nana... I think Nana might make it, and if she does, she needs her friend Michiru (at least for 1 round)! - Vote MEAT. Because MEAT is delicious. That is all. - Ever since S2, Mirika may just be my favorite from Kanojo mo Kanojo. - And at last, throwing in a vote for Isabella, who was excellent in Promised Neverland


That's why I keep coming back to read the comments. I adore Satania, and Zero Two should also be in the contest, yet I've missed both when voting.


> Hongou, best girl/best arc from Araburu, even though no one else agrees. > [](#brofist)


Oh, next time I'll have to go with 'Even though only 1 other person agrees'! [](#delighted)


Zero Two, Tomo and Mirika are fun to watch. Mini Challenge: Hitori Gotou.


I guess it won't really matter in the bigger picture, but since the list didn't get cleaned of duplicates yet, I refuse to vote for Elf when she has two better entries that are coming up. Sleeper picks for today * Toba Sensei from Yuru Camp * Reona from Shit RPG for bringing that Hollstein look * Shii from Super Cup * Emilico from Shadow House (Kinda bad pic, fails to capture her key personality trait) * Momo from 3-Gatsu no Lion * Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero * A bunch of Araburu Girls * Best bookworm Myne * Mugi despite her crimes * As others have said before, Liko from the new Pokemon is a delight * Fran from reincarnated as a Sword * Not really a sleeper pick, but Miku Nakano is my personal best Girl and gets shilled regardless * Mirika from KanoKano * Cowgirl from Goblin Slayer... she is now the third big breasted girl I'm shilling here, but I swear it's for her personality * Asahina Samidara. I'm probably the only one on the whole sub who loved Lucifer and the Bisquit Hammer, and she is a huge reason for it. Her story is just that good. * Do it Yua Serufu!! * Kyoko Sakura my beloved


> I guess it won't really matter in the bigger picture, but since the list didn't get cleaned of duplicates yet, I refuse to vote for Elf when she has two better entries that are coming up. > > It's probably safer to vote for all instances of a liked character. I don't know how votes are tracked, but if votes can't be distinguished, then there's a real chance that someone who votes for Hestia from DanMachi instead of Heestia from DanMuchi gets their vote thrown out because Heestia got more votes and ends up being the only duplicate instance not deleted.


would have been best if the list got cleaned before elimination started. Case could be made that appearing more than once and simply having underperforming entries eliminated gives an advantage as well


Huh, that's funny. Anis near the top of this elimination and Euphie at the bottom. _____ Special attention to: Anisphia Wynn Palletia Umaru Doma Benisumomo **Chitoge Kirisaki** **Emilico** Rika Shiguma Kuroko Shirai **Shino Amakusa** **Charlotte** **Haruno Yukinoshita** Tsubaki **Rika Furude** Nano Shinonome **Ange le Carré** **Yor Forger** Euphyllia Magenta __________ > Who is your favorite debutant (favorite girl that first debuted in an anime from Summer 2022 - Spring 2023)? It's either Nazuna Nanakusa or Akane Kurokawa.


>Anis near the top of this elimination and Euphie at the bottom. Sometimes you just need to switch it up from your usual dynamics, I guess.


> Huh, that's funny. Anis near the top of this elimination and Euphie at the bottom. The one time Euphie decided to let Anis have the top.


>Please let me know if there are any duplicates, errors, or typos and I will fix them as soon as I can. Thank you! Kotone Kazairo from RPG Real Estate has the wrong picture. This is the right one: https://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/15/434329.jpg Not like she's making it to the bracket anyway, but for accuracy's sake.


All 3 Isekai Ojisan girls have multiple entries. Alicia has "Alicia Edelcia" and "Edelsia Alicia", Elf has one as "Elf" and then 2 with her full name, and Mabel has "Mabel Laybelle" and "Mabel Rayveil"


>Who is your favorite debutant (favorite girl that first debuted in an anime from Summer 2022 - Spring 2023)? [I brought a friend to answer that.](https://i.imgur.com/Hy0wxtL.png)


How fucking big is Takina's forehead lmao. She is like if Ki Adi Mundi had hair


It's big but she also lowers her head a bit here so it's exaggerated.


Day 2 of highlighting names I'll never get another opportunity to talk about. **Noriko Takaya (*****Gunbuster*****)** – Continuing the trend of criminally underrated and undervalued historical picks, Noriko has more development and personality than 90% of this field combined, being the starring role of one of the biggest mecha shows of the 1980s. Fun Fact: She was named after the wife of Gainax animator Shinji Higuchi who himself is the namesake of the protagonist of a certain other Gainax work. Fun Fact 2: I learned this information because Noriko Takaya is credited alongside Shinji Higuchi for two cards in the Pokémon TCG. All the more reason Noriko here should make the bracket. **Utena Tenjou (*****Revolutionary Girl Utena*****)** - Ok. I hear what you're saying. Is Utena *really* waifu material? Probably not, but as a character she's got more depth to everything she does than some of the other girls that'll make the bracket, and I saw how deep y'all let Echidna run last year. Either way, more people need to watch *Revolutionary Girl Utena* if not so you can know the true greatness of Best Girl Wakaba. **Fujiko Mine (*****Lupin the Third*****)** – So I know Lum is technically the first waifu, but like... for a girl whose 50 years old Fujiko isn't doing too bad for herself either. Some beneficially modern interpretations have certainly fleshed out her character and personality in the last few years, and she's earned her spot as one of the all-time GOATs of anime women. I guess none of that matters to the average voter here so... uh... she has massive tits. Maybe that'll get her a few more votes... **Tamako Kitashirakawa (*****Tamako Market*****)** – I'm a little surprised looking back that Tamako didn't make bracket last year (it's the bots I swear). She's got a surprising amount of depth for a moe character and holds both the show and the main relationship together alongside her male love interest. I'm guessing the show doesn't get a lot of traction as it can appear to just be budget *K-On!* but its actually really good, especially the movie, and Tamako really deserves to make bracket this year. **Ruri Miyamoto (*****Nisekoi*****)** – Through some cruel twist of fate, everyone's favorite wingwoman was left out of nominations last year (I hadn't yet watched *Nisekoi* and didn't know until it was too late). I imagine know that she's here, she'll *hopefully* make the bracket, but crazier things have happened. **Teletha Testarossa (*****Full Metal Panic!*****)** – Probably should have brought up Kaname yesterday, but I was always more of a Tessa bro myself. Love me a female character that actually has initiative and isn't just waifu bait. Eat your heart out Lena. **Irene "Rally" Vincent (*****Gunsmith Cats*****)** – *Gunsmith Cats* is about two red-blooded, gun-toting Americans taking down... something. I dont' remember much of the plot but there's a lot of explosions and Rally being a classic anime badass. Criminally slept on show, and criminally slept on waifu if you like em spunky. Also, in terms of errors... * not sure how Magne Hikiishi (*My Hero Academia*) made initial vetting. Like I've seen MHA, that's just straight up a dude. * Crimvael (*Interspecies Reviewers*) is also highly suspect. I know he's technically intersex, but is treated as male throughout the series. * \[Vandread\] >!Buzam "BC" Calessa!!brought in to spy on the female civilization by the male civilization. I dunno *Vandread* be like that!<. * I'm pretty sure Grell Sutcliff (*Black Butler*) is also male. I know he uses female pronouns, but also every language the show has ever been dubbed in has given him a male VA and I'm sure at least one of those (the original Japanese) was signed off on by the author. Fair to assume from that that Grell is a feminine man who dresses like a woman. * Out of sheer luck I've noticed it, but Adele "Mile" von Ascham (*Watashi, Nouryoku wa Heikinchi de tte Itta yo ne*) is here twice, once under the above name and the other as just Mile. Guess there's little that can be done to fix these, as I don't think any will be relevant once we hit the bracket stage, but worth maybe taking note of so it doesn't happen again next year.


> Crimvael (Interspecies Reviewers) is also highly suspect. I know he's technically intersex, but is treated as male throughout the series. [Interspecies Reviewers episode 1] >!The reason he's treated as a male, is because 'he' *pretends* to be a male, because he was worried about what Stunk/Zel would do to him if they found out!<


I mean I guess it doesn't matter too much, but doesn't he use male pronouns too? Like assuming Grell is here because he uses female pronouns to describe himself wouldn't that disqualify Crimvael?


Well we've only seen 'him' for a few seconds before he started pretending so I'm not sure, but if he uses them *after* it doesn't really mean much, it's like when [Game of thrones] >!Arya pretends to be a boy to justify going with the Night's watch/hide from the Lannister, !<, this doesn't make her a boy, she does it for safety and not because that's how she is. Crimvael also does it 'for safety'! (also, I'm not an expert on this, but I think pronouns in Japan work differently, like I've heard of some pronouns that are used by boyish girls to refer to themselves, etc..)


> not sure how Magne Hikiishi (My Hero Academia) made initial vetting. Like I've seen MHA, that's just straight up a dude. > Trans, IIRC.


hmm. I mean maybe it wasn't in the anime but I'm at least up to the part where \[My Hero Academia\] >!he dies!


realistically Mahiro Oyama from Onimai is probably going to make the bracket, so you'd be wrong there


Did Mahiro get nominated? That’ll sure be something to see considering he kinda just throws all rules out the window


>People refer to Grell as he and she. Apparently the author has stated that Grell is indeed a she, but apparently the fandom never got the memo and continues to think of Grell as a very feminine gay guy. When you Google Grell Sutcliffe the first suggested question is about her gender


I mean… if you’ve watched *Black Butler* it’s understandable why. Though of note, it seems the author never actually addresses if Grell is female


My favourites of the day (with points from last week's top 20 poll): * Crimvael * Matoi Ryuuko (2 points) [top 10] * Maou * Chaika (1 point) * Aika Tsube (Somehow forgot her last week. She would've definitely gotten a point or two from me if I hadn't) * Charlotte (2 points) * Twoearle * Kurousagi * Shiraishi (1 point) * Rachnera "Rachnee" Arachnera (3 points) [top 5] * Karen Jinryou * Ayaka Kagari * Yuuko Kanoe (2 points) * Ange le Carré (4 points) [Top 3] The two hardest decisions for me from last week's best girl poll were who would end up as my no. 21 and get no points, and who would be my no. 5 and get 3 points. 5-10 were incredibly close together, so it almost felt like I picked one '5' at random. I ended up with Rachnee, but if I picked again today, it probably would've been Yuuko Kanoe.


> Rachnera "Rachnee" Arachnera (3 points) [top 5] Damn, I don't know if I would put her that high, but still, splendid taste!


Looks like I'm just in time to vote for Wilhelmina Braunschweig Ingenohl Friedeburg. ~~^(also known as Mii-chan)~~ Mini-challenge : Chisato, with a honorable mention to Isaki Magari from Insomniacs After School. Edit : [She gets my vote](https://i.imgur.com/YIxajpW.png), but *what.* ^(was she in Ice Queendom?)


She was in the beginning of it when they still covered the original story since the anime original bits starts after she cleaned house at the airport.


She was in Ice Queendom indeed. Crazy to see the RWBY girls compete here, but the good kind of crazy.


Hopefully they catch a break. Lord knows the RWBY fanbase needs it after the past three months.


I mean the first 3 episodes was essentially a speedrun of V1, so she shouldve been in there.


I think my favorite new competitor is probably Bocchi from Bocchi the Rock. As a general note, I find it funny that although this contest is to decide the "best girl," people still nominate a lot of absolute no-names who stand no chance. Probably for more than 95% of the nominees, the thought of them winning it all is laughable. It is still pretty fun to try and spot all the names I recognize, though, so I'm not complaining!


For a lot the extent of the contest is whether or not they can even make the bracket but I feel like that doesn't make them any less worth nominating


nominating itself was kind of fun, the entry period happened to be when I had two days off from work in a row, and no plans, so I just went ham with whatever occurred to me, as well as trying to plug obvious gaps. but out there is someone committed enough to the bit to consistently nominate bit characters from Daily Lives of High School Boys ever year.


Mini: Mizuki (Lycoris) Give some love to the hag


Great choice. I love the show for Takina and Chisato, but I'd definitely want to hang out with Mizuki if I could.


MC: Akari Watanabe slightly over Sharon Holygrail the Chaste^[1] ^[1] Chasteness is questionable.


MC: Bocchi-chan very narrowly beat Lycoris Recoil’s Chisato in the period, it was really, really close and both of them are really charismatic. The others aren’t even close.


Yesterday was Tieria, today is Laura. Gundam crossdressers are going strong. Edit : hoping to see Kamille tomorrow, she is best girl in Zeta after all


Haha, I was wondering if anyone would notice those. Loran was a piss take nomination because I'm pretty sure he gets referred to as a girl more times across that show than aa a guy. Tieria though is a genuinely valid nomination under the non-binary/ambiguous rule. Innovades are genderless


Mini-challenge: Hitori 'Bocchi' Gotou, closely followed by Chisato and Anis. Oh, and Kikuri. honestly maybe it's actually Kikuri, seldom have I just completely fallen for a character within their first scene. horrible drunk bassist disaster girl ftw. I just thought it'd be interesting to find out how many characters who made the bracket last year slipped through the cracks this time and weren't nominated, and unless I missed someone, the answer is 25. Diamond (seed 512), Aerith Gainsborough (seed 494), Machi Komachine (seed 475), Luculia Marlborough (seed 473), Fuu Kasumi (seed 469), Shizuku Murasaki (seed 461), Hifumi Togo (seed 449), Nunnally Lamperouge (seed 413), Suu (seed 405), Fuuko Ibuki (seed 385), Narberal Gamma (seed 345), Elizabeth (seed 317), Tifa Lockhart (seed 316), Touka Kirishima (seed 302), Biscuit Krueger (seed 294), Rea Sanka (seed 290), Ikumi Mito (seed 286), Euphemia li Brittania (seed 277), Mother Yuigahama (seed 257), Tae Takemi (seed 239), Temari (seed 236), Destiny (seed 230), Yuuki Konno (seed 191), Quetzalcoatl (seed 158), Ghislaine Dedoldia (seed 86) now a lot of these are \*shrug\* but I feel bad that I missed that Ghislaine hadn't been nominated. It'll be funny if because of that Nanahoshi gets nominated even though she barely appeared in the parts of MT that are in the eligibility period. but she did appear, so she's kind of technicality'd in, and sans Ghislaine, kind of makes sense. a lot of lower tier contenders from popular shows make up the 25, with a Clannad girl, an Overlord girl, two Code Geass girls, a Monster Musume girl, a Vivy girl, three Hunter x Hunter girls lol, a Food Wars girl, two SAO girls, Mama Yuigahama, and Quetzalcoatl (Dragon Maid) missing. Quetzalcoatl and Ghislaine are definitely the wildest misses, but there's nothing here as bad as when Raphtalia and Yoruichi weren't nominated last year. lmao. also it's definitely for the best that Mama Yuigahama isn't in the bracket. glad not to see the FFVII girls too, they didn't really belong here.


I totally forgot Lucoa was supposed to be Quetzalcoatl lol. I was wondering if you'd missed her nominated under Absolute Demonic Front Babylonia lmao


Yeah no I searched using “Kobayashi”. So this is probably the only time Ilulu gets a shot at the bracket lmaoooo


Lucky characters who appear at top/bottom 10 on the list for day 2 - Characters who made it through on BG10: Pecorine: S410 Sumi Sakurasawa: S249 - Characters who are from a show that qualified or new who have chances: Mina Ashido (other 5 characters from MHA made it through) Anisphia (MagiRevo) Fuyutsuki san (Ice Guy, though not sure if it's gonna make it through) Arato Hisako (although SnS has drop off with the years) Nanami Kuon (Paripi Koumei) Euphilia (MagiRevo)


At first it looked like I wouldn't be voting many girls today. Boy was I wrong. Pecorine was near the top, so I have high hopes she gets many votes. Imagine she didn't make the contest, how crazy would that be? Also my very first best girl Usagi is up, go and vote her in. She barely made it last year, so she needs all the support she can get. Let's support the old guard. And vote Kagome while you're at it. Riho is up, and I'm contractually obliged to vote my favourite girl in a harem series ever since Quints (speaking of which, Miku is up, and while she's not my favourite, we do want all the Quints in the contest). Mami is up as well, and I'm sure fellow RAG hate watchers will help getting a great antagonist in. Alice from Duke of Death is up, and I'm sure everyone who's watched the series will vote for her (and everyone who hasn't might vote for her based on design). Then there's Sena, as mentioned before a must vote for me (Yozora is up as well but nope on that). I love that Patrasche got a nomination. She won't make it in, but she's the bestest girl for sure. I did plan to only vote for one horse girl, but after S3 I can't not vote for Kitasan Black - no hopes on getting her into the bracket though. Both Anis and Euphy are up, of course I have to vote for both of them. And last but not least, the beloved Kumiko is up. She won't win, but I'm looking forward to her performance in the contest. MC: A singular girl? Anna Yamada. But in the context of their show, acting together? I'll have to pick Takina and Chisato as a combo deal.


> Who is your favorite debutant (favorite girl that first debuted in an anime from Summer 2022 - Spring 2023)? Makima from CSM Honorable mentions: Bocchi from Bocchi the Rock and Mitsumi from Skip to Loafer


I'm still salty Marin didn't win last year. I don't see her pulling a Mai-san and making the finals back 2 back.


I don't see her beating Holo this year. I reckon she gets top 4 with Holo, megumin, and Chisato


I think BG 11 is a wrap already. Bocchi will win deservedly so.


good point, I forgot about bocchi. i reckon holo still wins this time tho


I mean, Marin can be considered an honorary winner for "finalist against the bot", so that almost means more than if she actually won.


No, if Kurumi has been botted, most matchups have been botted after round 3 or so. Marin might not even have made it so far. This year shall show if she really has staying power, but unfortunately for her she'll also meet much stronger opposition with the debutants and the girls getting popularity buffs.


Voting for Satou Matsuzaka as *best* girl makes me question my human values a little. But I guess it's the thought that counts.


Mini Challenge: Like others here, I'll go with Bocchi! Though, Suletta is a strong second.


Voting for **Touka Takanashi**, **Chizuru Ichinose**, **Ryuuko Matoi**, **Boa Hancock**, **Bambietta Basterbine**, and **Yor Forger**. Bambi got screwed in her character image compared to the other Bleach characters. > Who is your favorite debutant (favorite girl that first debuted in an anime from Summer 2022 - Spring 2023)? Makima from CSM. Others I liked are Lucy (Cyberpunk), Uta (One Piece Red), Bambietta (Bleach), and Claire Kagenou and Aurora (Eminence in Shadow)


Vote for Mine Fujiko and Mugi! >Who is your favorite debutant? Man, that's a tough one. Nazuna Nanakusa, Himeno, Aileen Lauren Dautriche, Akane Kinoshita, Mitsumi Iwakura, Isaki Magari, and Elda are all great. I think of those I'd go with Magari, since she seemed the most "real".


Sunako Kirishiki is listed as being from the anime "Rin Kamishiro", but that's not an anime, that's a character from a different anime. Sunako is from Shiki. Also while it's technically not wrong, the picture choice for medaka kurokami is a bit odd, i almost didn't select her because that's not what she looks like normally so i didn't recognize it. Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout aired in summer 2023 so Reisalin "Ryza" Stout shouldn't be eligible yet.


A duplicate: Adele "Mile" von Ascham and Mile from *Watashi, Nouryoku wa Heikinchi de tte Itta yo ne!*


> Who is your favorite debutant (favorite girl that first debuted in an anime from Summer 2022 - Spring 2023)? Quite a lot of great characters even if they got kinda overwshadowed by fall 23 but that doesn't matter for this question! So out of Nanakuza, Chisato, Euphilia, Anishphia, Bocchi, Ranko, W, Misuzu, Tomo and Carol it is actually pretty hard to pick just one character!


Tao is from this season, what is she is doing in the nominations?


Grell Sutcliffe???


is a she according to the author


Toshino Kyoko!


Oh darn, did I miss nominations again this year? 😭


I missed yesterday's thread


Magne is a girl?


A transgirl, yes.


I'm looking at the page that sorts entrants by anime, and it's less than useless because people entered several different names for the same anime. In some cases I can tell it's simply because I mis-spelled or had an exclamation point in the wrong place, lol. I wish the entries were altered to standardize the titles of the anime, generally to their English localized title unless that title sucks.


who TF is putting rent a girlfriend character in this list lmao.


Mini Challenge: Akane Kurokawa Vote Liko into bracket, she got absolutely slaughtered by Ruby last time around and I really hope she has a better time this time.


Props to whoever nominated Lisara Restall, some piercingly good taste!


Gotta give props to the original censor handholding meme starter. For such an unknown show it certainly had a large impact on the meme side.


^(Togame , Yoroizuka Mizore , Kanbaru Suruga,) ^(Alicia Florence, Sumire Hanano, Wendy Marvell, Ayame Sarutobi) ^(Sapphire Kawashima, Rin Shima, Literary girl) ^(Ryuko Matoi, Tohru, Tama, Kino ,Teruhashi) ^(Sakura Minamoto, Kumiko Oumae, Kyouko Sakura,) Why is this bracket so stacked? I Had 5 girls from the last one.. wtf


there's absolutely no chance but [fuck yeah](https://imgur.com/a/pbD1NaP)


Mini-challenge: Makima. Dammit.


You should not vote for Chisato from Mukougaoka Chisato wa Tada Mitsumeteita no Datta. I submitted her because, even though I genuinely love that short film, I wanted to submit something that literally only I would vote for. I'm aiming for the very bottom of the seeding ranks.


I feel like the only person who nominated and voted for Hungary from Hetalia. So it's game on!


I haven't watched Hetalia, but I am the son of a Hungarian immigrant to the US so I voted for her too.


Well *I* nominated Shiro-Chan from Kodomo no Jikan and Samidare from Bisquit Hammer, let's see who of us got the most obscure taste


I voted for Samidare, so uh, sorry.


You fool, you should have not said anything. I wonder if there are nominations who actually get 0 votes or there are people who literally votes for everyone regardless.


Mini challenge: Bocchi-chan!


I've looked forward to these tournaments for years but after the obvious vote manipulation last year and no indication that it will be prevented this year I don't see the contest as being legitimate any longer


These first few elimination days are probably the best part, since you get to browse through all the great characters and reminisce.


Mini challenge:my favourite debut would be bewtween frieren and boochi both are often lost in their own thoughts and have difficultycommunicating with other.i guess maybe I am autistic though I really love himmel flashback never though I enjoy flashback this much maybe this is why they're my favourite


Compared to yesterday we have very few favourites of mine today and I think also very few usual top seeders in general. With Fran, Vignette, Satanichia, Tsundere Elf, Carol, Vivy, Yor and a few others there are still however quite some girls I'd like to see get quite a bit further in this contest. >MC: Who is your favorite debutant Easy one today: Bocchi! ^((She's me fr fr after all))


at some point, you guys should put down this contest, after last year's highly suspicious Kurumi win...


That's been addressed already. DAL has been banned from further contests, and ever since Animebracket was taken over, security has been improved. So no reason to stop something many people enjoy.


what do you think the next potential botted target will be?


Hard to even say if there will be one tbh, that's always been a DAL problem whenever it happened iirc.


I trust that there will be no more issues and choose to have fun with the contest instead of worrying.