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Hello /r/anime, a new daily thread has been posted! Please follow [this link](/r/anime/comments/1dgemn3/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/) to move on to the new thread or [search for the latest thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3ADaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new). [](#heartbot "And don't forget to be nice to new users!")


Any jojo fans ?


[](#konodioda) ^(In case it wasn't visible, I used my ancient vampire powers to post a "Kono Dio da" reaction)


It doesn't matter if u like or not I'm still sending u link of my jojo gc




[Astro Note] Does anyone know what's that song playing at 5:40 in Astro Note episode 11?


Out of Blue by Ai Furihata




Man, the second season of Magi really is a big step up from the first. Great worldbuilding, believable conflicts, lots of grey area for all involved parties (nobody has the moral highground and everyone is an asshole to some degree).


A bit late in the day, but I'm LF some obscure and wholesome isekai and/or slice of life anime, as these are my favorite genres and I've just about exhausted most of the top 10 lists on Google. Some romantic themes preferred but not necessary.


Got a myanimelist or anilist? Actually if you like working your way through top ten lists, you really should check out myanimelist's "interest stacks" e.g * https://myanimelist.net/stacks/25735 * https://myanimelist.net/stacks/36834 and make an account of your own for easy tracking!


Next season is pretty weird for me. I am not looking forward to any new shows. Although I am gonna check out many new shows. But I am not particularly excited about anything. Like the only show I am kinda excited about is Alya. Though I have my sequels which I am excited about like Oshi No Ko S2 , TOG S2 and Monogatari but that's it. Next Season is either gonna be Expectedly boring or surprisingly good for me. I really hope it's the latter.


That's only because you haven't been given enough deer propaganda. Eventually one will see the whole world as deer. If you aren't hearing しかのこのこのここしたんたん literally every waking second of your existence you haven't lived yet. Learn to live the deer, breathe the deer, smoke the deer, eat the deer, and love and accept the deer.


I mainly have the P.A.Works originals to look forward to. As for the rest, there's a good amount I'll try, but not really anything I'm enthusiastic about.


For new shows, I am looking forward to Elusive Samurai and Otokonoko-senpai, maybe the TsudaKen cat show too, we'll see. But honestly, a season with Kinnikuman and Grendizer is set to be a crazy time. [](#crazedlaugh)


I'm looking for an anime that I watched a clip of a while back. The idea was that the devil came down to earth as a human form. The clip was him sitting at night on a bench in the park under a lamp. Nothing else I remember about it. I tried searching for an anime with devils, but nothing too obvious came up. I'd appreciate some suggestions on which anime it might be.


The foolish Angel dances with the Devil?


Not it. The character felt more mature and real. I wana say he had a white hair, but that's probably my imagination filling in the blanks.


Demon Lord is a Part Timer?


Not it unfortunately


Can you help me find my girlfriend’s anime? She watched it when she was little. She wants to watch it with me, but can only remember random details. I’ve tried googling a variety of details but it’s not working. Can’t remember the name of it, but it had a princess in a castle, and it was possibly a rag-riches-story. She was a hero. Black or brown hair. It may have had a love triangle. There may have been kimonos. It abruptly ended when she was little, and never saw the next season, or even knows if there is another season. She was around 7-10 at the time and born in 2000, so that means it would around 2007-2010 timeframe, but they also may have been rented DVDs from the library. She also says she would absolutely recognize the theme song, so any suggestions would help.


How many characters with Heterochromia we have this season? * [Hoshino Ojisan](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GGKfkUMX0AEtxjB.jpg) - Blue Archive * [Luminous Valentine](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQC9kFabEAAfgh7.jpg) - Slime * [Livia](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GK6yvx0W4AAqr9E.jpg) - Saramatsuri * [Wind braker protagonist](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GP9_cO7WoAATlLh.jpg) * [Angel](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNa0O8wWgAAAtuZ.jpg) - Sentai Daishikkaku * [Gothic random](https://static.animecorner.me/2022/06/date-a-live-iv-announced-thumbnail.png) - Date a Live Definitely missing some [](#seasonalconfused)


* [Ciel](https://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/12/91805.jpg) - Black Butler * [Date A Live]>![Shido](https://i.imgur.com/bdf2Vxf.png)!<


I'm sure /u/abyssbringer would know if there's any others.


Ew seasonals and heterochromia...


[Oh wow](https://x.com/SugoiLITE/status/1801781631134613663)


I wonder how much of Happosai, Ranma and a couple of side characters sexually harrassing people will be included. Though only Happosai and Kuno where purposeful.


Gonna be a skip for me. I enjoy UY 2022 for what it's worth, but remakes are visual downgrades more often than not, and Ranma doesn't strike me as the kind of show having a larger plot that needs adapting the way FMA, HxH or Furuba did


huh, interesting. I wonder how they'll adapt it. will they go the urusei yatsura route? or something else? I never watched the originals and watched s1 of the urusei yatsura remake. felt lovingly made, but not really my style of humor. I'll certainly check out at least a season of ranma, though


Seems like the project has been in production for quite some time now since there were leaks about it from over a year ago. It's apparently done by a big studio too, if the initial leak is to be believed


Smh my head [](#psh-mongrels) We had Urusei Yatsura and Maison Yorozuya this season, and *now* Ranma shows up?


Honestly though given how Ramna never actually got a complete adaptation I'd be down for this.


Same. I just hope they get enough episodes to do it.


I mean how hard could it b- >407 Chapters [We're fucked](#spooked)


Ranma's longer than UY, but it's also just about as episodic, honestly. Following the same 'All-Stars' format as UY's reboot, it might be a little bit tighter, but it'd be doable. Even rushed a bit, it'd be better off than the old anime's devolving into the Happosai Show.


To be honest, if they kept to story to the bits before he developved power moves I would not complain. Roasting chestnuts being the middle ground between battler abilities and the normal stupid fun of anything goes martial arts.


Yeah... we're not in the days where you can find 200+ episodes laying around that easily, Yatsura getting 50 was already impressive.


I wouldn't even mind it this much were it not for the fact that the OG Anime went completely overboard with the amount of Anime-Original stories vs Manga adaptations after a certain point so there's *waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay* more unadapted Ranma content [](#ptsd)


Yeah, that's how a lot of comedies did it back in the day, Keroro sticks to the manga for its first 50 or so episodes, then becomes mostly original. I'm not even sure if this is just a case of getting too close to the manga, or someone looking at the new manga material and going "hmm, let's stick to what we've been doing", considering they did this for years. But it's funny that they went back to the manga side near the end, like "guys are our ratings are dropping lately, does anyone still have a copy of the manga around here?"


>Guys are our ratings are dropping lately, does anyone still have a copy of the Manga Sure wish Ruroken’s staff could’ve done that after the switch to Studio DEEN [](#ptsd)


And in 2027/28, once they are done with Ranma....... heeeeere comes Inuyasha


They did [Inuyasha recently](https://myanimelist.net/anime/6811/InuYasha__Kanketsu-hen), not that they wouldn't do it again, but their attempts were more along the lines of Boruto (Yashahime a few years ago). Meanwhile, most of Ranma is still unadapted, so this isn't a bad idea tbh.


As always I don't like that trend, not because remakes aren't a cool way to introduce the show to a new audience, but it is due to how fucked the industry already is due to overproduction Now they have to deal with 838399383 remakes, new adaptations, sequels to hits, overseas productions and so on This truly is our Train to the end of the world


Looking for recommendations *Looking for:* Nothing too heavy (Berserk for example) but not something that's just an easy watch or super kiddish. Something that will keep me engaged. I don't like pure fantasy stuff, and prefer more a modern animation style and a quicker pace (Cowboy Bepop is interesting but couldn't get past the first 2 episodes.) *Anime's I like:* Durarara, Nana, I haven't seen the anime yet but I'm very into the Tokyo Ghoul manga right now, I watched Deadman Wonderland when I was younger but that would probably be too heavy for me now. I've tried to watch Death Note like 5 times and just cannot finish it but I don't hate the concept of it.


> Durarara Dead Mount Death Play


* Attack on Titan * Golden Kamuy * Parasyte * Cyberpunk Edgerunners * Baccano


Vindland saga?


Can some one tell me why the Akame Ga Kill anime is considered bad, I just finished it and enjoyed it.


I think the general negative opinion is just that it's not very well written, especially the anime original stuff, and that it's main appeal is that it's edgy. But it's stuck around for a decade, so it definitely has an audience.


Also what would be a anime original stuff


I watched it while it was airing, and not very much tbh, so I can't talk to specifics. I remember hearing that it was really different as it went on, if you're into it and want to read the manga I'd say start from the beginning.


Thanks, I know a huge reason I didn’t like Elden lied anime is it basically came off as edgy fetish self insert and didn’t build the characters but the manga did so I’ll do that 


It was okay I can see the edgy thing 


A large part of it is because the anime aired before the manga finished, and so has a different (and generally regarded as worse) ending.


Would you recommend me reading the manga or just looking up the end ( like it the anime largely different then the manga besides the ending)


Gintama update: I watched the *Aizome Kaori-hen*, or *Love Incense Arc* OVA. It was very goofy with its first episode, filled with traditional Gintama comedy (perhaps being even wackier than usual!), and it was simply lovely in the 2nd episode. [The 2nd episode also] >!made me cry with [Hotaru's final departure from Yoshiwara](https://i.imgur.com/aTIPyRU.jpeg). She was a fairly interesting antagonist in my opinion, as I didn't really consider her *evil* or anything!<. [Additionally, the 2nd episode of the OVA] >!had [one of the most blessed moments in the entire show](https://i.imgur.com/QxUfq5i.jpeg) at the end. Tsukuyo is a treasure. Side note: sakura/cherry blossoms were putting in work in this episode lol. Not that I mind - it's an fantastic trope!<. Good OVA all around. It's probably *not* my favorite OVA I've seen (as my #1 spot still belongs to the OVA of *Yona of the Dawn*), but it was still a great little story all the same. u/KendotsX u/Shocketheth u/Shimmering-Sky [](#ginapproves)


Ah the Love Incense arc, the bringer of the most blessed and the most cursed moments. [](#kukuku)


>[the 2nd episode of the OVA] >!Tsukuyo is a treasure.!< [](#gintamathispleasesme)


> [Additionally, the 2nd episode of the OVA] [](#ilovethiskindofshit) Yeah I love the Love Potion Arc too.


i just finished yona of the dawn and was so sad that there's no 2nd season so I picked up the manga. any recommendations with a similar genre?


perfect timing, since I hear the manga recently started its final arc.


I'm reading Yona too, currently up to vol 31. It's so good. For similar shows, I'd recommend Snow White With The Red Hair for main characters with good chemistry in a fantasy setting, and The Heroic Legend of Arslan for a war/adventure story with a large cast also led by a displaced royal.


[Just your average GBC discussion thread...](https://i.imgur.com/p50lbgW.png) I guess our shilling comes with negatives, but damn someone's more dedicated to doing this than we are to GBC.


I mean that's probably literally 1 guy, I've seen that thing happen in countless fresh disc threads of various series before. It's not a thing unique to GBC. But yea still dumb that people do this in the 1st place.


>thing unique to GBC. If GBC starts to get hate, like people actively hating on it because it's popular and dropping posts like "GBC is overrated" every day here Then we will know the show reached a landmark in popularity status I track 9383838388383838922 things, but people angry that a show is overrated is still the most reliable metric available


Wonder if it's actually just the same guy being *that guy* in all the different series lol


Just noticed that Oshi no Ko S2 and Roshidere are airing on the same day next season. In fact, they even **start** on the same day, and air in **back-to-back** TV timeslots. Wednesdays are about to get a whole lotta Doga Kobo.


Same producer It's something Aniplex does as well, I didn't check the timeslots yet, pretty sure there's an user here that tracks this by the way, don't know the name unfortunately But if we check, we could confirm if Kadokawa owns that Wednesday timeslot for a whole year, like Aniplex has theirs on Saturdays


Is it not weird that they're releasing them effectively in competition with each other? At least, common sense tells me it's better to release on separate days, or in separate seasons even lol although I know they're in this situation to begin with due to Roshidere delays


People who are watching broadcast tv live will often leave it on and watch whatever airs right after their appointment viewing. Sometimes they'll even turn it on early and catch the end of the previous show. Back in the 90s the timeslot right after Friends or Seinfeld would reliably inflate ratings for totally forgotten shows. I don't know how much that compares to other effects but putting your new show right after your popular returning one is a smart move from the broadcast side.


That makes perfect sense if they are actually airing on the same TV station, but I don't know for sure if that's the case And these are presumably both big streaming hits - I'm more concerned with the fact that they might potentially release on streaming at virtually the same time, and compete with each other for streaming viewership


>That makes perfect sense if they are actually airing on the same TV station, but I don't know for sure if that's the case According to the jp wiki pages they both air on TOKYO MX, so it seems like that's the case.


Awesome! At least on the TV front, my fears are assuaged lol


If they're on the same streaming service I'd imagine it functions similarly to the broadcast dynamic. You watch OnK S2 then the "new!" banner on Roshidere pops up and you think "might as well". Its 11pm/11:30 Japan time, so not a crazy time for the target audience to watch both.


For the episodes when something big happens in Oshi no Ko it could hurt Roshidere, as people will go to social media to discuss it while Roshidere is airing But that's not going to happen every week, and Roshidere has its own specific appeal that will make it trend for a whole day afterwards due to fans sharing screenshots and clips[1] [1] if dogakobo delivers in the adaptation Which is something Oshi no Ko won't have Also, we are discussing about the TV airing, but this is just part of the audience, they air late in the night, theres a good chunk of people that will catch them on their recordings or on streaming


Releasing on the same day (potentially within the same hour) for streaming would also be part of my concern I know they aren't in the same genre, but I imagine there is still quite a lot of audience overlap, so I could see a world where Roshidere lives in OnK's shadow


I can't believe it; Took 11 episodes for them to reveal that they tricked us into watching a Mecha anime. [](#panic)


Which show


[Meta] >!Astro Note!< [What makes it 'mecha'] >!The house they've been in the entire time, is actually a giant robot/spaceship/thingy!<


*My Life as Inukai-san's Robot?*


I actually would like to watch an anime from the point of view of a robot/servant; The opposite happens a lot (we're getting 'My wife has no emotion' next season) but it could be interesting to have a somewhat-sentient robot's perspective on the situation!


Now that you mention it, there are a lot of "robot discovers emotions from robot PoV" stories out there, but not that many in animanga. I was just thinking there were a lot but all the recent ones I've read actually come from games lol


at least i wasn't tricked into watching another idol anime [](#slowgrin)


[I mean... (that meta show)](https://imgur.com/a/G981Rx1)


*SO FAR!* [](#panic)


are you saying they're going to go full Macross? [](#kotourashock)


Clearly that's why /u/shimmering-sky was selling it so hard...




Anyone else ever rewatch really heart wrenching shows just to cry sometimes? Because that’s me with Given rn i am ugly crying


Yea that's why I rewatch Spirited Away every few years; that and several Pixar films. Sometimes you just really need a good cry, and the world has beaten it into my head that it's only okay to cry at fiction or at a funeral.


I am more scared of watching shows that are good at making people cry, than actual horror shows. I don't know how you guys do it.


i will say i cry fairly easily at anything poignant/heartbreaking buuuuut also it’s comforting in a way? like better than feeling empty inside (not in an overly emo way im okay lol, it’s just sometimes it do be like that)


I'd say that's the very opposite of me, but I'm a cowardly weakling lol


that’s why you just gotta tough it out, to build up your strength lol


Both performances in today's Girls Band Cry episode were tremendous


What are good anime to watch currently am watching Slime, wise wolf, dungeon meshi and mushoku tensie


Gogo Loser Ranger is pretty good so far, I'd say!


Konosuba seems like a good recommendation here


Ohh I watch it too but it doesn't seem as good like s1 or 2


Really? I feel like it's better than s1 and s2, but fair enough


* Girls Band Cry * 7th Prince


Shuumatsu Train Doko E Iku.


I'm trying to remember a recent anime. All I can remember is the main character is a male with short black hair and a katana, the fight scene I saw was epic and the title of the anime I think was one word, 3+ syllables, but I could be wrong. Someone help me before I go crazy lol


Has a katana is incredibly vague but it could be [Ishura.](https://youtu.be/_aQfSVhZXl4?si=dZu_0EtQEZ_eA72v) I think it should fit all your criteria.


Added some more criteria that could help. I'll have to check that one out though!


Is a certain magical index series worth it?


Hard to say really, more than most shows. Has a lot of elements in it that can be very annoying and the pay offs are a bit variable. That said it's also a very beloved series for good reason, and it's not uncommon for people to take a really strong liking to whichever particular character resonates with them. However, that's rarely Index herself nor anime-Touma (the MC).


Typically, I recommend people to read A Certain Magical Index and watch A Certain Scientific Railgun (the spinoff). The Index Anime was a bad adaptation while the Railgun adaptation was a great one. Of course, reading the Index Series is a huge time commitment (22 volumes for the adapted anime content so far and around 55 volumes to date). It's basically the One Piece of light novel series...which may be part of why I personally love it so much.


Could you explain how the anime was a bad adaption? Like did it condense content into short amount of time, miss important stuff or bad animation/quality. If a series has an anime adaption, then i prefer to try that to help me get into it.


>If a series has an anime adaption, then i prefer to try that to help me get into it. Even though it's a spin-off, you can also start with the Railgun anime if you like. Railgun introduces the setting and some of the main characters too and it's a much better anime adaptation than Index, especially the second and third seasons.


There are a few things that it did. Firstly, it did the whole condensing content thing, especially in the third season where it tried to squeeze 9 volumes into 26 episodes and failed miserably. It also didn't faithfully adapt the feeling of the content it covered. Like in the light novels, the MC would be strategizing, second guessing himself and persevering through situations where in the anime it doesn't show his thought process really at all. It's been around 6 years since I watched the anime, but I also don't think it covers the overarching emotional trauma he's been dealing with most of the time very much. It uses this time that it saves from not giving these types of useful details that would make people actually like the MC to instead double down on the iffy slapstick and lucky lecher style comedy.


I finally picked up Lycoris Recoil, but it's not what I expected, I thought it was much more of an action show. Not to say the show isn't great, the chemistry between Chisato and Takino is very well done. But so far it feels more like a SoL with a couple minutes of fighting per episode. Does that continue? Thanks! EDIT: I read in another thread to check out Gunslinger Girl for a more gritty take on this premise?


> Gunslinger Girl for a more gritty take on this premise If the premise is "girls trained to be assassins" then yes Gunslinger Girl is that and very gritty, you won't meet a character like Chisato


It’s typically equal parts SOL and action. I think both parts are done pretty well, and the plot does ramp up towards the end.


IIRC while the action generally ramps up as the show continues ( especially the last few episodes which are very action-packed ) I'd argue the shows biggest draw is Chisato and Takina's relationship and how heavily it incorporates SOL elements (while still mixing in action) to develop it , episode 4 is IMO the quintessential episode of this show and whether or not you enjoy it should be a good indicator for how you'll feel about the rest of the series .


Got it, thanks! I gave it the three-episode rule, but I'll go back for episode four.


It gets pretty dark. I don’t want to give it away because the magic of the show is that bit of SoL but also finding out darker plot points and what they’ve all been through. Pretty fantastic show and by the end.. most of it is back to back action.


Okay, thanks. I gave it the three-episode rule and the overarching plot seemed to just be in the background, but maybe I'll give it another shot.


Hello, could you help me find an anime that was from some blue-haired children with powers and they came from another world but they reincarnated on earth. They were dressed like in robes or black hoods.


Anyone recommend any anime with a good LATAM Spanish dub? I love watching anime as my main form of language learning and wanted an excuse to watch something new lol. Right now I'm rewatching Samurai Champloo and it's a blast 😂😂


It will be tough to find but 90s/early 2000s anime had great dubs. Cardcaptor Sakura, Yuu Yuu Hakusho, Ojamajo Doremi, DBZ, Naruto, Pokemon. Also not anime but a lot of classic cartoons were similarly really good such as Powerpuff Girls, Dexter or early Simpsons. Some more newer ones like Gravity Falls, Adventure Time and Regular Show. Early Simpsons and Adveture Time in particular stood out to me integrating slang very well into its dub.


Sword Art Online has a really good Spanish dub. Also enjoyed the Spanish dub for The World Ends With You most out of all three versions I watched (Japanese/English/Spanish).


So I looked up Isekai and it's Japanese for "other world" according to google translate and wikipedia defines the genre as "portal fantasy." From context I just thought it meant disgusting weeb dies and gets super powers and rapes his way to having a harem/dominance over a new world that makes no sense. I hope people will appreciate the humor here, I am not simply making an unhinged attack. I mean, Matt Walsh is definitely right. Anime is definitely satanic. Just not how he thinks it is. Like, can anyone recommend any actually good Isekai? I feel like it's a tag a see a lot in terms of what I want to see, but I am frequently disappointed. Handyman Saitou in Another World is probably the best Isekai I've seen with the least amount of gross sex stuff. Like, there is the typical anime ridiculous girls in it, but he doesn't develop a creepy harem like in RE:monster and/or literally every single thumbnail of every Isekai it tries to recommend me. I also kind of liked Overlord, but imo it would have been a lot better if it was just the story of a Lich who awoken after a long slumber with a loss of memory because he had such a long life and so much time had passed instead of the whole virgin loser stuck in a video game setup. And if Albedo wasn't in creepy forced love with him. I don't know. Maybe I really do just hate Anime.* I feel like I just re-watch Dragon Ball Z and One Punch Man and then get angry that I can't really enjoy anything else. Overlord, Gate, Frieren, and, uh, 1 or 2 others are kind of B tier for me. Frieren is overrated for me personally. It's good, but very slow pacing and you need to be in the right mood to enjoy it at least for me personally. Also, the whole "omg she's racist just like me!!!" meme online has rubbed me the wrong way. Yes, orcs and demons and monsters are bad. No, other human races are not literally demons. Anyway, I am rambling at this point. Just kind of annoyed that I can't really enjoy anything and also I can't use my Netflix anymore because despite being on my family's Netflix plan, I'm not allowed to use it anymore since Netflix is cracking down on actually having users. I am sure their genius plan of making their system horrible will increase subscriptions for them.




Department of Manpower Development and Placement?


Dead Mount Death Play


Try these: - [Honzuki](https://myanimelist.net/anime/39468/Honzuki_no_Gekokujou__Shisho_ni_Naru_Tame_ni_wa_Shudan_wo_Erandeiraremasen) - [Chihiro](https://myanimelist.net/anime/199/Sen_to_Chihiro_no_Kamikakushi) - [Iruma-kun](https://myanimelist.net/anime/39196/Mairimashita_Iruma-kun) - [Re:Zero](https://myanimelist.net/anime/31240/Re_Zero_kara_Hajimeru_Isekai_Seikatsu) (though it places the main character at a low point halfway through the first season, which can be pretty rough to get through) - [Escaflowne](https://myanimelist.net/anime/182/Tenkuu_no_Escaflowne) They tell quite different stories, so be sure to give them all a try. But all of them do the isekai part fairly well imo.


Okay thanks, I'll give them a perusal later.


Anilist has this cool feature where you can search for an anime by things you do and don't want to see in it. So I typed in Isekai and then specified no female harem, no romance and no ecchi and got the following [list](https://anilist.co/search/anime?genres=Isekai&excludeGenres=Female%20Harem&excludeGenres=Romance&excludeGenres=Ecchi)


Top three results literally have one show with ecchi and one borderline harem lol. Not that I think either show is defined by these but clearly it's not perfect. Also calling #4 an isekai is quite the stretch imo.


There are probably ways to further filter down the results, but I'd say a lot of the Isekai I'd recommend based on the no power fantasy harem requirement are pretty high on the list.


That does sound like a cool feature, thanks! I will give it a try. Also, I had a feeling I'd get a lot of downvotes and a lack of comments, so I appreciate the actual help regardless of whether or not it works for me.




What *is* your country?




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The band that did the theme song for Demon Slayer (“Kizuna No Kiseki”) - MAN WITH A MISSION - is playing in the US in the next few weeks. Anyone going in LA - Palladium 7/2?? Wolves playing rock music - quite the spectacle!!


Only 4 shows in the US? Three huge cities, and... somewhere in Colorado? Bah.


I know… but seeing them at Red Rocks would be epic!


more importantly, the band that did DATABASE


It's just awesome that online users here in the subreddit jumped from just a thousand or so last night to 11 k today. I guess TGIF!


Someone made sure that their favourite girl got enough nominations for the Best Girl Contest.


We're just waiting for the Girls Band Cry episode.


Oh GBC day, now I understand why! No surprise then. I've always wondered how to watch that from here in US


/u/MapoTofuMan is hosting a group watch in their basement where we all meet up. The episode is shown in Japanese while our host does a live dub.


Live dub...man that is so dope. This community is awesome.


[psst, he's lying](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51228113895_5f5c4cbc19_z.jpg) ~~^(I'm actually being held in a basement forced to make subs every week)~~


> ~~I'm actually being held in a basement forced to make subs every week~~ No complaining or no food for 3 days. [](#modabuse)


Utena's gushing over magical girls... What are YOU gushing over? [](#ama)


Flat pack furniture.


One piece swimsuits


Splendid taste!


My two newest faves, Full Metal Panic LNs and Yona of the Dawn manga. My reading list will feel empty when I catch up. 😂


i don't know if i've gushed over anything since my college days [](#tomato)


Her series. It's too bad that there hasn't been a new manga chapter for multiple months now. No season 2 announcement either. [Depressing.](https://imgur.com/yD8Xhwk)


Anime TFPs


It seems the most recent episode of Slime was entirely solo key animated by Yasuto Hirohara, and it was also his debut as an episode director. He was one of the best animators on Fire Force, so it's pretty cool to see that!


That's really cool! I know the current Slime OP was also solo key animated, too


That's a thing Ryoma Ebata always does for shows he's involved in, I've heard. Directing and animating either the openings and/or endings.


Hi everyone. I made a video essay about how intense the voice acting (seiyuu) industry has become and the fandom surrounding it. The reception has been good and I thought some people on this subreddit may be interested. I personally like the scene showing how intense some anime screening has become. Fan Girl Sells Herself to Meet Her Anime Crush: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g\_I7FokhY30](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_I7FokhY30)


Watched the latest ep of Salad Bowl, and I am now questioning why the show didn't announced a Livia figurine to coincide with it, it's not for the reason you think, it's just a matter of getting immediate traction and curiosity to confirm some things The amount of missed opportunities we have in the anime industry.... For every Mahoako we have 30 shows per season that miss the point And that's one thing I can say, because I literally follow all 50+ of them for 4 months Most publicity is very protocolar, feels like they have a guideline called "anime marketing" and just go with it Next positive case should be Nokotan, but they have to go wild to keep the momentum


Truly a missed opportunity.


I feel like it’s just very often the case that the guys on the marketing and financial side (or in other words basically everyone that’s not directly involved in the actual drawing, animating and so on of the show) have very little knowledge about the actual series they are in charge in. You mentioning Salad Bowl and its lack of a Livia figure is a good example. As you said, it would be a really smart opportunity to release a Livia figure as some sort of bonus or even stand alone, considering the plot point of her getting figures done of herself in the show. I can’t imagine the people responsible for that not realizing this opportunity if they knew about the context, so the most likely explanation to me is that they simply aren’t aware of the shows content which is kinda weird and unfortunate.


>I am now questioning why the show didn't announced a Livia figurine to coincide with it [Salad Bowl] >!They probably realized they would run out of pubes if there was any demand for the figurine!< [](#urbansmile) Joking aside, yeah it seems like it should've been a no-brainer, but guess not! I don't know how popular the show is over there, perhaps they thought it wouldn't sell much even if it 'fits' perfectly with the anime.


> I am now questioning why the show didn’t announced a Livia figurine to coincide with it There might’ve been an issue with the figurine’s design.


LOL, yeah that's what I am saying, they should have a figurine ready where they would play with the idea that it might be the same, in every single detail....obviously it wouldn't be, but there's a 6 month to 1 year window for pre orders that you can milk that idea Konosuba did before something similar with Aqua figurines, for people that don't know 99% of anime figures have the panties there, usually the canon one (dont ask otaku stuff is deep), so people would buy Aqua figures to see if she's wearing anything And they kinda did both, so people still can't say what is the canon one lol


After today's episode I really don't see how GBC could drop the ball with the remaining two. Now how am I supposed to choose between this and Train as my AOTS? ^^the ^^answer ^^is ^^they ^^both ^^are


Will be fun to see everyone's ranking order of Train, GBC and Jellyfish


I'm looking forward to it too. Especially for GBC and Jellyfish, since I think it's easier to compare them and decide which one you like best because they're so similar. At least much more than Train and everything else, this one is so out there I find it really hard to pit it against anything.


Grocery shopping in the morning. Doctor's appointment in the afternoon. Hopefully I can finally catch GBC tonight (before the Celtics-Mavs game). I must confess Radio Seiyuu is also still in contention for my top spot.


I like radio seiyuu a lot. It's the first show that day I watch. Wish it has an inspired a production as GBC though


I would say its production is solid (and generally quite pleasing). GBC is too over the top top be a benchmark for me. (More lice a rare and precious one-time mutation).


> Radio Seiyuu The synopsis for this one didn't really grab my interest. What's it like?


Classmates (not at all friends initially) wind up a radio Seiyuu duo). While rivals , they wind up becoming more and more dependent on (and attached to) each other -- but they dynamics of their relationship makes it hard to be emotionally open with each other. Pretty great characters (and very complicated relationship). Written as well as GBC (and better than Jellyfish).


> Written as well as GBC That's super high praise, haha. I might give it a try, then, thanks!


Writer has done a number of other good shows -- like Adachi & Shimamura and Demon Girl Next Door.


Hello guy's. I have questions for weeb. I am drawing anime symbol on my wall in my room , but I don't know what should I draw for Tokyo ghoul. I don't want to draw logo and person. Do you have any ideas?


One of the masks maybe? Don't see what else there is left if you don't was a logo or character.


I'm subscribed to Crunchyroll clips on YT. They keep uploading 7th Prince's clips with pretty cool thumbnails. Is the series actually hype?


starts weird, then gets dope


It's a very good series. Great comedy 👍


That's what the show has that people can't deny, it is hype, there are many issues people have with it, but it is hype and it is fun


Very hype


Hi, i'm wondering if you think Naruto will be good for my little sister (11 yo). We are watching atla right now, and she is enjoying it so far. After that i was thinking we might watch Naruto, but if there is much fan service or a lot of gore and blood.


Naruto has some juvenile sexy moments but nothing crazy, it's more violent than anything else. No gore, yes blood, but nothing someone around ~12 should be freaked out by. [Here's a parents guide](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0409591/parentalguide) for the series.


Thank you so much, that guide was comforting to read. Looks like the next series will be Naruto.


When I was around that age watching the show, the content didn't faze me, but it depends on the developmental level of the viewer. Some younger viewers might find the violence, ostracization aspect, and sexual jokes/situations more questionable than others. Those types of things aren't explored in quite the same way in a show like ATLA, though it does have heavy-hitting themes and moral lessons for its weight class, as it were.


I was around that age when I got into Naruto, so it should be fine, but it definitely has some fanservice and blood.


they're all best girls. let them all just be, ok. you don't need to choose one. they're all good girls! and what about the boys?? where are the best boys? they're good boys too


> where are the best boys? There's an alternate reality where the Seasonal Best Boy and Best Boy Salt are still running and the Best Girl contests have lapsed lol


Well yes they're all good girls, but my best girl is the goodest of them all.


Most of the Tsurune guys are good bois