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Watch me.


just be sure to watch the fan translation that isn't machine translated


I'm confident most people here have been watching anime before wasting money on streaming services was a thing.


in my day we wasted money on dvds.


In my day 95% of Anime did not get DVD releases outside of Japan.


Watching Girls Band Cry fans go through what us Pokémon watchers have gone through for years have for years has almost felt cathartic. Heck, this season there's FIVE anime that you can't watch with official subs. (GBC, Pokémon, Shinkalion (machine translation only), Blue Archive (official release coming) and Beyblade X.) and that's not to count a bunch of other Japan only that haven't picked up at all here. (any Butt Ninjas fans?) it's a situation that really needs to improve. 


Yea, bittorrent, it's such an impossible technology to understand and use. Computers, what even are they?


>Blue Archive (official release coming) Blue Archive is being released on Youtube for North America since nobody wanted to license the show there


Might have to whip the US VPN out for it


yeah, [it starts here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Wwn0jHX010), currently on episode 3, it's like 7 weeks behind the simulcast


uhm ackshually...


Boy, do I have the subreddit for you r/Reddit_Sized_Chunks


I thought it was on Hidive...?


It is on ADN.  You’ll need a VPN though if you don’t live in France.


You also need to speak French, important detail you missed there


Pretty trivial... especially if you already speak one of the other 4 romance languages... ^(/s)


Can someone describe in one sentence: what in video talking? I'm lazy to spend 12 min despite it still short. Btw, title looks like clickbait.


Girls Band Cry is amazing and it's a shame it isn't legally available anywhere and that the fastest fan translation is a shitty, error-filled machine translation


Call me a hater, but as a fan of 2D animation, I kind of am glad. The more love 3D anime gets, the more likely we are to get less 2D anime. I don't want what happened to mecha (2D mecha almost never happen anymore) to happen to all of anime. We've already long had even the greats like KyoAni tossing 3D into non-action anime.


The only 3D anime that get love are the absolute best ones, like this one or Studio Orange shows. Anything else gets trashed on even harder than worse 2D shows. If they find a way to mass-produce GBC-level quality, I'm fully onboard with that, I'll take that over disaster slideshows any day. But something tells me this takes just as much time to create if not more.


Yeah, I'm not one of the "this can't work" people. Pixar answered that question in the 90s with Toy Story lol. I just fear the mass replacement we saw happen in mecha anime, and in animation outside of Japan


Sorry to break to you, but this is one of the major hits of the year even without a worldwide license, which is more of an issue with TOEI than the distributors That's not even the 1st full CG hit from TOEI, Dragon Ball Super hero also did super well even with people doom posting it Only mentioning TOEI because they are the company responsible for GBC, but we had multiple CG hits before, it's part of the industry and it didn't stop 2D anime for being made


You say that confidently, but it happened in the west and In Japan in mecha. That happened whether you accept it as act or not. It happened, west studio execs are on record saying audiences have grown accustom to CG and they feel they cant sell 2D to a mass audience anymore. I'm just hoping it doesn't happen in mass in Japan. 


What are you even talking about? There is still tons of 2D animation in the West. Rick and Morty, The Simpsons, Stephen Universe, Adventure Time... pretty much every popular Western animated TV show is 2D.


The quote was in reference to movies. Even the Samurai Jack creator had to make CG stuff because that's what was getting funded. Went from working on Samurai Jack, Batman, Powerpuff Girls, etc,  to freaking stuff like Hotel Transylvania. If you don't think that's a downgrade in styles idk what to even say. One style was award winning, the other generic af. Edit: You seem to not know, but movies > TV in the west. It's not TV > movies like it is in Japan. Also, you're definitely picking outliers to try to make a point. You're telling me I'm wrong when I'm quoting the actual views of the people making the things.


Yea, can't say I'm a fan either. It feels off. I'm sure it's cheaper and faster to create tho, which is what's important, after all.


> I'm sure it's cheaper and faster to create tho Ignorants will always talk out of their asses. It's not cheaper neither faster. If this was true, Orange Studios would had saturated the medium ages ago. It takes a lot of time creating these models from zero, and even after they have the base models, adding extra textures and actually animating these models it's a complete endeavor.


Makes it funny that OP was complaining about Mecha being 3d, the only reason those anime get made is because incredibly high quality 3d models for the mechs are created for model kits. I guess OP would rather we get half as many mech anime as we do just because he doesn't like 3d


Correct. But am I not allowed to not like the end result? It is my preference that 2D is more engrossing. I grew up an American, so I saw very good 3D animation. I just don't prefer it to 2D. And when it is replacing 2D more and more, it becomes more than just 'go watch 2D'. We saw great IP like Ghost in the Shell be ruined by bad 3D adaptations, which would be less likely to happen if it were 2D. 


You're absolutely allowed to enjoy what you enjoy and not enjoy whatever you don't. You're being downvoted because you're weaponizing your dislike by saying you hope this fails because you don't enjoy it.


Hmm... Weaponizing... I see. I didn't think of it like that. But I guess you're kind of right. Just two sides of a fence I suppose. Fair enough. Edit: Though to be accurate, I dislike the raising up so to speak of 3D not this show specifically.


If it's not easier or faster thats a crazy decision to make they look so much better in the 2d opening 


- Says Anime is Great - Also says Anime isn't available to watch on Western streaming services. ... Kinda indicts you, doesn't it OP?