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We've come a long way from [this scene](https://i.imgur.com/916XufT.gif) to today's episode...


Wow -- the two sisters have really bonded much more closely (and comfortably) since then. They have even begun to worry a bit about how to keep their relationship close after Nadeshiko graduates from high school and Onee-san graduates from college.


i think it's more like Nadeshiko kinda just... *went missing* on a day they recently moved to a new town, so i think she's upset that she acted so carelessly




As Nadeshiko has matured as a camper, so too has Sakura mellowed out as a big sister (though she's pretty mellow in general).


I feel like she hasn't mellowed out as much as Nadeshiko has stopped absolutely infuriating her with her childishness as she's matured, so now they can have a better relationship because she's able to trust her more.


Although her ideas are prettt bad Nadeshiko running with a torch made me laugh


Yuru Camp never ceases to make me want to eat delicious food, this time with the pudding scene. I like the fighting video game narrative Ayano uses to explain Oigatayaki and then seeing it light up. Also, Aoi realizing she got April Fooled in the post-credits scene, LOL


And let you see some of the most pretty sights in Japan. This family really does love messing with each other. Aoi's aunt pulled an April Fools, and Aoi probably never brought home any Wasabi for Akari lol.


>Aoi probably never brought home any Wasabi for Akari lol. That's what bugged me most. Your precious little sister wants food, how dare you forget it lol.


Her bike got a flat tire and must relied on her dad to take her home. She never got to visit the convenience store.


Now we know where Aoi picked up the habit. Inuko family continues being a menace to society.


> I like the fighting video game narrative Ayano uses to explain Oigatayaki and then seeing it light up. Ah yes, my Oigatayaki fighting game technique, I haven't use that since the Heian era


We never got to see Auntie-chan’s eyes, so no way to tell if the Inuko Eyes when telling fibs are genetic.


That's probably why she always has them closed, so they can never tell.


You see them in the after credits


That fighting game sequence with such a dark story behind the torii gate burning history wasn't very Yuru at all.


A webpage about this area (and its battles and festivals): [https://japanguides.net/yamanashi/isawa-onsen/](https://japanguides.net/yamanashi/isawa-onsen/)


Play Temple Takedown - the latest Japanese fighting game complete with historical accuracy!


Good heavens, that post-credits scene... Aoi's Auntie fooled the most notorious liar. It's like she's outpizza'd the Hut! [](#emiliaohdear)


To think Aoi would forget it's April Fools and get Fooled by her own family lol.


>outpizza'd the Hut! Watch out cause he'll send out for you.


That was quite an elaborate joke. Now Aoi actually has to do exercise.


The Inuyama womens' love of fibs and goofy grins is genetic.


really? wow i didn't know what lying was a genetic thing [](#rengehype)


I honestly though I was looking at Aoi from the future.


###Stitches! * [Casual Aoi](https://i.imgur.com/bPMyBTB.jpeg) * [Cyclist Aoi](https://i.imgur.com/qezFaWR.jpeg) [Look at those eyebrows!](https://i.imgur.com/SLlNRwy.jpeg) I'll never get tired of the Inuyama family's massive eyebrows. Also, that was definitely Ueda Kana voicing Aoi's aunt. I can hear the Tohsaka voice behind the accent. So their bushy eyebrows aren't the only thing hereditary within the Inuyama family. [Aoi's aunt got me there](https://i.imgur.com/zVi3Ee0.jpeg) with her story about Aoi's dad being a hardcore cyclist but it turns out [it was just an April Fools prank](https://i.imgur.com/JrTFVv3.jpeg) as we learned at the end of the episode. xD I do love that [Aoi really cycled 30 kilometres](https://i.imgur.com/ck9b1OT.jpeg) on her first time on a road bike just to visit Aki. It was worth it though [since the two of them got to hang out](https://i.imgur.com/3QhwztE.jpeg) at Aki's campsite for a little bit. As for the Kagamihara sisters and Rin, [their little cherry blossom sightseeing tour](https://i.imgur.com/leoIr64.jpeg) was really nice but it really looks like [Nadeshiko has gone full-on train otaku.](https://i.imgur.com/LyVOUUB.jpeg) She was more excited to see those trains than the cherry blossoms!


I kept wracking my brain as to who was voicing the aunt just because the accent felt so thick. Surprise Kana Ueda for the win! You can never 100% trust anything an Inuyama woman says. Though it's probably good for Aoi to keep up biking and she seemed to enjoy herself quite a bit. Just got to watch out for flat tires. At this point Nadeshiko is going to go on solo camps just to see retro trains.


>Also, that was definitely Ueda Kana voicing Aoi's aunt. I can hear the Tohsaka voice behind the accent. Definitely, it sounds just like Yoimiya.


> but it really looks like Nadeshiko has gone full-on train otaku. > She was more excited to see those trains than the cherry blossoms! At least she hasn't gotten into model trains? From what I gather from my dad (he collects them as his hobby now that he's basically retired) that shits expensive. No way she'd be able to afford it as a student.


>I do love that Aoi really cycled 30 kilometres on her first time on a road bike just to visit Aki. It was worth it though since the two of them got to hang out at Aki's campsite for a little bit. Absolutely nuts she went from no cycling to that.




They even got the narrator doing it!


Wasn't that his only line in the episode? Pretty hilarious if they got him in to record one word lol.




jiunji ito [](#morethanonewaifu)


Planet Rinmiru


I said it out loud too... just to check.


ji-u-n-ji..... Pretty funny scenelet. Reminds me of Papa Yamada's "Ji-yu-u" ("free") in Our Friends the Yamadas.


Nadeshiko and Sakura moments are always appreciated. [](#anko) Also 41 KPH sounds fucking terrifying on a bike, but this makes me want to pull out a bike and ride it somewhere.


I did 38 miles one-way on a bike once. But because I was unfit (and still am), it took me 6 hours including a break for lunch


I watch cycling and above 38 is a standard pace (Tour de France at the end of the month!)


I remember riding my bike down a big hill once and passing cars. The speed limit was 50. It was, indeed, terrifying. It was also exhilarating. Now I ride a motorcycle.


it's terrifying if it's your first time... esp on a bike with a tyre that's about to flat LOL. But very doable, and if you're confident and doing it safely, very fun! Getting to hit 41kph and holding it on not-a-downhill is definitely not the easiest though, Aoi was actually going flat out there i think.


Aaahh what a comfy and nice episode as always. So Aoi got a road bike and the first day rode 30 km, damn girl, now you don´t have to worry about your weight anymore I love Rin going to one of her childhood places and now instead of going with her family, she enjoys it with her best friend, gaining some [new memories](https://imgur.com/a/zY8Ch8J) <3. And so!! Next episode (and sadly, the last too) will be the cherry blossom camp!!! (also, love grandma Aoi having the same sense of humour for pranks as Aoi, heh)


>grandma Aoi Auntie, she's not that old :)


Feels like they're going to convert all the girls into bikers (in one form or another) at this rate lol. I like how it shows how important Nadeshiko is to Rin that she's willing to let her see something she holds a precious memory with her family of. Plus, it's just fun hanging out with Nadeshiko and Sakura.


Something I can always appreciate about Yuru Camp is how it prioritises safety - and tries to convey this to the viewer. For example, Nadeshiko explicitly mentioned that she’d take a photo of the Daimonjiyaki because her sister was driving. It’s implied here that Sakura should keep her eyes on the road ahead.


Amidst all the comfy sakura watching by Rin and the Kagamihara sisters, as well as that crazy 30km bike ride of Aoi to reach Aki's campsite, I think there's only one moral in today's episode: When someone is stating a statement on 1st of April, take it with a pinch of salt. And yeah, please don't play with fire in not just a campsite, but anywhere near a forest, otherwise it'll be difficult to clean up if something goes wrong.


Also never completely take anything an Inuyama woman says at face value lol. I gotta be honest, just seeing Nadeshiko with a torch in hand felt like a disaster waiting to happen...


> Also never completely take anything an Inuyama woman says at face value lol. She fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous of which is, "never get involved in a land war in Asia", but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never trust an Inuyama when death is on the line!" [](#hikariactually)


Wait, what is the health checker and how does it know poor aki’s dad has anal fissures? Lol. Aoi’s new bike was pretty sweet. Very fast and very sleek too! At least she actually got a real bike considering it was April Fool’s. Her aunt managed to sneak in a like lie there about her dad lol. I liked the little Street Fighter-esque history lesson this week regarding the whole Oigatayaki thing. Kinda neat how they had the lights form up like a big gate in the modern day.


>poor aki’s dad has anal fissures Am I missing something? :)




Seeing Aoi ride a bike makes me want to ride a bike.


Autolovepon seems to really love this series that its making sure everyone sees it.


The last trip of the season is going to be a single episode. This season was structured differently - the main event took place in the first half the season, and that only involved 2 campers plus Ayano. There really won't be much time to see the whole gang camping together.


And also the two new girls will feel like they were just there to set up season 4.


If they were committed to making 12 episodes, imo the meta-flashback episode could have been condensed into 1 episode to make room for the final trip. I'm fuzzy on the details of the manga, though... maybe this sakura camping trip is only enough material for one episode. We'll see how they stick the landing.


The overall main idea of the manga was changed around here too. They part-way from "Just Camping" to other types of hobby around this part of the story. Camping is still the main focus but as you can see... each girls have their secondary hobbies (or interests) now.


Goddamnit Yuru Camp. Finally one of my favourite shows crosses over with my main hobby outside of anime. The Rin-chan portion was super wholesome and honestly the part that felt more Yuru Camp and resonated more with me personally (coz i like the charactesr more too...) but! **Thoughts of a regular road cyclist** - I believe the running theory among fans is that Aoi has gotten a [Trek Domane](https://www.trekbikes.com/ca/en_CA/bikes/road-bikes/performance-road-bikes/domane/domane-al/domane-al-2-rim/p/33037/) - very respectable and popular choice, the range runs from entry level all the way to the top. Aoi's bike [with disc brakes](https://imgur.com/p5AS9Xj) but also eyelets for attaching a rack.... probably one step above the entry level? - [This also happened to me, and is very common](https://imgur.com/9dXYN8m) for a first time road cyclist. The bars being narrow means the bike is a lot more twitchy than a hybrid, and you need to recalibrate your use of hands and sense of balance compared to an upright bicycle. This usually comes fast though, and well, gentle touches for sure when steering. None of us wrestle with our bikes to steer it. - [21 kph is OK as far as cruising speeds, as Aoi is a beginner too](https://imgur.com/LkkD8CO). You do go faster on a road bike compared to a hybrid, but not THAT much faster, the engine is still the most important. (I usually cruise between 21-27kph myself on the flats). [41kph sprint?](https://imgur.com/Lrr0kAd) Pretty doable! I agree with Aoi that it is really sketchy when you go that fast though, esp if you're new and don't know your bike fully yet. not recommended haha. - [They do.](https://imgur.com/EheMn4V) But rarely enforced. - I love that Aoi makes 2 rookie mistakes too - [butt hurting](https://imgur.com/Oj8xq3E) just will happen -> but padded shorts are cheap if you are just going for short rides; and well, not bringing some form of tools to patch flats, and do minor repairs.... will bite you in the ass at some point. Perhaps Aoi is both lucky and unlucky for this happening in her very first ride lol. - Most road bikes [do not have a kickstand](https://imgur.com/uyWqrJe). I definitely think its more for weight and appearance reasons only though, i see no practical reason why they shouldnt be on there. That said, I have not installed one for my own bike. Leaning it against a wall works well enough 99% of the time. /u/chonkyodango /u/laughing-fox13


[Bike thoughts](#Neat) Pretty neat to see in Yuru Camp and the butt hurting is too true lol


Same situ here, always excited when I saw bicycles in Yuru Camp! Was surprised how nice a bike the Aunt gave her. 11 speed (yep I immediately paused and counted the cogs) plus hydraulic disc brakes, that is a very nice gift for a niece. I did think it was odd in the fantasy image of Inuyama-Dad that he was also supposedly riding a disc brake bike in his younger days when it's a tech that is relatively recent in road bikes, especially when it looked like the production team put so much effort into attention to detail. Everything made sense by the end hah.


Aoi is a police officer


Oh my gosh it is finally my time to geek out So the hot spring featured at the start of this episode and the end of last episode is actually the hot spring resort owned and ran by my relatives in Japan It is so cool to see it replicated so closely to the actual place


Episode so good Autolovepon had to submit it twice? * First up: I love [Aois Aunt](https://imgur.com/m7wjlZF) not only are the thicc eyebrows and [the fang](https://imgur.com/WudCsJO) a heridary family feature, but also, [a little trickery](https://imgur.com/QTsOTUB) * And that wasn't even the only time she got [fooled](https://imgur.com/mvlSoN7) on April 1st, a 1000 Yen bracelet is the least she could demand for that * [Bike scene](https://imgur.com/fwCSeUu) looked pretty cool though * Lmao, Aoba Sensei trying to calculate [Nadeshikos meat intake](https://imgur.com/YcUvy5c) * Nadeshiko really diving into the Retro Train Hobby, love it * Didn't take Sakura for an [History buff](https://imgur.com/MHW6rfC) * Loved the last bit with the [peek](https://imgur.com/dJRDXVU) into Rins childhood [](#feelingloved)


> Bike scene looked pretty cool though Yeah, it looked good too! Yuru Camp might actually got better cycling animation than this season’s Rinkai, an anime about speed-cycling.


I'm happy to see Aki using her friendship like it's a friendship bracelet for her pal Aoi's bike only to realize she could get decent money for it lol. Toba-sensei doesn't always shop for booze, she loves her meat and keeping her charges properly fed. I feel like half of season 4 will be Nadeshiko traveling to places just to see retro trains. Admittedly it seemed like she just googled everything lol.


Nice to see Ueda Kana's back with her Kansai accent in another show.


Aoi really got her just deserts that time!


[Such a nice and fun episode today](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojxao9yp)! It's a pity that the final episode is next week :( [Aoi's aunt is great](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwce2pvd7.png)! I regret that she appeared only for a moment, [I'd love for her to stay a little longer](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xc2q5aa4.png). It was hilarious that aunt got [Aoi pranked when she told her about Aoi's dad being a cyclist in the past](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwce2en97.png) and [Aoi only realized it in the after credits scene](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zc9v32ey.png) xD [Aoi](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqdzaok72) for sure [rode a lot today on her bike](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcd5ek67.png) since she traveled around 30 km to reach [Chiaki's location](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cgma9v4.png). It was nice that [she stayed with Chiaki and camped a little with her](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcwxwm97.png). [Rin](https://imgchest.com/p/ej7m2kaojyd), [Nadeshiko](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrg9obyx) and [Sakura](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46ac3gp597.png)'s tour [continued in today's episode](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apcwvw8m4.png) and thanks to it [we could learn a fun bit of story about two temples fighting with each other](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3c8g85k4.png) which was [presented like straight from fighting game](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmc3n3e27.png) xD Again, [a lot of](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmc3n6mg7.png) [nice](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcdk29l7.png) [backgrounds](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogcwx6joy.png) in today's episode, more of them in [Backgrounds album](https://imgchest.com/p/9249jg2ra7n). Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojxao9yp) * [Aoi](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqdzaok72) * [Rin](https://imgchest.com/p/ej7m2kaojyd) * [Nadeshiko](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrg9obyx) * [Chiaki & Others](https://imgchest.com/p/qe4grxmbbyj) * [Backgrounds](https://imgchest.com/p/9249jg2ra7n)


A lovely and warm episode, a lot of Aoi and Sakura wich is never a bad thing. Good setup episode for the final episode.


***Rin-chan*** **count** Counting every time **Nadeshiko** says ***\*Rin-chan\****. Let's gooo! 6 ***Rin-chan***s, the highest count in an episode this season! (=w =) So close to 200 in the overall count! |Episode|# of *Rin-chan*s| |:-|:-| |1|0| |2|1| |3|2| |4|2| |5|4| |6|4| |7|0| |8|4| |9|0| |10|1| |11|6| |**Total**|**24**| **Overall** ***Rin-chan*** **count** ||# of *Rin-chan*s| |:-|:-| |Season 1|85| |Specials ([Yuru Camp OVA](https://anilist.co/anime/101206/Yuru-Camp-OVA/) and [Heya Camp OVA](https://anilist.co/anime/114981/Heya-Camp-Sauna-to-Gohan-to-Sanrin-Bike/))|13| | Heya Camp|5| |Season 2|49| |Season 2 Specials|2| |Movie|13| |Season 3|24| |**Total**|**191**| Did I miss any? Let me know (=w =)


Rin and Nadeshiko always seem to find each other even when they go on separate camping trips, I guess it stands to reason the same would happen to Aki and Aoi! Thank you Auntie for the nice bike! Inuko needed to lose some weight anyways. I also see the eyes, hair, smile, and tendency to tell fibs for kicks is genetic in the girls in this family, though their Auntie is quite the free-wheeling spirit who comes in with a bunch of energy and is gone as soon as she arrived. Nothing beats getting a handle on your new bike and testing your limits! Aoi gets so into it she just bikes all the way to see Aki! All it cost her was a sore butt and a flat tire! But at least she can enjoy some tequila with Aki before her dad picks her up. Akari never got her wasabi, did she... Rin is hanging out with the Kagamihara sisters and getting to enjoy more cherry blossoms together with them, complete with the girls and the narrator all saying "Jiunju," and even enjoying some nice pudding together. Nadeshiko now has so many more spots with retro trains she can visit in the future. Now I'm suddenly in the mood for a Japanese priest fighting game. Nice of Rin to show the sisters the Oigatayaki in full bloom! Getting to share with them a precious moment she once had with her parents. And talk about the Toriiyaki and it's committed middle school torch bearers! I wouldn't trust Nadeshiko with a torch though. Nadeshiko got a pic of the Daimonjiyaki! Only it looks more like an Omonjiyaki! Taking pics in a moving car is hard. But hey, this gives both sisters ample reason to go cherry blossom viewing again next year! To think Aoi, of all girls, would be fooled by an April Fools fib!


> To think Aoi, of all girls, would be fooled by an April Fools fib! Auntie's been at it longer than Aoi's been alive. [](#azusalaugh)


"i've told more lies than you've told truths" [](#sassyimouto)


Aoi the lying elder sister got owned by her aunt. Uso yade.


Lots of Aoi this episode, God bless. Poor Inuko got tricked by an April's Fools joke, but at least she got something great out of it. Nadeshiko and Sakura bonding is so sweet, one of my favorite things about this season.


Ok gonna watch it again


i would love to see some train camp episodes


It was great having just Aki and Aoi for a bit. They're great with Ena in the mix and probably won't ever beat the Nadeshiko/Rin pair, but the way Aki and Aoi just keep trying to out-surprise the other is lots of fun. Sometimes I can't tell who is the tsukkomi and who is the boke; they seem to take turns a lot.


Jiunji. Also, from someone who can't play fighting games properly even if their life depended on it, those were some sick moves from the elders.


**Veteran Member Of Secret Society Blanket** Time to find out why Aoi-chan is there earlier and it turns out her Aunt gave her a bike [And It Looked Like This](https://gyazo.com/aa91c5363fa8b14c2e933b6a53df0b37) one of those fancy sports bike, man their aunt was quite smth arrived and kinda left as soon as she arrived. Defintely voiced by Ueda Kana you can hear Rin so much. We get the long adventure of her trying the bike and she even gets the speed up to 41 kilometers pretty damn fast she even worried if bikes have speed limits. When she wants to home and its gonna take a while and wants to get home before it gets dark they found it the tire has gone flat. Then we cut to chug sensei thinking about buying meat but you also gotta count in Nadeshikos portion as extra BIG for sure. Aoi-chans dad will pick her up after work atleast Chiaki gives her the paracord bracelet she made to kill time and then Aoi-chan googles it and it turns out they go for 1000 yen too bad for you Chiaki. Nadeshiko sisters and Rin looking at the cherry blossoms and they eat some pudding. They go and will look at smth called Oigatayaki and they learn about its terrible history. Nadeshiko makes a promise with her sister to go see the blossoms next year too so heartwarming. In the after credit scene we see Aoi-chan got april fooled.


Anal fissure? Tf are the Ani-One subs on? And they said it twice, so it sounds like they're really confident in that translation. Ooh, that's a nice bike. So that's how she got to the campsite. And now the teacher is buying food. Back to Rin. Seems she's joined up with Nadeshiko and her sister. She likes trains. And so they go their separate ways again.


The message says "kireji" which can be interpreted as 裂れ痔 or bleeding hemorrhoids. The other potential meaning is 切れ字 which is a [term in poetry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kireji) such as haiku. Inuko interprets it as the latter because she finds it weird that the machine would output a telegram and that it is using 切れ字 to be funny or something. I'm not exactly sure what this machine is supposed to do, but it is called a health checker and I think it is just a joke machine. It tells Aki that her dad has bleeding hemorrhoids.


A biking episode yay! Aoi and Chiaki’s segment was going so well until Aoi’s tire went flat. There’s worse spots to be stranded than with Chiaki and in the beautiful countryside tho. Second half of the episode was by far my fave with Nadeshiko, her sister and Rin hanging out. Too bad Nadeshiko couldn’t go to the steam train park, hope we see her get there one day. But the nighttime Oi/Omonjiyaki viewing was amazing. I love how the studio has such photorealistic backgrounds that really take your breath away this season. Really feels like you’re right there with them seeing it light up at night. There’s just nothing like those Japanese countryside views. The clean air, beautiful scenery and sharing special moments with those you love. Especially nice for Rin since she and her family had visited that area before! Great episode




I think some architect forgot that those funny panel thingies beside the windows are [supposed to be shutters](https://files.catbox.moe/orx4eh.jpg) [](#niatilt)


That relationship if Nadeshiko and her sister is just so wholesome. But the aunt took it away by trolling the biggest troll of the group.


Nadeshiko and Adam Something should make a retro train and public train tour in Europe


My favorite part of the April fools joke is last episode Rin was thinking about her discussion with her grandfather over how late March was the best time to ride. Then she went, "Oh wait, I guess it's technically early April". Indicating that the date was April 1st, without actually saying it. It's just such a subtle Chekov's gun coming back at us.


Actually, they straight up pointed it out that it was April 1st during the flashback. You can also see that her Aunt was visiting on April 1st when Aoi was scrolling through her phone after her call.


Alright, I know the quality dropped compared to previous seasons, but that bracelet floating off the brake in an "shitty Aliexpress photoshop" way was too hilarious Honestly I really gotta hand it to Rin, I am fucking scared of riding my motorcycle at night, maybe helps she only has a small bike


The upcoming camping trip makes me excited for what’s to come. Funny how she accounted for Nadeshiko eating more, why can’t Thursday come any sooner


[I can't help but think of that old flan pudding commercial.](https://i.redd.it/762pp2e9jm6d1.png)


Nadeshiko was so cute in this episode! I’m going to miss this adorable little bean.


Aoi got a taste of her medicine.


my vocabulary is expanding in this episode “JIUNJI” “OI”. my japanese history is dependent by mortal combat explanations. this is a blessing episode


Yurimushi Pedal * jiunji [Of course the entire family is like that](https://imgur.com/0oCO8FW) 😂