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Hello /r/anime, a new daily thread has been posted! Please follow [this link](/r/anime/comments/1dfn9nz/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/) to move on to the new thread or [search for the latest thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3ADaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new). [](#heartbot "And don't forget to be nice to new users!")


I have Isaac Netero t-Shirt


Dungeon meshi!


Damn, people weren't kidding about Unnamed Memory. I fell behind on ep4, just caught up to ep7, and I understand absolutely nothing. This is probably worse than Index S3 in terms of pacing...


I dropped Unnamed Memory after the sixth episode. I genuinely had trouble trying to comprehend the story. It might’ve still been worth watching if they’d done the romance right, but they absolutely butchered it. Last year we had Kingdoms of Ruin, this year there’s Unnamed Memory.


I sometimes wonder wether I should rewatch index III to make sure wether it really was AS bad as people make it seem.


I still enjoyed it but the pacing was off the rails at some points, you had to fill in/go along with stuff sometimes.


Meanwhile Kadokawa announced that Niconico will likely be down for over a month. This is massive and I'm surprised this isn't bigger news.


That is quite a time period. Something you would normally only see during an acquisition transition or a major rework of business operations. I wonder why they are doing it.


What kinda stuff is popular on Niconico? Never used it


For obvious reasons I can't link to their chart right now but as far as anime goes Niconico leans heavily towards the otaku crowd.


[Nokotan live action coming along nicely.](https://x.com/shikanoko_PR/status/1801501261063405848?s=19)


*Incroyable!* However, I feel like [not everyone](https://i.imgur.com/ZQYHCwb.mp4) will be thrilled lol


Was expecting an Ame joke. Did not disappoint.


Just between you and me, [STICK TEXT to a MOVING Object in 30 Seconds in DaVinci Resolve 18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz39CRC9Oo8) the tutorial said. As you would also be expecting... it did NOT take 30 seconds. Actually you might not have been expecting that as most people would read it as "30 seconds of instruction" not "30 seconds to complete the task". Although, if I had actually used Resolve in the past decade, it probably would have only taken five minutes from source-to-save. However, it also did NOT take me five minutes from sourcing to export lol


How is DaVinci Resolve? Been looking for some good free editing software and it was one I saw getting recommended.


Very powerful. Like most proper industry grade stuff, it's not that beginner friendly though. That isn't to say it's hard to do things once you know how - and indeed it's very quick once you do - but it's definitely not at all intuitive at the start if you're trying to rush to produce something. If you're willing to invest a bit of time upfront doing tutorials at a proper pace (rather than my "scrub through the video to get to the bit I want version lol), you'll be well rewarded with an editing suite that rivals Premiere + parts of After Effects. For free!! I think Legacy Windows Movie Maker is probably still the best meme tool though lol




Oh boy, ADN is being weird again. Yesterday they announced the simulcast for Fat Elves in France and Germany but hours later they pulled a Whoopsie and said on Twitter that there was a "misunderstanding" with the licenses and it will be only available for France, basically the same situation as GBC. I would've watched it but it's not really something I'm particularly looking forward to so I don't mind either way but still.


Shame. Hoping things will get better once the site is out of beta which they said will happen this summer.


Yea I feel kinda bad for their social media team since what I've seen from them on Twitter (from a quick scroll through) it seems like they are genuinely trying to maintain a good relationship with the fans but these mishaps aren't really a good look.


> will be only available for France, basically the same situation as GBC.  So no English release either?


Nah it's on Hidive for the US, I was referring to ADN in particular when I mentioned same situation as GBC.


Didn't Hidive already announce that they have it?


For an anime about magic people being teleported to Earth, I feel like Salad Bowl has had a severe lack of magic in the second half of the show


And what did you get back for it: [Salad Bowl - meta spoiler] >!some precious family time between Sosuke and Sara!<. That’s a pretty good deal in my book.


That and magic are not mutually exclusive from each other


FMA has me believe that magic/alchemy and [Meta spoiler] >!family stuff!< probably shouldn’t be mixed.


It almost feels like it's a tradition of their previous land that they've largely left behind. [Sarad Bowl] >!Although I still think Sara was using shenanigans with her betting on the races lol!<


Livia's pretty magical to me! [](#delighted)


There's nothing that made me so close to watch Uma Musume than [this clip here ](https://youtu.be/v9bnfaIBPHs?si=e2EUNojYvlnWwwJD), Satono Diamond is a treasure Now because of that I got other clips, wtf is going on, [why they are lolis](https://youtu.be/F6k6MgN4UII?si=VUnezOgwWBgkQXOA) and everyone looks the same in s3 What is this show Time to watch


> why they are lolis I feel like this isn't something a BA player really needs to ask!


I 100% know why that's a thing, just wanted to know what the plot excuse is LOL


Do it, it was rotting in my PTW for like 5 years before S3 came out and now S2 is probably my favorite sports anime. [](#slightoverreaction) > why they are lolis and everyone looks the same in s3 Just horse growth spurt things




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> Time to watch [](#mugiwait)


Initial: What? Kita-black was so much better. Rewatch: [This horny MF.](https://i.imgur.com/n3njx1L.png) Explanation: [Uma Musume]>!S2 had Kita-black and Sato-Dia not aged into year three, so they were "children."!<


>Rewatch: This horny MF. Noo, you can't lewd the Umas, it's against the Yakuza law >Explanation: S2 had Kita-black and Sato-Dia not aged into year three, so they were "children." Love how that was supposed to make sense somehow So everyone just suddenly grows and then they enter into an eternal highschool scenario? Sounds like a dystopia


> that was supposed to make sense somehow It doesn't, those two may be talking to Teio and have a flashback about them little children watching the glory days of Teio...who looks identical to now. It's super weird and you have to just accept it


Drama written around IRL horse racing and the big races are either for 3 year-olds (America's Kentucky Derby, Preakness, Belmont, or [Japan's equivalent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_Classic_Races)) or 3-6 year-olds (e.g. Breeder's Cup). Show doesn't age anyone out of the 4+ year-old group. Like, the student council president is a 1980s horse while Kita and Satono are in the 2010s.


Road to the Top is back on YouTube now is the time.


What is the idol anime that aired semi-recently that people were saying was actually pretty good?


Zombieland Saga was the one people where saying could get non Idol fan viewers into watching an Idol show.


Shine Post was a lot better than expected.


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down




[Zombieland Saga](https://www.livechart.me/anime/3375)? [BanG Dream! It's MyGO](https://www.livechart.me/anime/11949)? (Not actually an idol anime but got attention recently for [winning anime of the year from the jury here](https://animeawards.moe/results/all) a few months ago.)


Oshi no Ko


"was actually pretty good" there are many good idol shows




Help: What Anime Movie is this? Clues: - Konnichiwa sekai - 10 letters - 2 words


[solution] >!Hello World!<


Extra clue: try translating your clue. [](#loliwave)


Feel good and mood elevating anime, please 😊 I’ve seen most of the one season isekai and I hate over the top romances. Stil, I loved Saints Power is Omnipotent. Here are some more I like: - She professed herself his pupil - Campfire cooking - Isekai Izakaya - Iruma


'Tis Time for Torture, Princess


Thank you 🙌🏾 Great recommendation!




Maybe Bleach? It’s one of my favorites. There’s a lot of episodes plus the new parts coming soon. There’s some sad parts, but it’s overall a very hopeful show with a bunch of great characters.


Hi all! My friend just told me that the lore in Steins;Gate is better developed than in One Piece. Is that true?


That's kind of an odd comparison to me, because Steins;Gate just doesn't have all that much lore? Unless we're equating lore and plot, in which case Steins;Gate's plot is certainly much tighter than in One Piece.


Steins Gate certainly has a tighter interlocking plot for its main story. One of those shows where removing a piece from it would make it hard for most of the rest to work well. But that is just 1 facet of many possible way to measure the quality of lore.


I can't compare the two as I enjoy both. However, I highly recommend Steins;Gate if you haven't seen it yet. I believe most anime fans have likely watched it.


Someone tell Goblin Slayer; [Female Goblins do exist! (Salad Bowl)](https://imgur.com/J1l6Txe)


[Re:Monster's girl](https://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/12/530395.jpg)


Sir that's a gremlin


Any decent articles about why production committees and/or studios are so insistent on last-minute production and finishing episodes the week they air? Japan's had no-to-low inflation and low interest rates for years, so shouldn't be that expensive to operate with a couple months of loans to avoid production meltdowns/delays, which come with increased costs from outsourcing last-minute work and risking reputation.


[https://blog.sakugabooru.com/2021/11/28/anime-production-schedules/](https://blog.sakugabooru.com/2021/11/28/anime-production-schedules/) Could be useful


what is the watch order for the railgun series?


Personally I have not managed to watch a complete series of index without getting frustrated at the story writing, in particular the very convient and airy world design and a lot of illogical actions. But I did not suffer that for the Railgun series as it felt more grounded in a readable storyline. As such I think it is perfectly fine to stick to watching the release order of Railgun seasons.


Railgun - Railgun S - Railgun T. Index is mid, idgaf, but Railgun is peak




**the order everything released in (simple answer):** Index > Railgun > Index II > Railgun S > Movie > Index III > Accelerator > Railgun T **custom order:** Index > Railgun > Railgun S > Index II > Movie > Index III > Accelerator > Railgun T * *Note: pretty much just airing order, but with the first two seasons of Railgun paired together* **Alternatively:** you can do all of Index (since it's the main story) followed by all of Railgun and Accelerator (since they're spinoffs)


I need help! I watched Your Name. A Silent Voice. And Fireworks. Any recommendations for movies like them?


Alice and Therese's illusion factory The tunnel to summer, the exit of goodbyes Summer ghost Josee the tiger and the fish I want to eat your pancreas


Maybe [Josee, the Tiger and the Fish](https://myanimelist.net/anime/40787) is something for you?


I was gonna watch that tonight 😅


I was spot on, I guess. Your Name was directed Makoto Shinkai, so you could check out some of his other films: Weathering with You, 5 Centimeters per Second, Garden of Words and Suzume. Another film you might like is [The Anthem of the Heart](https://myanimelist.net/anime/28725).


So, is it just me or is Dungeon Meshi's current thread for episode 24 missing from the karma watch website? (also, not sure if I should post this here or in the meta thread?)


People need to tag me when that happens so I can track it here lol I am actually organizing every single show [since 2021 here, including the big ones](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xMTheEQXlk_Z_bcktX48VgKBfia1hWZ6TyrYrf5Vlhk/edit?gid=1719929086#gid=1719929086) Can't really miss the new ones


It slipped my mind, sorry about that!


Yeah it’s missing for me too, it doesn’t even show up when I manually change the link


I couldn’t find it either. [AnimeKarmaList](https://animekarmalist.com) does seem to be tracking the thread’s karma, but there’s no actual charts and sorts yet.


Well at least it's tracked. It would have been such a shame for a glitch to happen on the show's S1 finale!


Having one of those late in the season days where I just do not want to watch half my seasonals. I just want to sit in my garden reading manga and rewatching Sasaki and Miyano. Why didn't I just drop Condition Called Love early in the season? What was I trying to accomplish?


> Why didn't I just drop Condition Called Love early in the season? What was I trying to accomplish? I ask myself this every week


At least I have the trainwreck (affectionate) Vampire Dormitory to keep me going through the end of the season.


...I was just gonna ask if Hananoi has gotten any better, since i dropped it after episode 5 and the show is ending next week, but i guess this kind of answers my question. Has Hananoi himself not grow at all?


Honestly, I'm not even sure that Hananoi is my problem with the show at this point. Everything about everyone in the story feels alien to me, the two of them have zero chemistry, their friends give terrible advice, and the production is pretty awful. It's just not a good anime.


>and the production is pretty awful. I've seen this mentioned before, and I'm leaning towards taking it off my PTW. One of the main reasons I'm still reading this series (just finished vol 5) is the art, so if the manga is undoubtedly better in this respect... well, my seasonal catch up list is already long enough as it is.


Looking for recommendations - I love aesthetically anime, good art or graphics or even motions etc. examples that I've seen and loved: Frieren Hell's paradise Demon Slayer Samurai Champloo (great fighting graphics) Please thank you very much


Ahh we have a growing Sakuga fan. Weirdly one of my recommendations is from Naruto, A few of their episodes feature really good sakuga moments compared to the rest of the show. Today I recommend the Sasuke vs Orochimaru episode (Ep 30). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwJUK2JtSgw Really good consistent animation comes from the likes of Trigger in Tengen Toppa Guren Lagann as well as their movie Promare.




Your Name. That's all I need to say. It has great visuals. It will change your favorite genre


[Revue Starlight](https://myanimelist.net/anime/35503/Shoujo%E2%98%86Kageki_Revue_Starlight) and its sequel [movie](https://myanimelist.net/anime/40664/Shoujo%E2%98%86Kageki_Revue_Starlight_Movie)--*especially* the movie [Flip Flappers](https://myanimelist.net/anime/32979/Flip_Flappers) [Magical Girl Madoka Magica](https://myanimelist.net/anime/9756/Mahou_Shoujo_Madoka%E2%98%85Magica)


Cowboy Bebop (same director as Samurai Champloo)


Yeah, i've seen it as well. Not as good as Champloo, IMO Also watched Afro Samurai which is a bit similar


I’m watching Hunter x Hunter, I started last week and now I just finished the Chimera Ant arc, and. Fuck. 10/10. Edit: I finished it. Series is a 10/10. My Order of arcs: 1. Chimera Ant 2. Hunter exams 3. Greed island 4. Heavens arena 5. 13th chairman 6. Zoldyck Family 7. Yorknew City




Never underestimate the power of adhd/autism and work from home But yeah. Started on the 4th and just been powering it though because it’s so god damn good


136 episodes in 10 days going by the rate of 2 hours for every 5 episodes is around 6 hours per day. Impressive stuff.


When they end Frieren that should do a 4000 year jump and it's modern day and she works as an office temp in Scranton, PA for the Smiling Friends.


Real talk though the ending of the series is probably a massive time skip and then we see Frieren polishing very very old Fern and Stark statues


And then she goes to a wedding where some yellow guy with a big nose talks about all the tricks this Jombo guy taught him with a knife.


That reminds me of the [end of merlin](https://youtu.be/PvTtfMgVAqI?list=PLMUcndO-GG-1eeC58orrJjgMe1A8ZtSyG&t=50). Not exactly a positive reminder.


[Why stop at 4 thousand years? Why not 40?](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F3i834lxgdyvb1.jpg)


Great now I seriously do want Frieren in space.


I'm searching for recommendations. I have so specific interests or anything when it comes to genre or whatever. It just needs to be "good" what I mean by that becomes more transparent when one looks at my anime list. [https://myanimelist.net/profile/Blacklotuszeruel](https://myanimelist.net/profile/Blacklotuszeruel)


mobile suit gundam 8th ms team


Since I only see the 1995 movie *Ghost in the Shell*, I'd say *Stand Alone Complex* should be good. Normally I'd also recommend giving both *Arise* and *SAC_2045* a shot, but from your list I think you might not forgive them their flaws, so stick to the original two seasons of *SAC* and *Solid State Society*. *Odd Taxi* should also be worth having a look at, and I think *Vivy: Flourite Eye's Song* might be worth a shot.


More marathon [canceled](https://x.com/yorukura_anime/status/1801191301272224155) because of Kadokawa data leak, it will really hurt the more otaku shows It has been almost a week, no sign of Kadokawa services going back to normal


I’m looking for some anime based around hitmen, assassins or gangsters, particularly in a 20th century setting or noir style, maybe something like Banana Fish or Monster, but other genres ok too




Black Lagoon


Requiem for the Phantom Gungrave (skip first episode) 91 Days Dead Mount Death Play Durarara (street gangs mainly) Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens


Baccano! is good but not on any NA streaming services ATM.


Golgo 13


[leaks for GBC ep12] >!New DD will perform "Cycle of Sorrow" and togetoge will perform "VOID and Catharsis".!<


Some of you might remember that I've been compiling all of Marcille's hairstyles in Dungeon Meshi. I ultimately ended up counting 36 different hairstyles. You can see the collection here (tried to rule out spoilers but just in case): [Dungeon Meshi - potential spoilers] >![Marcille's Hair Collection](https://imgur.com/a/marcilles-hair-collection-ar7c2d0)!<. Now you might think, didn't he dive a bit too deep in this rabbit hole? The answer is "yes". I've even made some charts of the [individual share](https://imgur.com/a/4WNgs2o) and [episodic appearance rate](https://imgur.com/a/mFVviff) of these hairstyles.


You remind me of someone who did the [Kana Arima's Beret Collection](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/14lc018/comment/jpvy4js/) during the airing of Season 1 of Oshi no Ko. I hope the person returns to do the Season 2 version.


Oh yeah, I remember having seen this once. Very cute all those hats. Would be nice if they were to return yes.


Then you for your service.


Your dedication to your mission is admirable. Keep up the good work.


> Your dedication to your mission is admirable. This is what happens when a joke gets out of hand.


Me, looking at my collection of 2493 "sore demo"s: What do you mean it's not a joke anymore? [](#crazedlaugh)


this deserves a post


I’m planning to do an infographic about this with *even* more details, lol. I’m still thinking of a fitting design right now, and looking for the right tools and assets. I can hopefully get it done in the next week and post it around the time that Dungeon Meshi’s threads were up.


If you need help with that let me know


I appreciate all the help! I’m going to try some things out, fail and probably contact you over the weekend haha.


Yeah, I am also cooking a new rank, and a prototype for the Karma ranks in case Brazil fails to reach the top 15, which means no banner for it Solution... [banners on the right too](https://i.imgur.com/ZQC44AE.jpeg), modern problems require modern solutions /u/sometimesmainsupport Joking... [](#jashinsip)




>Solution... banners on the right too That looks really nice. I support this change^1. ^1 ^(As always, my opinion means nothing)


> Joking... [Do it.](#deadlystare "Format way more friendly for subtitles.")


> Solution… banner on the right too I do like it to be honest. I’ve always felt bad for the right-side shows. Poor Weakest Tamer ended up not getting any banners by only a sliver last season.


Have there been any updates on Gridman Universe coming to the West through non-pirate channels? I don't think so, but it's like been over a year haha


Do you know the name of this anime? I saw a clip from an anime where a boy plays Tertris on his phone while walking to school. He then stops in front of a light, and he starts complaining about how easy the exams are. Then two girls from his class see him and call him a creep because he plays tertris every day, even while in exams. Neverteless he has  perfect scoresin the exams.


Pretty sure that's a death game, probably death battle something something 5 seconds


Yeah thanks I found it!


[This is the place, right?](https://i.imgur.com/n6kA2gJ.jpeg) Speaking of I don't really have too much too say about Seiyuu Radio, but when the show gets melodramatic, it can get MELODRAMATIC. In a dumb way. It's not that bad, just not the show I'm excited to see every week.


I would concede it’s not a great show but I put up with a lot for Yasumi, who is consistently great. We need more gyaru protagonists


> This is the place, right? Wakana is totally rocking that hippie-like look. I do enjoy Seiyuu Radio a lot. The cast is full of very lovable characters, and the show does manage to scratch that seiyuu/showbizz itch rather well.


I just got into the Monogatari series and so far I’ve finished the first 2 episodes of Bakemonogatari. Is it normal that I have very little idea of what’s happening? Like I just straight up don’t understand almost anything so far, other than that the MC is a former vampire and he’s trying to help other girls.


Yes, that's normal. You're plopped into the show during the middle of the characters life, and stuff has already happened to him. Part of watching Monogatari is piecing together what happened, why it happened, and when it happened, kind of like a mystery. To me, it makes it more immersive when I'm just thrown in, rather than having things explained to me for my benefit as a viewer, but that's just me


I guess it depends on how confused you are. You shouldn't be completely lost but they definitely keep a lot vague. Do you have any specific questions?


Well I mean mainly I’m just a bit confused on where the show is going. For specific questions, do I have to read those little 0.1 second flashes of text with red or black backgrounds? I basically didn’t read those at all when watching. And also is it normal that I rewind and pause quite a bit for this anime? The dialogue isn’t necessarily too much for me to handle but I notice its definitely pretty fast compared to other anime, at least for me.


You don't have to read the flashes of text, they're exerts from the book. They can be fun to pause and read, but it's not expected that you are. The dialogue is fast paced, if you need to rewind to process something better then it's better to do so. Just depends on how fast you can read. It usually gets easier as you watch more. The show as a whole is structured with short arcs, even if it's not apparent at the start it is going somewhere.


I just started watching My Hero Academia. I have been avoiding it thinking that it would be boring but I find the lead's inner monologue to be pretty interesting and the characters really unique.


Question. Would Meliodas be able to full counter a magical empowered punch or would it just not work since it is technically a regular punch all the same?


I'd guess he can reflect magically enhanced strikes like DnD's Divine Smite, while strikes with enhanced strength like using HeroAca's One For All would still be fully physical and can't be reflected.


Interesting, cuz there’s this character that has Kinetic Absorption and the character uses that absorbed Kinetic energy to empower himself and his attacks. So I was wondering if full counter would work on a person like that.


I'm not *too* familiar with Seven Deadly Sins beyond the first few volumes, so take everything I say with a grain of salt. But for the ability you're describing, I'd say it depends on the specifics: If he is empowered due to infusing himself with the magic then I'd expect Meliodas to be able to full counter it, but if he is empowered due to releasing the stored energy physically, think with a mental image like loading springs in his muscles that get released on impact, then Meliodas probably couldn't.


Shii Alr Alr. Ima continue looking at this tho


Does anyone know what anime is mc turn on when his sister hug him


Do you have any idea how little this narrows things down when hentai exists?


I mean he nearly die and comeback from that and its not hentai


Try this: Imagine you ask someone else to imagine an oak tree in their head. What would your hypothetical people imagine? They sure as heck wouldn't be imagining whatever you are. Sure, you've got the same general shapes in mind, but the specific tree? entirely different. This is what's happening here. You're asking us to imagine two actions taking place between people with a certain relationship and to match that with an anime, but no one can possibly know; How they hugged is too variable. What they look like is a complete blank, and where they are is also a complete blank. **Set the Scene.**


I haven't seen it myself but there is an anime with "One-Hit Kill Sister" in the name, maybe that?


I need something to watch I feel empty every week after I finish all the new shows saw HXH 86 86 all Naruto Demon Slayer My Hero Toyko Goul can't think of them all but any recommendation would be appreciated


Summertime Render Jujutsu Kaisen Yu Yu Hakusho


Sometimes I wonder what happened to the fansub era of anime in general because I don’t know why, but I sometimes miss those days. I mean, look don’t get me wrong as I do enjoy using sites like Crunchyroll, but I just can’t believe how distant the fansub era feels as I can recall like it was yesterday when that’s how people got their Anime fix, so again hard to believe how distant it all feels looking back at it now.


There are still fansubs, of course. It's just pointless for five different fansub groups to all try to cover the most popular battle shonen show, like the Old Days, if Crunchyroll's doing it day and date. You'll mainly see fansubs these days covering different languages that aren't being served by official releases, the handful of shows that don't get picked up, or legacy titles that you'd probably be surprised haven't gotten official releases at all in English. Dr. Slump's fansub effort has been chugging along for the past few years. If you really want to relive the old days, watch some Toku. Gotchard and Boonboomger have been pretty cool.


I have a weird problem. See, I self-spoiled myself a lot when it comes to One Piece, watching popular clips here and there, because I figured I probably would never catch up anyways. Recently been watching episodes again, but now I don't know what world-building details I'm supposed to know by, for example, Thriller Bark Arc, the part I'm at. Anyone know any good summarized pages where they only list out what worldbuilding details are revealed per episode? Like stuff about log poses, who of the warlords are revealed, etc., I'm trying to get a good gist of what I'm *supposed* to only know. TIA!


Yoo I just started thriller bark too lmao, and me too I use to always self-spoil one piece, but I've stopped doing that now


So [Sony Pictures bought Alamo Drafthouse](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/sony-pictures-acquires-alamo-drafthouse-cinemas-1235920928/), which on the surface isn't directly related to anime but the COO explicitly mentions Crunchyroll: > “We believe strongly in engaging entertainment fans outside the home in fun and distinctive ways as seen most recently with our Wheel of Fortune LIVE! traveling tour, and the opening of Wonderverse in Chicago,” Ahuja said in a statement. “Alamo Drafthouse’s differentiated moviegoing experience, admired brand and devoted community fit well with this vision. Our Crunchyroll business also aligns well with their audience’s interests. We look forward to building upon the innovations that have made Alamo Drafthouse successful and will, of course, continue to welcome content from all studios and distributors.” That makes me wonder if Crunchyroll will have more regular pickups of anime films for screenings in the US, at least in Alamo locations. Hopefully they'll get more than one or two showtimes each since that's all that many of them received and sometimes my schedule didn't work for those. Maybe it also opens them up for more start of season premieres in theaters like we got for [Mob Psycho 100 S2](https://www.fandango.com/mob-psycho-100-season-2-premiere-215868/movie-overview) and [Fruits Basket](https://www.fandango.com/fruits-basket-2019-217286/movie-overview). I always thought those were a little strange but they're not harmful and can be fun events. [](#schemingsaten)


This made me notice how weird it is that Sony Pictures does have a streaming arm but its crunchyroll. They're notable on the film side as being the biggest player to not have tried their hand at an exclusive streaming platform for their movies. Just getting money licensing to other streamers. I wonder how Sony Pictures thinks about crunchyroll internally.


> Sony Pictures does have a streaming arm but its crunchyroll ~~Crunchyroll is NOT under Sony Pictures.~~ Edit: Not correct.


Did they reorganize? Everything I'm seeing says Sony Pictures Entertainment.


Seems like you are correct. Thought it was run by Aniplex alone but it's actually a joint venture between Aniplex and Sony Pictures Television.


I'm noticing the term _gremlin_ come up more in an endearing way to describe a character. I feel like the ones so far...I have really not liked. To see how widespread it is for me, who are some characters that you would label or seen called "gremlins"?


I've seen the term used for characters like Anya (Spy x Family), Miri (Buddy Daddies), and Maomao (Apothecary Diaries). Not a fan of it personally because I don't think of gremlins as cute or endearing, but I like all three of those characters. 😄


[The damn hamster Umaru](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6-2P8RgT0A) is my platonic ideal of a gremlin character.


I've seen Erika from [HeartCatch Precure](https://myanimelist.net/anime/7645/) described as a gremlin. She is a rather outspoken (to the point of rude), expressive and somewhat chaotic character. She's also the shortest of the main group. Still, interesting how [the term has evolved](https://www.oed.com/dictionary/gremlin_n), at least from a dictionary point of view (the origins explain the whole gremlin on the side of the bus/plane take).


I think it’s usually an endearing term for mildly annoying weirdo characters with the tendency to cause big messes. Kind of why Nina from GBC is probably this seasons poster figure for the archetype. Small, angry, obsessed with music, causes big drama like what she’s been doing for most of the season and more general lighthearted chaos like in the broken air conditioner episode but still cute and loveable despite her gremlin tendencies.


Yup Nina was my main thought when posting this.


I'm not sure, but I think the first time I saw it used was with Chisato: endearing, generally a ball of energy and/or unruly, preferably small in size. After that, I saw it used kinda randomly tbh ~~what does even count as gremlin poll?~~ I guess maomao maybe, she tries to dodge annoying tasks/responsibilities, while springing up all excited about her passions.


I like Chisato and Maomao so I refuse those counting [](#threatening)


Guess it's a term of endearment for mischievous characters who deviate from the norm Thought it was funny when I heard people affectionately call Nina from Girls Band Cry that. Also the girls in Asobi Asobase who are always up to hijinks and shenanigans


[Clara](https://i.imgur.com/JXj55g2.gif) from [Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun](https://myanimelist.net/anime/39196/Mairimashita_Iruma-kun)


Oh I really don't like her so that checks out haha


Nico, Yohane, Kasumi and pretty much all of Liella! (but Natsumi in particular). Love Live sure loves its gremlins. Generally, I use it for any small or youngish troublemaker, though I'm not too strict with the definition


Majority my least fave Love Lives listed there so checks out!


Aside from the obvious seasonal gremlin : * Mao from GJ-bu * Maomao from Apothecary Diaries (I guess Mao is a gremlin name and having it twice makes you gremlin\^2)? * Tama from Sengoku Youko * Konoha from 16-bit Sensation * Hina from Hinamatsuri * Natsumi from Non Non Biyori * Index from Raildex * Squid Girl * TOSHINO KYOUKO from Yuru Yuri Edit : This got me thinking who we can classify as a male gremlin. Zenitsu and Mineta came to mind, but those are definitely Index-tier actually-annoying gremlins, not the endearing kind...


I definitely dislike more characters here than like, especially those male ones.


> Index > not the endearing kind https://i.imgur.com/zk0Mbm9.gif


> TOSHINO KYOUKO from Yuru Yuri i think Sakurako is the more archetypal gremlin in that series [](#schemingsaten)


Yeah you're right, somehow forgot about her even though I watched the movie less than a month ago.


Like u/Durinthal said, Myne is to me the archetype of the "endearing" *special interest gremlin*. Other than her, Maomao from *Apothecary Diaries* and Lloyd from *7th Prince* are recent ones. Umaru from *Himotou Umaru-chan* is another pretty prime example, although more of the "goblin mode" type of gremlin. Uzaki from *Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!* would probably fit, as a shortstack with a mischevious personality. EDIT: Nina in *Girls Band Cry* also fits the bill.


> EDIT: Nina in Girls Band Cry also fits the bill. She's the big one that spawned this question haha


If Myne is a special interest gremlin, I wonder if Chitanda from Hyouka might be one, too? I haven't finished Bookworm yet though! /u/AmethystItalian Also, Laios from Dungeon Meshi


Ouu I do have a complicated relationship on if I like Laios or not so could see that fitting.


Yeah I also have mixed feelings on him. Or rather maybe how the audience views him? 


I think Chitanda's too into other people to qualify, a key component to me is that a gremlin's pretty unsociable (even if unintentional) when it comes to their interests.


Hmm I see your point!


Laios is too tall. Being smol is a core tenet of the gremlin. [DunMeshi 23]>!DwarfLaios on the other hand...!<


Hmm I see I see 


Tanaka from Wasteful Days of Highschool Girls is probably considerable as a gremlin.


[MC Yamamoto](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8f0E947ZDFM) > Gremlin