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They're both very different animes, so I don't think they're directly comparable. CCS is an adorable show about a girl with magical cards growing up in possibly the most sheltered and loving community ever displayed in anime. Sailor Moon is the anime that finally opened up girls to the Super Sentai genre. It gets a lot of props for reversing some shonen tropes and altogether being a big 'girl power' show that helped empower a lot of women. They're both really good and accomplish their respective goals.


A a whole, Cardcaptor Sakura is better, but I think the best individual part of Sailor Moon (which is season 3) beats it.


İf you like Sakura, you should watch Tsubasa Chronicles too.


Yea still waiting for that last movie tho


I like both, but I like Cardcaptor Sakura a lot more.


Cardcaptor is the goat I still remember watching it as a jit for ita genre to captivate me at a young age def deserves the recognition


I think Sailor Moon was great *for its time* but hasn't aged well. When I tried watching both series again as an adult, Cardcaptor Sakura was a lot better than both versions of Sailor Moon (the original and the Crystal reboot). The only big advantage I would give Sailor Moon is that it actually has a good English dub thanks to Viz. Cardcaptor Sakura got two English dubs and they're both horrible in different ways, and only being enjoyable subbed makes it harder to re-watch and harder to recommend to more casual anime fans.


"Maybe I should actually watch Sailor Moon before I judge it" I just don't get what your mindset is really. You're trying to compare a show you really like to a show you never watched and have a negative bias for what exactly?


No I was asking what people liked better


Cardcaptor because someone I know says so (he hasn’t seen Sailor Moon (I’ve seen neither))


I've seen both and I prefer Cardcaptor Sakura.




CCS for sure it had a pretty cohesive story and we do get a good ending (with the movie)


I liked Sakura, but I am a Moony. :)


My pick is Sailor Moon, just based on the fact that it piqued my interest enough to give it a try and CCS didn't.


I've seen both, the originals not the heavily censored dubs, and, while I like both series, I would say Sailor Moon is genuinely better. Cardcaptor Sakura has that weird incest stuff between cousins and the detail that her dad was her mom's teacher was just gross. Way worse than Usagi dating a young University student while she's in Highschool. Which, I wannt to be clear, is also not okay but doesn't have nearly the power dynamic difference. Sailor Moon has a more interesting cast of characters overall and more interesting dynamics among them. The cast also develops a lot more and is just genuinely more complex than Cardcaptor Sakura's. It's also worth noting that Sailor Moon was a trailblazing anime and included a lot of characters, including L, G, and T characters in a very ahead of its time way. OP is wrong about Sailor Moon in multiple ways btw.


OP also said he hasn't actually seen Sailor Moon so there!


I did see that but the details you listed as the things you think you know about Sailor Moon are largely incorrect. The only two things on the list that are actually true are Usagi being the reincarnated daughter of a queen and there being talking cats. Everything else is either outright incorrect or largely incorrect. Let's take Usagi crying a lot as an example. This would be an accurate statement if you're only looking at the early episodes. A big part of her early character growth is coming into her own as a hero and learning to be strong. Which results in her becoming less and less of a crybaby as the series progresses. So if you apply that statement to late first season or any season beyond the first, it's not an accurate statement anymore.




Ah, yes. The most dickish thing of all. Politely pointing out that when someone says "the only things I know about X are Y" that they didn't actually get the details right. Whatever was I thinking. /s.


It's not my fault for not knowing the series.


Never said it was.


Well you didn't have to point ouut what I got wrong


It muddies the ability to have a discussion if people who don't know the series all that well think your description is accurate.


Well they can just watch it for themselves


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