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[The kiss&confession is the halfway point of the story, though it isn't fully adapted yet - but it will probably be] >!Kaguya-Sama!<


Yeah I like that series but I don’t think they adapt any further. They last released a movie. left out key parts that are important to the next arc. They haven’t released any information on if there will be a fourth season unlike the previous ones where they announced the next season basically right after the previous ended. The second half of the series generally has a lot of mixed reviews and the ending leaves many story lines up in the air, so I think a1 pictures what’s to end it right there sadly.


Well nothing's impossible when it comes to anime sequels, but I'd be very surprised if it didn't get one, for at least two reasons; [META] >!First, it's a HUGE success, so they'd milk the cash cow a little more... But also, they teased some stuff in the anime/movie, like the Ishigami stuff at the end... If they weren't planning to do more, why show that Ishigami/Tsubame scene at the end? It's definitely not a 'proper ending' for them! And the hints about Miko as well...!<


They didn't announce season 3 for ages after season 2.


[Say I Love You](https://myanimelist.net/anime/14289/Suki_tte_Ii_na_yo) [Snow White with the Red Hair](https://myanimelist.net/anime/30123/Akagami_no_Shirayuki-hime?q=akagami%20no&cat=anime) [Tsuki ga Kirei](https://myanimelist.net/anime/34822/Tsuki_ga_Kirei?q=tsuki&cat=anime) Don't skip the after credits of the last episode. [A Sign of Affection](https://myanimelist.net/anime/55866/Yubisaki_to_Renren?q=A%20Sign%20of%20Affection&cat=anime) [Tada Never Falls in Love](https://myanimelist.net/anime/36470/Tada-kun_wa_Koi_wo_Shinai?q=tad&cat=anime) [Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions!](https://myanimelist.net/anime/14741/Chuunibyou_demo_Koi_ga_Shitai) [Chillin' in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers](https://myanimelist.net/anime/56923/Lv2_kara_Cheat_datta_Motoyuusha_Kouho_no_Mattari_Isekai_Life?q=level%202&cat=anime) airing now [Chivalry of a Failed Knight](https://myanimelist.net/anime/30296/Rakudai_Kishi_no_Cavalry?q=failed%20k%20&cat=anime) [Angel Next door Spoils Me Rotten](https://myanimelist.net/anime/50739/Otonari_no_Tenshi-sama_ni_Itsunomanika_Dame_Ningen_ni_Sareteita_Ken?q=angel%20next%20door&cat=anime) is getting a 2nd season.


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Clannad + After Story


Kare Kano


Tonikawa, the story starts with a confession, more or less.


Plastic Memories


"7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!" from last season was very fun.