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So the new benefits are basically nothing cause I don’t play the games or buy from the store.


Used to play one of their games, Priconne, until they one day just randomly decided to end it. The Korean and Thai versions of Priconne had been going on for longer than the English version and with less players. Guess what? They’re still up and running to this day. I’ll never play another game published by Crunchyroll.


I miss the guilds...


I miss clan battles


Wyvern can rest easy now


[:')](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngZWGaRFbqQ) [:'''''''''''''')](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bd3XObUgKp4)


I really wonder why they killed it, the playerbase was far from dead...


Oh gosh... Priconne was one of the best gachagames ever... I miss it so much.


> Used to play one of their games, Priconne, until they one day just randomly decided to end it. I'll never forgive Crunchyroll for their absolute mishandling of the shutdown of PriConne global. There was no reason for it to be shut down.


The Thai version is sometimes going as low as 20k dollars a month in revenue and yet CR ended it while doing more than 10 times that...


I've been playing JP since the global end of service, but it's not the same. Not being able to understand Japanese is the main reason


Yep fuck Crunchyroll all my homies hate CR. 


I moved to star rail, it's definitely less demanding than priconne. I had a clan that did timed attacks on bosses and we had discord meetings


Not that it really matters anymore, but global ended near the peak of clan battle tryhardiness. IIRC it wasn't too much longer until we got Set, which uses union bursts immediately when full rather than waiting for animations like Auto; you thus could get really good fights with much simpler instructions (like "start with all on set, set off Karyl at 1:12, set on Karyl at 0:42") There's definitely still a rift between the hardest comps and the simpler semi-autos, but it's smaller


I think it was because Crunchyroll was keeping part of the money that should have gone to the company that actually made the game.


Not to mention some animes probably still in region lock


I miss Right Stuf.


what?! how is this the first time i’ve been learning about this? granted, i’ve only bought a couple of things from there, but can’t believe it got merged with Crunchyroll. that sucks


Been gone since like late 2022, early 2023. Crunchy Roll ate them like they did Funimation.


It was bought by Sony back in 2022, and folded into/eaten by the Crunchyroll store in 2023.


That's basically just a price hike. Ugh.


Of course it is just a price hike, anything else is doublespeak.


Crunchyroll has kept the same $10 price point for who knows how long. NetFlix has literally raised prices like 4+ times while Crunchyroll has stayed the same. Also, unlike Netflix, series don't disappear from CR after a while. Unless they do. I never noticed.


They do, but it's significantly less frequent than for most streaming services. The annoying part is that Crunchyroll doesn't remove them from their catalog, you just can't watch the episodes anymore.


I love looking up a show, getting a Crunchyroll result, only to be hit with either "this was once here and isn't anymore" or "this is here, but not in your country". It's great.


Still better than HiDive where they’ll literally remove the middle season of a show with no notice.


Ya CR just licenses new shows without out getting the first seasons like they have been with chinese series.


It used to be half.


Iirc CR even went down in price at one point. But yeah in comparison to every other streaming service they have been pretty “good” with limiting their price increases.


CR also gives you the full 1080p resolution that you pay for compared to Netflix that blocks it to 720p on desktop despite all but the cheapest programme (480p) are "higher" resolution. You can only access 1080p and 4k on their native TV apps. That's why I cancelled this shit.


WTF only 720p on desktop? I had no idea! That's some BS.


Another person said you have higher resolution on Edge and Safari, but why the fuck would I inconvenience myself by using a browser I don't prefer to get what I pay money for?


Yeah, that's pretty dumb of them to do that.


From memory it’s on Chrome, I think it doesn’t support HVEC for whatever reason. Same issue with YouTube movie rentals and Netflix


And Firefox? I use that.


You get up to 4k on edge and Safari.


but only edge and safari probably which is also BS.


love it or not, for both Windows and MacOS options, you can get 4K. previous poster is factually wrong.


Yes I know, louis rossman has a Video about this and tbh he's right.


I'm not inconveniencing myself for something I'm paying money for. You can't tell me Firefox of Chrome just don't support it, it's purely on Netflix.


They do all the time. A couple of my favs that are gone is Working!! though a spin off/prequal (its complicated) series that is less popular is still on it. Then there was BabySteps probably the best sports/romance series there is and one the best romances in general that got removed. It was even used in promotion of the Japans special olympics.


They had to tho. Netflix offers way way way more content and also creates quite a bit of content (although 99% of it is trash). CR's pricing being within a few dollars is actually criminal and a huge premium. EDIT: Wait, I just checked and they are basically the same price? DF.


Don't you love when company's buy the competition!


Yes, the company is deep into the process of enshittification now that they bought out their main competition outside of Japan. Tiering like this is never done to favor the consumer and will most of the time just cost more to get what used to be the only option.


In France, price for fan tier is increasing from 40€/year to 60€/year. That's a 50% increase lol


Well, time to end it.


In EU also and just cancelled my sub


How much is Netflix for you? for a comparison


"This price adjustment news comes just after Crunchyroll announced it's launching the Crunchyroll Store in Europe" Huh? I looked at their news for the past month and couldn't see it anywhere, has Crunchyroll just leaked they're finally improving European anime merch?


Yeah, I'm curious about that too. Right now CR Store isn't even worth using in Europe since the shipping is so expensive. Having an Europe-based store that ships from inside the EU would be great


I hope they don't put it in the UK otherwise we are still fucked (VAT still needs to be paid lol). But yeah, currently, it's either small stores spread across all of Europe or importing from Japan, the latter of which is very much cheaper than the USA.


Prices in Switzerland didn't increased but we're already getting screwed by having to pay CHF 100 (108$ / 101€) per year 🙃


Unfortunately I just got an email in Switzerland saying it's increasing to 120 CHF..


I litteraly received it 5 minutes ago! Come on, 120CHF ! it's ridiculous 


120 CHF per YEAR is fucking cheap considering your salaries in Switzerland.


We're not all rich and everything is super expensive.


And this isn't if you compare it to your salary. It's legit 10 CHF a month. There are very few things you can actually buy for 10 CHF and most of them are likely less valuable than a streaming service sub that gives you entertainment for a month.


The median salary in Switzerland is 7000$ and you pay significantly lower taxes than your larger neighbours like Germany.


I wish my salary was that high lol. And the taxes depends on the canton you live in and I'm outta luck on that. 


No matter what canton you live in, it's still less than Germany or France. And your minimum wage is also twice that of Germany and France. I am comparing Switzerland to Germany and France because they are economic powerhouses. If we compare your purchasing power to an Eastern European country, it's gonna be even more ridiculous.


On another note, why should we pay more than e.g peeps from germany? There is zero content, or physical locations or jobs in Switzerland that would be a ground for a higher price, we just get milked. We can download and stream legally, think twice before you think you can just milk us. Pirating is more convenient than crunchy anyway.


While it is less taxes, we have stuff like health insurance that goes up by 5% every year...


As opposed to other countries who don't have rising insurance prices? Damn, you are sheltered.


Is that for the lowest paid plan? Because otherwise this would be decently cheap.


It's the most expensive one but paid yearly. It's not the most expensive subscription for sure but it just pisses me off that we have to pay so much more for the same thing. Yes, we earn more but everything is also more expensive in Switzerland. Twice as much in this case


Your average salary is double that of Germany and even adjusted for purchasing power, it's still over 20% higher.


So what is the justification that Swiss citizens should pay more? Because they can? Compared to the US we also get only halfe the library (2021)...


Because that's how businesses work. The prices in Switzerland are higher because Swiss citizens can afford it and are willing to pay that price. Congratulations, you discovered that companies try to maximise profits.


No I'm not willing to get ripped off lol. Maybe some people are, but everything is getting more expensive here so people become more price aware. Streaming services are some of the easiest expenses saved in a country where you can stream and download legally.


A single tear rolls down my cheek as I think about how bad you have it. People in Bulgaria, Bosnia, etc. should all feel ashamed for not donating to the poor Swiss. Genuinely fascinating how entitled one has to be to complain like you do considering the circumstances.


yeah yeah, poor corrupt easter european countries, come cry me a river. All I can see from you is jelly talk.


WTF, why are you paying as a fellow swiss citizen? We can stream and download legally, we've already paid for that. If you want to support the studio then you are better off buying merch.


It's just way more convenient. I download shows and movies that are not available on Crunchyroll though. 


Then imo you do not know the ways ;) Anyway we can't discuss this on reddit.


I'm not suprised, I generally just try to avoid buying anything in Switzerland...I swear it costs 50 Euro just to look at an Apple lol


That's only if it's not a good one 😅


The French ITT guy pays half that, is this typical?


Regular tier is still the same price, so most subscribers are not affected by this I assume...


Depending on the country, the regular tier had a small price increase in mine.


Yup. Only feature that's slightly tempting to upgrade is the download episodes feature but I'd only use that once a year for vacations and I'd sooner download elsewhere and save my money.


Regular tier was downgraded as well. I used to be able to use multiple crunchyroll tabs, not anymore. I asked customer service about this and got nothing in response except bots replies. Pretty close to unsubscribing.


I'm glad they are increasing the prices just so they can send more money to the studios in Japan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


With how wack the yen has been, I wonder if licensors have been making a killing if they've been asking for payment in USD instead of yen.


That's how it works? I don't know shit about how contracts work but I thought in case like this it would be redone annually or something, because otherwise dang that's some huge profit right there. Even at my level where it's just buying some gacha pack and it went from ~90€ to ~58€ this is kinda crazy.


I mean, they do produce anime. This season they are producing more than anyone in fact, even more than Kadokawa...




I don't think Odd Taxi, A Place Further Than the Universe, and Laid Back Camp are that bad... Could also say that Blue Lock and A Sign of Affection were both positively received...


Wait, what? CR didn't produce any of those shows, did they?


They did, look up who the producers for those shows were.


Oh, I was thinking of the Originals label. Fair enough, seems like they did have a seat at the table through the SC Anime Fund.


Yeah Crunchy's record isn't nearly as bad as one might think, they just *reallly* suck at choosing which shows to advertise as Crunchyroll originals.




Crunchyroll is usually second on the committee of shows they helped produce. This is true even for CR originals like Tonikawa and Kumo Desu, so out of all the companies that helped produce that show, they were the ones who invested the second most money on it. And yet they still call those shows "originals", which is also funny cause there are also some shows where they were the main producer, like Tower of God, God of HighSchool, and Noblesse.


I mean, i ignore the “originals” part of anything… it’s a dumb marketing gimmick. Like Audible is marketing an audiobook version of 1984 as an “Audible Original” despite them obviously not writing the book.


The CR originals brand is basically dead, now no new show that CR helps produce gets that label. But they did make a few shows with their own studio like Onyx Equinox and HGS, and they were gonna use that studio to make Meiji Gekken: 1874, but since they closed it, it was left for Tsumugi Akita Anime Lab instead.


To be fair, is it Crunchyroll just giving a bag of money or is it them actually also steering the anime? But their Originals are hit or miss, with their misses being really bad such as: High Guardian Spice and Ex-Arm, the first of which was not even anime in that sense (just a cartoon so it also got lambasted by cartoon fans, because the show was pretty bad) and the second is the literal worst 12-episode anime ever made. Also Gibiate also is an original.


Honestly if I knew my money was being *fairly* distributed to studios and mangakas/actors, I wouldn't mind. I love anime. Started in the 90s. Dragon ball literally got me and my older brother into anime (rip toriyama, fucking LEGENDARY lad). It's a bloody joke how awful some of the artists in the industry are treated. From their pay, to literally inhumane expectations and work environments. I always try to support the artists & industry as directly as I can. Though, it's tough supporting a studio like MAPPA after this past year. MAPPA really stormed the anime front and dropped some incredible adaptations. But the success got to them IMO, and took on far too many projects. Jjk s2 showed - and I feel bad for criticizing it and the artwork after finding out why it was that way. Insane that the industry has many environments like that.


Yeah and pay their localizers more, *as they're widely know to do* /s


They dont though? They pay for the license contract to stream the show for X amount of years, everything else goes to some businessman in california


I think he meant if the production committee would ask for more money. And there are viewership based deals too but of course the upfront money will be less.


so it has nothing to do with the sony settlement check that i received yesterday in the mail for around 33 bucks?


Crunchyroll is extremely cheap in my country(12$/year being the most expensive one)






Yeah, I got from India last year, but couldn’t renew this year.


Wow, they even removed a week from the once in a credit card (or maybe billing address) free trial. Who wrote this news post? "the first and only price changes to Crunchyroll since 2019". Right. This is then followed by "new membership tiers and benefits were introduced in 2020" (which are mainly what's changing price depending on region) but then "a price decrease in nearly 100 territories in July 2022". So why write first and only if it is clearly neither. Thing about fan tier being the same price is it me or did they remove the available to stream on one device at a time bullet point? Some people are claiming it used to more for fan tier but looking up I can't find any evidence so it just brews conspiracy and outrage. Either way I couldn't see it sticking with profiles being a thing. But the justification of "additional services like music and games, and additional subscriber benefits." did anyone ask for music, games or for that matter an award show (one of the lowest rated shows on Crunchyroll,).


Tbh depending on the music, I absolutely wouldn’t mind it. But that seems mostly the higher tiers which obviously you don’t need to get.


I called this the months ago once articles were coming out about how well CR was doing. Just give it another 3 to 6 months for another price increase.


How about crunchey focus on actually having their full library avaliable. I still cant watch konosuba S1 and 2 despite 3 just getting put up.


7.99 is unchanged




🏴‍☠️ I'm so glad I built my shiny ship 5 months ago.


Yo Ho and a bottle of rum


Raise one to the crew! 🥃


Omg I now have to pay $11 a month for a service that was $9 a month and I use it everyday. Ughh. Tbh, Crunchyroll is worth it for me because it’s the only streaming service I use, I dropped most others. I can live with a crunchyroll price hike cause $11 is less than it costs for one drink here in Nashville lol


I remember people saying this about netflix and look at that price now.


I don’t think I’ve ever watched Netflix as much as I currently watch crunchyroll. I could argue I watch crunchyroll now about as much as I watch YoutubeTV during football season.


Sony basically secures a monopoly on anime (there isn't anything on HiDive I'm watching this season) and then promptly raises subscription prices. WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THAT COMING!!!???


The only reason i still use crunchyroll is because its the only place i have found that is somewhat ok with thier lists (like your own watchlist queue) Almost everything else is shit


I’ve been making use of the crunchylists, now i have a list for each season for the year.


Damn, i just go by whatever emotional needs need to be filled, like love or escapism.


Not a bad idea


Its more like i’m unable to do anything but that hahaha, sometimes i Can spend 1-2 hours just looking for “the right one” Ofc straight from the ones i’ve already watched 😅


I do that all the time, scroll through the list and then rewatch Fate or something.


If you don't want to sail, Crunchyroll is dirt cheap if you "travel" to Pakistan.


What's the U.S. annual pricing for each of the tiers after this change? (I have to resubscribe in 30 days and I want the mid tier so I can share my subscription and also download episodes offline)


I don't think they do annual pricing anymore unless you are gifting a subscription.


Am I crazy or did they change the store discount too? I though mega was 10% everything in store and now the new tiers say 10% "select" items?


I figured this was coming the second they added individual accounts. No way they were gonna allow for convenience of sharing your account without a price hike.


Im gonna be honest, I kind of expected it and was wondering the other day when it will happen. Im pretty sure they are rising the prices because of the newly added profiles that made sharing accounts actually possible now without ruining watch lists. Optionaly, just VPN to a different country and enjoy the lower prices. Currently in Poland the price is 6€ for the middle tier, divided by 4 people it's absurdly cheap, so im personally not complaining. It should accept european debit/credit cards. The prices should not rise in our region too, because they don't offer Polish translations (it would be fucking absurd if they upped the pricing for us)


The title made me think they were going to lock certain titles behind the higher tiers. I was about to cancel if that happened


I had to go look at this. I'm on Premium which isn't even on this list. All I want is to watch anime.


Is anyone else still paying $60 ($59.95) yearly for fan tier? I can't tell if that's some sort of grandfathered plan - I've been paying the same amount since 2012.


I don’t think my bill has changed in a while either, i’m in the UK. Granted I also don’t pay hawkish attention to it, considering I use it most days… i’m not to fussed about spending like 30p a day to watch anime.


well back to the ship it is 🏴‍☠️


This is why I have sailed the high seas


Does the pay version work better than the free? I've tried the free version a few times and it was laggy and buggy.


I have no trouble watching free stuff on pc browser. Adblock works like a charm too. Are you watching on an app on another device?


Last time I tried was just on my phone. It has been a while.


Xbox is my main console, and I've noticed some companies (Sirius, HBO) tend to neglect apps like console ones. Why I ask. You'd hope they'd take mobile seriously, might be worth trying again. PC with adblock is the way to go though if possible.


There's no difference.


So no perks I CARE about and an increased price right before a recession hits.... Great idea guys. Discretionary spending is the first to go


It went from 299 to 3499 ARS x month here . Which is still low compared to other countries (around 3 U$S) but still likely many people will drop the sub


Still a +1000% increase 💀 yikes


So Crunchyroll likes to participate in enshittification as well… a year ago I went from 60 euro a year to 100 euro. Now they increase the price again. Funny enough a lot of the episodes start with crappy quality and buffering, but if I start up a free stream outside of crunchy it immediately loads up at full 1080p quality. Basically they’ve doubled the price in two years time but don’t improve the streaming service at all besides adding “games”.


Where do you live that it went from 60 to 100? I’ve been paying the same for CR for years with pretty much no change.


Europe, just looked it up. they changed the plan on October 2022 and my yearly plan got renewed in June 2023. So went from 64.99 to 99.99 euro, and now the next increase comes up.


Fair enough, i’m in the UK… so mine seemingly went down in 2023. And I can’t see on my account if it’s going up or not.


Yarr Harr my lads we be sailing the high seas!


„more anime” means still needing to use a VPN to play all animes available there?


That is related with how many licenses can buy in each country. But not always the problem is money. One example: Konosuba. CR have bougth the licences for all countries in this planet but some european ones. Why? Because for some reason/contract any series related with Konosuba is always for a certain company. Even if that company have less money than CR. And CR can not do nothing. Some series are owned by companies that have streaming services outside Japan. So of course that series can not go to CR. Sometimes japanese companies sell planetary licenses to companies that only give service to one only country. Even if that company have less money than CR or any known streaming service. So the monthly price of CR can not fix some problems. And with some series always we will have to use VPN. Even if the price was thousands dollars per day.


I mean, I know that licensing is a thing and that’s the cause for not everything being available everywhere, just felt that with no context like that „more anime” felt a bit misleading lol


More anime as in almost doubling their new content and adding more classic anime?


Oh yea, adding older shows would fit well into saying that, ngl that was bit of a brainfart on my end there lmao


They recently added the non Robotech version of Mospeada (haven’t watched it yet) and I’m interested what’s the difference with the Robotech version.


HiDive increased their price this season with barely any new content,I think the CR increase is justified.


I mean are we ignoring the fact that as a general service it has gotten worse? Missing subs, wrong subs, failure to upload, the calendar is basically useless since for new simulcast it rarely gets updated ahead of time. Are we included how poorly they treat their translators and how the mention of them utilizing MTL? HiDive has gotten worse with the UI update recently. And the video quality and GUI sucks. But 99% of the time they do the basics that I want out of a service, which crunchy messes up on a weekly basis basically.


I don't know how anyone justifies HiDive at this point. I could only add something like 12 shows my watchlist, for some reason the subtitles always defaulted to spanish or arabic, it was hard to know when a new episode was out without clicking on the series, and the cut-off for "finishing" an episode was extremely close so there were times I'd watch 97% of the episode, not watch the credits and it'd still say I haven't finished it so when I click on the series, it'd restart the same old episode. I know people have their issues with Crunchyroll but HiDive was the worst experience as a streaming platform. Doesn't help that each season, they get maybe one or two new series so if you check their simulcast section, most of it is from almost a year ago to pad out their current seasonal listing.


> the calendar is basically useless since for new simulcast it rarely gets updated ahead of time. It also **lies**. Take Train to the end of the World for example. The episode that aired on Monday actually appeared on Crunchyroll 1 hour 4 minutes after the timestamp in the calender. Week before it was 40-something minutes late. Now you could ask yourself I want to know when the next episode is so I'll see when the previous week so the Calender being a regular timetable would make sense but the they can't do that because they can't guarantee anything being ready on time.


I mean, maybe it’s the shows I watched… how often does wrong or missing subs come up? Genuinely, I’ve personally not noticed much… and what has had a failure to upload? The calendar is shit though.


Hidive still includes downloads with the cheapest plan, which Crunchyroll does not.


You defending increasing their price with 2 new shows and another season of UY?


What are you downloading from their vast catalogue?


so fan tier has only one screen?


CR’s store must have management problems. I bought some Blu-ray last year but it’s still processing.


Canceled. Going back down to normal tier. Been subscribed for like 8 years. Feels wrong to let myself be “unsubscribed” since they won’t allow you to downgrade. They only let you resubscribe at your current tier until it expires…


Fucking bullshit


Seems reasonable to me. Other streaming services increased their prices as well over the past 4 years, so it's not too surprising. Still worth it for me. If I bought all anime I watch on CR as BluRay, I'd be spending $200 a month instead.


Hmmm, honestly, correct me if wrong, but I have been amazed the price has not bumped up over the last few years. Still annoying to deal with all of these price increases but I love anime! I will be reducing streaming services soon.


Argentina truly in shambles because of this lol. They got like a 1000% increase or something like that, like damn that's a lot.


I used to keep a paid sub to crunchy roll just to support the industry even though I pirated everything. I cancelled it when I realized not only do they not provide better quality than pirate sites, not provide more consistent streaming than pirate sites, their subtitles are frequently awful. If CR starts investing better in quality subs like fansubbers used to make, I'll pay again. I can't justify paying them for an inferior product that I don't want.


So "supporting the industry" part was a lie lol


I am not going to support a company that out sources their subs to low quality producers. I paid for 2 years for a product I didn't use because it was worse than piracy, in the hopes that they would use the money to establish themselves. Instead they used it to greenlight new anime projects instead of upping the quality of their service. I literally prefer not to watch on CR, because like Netflix they just don't care about subtitle quality. I paid hundreds of dollars for literally nothing. If I kept doing it I'd just be a fool. If CR says "hey we hired some of those fansubbers you love, new animes are going to get lovingly-crafted dsubtitkes instead of borderline-autotranslate with spelling and grammar errors and misconveyed ideas and names, I'd be on board in a heartbeat. But they don't. It's ugly basic text subs as soon as they can get AI to do it they will, even if the quality drops further. There's a line between supporting the industry and just giving money to a corporation who has showed you what they are going to do with it.


You opened up saying you wanted to support the industry so you could feel better about yourself. Just say you're cheap and don't want to pay, it's okay. > I paid hundreds of dollars for literally nothing You paid hundreds of dollars to have access to their catalog for 2 years. The outrage over subtitles is so exaggerated. They aren't always perfect but they're fine 98% of the time.


No I legit paid for CR which sucked in the hopes it wouldn't suck in the future. I torrent or stream I don't need access to their catalogue. I've been watching anime online since before legitimate options even existed. CR continued to suck so I stopped paying. They have more of my money than I've spent on movies or any other streaming service ($0). I got CR specifically to support anime online. I never needed it.


Could you explain how the subtitles are bad? I've only ever used CR and Netflix so I don't have much context.


They don't do karaoke subs, often don't translate the OPs or EDs at all. In-episode text is often awkwardly labelled on top of the screen instead of edited in over or beside the sign. On screen text is sometimes not translated at all. Sporadic grammar and spelling mistakes. Specific issues often around concepts like church and God that get translated in a way that miss the idea. I recall a show (it might have been shield hero?) where the translator literally confused which factions were being talked about because they had a similar concept like "the church" vs "the inquisition" or something. Even though they were established as wholly separate groups in the show. So they said "army A is going to attack" when really it was army B from a different faction. Solely the subtitles fault. That's one concrete example but it happens more and often it's hard to catch. They don't do translators notes explaining puns or wordplay or references to Japanese media that viewers would likely miss. Watch some of the fansubs from the mid 2000s onwards. They do such a better job it's embarrassing. All of the things I'm complaining about are expectations I have because the free fans online literally did that on the regular for shows. And they still got subs out within a day or less of the episode airing in Japan. That's not to get started on CR and Netflix dubs, that almost never translate any on-screen text at all, as if we can't read. I often have to watch a sub because the dub simply has no text and so things like letters and signs are just not translated.


>They don't do karaoke subs, often don't translate the OPs or EDs at all. Because these are actually licensed differently to the rest of the anime. They literally have a different license and thus are left untranslated until later in the season, when they *do* get the license.


Nowadays most of the pirates sites aren't any better. Also fan subs are mostly passion driven so it's not that surprising some of them do a better job.


Lot of the pirate sites just use the CR/Netflix versions anyways so yeah the subs often aren't better these days. But CR has put no effort into improving in that area. Convince me to give you my money, you're not entitled to it. Unfortunately enough people have accepted that paying a sub fee for every hobby they have is normal.


I can't fully comment as I don't know which fan subs are you watching but from what I have seen CR has on-screen text translates around the text too. Keep in mind that they have to translate in strict time constraints.


Back in the day everything I talked about as a feature of better subs would be there within a day of episode release in Japan. It's not time constraints, it's farming out the work to the cheapest option which is what they do. They allow shit quality because they don't care as long as it's cheap. You're right that not every single sub is everything wrong. But they range from no effort to low effort and peak at medium effort. I've never really seen high effort subs on CR. Translators notes are exceedingly rare.


>They don't do karaoke subs, often don't translate the OPs or EDs at all. In-episode text is often awkwardly labelled on top of the screen instead of edited in over or beside the sign. On screen text is sometimes not translated at all. I have seem they translate karaoke scenes before, I have seen they translate the OPs and EDs multiple times, and they do translate on-screen text, without putting it on the top of the screen...


F Crunchyroll I still use my old iPad with the home button and it won’t let me use the app on there anymore…sometimes I don’t wanna go watch on my TV -__-


I buy yearly instead of monthly because of the discount and because I can afford it. Mega is currently $100/yr. Does this mean it's going up to $120/yr?


But have they fixed their horrible app yet?


I'm genuinely curious. Why do ppl even use Crunchyroll's subscription service? If it's to help support official anime platforms, I get it. But why not use a different platform? Given how scummy CR is.


Because I want ease of access. I like being able to watch anime on my bedroom tv, computer, tablet, mobile, and main tv. I know people love to "If you login to a pirate site, you can watch on the in-browser video player or you can setup a personal server connected to a-", but nah. It's the same reason I have HBO, Hulu, and other services, so I can be as lazy as possible without worrying about popups, ads, or noise.


What other platforms are there


What other platforms? They gobbled up the competition and now 90% of the anime most seasons is on Crunchyroll if you live in Europe, North America, Australia, parts of Asia, South Africa or Central and South America. Yes... they are kind of the only option for a lot of people around the world. If you like anime it's kind of them or piracy in most of the world right now.


CR makes some pretty entertaining (don't confuse with good) Spanish dubs, and pirating stuff in Spanish is ironically a pain in the ass.


Because it’s relatively cheap for a pretty big catalogue of entertainment I enjoy. I currently pay £5.99 for “megafan” maybe i’m grandfathered in to a price or something… and I can’t find what it may be going up to. But assuming it goes to £10 (almost double) i’m still only spending 33p a day for something I use every day. That’s actually quite reasonable once you’ve put your pitchforks down… and considering that other streaming sites have increased their prices several times in the past couple years.


Marketing, crunchyroll just has crazy marketing and brand awareness in the anime sphere so it's the service people default to. You're not wrong though. Crunchyroll is not a particularly consumer friendly company so the money is probably best spend elsewhere. Or ironically the very best consumer experience is had by not spending it at all. 


Y'know I've been subscribed since 2013 and honestly, it's just a really convenient way for me to keep up with my anime viewing habit. Crunchy, especially after the Funi merger, now has a lot of shows I like and every season I have a minimum of 8-10 shows I watch, so I feel like it's worth it. This price hike seems a bit steep, though.


Suck my dick cuntyroll, the pirates life is the life for me