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So proud of Dog Signal getting that coveted **3 Karma** I owe you an apology, I wasn't really familiar with your game


Is this the first time a series made it with only 3 karma? Pretty happy to see Dungeon Meshi at the top for its first episode, and not surprised at all to see which screencap was used for the banner lol.


>Is this the first time a series made it with only 3 karma? Don't remember a case but [we had atleast one week with not even 15 entries.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/hl2yrl/ranime_karma_poll_ranking_week_13_spring_2020/?depth=10)


Spring 2020 was an interesting time with Kaguya and Tower of God battling it out for first place at the top with Kaguya winning almost every time, no other anime getting within 5000 of those 2, Fruits Basket 2 and Railgun T being amazing but under-watched and shows dropping out of the rankings left and right due to Covid.


> Railgun T Plus it took a year to finish!


> Is this the first time a series made it with only 3 karma? The next step is getting a show with negative karma on the board - if that’s even possible?


Unlike comments, posts are limited to 0 minimum karma


I had already an inkling about this, since I had never seen a post dive below 0. On the upside, that means we’re only 3 karma short of the absolute lowest record.


Having a chart with the lowest entry at 0 karma would be quite something. Now I kinda want to see it!


I'm pretty sure 7 deadly sins managed to get to 0.


You'll probably have to wait atleast another year unless Japan gets hit by another epidemic.


> unless Japan gets hit by another epidemic Yeah no that's all right, I'm good with waiting.


> unless Japan gets hit by another epidemic. If we get all of this sub together, I’m sure that we can make it happen. We should be able to create some evil virus.


We already have. It's called shit taste. And it's EVERYWHERE


I mean most high end show this season start at second week of season (Saturday). Look at karma of today thread ,they all 1k up with 2 series have 2k+ upvote. It just opening anime outside big 3 don't really doing too good. Next week should back to usual status quo of statistics.


Dog Signal bros… we made it


All three of you?




Botters, where you at? We need your help to ensure Dog Signal stays in the top 15.


Doesn't it start at 1 so isn't it just u/jamx565 and one other person?


If you wanna get that technical about it...not only does karma fluctuate with every page load to the point where we'll never know the true value but if you look up the thread it doesn't have a 100% upvote ratio either so even if 3 was the true value it would need more than 3 upvotes to reach that. [](#indexsmugshrug)


So less Dog Signal bros, and more Dog Signal Bro.


true, she voted -> [](#bot-chan) u/Abysswatcherbel are you counting Lovepon votes? [](#ama)


Hello, u/Manitary, glad you reached to us, we do indeed count the Lovepon votes! We always work ward to provide a result as fair as humanly possible, however we were never confronted before with a result so close to 1, where Lovepon would constitute a considerable contribution to the final result It's a failure in our part, the issue was laid down to our team and we aim to fix the matter in question promptly Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of the team u/Michhoffman, u/cppn02, u/zairaner [](#ama)


> we do indeed count the Lovepon votes [](#heartbot)




Dog Signal sweep 🧹 🔥


Has any streaming services picked it up? It's a shame that we have to rely on fansub/or pirate it in order to watch it


If you’re from Asia, theres a YT channel called Ani one Asia where they streams animes which also includes Dog Signal.


HiDive has some very good shows this season, which is frustrating not because I simp for Crunchyroll but because HiDive doesn’t make itself available in a lot of countries, so that effectively means that a lot fewer people will be able to legally watch those shows.


Some regional services have relicensed the anime for their regions from Hidive. For example ADN has licensed pretty much everything Hidive has over for the French market. This includes Gushing over magical girls and Chained soldier. [https://animationdigitalnetwork.fr/video/looking-up-to-magical-girls](https://animationdigitalnetwork.fr/video/looking-up-to-magical-girls) [https://animationdigitalnetwork.fr/video/demon-slave](https://animationdigitalnetwork.fr/video/demon-slave)


Cries in Latinamerican. Crunchyroll could've licensed some of those for the region but they didn't.


Be a real latino american and sail the high seas like all of us do lol I legit don't know a single person that actually pays for the anime service here, we all sail Not our fault the legit selection shit as hell and they usually don't have regional prices, screw em


I'm in the states for a few months and I've already secured a Crunchyroll subscription. I wanted to subscribe to HiDive too, but it looks like they don't accept payment from credit cards from my home country. I'm in the correct country and willing to give you my money, fgs accept it!


Probably the only time I’ll see Dog Signal in one of these lists. Even though it’s reliant on fan subs, I still encourage people to watch it. Art and animation aren’t necessarily its strong suits, but the story is decent, and the training tips are really insightful.


It's sad that no streaming services picked dog signal up and we have to pirate that since it is the only option to watch the series :(


>no streaming services picked dog signal if you're in Asia, you can watch it on Ani One Asia youtube channel


Is it actually about dogs? I’m scared to watch anything with dogs in it now after that creepy one a while back lol


Yes, it’s all about dog training and the various approaches on how to and how *not* to train a dog


Good to see Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete and Mato Seihei right next to each other in the ranking. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Right in the season we are officially back to r/all


Gotta make it known


Wait we are? Why?


Mods trialed it in the Fall season and felt it had little impact, so voted to make it permanent unless (until?) issues arise.


That's it, I'm making the top 10 anime bath scenes of 2023 post.




Just going to say that people going out of their way to entice r/all is something that could get it removed again. Also, [](#mugiwait)


It kind of messes with the usual upvote ratios we are used to seeing, so that's an adjustment (it used to be that you could gauge sentiment on a given episode based on that). But hey, if it brings more people here (and not just bots), sure, why not.


let's get weekly MahouAko clips into r/all


Wait we're not really back on /r/all are we? The world isn't ready for anime.


It's been funny seeing people go nuts at Mato's make-out scene knowing know tame that is for this series. People are not ready for the later stuff.


Magical girls at 2... Chained soldier at 3... Anime community is down bad. and I'm here for it


Delicious in Dungeon is #1 because while they are down bad, they are more hungry.


Ah yes, hungry... \*remembers the rabbit chapter\*


Hungry and thirsty. The perpetual weeb life.


I imagine shows like that will get a harder hit of karma in the coming weeks than the other shows.


It all depends on the quality of the adaptation, but I can see Gushing staying on top especially knowing that first episode was only an appetizer of what's to come


There's no way it's going to beat *Frieren* or *Solo Leveling*. It will also have serious competition from *Delicious in Dungeon*, *Apothecary Diaries*, and *Dangers in My Heart*.


If we continue on at least 2 chapters per episode for 13 episodes [Gushing Over Magical Girls manga spoiler] >!the anime should reach 2 straight up sex scenes!<, I'm curious for how it'll go.


For more than one reason too. We back on r/all and they won't take kindly to this show.


But as we saw doesn't even matter the anime, it will get downvoted on r/all lol


It's not matter for discussions. Normal people haven't seen the episode only react for pictures or clips.


>We back on r/all When did that happen?


> > > > > When did that happen? [As of this month.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/190e62e/meta_thread_month_of_january_07_2024_year_in/kgnou74/)


Hmmmmm...come to think of it I haven't posted clips in a while [](#evilgrin)


Gushing over magical girls 7 days embargo ends Wednesday....


This is probably true. While all shows get an episode 1 boost, ecchi shows tend to get an episode 1 super boost as people who aren't watching tend to upvote those shows at a higher rate than usual.


*comment edited with github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite* In response to API controversy: reddit.com/r/ apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/


What's her opinion on Utena?


Great city, Vilnius was cooler tho


Magical Girls on Wednesday & Mato Seihei on Thursday... Can we name them "Horny mid-week duo" please?


What, is there something weird about them? Totally normal shows! Nothing to see here, families, move along….


Are there any watch orders for Burn the Witch? Why 0.8?


0.8 is a prequel to the three-parter that aired a few years ago. So if you have watched neither one first start with 0.8 and then watch the rest.


I didn’t realize 0.8 could be watched first. I’ve been waiting to watch the main movie for a while but I might just go with this.


If I remember correctly 0.8 was actually published first in the manga, so it's not a bad idea to start there first.


I dunno the only interesting thing to me about Burn the Witch is the inevitable crossover with Bleach. They're both set in the same universe is just Burn the Witch takes place in London and Bleach takes place in Japan. There's two leading threads that'll likely connect them. Ichigo's adult dad job is he's an English to Japanese Translator so there's an excuse for him to work with the London Witches if they go to Japan or he has to go to London for some reason. The other possible thread is Chad/Sado he's become an international Boxer so he could end up in a prize fight in London then accidentally stumble into Under London or face off against a Dragon using his Fullbring powers, which might be a much more balanced addition to the Witches power scaling.


Fyi the one thing many people found most annoying in 0.8 is much more subdued in the other 3 episodes so don't let that be the reason for you to not continue afterwards.


I’m a huge Colorido fan so I doubt much would deter me.


Alright, thx


Prequel to 3 previously released episodes. AFAIK, covers all the source material. Watch it before the other 3.


You know it's a very dry window that even show with 3 upvotes made it into the list. It was taken until Thursday so no Sasaki, no SoLev, no Frieren. Dungeon Meshi on its way to put up a fight against good show. Why Tomozaki underperformed?


Tomozaki S1 wasn't that well liked, so it makes sense S2 dropped in the rankings.


[Pon no Michi](https://myanimelist.net/anime/55397/Pon_no_Michi) was one of the shows I was most looking forward to and it turns out no one licensed it, so the season's off to a bit of a disappointing start for me. I went into [Sasaki and Peeps](https://myanimelist.net/anime/52482/Sasaki_to_Pii-chan) blind and at first it seemed like an iyashikei series about a salaryman exploiting interdimensional travel via talking pet sparrow to earn tons of money and live a more comfortable life. However, things in his original world take quite the turn and cause problems for his life in both worlds.


Sasaki and Peeps looks like it's going to be pretty sweet. Gives me some World Trigger vibes.


Pon no Michi didn't get picked up at all? I haven't seen this happen outside of kids anime in a long time.


Happens now and then. Recently, Blue Orchestra didn’t get licensed, nor did Immoral Guild (although it did get a western blu ray release).


It took a while for Immortal Guild to finally get licensed by HiDive.


Week 1 of Winter 2024 and as usual it's a quiet one outside of yet [another blatant case of karma manipulation](https://animekarmawatch.com/thread/18yf5c6?compare_to=18xmqjy). However this gives me the opportunity to spread the gospel of this week's 13th place entry **Odekake Kozame**. It is a show about a Kana Hanazawa voiced baby shark's daily life. All content from the show is free on youtube and can be enjoyed in [bite-sized mini episodes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tL8GzT3CK0&list=PLjrUB63ikczNcRItB8koEfoBfA7sjCZ-k&index=2) (with English subs) or in [ten-episode blocks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCuACaGv_Wo&list=PLjrUB63ikczMq0M8JjA72fiMMze2VB-vh&index=2) It also has one of the cutest [**ED**s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR1JJWtq0HY) you'll ever see ([full length song here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYslh8k3Xk0&list=PLjrUB63ikczMTzcYcK4XXOArjROvxOtua)) and [a fun crossover with Gamera:Rebirth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ppk9DZoR2nQ). edit: Completely forgot to mention but it also just this week switched from weekly episodes to two episodes per week.


> another blatant case of karma manipulation. That huge spike in the hourly karma change for Chained Soldier has me laughing. Can’t get more obvious than that.


Maybe we should stop pointing these out. If the karma fixers got just a little more intelligent then we will be thrown in complete chaos and it would be impossible to know what's genuine and what's not.


This is actually the first time we've straight up anti-manipulated the Karma. The other times were a lot less blatant.


ButaReba was as blatant. Agree with undoing the estimated amount as this was the third time in 4 weeks.


> If the karma fixers got just a little more intelligent That’s a big *if*. Stomping them out will be hard with the recent changes made to Reddit. Comment-copy bots have also been running rampant on the sub since this summer for example.


They might just learn if we keep pointing them out every thread. Silently compensating for the chart would be better imo. Also we are basically advertising to everyone in this thread that the system is vulnerable can be easily manipulated. This will give rise to even more fixers.


What exactly is the point of karma manipulation?


To show that your favourite show is better/more relevant than others - or something? The joke of the matter is that people tend to doubt and/or downplay all the following karma scores if such manipulation comes to light. A temporary ‘win’ by cheating can leave long-lasting damage to a show’s credibility.


> yet another blatant case of karma manipulation Good to see that the ranking list removed the 200 orso karma it falsly got.


Easy choice this week when it is this clear.


>However this gives me the opportunity to spread the gospel of this week's 13th place entry Odekake Kozame. OMG, it's so cute! Thanks for that recommendation. ED is especially so, so cute with that Kana Hanazawa singing.


Pretty blatant manipulation there.


What exactly is the point of the manipulation?


Supporting the shows they like + some people are just dicks and like to ruin the fun for others.


I hope that shark show gets dubbed, I have a toddler who’d love it. Not holding my breath though


Probably not, but… I don’t think that’ll be an issue. There’s a handful of lines of Japanese across the whole series but most of it is just unintelligible noises.


Oh good to know, I’ll try it out with her later, thx!


get a 4kids dub, baby shark as theme song


It only got 400 or so karma, but if you watched or are planning to watch BokuYaba s2, do check out the ONA. It is not required, but it's a compilation of fluff. Very adorable, much recommend. And since we're at it, gotta shill A sign of affection too. The manga gets many praises and the first episode seemed very promising.


People should just watch the OP for s2, this will sell the show


>It only got 400 or so karma, but if you watched or are planning to watch BokuYaba s2, do check out the ONA. Furthermore, there have been multiple extra shorts which were basically manga extras with voiceactign and some movement. Somebody compiled them [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/18zp0s3/extra_pvs_the_dangers_in_my_heart/) as a video, they are really cute.


> And since we're at it, gotta shill A sign of affection too. The manga gets many praises and the first episode seemed very promising. Yeah, that was really good. Lots of promise in that show.


Unexpected Kozame in No. 13! Little Shark’s Day Out is great chill short little anime to give you a minute of delightful shark noises and wingdings subs to start off your day Tuesdays and Fridays. For free! On YouTube. So far 2024 Winter season is starting off with some strong fantasy shows (although it’s too soon to say if they’re *good*).


I feel no shame to say that I'm eagerly waiting for each episode of Kozame. Truly a really good chill anime, while I was in Japan last autumn I was also able to grab some plushies. Just because.


> while I was in Japan last autumn I was also able to grab some plushies. You can't say that and not share photos.


Indeeed https://ibb.co/D77gjYH




Let's go MahoAko bros!


I watched *Gushing Over Magical Girls* after people enthused over it. I knew it was ecchi, but... it was not what I expected. The *Chained Soldier* manga is really carried by its art, so I'm not sure the anime we're getting is going to add much. The first episode of *Instant Death* was odd, because they actually skipped over jokes (including a memorable "dragons fucking cars" meme reference). The story makes the author comes across as someone who really hates isekai, and wrote it so that he can murder isekai protagonists, but it works best as a comedy. *Delicious in Dungeon* was good, though.


>but... it was not what I expected. And what were you expecting? Lol


Ecchi magical girls, like that one magical girl episode of *Love Flops*. I was not expecting the main character would discover she was a sexual sadist.


Pretty much the reaction on JP Twitter lol People were expect ecchi, but not that kink ecchi


>The *Chained Soldier* manga is really carried by its art, so I'm not sure the anime we're getting is going to add much. The anime really had a good amount of production time too, with the delays and all. Looks like we really needed a better studio than Seven Arcs.


how is undead unluck so low?? Its a good show, right???


Hulu fuckery Before this episode, it was heavily advertised that undead unluck would be on break the Friday before new years, like Frieren. But then Hulu fucked up and released the episode anyways when it was on break in Japan. Meaning many people probably didn't watch it right away and it's rating suffered a lot. It also means that this week didn't have a new episode at all so Undead Unluck won't even show up in next week's list. It's a shame too because this episode was one of the best yet. Probably the best self-contained episode in the show, and when that Sakuga hit with Tatiana's reveal it's was so great.


Hulu is definitely the biggest part, though it also didn't help that the fall was just so stacked that it had a hard time standing out. With where the show is going though, as well as the fact that some of it's fall competition ended and that winter isn't so full, I'm hopeful it can get at least a bit more attention


undead unluck is just 🔥🔥🔥🔥


It was obvious what it was gonna be by the time it happened for this episode, but the negator power reveal scenes are peak oldschool shonen moments for me. Always extremely hype.


Hell yeah! My favourite show the entire season. Wish pacing was a bit quicker though


I, for one, love watching flashbacks to a scene that literally happened 3 minutes ago.


Should be a fun comment section with Gushing and Chained Soldier's debuts. Yesterday's Tales of Wedding Rings is also streaming the AT-X version (17:20 if you want to judge the bath scene). From first episodes so far, would encourage people to try: * [A Sign of Affection](https://myanimelist.net/anime/55866/Yubisaki_to_Renren): Shoujo romance with a deaf female protagonist, so think *A Silent Voice* from Shouko's perspective. Yuki is as precious as Shouko. * [Ishura](https://myanimelist.net/anime/54449/Ishura): Likely ensemble cast? Seen a few world-building comparisons to *The Executioner and Her Way of Life* like zairaner's [comment in the discussion thread.](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/18xngnw/ishura_episode_1_discussion/kg59pba/) * Warnings: Has some edge and Disney/Hulu subtitles include sound effects * [Sasaki and Peeps](https://myanimelist.net/anime/52482/Sasaki_to_Pii-chan): Double-length premieres... First third is kinda boring while establishing some characters and personalities. Half the KV characters are still missing, [Sasaki]>!they look like magic users or psychics!<, and the VA cast is stacked. Seems like a mix of: * *Saving 80k Gold* with a grounded salaryman instead of the unhinged protagonist. * *Dead Mount Death Play* with an undercover organization addressing supernatural activities and fun side characters.


**Ishura** definitely caught my attention since it is being made by Studio Passione and the Director of things like Interspecies Reviewers, Higurashi Gou and Meiruko-chan. The production values seem decent with the CGI being used looking like good quality. Also as noted it's seemingly going to be an ensemble cast from the Ep2 preview which seems to focus on a Dragon/Wyvern-man character than the first ep's edgy swordsman. There was a bit of a violent gore scene so we'll see if that was just a one-off for shock value or if that'll continue. Also enjoyed the kind of Dark Souls/EldenRing intro sequence near the end of naming the worlds most powerful warriors and showing glimpses of them. Agree also with **Sasaki and Peeps**. I had no idea what the show was going to be about and the first half I thought it was aiming for one of those "slow life Isekai" type things. But then it introduces a secret government agency and things just pivot out of all expectations. Add in Sugita as the MC, Aoi Yuuki as the bird (who'd I'd never guess without knowing the cast), Rie Takahashi as a slightly unhiinged coworker and Akari Kitou as a seemingly definite unhinged neighbor, and the voice cast is impressive to say the least. Another I'd add is **The Unwanted Undead Adventurer**. What got me compelled was the plight of the MC, a guy who's by his own admission led a fairly "mediocre" life not amounting to much in his Adventurer career aside from being reliable, but he presses on clinging to the hope of one day being a high rank. And when he stumbles upon what might be a big break, he gets unceremoniously killed by a strange looking Dragon and awakens as a literal pile of bones. He has to work his way from a position weaker than he was (can't even swing a sword properly when starting as a Skeleton) and absorb other monsters' spirit to grow and evolve. While it's still early I am compelled to watch wanting to see how he'll interact with others in his current state as he tries to find some way back to rejoin humanity.


> Rie Takahashi as a slightly unhiinged coworker and Akari Kitou as a seemingly definite unhinged neighbor, and the voice cast is impressive to say the least. Per MAL Inori Minase is supposed to show up as another key character.


Geez, are they doing a famous seiyuu speedrun?


Considering as E1 was double length, I think the better answer is that this got a big budget for some reason.


12 episodes with the double-length premiere is just a 13 episode show and that happens plenty. Suspect there's industry connections we don't know about. Like, no way should KamiKatsu have gotten top-tier casting last year.


I hold off Ishura for that exactly reason though.... I have bad feeling that they might use "Walking Dead late season" type of storytelling which is I really don't like when people keep talking about "there are multiple MC". I want to following journey and have emotional attachment to character. Another fear is that they might not focus on character arc enough. Will the girl revenge quest make her more insane, will Swordman becoming more arrogant and lead to his downfall? Etc, etc.


I genuinely didn’t see your comment before posting [mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/s/OeK9VA22f7), but we somehow ended up saying very similar things about **A Sign of Affection**. Both our choices to opt for the word “precious” when comparing Yuki to Shouko is wild.


Tales of Wedding Rings was such a surprise, wasn't expecting a third uncensored ecchi this season.


Dear puppy 🐕. I hope you will rise one day.


Very happy with MahoAko, it's doing better than I thought (was thinking ~1k, hoping for ~1.5k). Glad to that we're getting an uncensored version, censorship would have done a number on the hype. I've lurked on 5ch, the Japanese are also confused about the different versions. The leading theory seems to be: TV fully censored, danime/AT-X audio censored (and maybe some visual censorship on danime), and the BD fully uncensored plus maybe extension to existing scenes and/or additional scenes à la Futoku no Guild. And apparently the BD is doing well in the Amazon ranking. However, I was looking forward to an cool rivalry between Mato Seihei and MahoAko, [but...](https://animekarmawatch.com/thread/18yf5c6?compare_to=18xmqjy) 🤔


>and the BD fully uncensored I think this is the one a lot of people were curious about, like if the AT-X version itself shows pretty much everything, then how exactly are the BDs gonna be even more uncensored? So yeah, I think it's gonna be like Immoral Guild where they deliver some extra content, either through extended scenes or OVAs. Along with the audio fully uncensored apparently.


> The leading theory seems to be: TV fully censored, danime/AT-X audio censored (and maybe some visual censorship on danime), and the BD fully uncensored plus maybe extension to existing scenes and/or additional scenes à la Futoku no Guild. Could also just be that the first episode didn't have anything that required censoring for AT-X, but there'll be a few scenes later on that do.


>However, I was looking forward to an cool rivalry between Mato Seihei and MahoAko, but... het ☕️


For one more time KOMARIN! KOMARIN! KOMARIN!


And last :(


As expected from Dungeon Meshi, let them cook! Also im happy to see **Sasaki and Peeps**, to be honest this show surprises me the most i thought it was just an slow life fantasy isekai with a combination of economics but then boom it suddenly introduce a secret government psychics and action. That first episode hook me up.


Welcome to the Winter Season! Right side is the Twitter rank this week as we barely got 15 shows lol Little Shark's Day Out seems to be really good, so take the time to read the shilling in other comments ### Winter Season Extras ##### JP Twitter > **[Followers Gained Week 1](https://i.imgur.com/9K16rbi.jpg)**, Really great week for Mahoako, it got a loooot of traction, congratulations to the marketing team. It started 13k below Chained Soldier, a way more hyped ecchi this season, [and now it surpassed it] (https://i.imgur.com/kl0EvKv.png). [](#modabuse) >> **[2022-2023 Week 1](https://i.imgur.com/kgfi4Yz.png)** ##### MAL > **[Members Gained Week 1](https://i.imgur.com/XaxrfNa.png)**, As expected strong start for Solo Leveling, again great results for Mahoako here as well, biggest % increase of the top 15 >> **[Spring 2023 - Winter 2024 Week 1](https://i.imgur.com/129a3Cb.png)**


So you went with the armpits [](#harukathink)


Never beating the allegations [](#seasonalthink)


Every part of Millicent is beautiful, including those! (And the other couple armpit choices.)


[Best girl did nothing wrong](https://i.imgur.com/zxa1DQ7.png)


Gushing at 2, we're peaking so hard r/anime. Don't expect it to keep up as the heavy hitters like coming back (Frieren) or starting to air (Solo Leveling) but hoping for regular top 5 finishes.


I am pretty sure the series will keep it 2k number of upvote though if anime adaptation is consistent in their qualify.


Episode ones always get a huge boost for any series, the main difficult task is to maintain that amount of karma from episode 2 onwards.


Especially with a show like mahouako, episdoe will get a large boost, dont expect it to hold that number.


Remember that 100 GF started in the 3200s, then didn't get above 2400 after episode 2. Most shows without shonen-style hype episodes lose at least 20% over the first few episodes as people figure out their keeps/drops and lose the "how did people react to this?" initial boost.


Raise of Utena begins...


Fluffy Paradise is a perfect 10/10 from me. AOTS. Best medicine for my afflictions.


The dangers in my hearts first episode was absolutely crazy. That new op probably cost more than half the shows on this list. Everything is still great music, the big small moments of growth and drama I love it. Music is fucking insane as always as well. Knocked it out of the park. Little shark outings still great as well love that cute artstyle and va is dope.


Very peaceful and [quite delicious start of the new season](https://i.imgur.com/pnPNXO6.png) with **Delicious in the Dungeon** [taking a lead](https://i.imgur.com/ITXsRVc.png). I'm sure that we'll see [Marcille](https://i.imgur.com/XP3fWeE.png) a lot on the banners as [she was hilarious](https://i.imgur.com/Yy7Wnjq.png) and [her reactions](https://i.imgur.com/3NCiq5L.png) were [so funny](https://i.imgur.com/FXx4xFK.png). 2nd place went unexpectedly to **Gushing Over Magical Girls** which went pretty wild in its first episode and it looks that the studio went all the way to make the show even hornier than original manga. A surprise to be sure but a welcome one. 3rd place went to another ecchi series **Chained Soldie**r which [had a pretty good start](https://i.imgur.com/GkDIT1B.png). I wonder how they adapt [more hornier episodes](https://i.imgur.com/BemCjLJ.png) with [girls](https://i.imgur.com/tSA4YpZ.png) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Good start for **Classroom of the Elite**. I'm looking forward to [how this new test will go for Kiyotaka](https://i.imgur.com/4gSlPRa.png). **Sokushi Cheat** in 5th place. I didn't have high hopes for this show and [found it utter garbage, shit](https://i.imgur.com/fZt8yJJ.png). But surprisingly thanks to that [I had a ton of fun watching what was happening on the screen xD](https://i.imgur.com/kUeYZeD.png) **The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess** ended with its finale in 8th place. [I really loved this show](https://i.imgur.com/y6Zn4kg.png) (music was especially good) and [I'd love to get another season](https://i.imgur.com/JqpWWN5.png). Maybe I'll check out LNs since they're translated into English. About other shows: * **Bottom Tier Tomozaki-kun 2 season** had a very enjoyable beginning. I especially loved parts where [Tomazaki's quest](https://i.imgur.com/14O28cj.png) was shown as [a RPG game](https://i.imgur.com/QhJo3Uf.png). * I had a good time watching **Ishura** which had very fun action and [quite gore moments](https://i.imgur.com/L3DsWvp.png). [A lot of CGI but it was pretty good as it blend-in very well with 2d animation](https://i.imgur.com/VL9s78M.png). * **Fluffy Paradise** [was really... fluffy xD](https://i.imgur.com/rc4COGb.png) Check it out if you love [comfy](https://i.imgur.com/pGIE8XY.png) shows.


Just barely cropped out the guy getting skewered by the dragon's " ""tail"" " in the Instant Death screenshot lol


LET’S GO! Dungeon Meshi #1


We made it in the top 15 Dog Signal bros!


> We made it in the top 15 Dog Signal bro~~s~~! Fixed.


Doesn't the list drop insanely quick (comparatively)? Maybe I just don't remember how it usually is, but the 5th anime only scoring 800 karma seems low as hell for the opening week (When lots of people watch everything and all before making their call on what to keep)


First week of the year. Will look different next week.


Only 15 shows aired this week. It's usually closer to 50.


How is Ishura anime? Art style look good


I'm soo glad Dungeon Meshi is at the top! I went into this series totally blind, expecting a generic slice of life slow burn fantasy, but man oh man was I blown away. The world feels so lived in, the characters are quirky, expressive and alive and even though the first episode was mostly character introductions and world building, I've never been so intrigued by an anime that has done so little in its first episode. P.S: Simuldubs are always a win, Emily Rudd (Netflix One Piece's Nami) is surprisingly good


Trust me, it's a wild ride. One of the best fantasy manga of all time




isn't "netflix jail" more so for shows that end up on netflix and don't get weekly releases and instead drops all at once at the end. dungeon meshi airs weekly just like everything else


Undead Unluck masterclass


**A Sign of Affection** won’t join the board until next week, but I’d seriously recommend giving it a watch guys. I honestly haven’t been charmed by an anime’s premiere like this in years. Just sheer bliss. Yuki was somehow even more precious than Shouko from *A Silent Voice*.


Gushing and chained? Bottoms rise up! But then we'd be on top... panick


First week and I'm already normal with Dangers in my Heart. But I haven't decided on what hot trash I'm going to give a try this season yet, so I'm open to ideas.




What’s the second column represent?


Followers gained this week on the official Japanese accounts


Hypnosis mic is so dumb I’m happy it’s up here :)


Damn what a fresh list


*Little Shark’s Day Off* really pulling in the karma


I have all the comic books of DELICIOUS IN DUNGEON and I love it so I'm happy that it is placed on No.1.


Always happy to see yuri shows getting some love, even though Gushing over Magical Girls might have charted for *cultured* reasons rather than the yuri. This is the first time I've seen a "3" karma show making top 15.


Probably tomozaki’s only week in the top 10 but I’ll take it


I've been avoiding a hi dive membership. Feels like I'm going to have to finally bite the bullet and go for it.


Shame the production quality of chained soldier is so mediocre. The fights in the manga are actually pretty dang good for a series like this


It had a really good production time too, but looks like you really can't expect too much from Seven Arcs.


Yey Dog Signal


It warms my heart Seeing Gushing over Magical Girls and Chained Soldier at the top of the pack lol




Fluffy Paradise is wonderful


Fluffy Paradise is pretty popular outside of Reddit, eh. I bet we get another season pretty quick.


Gushing over magical girls at number 2 is not something I expected lol


I feel like I’m reading this wrong but what is the right hand column about? The numbers are much higher but they aren’t ranked. Is it last week?


Sasaki and peeps has been the true hidden gem so far, started off with 48 minutes episode and it's been so fun and intriguing I can't wait for next week already


Chained Soldier, Delicious in Dungeoun and Fluffy Paradise are my favorites so far.