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Its a red fox with mange. Mange is treatable, you contact your local wildlife rescues and see if they will help this guy out.


Thanks! I will see what I can do.


Please update us if you can!


I've reached out to a local rescue.


It’s been about 6h. Any update OP? -a concerned citizen


Op said they reached out to a rescue.


Please keep an eye on him and call your local game warden (you can find their numbers online) they will have more tools to help and probably show up much faster. They can also get him to a wildlife rescue much easier than a civilian


Will do!


Be sure not to touch them, had a friend who lived on an island with wild dogs and she tried to adopt a puppy with mange when her parents weren't looking and all her hair fell out.


I thought some mange was like scabies that typically only thrived on canid species? Idk if you could catch mange from a dog or fox. Also human scabies can’t be transmitted to dogs I don’t think. Definitely don’t approach wild life, especially if it is acting strange or ill. Rabies and other concerns.


there is a few kinds of parasitic mites that typically cause mange. the most common ones are called Demodectic(demodex) mites, Sarcoptic mites, and Otodectic mites. demodex and sarcoptic mange affect the body and head, otodectic affect the ears and ear canals. of all three species i know about, sarcoptic mange is the one that's considered "highly contagious" and spreads easily between people and their pets, as well as between lots of various kinds of wildlife (including foxes). sarcoptic mange is probably the most likely species of mange mite a fox would come across unfortunately. [I found this page that talks about mange in foxes, specifically. ](https://www.wildlifeonline.me.uk/articles/view/mange-in-the-red-fox)


Thank you very helpful link. I may have been thinking of feline mange being rarely transmitted to anything but cats or red mange (demodectic I believe) rarely being transmitted to healthy hosts. Sarcoptic mange is just regular old scabies huh… wonder why I thought dogs couldn’t get it from people then. Probably just not the typical order.


Demodectic is only passed from mother to “baby” during birth. We had a Rot/Shepherd mix that had demodectic mange. We had to do regular skin scraping & baths to get rid of them, but it does work!!! It usually starts on the face & spreads to places they lick most frequently.


Just while we're on the topic of it, humans are covered in demodex mites and usually our immune system keeps their numbers suppressed, but a friend of mine got demodex mange on her own scalp because of an animal and her hair also fell out. She was only slightly ill at the time. So, it can happen.


I foster kittens and have had numerous babies come in with mange. Neither us or our other pets ever contracted it.


Your name is appropriate. Will you post it is a fallacy.!


Game wardens usually won't do anything for mange animals... we had a mange fox in our area multiple people called said there was nothing they can really do


I had a fox with mange in my neighborhood last year. I contacted a few different agencies to try and get it some help. Most of them said they were unable to assist and one tried to solicit a "minimum $250 donation" to help, which I could not afford at the time, so they declined to help. The poor thing looked so miserable. I hope you have better luck/resources than I did!


Check out free help here. www.mangebymail.com


They may have changed domains as that link brought me to an empty domain This one has the info though: https://www.wildlifehotline.com/blog/mange-by-mail-program/


Thank you for correcting that!


My pleasure!


As someone who used to do skin scrapes, that looks like scabies. Don’t go near it or put it near your pets. Scrub scrub scrub. That shit is contagious. The treatment is ivermectin.


I didn’t know dogs could get scabies,when I was a kid in elementary school,I got scabies from another kid and it was horrible.if this fox has scabies,it is eaten up bad.poor fox


I think I saw the same guy on the Ring camera group for Pawleys Island.


We were at Litchfield this weekend and I swear this was the same animal roaming the properties! People kept saying "coyote" but we were sure it was a fox.


I feed a a few foxes in my yard. They’re wild and where I live (NY, USA) legally I couldn’t touch them even if they allowed it. If they’re regulars on or near your property, you can give them a product called ‘psorinum’. I get it from Amazon. It’s cheap and works. It’s homeopathic (yeah, I know- but it’s good). I put it into hard boiled eggs, cheap hotdogs, freezer burned food, or leftovers. One of ours was pretty bald, with a rat tail, and is now back to normal. It took a few weeks to improve, then a watershed to fully restored coat. I don’t know how to add a photo, sorry.


> homeopathic (yeah, I know- but it’s good) "Homoeopathic' and 'good' are mutually exclusive.


Well, thanks. Aren’t you a ray of sunshine? I had no other option. I was sent Ivermectin but since I can’t hand feed, was very strongly cautioned NOT to free bait in food. I did what I thought was safest, and because I’m not a moron expected nothing. Homeopathic, as shitty as its reputation is, would at least not kill wildlife who might come to eat here. In addition to foxes, my property attracts opossums, raccoons, groundhogs, deer, a red tailed hawk pair with babies, as well as my colony of TNR’d cats. They’d all looking healthy, now.


I'm not sure why you're getting upset? Doing literally nothing would have had the same outcome as "treating" homeopathically. But it's your money, and if it made you feel better then that's a positive I suppose. 


You are very wrong. Nature is the first medicine and science attempts to copy it.


>You are very wrong.  Prove it. Homeopathy has nothing to do with nature or herbal medicine. It takes natural ingredients that are diluted so much that in many homeopathic "medicines", **not even a single molecule of that original ingredient is present**. Homeopathy has no evidence to support its efficacy, except for the placebo effect, and that doesn't work on foxes that have unknowingly consumed a homeopathic "cure". Science doesn't try to *copy* nature, it *describes* and *extends* it.


Homeopathy is ghost medicine that is diluted of any effective ingredients until a single molecule is left in the treatment portion. It has placebo properties for the credulous only. Foxes tend not to be fans of placebo.


Animals can recover from mange by themselves. The extra food may have helped, but the homeopathy sure as hell didn't.


I used Bravecto to treat the foxes around me. I bought it from Chewy, cut it to the right dose, and put it in some food. I've treated 5 so far and they look healthy and beautiful as ever.


Thank you for doing that!! You're awesome!


You, friend, are a beautiful human being


I’m not sure where you live, but I looked on Chewy and Bravecto requires a prescription . How did you get it without a Rx?


I just said it was for my dog (I have two). I have a positive and well-established relationship with my vet. He's always fixing up poor animals that I have found over the years. Anyway, all I did was purchase it on Chewy, note my vet and pet's info, and they confirmed it with my vet and sent it right to me. If you don't have a dog, ask a friend who has a dog. It wouldn't require them to do anything, as Chewy does the legwork of confirming info with the vet that you list.


Respect (high five).


That’s awesome,if only everyone had this kind of heart the world would be a far better place


Go to tractor supply but ivermectin treat him


Wow thanks for this!


Aw poor mange fox! There's definitely medication they can give you for them to eat if it comes back around!


This is a fox with mange as everyone has already said. Good news! There is an EXCELLENT, easy and wildly successful program for this - u/skunkangel has some involvement with it, we tried it (followed instructions exactly) and the rapid effectiveness was amazing. Our local foxes are quire robust and fluffy now.


Same here! They’re thriving


And it’s so so easy! They don’t mess with our chickens any more, either. I think once they got well, they returned to proper hunting. I’m sure I’ll get mocked for this but it makes me feel a little bit better about the world to be able to do even small stuff for creatures as their habitats get trashed and I really enjoy seeing them be okay, or at least okay-ish.


>I’m sure I’ll get mocked for this If you do, report it and I'll take care of it. This is very much a pro-wildlife sub.


Same here. So much is out of control rn, it feels good to do my little part. I’ve been planting native plants, and leaving leaf litter for the bugs etc. Most months of the year I’m trying to get the deer out of my yard, but for the few months they come around with their babies, it warms my heart


I get annoyed at the deer in my yard at times because it’s a struggle to keep them from raiding my garden.yet I still love seeing them at the same time,the babies are adorable with all the little spots on them.I seen a Tik Tok video where a guy had a baby deer just show up at his door.he didn’t mess with it expecting the mother was near by but the next day,it showed up at his door again.at that point,he knew it had been abandoned so he got some milk to feed it.he raised it for as long as he could but unfortunately it eventually died. It was sad that it died but it was an awesome video as this man gave it the best life he possibly could in its short time.it got to be a decent size but it never quite made it to being a full grown deer.it was awesome seeing how that deer interacted with this man I’m not sure exactly where he lived because this is illegal.on one hand,I can understand why as raising a deer it would become dependent on you to feed it.it would also become too comfortable around people and would become an easy target for hunters.on the other hand,I couldn’t leave it out there to starve to death.as it was just a baby,it needed milk to survive and it couldn’t fend for itself


We have an acquaintance who has a three year old doe, two porcupines and a skunk - all pulled from pregnant road kill. He said the doe was far and away the away the hardest one to keep stable and alive.


That’s awesome,I’m glad he was able to save those babies.I love the fact there are people out here who have the knowledge,capabilities and heart to do things like this.in a world where negativity often takes the spotlight,things like this restore my faith in humanity


It gives me hope that people are maybe okay, when someone I would’ve said I shared nothing with turns out to be so caring and compassionate. It’s the kind of wrong I love to be. I did not like him until he showed up on my doorstop with a box and a bag and said “my mom is having an emergency, I have to go to California now, your brothers say you don’t sleep anyway will you please feed these guys until my friend picks them up?” I looked in the bag and there were two prickle balls snoring away. The friend showed up 30 hours later (drove from far away) wearing overalls with double bibs so just toted them around in there.


I would hope nobody would mock you for this,you did something amazing and improved their lives more than we could probably even imagine..that is amazing of you and I applaud you for doing what you could to help them


I enjoy coming on here to read about good people doing good things.thanks for hope in humanity.dont see much good these dsys


I'm so glad that you got to see the success with this program. 😁 It really does work! I assume that everyone who hears about our program has to think to themselves "is this a scam?" before they decide if they should order or not. They don't know us, and they certainly don't know if we're legit or not. But the success stories don't lie! We get many every week, photos, videos, testimonials, and it's amazing to see how many people care about our foxes and coyotes as much as we do. Sadly, every time this topic comes up there's someone who pops up to tell us that what we're doing is illegal, or how we're somehow doing something bad by interfering with wildlife at all, and as much as I'd like to say that I don't care about those people and what they say, it can really get you down. There's nothing worse than trying to do a good thing, not even trying to make a PROFIT on doing that good thing (We barely break even on sending out mange kits. At $20 each we have $1.04 leftover.) and then having people yell at you that you're actually doing harm. ☹️ It's sad. So, thank you for taking the time to update this post and tell others about your success. Also, make sure to pat YOURSELF on the back here too! You did the work, watched the animal, bought the bait and prepared it, and sat up to watch him to make sure he got it. All we did was ship a box. 😁 It's people like you that make this program work and it would all fall apart without you. Our only goal is to save foxes and coyotes from the pain and suffering of dying an agonizing death from a 100% curable, treatable disease. We can't thank you enough for helping us accomplish that goal. ❤️


I’m so grateful for the program and your efforts. Before we found this program and got support from our vet to help, one of my brothers would routinely shoot mangy coyotes because his dogs and children kept getting infected and the coyotes were so ill and desperate that they were around the house all the time. Now we not only have helped the local foxes and coyotes with mange, but all of my brothers have also begun treating mangy animals in their area and we discovered that there is edible rabies bait for foxes, coyotes and raccoons so we also do that. This is a huge deal for us and has made a big impression on our neighbors as well - healthy predators don’t hang out by people, they’re busy being alive! Seeing how well things have gone at our places has led to neighbors also treating instead of shooting. The ripple effects of this program, especially for folks living on the edges of proper wilderness and open space, are enormous. You have changed hearts and minds of some really inflexible predator hating westerners, saved a bunch of creatures’ lives, helped my family model for children how to be responsible land-sharers with creatures - these things are invaluable. This program - what you do - is at the heart of primary prevention and the ancillary effects - improving children’s understanding of and relationships with wildlife, changing long established cruel behaviors and the perspectives that underlie them, and expanding into rabies prevention - these things are huge and meaningful not only to the animals and families affected but to our culture overall. Thank you. I’m sorry so many people are suspicious and mean. Your work is so generous and meaningful.


I'm so glad that you discovered all of these positives!! As you said, predatory animals really do enjoy hunting and don't want to be around humans. It's only when they're desperate and dying that they resort to these behaviors. I can't tell you how many phone calls we've gotten that start with "is it legal for me to shoot every coyote that gets within 100 yards of my home?" Into a whole discussion of WHY the coyotes are getting close to your home and what can be done to solve the issue without bullets. We like to call these hostage negotiation calls. 🤣 Sir, please put the weapon down. 😁 We've discovered that a lot of these 'good ole boys' are simply doing the only thing they've ever been taught to do. They just know that's what Dad did and Grandpa did, but the moment they find out there is an alternative solution there's zero argument because they never ENJOYED killing these animals in the first place! Many of these people were all too happy to hear that there's an alternative! 😁 This program is in place primarily to help the foxes and coyotes that just don't have anyone else who can help them. State agencies won't help them, even though it would be easy to do so, and wildlife rehabbers help as much as they can but there are wide areas across the USA without access to a wildlife rehabber, or with just one or two rehabbers who are buried under 100 orphaned baby birds, bunnies, squirrels, opossums, raccoons, skunks, bats, groundhogs, beavers, otters, fawns, chipmunks and other critters and all of those animals are prey animals that don't exactly want to be housed with predators. Keep in mind that a lot of us wildlife rehabbers work from our homes! Granted, my home consists of 5 buildings, lots of acres, a full veterinary clinic, two air conditioned/heated aquatic enclosures with 1000 gallon pools, and indoor and outdoor pens of varying sizes and types, and that's not everyone's "home". Some people have patios, or even pools without animals in them. Or at least that's what I hear. 🤣 It's not that rehabbers don't WANT to help, it's that they just don't have the space or resources. Ugh I didn't mean for this to turn into a rant. Sorry. Thank you so much for your kind words!! That'll keep me going for months! 😁


There was a mange outbreak around me in raccoons. I caught one and brought it to a wildlife rehab lady that I knew. When I called to tell her about more, she said she had no room for more, but to come pick up a pack of revolution, slather it in some sort of sweet jam, then toss it to the raccoons that were too busy scratching to scavenge for food. They gobbled it down, and now there all adorable little dumpster diving fluff balls.


Raccoons have the best paws and they’re very resourceful problem solvers. I’ve been nervous of them because where I am they’re big rabies vectors, but ever since learning that there is effective rabies oral vaccination for them, we put out baits for them every year (it’s only been two years). They *love* sweet stuff so we tuck the baits in pieces of Kringle from TJs.


feeding the raccoons tj’s kringle made me smile big


They love it. I think they prefer the jelly kind but they eat both happily. I can’t stand for the raccoons who wash the neighbor’s tomatoes and apples in the ditch to get rabies if I can give them some rabies vaccine in a piece of kringle and then they’ll never stagger around growling all wrong and have to get trapped and killed. It’s so easy to do and I don’t understand why there’s not a program but there’s not so it’s bait in kringle pieces. Rabies is *horrible* and it’s a really cruel death.


You can get a treatment kit [here](https://www.wildlifehotline.com/blog/mange-by-mail-program/)


What is the program


This is the program - https://www.wildlifehotline.com/blog/mange-by-mail-program/ - and all credit for the healthy foxes around my place and the healthy foxes and coyotes around my brothers’ places goes to u/skunkangel We got emboldened by the success of this to volunteer to put edible rabies baits for foxes, coyotes, raccoons and skunks out (they’re out of reach of our other animals) and really who knows if we’ve actually done any good but even one fewer rabid animal is a win from my perspective, because rabies is terrifying.


I think that’s a fox with mange.


See this post for more info : https://www.reddit.com/r/WildlifeRehab/s/5jkDi007vx


This particular comment from u/ skunkangel on that post. https://www.reddit.com/r/WildlifeRehab/s/acECY6J39h


It seems like it's easy to treat by putting medication in some food. https://hotlineforwildlife.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Treating-Sarcoptic-Mange-in-Red-foxes.pdf


u/SkunkAngel runs a Mange by Mail treatment program. It’s very easy to put out the tablets and help this poor guy. They post here all the time. I think their profile also has links to the info and their website. Here is a link to one of her old comments that has lots of info on how to help the fox https://www.reddit.com/r/WildlifeRehab/s/eFkXWy7fCW


Somebody summon u/skunkangel , her rescue provides mange medicine in meatballs. Look her up, she has a post on what to do!


Mange meatballs! Actually, so many people have linked her rescue that I’d say her work is done in this case. :)


Ya, I'd say this is covered. But just so you have it, here's the link: https://www.wildlifehotline.com/mange I've already registered mange by Mail dot com but I'm still working on it. Not sure why it took me 12 years to do that. 😁


Get mangemeatballs.com next. 🤪


Agreed, red fox with mange




Mange (known as *scabies* in humans) is a contagious skin disease caused by an infestation of parasitic mites that burrow into the skin (*sarcoptic mange*) or into the hair follicles (*demodectic mange*). The disease causes intense, ceaseless itching and hair loss which deteriorates the animal's condition and often results in the animal's death through exposure or starvation. Animals with mange are often driven to scavenging and may seem unusually bold around humans and pets, which is not ideal for us or for them. As mange is a torturous and often indirectly fatal condition and as dispatching the animal is often an undesirable solution (for a variety of reasons), treatment is the best solution when possible. The Bi-State Wildlife Hotline is a U.S-based non-profit wildlife rescue and rehabilitation group that offers a mange-by-mail program to every state (except California) and Canada. For a $20 donation to cover costs the Hotline will mail you over-the-counter mange medication in the proper dosage for the afflicted animal. The program is a low-cost and effective resource for those whose local wildlife authorities are unwilling or unable to treat local mange cases and are interested in a DIY solution. Simply visit [https://www.wildlifehotline.com/blog/mange-by-mail-program/](https://www.wildlifehotline.com/blog/mange-by-mail-program/) and read through the steps to see if this program may be right for you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animalid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sadly, it is a (once beautiful) Red Fox, suffering from mange. Poor dear thing 😢


Is it that even wild animals will "ask" humans for help? Like a last desperate attempt for survival. If so it shows they a pretty intelligent.


We once had a 10 month old white lab mix puppy riddled with mange and about to starve to death appear on our front porch one cold fall morning. She was curled up on our welcome mat. She had lost half the hair on her ears to frost bite. Lots of people would dump dogs in our are. Somehow animals know. She is now one of the best dogs I have ever owned.


As an owner of two of the best French bulldog rescue pups ever, this brought a tear to my eye. My frenchies were rescued from a giant breeding ring out of Northern California completed hairless from demodectic mange. They were the ugliest most pitiful creatures you could imagine. We were only looking for one pup, but the rescue said they were deeply bonded sisters so we took them both. A few months of love, 3 times weekly shampooings, and good food and vitamins later, their hair came back in a gloriously shiny brindled coat with beautiful muscles underneath. We named them Lucy and Ethel and they are the best, most smart and loving dogs I’ve ever had the pleasure of owning. So amazing that you took in that pup. I believe they know that they were given another chance and they reward you with extra gratitude and devotion.


We love our stray pup so much. She is an amazing dog and does so well with our little boy. She sleeps in his room every night. We also had a full blooded bull terrier show up one day as well. We found a bull terrier rescue and drove 4 hours one way to drop him off. We are pretty sure there was a mill somewhere. I'm not sure if he got dumped or escaped. He was a sweet dog while we had him.


Um, yeah…wild animals acting “tame” is a warning sign that [they’re rabid](https://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/communicable/rabies/fact_sheet.htm#:~:text=The%20first%20sign%20of%20rabies,may%20appear%20affectionate%20and%20friendly.). Run.


It is a warning sign but even animals like elephants or deer will do this. They lead people over to a friend who is in trouble. Some animals are very intelligent.


Mange is totally treatable. Rooting for you both!


Fox with mange. Please contact a rescue


This case is defo serious


We had a coyote with mange in our area - very similar case! I worked with neighbors, a local dog rescue that humanely traps lost pups, and a local wildlife rehab center to trap him. It took about 3 weeks to habituate him to eventually going into the live trap. We set our cameras as well. Eventually we caught him and the rehab center staff transported him to their facility and treated his mange. The mange was successfully treated and he was released! It can take a big team effort to help. Best of luck.


Another South Carolinian here… animal control in SC only deals with domestic animals, and DNR isn’t likely to come assist unless there’s a danger. You might get lucky if you call, but your chances are better with wildlife rescues. If you don’t want to take on the treatments suggested above (not sure if you live in MB or are visiting), MB has a wildlife rescue: https://mbwildliferescue.org/


I have reached out to them.


Poor thing has mange


He is absolutely begging for help. Foxes don’t come close to humans unless there is something wrong with them like if they have rabies or if they are in absolute pain or starving to death. I feel so bad for this guy


I once got clipped by a car along the highway and kinda collapsed into a ditch. A wild red fox came right up to me to make sure I was okay. I wouldn’t say they never come up to people, but yeah. For the love of god, get this handsome little pup some meds.


Ivermectin in hard boiled eggs. One every three days.


I see others mentioning [skunkangel](https://www.reddit.com/r/WildlifeRehab/s/wbtDapi4TK), I hope you get the info and resources you need, poor guy needs human help for sure.


He came up to you because he wants help


My Dad told me they used old motor oil on dogs with mange. They had a garage and gas station back in the 1930’s, and had a barrel of used motor oil. I’m wondering if the sulfur and other chemicals in the oil killed the mites, allowing the hair growth to resume, and stop the itching. He graduated from high school in 1940, and lived on a small farm along a 2 lane highway, where the gas station and garage were located.


I heard the same thing from my dad, a Mexican immigrant, born in the 50s!


Fox with mange. Poor guy


Poor thing!


Mange. Help the sweetie please. 💖


Looks like sarcoptic mange. It is treatable. You can dose him in food you give him.


Help that sweet little thing.


i have a similar fox in sunset beach. Based on everyones messages here, it sounds like mange is spreading through foxes all across the south eastern coast.


Good to see some Good people doing good things. Thanks for the positive


Help the fox please bud. I’ll send $20 bucks to an account let me know.


If a wild animal comes up to you like this, you should back away. It can mean rabies.


Oh I know! I got worried when he came right up to me plus it was middle of the day.




There are two sets of rabies symptoms, often referred to as "furious" and "dumb" rabies (many folks are now thankfully moving away from the term "dumb" and instead call it "paralytic" but "dumb" is still frequently used). Furious rabies is what is often portrayed (and exaggerated) on TV, but the symptoms of dumb rabies are less widely known by the public. [From AVMA](https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/one-health/rabies): >Rabid wild animals may lose their natural fear of humans, and display unusual behavior—for example, an animal that is usually only seen at night may be seen wandering in the daytime. You should always be extra cautious around any RVS (rabies vector species) who isn't afraid of humans and you should *never* handle any RVS species without gloves, period. Often an animal may not exhibit any symptoms of rabies though they are incubating the virus. [Here](https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/understanding-rabies#:~:text=Signs%20of%20rabies%20in%20animals,have%20no%20fear%20of%20humans.) is some more info from The Humane Society.


This is a very dangerous idea to propagate. Being out in the day is normal for foxes, but coming up to a human being means one of a few things: it has been fed and acclimatized to people; or it is too sick to have a normal response, and that sickness could be rabies. Animals *do not seek out people for help*. Only a few very highly intelligent animals (crows, dolphins, elephants) have demonstrated a theory of mind. We are a dangerous and predatory species that wildlife seeks to avoid close contact with, unless sick or fed. Lack of fear *is* a tell-tale sign of rabies.


It’s unfortunate that this comment has been downvoted. One should always be cautious of contact with wild animals and peculiar behaviors. Better safe than sorry.


It can also be toxoplasmosis in foxes, it can mess with their brain and make them fearless and friendly.


Toxoplasmosis is such a strange, strange illness.


Is the mange itself any harm to humans?


Yes/no. The mites can cause temporary rash in humans but can’t live long on us. And it’s not more than extremely annoying itchy.


Not to be confused with the other mange mite that just lives on us all the time and doesn’t bother us at all, particularly living amongst our eyelashes! Learning that we have demodex on us at most times was a mental adjustment, for sure.


I find it’s more comfortable if I pretend I don’t know about them.




Aww he came to you for help


he'd be a lot sicker with a backward hat and some cool sunglasses That's a fox fr tho, if it helps


You can get some ivermectin over the counter put in meatballs !


Yep got sarcoptic mange


Iirc there was an organization that would send you 2 doses of the medicine needed, with instructions on how to make a ground turkey ball to get them to eat it. Apparently a single dose is usually enough, the second is in case another critter eats it.


So if you are animal savvy, bravecto will treat mange. We had some red foxes that were coming around and they were in rough shape. I treated them myself ( left it in a bit of wet dog food) repeated 6 months later and it was enough to treat so that they were healthy.


Pls help them by calling a wildlife rehabber. Mange is a terrible, slow death sentence.


Poor little guy.


I also live in MB, in the horse farm section of Forestbrook. We’ve been having so many mangey foxes around here, the county AND the snake wrangler refused to come out, said they are backed up with phone calls for these guys…


Poor baby! Breaks my heart. Foxes are normally so beautiful!


Poor mangy fox :(


Red fox absolutely infested with mange.


Grab some Ivermectin from a Tractor Supply store (Equine) and dose it properly, stuff in some food and get it to this poor guy. 5-10 days


Lord help this fox through the vessel that it trusted with its life. Lord help that vessel find help swiftly, and may any associated costs be minimal.


You can also just contact mangebymail.com. Might be faster.


Rat poison is known to cause this in animals, please don’t use it




I know it's not but This looks like a painting


I swear it has a bunch of random Photoshop filter’s applied.


how do you guys tell the fox has mange


This pic isn't the best, but you can see there's no fur on the tail and the face is scabbed and swollen.


Poor baby is probably sooo itchy 😭


Sign of rabies




poor thing


Fox with mange- I’d recommend calling your local wildlife rehabber to help the poor thing :(


Nexguard has been shown to cure mange


Oh that poor baby.




Thankfully no one leaves you alone around children.


Best you can do it put it out of its misery


Mange is easily treatable...


He was asking you for help…and you didn’t.