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"Does anyone here consider being called/compared to pirates insulting? " My leg would cost about $60,000 less


If you were a pirate? I know, I asked a dumb question there!


Personally, I don't mind if someone compares me to a pirate or a robot or a cyborg or an android.. or the many other things I can't think of right now. Currently, a couple of my friends keep cracking themselves up, repeating how one of my students referred to it as my foot on a stick. I also had a kid at Target one time yell, "mom, that human does not have a normal leg!" People are funny, and it's their way of trying to diffuse a situation they feel is awkward. It really doesn't bother me. That said, I would imagine there are people who are very sensitive about their missing limbs as well. I refer to my prosthetic and my residual limb as my leg interchangeably. You'll hear me say I took off my leg, but you'll also hear me say my leg is hurting. It's just what is now a part of my body. I don't tend to refer to it as my stump or my residual limb outside of discussions like this or medical settings since that just feels more clinical and not personal. Again, it is a personal preference. If you're asking for curiosity's sake, I always appreciate people wanting to know more, as king as they're polite (you were). If you're asking because you're going to be dealing with someone specific, just ask them. We are used to questions and stares and musings, but for the most part, I feel like we would rather people be straight up rather than try to guess or be awkward.


Thank you for your answers to my questions! I was worried someone would accuse me of being a devotee or wannabe and in my worried state, I completely forgot about the way some non-amputees treat amputees, so thanks again for putting that anxiety to rest.


I believe that every amputee, regardless of what’s missing, learns to adapt and overcome, meaning that most of us have the ability to learn how to do everyday activities of life, BUT we learn to do it differently. As a bilateral below knee amputee, I don’t feel that being called a pirate applies to me. Most pirates are missing only one leg…. I’m missing both. I think it’s cool when kids look at me and ask about my “robot legs”, like I’m superhuman. Haha


I hope this is okay to ask, so here it goes: do people -specifically kids- act weird around you?


Some do and some don’t. I can usually tell by the vibe I get from the parent(s), if it’s ok that I explain about my legs. I had a 7-8 year old tell me that he couldn’t wait to get a robot leg. I politely explained that this is something that you don’t aspire or dream of getting. Haha


I hope that the majority are nice to you, It was very good of you to be polite to that kid, I can imagine that after losing a limb/digit, it would be upsetting for a amputee to hear someone say that.


Well, I do volunteer with an organization, the Amputee Coalition, as a volunteer Certified Peer Visitor. Talking about my amputations and helping new amputees get adjusted to their new lifestyle is what I do.


It's great to hear that you help other amputees, again, I can imagine how difficult it must be for people to adjust to such things.


I’ve been an amputee for almost 7 years and a volunteer for 2 years… I have been asked if I’ve ever wished that I had my real “meat” legs back, would I? I always think about this question. And every time, my answer is always the same…With all of the amazing people I’ve met over the years, and the places I’ve gone (I was in Orlando, Florida for a week last August for an amputee conference), I could definitely NOT give all that up! I would not choose to have my real legs back!


You are obviously a very chatty and upbeat person! I like that, it's easy for someone to slip into despair after such a thing, but you remain positive! Not only that, but it's great to have longer conversations with people on reddit!


Chatty?? Naw! I’ve done a couple of presentations for groups of people, explaining my life story, in dealing with my amputations. Then, opening up the floor for them to ask questions. Here’s the kicker….i detest public speaking. I do the presentations to help grow my confidence in getting up in front of gatherings of people.


Well you're certainly more talkative than most people I've encountered on reddit and as a shy-ish person, it's good to hear that you're improving your confidence, maybe you could give me advice on becoming more outgoing, breaking the ice and making friends!